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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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welcome to the cost of full force. here we discussed the wheel and the all eyes on last go. as the indian prime minister arrives later this monday in the russian capital for talks with a lot of newer boots in the to day visit will be no rend remedies 1st by lock troll trend. all these new term in office miss or special coverage of the event here on our team. also ahead in the program hungry as prime minister, it meets the chinese president right after visiting moscow in p. m. emphasizing that beijing is a key player in the solving the ukraine complex, facing failures on the battlefield. most of those m. o. d saves you printing and intelligent services, are not focusing on nato box sub vs operations in russia. the
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indeed that is on the head this hour at midnight to in mexico city, 11 30 am and by a 9 o'clock this monday morning, here in moscow. welcome to the news our on our tutors signifying the rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations. india is prime minister is set to london moscow this monday to meet russian president vladimir, put an arty, we'll be covering the river loadings visit, and all the developments southern merge in depth. the is demonstrating the strength of the partnership. this will be the 22nd russia, india by law for all summit, this century alone and will focus on further deepening tallies between the states.
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i'm developing economic and trade relations, then to render moody's last trip to moscow was in 2019 while the 2 liters most recently met for face to face talks to years ago. your chart to is richard and charlotte with more on what the head, the most who receive a very special guest on monday, the indian prime minister and the rain removed the be his 1st visit to russia off until the war renew, queen sausage and his plus was it to the country in 5 years, both sides aiming to lose the old, ready to live in new delhi, most school relationship for new heights. indeed, we are very pleased to note graduates of despite all the turbulence taking place in the well as it rushes relations without traditional friends. an agent with india, with the indian people are developing steadily. we hope that in any scenario of political force alignment,
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the traditional friendly ties between peoples will remain exclusion and process. and then the india has taken a neutral stands on the war, despite washington's request for india to condemn more school for the conflict, india puts its own soul run, interests 1st, and be seen india by more and more discount to the russian crude. despite west impressions is or diplomatic a political environment, i think whoever is produced as an attitude, don't know what they're talking about. the world is great for to india for buying, and actually it's not that they don't want us to buy. that's what it may be. price gap, there may be other restriction, it's like this, india instead of buying russian oil, we started buying more of the middle east and oil price would not be at $75.00 or $76.00. it'd be a $150.00, but it's not just oil. it's a whole lot of all the sectors, in fact, suite between india and russia has increased many fools over the last couple of
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years. while india in fords boils, we'd fall to lies of battles, precious stones from russia. india was russia lodge, liam boards, pharmaceuticals and telecom products from india. so that's the trade deficit exist . and the 2 leaders when they meet the i definitely will be a priority talking point engine pro. i'm going to send a range of movies with it to russia is seen as another endorsement tool. the deck gives loan friendship between the 2 countries, which dates back to when the soviet union defended india, which is just liberated from the british rules. everyone conducts a relationship based on their past experiences. if i look at the history of india, post independence, russia has never hurt our interests. the relations of power like europe, the west china or japan, waves the russia. they have all seen ups and downs. we have had the stable and always very friendly relationship with russia and our relationship with the rest of today's based on this experience. it. so it was it that the world will be watching
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closely and song, especially in the west with a heavy heart ranger and also spoke with the following. the 1st editor of major indian use only to let the hen do here in law school. so the seni hi, dar saves the prime minister's upcoming visit to russia. is clear evidence of the 2 country stable relations and sends a strong message to the world a visit. it says for 5 minutes or more. the for the annual summit between russia and india is itself a message to begin with. there has been no annual summit since 2031. so it's 3 years without and i knew somebody that had been a tradition since the year 2000. so this will be the 22nd summit. the 2nd significance is that 5 minutes to movie is decided to come to moscow on his 1st bilateral visits anywhere during this historic den your, just a month after he was uh you re assumed office in india. now that is normally a no,
