tv Documentary RT July 8, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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saying that the french absolutely did achieve is that they revoked mack holes and the establishment blank check so that they can no longer just ran things through parliament. the french have been giving off of vibe suggesting that they are fed up with the establishment. and that has now been clearly confirm, however way you cut it. but while nat cole and a large part of the french electorate were obsessed with looking over there right shoulder, it turns out that they were passed on the left in this particular race. rachel morrison went on a busy news. they do let our website do the heavy lifting for you all of us fresh development to live in discussions to get stuck into there. this is, are the
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the main man? somebody show me. what is the motional 100 that's a real estate just i'm like you know what? all of the bill? the much natural donna formulas with a nearby church of mine and the mom. yes, i was and i took a shot it's, i'm always, i'm always problem with them. once old, because they gave me last night. bad one, most shifts. if so. yeah, there's all the,
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a little while now for the style. yeah. just pick out some of the stuff. well, excellent. those are hits uh, still been off to produce and if the for sale is uh, you know, by the time is no way you can use it. do we need somebody to walk you through any months post that i need? if something along is that in this kitchen, little guy lives in what's going to wait. he lives in fluid, him, but he's out there. it's not somebody to them. but as for the invoice that, that i didn't get any more than the final quote in or did we requested what it means more than select williamson
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the test a little bit more than a methodist helps us. but i'll tell them what it did as they're suddenly send them with an image. so they send me on the board if i need the 1st so it can be supported with them. can use nice to catch up with the like the 2nd point if they have no problem with it. but if that's if the, the policy associates the reason it's not. the reason why i'm typing it keeps a multi numbers to create a shift if we should use samantha, we'll get you some reputation and no. yeah, so next issue really,
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but my visible of absolute same noise, i don't know, but i'm just gonna see if there's a list that obviously made it to me and this will settle it then. you know, you've been here since i can grab the most approval, citing the one to show. how does that mean? that completes you would have been looking at either the, the, the state or whatever for them of the accounts k. nice. can you mail scale with, with all of them uh, early on for our cisco, for his or for gimme infinity. and if anyone can just give him a phone number the, the city and utilize law,
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excuse me. and you have been provided with when you decide to do that, if that i will assist you in for the buy sure, it goes to a single dollar for the new part for this thing to go. and this is the shipping of those. and like making a profit from thinking about something like that and lamp, and one of the thing is give it to me to the middle. yeah. and i'm assuming that i have to buy this machine that's the only pull out actual supply, vs got to actually move. she ended up shift on my former. i'm not sure if he's in the book i'm, i'll just go let the little flotilla. lovely. mean you have a foot and if i did, i was still standing on one of those. let me slip with you on that. other stuff didn't get over there. people. someone something a monster more than a month to move from the visual, shut ocean's. i'm work, i'm sorry for ship with the table to stay on the waste, the less come find in the village and using the combining when actually, you know, i just decided to discuss or i will change the color of cobra in the how do you the following you're using it, but it's only the 1st time you school in the quote and you bought for the,
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for an effective scheme over here at the columns store. so the, its, unless i plug it, i need to cancel that. but i bought this and i can find the funding for the nicholas gonzales to move the fortunately to them. and he was defending my meeting there, but it was showing you where he is or not. but it was the twinkling issue. and what william blanche useful and to portion was, was good for me and the uh, oil change with the fullest to actually schedule that. i've looked at you thought we have something left like 15 though the
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bit better. watch it. okay. so shell probably know else foot board that deal with sale, but you know, the with my board and quite a simple signal that somebody's a quiet life florida followed stuff, shape groups. they're the same what i'm hearing all or something. yeah. yeah. i was wondering if that was possible sites and i was sort of dealing with always there. so can you buy that for any go with that from what even that computer i didn't do it or they walk shoshua now offering the shift almost allows me to to the right in july. so i don't think it's gonna be possible that i can distribute it there, cuz it's convinced that all you've got the word use on some of the co chairs are asking you what i see. i am the castillo, etc. yeah, i've gotta get out of the spoke out. so now i'm gonna go to a cynic of e and must create if it's in the morning if there's some way out already,
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nothing less than that. but if somebody, if solutions, so you'll see that on the end of the wasn't even us to get that. but then maybe some of the yachts, louisville 1st and last name was sales company and wants to get your point to you figured out what was that? why they couldn't stand with that. they stumbled dark store. yeah. for you also for some of it in the if we can buy you may just ask for the green shooting out to give us it looks good . yeah. but there's nothing to sell that because it is the most amount of nipple, a slide. there typically will some of the videos mostly on the yourself,
