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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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the context with the gym and i think this when we are making we're doing to get the wheels and those in saving those organizing discussion. i think the if we understood because of course we have, they have no opinion on some decent problem. so, so of wild life, 2 days, you know, but mostly we understand and this is really in my view, and i just wanted to ask you a, as a final question, we thought merge a flying in any moment now. yeah. what's your expectation? what do you think is going to come out today tomorrow? no, i think this is, it will. uh, 1st of all, of course it would be the new staff to strengthen the relationship. i hope that our leaders move understand each others and they will discuss the problems of a title reasons. they will discuss this of problems of who you know, which is very important for both our centers and i hope that they will understand
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it. i hope so. i'm not sure i said that was the last question. one more traits. obviously it will say these or no, no, no 3 the so that the trade in value of the yes, it's really the end of that. this is to, is it snow, which is a problem. yeah. and i see the very, we will discuss very carefully the may be a repeat a rueful emily among people, but i would be here. yes. but you know, a lot of the 3 this way the read. yeah. you know, this really bad and i think this should be the one of the foundation of the relationship between countries. but still, but i hope i'm not missing this been this. i think this already just, we'll discuss this stuff. i mean there in so many areas of corporations. yes. you
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think happened during cutters it into i wasn't here and production of the russians, but if i need pharmaceutical and decided just to let them the, you know, this is we are in den has the come to sort of action. this is very and by the way it is a higher. yes. and we also are a just to say, this is what it is very important those channels. so what's interesting is the india is looking to invest in russia, not especially with for talking about the far east of russia. yes. ok. a crucial area. yeah. so uninhabited, but so brittany is resources. this could really be an area which something you keep beneficial. yes. so that, this is really very this, i think that in the pharmacy, it's very, you know, resources was part of the move for development. it was to population and the, even the maritime, maybe this was signal for the general. and while i do that,
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still due to my that is also one of the very important not the via us make that yes, i'm not biased. yes, it will be so cost effective, but don't have it not shipping times for $4224.00 days. yes, i'll give you a new change. yeah. hopefully this is how exactly it is, but it shows to when these 2 nations come together, they really instigates shit. no just for themselves, the global community school for see or absolutely. i agree with you. then we introduce the both our faces, you know, we wish to be close if you wish to be to work together on defense. we should do is to be of the piece of i gave standards and this is important for both and definitely i think an example for the entire global community. what happens when nations and get age and all quin yang cooperate when that pragmatics?
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yeah. but also they pursue the national interest without damaging each other's yes . saw the role even if you don't need them and us to the yes, that is very important. a factor and the relationship between our country as well. it has been an absolute pleasure to have and you want to print, and that's where the fast guess that was the problem you on had to send to indian studies at the institute of oriental do it on the 2nd of january. well, i must have a 2nd instinct because i'm telling you i have just learned that prime minister now run drop moody. he has landed keith as wheels down so he has a special needs landed in the russian capital. moscow has agreed to him with the best was that we can agree on that. he has gone soon pack day over the next 2 days, monday and tuesday. he's going to have in soon the talks with brought him in person
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. but they're also going to be high level delegation tools as well. so room is that he might be visiting the intent diaspora community here in moscow. a coach full program with don't says i have been rojas, i'm as even room of that. he's going to be visiting an exhibition at one of the most goes landmarks, a cultural spaces, but then how he's going to visit the roof. that some pavilion that's very important because new kid us, which is the real south and state turn, you can edit your joint. that's the key pillow of this partnership. so image is off, know, run for moody is in town and he will be meeting with his russian counsel in just a couple of hours if he can get through the most go traffic, which i know that our own correspondence is still stuck in. like i said, we will be here on the terrace, bring you absolutely. every single the latest images. and indeed our correspondent, who i believe is waiting for him in the apple store to him in a very healthy way. in the meantime. very well to wait for the images and
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information to come in. i do want to hand you back to our and joining us from most goes h q i between the key sounds good. thank you so much and such a beautiful scenes from central mosca that thank you for now. and as it is, ask you to stand in this apartment as the as just landed in moscow and were new to the apple, where he used to be with the russian president vladimir putin, signifying the rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations. we are keeping you covered on every aspect. so do stay with us here and on the international as we continue all special coverage right here from the studio and from us special studio in downtown most go with saskia taylor that so this will be the 22nd russia india bilateral summit since 2000 done is expected to focus on the strengthening the ties between the states and developing economic and trade relations or software was just discussing with i guess the tatiana is showing me on
