tv News RT July 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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on existence was on exist. the lines on moscow is the indian prime minister jets been to the russian capital, the talks with the blond than is perfect for to day visits, hoping to render motives thus by last or trip of his new tongue in office. while we are high in this guy who are ready to bring you anything out of everything related to the rental merchant business, most, we have talked to about the lineup of capital staples, with global attention and k focused on nowadays, most a visit in western states continue the pressure on india to ease all ties with russian. the a very well and welcome to you because on the international,
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with the late as wells news update is great to have here with us. or signifying the last i'd be developing relationship between the 2 nations. india is prime minister is due to land in moscow shortly where he will meet with the russian president vladimir putin. all it is covering every aspect of the render modi's visit. as all the developments that are much on without the without further ado as far as like the warranty saskia taylor as we bring to special coverage for most spectacular studio and the heart of sunny most goes saskia over to you as well as very welcome from the very room, most care, like you said, we are here right in the very heart of the russian capital from off special coverage at the studio. we are of course,
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easily awaiting the arrival of the indian prime minister on this, his fast bilateral visit since being elected to a spot tom back in june. and of course we have gotten you carpet. it's not just me . a miss harris, we have a correspondence in the app, but we have another pool sucks just behind meat near the criminals. and joining me in the studio over the next couple of days, defense experts, economists, whom it took from us professors, you name, but we are going to be looking at this from every single angle. so do, stay tuned. we are just guessing stall tip. in the meantime, what i do want to bring you with a little bit of a sneak preview about what is being a brutal swimming partnership, dating back decades of close to the times of the surgeon union. all these barriers wins and sharma to come up. we might be expecting to come out of this biological trend the most, who receive a very special guest on monday. the indian prime minister. no rain will be his 1st
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visit to russia off until the war renew, queen sausage and his plus was it to the country in 5 years, both sides aiming to boost the old, ready to live in new delhi, most school relationship to new heights. indeed, we are very pleased to note that despite all the turbulence taking place in the well as it rushes relations without traditional friends in agent and would with india, with the indian people, are developing steadily with them. we hope that in any scenario, a political source alignment, the traditional friendly ties between off peoples will remain exclusion and process . and then the india has taken a neutral stands on the war, despite washington's request for india to condemn more school for the conflict. india puts its own sol, run interests 1st, and be seen india by more and more discount to the russian crude. despite west impressions is or diplomatic a political environment,
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i think whoever has produced as an attitude, i don't know what they're talking about. the word is great for to in depth of buying nationally. it's not that they don't want us to buy that. it may be the price gap. there may be other restriction, it's like this, india instead of buying russian oil, we started buying more of the middle east and oil price would not be at $75.00 or $76.00. it'd be a $150.00, but it's not just oil. it's a whole lot of all the sectors, in fact, suite between india and russia has increased many fools over the last couple of years. while india imports boils read for the allies of metals, precious stones from russia, india was russia lodge, lea imports pharmaceuticals and telecom products from india. so that's the trade deficit exist. and the 20, those when they meet, that definitely will be a priority. talking point engine pro, i'm going to send a range of movies with it to russia is seen as another endorsement to the debt
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gives loan friendship between the 2 countries, which dates back to when the soviet union defended india, which is just liberated from the burgess rules everyone conducts a relationship based on their past experiences. if i look at the history of india, post independence, russia has never hurt our interests. the relations of power like europe, the west china or japan wave the restaurant. they have all seen ups and downs. we have had the stable and always very friendly relationship with russia. and our relationship with the rest of today is based on this experience. it. so it was it that the world will be watching closely. and some, especially in the west with a heavy heart. well, like i said, this is one of them that just ensuring one of the most stable and indeed one of the most fruitful relationships that exist really on the global stage. like i mentioned documentation, move away back to the soviet union. these are 2 nations which co operate along
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every single line imaginable. why the thought is space new to the energy trade, whether there is a culture exchange programs, education articles defense a keep him out of the partnership. uh, press. uh, probably mr. murphy is flowing in for the 22nd annual russia india, a bar lock. so summit, which has really been going on since 2000 and that it pulls, talk about all the areas of cooperation that they can expand primarily development, economic and trade ties. now, just to remind you why this is also such a big deal now and remote his last visit to moscow was back in 2019 a while back to russia. but also very specially he has chosen russia as his 1st biological visit since being re elected back in june twist. but tom of the thing was to yes, since these 2 lead as met, face to face, not with stocks in some account,
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well ahead of the visit. of course the indians. india is a premier highlight to the long standing on time tested friendship. i saw the ship between these 2 nations. um, let's look better. little bit about the topics that might be on the agenda. like i said, the trades ton of historic high in $22365700000000.00 . a lot of that money of calls coming from russia's export of crude oil, india a really has rewired the energy market. since weston sanctions, why impose on the russian energy market? some estimate say that india has actually managed to save the wild from a global energy crisis. and from the price of well rising up by slow take dollars a barrel at the trade, like i said, huge increase. 33 percent increase from the year before india is because simple to calls energy producer, minerals and steel. tim bus diamonds too. it's got