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the furniture in the back, and nobody's even whatever to me before. it's a good idea to see if anybody other more support is going to be though i put the model 3, use this as a political support as to personal, know, communicating and look forward to speaking in the future and the passcode just submit the internet. it doesn't, you need to step in the, my super flemming, cool little, and go on now much. so i'm still with adults at one of them and you'll find them all. if there was a new way moved this search there for going to the direction of the machine, and then you know, the little upset about them that they're listed on with the little graph. a lot of them will look online and it says computer. so now the bottom of the on yeah, pretty much them goes to the sun. yeah. oh, yeah, sure new the console and they're still must get busy. i shall moisten on the last move my are. but if there is over there to sure the corporate use,
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that's the the thing down there and made a man, it's a whole race ask moment to continue to go with the wish that there must be too much . can you guys can, you know, put them under the 2 musket the of the embryo ports then little for cattle useful. uh, if i have to move things out for just a little bit like it looks to $1000.00 to get fox and think i can either way. but see what the course solves ranges, i mean, but it's a lot more that somebody will just bucks more than a feeling video just before that that gonna buy new to just bear with me that i have to explain it to you. and if i'm alive along with in the room, but then you like them that general. but by the end of the example of like i'm yeah, what was the portfolio?
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the issues are on your last explain. it was a little of everything on the, on the window in front, is there a way and then what if anything else can it, it won't say we're going to use, but it was, i didn't like nice and those are the, the people are for the last name is also worth and i need for this give feel for some of our use for, for the balance digital stream really by you for those new college. i'm just make
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this for both of them like phoenix for repetitive a lot the day. beautiful. the little stars and works together, season of horses, but a 3rd or 4th to him is whether or not if any of us are that then naturally, the only way not to be around to see what's printing what was are up at the moment. this is just so basically of course we need your last name was needed read it was can when we used
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all of those allow me one more. does it also the form of the system wasn't deal with? so when you use the school and then you have to finish less to see what steps do we have tonight? what may i think? so could you see what kind of saw showing what the dual credit yeah, and keeping us over this with the
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insurance and what was the, what i'm seeing here, the yellow shows the points, the book, the the so it's a really simple where you live it, but i didn't the customer, the tools, i say setting nothing. yep. website open. you guys have children when it goes by what somebody customer for you and i will just send you the profile. i know that was the ones that are going to do the new reason me was latham unless phone change and throw my recorded britney mind that that was the reason on the but it's just kind of additional most of the need for so there's no moving away it's uh, i'm definitely sure going to so the messa will i get it 1st thing and that will send me well,
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there was no sort of luck. she seems to be watching the sport that spilt on i chosen. you must understand invoice booked unless it was a name on sir. uh scott, i was in your book. uh now what was the most oh, do i have to come on the simple thing to move to which okay. i failed to those itself. the option was doing with you to the see it, but in uh, uh, see i told ms. daniel, political go. mr. chile read it, sent to you and you have to put a gust. the tax cuts up the one with the finance. no. yeah. but then you go up to date to your initial,
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but not even syndicate that i would even the best way to be able to visit some of his goals and everything else that was home with the, the, the new waterways and also nickel. i'm digging that up, there's some there, but i can't remember. it is also on the phone with the women of many of the like as obviously i'm with the city really opening up on this for a puzzle to pull up every single single solution from a loaner placement of the system from last year and more pledging knowledge and by showing on both a series of students to william thoughts upon the to say that it's how long you've been doing, cripple, socialized,
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so significant what's going on? what is the ultimate symbol? of course, what's the real estate? there's a flash sale and i still just give us the form kind of well for to install the button on the books or the flushing or flows and your daughter sizing along the mall. we'll go from there and there are some of these really special finalize papers for english language and watch display to deal with it and just send some info from you just so i wasn't sure if anybody in the ocean look it up and they get the new modem, shown with the modem. uh so i need for both sides. both that i told him that i should be possible way of going along and go to a local state and also more extra personally, which isn't really moving in. yeah, we'll just follow the present with big o knox. those are in your name to stay,
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ma'am prepared for you. so system is it? yes. why? i don't think you know where he lives in the community partners. they believe me. i mean it's in that system like a lot lower the bill that is about my yeah. so i'm going to my own wants to go, but if you got a roygenia memorial campbell, so using the less than what they, what i do for the nearby, you know, i do the nobody at them literally as a boy single cell phone. so i don't see why somebody on la force you at the credit, the,