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that the head of a sense that the indian studies at the institute of oriental studies, this is a relationship between india and russian. it's built on 12th, it's a long done, that sounds standing trusted relationship and it's expected to go from strength to students because these 2 countries have so much they want to co operate on. we can expect a very busy schedule over the next 2 days in full, very friendly tool covering all space from space to trade, to nuclear, and to the t one, the building, the, the progression of a fara, multi polar weld trade in ballard. this is one key issue that is expected to be up for discussion. so it will be interesting to see whether the 2 leaders will be able to hammer out a, a win win solution to this potentially enhancing a new dell. these expos, to russia. the semi conduct in destry perhaps is one k area. and let's not forget,
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this is in the rental mode, these at 1st edge with far and trips into the thoughts of these new ton. his last trip to most gay was in 2019 while the latest most recently met for face to face tool 2 years ago. on the head of the visit, the indian prime minister, highlights of his country's relationship with russia, has the de phones over the past few years. as saskia was just discussing that with her guest at the pandemic in 202020 we 21. so a lot of that close cooperation between the 2 sides when it comes to back scenes and face mosques and so many other pharmaceutical areas, trade relations between the 2 states have steadily risen, which is 65 point $7000000000.00 in march is going to be so interesting to see what comes out of this to day visit. we've already seen a 33 percent increase in trade since last year. so how big can number go as
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india's biggest, impose when russia was that comes down to oil weights to life as metals and precious gems. and another important factor in promoting relations is the north south, a transport car and all that is come into focus again. this year and the route significantly cuts the delivery time would do some good to around $23.00 days to best much faster than delivering via the suez canal, which can take up to $45.00 days. and so, you know, considering bodies only in most cases, 2 days is gonna be a jam packed schedule as starsky was just saying that he might even squeeze in some cultural as sight seeing as well as a lot of excitement in the russian capital over this trip. past we know, i presume, cruising, we'll be meeting the ranger movie at the, at quotes that just really shows say close,
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friendly relationship that has been set. the eyes around the world will be close me following this trip as well. they want to see what's going to come out of these tools, especially as india is such a key market for so many countries around the world. but india has previously made this position canary wants to be new 20. it wants to be friends with all countries across the board, and it's not considering dismissing at russia whatsoever, as we can see from this trip. so it doesn't go too far because right here in austin international, we're covering every aspect of it this trip and we have all special coverage on the house of most go. and of course i'll be right to bring taken just through the day as well. the open now let's take a little break and go to some other wells news. the hun gary and prime minister as
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pace submission is moving onto a new destination like the old, but it's heading to the us capital from aging, where he, how talks with chinese president besieging pengo earlier today. open stress to the to leaders have a common goal of mediating and, and on the ukraine, conflicts the presidency, made it clear to me today the china will continue its efforts aimed at creating the conditions for peace. we are not alone. peace mission to be continued. well this is big to open a 3rd surprise, foreign trip in the space of a week off the earlier touching down and keeps followed by most go the exact details of his latest face to face meeting in china. i have yet to be released, but hun gary and prime minister has repeatedly said he considers the asian nation a vital player and promoting peace in ukraine. open also says that the streets in pink has promised to support tung. gary is hungary, his efforts to establish peace ones until
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the thing is quite telling who is criticizing or bends. trip to beijing. it's not. yeah, it's not moscow. it's the other. you have nato countries and washington, and you can choose, you can actually just met was or ben to month ago. and victor or bennett made
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a quite remarkable speech that then he said, our voice, the voice of hungry is a lonely voice in europe. europe today is on the side of the war, with the only exception will have to with us. i mean, as long as we were just calling for immediate ceasefire and peace, negotiation and supporting all international efforts. and then to our piece, including the chinese piece initiative as present, only presented by the president using being now present a changing pinion his term for the walk home. and some gradually did some great assuming you, your presidency. so this is definitely a whole sign of a change hungry who is always a black horse with being un, nato, and hungry has always maintained a friendly shift that certainly time use china and, and the congress has stated more than once. he wants to see the conflict in ukraine to be resolved by negotiation fed and victor or ben is actually carrying out his
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words he visited, visited moscow, not using m b g. and i really. busy this video, concrete results. oh, your opinion pro will politicians shouldn't buckle off as budapest will. steve ahead with his pace making up us despite all the criticism from other e. u officials. that's a defined message coming from the countries foreign minister the hon. gary and government will do everything in its power to contribute to ending the work in our neighboring country so that europe can finally break free from the suffocating work crisis. after 2 and a half years, europe is full of pro war politicians. they came forward, criticizing hungry, the on gary and government, and the hon, gary and prime minister for promoting peace, negotiating the possibility of peace, the peace mission continues and even strengthens. so i ask europe's pro war politicians to fast them, their seat belts and to pay close attention. so it was the full amount from home
