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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the lines around most go with the in the informing us that is in the russian capital, which holds with president post. and the tuesday visit is an arrangement with these funds to buy natural trips for this new to all the while the view is so good, it could almost be photoshop. i promise it's not. from here we're going to add the button that says from defense x spots on a bit different. um, but progresses to you, name it. we have got you covered with the angles and caesar and also the sound of the russian defense ministry accuses you. freighting officials of finding hysteria to get more money from western sconces off as most of the safety of the own as expense is left to the depth of civilians during today's ass flags. when you play
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the young military side, the very well welcome to you. this is auntie international with the latest. well, news updates is always, it's great to have you with us while signifying the rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations in the as prime minister has landed in moscow, where he set to meet with president putin, for tools all to you is covering every angle of new and promoting visits and all the developments that a much the let's get open a test and cross live too. okay. sounds good. taylor is we bring you all special coverage from us. spectacular studio in the heart of sunny most go sounds good. i was here while the indian prime minister
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has indeed chosen roster as the us destination for his bi lateral visit since reelection back in june. who is he going to be speaking to what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect? so i'm going to people around the world saying about it that it's going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about what about, let's talk about war and run to moody himself. has to say what about thought he landed in the class that he did. sorry, motional to him. he took to social media to make a surprise post and i'm slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. the arrived in moscow. we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially and futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's of the well,
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i'm joined now by all these barriers wynja and show me, i mean, range and we've been talking really about the areas of cooperation. what's most likely to be top of the agenda. i spoke a bit of just about the human element here. i'm. he's come for 2 days. he's landed, he's leaving tomorrow afternoon to go on to vienna. the 1st time that an engine premier will be and not european nations into one. yes. so between now and the flight out to vienna, what's on the call to schedule, it's the 26 hours we're talking about. and this is a full fledged visit to the, the russian president vladimir, put the, has invited on the region, will be the indian prime minister for a private dinner and the presidential of a residence, of course liter. oh that there's, there's um, prime minister now read the movie who is expected to meet the indian dias for a who, who are very, very keenly waiting for a of what i prime minister to, to meet them all. but also there, there are several delegation level tools. so of course there's going to be the main
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. i'll talk where mr. moody and mr. booth and are going to sit together. that is going to be a lot on the agenda. but of course on a rose after muscle reading is something that preparing the department of summer in the movie. good. was it again very, very important, very significant. as far as the talk 2nd son little some the table we were talking you know, do you are talking to fans we're talking ended is we're stuck in the war here in russia, but we're also talking slade, we're talking our trade imbalance. we, we're talking about just the very fact that these 2 leaders are coming together at a time when, when the world is store bulan to the sense it's, it's a changing world order. so to say, but they're huge movie. i don't know the american to their friendship is, is table of course, and it just, this is really what are we was it so scared of the world is going to be watching very closely. especially in the west. perhaps the hot barn fell,
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and the most optimal i will say, is, are about to paint about familia. and if he does indeed go, i think he'll be very impressive brand new or just a couple of months old. 25000 square meters, 7 fuels for them underground. and of course of all a testament to the power of real facts of the biggest need to the energy state, joy in the whole world. it go $72.00 to react is courtney being built in india as a big market and they're looking into deep and co operation. so i don't think it's coincidence that if he does end up that, that that's why he's going not really sure what direction these ties outgoing. and that was rinsing sharma joining me that. well, i also wanted to bring you now is autism, see a lot to know who was actually at the airport. and she most you can say met the indian prime minister himself, but he's not as how we're going to try and spin it. his not just showing us exactly what the app will look like and most go in the indian premier was wheels down where he as one of most squares efforts, went ends in 5 minutes down the run. somebody has landed on,