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the job done to also our new money and that will go on sale. and so we were giving a but the reason i that's the thing, you know, i thought that was what i get, i'm giving you which and i don't really need your what's on the envelope and let me on. that's why i would like to say, i was still a little greer to is, that isn't something that all scaling is that you know, even the most of them. but i'm sure you have those colors, those who is a senior with some of those new city new covers. and we just don't deal with the district that go with it. but what i see is chemo once you put this either when you look at them, most of these with the process a little can ok, and then
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a couple of those does fill the feed, the pollution, if i knew what i'm so that was one of those to use the to still don't technicians here real quickly that i'm chest to deal with. um, so then you started with the categories called the the using a business and here's what was most of the above was reason with us to yeah, never noticed that on the other one says that, you know, i mean, i still cannot see that this and so of course, doing that, i suppose want to try it of one of the more visually edge of this course to answer the sort of model we should have to learn. you're so smart. shoot me mean says can you stick opener? clinical does finish your to approach a stomach bug was put in there, but they didn't have any kind of choice which it is of what it was finished and even use no stories for uh, for the sports of uh, would you like someone or should i play sports or media. does that look good? i see louise little bit of the for the city now it says the 2nd. so this is just stay on the phone just leaving. it says, oh those,
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do you find me at calling you my name is dawn. um yes, door uh, voiding you even though uh flu, swinging my own couple of chileya depot. so pretty true. the suspend line. he showed up as well as um, as far as the which um how does that amount this measurements and like the scale gave me do it? danged cool. cool. let me go to the ocean view, which is there something else? no one on that, but it was cool. nobody. and the cool cool will talk to me. she was no, no, no. she showed you always somewhere somewhere. it's not letting you when they're watching them, but that's, that's an opinion. what this thing is, pcs. yes. the oklahoma day to get the show know itself,
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i was just wondering because it didn't even come possible fun, really low. if there was a way to fight it and let me know the name of it that way and not company escape one more step of wholesome noise. is that any fastenal? yeah. when you put a simple supposed to me, just put them in an email. please let me know that you will that point. i'm still in the loop, so fast. hold on. let me with this. it's picking up at the meeting that that was scheduled to create show was and i'll put, i'll see if i'm one of the but under contract next. so i'm going to show a little less. so for me and you'll stick with, i'm is almost beside the assumption that all those i'm not like where's the music i came with that was i was still available when you know, like i can't put on them and do those kind of still a most a little slow. yeah, i could also and i'm sad. yeah, we will see you next to the reading. if most of you of the flu, i certainly doesn't know. don't give it
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a minute video with with me. i'm assuming that's enough to most of the the thoughts. lots of the off that are so you have extra time the are the for several best of luck on monday i think it was like early, so by next and when your book has, oh boy, i still said loose if it was a point $9.00 and $1.00 was a go away, is fluid plus the what the heck myself in your the, at the move to send in. you just didn't like the media, no problem. so i'm going to say natalie up and it's telling me the most surprising
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fucking office that they may go to. it's yeah, but i'm think the news now may have been just over the internet, but it is not going with the didn't was made. it was, is fully so as i understand that was, i mean, i'm back on it with them, but i know that it just didn't. when did it and just upset and just let us know oregon. i mean, yeah. so she shouldn't have somebody, i can mo, an instant menu dislike the noted with the so they have some windows 7 windows and the color. so that is right. so the, at the, for lack of a, an aspect like this is in way as my some of them in the silence,
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the middle of this month to pump out another thing. and the other thing i let him go out of which is inside the head that we're going to see what people as a, as in, you know, it's something we can them to adult friends. so my last thing i know in a different system that i know when you flash through math today is that i didn't get to the phone prior to the have to be i'm gonna have to put same policy to them and fix them. so which only a question, obviously a visual stay a partial opening. so there's a new pointed out that them she'll of is the only in the mornings is not on this. we always just throw it away. so then we're still no hold on. so natalie, for the most the job is that review valuable.
6:00 am
the the paula is on moscow as the indian prime minister gets in later this monday to the russian capital for it talks with love, america attend. the to day visit will be november moody's 1st by loft road trip of his new turn in office parts. he will have special coverage of the event hungry prime minister meets the chinese president. right after visiting most, going to have emphasizing that paging is a key player in resolving the ukraine. conflict facing failure told him the bottle feeling most of those m o d. so he's you printing intelligent services are not
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