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a lot of investment, especially in rushes, far east, west or in the meantime. have any reliance on in depth with pharmaceuticals. i possibly could attest to that. only a couple of days ago, i popped into a pharmacy and put into an per tooth hasty that medication, which has saved me over the last couple of days. and of course, these 2 are always looking to how they can possibly expand trade co operation. now one of the major projects that they have be watching on is the newest south trade coverage, or now this is a road c and a rail project that connects russia to india via iran. and it was really already a couple of weeks ago that rushed, has sent us trunks all to court colts from its fall east to india. and no doubt they will be talking about the projects that they can walk on. especially like i mentioned in russia's fall east, which is results rich on to develop. but of course
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a gateway to the asia pacific region that really is seen as a huge area of cooperation. well, it's not enough of me speaking for the moment. instead, let's hear what people of the law just the most populous nation in the world, have to say, and what they think about that prime minister upcoming visit to most we see those as our strategic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts opinion. i love and highlight good for you on the right track. president putin is quite a cool guy. and his relationship with the mother is also very amazing. showing you yes, to as the magic size, flawed all settings, all settings in the bottom, they have the green. this is a very significant human you could say that is
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very special. c, v, you know, from so many is and is a very good list of, of the country for india. and so that a good part not in terms of defense. uh they're giving to us compared to america about the show. i think it's so way, strong nation both military wise and and i think it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of what people i'm used to let into more the issue. i am really very enthusiastic regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most and other countries that i'm anybody to size the solutions, do me think they're going to improve. so this is a positive sign for both the nation because the dies will improve as well. or ne, recently india is like starting the fast. minnesota said that the reason that russia india ties a truck so much attention is not because they've changed,
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but actually because they've stayed the same and their thoughts and countries, all one is of the which aren't necessarily particularly happy. with that, i want to discuss this a bit filed with all to you correspondence on it. coupons, can hear like i teased. audio is standing. to be honest, you can probably hear me talking. she's standing right by the kremlin rules and saw that. i mean, let's talk a little bit about the western reaction to move these trip. i mean, it's a strong message from him. but why would western nations not be invested in a strong russia india partnership? well i think the fact is quite clear is that the west was india to get in. it's come when it comes which it needs to do. you click more and then the issues of a trade in obviously how strong not trading partnership is between india and rusher . at the moment, and this visit from the moody signals with russia and president preaching are not
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isolated in the ways the west would like to happen to be if you read the main stream media resort victor over here just a week ago. and again, that reaction from the west, which is sizing his visit, showed that this good individuals are still wanting to talk to russia, still understands the importance of russia as a country on the global stage. so this visit is important because it's the render moody's 1st foreign visit since he was re elected last month. and not normally is a visit to days of, to countries like control. and it's like a very neighboring countries to india, to the fact that he's used the basis his 1st born trip to come to most of the shows just how important this relationship is, is said, it is for change of the important russia. i said that this is the relationship of trusted partners and the fact kremlin said the west will be wont, seems quite jealousy as face comes out. so if they are
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jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong. there there's a lot to attach great importance to as well. the west clearly is unhappy with the way that the facts and the render moody's put such importance on this visit. we know that they are also unhappy with the new deals. the key being announced between the 2 countries are we just recently had a in do not seeing that is going to buy more weapons from russia. the us, of course, we'd like to be in not trading. both. we'd like to have a slice of the action is so new weapons to india. and in fact, it's rankled the us in particular by this relationship that he's getting stronger and stronger, not just in terms of weapons but in terms of services. and in terms of the oil, the russia has been selling to india. in fact, just in the last few days after that after the announcement to the new defense deal,
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they were mornings to india about the possible ramifications of sanctions. if it continues to trade with russia. we've been clear which areas are affected by the continued relationship between india and russia militarily and took the logically i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements and we've expressed some concerns. well yes, so as you heard back this morning then washington's of providing the sanctions. we have the us back to india giving quite a stern interview to a business line in the country. just saying that is why most occasions really could be quite serious to us together with dozens of allies is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us
