tv News RT July 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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on the, the whole lies on moscow as the indian informing us that as we can see from these life pictures has landed in the russian capital patrol with a vladimir pierce. and he's going to be here for 2 days. and is his bus by law to a trip that is new ton panel, the chrome, our studio just just started, throw away from me. i clinic kremlin. we are here. moody is in town and we're ready to serve. what it will means we'll see very well with the well, the tension. can you focused on moody's most kind of visit? western states continue to push in via the touch. it ties with russia,
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the a very well welcome to you. this is off the international with the late as well as news update as a way that's great to help you with, as well as signifying the rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations. the india as prime minister has just landed in moscow where he's set to meet with the president, puts in for talks, and auntie is covering half or aspect of new rangel nowadays visit. i know the developments that a much the well without further ado, that's cross live to ortiz, to ask you a tailor as we bring you all special coverage from that spectacular studio in the heart of sunny moscow saskia over to you.
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well the sun is indeed very high on this sweltering to. 7 day the russian capital has a very special guest. yes, the indian, a premier under, under moody is wheeled down and we understand that he is making his way from the apple to the city center. was to wait for any updates on that. i am joined now in the studio biopsies, very earn runs and sharma, i hope you like our humble of both. i know it's not quite as tall as you used to, but for us it's a little bit so i see i'm not gonna lie. i mean, this is a big deal, right? i mean mode is fast by natural trip since winning relax since a start time in junior, so he visits neighboring countries. this really shows the importance that he puts on russia indian ties. um, what's the strategic significance of this business? lifting messaging, yours very clear. he's trying to hyphenated india with russia. donations have a partnership which dates back to what you can put a finger on when, but you know,
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the friendship is sent to these old a. but of course now this is, this is also friendship that has withstood the test of time and geo political tons of electric just mentioned that he's here off tort zooming his full face and back in june when he was re elected for the 10 consecutive down. he chose washer as a country for his 1st biological needs. and it's very significant because this was, it also has many, 1st out. he's here for the and was russia, india assignment, which is not resuming after 3 audios. there was a bit of a pause, given the fact that was the co would fund the american to warn you print out but, but this has been its edition since to talk to the tober of 2000. and the very fact that he's coming to that show now in, in the back door with that you political tensions. what tools is that? it leads to india, russia relationship a study. i mean, i will. so, you know,
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i think the stability is something that's quite unique in the globe frontier political context, russia and india. and i think that stability has gone into a lot of attention. hasn't hit the west. it doesn't seem to weighs like how india is not willing to negotiate on it's friendship in partnership with russia. what adults in new delhi stand on the international pressure. it's very clear from the very beginning that india you may call it being neutral, or you may call it taken care of its software needs for, as you may see, a non environments. but india is a can see that we added soon in says it doesn't look and see that it will succumb to any sort of threshold of this thing that ever since the war in ukraine started in the south seat when sanctioned several more pressure threats in india. to stop buying and know cheese to stop by going from russia. but what it india do we saw
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india indulged in vine discounts to russian on the side of the west impressions. but it's not just oil that we talking about the trade between new delhi and almost school has grown. in fact, is you can fad this see over the last year there's a jump release of 33 percent with a message for the west. you 9 for all from of this month when a tomorrow, formerly mr. moody and mr. fulton will have their former talk says also in washington dc, what, where leaders are convening. we're seeing the ukranian president there as well, but, but still are in, in russia, a country which is heavily sanctioned by the west of the sanctions don't work, which is a different story. but of course there's no need to be and it's a very clear message. and a sense that the india is something foreman. india is with russia. i mean, you're told that obviously about energy security. they all obviously co op rates on
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freight is just 2 megs uh, between the nations up over 30 percent year on. yeah. i mean, they really cooperate in so many stairs, but what's your expectation? if we do hear any announcements, what do you think will be top of the agenda when they sit down tomorrow? we're talking to read your and why the treat is booming up. there's also issues, for example, the payment issue. that is something that's going to be a one of the priority to a few points. and it's also the trade imbalance. so the to the last year has been over $65000000000.00 which cubes. but also see, for example, india imports lots from russia. so that's all those weeds. there's also a metal and the only kinds of thoughts eliza will for precious stones. but it was what we see is that india is able to provide russia with 6 pharmaceuticals or telecom products. so the stream of imbalance is something that needs to be worked out. and we've been speaking to the indian foreign ministry,