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as you can see behind me, saying he just stepped on the red carpet and his grief and final straw and by the code of it's a very significant trip because of russia. india have always had good strength and them as indian prime minister and the run for movie is set to hotels with russian president vladimir putin on the food ration. and it's very important to know. so to find the trip in the employment of stuff, bruce and his friends. so it's clearly shows the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy while we're joined now by russian state to minutes, national affairs committee met them rep. it's not always really good and interesting to get your perspective on these things. i mean a thing i have called mental and as i was told the lot of my parents and was
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a pariah. i was told that he was being isolated from the world. i mean, the indian prime is in town, the victim of buttons just left pritchens just for time from vietnam, from the dpi. okay. he was in satirist. he was in china. he wasn't a respect, has gone, somebody's not quite adding up in my head. well, i think just the west is a liar, that's here. so and i see this is just as stars just the beginning. there will be more leaders that we'll see you to the strong ones that are coming to russia and they want to talk to them. oscar, they want to establish a dialogue and you know what is symbolic. just now it's about to start the nate assignment, and we here talk about peace and they are there to talk about hoarse. so this is very symbolic, and with the nations, the a nation stay the really solving nations they want peace. so that's why they come to rest. i mean, you mentioned that the nation is something that's taking place in washington. we know that a lot of mr. lansky is going to be that it starts him tomorrow and will go on for 3
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days. do you think it's just a coincidence that the engine premier has flown and, and it's slightly the meetings happening in power at all times. i believe it's not a great incidence. well, it's a choice, it's a sign and it is time symbol. the core is what we want to a want to are different, not nations different states to prosper. and that's why he comes now to say that he is with russia because he is with peace because he is for a southern and nation. and he or he's against the western aggression. christine the nose was the west and the restaurants about. and they also know the history that we have all the support and them do it in the sylvia times. they have a good memory. you know, it's very interesting that you mentioned that that's been something i've been trying to pick people's brains about. because obviously the u. s. a saw was very good too many names, susan. it's local south when they west far rings for independence,
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when they were trying to shut the yoke of colonialism which was just raping and penetrating these refills rich nations. and that's exactly what i want to ask you. do you think that that historically proves continues to shape, especially the global south perception, not just the roster process wherever he knows of west and capitals, low cry serve in the for the invoices community. and i deal with foreign students all the time. and i know there the specifics. how would you rent education for students? we do it for free and we teach them how to come back to the countries and develop their countries by themselves. but look, what is it was did, they are a technical form neo colonial using where they were given all these food and everything for free. so to make, actually, the country is dependent, they didn't grant the medication. that's the ussr did. they didn't give them instruments to create independence on the wants of them is just to view their
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slaves and there, and now the time to change. it starts from russia. and there we help to other countries to change into grant independence. you know, what is interest in that is, or when many countries a strong let them compete, that's fine. but that's the way or the world to be is when many strong countries, minnesota, and countries establish a dialogue like russia in india today. and the west is $11.00 country, 2 countries, and they control the world. and they just drag only sources from poor people. we don't want that one, many to prosper, seats around the table and agree. well, i mean that you're talking about this. the legacy of colonialism, this new colonialist mentality, which unfortunately still plays many across the western log. one part of that is obviously like the idea of dictating who you can be friends with. you could have your trade with to my trace, with your sunsets to my slink set. no insurance costs
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a box that trend. let me know when, when open subscribe to these functions were strategic people to one of us. are you surprised that the west didn't come down heavy on your tiny? so it just ignoring the policy piece of the russia? you know, it's interesting, actually, the good started a long time ago when there were, i was there searching the news. and i saw the, the or united states they said before they especially looked at the nation. they said that you trade with russia because of crime here. we're going to put sanctions on you and in the us as well. all right. and they didn't, they showed, i mean the united states showed weakness as they do today. so now, um, what are the countries see? is it came? is name somebody just said that look, they can do nothing. the country, india can show it to independence. it became as if it isn't it just the stars. that's why i said in the beginning that this is just the 1st as russian say,