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no, it kept for neighboring countries. indian prime ministers on there because my laptop visit anywhere. we go to neighboring countries, 5 minutes, the movie room to shoot on. all of these are to put on my thoughts as well. so to come to law school is giving law school that close the idea that a standalone visit is being made to russia at this time, the 1st time since the ukraine situation began the 1st time students to find damage . and it was it of many for stuff, so to 6, so happening in the changing world or doing now, what do you think the sleeping chic messaging behind this was it is in, you know, for shows that we've lost them directly as well. have taken great pains to c p c this in the bi lateral context, india and russia. very important talk those that important especially strategic partners and privilege partnership that is going to be a message of its own. and his time when it was clear that this western alliance of western coalition was trying to send out a message that russia is isolated off who is in most, who is the indian prime minister. let's 1st, 2nd,
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also talk about what's on the agenda. why don't the trial receive talking points? i'll probably those yet. the bottom from the jew political issues between them. i think this specific to 4 or 5 on energy, but it's now been 2 years of this. v is been done in for to a russian oil. there's multiple more l n g as well as your cuts out of the sea. and i think what the inside with wanted to see is more predictable and as well as predictable disco to gushing energy. so is it possible to have long term contracts that, that walk these discounts into them? i think that's one place investments in a, in russian energy fields, as well as russian investments as well. but i think what is important is what kind of significance that in a changing world and be here this from the extent of as minister as the stronger, quite often that in a world that is turbulent india or russia ties have been stable and i think that's
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the message that they really want to put out. what are 2 he's got you covered both all there and all the line for all the updates that matter as india is prime minister now render embody per person touchstone in moscow for a bilateral talks with president lot and we're put the well senior economic aide to the indian pm son james son yell, say's for too long. india separate from an inferiority complex on the global stage . but that fear is not going on. being replaced with a warranted confidence. he was speaking on the latest episode of ortiz new show. let's talk about it, which you can watch today, monday, it will fall too long. we would have said of the rest of the way to even after becoming to be made to feel that yes and even after becoming independent, we continued to have this thing and not had no, no regard to compete with the rest of the world. so let us close ourselves into
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some import substitution thing that goes on mindset me. no, we have a different lines that we can go out of this and going to market, and we can compete with the best in the world. we can send something to the moon and you can see that figure that sort of every aspect of life. but that ability and willingness to go to that and can work. you know, a defeat into a victory is something that has clicked to not head in relatively recent that we have demonstrated to be short in the last few years, not ability to generate out on technologies. i mean, we can see, for example, we have inserted us as into the global supply chains for mobile phones. we are now the 2nd or 3rd largest mobile for manufacturing the word that is just full 5 years ago. we weren't even in the picture. the no, the hon gary and prime ministers piece mission is continuing in
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a new destination. victor, oregon is no. it'd be changing as a met with chinese leader. she didn't ping, it's the hunger in peons 3rd, surprise visit in the space of a week after russia and ukraine. details of the latest sit down in china are yet to be released. the story about did say he considers the asian nation at key clear and promoting peace efforts to end the conflict in ukraine earlier. china is a key power in creating the conditions for peace in the russia ukraine war. this is why i came to meet with president she and beijing just 2 months after his official visit to budapest. for friday's stuff in moscow was also a part of the hon gary and push for peace. russian president vladimir putin discuss the hostilities with his counterpart, calling it a quote from can useful conversation. however, europe and leaders openly condemn this and emphasize that victor or button was not