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and they've said that that is going to be a priority. talking points also uh, somewhere around the indians that are stock on the war zones, the ukraine, that is going to figure when mr. movie and mr. booth and talks to model. so these are all sorts of some of the highlights, but of course, the defense corporation. we cannot overlook. sad f r india. remember that has all of these new capt. russia is, it is a very solid defense block, nor an on that is something that again, starts the west of the, the west in the last stuff. few years is very desperately tried to cut india's reliance on russia as far as the military support is concerned. but of course, so when, when the 2 leaders nice, they also uh we get into details like for example, l. s $400.00 is that is something that was deal which assign between india and joshua back in 2018 and was it over a 5 bit of $5000000.00 deal? and that's been tvs there. so this is something that, yes,
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is hoping gas can be expedited. so of course that is also going to be a topic of discussions when the 2 liters meet. and of course you mentioned that as a full 100. what's also very interesting about the whole defense sector. it's not just buyer and seller isn't that now doing design sharing on joint development and technological cooperation. so these are ties that really binds to 2 minute trees. and we did talk a little bit about training for the full. so you could just run us through the house of over the as well, just trying to search. the geopolitical relationship has changed. you tilting your 1st but continuing with defense and you will to point out an unfolding the senior government window official here who told a few years ago that without minutes we spaced from russia, india's ships will not stay with them. india's flights will last fly, so it's, it's kind of defendants. we're talking about what talking about the, the geopolitical tensions, and especially over the last few years. uh, this is the time where the us is fueling to wars, is of course,
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the ukraine war. and then there's a warrant golf course in jail, some very, very neutral, to see as far as both the was a concern better. oh, for india, the defendants, the reliance on, on russia is on. is they by supreme? and also let me point out here. you see that? oh for example, india, i just divided a goal was invited to the queen the summit. what did india do in the wednesday? it wasn't the administrator level person who was send it was, it was a senior official of calls, but india did not assigned the joint declaration and just see the reason that india would basically said was on to on the list. both the parties are on board. there's no solution that can be looked at, is that something that india has maintained? never since that's the war. and ukraine had the saw that india believe that a dialogue and diplomacy is he's only the key to, to this 16 and not just supply kind of what you know me to 3 health to do
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a nice. and so that is also something that is going to figure out when this, in talks with the 2 liters needs. but of course, in the changing world for the, the russia in the relationship is stable. it is here to states. and the very fact the indian prime minister is here on his 1st biological needs officer resuming office in june. it's a very strong message to the west to the world's best, this friendship, the spot, the ship is here to stay. destiny. i think we might have some interesting announcement come out the next couple of days. he's a to guide pragmatic and rational business minded individuals. and i think they've shown that when they come together, cooperation ways of photos that was mentioned, sama joining me here. in fact, i know the wins and also spoke a bit audits before, and it says at the top of major indian news outlet, the hinder right here in moscow. and she's a senior high dog, really occurred that what region was saying that this is
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a strong message from prime minister moody, not just about this in, during stability of tries, but also, you know, things to west. no, we're not going any west. you might as well sort of accept the to the russian indian friendship is like for instance, that had to stay to visit. it says for 5 minutes and will it be for the annual summit between restaurant india is. it says a message to begin with. there has been no annual summit since 2031. so it's 3 years without and i knew somebody that had been a tradition since the year 2000. so this will be the 22nd summit. the 2nd significance is that 5 minutes to movie is decided to come to moscow on his thoughts by lots of visits anywhere during this his start can you. 1 just a month after he was, he re assumed office in india. now that is normally a no no if kept on neighboring countries, indian prime ministers on their course, my lack of visit anywhere. we go to neighboring countries problem to some for the
