tv Lets Talk Bharat RT July 8, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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on do i just want to add that we can expect the, the new well, the old or new multi polar? well, to be one of the topics that will be on the table during these discussions. we have a special studio in the house of moscow bringing you all the latest gas to discuss what might come out of based talks. but as i said, the expectations remain very high. and we will be covering all this is, which is the way to it's a policy way of us to continue this coverage. we're going to hand you over to india is republic, tv, china, which is very exciting. as we said, we're really keeping a close eye on this trip. it's only 2 days. but the agenda is jam packed full the to well, the latest and any number of topics will be discussed during this time. the big meetings will take place tomorrow and arrange for moody arrived in moscow a just a few hours ago. so i expect he's resting on the, having an informal discussions with president pacing,
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but tomorrow will be the biggest day when we will find out potentially what's in store for the future when it comes to cooperation between these 2 major powers. as we can see, this is now under moody, arriving in moscow, and the sun is definitely shining to on this visit to see whether it be useful is today, which makes it perfect for our terrorist at the studio in central most go. as soon as we get, you can check our websites onto dot com for all the latest updates on the trip. we have a correspondence all around most go on red sweat, clo, of course, in our rooftop studio. and in the correspond, runs and sharma is also here. well, without further ado, that's possibly why. but on continue the special coverage to india as a public tv channel. a cd, a journalist, a news anchor,
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and associates, as we've been doing a great job of through the day with me in the studios of causes. obviously we're all watching this closely, obviously, and show one and we're all very excited about tomatoes visit. and i think that all the identity do we need also to model, but there are some events that ad rolling out today as well. so 1st of all, between you, inside ski a if you can give us a sense of what the lineup is. and we'd also like to get a sense from assess scale, know, the significance of this visit is from a russian perspective overdue associated of the absolutely, i know, but now i would like to set up the was that the 2 very, very important networks from india and rochelle collaborating for this very special brought guys from law school and this last year, joints to be on this broadcast. and she has been telling the rescue and you was about the russian perspective to this was it that will also be discussing the ending perspective to this? was it assessed? yeah, you'll be talking to your view was we are showing you today give us what it really
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means afford the agent private is said to be here and right. you had to be meeting president, put it. but uh, i would like to ask you, how is the crumbling one? 0, really watching this was it by the in did private is set because it is has cut 10 year old and few souls in russia to be the plus to country for a bilateral with success. yeah. so how is the russian administration really viewing this semester? well, i look obviously on a political level, it's very significant that we all the chosen ones that most go is the destination for this past by law school visit. like you said, since marriage was re elected to a sad time in june. and although obviously that is incredibly special, i think we also need to understand this in the wider context and the why the context is india and russia have in george, one of the last longest standing and time tested, not just friendships, but also partnerships the states all the way back to the soviet union,
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i'm so unique about this particular alliance is that it really is a known almost every single line. you know, i, when i do, i talk obviously a lot about to your politics about politics. but when it comes to the rest of india and relationships, you see that really to cover every field in a way that really know what the relationship does. space me to the energy energy security defense, a pillow, cultural, an educational exchange. and when we look at how this has progressed over the last few decades, it's true that we me, it's been inside of the stables, but he's an immense global changes, potentially complex enough not to say, but it's a positive partnership. like every partnerships that we're going to be issues that need to be worked out. but what i think really marks this particular ration ship is their ability to be rational for the ability to maintain dialogue and their ability to remember that look, we had a very good history for a very long time. let's continue co operating for as long as it's mutually beneficial and we'll walk in each held this national interest. so assessed. yeah,
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i would like to tell, have you was back home in india that you're watching the most go sky line right behind us. i didn't one of those buildings, so then uh the price would be now between president put in and the indian private is the big place. i know it was asking me about the item to read through the prime . it is, does, was it that right would do not, which is going to be headed today. it's going to be a one on one conversation. and we know that a lot of, uh, issues that i have not finalize. well, bilateral is actually because they actually seem to be happening over these meetings, which are informed of meetings and that is taking place today. but let us just give them a sense of tomorrow's events because it's going to be by lots of meetings. but before that, the community, when we've been telling the view was about that but fast. yeah. use who you spoke about the beauty of trust between india and china. what i really want to ask you is, there is another relationship that russia seems to be fortune with, with china. now, india and russia, how do you see the relationship with the lead rushes engagements with china?