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representing the use of a day after a hungry took over the european union, this rotating presidency on july. first, the country's prime minister, trouble to you the well with a good day when our t country peter karl, john joins us on the program called good to see you. it's significant,
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this isn't it because auster must go on the t of the immediate next stop of the hung gary and p. m. was china. how significant is that in terms of the p strip? do you think the western world is becoming more open to the idea? of aging, helping mediate a solution to the ukraine. confident the well, i think is quite telling who is criticizing the or bench trip to beijing. it's not yet. it's not moscow. it's the other un nato countries at washington, and which, which region pin actually just met was oregon who month ago, and victor or bennett made a quite remarkable speech that then he said that our voice, the voice of hungry is the only voice in europe. europe today is on the side of the war with the only exception being the phone we were just calling for immediate ceasefire and peace negotiation. i supporting all international efforts to our
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peace, including the chinese peace initiative as prizes presented by the president eugene being now president sure. eugene p in his term walk home and congratulated for some great assuming you your presidency. so this is definitely a whole sign of change. you know, there's some great hes, always a black horse within un, nato and hungry has always maintained a friendly ship fairly time with china and, and the congress has stated more than once. he wants to see the conflict ukraine to be solved by negotiation fed. i'm victor or ben is putting up well she's, he is actually carrying out his words and visited you visited moscow now he's in the g and i really. busy this video, concrete results. what would you like to see even from the what steps can china
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tech to, to actually help achieve a solution with mr roy about? well, 1st of all, china is a truly, can be a truly honest broker in the ukraine conflict. because unlike united states and many uh you, your country's, china is not supplying weapons to either site as a conflict. and even zaleski has at times walk on china piece initiative now. but the real ops to go to peace right now. it's in the other european capitals and washington, you know, we, we, we know fully while the war could be over by march 2022. yet. that's when the board is johnson fluid and to. ready the lensky to hold off because the last war support guy who's back waging war against russia. at this point, we have to wait and see whether the west is truly ready to make peace or just breaking that down. is it fair to say then that hungry?
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you know, maybe as establishing is assigned is one of the few countries in the u, particularly actually interested in page. well, i think if i agree is one of those of few countries things you use that for sure. an independent foreign policy independent of why shouldn't that? um right now, you know, you, we've been, you, you, we have voices like bounder like, well obviously do not represent the interest that you are paying voters. do you know that because the continual war is at the extra mid? who's in your opinion, economy and the you are in state ability yet. they washington and the nato, your crowds are dark, there's are cheering on their cheering hong's, the continuation of the war. we are this, this war is res, no benefits to europe and you, you facts united states and using this opportunity to cannibalize in europe, in industries as a de camp from germany, and both to us,
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to leverage the cheaper natural gas over there. so, so it's visual brand is one of the rare european leaders who it shows on back phone and who are spoken for his own national interest. and this is something that either your team leaders should emulate. i think it's worth mentioning as well, about the west to slum mr or button for visiting russia and isn't to please either a button visiting the chinese leader. will there be a reaction to beijing to that kind of of spence? well, i think right now china is concentrated on laying out the red carpet for band and stressing on this traditional sign on gary, in friendship rather than using this opportunity to, to disparage the war like stance of the rest of you and natal. because, you know, we, we all know where nato stands at this point. it's, it's, it's more productive. it's china understand is to build bridges and ties called
