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tv   Documentary  RT  July 8, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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some line if you have a video of the bill, the much initial donald formulas of a nearby church of man and the mom, that's what i was and i took a shot. it's mostly smallish for them. was them once old because they gave me the flat bed? one most shape. if so, yeah, there's all the way i can. i mean, if i'm right now, like where is it like more, more for somebody, i'm gonna try it again. i thought was more than i got that i lose the i lose me
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from the affairs or get anybody somebody want. but i'm, it is, so i don't want to finish or tell you the only other the other one, but i'm assuming that really oh man, oh yeah. the civil rights you. which was where the but the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the and as little. yeah. and like, oh yeah. they didn't send in what they did, something at the moment show, found them. yeah. so i don't have the money, the job which aspects inside of it and i but i you know, i live in a group of mine and the other children expire. yeah. just pick out some of the, which is the,
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the stuff stuff. well excellent. those are hits still been off to you produce and they have the, the is uh, you know, by the office was there was no way you can use it. do we need some way of doing? might suppose that i need something wrong? is that in this kitchen? little guy lives in what's going to wait. he lives in fluid, but he's not there. it's not somebody to them. but as for the invoice that, that i didn't get, and we're not going to be waiting for it, or did we requested it? wait a minute more than select waiting some. the task a little more than a methodist helps us, but i'll maria. so them, when did that answer suddenly the more did you minutes facing me on the inviting either really my 1st, sorry there gonna be some for you,
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but i'm confused as to the new cartridge the, i'm not gonna sit there more of the pro of in a minute, that's it, but any one of the sort of thing associated with most of the reasons i being ask you a multi number is to create the shift of which you can like use. samantha would be just a reputation and no. yeah, so next issue of steps that the american bar above sort of plainly unable. i'm just gonna see if there's a need to do that. obviously i made it to me to initial setup. if the printers looks like they have the most approval, so give me one day. sure. but i was there at the the complete she was looking, looking at either
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the toyota on the sale or on the front end with them. and it sounds like a nice game meals care when splits or am uh, currently on the for the cisco, for as well, for goodness. and you have to pay more interesting. we'll pay for the name of the city and utilize law in the temple when we, when you decide to do that, if that i would just assist you in for the virtual college, the city and all of our new positive thinking of getting a system issue. product isn't like making a profit for making a profit of the lamp, and one of the thing is give those to me to them to now. and i'm assuming that i have. so when this machine is the only pull out actual supply,
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vs got you for the move. she ended up shift almost floating. a lovely evening. yeah . car doctor. let's go let us look a little slow flotilla. lovely. mean you put off the summer float and if i do not feel certain, i wouldn't know, let me slip with him when i was interested in it. all right, there people. so most of the monster, one of the things i'm on some work, some of the visual shuttle sions i'm work, i'm sorry for sugar with the talk to you unless do yes, the boys to the less come find in the village and using good combining when leslie if you know, i just decide you still consider, i will change the color of copyright and how do you follow give, using and present when you decide assigned me for them to quote you both of this and effective skin wasn't here. i think i am story for the last report that i missed the cut over, but i bought this notion i can find the funded for the quote, the list of what we were loading to. fortunately to them and he was defending my meeting, ran pretty long. yeah, 20 years or not, but it was a, this was a squint commission when, when i am going to your usual and your question was,
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well, 1st thing in the uh, oil change, but the fullest to actually schedule that i've looked at you thought we have some less like 15 though, the better watch it. okay, so just now probably now yes. foot board this deal with the sale, but you know the with my board and quite a simple signal at some point, but i'm like florida apollo stuff,
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shape groups. there is the same what i'm hearing loss of them. yeah. the next step though is possible inside sales that are available as always there. so can you buy that for any go it, ask them, what do you mean that computer do it or if they walk here with somebody in yeah, but offering to you, if you have almost the last minute it's about. right. and there's a lot of, i don't think that could it be possible that i can distribute it there, cuz it's convinced that all you got the word use on some of the co chairs are asking you what i see. i am the ones that can stay on this saturday. yeah, i've gotta get out of the spoke out. so now i'm gonna go to a send a copy of the screen if it's in the morning. if there's somebody, i don't need nothing less than that, but it's gonna be a full issue. so you'll see that on the phone with me when you're, since you have the best and maybe some of the yachts, louisville 1st and last name with sales. but wondering what you think about what was that why they couldn't stay with that? they stumbled dark stall. yeah. point also for some of it in
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the waiting in by you may just ask for the rain shooting out to give us it looks good. yeah. but there's nothing to do so that is the most amount of nipple, a slide here, typically. well, some of the videos must be on this, all the furniture in the back. and i was even what i like to meet before. it's a good idea to see if anybody other more support is going to be though i put the
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make model 3 use this also paid off. yep. i suppose to push them out and they'll come in and put and look forward to speaking in the future. in the past though, just submit this. i mean that it doesn't, you need to step right in my super flemming. cool, little go on now much. so i'm still a little bit don't sit one more of them and yeah, find them all. if there was a new way moved this search there for going to direction of the machine. and then you know, at the little up center with the bottom that they're listed on with the graph, a lot of them will look online and it says computer. so now the bottom of the all and i have pretty much them goes to the sun. yeah. oh yeah, it shouldn't be, they can, so they're still almost good. this is as shown, wasted on the to show the corporate use that's they bring it in there and make it on a simple basis that ask moment to continue to go with the wish that there must be a there must be a yeah, it is. can you me to put them under the 2 musket? the
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of the embryo ports 10 little for cattle useful. if i had them little things i have for just a little bit like it looks to $1000.00, to get boxes. and you can either way by see what the course solves ranges, i mean, but it's a lot more that somebody will just bucks more than what they're going to do as well as before that, that gonna buy new to just bear with me that i have to explain it to you and if i'm alive along with in the room, but then you like them the general but the money and the yes. available for like i'm yeah, it was a for, for the issues are on your lot. 16 of the little uh,
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disney stuff on the, on the window in front, is there a way that would fit them? yes. can it? it won't say, well, 20 years ago it was left. i didn't like the ice and it was like the what the people are for the last name is also worth. and i need for this give sale for some of our use for, for the volunteers will stay with it by you that it was the on the college. i'm just make the for both of them. i phoenix, so repetitive a lot or did a beautiful little thing and we'll start and works together season the voices for the 31st to him as well. didn't know if any of the through that then the toilet,
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the hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discuss the wheel in
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the suitcase, but it doesn't move to the only one . i showed it to the nearest one was but you're still someone who used to also slow and you almost got that also the most are still most of the deal with. so when you use the phone and you have to finish less to see
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what steps the what may i think? so did you see kind of saw what the dual credit? yeah, this was the insurance. and what was the, what i'm seeing here, the cc village shows the what's the, what's the of the, there's a so the way that the way you learn it, but i didn't the customer the so what was i say so they built a new website and you guys can show children when it goes by what somebody customer
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boy and then i will just send you the profile. i know that was the ones that are going to do any reason me was letting them, unless bullshit him throw my but who the where do you mind if it was the reason? no, but it's just kind of additional, a mazda or somebody for so, you know, there's no, no, no, it's definitely should condition that he never will agree to flush the example sidney. well, they'll find, well, no sort of luck. she seems to be with any support that the shows and he wants done with the invoice booked on lunch. what was the name on sir? uh, sco wasn't your fault. uh, no, it was the most. oh, it's a come on the sympathetic label to which okay, fail to those itself or the option we screen with you to the see it but in a uh see a list and your typical go a yes,
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the chilly read it's in to new and yet when it goes to the task that's up the one that's all. yeah. but then you go up to date to initial but other than significant that i would even use the best way to be able to business or some of his goals and everything else. so i'm going to the, the afternoon, what are the most significant? dig a lot of this in there, but i can't remember the reason why i don't want pass along with the limit on many of the yes,
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i'll swim with the the see really up on this for puzzle to go up as a senior stronger solution community. there's some incredible system for reading and more pledging knowledge, and by showing the soonest emotional william's thoughts upon here to say that it's not willing to be the cripple socialized, specifically what's going on, why it's available for that symbol, of course, for the other thing is both much oh and i still just give us the formal kind of well for, to install the button on the books listing the flushing and flows and your daughter sizing along the mall. we'll go over those right now here. somebody's really special funding landscapers for english language,
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much display to deal with it and just send some info from you just so i wasn't sure if anybody implemented if i'm not wishing to look it up and they get the new modem shown with them or not. so i've need for both sides, both that i tell him i think i can, i should be possible for you. one way of knowing how long you're gonna stay and what also more so personally, which isn't really moving in. yeah, we'll just follow the present with big o knox. those are in your name to stay ma'am. could be recorded. so system is it? yes. why? i don't think you know where he lives in the it was nice talking to what i understand. believe me. yeah. i mean if it something like a lot lower the bill that is about my yeah. so avoid yeah,
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my own wants to go, but if you are always in mortal campbell seniors and they have less than what they look. i do for the nearby you go. i do the nobody else. i'm literally as a boy, single cell phone, so i don't see why somebody on last last year at the credit the, the job done to also are near the money and they will go and say, we weren't giving a but i'm still not effective. my thing, you know, i thought that was what i get, i'm giving you which and i don't do the neutral what the hold on, let me on. that's why what i can do for you. i was still
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a little bit here to is that isn't something that all scaling is the even the most of them. but i'm sure you have those colors. those who is a senior will come up with the new city and he comes and we just don't deal with the things that go with it. but what i see is chemo once you put this, either when you create a system with most of these, with the process a little can ok, and then a couple of those down. so feels are feed the pollution. if i knew what i'm, so that was one of those to use the to still don't technician sir. so basically that's i'm chest to deal with. um, so then you started going to be put in the category as opposed to the using a business manual with most of the bonus vision with us to your nearest that on you have what it says that you want us to come on see this and so of course, doing that, i suppose, want to try it according to bring more visually i put up this course to answer the multiple,