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rental commodities. natasha as well. so to come to moscow is giving us go back to the idea that a standalone visit is being made to russia at this time. the 1st time since the ukraine situation began the 1st time since the band damage. and it was, it has many for stuff, so to say it's uh, so hosted in the changing world or do now, what do you think the strategic messaging behind this was it is in, you know, few shows and we lost them directly as well. have taken great pains to say pc this in the bi lateral context, india and russia, very important talk. those are important especially strategic partners and privilege partnership that is going to be a message of its own at a time when it was clear that this western alliance to western coalition was trying to send out a message that russia is isolated off who was in last 4 is the indian prime minister, and that's for a 2nd also talk about what's on the agenda. what else to try? you will receive talking points. i'll probably those. yeah. the bottom from the jew
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political issues between them. i think this specific to 4 or 5 on energy that is now been 2 years of this v as india and in for to a russian oil. there's multiple more l n g as well as your cuts out of the sea. and i think what the inside would want to see is more predictable and as well as predictable disco to gushing energy. so is it possible to have long term contracts that, that walk these discounts into them? i think that's one place investments in uh, in russian energy fields as well as russian investments as well. but i think what is important is a kind of significant step in a changing world. and we hear this from based on investment as well as a stronger, quite often that in a world that has turbulent india or russia ties have been stable. and i think that's the message that they really want to put out while i'm joined. now by august you've seen president of the indian business council association. it is an absolute
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pleasure to have you with me. um, i mean, we were just talking before we came live i all through. oh, you know you just visiting moscato. sorry. no, you can. you said no i, i've lived tiffany t. yes. i mean, not as a long time. you must have seen a huge transformation of the country. oh yes, um. i've seen the show, the ninety's as soon as i saw the 2 thousands and now rush of a 2024. yes. it's been a fabulous journey. and it's also been in a way of talking to certainly for india and russian ties because the relationship has been stable, but it's really been progressing. i know me, the collaboration is our needs being deepening. when you look back at kind of what the great to say as a corporation term specific to your business. well, for you with a highlight, i think there's been a month to change in progress in terms of ministry collaboration, obviously and, and get to become a huge energy consumption partner for russia. and the various other areas like
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transportation networks is what is happening on payments. there's work happening on banking investment, so i think the last few years there's been a tremendous progress in these areas. i mean, you told belle see about entities security. we know that, i mean russia's inputs of india is impulse of russian crude oil have just sky rock it's, it's um, and i think it's hard to say that new tiny received a little bit of flock of criticism from the west pacific need to you about that the accusations that new teddy was funding through tons of war machine, but from a business point of view for india or it made sense, it made sense for the economy saving itself, $13000000000.00, right. but also for that, for the indian consumer. and we want to have the energy markets in a way. absolutely. i think our, uh, minnesota is clearly said that, that we are 1500000000 people country. and we've got to look at our people. we've got to see to our stomachs the so,
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i mean i understand your opinion and other countries, but you've got to think about are people then be to do whatever is best for them and that's what every country and every government would be doing. so i see nothing wrong in that list and we also were talking about the trade in balance. now wins and also mentioned that so $64700000000.00 trader trade toner. the last, yeah. historic reco tight spot. it's massively in russian space. right? so in the us and poolside, $60000000000.00 was rushed to about 5. do you expect that to be one of the priorities at this agenda? i'm what do you think could be a resolution that yeah, i think good, that would be one of the major agenda that we discussed between present food and then try mr. monique, i did, i did are definitely, india is working very strongly on these areas. i think if you look at what has happened in the last few years, it are such and the areas which are spring mocked improvements like coffee for
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example, and guess becoming a major player and coffee. you also see that in engineering products. so i think and guys in the right direction, but usually it's very hard to suddenly change that in balance because quite consumption is a much higher is much more a, you know, it's much bigger than, than the exports that we do. but we're getting that and just doing a lot for that government is stimulating it. and banks are doing a lot in that regard. i think things are going to be much better. i'm that was room us. i mean we started, these very must've been sliding. so kind of the last year and a half curious about the idea of new tele and most co setting up an alternative payment scheme kind of what time it took to the switch, right? this repeats variable point, not so mechanism. now that would potentially be a game changer, right? it would make moving really put simply losing money between the 2 countries. a lot easier. that would boost economic ties that would maybe make rush investors more willing or to trade within the us. do you think the thought is on the horizon?