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gary and prime minister victor opens recent trip to moscow continues. the country is digging in warning. you are paying hold. so they face a rough ride over the next 6 months old bonds piece. mission has told me, oh yeah, of war hungry a you politicians serious over his page to end the conflict in ukraine. but the home gabby, lita, has brushed off those who pulled school one of these recent trip to russia and it says that piece can only come about by talking to both russia and ukraine. which seems like common sense. we can't believe you told them the least. you just said the war, so even those who are very committed to fight for us or a for you train at the very bottom of that have lose the interior. you have to fight well, but the piece should come because peace is a good thing on simply expressed a desire to end the conflict that has been raging for around a decade. adopting what seems to be
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a sensible approach. speaking to both sides involved. but camp is not chimed in dismissing calls for an immediate cease fire. saying that any media is what peace must be in total alignment with its demons, portable media, middle toward the floor, but is not a peacemaker in any way. and want to be, proposes to temporarily stop aggression at the expense of the victim and the style rate of mass 02 or i don't quite understand it. maybe we speak different languages, but subjects like or by the feet. so at least making is about something else. any country serious about mediation will not publicly make but now statements. when they say we support an immediate cease fire shows they are not ready for a mediation mission. big wars require a different approach. well, what is that different approach? piece conferences, how without russia, i'm terms of support for just one, sorry, i didn't the conflict ukraine about so you can see the gender of western leaders have done the same. are you able to cross the basics of mediation?
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the check position is clear to me is the aggressor we stand with ukraine. if it's truly seek peace, you don't shake hands with a bloody dictator. you put all your efforts to support ukraine based on demands efforts for ukraine's victory and adjust piece. it sends the wrong signal to the outside world and is an insult to the training and people's fight for the freedom. the you is united clearly behind ukraine, against the russian aggression. and so what are the solutions rolling out mediation, or even a speaking to a rough or a toll while pushing for more weapons to ukraine, to secure a victory, but seems to be pine, this guy know toltz mobile, on an able to be more dest. now the risk between a member sites same set to deepen between those who won't bull. i'm the easy one piece, old as new political grouping within the block patriots for europe has now met the required threshold for official recognition. by the do you suppose have policies
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from at least a quote to of the approx 27 member states. when the problem was, it now was on june the 30th it promised a new era. but what change your pay and politics you request, such as due to a new era is beginning. and the 1st half of the size of the moment of this new era is the emergence, something new group that will change who are paying politics. a pike to europe says it will push to end the support for ukraine. we've just seen an unprecedented float of homes and caustic, you have, while european citizens stuff of rising food and energy prices, housing crisis on poverty with hungry holding the age, rotating presidency for the next 6 months. this poses a serious threat to the warmongers. was also a glimmer of hope for peace. i can transfer you or will meet him brussels on monday . well probably won't politicians be willing to buckle up what looks like a very bumpy ride to head. hold in that or it is that the americans have been
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feeding to europeans and do be indeed those feeding the population that russia has ambitious to ambitions to occupied form of europe. europe is really following the us directive, not the e u, the best interest, and certainly not just of the population. the west is losing the battle, not only ukraine that ukraine is paying the heaviest price. so when you zalinski would wake up, then he wouldn't have it on the table that you can stop negotiating by knowing already that the other part is not that difficult and he's ready to to moscow has denied keeps claims of bombing civilians in ukraine as long as the kids and some of the sides were hit by rockets on monday morning. the russian defense ministry size is for his actually targeted on successfully struck ukrainian
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military base is on factories long ago. so he's, any civilian casualties were caused by kids of a defensive, numerous publish photo, some video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating the air defense rocket launch from the inside aircraft. ms. whole system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key presume had been happening for years. and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato, equating a forward caesar a claim, engage children's hospital and residential buildings were damaged by russian fire in the crazy and capital most coast h. k of is using the accusations to gain most of holes from ukraine's bikers news. well, in this apartment, if that has just landed in moscow where he is set to meet with the russian president vladimir piers and the read, the main thing with the signifies the rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations. we're bringing here the latest pictures from the nick of the apple is the