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we should have 2 in there and it's not showing me me. so i was curious to put them in clinical dust industry to approach a stomach bug and was put in there who doesn't backdating, you put any kind of choices to choose the of the senior shouldn't even use no stories for the, for the school. so when you look someone should i play sports on, so media doesn't look good. i see movies, little bit of the, for the city now. it says double checking the status of chemical, just saving it says on those to find me yet golly, who, who, who is the buying? and they are still on his door uh, voiding you leaving them uh, blue, swinging my own coverage, showing it did go to somebody to the suspend line. he said that was all that number is ported over to how does that amount this measurements and like the scale gave me, do it? danged cool,
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cool. let me put it on the ocean ocean view, which is still showing us no one i've got, but it was cool. nobody and the cool cool will talk to me shows no, no, no, show nearly somewhere somewhere. it's not letting you when they're watching them, but that's, that's an opinion. what the thing is, pcs? yes, the total up a day to get the showed on itself. i was just wondering, progressing here. and i kept getting caught basel photo gallery. i'm for the for now while if you will move with little boy fellowship by the name of a way to not company escape one, most of a full some noise. there's nothing is possible. yeah. when you put a simple supposed to me, just put them in the mail visual demolish mean as i go with that point, i'm still in the loop so fast, so long later on let me with this. it takes me to put them in about those kinds of i do show with them all,
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but i'll see if i'm one of the but under contract next i'm going to show a little less. so for me and you'll stick with, i'm is almost beside the assumption that all those i'm not like where's the music i came with that was i was still available when you know what i can put on them and do those kind of still, most of the i could also, and i'm just now there will be exhibiting if most of you of the i certainly this it now the venue would love to have them slipping up some of the most of the, the files and lots of them and have the off that are so you have extra time
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the are the for several of us a lot on monday, i think of like early so by next and when you book has, oh boy, i still thought lucy, if it was a point 9 and go it was a go away. is fluid for us. ok. but often use the the move to play us in india just didn't expect him to the problem problem interest enough. and then we have an estimate of the most surprising fucking office that they would go to. it's yeah, but it sounds like the news now may have been just over the internet like if it's like them, what the didn't was made it was is fully. so one thing that was, i mean i'm back on it with them, but i move that and just doing it and just thoughts it just let us know oregon. i mean, yeah. so she shouldn't have somebody, i can move an instrument in beside the
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noted with that so they have some windows 7 with the color. so that is right. so the, at the block away an aspect of the way as my symbol there, silas, the middle of his wants to pump out another thing and let him do it or should i let him go out and push it inside the staff? i don't get to see what people as a, as in, you know, it's, there's someone we get them to adult friends. so i love the thing that know in a different system. they're not, i know in your class, but you back today is that it goes the sound right to the buddhist may have to be i gonna have to put same policy to them and fix them. so which only should obviously the visuals play
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a partial role within your budget out? i'm sure there's you're over there. if you're more than others, we always has to do it. you layer for the more no hold on. so natalie. but the much the job is that review valuable.
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the the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie your daughter is having
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a diabetic ketoacidosis. i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous and heart disease, cancer. diabetic prefer entourage that affects every part inventory and assist in the american diabetes association is that the american diabetes association fee has been bought off by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp c. as in every year, i wasn't given a specific di, it just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put these recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was
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a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were go bankrupt. the leader of the world's largest country says a couple of the fee was it was either of the most popular as country by the inputs in hopes run remotely in moscow discussing the future to russia, india and the world. while the lead of the walls most popular country has especially flown in it to meet the leader of the walls, largest concrete, and surprise me between his territory. there was an awful lot to discuss. we are here from our special coverage studio. hi, in the russian sky. trying to make a little sense of what might be sent to the russian defense. the for you to choose
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is the put any officials of funding here. here we get more money from left to the phone to the it says the own add defenses. you fabian, residential side, the, it's good to have your company today and for the late this global news about the apartment will not come on me. and this is oddity international, signifying the rob, putting the pin relationship between the 2 nations in this problem is that is in moscow where he is meeting with president puts in for adults. all t is covering every aspect of november loading visit. and all the developments that a much the most impressive environment puts in how does this indian pry messing around
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remotely at his residence for an informal meeting? monday evening, the president focused in particular on india is economic growth. during the talks, while the prime minister on the school and how he will call the school india, the benefit of it, citizens and his the as you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 a year. in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means that indians feel confident, they feel stability, which is very important. i will often laugh meg,
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but of the elections in india were an important occasion given at the scale. india is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted, it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister. yeah, we're out in their room and now 60 years on i have been given this chance the people of india and gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have entrusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years and the government and my principal is reform, perform and transform people voted for this very principal. and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i am going to work 3 times as hard to sherry a cup of tea rather than put in by the indian prime it is. so for
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a drive in an early physicals, then the 2 will be just says a friendly stroll around the russian presence. residents outside must have as part of the informal, nathan put in a motive to the stable. i'm in mind, the whole says then we're treated to like connie kind russian songs performed by authors in national cost in all to you has been following the red remote is 1st day in most go from all stand is. yeah. and i post special spots overlooking the crime that the
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while the indian prime minister has indeed chosen roster as the us destination for his bi lateral visit since re election back in june. who's you're going to be speaking to, what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect? and what are people around the world saying about that is going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about, what about, let's talk about what your under moody himself has to say. what about thought he landed in the class that he did? sorry, motional to him, he took to social media to make a surprise post. not slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially in futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's or joining me now. it's all tease. renton, salma. i mean,
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we know the last fall actual russian india, so minutes, we know that that was a number of a to dawson's memorandums of understanding signed agreements, which really is in keeping with like i said, this ensuring co operation between the 2 nations. what it, what are your biggest expectations to come out? the closest oscar lot has changed since then of this. and we're russia, india, some it is happening off to a 3 or week. and this has been a tradition since the year 2000 a soul plus a lot has changed in the wall geo politically. that are towards reasoning of the was up in that context. there are 5 essential topics that will definitely be a figured when, when the 2 leaders need one is an orgy. india has been scooping up a lot of discount in russian or all, but the fact remains the bill. consistency has been a somewhat of
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a question mark. so john and you assigned perhaps a long term contract with russia, where we know, okay, this is a percentage of discounts we're getting every month. also, there will be some sort of consistency there. that is one to there's of course, a defense cooperation, energy defense being the backbone of, of, of the sponsorship between the 2 nations. but defense also why it's explained. he's strong of something that also works the west a lot and they've been trying to got the india defendants on a russian ministry. but the fact remains the cost of the war. there are some dealings that we've seen, for example, the s 400. this is a deal with india assigned back in 2018. so this is what mr. moody will be asking since and if there's a possibility, expediting that because uh, india, a given the fact that it has bought it and she was with china, that is something that, that is in, is essential for india. and then of course, there's also all the talk about india and that are stuck in a do queen anne a non you queen flora. i beg your pardon but,
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but the fact remains that on that ease of contention between the 2 countries. because if you see formally in there is at least only reached out to the kremlin, to on, to the foreign ministry in russia. but they haven't really got a response that they're satisfied with. there are at least 30 indians that you'll see are, are stuck in russia. so that is something that is going to figure out when the 2 leaders meet for the boss. and that also freed, which has been new, made up of the fact remains that the payment systems are known in place. but that is something that, in your russia have been working really hard on that mechanism so that we can just bypass the sanctions by falls on the toner walls. what if anything leaking in the sway of which we've just been out of the system? and that's of course david was with the 3 team. and that's definitely going to be a priority era. i also wanted to bring you now is autism, see a lot to know who was actually at the airport. and she was, you can say,
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met the indian prime minister himself, but he's not how we're going to try and spend it. his not just showing us exactly what the app will look like in most go in the indian premier, was wheels down where he as one of most squares have forthwith indian prime minister and the run somebody has landed. and as they can see behind me, saying he just stepped on the red carpet and his grief. and finally, lucas drawn by the cold of it's a very significant share because of russia. india have always had good strength and them as indian prime minister, and the regular movie is set to hotels with russian president vladimir on the full ration. and it's very important to know. so to find the trip in the employment of stuff and his friends. so it's a very sure it's the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy
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. we also decided to take to the streets of india and see what the average pass invest thinks about that. prime minister, 2 things must go. like i said, as his 1st by law stroke visit since winning a re election can do. and here's what we said. we see those as our strategic partner and a very good friend, you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and i love and i like it go beyond the right track. president putin is quite a cool guy. i and of his relationship with the mother is also very amazing. so as i showed you, yes sir, as if the magic size mode offered to stand in the bottom, the ad between them is a very significant you could say that it's very special chevy, you know, from so many is and is
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a very good distributed country for india, and so that a good part not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so way strong nation both military wise and and i think it's a very strong here to know if i talk about the visit of what people i'm used to and that is the more difficult issue. i am really very enthusiastic regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most and other countries that i'm anybody to face, the delusions do me think they're going to improve. so this is a positive sign for both the nation because the bicycle improve and we've been covering that really from all angles, whether that's the russian perspective, over indian perspective and also the western perspective. how are they reacting to the fact that the indian premier has chosen russia as his fast bilateral visit since being re elected to a 3rd time in june?