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what still a bit of a pipe dream? well, i think that isn't horizon because the prime minister movie, it has been constantly saying that we need more and more trade and rupees. and understanding that the trade in balances, there must have been not probably need so many, rubies. so in alternative it has to be found and we've had discussions in bricks as well. but you know, the fact that in does not very keen on you, on being used as a guarantee. so i'm sure these 2 liters will find a way out and that should be on the agenda. i see i'm, i mean also, i think one thing that i was reading some west in mainstream media commentators that talk to you about how moody is really making a strong message here. i'd like to say russia as his 1st of all, i laughed true. a trip off to winning re election. i mean, we know that india is traditionally known the lines and it stopped itself very well
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. now it's managed to expand it's into, it's on the political stage because precisely it seeing as a neutral, reliable uh, off the album. so really, i'm wanting to think it is that the west, which is not necessarily a particularly toner and blog, is accepting of india's reluctance to align itself with the west of nation. i think traditionally, people understand that we've been very close to the shadow. she has always been a good friend and a partner. and uh, i think today and uh, is in a position to decide what it wants to do. i think good. the western world understands that the want a part of the india is um, you know, economic growth as well. so they would rather not to lose a friend who's at least normally line. and that makes a lot of sense because india is a huge market for a lot of for rest, and then your suppliers, the students in factories. so i think they see it as a subject,
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fox and the dentist somehow find with the fact that it gives me underlined and as always, being on the lines. you know, that's perfect. i mean, we've talked about with a touch on a, i guess a, an hour earlier. and she was saying the, obviously the foundation of this partnership in friendship is trusts. and it's been switched over decades from the time of the soviet union, which obviously plays provide is critical to come up with a minute to support during india's form. it took us off to independence and i was beginning to think then about was a and i wants to get your opinion. do you think that that's a little bit of mistrust still between india and the west and the memories may be of the us providing ministry support to pakistan for example, and providing oversee defense to as long as that, refusing to shut critical technology. and space is what was the soviet union was very willing to shop. what would that still shape you tell these reluctance today to kind of throw in it's not with washington that 2nd ceiling person front,
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i would say that we will go to the member history. yeah. obviously, but i think good start strictly speaking uh there's uh, there's not good happening between india and the rest as well. but we still uncommitted to our friends. that's who we are. that's when da's, and that's in our dna. so people who've helped us doing like tough times, i always going to be our preferred partners and that would be very clear about it. and you would likely said that this started clear to show has been extremely helpful to india and are a couple of times. and i think the introductory, this is a kind of a clear, you know, i would say it's appeared indication of who the us. i mean, i also want to talk about one area of where it is from cooperation is on filtering a sarah wells. we talked about multiply rti notes on india cooperates with russia and a number of 2 months whether that's correct, but that's the reason for i'm whether that's a strong high cooperation. what can i say since,
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and it's astonishing and so that it's happening so quickly. you look at bilateral trade between russian and just 60 percent, but is now done in national currencies. if i what the us to might be smoking a bit, not as being the kona at the moment. do you think that we're going to see this trend increase over the coming? yes, definitely. we will see more dominance in the, in the world said because we had a huge consumer. we had a doing economy and we are in the fastest growing gong using the what we had 1500000000 people strong. so we will do all it takes to me, you know, improve our country and make our people's lives easier. then this is one of the major issues which we will have and really been sourced out. i'm pretty sure. well, it was a pleasure to have you. like i said in all very humble. do you do? i hope you enjoyed the view that i sent to you. uh, that was joining me the cash deep thing present. the indian business council association. i'm very glad. oh, so yeah. a match or a name. we might. so a handshake. i think on that. thank you. a very much, thank you. in the meantime,
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we decided to get the well thought snow. i've kind of assumed that you go crossing studios, that's what happens. i'm very happy to be photo bombed by castillo, like i said, we decided to get the opinion. i'm ready to go live on the streets of india, how the indiana people are now reacting to the idea of prime minister moody visiting most collect and we see those as our strategic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of, in a i love and i like it go beyond the right track. president booth in uh is quite a cool guy. and his relationship with the mother is also very amazing. lashania. yes. so as, as does the magic ties more often jewels 2nd in the bottom, the ad between them the easiest thing to say is