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wet and the ranger moody has just touched down and he will be greeted by the russian president himself. this will be the 22nd to rush it india by last will summit since 2000 and is expected to focus on the, the strengthening, those strong ties between the safe and further developing it can know, make and trade relations. the 2 sides have so much to discuss over the next 2 days and informal friend, the folks will take place and cover all of this really from face to trade, to nuclear, of course, to the progression of building a multi posing the road and run them or these last trip to most go was in 2019, so it's been a while. well, the latest is most recently meet face to face of the talks to years ago. i had to visit the engineering department as to highlighted that this countries relationship with russia has further deepened over the past few days. as
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a correspondence ask you, tyler was saying. 3 earlier, during the pandemic, russia and india, we did become a little closer and corporate some things such as the pharmaceuticals and vaccines . a trade relations between the 2 states have gradually risen, reaching inside $65700000000.00 in march this year, which shows a 33 percent increase since last year. so it's going to be interesting to see what new agreements will be reached during these talks over the next 2 days, and how that will impact to trade between the 2 sides. so we're just waiting right now for the rental modi to this and bulk of the plane that will keep bringing you these latest pictures. like we said, annual moody has arrived in most go from new delhi. the flight is usually around 6 and a half hours. it will be great to veneer cause an apple in moscow at by as we see
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a very grand parade the russian president will be the and to be some this me thing really signifies this a deep and trusting relationship. the 2 side share. this is a new and remote is 1st foreign visits since he began his new time and really signifies a, signifies this the best way to solve this relationship, especially in, in the face of the changing world that we're seeing right now. the start of this new multi polar wells and india is kidding making. it's it's thoughts on this new world or very clear. so many movement now will be staying in the range of low de unload from hayes plane. he's arrived in moscow for 2 days of talks with the russian president when, when do special coverage of this trip writes here on all the international from a headquarters and also some i'll be useful,
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a studio rooftop studio in the house of most go. and as we can see, the sun is definitely signing on this visit to often we find stormy weather. in recent days, the sun is shining today and it couldn't be more perfect for the arrival of new render mo, date in most skype. you stay with us in the next few hours and over the next few days because we're going to be following all the developments of this trip run from o d. as we say, we'll be discussing oman of a cooperation with a kind of a person. and he's also expected to make some cultural visits as well. so we'll be keeping a close eye on that. so i'm bringing you special guests to discuss what might to much from these biological folks. also allows for india is a big is the inputs from russia, which we might expect to blossom off to these tools. so,
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but currently oil weeks fertilizes muscles and precious gems trade in violence. there's more than 12 pick which is expected to be covered during the nice things that we speak. going to be interesting to see whether the 2 leaders will be able to hammer out a win win here, potentially enhancing new delays expos to russia. but will keep you fully compet any way. so do stay with us. hey, on all the international. we'll be back shortly with presenting. we'll the the, the little. yeah. they're like, oh yeah. which aspect of the side of the way and i, but i've said, where can you go in the white board for some reason and try to get the for the, the, the, the
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variable without any able to spell. it was a big oh, the way to stay and what awesome what. what's the zip code the i mean if in the system i go out in the middle that is the bulk of my us to avoid. yeah. yes there. can you hear contributed by the way? no, i'm not going to sit component the pro of immediate. that's typically what it is, the that the where you live, show children. when it goes, publishing very customer boy of you up any goods of today to initial another ticket that i would even
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the show when i tried the same wrong just don't you have to safe house the economy to advocate and engagement because the trail when so many fund themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground the of the by the early 1950. can you became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism
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in africa. the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population. great britain pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers, dooming canyon step 5 or de, and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels skulled themselves canyon, land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement with the anti colonial activists jo mo kenyata, the freedom fighters used guerrilla tactics and attacked individual units of the greatest troops. the latter responded with massive air raids and artillery effects . when suppressing the uprise of london relied on the maximum cruelty over 50000 kenyans were killed? about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps, where tortures no way inferior in girl z to the nazis was widely practiced. the
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veracity of the colonial list only led to temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain. yeah. however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the whole lies on moscow as the indian informing us, that as we can see from these live pictures has landed in the russian capital patrol with a blond him, if you're saying it's going to be here for 2 days and is his bus by law to a trip that the new ton panel, the chrome,


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