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so it's not through the fact it's all to show it to you, but it's important to note that was weston price. we want you to believe that russia and president cruise, you know, isolated it's clearly not the case. and this visit by india is premium in this that shows that no to be true. he is, hey, on his boost, quite a lot to visit summit since he was elected in june last month. and he, himself just talked about the importance of this relationship between russia and india. at the same time, russia has said that india is a trusted partner. and we've heard from the kremlin that they believe west going to be buying this with some jealousy, suffragette. if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong there. there's a lot to attach great importance to the west has issues with this relationship one
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because they to drink deep uh, toys, economic toys, trade ties, cultural toys, and also we seemed free increasing increase between rupture and india. we know that the us would like a bigger slice of trade with india, which is the 5th largest economy in the world. and now we've just heard that russia in india of announced and the last few days another, do you rush it to supply india with weapons basis uh full its tanks. and we know that the us is not happy about that. we've been clear with cherries are affected by the continued relationship between india and russia militarily and taking logically, i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements. and we have a, as some concerns us is old. so role in business is about doing business with russia, saying that if the each wines circumvent the sanctions the west to put them on russia, then they too could face very serious consequences. the us together with dozens of
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allies, is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. us, of course, as well as the west, generally has been demanding that india hold most go accountable to the rule in ukraine. india has taken a very neutral stance on this and said that it is full piece. it wants to st. piecing you quite, but it has refused time and time again to co talk to the demands of the west, to condemn russia as a result of what's happening in ukraine at the moment. now most scope has also hates out at the west, but trying to in, to see if in it's partnerships it's strategic partnerships with countries around the world, particularly that relationship with india, an old. so we've showing it to saying that this is unacceptable,
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and we know that india has said that it will stay straight to narrow miss past and it will continue to demand peace, but it will not take sides on that conflict. so it's very interesting to see how the west are going to do this, and it does come this meeting as a bit of a snap given at the very same time in washington dc. need to members and meetings today. so much make of that. what you will, well, throughout the day here on this beautiful terrace, i being joined by a number of x spots in various fields, defense x spots, economists, professors, for my diplomats too. and we've been talking through the expect patience of this top level meeting, what they believe will be the priorities on the block to an agenda. wasn't going to want to to, to, as i told you to put them. but they come up to, to do it. what are the of them most of most one year ago, and some,
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all that's clear now as of now and as a stage, not just idea. it was a lake with an arc i didn't call out, but the idea i know to have also cause a landscape horrible uh, septic or with that as well or what else or also it was that way that nobody believes that it's always sick. and is that why would it do sense? stop the dog. i real lovely, concerned about that piece. but the decisions the board need to say something about that piece. it's uh, was the exact as a goal for boss, i've not ordered button and more than and also, but it is, it is a good, a good as to when some politician who want to say i'm and defend that. i said to our nation, to just take your position, you both immediately to so this is a going to moscow. is that because you're on because con good became as a chair, my temporary, a couple of the chat. what was it, you know, i've been union just sent to anyone about it?
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i said to old people, not to that uh, but also keeps. that's why i'm go to moscow, marty. use up the stage. what was that? i see is that president said to go to moscow on an incentive to watching don. no, you're not. my master engine people my, my stuff to you will be covering all the news during the run remedies to day trip to the off though. you can also find the latest updates about the visit on our website, r c dot com. the are now to other news why moscow has denied that you'd please claim the bombing civilians being saved. now the russian defense of, if he says,
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is false is actually targeted and successfully struck. you put any movie, bases on fine, freeze on monday morning. well, so it says activity instruct, it says i hate to buy kids own ad defenses of numerous publish photos and video footage from key. if unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating an air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key presume had been happening for years. and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. well, this was the largest strike on kid by russian forces over the summer. perhaps the biggest the see it certainly for the various me solves that is hypersonic miss all change on this all. so as cruise missiles, tactical results, targeted fields in half a dozen new crating and sick, he's called the military base is called cuz it's on conductor blogs. the until the end, the term of plants in kit, for example,
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which specializes amongst other things, the production of it. and this solves, as well as repairing wisdom donated weapons. so you can vehicles, for example, tags on the personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles, the credit inside place. it says that several sub stations where she had to have taken care of unclear whether that was a bri, whether that was by uh, by yourself. you credit and has already come out and claim that it's shut down about 70 percent of the, of the massage village by russia, which is evidently untrue, the speed of footage filled by you credit and civilians in cabin all the areas showing me. so often we saw often results impacting targets in gear. for example, in cable enrolled in the able to be put on the russian side says this is retaliation. this is retaliation for repeated attempts by camp to destroy up for them targeting russian energy infrastructure. we're talking about uh,
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oil refineries, about oil storage, gas pipelines, as well as civilian infrastructure and to factories, things essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an alleged hospitable hits in care of the great house to talk about the subject to the children of god. this is the children's hospital. russia maintains that this was the result of an interception going wrong. and this has happened many times before . where are you pregnant? i g m results sometimes lose provided by the west of golf course. obstruct. uh, for example, apartment buildings office uh blocks. and this is the same case and the plan is trying to squeeze everything a job out of this incident before the details become a power. the purpose of such permutations is to ensure further financing of the key fishing and the continuation of the war to the last of green in the russian side says that it will continue side so long as you crane targets russian territory.