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u r t coaching. peter, thanks. thank you. now, i made advances on the battlefield. russian forces help secured. another settlements, the village of she gallery in the done yes. republic, that's us ukraine's army separate over $1500.00 casualties in the past 24 hours, according to the russian defense ministry, the m o day also stays up because of a recent slew of military failures. ukraine's intelligent services are increasingly focusing on sabotaged operations on russian terra tree, attempting to steal a nerve crop and their latest effort. yours are t senior correspondent rough, cuz they have with more on that ukraine's latest s b a. now it's just, it's gotten clumsy and crude, and unknown person rolled to mean telegram, no moral smoke ethics immediately started with spots against my close relatives
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demanded. i said, fi to ation equipments. to told me, give me the data on aircraft flight number of technical condition. the schedules the regulations. i went to the command and told them everything. ukraine's target was the pilots. i'm a russian t you 22 strategic boma. a man who introduced himself as a you paid me in the intelligence agent. i immediately began threatening the pilot's young doses. i'm waiting and your testing my patients. good morning, wherever you gone or are you refusing? my proposal? come on. time is of the essence. all things will be, like i said, i'll stop sending greetings through the goals. you think that's the best option i'm working? whenever i have time, i'll respond. perfect. i'm also working. take 15 minutes and give me a decent time. so answer to what i thought my question was clear. your ambiguous
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behavior isn't appropriate. my intel lot you to, i did not even hide the cheapest from the ukranian special services to introduce himself as pablo. he offered me to hide jack to come, but croft no, just in that plain but a long by each bone. but a nuclear will have to carry a russian town through intelligence immediately got to work. they said they realized was an unusual case. the ukrainian operative made no effort to concealment to socrates was blunt and a new one. it was almost best bush, what's most? certainly the absence of victories at the front, the criminal special services inc to carry out high profile operations, which are increasingly becoming subversive and service in nature. they do this primarily to demonstrate their worth to the american and british owners to justify the financial resources spent on them by western sponsors and proceed of immediate victory and material benefits from the carbon app of money allocated for
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intelligence activities. representatives of the grant and special services neglect the requirements of conspiracy, using blackmail and the section for us to russians service meant, and their relatives are in integral part of their recruitment activities of the secret services and the s b u. for home. there are no moral and ethical restrictions. the threats turned into blackmail tons to promises of a ukrainian passport. the same passport that would make the russian pilot who they, who with defects eligible to be drafted and thrown into the trenches like untold thousands of ukrainians. the, as a result, these guys went all in and decided to dispelled my doubts. they suddenly
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confirmation of fatality and possible was issued to my assembly loads failing. the ukrainian would be, were to, to came up with apparent e genuine. it's highly impossible. it's as well as police documents for the pilot and his family, which raises a host of new questions on the money. $3000000.00 promised as a reward. just common guess is, he told me the team opened an account and it published bank. and then it turns out that the service agreement is issued to ukraine. it looks ridiculous. those supposedly monitoring the accounts, but you can check the availability. think about this on the when visit am back in poland. what kind of nonsense is this? just send me the account statements. the old cooks, the debit and credit, did not converge. the psalms don't add up. that was, of course, new bank accounts waiting. it was who shot these on notes mistakes the
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professionals would make. well, in this case, despite the initial promise to take the family members of the powers to poland, the granite intelligence service could not keep it's word 1st. currently form petros did not believe in the success of the special services and do not want to share responsibility for feelers with them. you pay. the intelligence has bungled it badly before faithfully badly in 2022. you credit in the agents together with cri still grows, you advice. shelf profess joined the list. believe to be a british intelligence agent attempted to convince another russian pilots to the effect instead is the gradient troops job to, to meet the defects in pilots. they was struck with a me saw is the problem, it is security service of ukraine has signed it suspects the military officer was behind the russian showing of the kind of air field. the roman tribune sky form.