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to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. well, the us has continuously been pushing india to come down low, one time or the other when it comes to the crating. what i'm saying that you have to condemn russia. and that is something that india has refused to do in the run the movie, same time and time again. but it stands on the side of peace and it was to see peace negotiations take place where those peace negotiations call take place without russia being at the table in central ukraine has not invited russia in the recent negotiations to even take part in that uh, the us on some totally a bit concerned. i think it may be some of its had too many as we see these little toys between russia, india and also showing increasing this. see this important strong block holding the asian culture to name a guy is playing in to the fees of the west that perhaps they lose that whole
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position. they see themselves as being and so we know that these are some of the issues. and we also know that most school has only the west to not interfere in these strategic relationships. the date, specific pacifically between not try lateral agreement between those 3 countries. and when it comes to india, it is being clear over no, but india will pursue its own line of foreign policy. it will not be count down by other countries. and it certainly says it will continue to do what is done in the past 2 years, which is us to step down from voting the un security council, and also continued to advocate for peace. and i think what we can see is not just the importance of the timing of police visit, because this is a to render moody to most go comes to the same time as a nature stomach is being held in washington. but it shows that the russian indian toys are due to get stronger and they said to say,
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well definitely does know all during with the fact that india is long, stand, a commitment to strategical tony has solved itself and indeed, so well, sorry, well that was all teased solid events to report things from just outside some thousands cathedral. well in the meantime, like i said, all these barriers wins and shaw. 9 she flew in specially to moscow to join me on the tower, which was good to legend, traffic as must go off to roll up. but she did manage to speak to the far and it says add to to already major news organizations, the hindu right here in must go on. he re occurred what i saw that was just talking about, which is that this is a strong message from moody. and it's all about sending a signal that his policy isn't going to change on it. relations are going to say a statement of safety visit. it says the prime minister movie for the annual summit between restaurant india is. it says a message to begin with. there has been no annual summit since 2031. so it's 3
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years without and i knew somebody that had been a tradition since the year 2000. so this will be the 22nd summit. the 2nd significance is that 5 minutes to movie is decided to come to moscow on his thoughts by lots of visits anywhere during this historic daniel. 1 just a month after he was r u v. assumed office in india. now that is normally a nano attempt for neighboring countries. indian prime ministers on there caused by lateral visit anywhere legal to neighboring countries. 5 is the movie rental sheet on com. all these put on my thoughts as well. so to come to moscow is giving most go back to the idea that a standalone visit is being made to russia at this time, the 1st time since the ukraine situation began the 1st time since the fund damage. and it was, it has many for stuff. so to 6, so happening, the changing was all due. now what do you think the strategic messaging behind this
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was it is in, you know, for shows and we lost them directly as well. have taken great pains to say piece p, this in the bi lateral context. india and russia very important, fox, those that important specialist strategic partners and privilege partnership that is going to be a message of its own at his time when it was clear that this western alliance of western coalition was trying to send out a message that russia is isolated off who was in last for his being during prime minister, and that's for a 2nd. also talk about what's on the agenda. what else to try? all right, he's talking points. i'll probably those. yeah. the bottom from the geo political uh, issues between them. i think this specific to 4 or 5 on energy that is now been 2 years of this v is india. and in for to a russian oil, there's multiple more l n g as well as your cuts out of the sea. and i think what the inside would you want to see is more predictable and as well as predictable disco to gushing energy. so is it possible to have long term contracts that,
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that walk these discounts into them? i think that's one place investments in a, in russian energy fields as well as russian investments as well. but i think what is important is a kind of significance of in a changing world. then we hear this from based on investment as well as the stronger, quite often that, you know, we're all that is turbulent. india or russia. ties have been stable and i think that's the message that they really want to put out. well, i did promise you at the very top of very good lineup of x spots from across the fields. i'm going to move up to my what i want to introduce you please do all. 2 fast gas, kristen in our studio here on the rooftops touch on that. so now i'm head of the center for indian studies at the institute of oriental studies. you're welcome to all the things you know, you like you may find, i mean, india and russia, they have a special relationship. and it seems that trust is that the basis you have the very
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foundation of that. why? i've seen this from the beginning when the end it became independent. i think this to one of the very important aspects of to that was the stablish mentor relationship between the rations that became the general review. and in that day, and i think that we have some common approaches. we have some common feelings and the i think this is really good bass relate. and on the 1st page is the soviet union. the support of to have the did in this development of the colonial status and the we have a nicole mix and is a bit of cultural and political and social and culture of the relationship. and i think this was the 3 is the big foundation. what was the relationship between it
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because in distress, the soviet union, the pdf, i think this is very both effective. and it's interesting that we had that prime minister moody on president pitch and have a very close personal relationship on a personal level, but also a very trusting towards one another. i was reading some west and media and i know it's not yes or no mark house down the end are it's something. yeah. and what was interesting is one thing that a lot of people are talking about is how moody is coming to moscow in order to make sure that person is not too friendly with china. what do you think about me? i think that, of course, is the relationship between 3 countries into russia and the china. this is very serious program and the, i think that we started in 1998. it was