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western powers are cuz firing to blame. russia of the young plains, use of chemical weapons again. so design civilians in dumbass outbox the bottom. so i would gauge and i'm the russian defense ministry, a wayne, this is some sort of monster according to available information. do s and germany together with you cream and the technical secretariat of the organization for the bra have vision of chemical weapons. are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called facts of the use of chemical weapons and ukraine in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence. that flushing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. so the americans have already allocated about $400000.00 for this purpose. at the same time, the organization for the probably additional chemical weapons has received from its western patrons. instructions not to react in any way to russia. statements on the
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violations of the convention, provide ukraine. it seems that the united states, germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the possible field. a cool, it's a very serious charge and a bit to for the demonized rush. and now the plan comes as ukraine is fighting on the passive oh, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for 1000000 us dollars for this purpose. now the item is for so called independence site to trigger and investigation with the outcome already pre determined. we talked about the o, p c w. i'll be the essential the organization for the vision of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defense summative? he said about the role specifically in this, well, they be very critical of the p c w. this is a body that is charged with all of us taking a day, evans to the chemical weapons convention. this is an international trade consigned by maybe $200.00 countries,
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including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p. c. w has received instructions for miss western supervisors. basically not to respond to any state was by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty by you cry. now, the organization itself is politic. the compromise has been accused of biased back in 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could have portion blame for the chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than a tool of the western powers. back in 20, 19 august, one of 82 jr. and this in britain who covered the manipulation of a document by the p c. w. it's sort of late in the syrian government for an alleged chemical attack on doom, obviously a very serious child. but now this comes, as russia has accused the crating of using chemical weapons on the battlefield, on the discovery of a chemical weapons,
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the barbara tree operated by the crating on forces. where do you put a good union? so you have another one, you're in engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in a settlement new work dave, in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building during the laboratory analysis. the presence of sodium sign. i'm so sorry, a gas it and trace amounts of sign of an eye on was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances. well, they said that they've discovered this uh, sophisticated level retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city. all of the i've gone now. this has been idolized to buy a specialist from the russian all forces. now, what they found that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kitty grams of chemicals a day. so for your costs you then cyanide, which makes it compound, just 70 to 80. milligrams is lethal enough dogs inhaled by humans that
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they found this compound which smells of omens when it's inhaled. it starts to slow, the react in the receiver to system it causes dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually that death. now this chemical was a power use in a you a, the, a talk, a rush as belgrade region, in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by the power tree test is also reported to american specialties. were involved in the slip over trees as well as the mass production of the kind of causing drawings which are used in these chemical attacks . and it's spoken a lot about these kind of tyra attacks using chemical weapons being carried out across the at don't yet. people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic, but there's usually was always for the $33000000.00 units. use toxic compounds not only do with noted to reaction, but also to carry up to re stacks and to liberate the territories against a number of russian political figures. in addition,
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ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of the didn't ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. russia says it is documented, well the full 100 such attacks that is consistently submitted its findings at to the p. c. w, but so far is being met by one of silence. spanning more than a full files include them is russ is boss by color. more mainland right away known as bomb as marketing is 50 is i'm a verse they built in the survey. there. i have students binding today. it's set to become the primary side route for eastern wide area. oh, yeah. go to piss, cut off. heard from locals about why it's so important to the region. the symbology creation of the
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unification of the east and the west as russell march, the fifty's on diversity of the bike. uh more main way or by one of the soviet union's most ambitious infrastructure super projects. a railway which links to eastern siberia with the pacific ocean going to thousands of miles, 3 time zones, and extreme weather conditions like permafrost, square temperatures range from minus $62.00 plus $43.00 degrees celsius. but most importantly, over 2000000 people took part in its construction from all across the us, or menu for or in the early twenty's at the time whose lives were changed by bomb forever. the more to, to the emotions are overwhelming that we have meeting again that we are life. we have created a family here, a daughter, a son in the 2nd son level, and we have been building for 20 years. it was difficult, of course, but it's also going to now it's a little behind us and we are happy with all pause crow still missed you any. the court just the little because it was such
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a feeling of romance and friendship. they say the bomb people, the people from another planet. i was crying just now getting off the carriage. my soul is busting with happiness. it's really a thrill. the jingle hope with them. there are many memories because it was an i'll use. it was gorgeous. it was romantic, i remember it now is a gift in my life. i remember all village where we lived. i remember the style is above my head. we had a great team. great guys, goes, i'm happy. we're in a town called thing that it's considered to be in the middle of the bottom to get here from moscow. we traveled 6 and a half hours, white plane, and one nights by train. and this is where our workers building we are where we lines from the east and the west met. and also many bomb veterans still annually come here to mark various anniversaries of their creation and also meet with the new generation of use keeping bonds heritage a life splinters, the volunteering comes from the house. and so we help navigate veterans. we meet relay trains,
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we help people navigate within the space and situation. i didn't think twice, so have any doubts about coming here. i was attracted by the local nature of the atmosphere, the music i come from, a family of builders. my parents build them themselves. they came here when they were young and having to listen to the stories i wanted to come here to. in that time there was a big construction side down. there were all united, the young people are coming together. so we're likely to get the same. i must fear, have owned a full con people, even after all these years, bomb is still not done. in fact, it's constantly being modernized and expanded even further. be bama. so to me, and we can now see that without them that would be no more than russia. ma'am, today, mix up almost 50000 people in very complicated construction work on the 2nd stage. and we traffic 3100 kilometers of single trucks have been built. we're finishing the 2nd stage this year to day. the construction of the most difficult sections has started. this, is this ever more steep tunnel which is more than 15 kilometers long?
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i can say that we wouldn't russian railway workers that will definitely not let the veterans down and will complete our tests on time. the eastern side period will develop at a tremendous space and many future generations will have the opportunity to prove themselves tear at the construction side. you choose from the future, generations will emerge. them is made up of the people. bomb is a real mega project on the other hand, given rushes enormous sides and nothing else would really fit the job, which is to have a strategic alternative to be trends that being real weight this year alone, bombs caring capacity is set to reach and you'll be $50000000.00 metric tons and as rush, it turns more towards the east. it's highly likely this is merely the beginning of what lies ahead. you've got this going off reporting for r t the class. so this, these are only back at the top.
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the the i'm actually in redundancy and welcome back to going underground broadcasting go around the world from the u, a team member of the energy alliance. opec with the boulevard and republic of venezuela, venezuela, with the greatest known oil reserves in the world. just celebrated independence day . despite being targeted by nature, nations with cruise, sanction starvation and terrorism for refusing to be a washington vessel states later this month, it faces presidential elections. meanwhile, the us state department mud in supporting a proxy war through ukraine and genocide in gaza. it may be the dying days of the binding, the regime is just announced. it will participate in talks the day after tomorrow with president mate doors, governments and venezuela in the new book, corporate qu, venezuela,
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and the end of us and by the grace owns on your power and build drawers on our own investigations and revelations. from julia, massages wiki leaks. anya joins me now from northern virginia. tiny, a thanks so much for coming on going underground. finally, i'm not sure whether you've been on the full, an amazing book. and before we get onto the brilliant book that everyone needs to read, even if they're not interested in venezuela, we have julian his on his brother, gabriel shipped an ongoing on the guidance of today's episode. your book references wikileaks, many times epic or office from julian. why have you told gabriel shipped in that you didn't expect julian to me? extradited to virginia way of you've just moved here. yes, i did actually see him about i guess almost 2 months ago when he was meeting with us officials hoping to get some sort of deal through which fortunately came, came to life,
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came to fruition in the last few weeks and told him that deep down in my heart, i didn't believe the us political class, the elite that has been split between wanting to drone bomb or, or carry out dry out this persecution of assigned. and, and the fear that actually bringing him here would ignite even more of a pro free speech. and pro assigned to movement in the united states. i know that people like yourself and high profile journalists all across the world have acted as a boys for assigned and an advocate for him during this time. but from the perspective of the us citizen, what i witnessed over the last 3 years as he languished and bell mars what were, was, was the emergence of the movement of just average us people all across, mainly in new york and washington who would to make their presence known as
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powerful institutions, such as the biden justice department, or the trump justice department for that matter. camping outside of the d o. j, i think it was 2 or 3 years ago. they actually had a birthday party for julian outside and said that we're here cutting cake and his honor to tell them us justice department that we have a constitution here. we have the 1st amendment rights to free speech. and i know people also in new york who every thursday, uh, a bernadette and chuck these activists would actually go to the new york times office and pass out flyers about as on his case, put pressure on, on, on the journal. is that actually depend on his constitution in this right to free speech to do their own work, and make the case that the continued persecution of designs would be damaging to them as well. and i, i do believe that if, as long as you came here, it would not only invigorate that group which would have a presence outside of the prison in his court room and ultimately gain media
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attention. i do believe that if the actual step of taking him bringing him here to the united states had that occurred, that it would force even a main stream pundits and mainstream newspapers to begin a discussion about free speech and our rights are constitutional rights in this country. but frankly, i don't think the political establishment were prepared for. they would much rather i think, prolonged his imprisonment in bel large for as, as long as they could. and, and let that be the punishment because they might have to deal with their own public. if, if that trial were to have actually gone through. yeah, you mentioned drone boom of course. uh they did get close though to killing julian as on the ca, the u. k. the new york times, arguably that's what niels mailed, so the un special were up to in georgia till the program they were collaborated with cnn. and the guardian in this, of course, the you are the greys on,
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and the founder of the razor max told us it's being targeted. so what does the assange case mean and the deal he made to save his life mean for you and your sources at the grace of as the precedent that is guilty, plea sets is definitely concerning for any journalist. because what, what julian did is something that old journalists do collect information from sources and ask for more. so it is not something that i expect to know to have a chilling effect in the work that we do. because if anything and julia's example has only served to make all of us stronger, he's, he's such an inspiration for me personally. that's why i put that f a graph in the book that quote from his. if wars can be started by live, peace can be started by truth. and i think that that is the the mentality and at that all journalists should have and that that's the symbol that he's come to
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represent through his persecution and that journalist like myself, max erin kit, wyatt, others at the gray zone and all throughout the united states. look to julian and look to what you weeks as an example, look to what you weeks as a source. something that i just want to emphasize is that many of the report it, much of the reporting in my book, dependent on wiki leaks files. for example, b n g o unit b, the global network run by o 4 and the national endowment for democracy. these groups that kind of create seemingly grass roots, organizations that are actually products for the us state department and, and redeem change act as redeem change outfits. worldwide, we know about the inner workings of those groups because of what you weeks because of the state department cables because of the strat for leaks that describe these active this including those and venezuela that are dealt with in my book and
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basically running around the world and over throwing governments that the us does it like. and those are direct quotes that we, we may have known that to be true just from a report a and, and what we suspected to be true about these groups. but we have quotes and hard evidence of so much because of what we do is provided us years ago. it's really a true and a gift that keeps on giving. we're going to do with that here in the book, you compare julian's assassination be attempted. assassination is on union as, as to the case of alex sub. just tell us who alex is. i understand. in the past few weeks, he's being pointed to the door of in his way president debit or as a investment um ministry. yes, alex top is a venezuelan diplomat. he's colombian born but early on in the treviss the revolution while the rest of columbia is business sector was boycotting venezuela.