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you know, i think it was in december last year when exxon will 5 minutes projection called visited most ago. and he was here for 5 days. and when he was speaking to the engine to ask for a community, he said, when you cooperate with the nation alone, you cannot defense trades. you have to have a great deal of trust. and i think that is the foundation of this relationship. i think the rental mode, he understands and trusts, brought him appear, tend to use his judgment on dispatch that the russian leader is going to be obviously sensitive to any territorial disputes that the 2 of them have. but also trust that the russian lead to wealth pursuing what's beneficial in his, their national interests, will also never actively pursue a policy that it's detrimental to india. national interest. that's the 1st thing that, you know, the 2nd thing i think we don't talk about enough that india, china, and russia are very programmatic. they understand that the altar of diplomacy is
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not just talking. it's about even a mixed conflict. is discussing what are areas the corporation, whether areas, so business where it's beneficial to the india and can see what china india understands out better than most who with india, top trade partner, china. so these are adults who understand, but you can have partnerships running in power low at the same time, and that will always be space, full dial cooperation, cooperation. even when there are disagreements, you just need to become rational, pragmatic. the final thing i would say, i think it was, you know, some odd dollars. you said your enemy is not my enemy, india, china, and russia. i think especially in the bricks format and for talk you about dialogue a bit complex breaks. but yes, you are these a classic, really power house for months about these a 3 nations who are trying to build a multi po to world, which is an scholar by block mentality,
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which is an scholar by the idea of your friend has to be my friend to enemy has to be my enemy, you trade with who might trade with you function who might trade with? so i think they understand that everyone can cooperate. i'm not, we'll need to remove fruit folks. most staples global arena, generally speaking, this cold war 0 or so mentality. it's just these 3 countries. that's too important for that. and when you say that's ask yeah, i have been speaking to a lot of restaurants. it would speak english. yeah. it's a little difficult to find them but, but, but i wish we would have met all. yeah. and we would have spoken at length about the indian restaurant, but we're doing it now. we spoke to a lot of directions who could speak english and a lot of indians designing. yeah. and they spoke about the strategy of going to be policy that both the countries that following the address. yeah or india. and they also spoke about the fact that the president put in keeps rest. yeah. first. and the same policy is funded by the end in private. it's that it's in the us. so i
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think it is a policy that brings the 2 state heads together very clearly and, and you say that, oh, i see that because you just mentioned how um, both the countries seem to be trading the thought which takes them forward. so, um, but how do you see, how do you, how do you see the space, how is the russian administration of seeing the american view? because the kremlin, they showed a statement saying that, that the americans, i'm this meeting with, with a sense of jealousy. so how do you see that? no, i mean, i think uh, like you said, uh, india has been always a known aligned country. and i think in the rental mode to understand that as a policy that has served his incredibly pop, could us an incredibly powerful both diplomatic to prosecute on economically and such as nation incredibly well. it's allowed him to pursue policies that are being beneficial. maybe it's the indian consume onto a lot. you obviously about energy security. saves the indian government, $13000000000.00 to buy discounted russian crude despite west and sanctions. i think
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the russian reaction that you talk about back it again. so is that there that there is a, a split in the way that was seeing the future of the world. there was some nations who still don't understand, but the state is quote of global company. 50. we all know, don't go dealing in a cold. we'll see how our web r a blocks where you have allies where you back each other, like the police and a playground co operation. multiply ritzy multiple, a fruitful, unstable partnership with that is what we want to talk about. so i think it's probably a bit of a hint from the russian administration side. yes. look at what's happening despite you'll sanctions, despite your press to display your criticism that apparently new daddy is putting up, you know, the russian war economy. despite your criticism that the india is
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putting a dent in this western idea of boots and as an isolated per right. yeah. things are moving forward. you need to get on boards or you're just going to be left behind. you have to accept. i'm talking about the west to that this idea of super powers and them clinging onto the financial, on political hedge money. that's really a thing of the post i think assess, can you speak on the lines that we actually public tv studios in a noisy, i have been speaking about the republic uh, media network editor in chief or never saw me was speaking about a changing would order especially with this meeting between within and the range and will be good. and i think when you speak you'll speak all the similar lines because we're seeing the change we're seeing. but so to decide if i may, was if i may, if i may, we're seeing that the uses. yeah. if i, if i, if i may, i was in, i was in moscow in 2015. i was invited to speak at the rest year to day
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conference, a n n. i found it incredible that the russians were moving very strategically. my own senses, america is, undermine the russians. and today it is important to look at where russia is. i'll be shaken and with america they want, they won't let you be of on demand themselves to day. that actually calling to me is growing up 3.6 percent. you look at the american economy. they said america showed me calling me would collapse show one. but last year has been declared to by the word bank as a high income country. right. you look at that, i should economy going far higher than the then the then the, then the, then the us, germany is going at point 2 percent, u k. as in shambles, japan is growing it on the one percent in america. she has growing a 3.2 percent. the american economies spacing are slow down. that is unemployment all over america. the condition of the nato allies is lessening france, germany,