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the 1st words they moved, the more they just what i really respect and grateful to india of as that they made this phone 7. they showed an example as organs. he just came and said, fine, i am the leader, my country elected me, and i make decisions. that's what's more days than today. i do also want to ask you about the defense sex though. obviously, one of the reasons that you tell the most go off enjoying such a good corporation is because russia is about india as well. the largest on symptoms on 65 percent comes from from most go. um i just wanted to get your take. i mean, obviously in the midst of the conflict in ukraine, do you have faith? russia accounts? not just for phil, it's for and contracts, but also supply the front line. well, we'll keep our word, meaning towards the end. the board was too, but it means that we are very trustable partner move on to west it when they try to
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take her to steal rush money that will place invest in banks of actually solid. and there, i remember the discussions in the are in the hallways of a do you mind when people were asking like, why wouldn't we do the same by our policy? and our worth is valuable. which means we keep our word, it was signed the contract. we keep the contracts, and i think we showed our sales despite all the difficulties as the partner and the friend who actually knows what he's doing and keeps his keys worst. that's why i have no, absolutely no doubts that we will keep our contracts and we will move for rest and 65 percent just to start. i mean, i do want to also find you get your take on this. i do a piece cuz you mentioned that that was the nature of somebody speak to you about who instead we have moved on, you know, the piece maker traveling to beijing as well. no doubt that are going to be
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discussions about what types of mediation can be done in the ukraine complex. i'm just getting the, the global south perspective on this today. understand that piece can already be made when 2 sides sit at the table. are they doing the i don't send the room at the stage on this as well. they don't want to understand that's, that's different. it's one thing when you're really done and you just cannot get it . but in their case, they know what they're doing and they play in the words, the breaking the rules they set out. and you know that for me, the best sign of who is the peacemaker. is that, have you seen those trees in moscow when morning came? and we are on us, we are all excited today from the early morning where i'm laudatory and of the slides. and ever since this is the way versus we're very peaceful and we want people to come here and we want to show them russia and what the west is doing has been talking to was torn to store and destroyed. and their horse easily one's
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really one piece that shouldn't be to size and how can they do the summit in switzerland? this was one side, which is the land scale on the table dictates. and the rules, well that's where it dictates through them. that's not, not fine. they were trying to make his notes down saying like, oh, well, we are peacemakers. but in fact, they are not. and people see, the more we talk about this, the more people come to russia. and today, the historical visit of more and more people will see who is the true story teller, who is the liar. and actually just the final thing i do want to get your take on. i mean, moody, i'm pacing the 2 liters to seem to very implicitly trust one another because they seem to be very confident aside to 3 to several. so self sufficient. they are about pursuing the national priorities and focusing on not but the net surface. you
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access the policy that is to the detriment of all those a. do you think that that foundation of how small trust at that level cost and deposit and space is important in, in the global context. it's important for diploma. so it's important for friendship, for partners, it's important in the family. and there when i see the wisdom diplomacy, they completely forgot to use the diploma. the number one thing is, smile is free, which means that it'd be very and how well and the very beginning and we are whole people. and the way, how do i trust new, or i don't want the brands, the huge world politics. that's what's going on today. between our lessons, let's say this is a good chemistry, which means that they feel each other, especially when we talk about russians and indians. that's all about feeling
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because look, americans used to ask me, what is the brush and so that's like indian. so my best friends, when i started in america, was actually an indian person because we are very much alike, very sensitive when and when we literally ask each other, how are you? we actually do want to know. well, i think it's definitely interesting that there's a lot of positive positive levels. what is the country to country? it seems, the indian russian, i can always provide a blueprint of what successful cooperation can be harmonious walking for the great to good. i'm not seeking just to best uh, one self and to see one's interest in potentially sacrifice the interest of the other. like i said, it is always attached to helping you head that was made through to the russian state to international size committee number. thank you very much. while we also have decided not just to bring you perspective here from the terrorism most go from one to and bring us up. we'll say the latest on the schedule. we also decided to take to the streets of india and see what the average pass invest thinks about that
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. probably minister to think must go, like i said, as his 1st by lock stroke visit since when a re election came through. here's what we said. we see those as our strategy partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts opinion. i love and i like it. yeah, we're on the right track. president. put in uh is quite a cool guy and his relationship with the mother is also very amazing. showing you. yes. so as, as different magic size mod offered to stagnant them on the ad between them. she is a very significant you could say that is very special. russia, the, you know, from so many is and is a very good, it's the civil country for