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essentially he saw an opportunity and became very close to the government and ultimately ended up winning major contracts to build public housing in venezuela. and then also to provide supplies for the lap food program. this is a program that i witnessed firsthand and venezuela and it's really something that's credited with having curb to the effects of us sanctions at the height of us sanctions or the sex of the obama administration is national security declaration saying that venezuela was a national security threat, sorry to interrupt obama tried to stop the population of venezuela millions, tens of millions of people after i get killed because that act, that decision immediately cut the venezuelan private sector and stayed off from international credit lines and made it very difficult for international shipping companies. to go to that as we left. so there were incredible shortages. people were starving at that time. and so the government actually initiated
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a program to deliver subsidized food and housing supplies to millions of families across the country and attacked alex of this business man with when a, with, with traveling around the world to turkey and elsewhere, to supply products for these, for these boxes i've seen, for example, turkish pasta and oil cooking oil arrive, and these boxes are the homes of venezuelans when i was staying there. and according to an opposition allied economists that i cite in the book, this program really prevented mass fannan and starvation and venezuela. it was in direct intervention in the economy that the material government made in order to basically mitigate the effects and thinking in this hybrid economic war. and so the united states was not very happy with alex up in this program. they, they at elliot abrams,
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the trunk venezuela envoy would basically criticize it as an oil for food program or a bribery program to get venezuelans to, to vote for the monroe government, elliot abrams of war, criminal in el salvador, foothill del missouri to have massacre. yes. indeed, who and, and main character in the iran contra affair, who for some reason ended up running both venezuela and iran policy for trump. not the best candidate for that job, but i guess it also revealed the criminal nature of the us, deep state through his, through his presence and administration. but so as part of their war on the venezuelan people and effort to star them, the us government eventually cooked up a case, an indictment against alex stop just as they did with julia sonjee. remember, his indictment was kept secret until he was actually in custody. where he could be transferred to the united states and that's what happened with alex saw he was on a trip
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a one day to iran and stopped to fuel his plane in k birthday on the african coast, the west african coast. and, and of all, because the us and my fun, peo, trump, secretary of state writes about this in his memoir, had gotten an idea of word that that sob was going to be landing there. they immediately pressure the government in prya in the capital a k barrett a to arrest alex saba. even though there was no indictment that he was aware of. there was not even an inter pull warrant, in fact the african, the echo was for the court of the region of the west after ultimately determined that the interpol red notice that was used in order to justify his arrest was actually issued after his detention. so the reason that this case compares to julian's is because not only is this an example of the united states keeping an indictment secret and then the pounds being on
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a subject once they saw the opportunity. but more so, more importantly, it shows that the us security stain use extras that sticks in applying to the entire planet. you know, there's actually not even in there was not an existing extradition treaty between the united states and k birthday, but through pressure including outright bribery switches a signing, multi $1000000.00 investment in economic investment packages with the government and k bear and, and also investing millions of dollars and a revamp of the u. s. embassy in the capital there, the government ultimately agreed to extradite a sob to the united states. and he did spend a little over a year about a year and a half in miami present, sell awaiting trial. but once they got him here, most of the money laundering charges that they, that they had initially set against him were thrown out in the case ultimately fell
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apart and and, and sob was treated and a prisoner swap. and now he's back in venezuela and guess wasted no time getting back to work. but it was a lesson because not only should international law in the sense that the us jurisdiction doesn't apply to keep there. they can just go in there and arrest somebody where us authorities don't technically have, has a jurisdiction. but it shows that even diplomatic immunity went out the door when it comes that when it, when it serves united states because alex up was a diplomat. so even if he was guilty of the crimes that they alleged, they had no authority, no right to go after him in the way they did just as they had no right. to go after julius on your paper bill, i'll stop you there will from the grades on journalist and or through a corporate group and his while are in the end of us empire. after the spring,
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the the the welcome back to going on the right. i'm still here with the raise on your power and below was, are a corporate to venezuela and the end of us m and your input one you were telling me about trump officials. some of them are accused of a ating genocide in their previous incarnations, in previous administrations for all of us down roger waters. they induced your book, tucker carlson, endorsed your book. you talk about how you were on this works. news show and donald trump watched that episode of tucker calls and will you explain what was really going on with the secret state deep states actions under the trump administration against venezuela? do you think good trump too, if he's elected in the november,
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will understand that he was being used to destroy venezuela for, for other reasons. i think that trump's instincts on, on venezuelan, the euro, or actually correct, based on what i read in the memoirs of trump, administrating officials, particularly john bolton writes about how trump on multiple occasions would ask to meet with president monroe and resolve the problem. the crisis with ben is way let directly, and that he was actually skeptical about one why to didn't want to issue the initial recognition of white. oh, is president under his name, but was ultimately convinced to do so by mike pence, who held a phone call with guy though the night before and was apparently taken by him and at bolton for whatever reason was present for that phone call and really driving this qu, policy, but bolden complains that trunk kind of just wanted to settle this and he kind of
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saw montero eventually sama dura was acting as a tough cookie. those were the words that the washington post, i believe put out there around the same time that tucker had that conversation with me that i also write about in the book during which trumpet to a. he explained that trump told him that he understood that boat was crazy on, on ben, as with feeling that if you listen to him on everything he would be in world war as 12, and 3. the issue is that like when it comes to israel, for example, in the united states policy isn't necessarily set according to the interest of americans or, or this country, but a small, special interest group, a lobby and the cuba venezuela exile lobby, which is very prevalent, profound in florida is extremely, is extremely powerful because florida is a state that any us president have to wait and it's one of the major battleground
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states and, and the population. they're made up of people that have fled the revolutions in cuba and venezuela over the years. and other, other progressive governments across the region, they've settled in florida and they've created a base of influence where, and this is their number one issue. they want to use essentially the us government, as muscle in order to regain power back in their own countries because they're the lead that were replaced by these revolutions. and that group is very powerful in the republican party and on the democratic side as well in florida. and so i can't maintain a lot of confidence that that or the presidents, regardless. i mean, not even joe biden has been willing to reverse this to decision and reverse the recognition of good. why know, even while engaging in direct talk with the venezuelan government because it is just a hot political issue actually just on hand binding that sorry to interrupt joan
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bolton's actually being on this show where he said he tried desperately to unsuccessfully to dissuade drum from having that meeting with the door, i'm just going to quickly ask actually as well, aside from your book is what do you make of bolivia? because louisa was on this show and i was kind of surprised when present the president to believe you didn't really respond to my questions about m a 6 and the reuters news agency and british involvement in the trying to destroy democracy. in bolivia, we will carry bolivia with us in our mobile phones, of course, with the lithium even morales is now fighting with resources or even morales the. the inspiration behind the change in bolivia is that true vitamin behind the that is what i've heard. that is what i have heard from my contacts on it in bolivia and people that were very confused by how this to played out. what was it about 2 weeks ago now?