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i've seen commander of special operations forces acted independently together with other suspects. he decided to seize the russian aircraft, a russian pilot allegedly agreed to defect to ukraine. as a result, the enemy obtain data on the deployment of ukrainian personnel and aircraft. let me remind you, in the summer of 2022, the russians launched a missile strike on the kind of airfield in the care of a crowd region. as a result, one soldier was killed in 17 on there's one did to combat the aircraft. we're also destroyed the actions of the subject we're not coordinated with the s b u. n. intelligence ordering is as bowl that was it, the priest, though, grossly of himself having blew in his cab as a journalist, became along with the disgrace to creating an agent's escape, goat pariah excluded even from media. aboard ceremonies in britain. yet they were poor ones in a far greater failure,
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north of lat stopped the big boys from trying again, in this case of use that to create any intelligence connected with the participation of nature, special services. without which it would have been impossible to issue policies and they tell in documents. yes, this raises the 2 of new questions. how was ukraine the able to produce apparently real? it's highly in pos boots as well as prudish documents. so quickly, that would have been impossible without the tiny and then publish involvement, a mess of tools. you paid in intelligence when behind even the box making fools of who more i guess the of the violent sounds or update on the streets of par. it's following the victory of a less this coalition and the french parliamentary elections despite the new popular fund finishing ahead of both the present mccullin's centrist coalition on
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the right wing national riley problem at no face is a deadlock, as no party managed to win a majority of states leaving the country in limbo, the hey, look, win or lose any excuse. we'll do to keep smashing stuff i guess macklin talked about potential civil war when he considered the risk to be a victory of the anti establishment. right. looks like the left didn't even need that to keep treating the french landscape like it was just one giant pen jada. look, there are 2 big stories here in the wake of the 2nd round boat. first. the french
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elected one thing and got exactly the opposite. just think about that and what it means for democracy and the claim. the government is representative of the people's will when you look at the popular vote in the 2nd round. so the sum total of each individual ballot cast. it was actually a land slide. national riley victory with over 10000000 votes. the left wing new popular front and back home was establishment together. parties came in each at $6000000.00 and change. okay, so what happened? well that's the 2nd big story here. turns out that map political scientist, mac, whole mucked around and this little experiment flew up in his face. he and his prime minister gabriella had decided that the anti establishment, right, absolutely, had to be denied a majority at all costs. so they figured that by pulling candidates in districts where their risk being a split with the anti establishment left, that would lead to a seat for the national riley candidate. they could block the pin and the new
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popular front. so the left is coalition said the same thing, that was the deal. but what ended up actually happening is that as a reason alters that strategy, there were more districts left with just the choice. and the 2nd round between the 2 anti establishment candidates on the right and the left. then there were districts that left voters with a choice between t mac whole and seeing the pen. here's how the pen herself reacted to that amount. tomorrow we will be in a position to have an absolute majority, maybe in a year, because in reality, the field had, of course, predicted has occurred. france is going to be totally deadlocked with 3 groups of roughly equal size in the national assembly. so that's the way to go. it's unfortunate. we will lose another year, another year of illegal immigration, another year of purchasing power loss and have a year of insecurity exploding in our country. all right, so the result is
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a hung parliament with no single party having anywhere near a majority which requires $289.00 seats. the left coalition has 182 mac holes together, 168, a national rally, 143. now, if you do the math for any one of these parties to get enough boats on any issue to reach a parliamentary majority, is going to be a real uphill battle nicole's prime minister w that child has already offered his resignation. here's the left is coalition liter already with a preview of mack holes future with his game as president. the president must bow down and accept his defeat without trying to get around it in any way whatsoever. the prime minister must go. in fact, he has never received the confidence of the national assembly. he has just manage the campaign, lost by his camp and received the massive popular vote of no confidence a. no show is speaking. there is a leader of the main block of seats with in the winning left his coalition,
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which explains why he's already talking like he wants to see a tazz furniture loaded up in the band and his clothes passed out on the lawn. look, there's a lot that up in the air right now, but one thing that the french absolutely did achieve is that they revoked mack holes and the establishments blank check so that they can no longer just ran things through permit. the french have been giving off the vibe, suggesting that they're fed up with the establishment. and that has now been clearly confirm, however, way you cut it. but while nat cole and a large part of the french electorate were obsessed with looking over there, right shoulder, it turns out that they were passed on the left in this particular race. right. it's time for a monday visit to the cross talk studio is next, where peter asked his guess, why does the notion of peace talks involving old parties in the spring conflict in rage? some you members so much. let's write
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a has a the hello and welcome to cross night boulevard time peter a little here we discussed some real news, giving peace a chance. and ukraine white us taking this position in rage, members of the european union, also the u. k. labor party studying victory at the polls, or maybe it wasn't so stunning to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess door to send me while we in budapest. he is a pod cast where the goggle, which means on youtube and locals. and in mirror attached we have martin j hughes and award winning journalist and commentator. i gentleman cross that.


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