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a yard so that it good parts not in terms of defense. so they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so way, strong nation both military wise and and i think it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of what people i'm used to and that is a more difficult issue. i am really very interesting regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most and other countries that i'm anybody to size the solutions. do me think that one thing to for so this is up was define for board the nation because the bicycle improve a while we're doing now by and now are some on monitoring direct to send a news 18 network. wonderful to have you. like i said, if i don't like your answers, i'm pushing you, i just figured out why we positioned that. it's very poor. so here at all to international. um, no, i lost a quick 5 question. and they say that india has thrown,
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rushed to an economic lifeline in the midst of the construction ukraine. true or false? to enforce. okay. because the door swings both ways. uh, as much as, uh, you know, into his phone and he can only lifeline to russia by buying on for it's it's toner, economic lifeline to the 244 indians. and of course, a huge amount of the western world, which is buying with wire in. so there is nothing to hide that. but uh, if we is uh, ends up being less than 100 rupees for oil today. it's because we're buying or from russia. so those things go to this. i mean, it's interesting cuz you talk about diplomacy that india has the seed, which is all the senior trinity has been incredibly fine, not cheap, beneficial to the indian consumer. and i think it's interesting that india, i probably would say for the rest of the global. so that's how come out to the design, not only channel, would you say about the 1st statement, especially when compared to some western nations and see if the nation pushes the ideology or tries to portray an ideology based on its own interest. so if the west
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is pushing for an ideology to the rest of the word, it's in the interest of the width of for india, i think we're pushing what isn't the interest of indians today? and i think that's happened over the last 1015 years under prime minister meeting the more the time. and it's happened because we've decided that we're not going to swing by the way. it's not just remain neutral. what are we going to talk about on fox? so russia is going to do things which is in russian interests. china is what to do with things which is in chinese interest. america is going to do things which further american interest in india is going to do things which is going to the, for the indian interest and the indian dream of also being a developed nation. so we via being developing nation for a long time. we want to be a of luck nation. and if you've got to make friends, we make friends. why retaining our old friendships? we know how to keep up. i mean, this is also what, what's interesting is that i talked about kind of india maintaining friendships participating programmatic, i think it's pop, surprising to many in this top trading partner is truly not. yeah. not as,
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of course, despite the conflict and on that knowing of actual control. and i said that's a great testament probably to both countries that they can still be rational and prioritize that national interests. are you going to engine consumer getting chinese goods a joint? he's getting a indian money and you have at the same time because of what to data on building and imagine multi part of the world is putting aside personal. no one says and what kind of way to go, that's what i for from i say we go to sort compartment like negotiate in china, a great friendship with russian. john, i have had the issues with the logical stuff. yeah. gotta go to the shoes. didn't so it's not that they don't have that authority that shows that there are many your opinions that still buying natural gas and gas from russia. despite the conflict. however, they're doing it, america continues to engage with nations that it says it's, and then we go to the hop of its debt to trillion. dollar debt is bought, it will buy the chinese. so america's debt bulk of it is with the chinese. it's, i know america's number one that groceries. so who's any of these nations collected
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anybody else? you've got to be pragmatic. you go to compartment blogs, you will have issues. you know, it's like a family. everybody has issues but you own work with each other because we all need to you know, support each other and supplement each other. and that's how it is. but yes, i would also like to qualify that post the fund demik in this, you know, product meets the number of products that and there was buying from china out importing from china. that has reduced the volumes and certain products has increase. and that's basically is all materials, and that's where the import still continue to be. we've looked at will be our so if we don't have in our separate china anymore, and we've reduced a lot of finished goods which we will procuring and importing from china. we're manufacturing it any day or so. it's mindy toys is one of sample which i can, you know, off the cafeteria. i mean, this isn't on the, on the india, china, russia thing. a lot of the media tries to present russia is moving to step dramatic types. right. and as you tell, they've been slightly concerned about most go on facing and not famous, no limit strategic partnerships. and i wanted to do things that concern is real.