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it was a very short lived. 2, i had someone tweeted at me that they had ordered a pizza by the time it came ahead of the oven there. the crew was over and yeah, it was that that was pretty much how it played out. but i also wasn't surprised that it fizzled out so quickly because i was in bolivia in 2020 the end of 2020. 0, in the midst of the last military actually qu, occupation, and there was a coo and 2019 that violently ousted able morales from power after he won re election and the military linda was installed. that was, oh they, they loved to show their voice in the street the night before. and basically they tried to delay a vote. they initially said or military government with an interim government. but because the libyans across the country are actually armed and threatened to go on strike and push even toward a possible civil war without a vote, even that military punter was forced to hold an election. and that is how r as
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a one and came back into power. and so what i learned there is, aside from the politics, of course, that there's always been fighting and political parties, people struggling for a power and authority. and i, i see that some that is underway and in math right now, there is obviously tension between the hours they faction and the, the morales faction. but that what you can count on with bolivia is that the people are not going to tolerate a foreign back to or any reason. shades of ecuador, like crew, promoted a protege like the lending moreno. it turned out to be as a, as a man i spoke to the president of bolivia. you don't, we don't know yet. basically whether he's an asset of dividing the ministration as we don't know. but it's always tough. i suppose when you're dealing with the economist or financial actors in your administration, and that is, of course, with ours they was,
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he was the economy minister under morales. and sometimes those people are more connected to international finance or for an interest. then someone coming out of other ministries in the government, but we invite the president us to come back on the show in the book. you talk about um, very important music figure actually and my child and he was a sign the sex pistols with his parents, money, richard branson, that made headlines all around the world. virgin found richard branson with his bizarre concept just to just tell me about the influence the attempted influence of richard branson on trying to sponsor well, if you read your book, i mean the, the in effect he's, he's um helping to catalyze must of ation and death in venezuela yeah, he was the cultural element in this corporate cool. this was in february of 2019, just a month after the trump administration announced its recognition of going to the
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shadow government and venezuela. and part of the threat that came down afterwards were for awhile and i was in the as well at the time, it seemed as actual as if the actual war between us and venezuela could break out. because the united states, citing the humanitarian, made the current crisis in the country that the us government had actually exacerbated through its sanctions policy and driven through a sanctions policy. and i think i make that case pretty clearly in the book why us sanctions and financial policy are to blame for venezuela's crisis. didn't prevent us from yes. turning around them, saying, because of the starving venezuelans, we're going to compile this humanitarian aid on the border in columbia. and because monroe is such an evil dictator who will not accept for an aid, not even from elliot abrams, the man known to have smuggled weapons to the sand. and he's the, or i'm sorry to the contras during the, during the war against the sand. and he says in nicaragua,
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through humanitarian aid shipments, that was actually his strategy decades prior in the region. so monroe, such an evil dictator, he won't accept our age, so we're going to push it across the border with u. s. military equip the trucks. and this was a very tense time when the u. s. military had a presence all across the venezuela's, a border with colombia. and it would have just ended there if not for richard brands. and he made it a much bigger cultural and international event by holding this concert in cooper time in one of the chorused regions of columbia actually, where people were quite me in need of humanitarian aid themselves. that just happened to be a us allies states and nobody cared. and he can be in this massive cra stadium or stage and paid for
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a major artist from south america to perform their for, well, i kind of stay with like a culture, a coach. how of, for the us is regional instruments, their tools, all of the us allied presidents in the region and uh, louisiana mad road and secretary general of the organization of american states all came to this concert. and it got coverage and rolling stone and billboard magazine and all of these newspapers, i probably would have paid no attention to the situation. venezuela, if not, if not for a some brand since asked there, but it didn't come without criticism. roger waters did a great job marketing brands and at the time, basically saying this billionaire doesn't actually care about anybody. he's just essentially acting as a tool of us and to trans atlantic, gemini and well hire there. the book is role of uh, bizarre luis um i grew uh as you say,
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who for my own door in minnesota strange turned around to me show by chalet, a hero during the us back dictatorship. in chile, strange turnarounds. we don't really understand why the culpability run in your book is between bar as johnson moody's agency, univision, the mouth pieces and cnn, bbc royces, wall street journal bloom, but yeah, usually people have to read the book doesn't all is, but i just wanna find the say why you say in the book that hooton's related move to save that people have done yet was somehow decisive in saving venezuela's wouldn't uh, to the war in your, of costing hundreds of thousands of ukrainians got to do with the saving of lives in venezuela. is this is a, a very clear illustration of the follies of us imperial overconfidence because under trump, in order to pressure the venezuelan people into recognizing a shadow government that the us, it installed
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a good one guy. no. trump actually banned the sale of venezuelan oil and us markets, and this was a relationship that has gone back almost a century since the discovery of venezuela oil. we've had entire pipelines and an infrastructure built oil refineries here in order to pump as well an oil in to us gas stations. and at the time then as well, it was supplying roughly 7 percent of us oil imports. and over night, when that band came down, russia's say a share of the us, oil in port market jumped 7 percent. and i show that graph in my book, it's inverse. so the suggestion there to me is that russia was perhaps buying the venezuelan oil and selling it back to us, which is a ridiculous example of how our policy fails. but even if they weren't, they were selling us about 10 percent of our imports. when biden joe biden came
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along and decided in 2022 after the the special military operations was launched in, in ukraine. that a, hey, then trump the, i'm sorry, bite and decided to issue his own embargo of oil this time against russia. and so we've been just a few years, the u. s. government had cut off its itself and i say that's why i argued these things are basically sanctions on us citizens because it just resulted in our oil prices skyrocketing, which can result in inflation all over because oil prices dictates the price of everything. and so buying and panicked and actually went onto venezuela, sent a team there to begin direct talks with them. i drove government. and as i said, even though they haven't reversed the decision to recognize a fake government, but it's way less they did begin using some things and which now they slap back when they, when they feel like it for political reasons. well that's,
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that's something to watch out for anyway of the negotiations on wednesday, we'll have to have you back is the story continues and influences perhaps november's election, who knows any power bill. thank you. thank you action. and that's it for the show of continued condolences to those were even by u. k. u s e u, i'm genocide will be back with a brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch with the social media. if it's on sensitive we'll country and have to our child going under warranty. if you remember the com to let you know the episodes are going undergoing says that that the hello and welcome defrost of full force. here. we discussed some real in
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the lot of input in the, of the read real low. the discuss is the thing. so russia, india, and of the world while sharing a couple of t as is residents outside most of the needs of the walls, most popular country has officially flown and it to meet the needs of the world's largest country. and on surprise me between these to your jobs, there isn't the full notes here discussed. we are here from our special coverage studio high in russian guy trying to make
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a little sense of what might be side of the russian defense. she is, is ukranian officials of funding his area is getting more money from a less of the sponsors, but as of the losses that people own ad defensive of hits, you print in those sites. the world calls things from moscow. every hour of the day. this is all the i'm the mom is sick of the find the right of the, the developing a relationship between the 2 nations. india's prime is in moscow, but he's meeting with the president puts in for adults. all the is covering every aspect of november modi's visit and all the developments i much. the
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last 7 president invited inputs in hosted indian crime is in there and remotely at his residence for an informal meeting. monday evening. the president's focused input tequila on india is economic growth during that's old, while the prime minister underscored how he will postpone india for the benefit of it citizens. and here's the to solice. you have your own ideas. you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 versus a year in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means that the indians feel confident, they feel stability,
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which is very important. our laugh made part of the elections in india were an important occasion given at scale. india is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted, it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister jo around their room. and now 60 years on i have been given this chance the people of india gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have entrusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years in the government. and my principal is reform, perform and transform people voted for this very principal, and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i am going to work 3 times as hard. and also sharing
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a cup of tea run and put an invite to the indian prime mussa for dr. limit like 50 years old. and then the to will date is to the front of the stroll around the russian president's residence outside. most of the as far as of the info of only things you, it's in a moody, so a stable, i'm that my, the horses then they would trace into iconic russian songs performed by office in national cost is about to use the photo in the render low these visits 1st day in las go from out of studios here. and as
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a special small overlooking the criminal of the while the indian prime minister has indeed chosen rupture as the us destination for his bilateral visit since re election back in june. who is he going to be speaking to? what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect? and what are people around the world saying about that is going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about what about, let's talk about walking around, promoting himself has to say, what about thought he landed in the past and he did very emotional time he took to social media to make a surprise post, not slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially in futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's
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or joining me now. it's all tease runs and salma. i mean, we know that the last fall actual russians india summit. we know that that was a number of a 2000 memorandums of understanding signed on agreements, which really is in keeping with, like i said, this ensuring co operation between the 2 nations. what, what do you want the biggest expectations to come out here a lot has changed since then of this and what russia, india summit is happening off to a 3 or week. and this has been a tradition since the year 2000. so of course, a lot has changed in the wall geopolitically that towards reasoning of the was up in that context. there are 5 essential topics that will definitely be a figured when, when the 2 leaders need one is an orgy. india has been scooping up a lot of discounts and rushing on, but the fact remains that the consistency has been a somewhat of