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you get it in the cannot see eye to eye on issues. so it's not about running anyone down. but when i heard, you know, of what, what, what, what, what task you just said about pragmatic relations. i completely agree, i think someone the appreciate the less than something very pragmatic and cool about things and the weather to really feel free to give a shit weekly from you. yes, absolutely. and the fact that this is a water economy and just find that you're looking to speak just being sent by us, which i thought since yesterday. if you look at the people this seem to be in control, it seems like a nation and come to it. does it look deal to be a country that has faced $16500.00 sanctions? is that the so called cooper? it's economy. does that look like a country which is been clipper, and the fact that model, yes, there's a strong image of the when private enough globally, and president boynton would it be coming together that i've talked to, to lead as, who would be coming to gather in washington celebrating and data chevrolet to read
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them, not even being able to we don't have time. let me do one more thing on a personal note. if i may, that's on one occasion when i had the opportunity to speak to a prime minister more informally, you know, we, we have these conversations on how was global relation. so he told me the associated prime minister told me, you know, need to be with enough record. i'm sure it's okay to say said he said, you know how he said, don't delete the 9th and only in the morning with president 14 on a one to one interaction. so the 2 gentlemen get, well, you'll make all of them strong when you pick all them anything but they get along and i think they can define something is starting to model over back to us. which of these are the please success social security, one o 4 reports had mentioned that something might happen tomorrow. you know, i just wanted to say, you know, i just wanted to say all it's very fixing that. you mentioned the taping and shambles. i was gonna say, i've lost count of how many prime ministers we've had over the last couple of years
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when i was reading. but the russian economy is now going to a halt times fall. scott then the british economy. and it's interesting because in recent times, partly because obviously flights have been canceled across your pins, best space, we have been transiting, lots you through to buy on to kia, you know, when you travel to these places, that's a different entity. when you compare it to the e, u, especially the u. k. and america doesn't need to. people feel energized, they want to get down to business. they want to make money. they want to be friends with people then moving forward, that building fall stuff. i mean, that's a bridge where i live in london, which, i mean, it's literally this length and it hasn't been touched with southern us because that's just no money. i think the problem is, is, europe has a beautiful history and a beautiful legacy, but it's rested on it's laurels for too long. it thought that it could always nibble the nations of the global south india. and those are better than most what
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the brits did. that what is that not moving forward? and what is the beautiful thoughts the best? yeah. is that uh, indian russia, both the countries have had the beautiful legacies and they've also had a shed legacy. so that is what is important that especially with the we the more the put in meetings. so i were to toss it back to the i would toss it back to the studio in either door and up with swaby. you enjoyed that very free wheeling analysis that you inside ski of had and i think it will be exciting day to model switch anything inside ski. thank you very much from i'll be shake, show and then me. and we'll come back to, i think you'll be talking to reporters and sometimes we was we, we must, we must define the logic issues the night. i lloyd the newest package on this because it's really set in a way, but i'd like to see a guess out. busy in the studios please. i am told that i have. so the way we're doing. yeah. ok. so and then, so now we're doing mike. so you've got you guys right now you've got your coverage . when
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i have what i also want to do. well, this is cool. 8 i've kind of, if you wouldn't believe how many people are around me saying, sorry, i think what i will say is that that was. 6 special segment from our partners from republic, a tv in india. what i want to do is continue our joints coverage pretty every aspect of neuron drop moody's visit like we were talked about very special, very historic, the well we saw images of indian premier beings. welcome to the red carpet around 2 30 pm. look cool. most of your time i, one of the capitals pulled up zuka box. then we actually had immersed as a bit of
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a said we saw his medicaid trumpeting really just about a kilometer. a little one of the capitals main street. i don't know whether it was when he was sitting in homage called being driven to his ultimate destination, bought upon landing the indian, a prime minister, he decided to, in a very important way, take the social media and make a post on it in a very, very pleasant surprise, one of those who have been wasting, who were lining the streets and anticipation of his arrival, he decided to make that post in russia. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially in the futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's of the. like i said, i am just one small part of this entire team. forgot all the time. remodel,
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who was hardly looking at me. we also had our report on a c, a c off of awards, and she was actually in the airport. she was waiting and a very healthy, wasteful thing to run for moody as he was real sound. let's see what she saw where he was. one of the most curious efforts were indian fine, minnesota and the run for moody has landed on, as you can see behind me saying he just stepped on the red carpet. and he's for region orchestra on the called a. it's a very significant check because of russia. angie, i have always had a strength and them as indian prime minister and the run for movie is set to hold whole to russian. president vladimir on the ration and it's very important to know . so the point of the trip in the employment has stuff and his friends, so it's a 20 sure it's a choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy
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while just before i, sir, you images of how on a street level people will greasing the india a premier, i will say, will just say he was met with the apple with a ministry on a gold and opus trying to pull by the 1st deputy prime minister. but as you can see in here, it was a very colorful welcome for the indian uh premier crowds in downtown most go engaging in 30 music and dancing. i saw audio some videos of people who said they have been rojas, and from the moment they found out that merging was cute to fly in the festive display, thoughts, new pools highlight things, not no sad thing of friendship, especially in the cultural and education. 5th, that is so unique and a lot of the russian in the relationship. i also, i want to show you images of most goes, i clinic, a strong kind of tie. what is that actually the tourist, a free standing structure in europe. and it had been decorated in the colors of both the indian and russian flags. so we really did pull out all the stops. so that