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what do you think it's a narrative that's being spelled as fun in? we'll just kind of make a wedge between this kind of tri locked true. how pray? some group with russia in china, we're friends, threw in independence russian, china, we're friends through the 60 to war, russia in china with french, so the 71 war, russian, china continued to be friends who 1999. so it's, it's not, it goes beyond the politics. i think some with russia is also able to tell both india and china that listen, you go to draw the line and you go to back off at to 40. just like in those able to tell the russia that you're going to back off. and i think nations are able to, you know, use their leverage, their personal leverage control and that bridge their friendship to try and destinations where you should draw the line. and i think the prime minister was very apt, when he said this is not the time for was the built in order, you know, a low and escalation and the code word was all due in the near future over the next 2 decades. we are going to see conflicts all around the world. that's because there are nations with only wanting to present their hedge, many that are others which have gone ahead to minutes take tendencies. and the
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nations would want to assert themselves and protect their own sovereignty. so conflicts will exist, what should be moving to an escalation of a 3rd world war? clearly humanity cannot afford effect. no, absolutely. yeah. i think that's a very good a note of cooperation to end on that. was that not? no. some on monitoring direct to other news, 80000. that would be good. thank you very much. so i, we are. c signing off from us to do for this sub, but the day is still young. so of course we will bring you to the very latest as not by locked roll trip from the rental moody tech. so we're expecting maybe a bit of tea drinking maybe a strolling around the presidential palace and pulls that private dinner with president person to more that going to get to the tough questions, the hard stuff. there's probably lots of folks, top level delegation points to we'll be here through bringing you if i didn't find the full then. uh, so for now, from us, basically from the kremlin is good by the,
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i would say, well, the news now moscow has denied k. s claims of bombing civilians and ukraine as well as the kids that and some of the sides were hit by rockets on monday morning. the russian defense ministry size is full is, is actually talk it through the on successfully stroke. can you create a new military basis um factories? most of those days, any civilian casualties will close by kids own defensive, numerous publish photos and video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed. the destruction was due to the fall over you creating the air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key for whom had been happening for years. and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. let's go to the south now from all senior correspondent, more jobs. do you have more? i get to see, could you just bring this up to speed please as well
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. this was the largest strike on kid by russian forces over the summer, perhaps the biggest this year. suddenly for the various me solves that is hypersonic miss austin, john, this house. so as cruise missiles, tactical results, targeted fields in half a dozen ukrainian cities causes military base is called this is on the conductor blogs, the toner, and the trauma plants in kit, for example, which specializes amongst other things, the production of it. and this solves, as well as repairing wisdom donated weapons. so you can vehicles, for example, tags on the personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles. the credit inside it says, and several sub stations where he had to hit the key of unclear whether that was a bree, whether that was by uh, by yourself. you pay the houses where they come out and claim that it's shut down about 70 percent of the, of the massage village by russia,
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which is evidently untrue, the speed of footage filled by you credit and civilians in cabin all the areas showing me so often me so often me so impacting targets in kit for example. you can, you play a role in the over to been put on the russian side says this is retaliation. this is retaliation for repeated attempts like you have to destroy up with them targeting russian energy infrastructure, which will be about uh, oil refineries, about oil storage, gas pipelines, as well as civilian infrastructure and to factories, things essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an electric hospital hits in kip. 1 the great house talk about the said, the service sure with the children's hospital russia maintains the lease was the but the result of an interception going wrong. and this has happened many times before. where are you pregnant and g. m resolved sometimes of those provided by the
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west of golf course obstruct. uh, for example, apartment buildings office blocks and this is the same case and ukraine is trying to squeeze everything a job out of this incident before the details become a power. the purpose of such publications is to ensure further financing of the key fishing in the continuation of the war to the last of green. in the more the russian side says that it will continue side so long as you pray and targets russian territory. i app as well, but as of right now you credit says that it is still counting the number of people killed, but there have been images showing hoards, hoards of soldiers clearing debris, which bob soon dictates. that's indeed it was me civilian infrastructure that was his asthma. craig claims football, the military sites mirage. me,
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thanks for bringing is up to speed on the story that solid days were i guess you have speaking to his line from the don't. yes. with public. thank you. i thank you for joining us here on nazi international this one day. we always appreciate your company. we will be back with more of our special coverage on the be prime minister . and it never wrote that in writing. so that visit at the top of the i will see you very soon the the, [000:00:00;00] the


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