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a very significant you could say that it's very special chevy, you know, from so many is and is a very good list of, of the country for india, so that a good fight, not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so very strong nation, both military wise and and i think it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of what people are, mr means and what the issue. i am really very interesting regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most, any other countries that i'm anybody to buys, the delusions you mention that one thing to for. so this is up was defined for board the nation because the bicycle improve while i
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want to bring in now all t postponed in charlotte and to ben ski is who is probably less than a columbus head away from me. she has called perhaps the best severe she's right bites and bottles of cathedral at the edge of red square. i mean, saw that we would just pull to know about steve, about the west in perspective on india's relationship, how it wants to be friendly, but adults are full, says, of course, office and during friendship that new tally has with must go on. what is it, do you think that capitals in the west or not so from talk when they see visits like this, moody and most go in the middle of the, the ukrainian complex let's be quite strong. saskia. the west is trying to paint russia and present being completely isolated to when we have a huge visit like the supply lot from summit the 1st time. uh, 1st of all, after the summit since the movie was, i'd like to get this last month to choose to do that with russia. i think that
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speaks volumes. the indians have talked about the importance of this relationship with russia. russia has said this is a trusted partnership, and in fact we heard from the kremlin that they think that the west of buying this visit with jealousy, suffragette if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong. there, there's a lot to attach great importance to the west has huge issues with this relationship is coming up with these 2 fairly neighboring countries. and also the trade that is happening between them is that the us certainly was a big slice of the actual mountains being pushing for more and more trade with india, particularly over the past 2 years. now. in the last few days, we've had this announcement that russian and give just signed another deal for a move weapons to be due to by india that
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a manufactured cave in russia. and that has not been done well in the us. we've been clear which areas are affected by the continued relationship between india and russia, militarily and technologically. i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements and we've expressed some concerns. in fact, we've heard some of the us and biases in did that any engine companies that want to trade with russia and bypass the russian sanctions would have been put in place by the west could face some pretty serious consequences. the us together with dozens of allies is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. and what we see in time and time again is the wes
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demanding in d, i to side which side of the fence it was the stand doing in regards to ukraine. west us in particular is demanded. the india condemn most going, india is refused to do that. it talks about its own strategic autonomy and it said what it was, this piece not means russian needs to be at the piece, negotiation tables that needs to even be invited. the us also wants india to stop buying russian oil once in, due to buying its own energy suicides instead. and those threats of sanctions, you know, they are real just to give you an example. we know that e u has already impose sanctions on some indian companies. that have been trading with most of stuff, right? it's very real. most goes on to the west to north in to see if in the relationships it has. we've countries like india in china time and time again. and indeed, it is consistent in the fact that it will stay neutral in not conflict,
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and it was cheap. it's, as i said, that strategic a tone to me on foreign affairs. and the decisions it was to make is a country. it will be co towing down to the west. definitely india, a confident a saw to self sufficient nation that was sold at uh, 2 pence. can you bring us the latest on the west and reaction to all of that? and actually, just for the moment, it is a good buy from us in our special coverage studio, but we will of course, be head throughout the day, bringing the very latest on really what is one of history's most enduring partnerships, india and russia decades on it's looking to be strong, got then as we know that the indian premier and roger moody has arrived. and most of our, my understanding is that maybe we might even have a sneak peak of his arrival from the apple for next task. so you'll just have to join us on to see whether i'm heading that 3,
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so not as good bye for now the . the i'm action or time. see welcome back to going under ground rule ca single around the world from the you a key member of the energy alliance opec with the boulevard and republic of venezuela, venezuela, with the greatest known oil reserves in the world, just celebrated independence day. despite being targeted by major nations with cruise, sanction starvation and terrorism for refusing to be a washington vessel states, nation.
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