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was what was happening in moscow. but we also obviously want to give you the indian perspective. so we decided to head to the streets that just asked the people how they feel about that lead to coming to most go. and generally, how they view russia and dispatch and the relationship between the 2 nations. we see those as our strategic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts opinion. i love and i like it to be on the right track. president. put in uh is quite a cool guy. and his relationship with the mother is also very amazing. this is up was designed for board the nation because the guys really improved oh wow. the crowds have got to obviously and must go to welcome to india and uh, probably going to says he kicks off his pretty falls 26. our official visit to the
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russian tap. so it is actually his 1st time in russia since 2019. so like i said, very special people have brought to the hotel, one or under moody will be saying, you can see the way things both washington and indian slot. definitely a very special where it is not hard when the weather is like we've been doing enjoying for the last couple of weeks, a bit of a display of musical union. we also decide to hear what people on the streets all must go. i've been saying about that, so i'm hoping that we'd be able to bring you not a bit later on. in the meantime, when i can definitely bring new is a reaction from state to my mind. but maria boots, microsoft as an international fast committee member. it's interesting we tweaks obviously about how one of the world's most influential i need to and run to remote dates coming to most go somewhere makes a mockery of the west, a narrative of not in a putin being isolated on being. c a pariah. the west is
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a liar, that's here. so and i see this is just as stars just the beginning. they will be more leaders that will see you to the strong ones that are coming to russia and they want to talk to him. oscar, they want to establish a dialogue and you know what is symbolic. just now it's about to start the native summit and we here talk about peace and they are there to talk about hoarse. so this is very symbolic, and with the nations, the a nation stay the we silvia nations. they one piece. so that's why they come to rest of the do you think it's just a coincidence that the indian premier has flown and, and it's slightly the meetings happening in parallel with that? i believe it's not a great incidence. well, it's a choice, it's a sign and that this time symbol be core is uh, what we want. we want to are different nations different states to prosper. and
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that's why he comes now to say that he is with russia because he is with peace because he is for us over the nation. and he or he's against the western aggression. christine, the nose was the west and the restaurants involved. and they also know the history that we have always supported them. students, sylvia times, they have a good memory. you know, it's very interesting that you mentioned that that's been something i've been trying to pick people's brains about. because obviously the us, a saw, was very good to many nations in the global south when they were aspiring for independence when they were trying to shut the yoke of colonialism which was just raping and penetrating these refills rich nations. and that's exactly what i wanted to ask you. do you think that that historically truth continue is to shape, especially the global south perception, not just across the bottom says wearing us of western capital, low cry serve in the porter and voice and community. and i deal with foreign
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students all the time. and i know there the specifics are how we view rent education for students. we do it for free, and we teach them how to come back to the countries and develop their countries by themselves. but look what it was, did they are a technical form neo colonial using where they were given all these food and everything for free. so to make actual of countries dependence, they didn't grant the medication. that's the ussr did. they didn't give them instruments to create independence on the wants of them is just to be their slaves . and they're now the time to change. it starts from russia and there we help to other countries to change into grand independence. well uh these are 2 nations who have a course enjoyed a unique partnership in terms of its expense. and it's a success,
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have no doubt that today and tomorrow will be bring interesting things on that. know we will be entering our joint coverage with uh, with public tv. it's been a pleasure having you here stick with us. i was about in just a couple of minutes. the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. again, i'll send some of the the speed you want else calls question about this even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission,
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of the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move so to a customer both of us for someone from your office at the post to be joining us. an issue. calling to us from clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied a go. yeah, he asked me for i was my bush or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, when you feel when we see that's one way and then put some of the, some will stay on the old stuff last time i feel like i'm
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a former student in the same age membership. when you 2 of got the serial no boys to being able to please to join me instead of the arctic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at the question system is the most upon your scope of the team could have to deal with issue the the,
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the whole i live on moscow within the department is in the russians capital for talks with president pearson but tuesday visit is no rental bodies, us bilateral trip of these new tubs, you know, hello, hello from a very c and a cost of must go. we all to be a very close eye on the rental body. so the price and product to be good for mercy has both to paid drive off the road. less than a kilometer away will be here with ex button novices in just a few moments. and with wells, the tension tv focused on moody's and also go visit in western states. continue to push india to cods it's tice with russian. the.
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