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a question mark. so john and you assign, perhaps a long term contract with russia, where we know, okay, this is a percentage of discounts we're getting every month. also there will be some sort of consistency there. that is one to there's of course, a defense cooperation, energy defense being the backbone of, of, of this partnership between the 2 nations. but defense also why it's explained. he's strong of something that also works the west a lot. and they've been trying to cut the india defendants on a russian ministry, but the fact remains the cost of the war. there are some dealings that we've seen, for example, the s 400. this is a deal with india assigned back in 2018. so this is what mr. moody will be asking since and if there's a possibility, expediting that because india a given the fact that it has voted engines with china, that is something that, that is in is essential for india. and then of course, there's also all the talk about indians that are stuck in a new queen, an
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e mail. you, queen flora. i beg your pardon, but with a fact. so means that that is of contention between the 2 countries. because of you see, formerly in there is at least reached out to the kremlin, to on to the foreign ministry in russia, but they haven't really got a response that they're satisfied with. there are at least 30 indians that you'll see are, are stuck in russia. so that is something that is going to figure out when the 2 leaders meet for the boss, and that also freed which has been zooming out. but the fact remains that the payment systems are no in place. but that is something that in your russia have been working really hard on that mechanism so that we can just bypass the sanctions by falls on the toner walls. or if it needs to be leaking in this way as we speaking, which has been out of the system. and that's, of course david was with the tweet team. that's definitely going to be a priority around. i also wanted to bring you now is ortiz. i'm see a lot to know who was actually at the airport and she is most you can say met the
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indian prime minister himself, but he's not how we're going to try and spend it. his not just showing us exactly what the app will look like in most go in the indian premier was wheels down here as one of more stairs efforts went ends in fine, minnesota and a run somebody has landed. and as you can see behind me saying he just stepped on the rest of the office. and he's for region orchestra on the called a. it's a very significant chair because of russia. angie, i have always had good strength and them as indian prime minister and a run for movie is set to hold whole to of russian president vladimir on the ration and it's very important to know. so the point of the trip in the employment of stuff, bruce and his friends. so it's a 20 shows the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also
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says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy. we also decided to take to the streets of india and see what the average pass invest thinks about that. prime minister 2 things must go, like i said, of his 1st by law stroke visit since winning a re election back into and here's what we said. we see those as our as tragic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and i love and highlight good. go beyond the right direction. president booth in uh is quite a cool guy, a and of his relationship with the mother is also very amazing as i showed you. yes . so as, as the magic size mod offered to 2nd in the bottom, the ad between them is a very significant human you could say that is very special chevy, you know, from so many is and is
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a very good distributed country for india. so that a good fight, not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so way, strong nation both military wise and and i think it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of what people i'm used to that into more detail. i am really very interesting regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most and other countries that i'm anybody to size did solutions. do me think that one thing to for so this is a positive sign for both the nation because the bicycle improve and we've been covering that really from all angles, whether that's the russian perspective, over indian perspective and also the western perspective. how are they reacting to the fact that the indian premier has chosen russia as his fast bilateral visit
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since being re elected to a 3rd time in june to it's not through the fact it's all to charlotte to funds. it's important to note that was western price. we want you to believe that russia and present trutina isolated. it's clearly not the case. and this visit by india is premium in this that shows that no to be true. he is, hey, on his boost, quite a lot to visit summit since he was elected in june last month. and he, himself just talked about the importance of this relationship between russia and india. at the same time, russia has said that india is a trusted partner. and we've heard from the kremlin that they believe west going to be, i english with some jealousy. if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong there. there's
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a lot to attach. great importance to. the west has issues with this relationship, one because they food drink deep uh, toys, economic toys, trade toys, cultural toys, and also we seems free increasing increase between rupture and india. we know that the us, we'd like a bigger slice of trade with india, which is the 5th largest economy in the world. now, we just heard that russia and india of announced in the last few days another due to russia to supply india weapons basis. uh, full its tanks and we know that the us is not happy about that. we have been clear with cherries are effected by the continuing relationship between india and russia militarily and technologically. i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements, and we've expressed some concerns for us as old. so role in doing business is a 5 doing business with russia, saying that if the joins circumvent the sanctions west, just put them on russia, then they too could face very serious consequences to us together with dozens of
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allies, is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. us, of course, as well as the west, generally has been demanding that india hold must go accountable to the rule in ukraine. india has taken a very neutral stance on this and said that it is full peace. it was to seek peace in ukraine, but it has refused time and time again to couch out to the demands of the west, to condemn russia as a result of what's happening in ukraine at the moment. now most folks as also hates out of the wes detroit. it's in to see if it's partnerships. it's strategic partnerships with countries around the world,
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particularly that relationship with india an old. so we're showing it to saying that this is unacceptable. and we know that india has said that it will stay straight to narrow on this task, and it will continue to demand peace, but it will not take sides that conflict. so it's very interesting to see how the west to go to do this. and it does come to this meeting as a bit of a snob given at the very same time in washington dc. need to members and meetings today. so much make of that. what you will, well, throughout the day here on this beautiful terrace, i've been joined by a number of x xbox in various fields, defends x spots, a corner miss professors for my diplomats too. and we've been talking through the expectations of this top level meeting, what they believe would be the priorities on the part, locked for an agenda and get to become a huge energy consumption partner for russia. and did a really southern areas like transportation. that was his words happening on payments. there's work happening on banking investment. so i think the last few
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years there's been a tremendous progress in this impulse of russian crude oil have just sky rocketed and i think it's 5 say that new tiny received a little bit of flock of criticism from the west pacific keeping you from a business point of view for india or it made sense, it made sense for the economy saving itself, such infinity and don't as why, but also for the, for the indian consumer. re why the energy markets in a way? absolutely. i think our uh, minnesota is clearly said that we are 1500000000 people country and we've got to look at our people. we've got to see to our stomachs there. so, i mean, i understand your opinion in other countries, but you've got to think about our people and be to do whatever is best for them. and that's what every can see. and every government would be doing. so i see nothing wrong in that bus. i was reading some west in mainstream media.
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commentators that told you about how moody is really making a strong message here. i'd like to say russia as his 1st of all, i like true a trip off to winning re election. i mean, we know that india is traditionally known that lines and it stopped itself very well. now it's managed to expand, it's into what's on the political stage because precisely it c as in neutral, reliable. 9 all the all but so really i think it is that the west, which is it necessary to protect the toner and is accepting of india's reluctance to align itself with the western nation. i think traditionally, people understand that we've been very close to the shadow. she has always been a good friend and a buckner, and i think today in the isn't a position to decide what it wants to do. i think good. the western world understands that the one part of the india is um, you know,
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economic growth as well. so they would rather not lose a friend who's at least normally line. india is a huge market for a lot of the rest. and then you'd have suppliers that could have been factories. so i think the seed as a started to clock, no. the dentist somehow find with the fact that it gives you on the line and as always, being on the lines, you know that he will be covering all the news during the run remotely. today, trip to los gov. you can also find the latest update about the visit on our website updates dot com the it's now in other news, i'm also has denied you claims claims the welding civilians in keys. the russian defense and the si size is full is,
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is actually targeted. i'm successively struck ukrainian mid 3 bases. in fact the 3 on monday morning. well says says somebody and stuff is what hits my kids own defenses. a numerous publish photo, some video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating an air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft. missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming retentions of the key presume, had been happening for years. and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. well, this was the largest strike on kids by russian forces over the summer. perhaps the biggest the see it certainly for the various me solves that is hypersonic miss austin, john this all. so as cruise missiles, tactical results, talk you through the fields in half a dozen new crating and sick he's called the military base is called is, is ons, production, blogs, the, until the end, the term of plants in kit, for example,
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which specializes amongst other things. the production of it, and this solves, as well as repairing wisdom donated weapons. so you can vehicles, for example, the tides ahmed personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles, the credit inside piece and says, and several sub stations where she had to have taken care of unclear whether that was a bree. whether that was by uh, by yourself. you pay the houses where they come out and claim that it's shut down about 70 percent of the, of the massage sewage by russia, which is evidently untrue. the speed of footage dealing by your credit and civilians taking care of in other areas showing me so often result off the results impacting targets in kit. for example, in cable enrolled in you have a bit but also the russian side says this is retaliation. this is retaliation for repeated attempts by cube to destroy up to them targeting russian energy infrastructure. we're talking about uh, oil refineries about oil storage,
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gas pipelines is what it should be in infrastructure and to factories, things essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an electric pulse, pretty of hits in tip of the great house to talk about the said security shows of the of died. this is a children's hospital. russia maintains that this was, that was the result of an interception going wrong. and this has happened many times before, where are you pregnant? i g m result sometimes lose provided by the west of golf course. obstruct. uh, for example, apartment buildings office uh blocks. and these is the same case. and ukraine is trying to squeeze everything a ton of this incident before the details become a power. the purpose of such publications is to ensure further financing of the key for shame. and the continuation of the word to the last of green in the russian side says that it will continue side so long as you crane targets russian territory