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a vision pretty well for the 1st time proposed. the idea of that i later of a relationship between these countries. and i remember our reaction of that because with co pays ashley relations 5 india china versus alicia's in spite but to, to both in the chains. but in spite of that, we were interested also that and i think that now of course there are some and souls unsettled problem in relationship between spending chain. but i who i'm told that this relationship is more or less known and they make a decision because they have a 3. this is very important side or is it just cop trading partner? yeah. business this benefit in to the, to the, to me just part of the yeah. you go that it will be some system of visually somebody of interesting not see it. so china was india,
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top trade in paul and china is watched as top trade in paul. yes. and this shows how good diplomat to countries they all because india and china like you said, they have the one to 10. yeah, i don't want him away and reset and he has and yet still because it is mutually beneficial. they put aside the differences. yeah. and they continue to trade it, it's the level of maturity in diplomacy, isn't it that we don't really see in brussels in london in washington, you know, but i think that our relationship in spite of some differences in, in the position of such thomas fixed this policy you mean indeed, tried the relations in china, russian, immunizations. but the, you know, i think that we have the idea of national interest. and national interest is very important. sometimes we underestimated. but in national interest of this got
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to look to have it needs to get into support it. you know, i think this is, this is very im both in fact even this relationship between our 3 countries and as opposed to one area that the 3 countries are cooperating on very well. and that is the emotions of the multiple. oh wow. yes, it is. of course in the shanghai. cool. yeah. so yes. can you tell us about the yes, you know, this is means, this is this relationship. i know i'm not only on the bailey to, but this is the level of multi nation of immunizations. and you mentioned who will wait here, right, that the international organizations and groups and the you know, and you get a little stuff from them. good night of nations even, you know, and the, we have very boot contacts on that 3
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a jeep for them. i to be seen the russia, india, china and the it will just published in 2000 to one year. it was very interesting project which had been done under the mission to that in the director of institute to fridays. and it was several meetings on this subject and the brakes and of photos breaks. biddicks is also waiting for the snow and shun, higher of immunization preparation. so kind of in zation is very important. what's interesting is that one of the main pillows of partnership between india and russia has been defense, move away dates, in fact, to the surgeon union. not is despite west and pressure america threatening to sanction. yeah. in just the purchasing a school hundreds. why is it that india can withstand this international pressure,
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not just the last 2 years, but you know, in, in years before to i'm coming back to the national interest. plus the relationship is of interest. and this is really relationship initially and therefore, they consume canapes. it's very important in a able to steve and defense and at the make a move start is and the is the using. so for us to make energy and even call to the relationship in the social relationship, i think that this is the way to go based for this. one of our relationship is we can, you know, we, we should keep with, we should think about that. and we should think of it to keep this level of relationship because it is really important. and of course, the one area that russia has really pushed india to become
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a great influence on the global stage. the un security council. i mean, india is the world's most populous country. it has an incredibly powerful economy as well. yeah. mostly has not been told about the needs to have a permanent state. and in that table, president fruits and the said, i agree. yeah. you think that we might see that in the coming years? i hope so. you know, because this is really the interest of, of our country because it has the use of the right to be the government is member as to the security council because it's the rates come through in population does get in front of intended services of a central culture and the in the implementation of its policy. and i hope this one moment the to happen. well i definitely feel that it's all around 12 because for great to representation, not the un security council on scrubbing,
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india, the african union. and just the world has changed things and change it to the yes and also the some german news close enough to the 5 men bus. japan dependents also the church, but defenders and not to many businesses. and so, you know, we talk style to see about defense about the economy, about politics, but also on a people to people level injure. and russia have always had to great us history, that education code for the use of how to release every 2 languages. you know, because we really had that they can say that we are from in the logical side, the center i've read high r c. i read that the watch samantha fall to light interruption. sound very similar, gives me just read woods to yes. sunscreen is way of, you know, this, we have some,
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some emotional context with the indians. and i think this when we are making, we're doing it together well, the noise in sydney now's organizing, discussion. i think that we understood because of course we have this, i don't have no opinion on some different problem. so, so of wild life 2 days, you know, but mostly we understand and this is very important in my view. and i just want to ask you as a final question, we thought murphy flying in any moment now? yes. what's your expectation? what do you think is going to come out today tomorrow? no, i think this is the week of the 1st of all, of course it will be the new staff to strengthen the relationship. i hope that our leaders move understand each others and they will discuss the problems of a title reasons. they will discuss this of problems of.
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