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. while some powers are conspiring to blame russia, if the claims use of chemical weapons against soldiers iris, billions, and don't boss, that's the bottom. so i gave sion from the russian defense ministry. it is some sort of monster, according to available information do s and germany together with you cream and the technical secretariat of the organization for the broad edition of chemical weapons are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called facts of the use of chemical weapons and ukraine, in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence that flushing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. the americans have already allocated about $400000.00 for this purpose. at the same time, the organization for the probably additional chemical weapons has received from its western patrons. instructions not to react in any way to russia. statements on the
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violations of the convention, provide ukraine. it seems that the united states, germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the possible physical. it's a very serious charge and a bit to for the demonized rush. and now the plan comes as ukraine is fighting on the pass info, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for many in us dollars for this purpose. now the item is for so called independence site to trigger and investigation with the outcome already pre determined. we talked about the v o p c w. i be essential the organization for the recognition of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defy the summative? he said about the role, specifically in this quote, they'd be very critical of the p c w. this is a body that is charged with all of us taking a day, evans to the chemical weapons convention. this is an international trade consigned by maybe $200.00 countries,
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including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p. c. w has received instructions for miss western supervisors. basically not to respond to any state was by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty by you cry. now, the organization itself is politic. the compromise has been accused of biased back in 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could have portion blame for chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than a tool of the western powers. back in 2019 august, 1 of 82 janice in britain who covered the manipulation of a document by the p. c. w. it's sort of late in the syrian government for an alleged chemical attack on doom. obviously a very serious child. but now this comes, as russia has accused the crating of using chemical weapons on the battlefield, on the discovery of a chemical weapons,
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the board tree operated by the crating and on forces who do pretty good unions and you have another one. you're in engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in a supplement york desk in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building. during the laboratory analysis, the presence of sodium sign, i'm so sorry, a gas it and trace amounts of sign of an eye on was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances well. same while the, the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is one thing, the targeting of civilians. we'll talk soon. bye. you claim i'm a show. this is something as well as the russian defense may assist, told us today about but well, they've said that they've discovered this sophisticated level retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city all of the i've got now. this has been idolized by a specialist from the russian on forces. now, what they found,
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that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kitty grams of chemicals a day. so for your costs, you didn't sign i'd, which makes it compound just 70 to 80. milligrams is a legal enough dogs. it's inhaled by humans that they from as compounds which smells of omens when it is inhaled. it starts to slowly react in the receiver to system it causes dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually that death. now this chemical was a power to be used in a u, a. v. a talk, a rush as belgrade region in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by the power tree test is also reported to american specialists. were involved in these the power trees, as well as the mass production of the kind of causing drawings which are used in these chemical attacks. and it's spoken a lot about these kinds of terror attacks by using chemical weapons being carried out across the don't yet, people's republic,
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i'm the guns people's republic. but there's usually was always pause, creating units used, toxic compounds not only do would know that to reaction, but also to carry up temporary stacks in liberated territories against the number of russian political figures. in addition, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of that and ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. now one of the of the top 10 was the russian defense ministry set that was being used was, uh, was taboo. now this was used in her laptop and a rocky city, which is a single one of us with chemical a tops is essentially the i visited many times out at least 5000 people were killed that back in 1980 i in the chemical to talk to in the tail end of the or on iraq will. but when i've spoken to people that survivors and i went, this is a talk about the long term effects of long term impact,
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the poisoning of soil and the poisoning of water. so that such a tax by using these kinds of color with chemical weapons should be taken very, very seriously. now, russia says it is documented, well the full 100 such attacks that is consistent. they submitted its findings at to the p. c. w. but so far is being met by one of silence as well. that right, some of this news outlined people, one thing on the inside. so on the, the lam, a 100 times more than 100
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to one number, i'll send you something like if it's a positive bill, the questionnaire shows on the formulas of a nearby showed a man and the mom that's what i was, am i to get a shot it's, i'm always, i'm always for the most them one sold because they gave me the flat bed one most shift. if so, yeah, there's all the way i can. i mean, if i'm right now, like where is it getting more more for somebody. i'm gonna try it again. i thought was more than i got that. i lose the, i lose me for a new phase or get anybody somebody want. but i'm, it is. so i don't want to fish or tell you here on the island,
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but i'm assuming that really oh man. oh yeah. the see what when i tried this, this is the quote was for the low
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digits the but the low. yeah. local mean? yeah. they didn't send in what they did, something at the moment show, found them folks, i don't have the money, the job which aspects inside of it. and i but i to, you know, i live in a little while now rather than showing the cash there. yeah. just for the government, which is the god of this stuff. well, excellent. is it,
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it's still been no shoot. i'm not you produce. and if the, the is uh your by the office was there was no way you can get it. do we need some way of doing? might suppose that i need something wrong in this picture? little guy lives in what's going to the weighty reason, slew him, but he saw this not so much, but as for the invoice, at that i didn't get any more than i thought of it. why didn't put it in, or did we requested it? in the way? i'm in order to select the, the testimonial more than a methodist helps us. but i'll tell them when you say that there's something near them. where did you meet facing me on the board? you know, by either really my 1st, sorry there can be some for you, but them can you just nice to catch up with the problem?
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i know i like the 2nd warning thing. the pro of admitted that separately. one of the nice of just of the reasoning is not the reason i'm typing in a multi numbers to create the shifter solution. or you can like use samantha would be using reputation and know you also next issue. but my reasonable of absolute, mainly unable, i'm just gonna see if there's an issue that i've just made it to me and this will settle it then you know you've been asking a question. we have the most approval, say to me, one version of the,
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the comments which you would have been looking at either on the, for the state or whatever for them of what it sounds like. a nice can e mail scale with splits or ma kelly and for the cisco, for his or for goodness. and you have a pretty much interest for him for the name of the city and utilize law is mean. yeah. then behind with, when you decide to do that is that i would just go see statement for the special condition to signal or from the positive thinking of the system, the ship off those and then making a profit for making a profit of the lamp. and one of the things is get that information, i'm going to assume that i have so why this machine is the only pull out actual supply, vs got you for the most ceiling up shift. i'm a former of,
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i'm not sure so easily. the doctor will select it will slow flotilla. lovely menu for the last time afloat. and that i do. and i'm still still not working on that before i put you on what i was interested in here. all right, people, some wonderful thing. alonza more than a month to month from the provincial visual shuttle. she's on work, i'm sorry for sure. get with the that's dealing with do yes, the boys to the less come find in the village and using good combining when let's leave, you know, i just decide you stuff. consider, i will change the color of cobra and i need the following is using it, but when you go in the defend assigned me for them to quote you both of them for an effective to come over here petroleum store for the unless something like that. i missed the cut over, but i bought this enough to combine the funding for them to quote, the estimate we were loading to. fortunately to them, i knew was defending my meeting. they put it was in your twenties or not, but it was a, this was the twinkling issue when, when they implants, you usual and your question was, well, 1st thing in the uh,
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oil change with the full is to actually schedule that book that you thought we have some less like 15 at the the piano, orchard or cell probably now yes. appointment for sale, but you know, the board knew quite as i'm concerned about something like a skate. it's quiet, but i'd like for a follow stuff, shape groups. they're the same. what i'm hearing loss of them. yeah. yeah. i was gonna make if there was possible side sales interviewing with always there spoken
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about that you're going to ask them, what do you mean that computer i didn't do it for their walk here was submitted. yeah. but often do you have shifted almost the last minute it's about providing there's a lot of i don't think that could it be possible that i can distribute to the back? it is convinced that all you got the word this on some of the co chairs are asking you what i see. i am the ones that are gonna stay with me next saturday . yeah, i've gotta get out of the smoke out. so now i'm gonna go to a send a copy of the screen if it's in the morning. if there's somebody i don't need nothing less than that. but some of your portfolio should say, you'll stay on the phone with me when you get them to send me some of the flu real 1st, mostly with sales stuff i must get before. do you think that what was that or why they couldn't stay with that?
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they stumbled dark store. yeah. for you also for some of it in the if we can buy, you may just ask for the main shooting out. give us it looks good. yeah. but there's somebody to sell that because of the most of the nimble slide here. typically some of the videos, mostly on the yourself, the furniture in the back, and nobody's even want to move before it's a good idea to see if anybody other more support there's going to be though. even if most of them use this as a political you up with, i suppose, to push them out and not communicate and look forward to speaking with appreciating the possibility just to meet the coming that it doesn't. you need to step into my
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supervisor fleming. cool, little for the now much and some of the zillow will that don't sit one more of them and you'll find them all if there was a new movie research there for going to the nature of the machine. and then, you know, i the little up send it with the said, i'm with the little gap, a lot of them a lot online and it says computers on all the bottom of the all. and that's pretty much them goes to the pacific union. no, you shouldn't need to consult in there still, and let's get this guy, show me what's going on that be to know where the last move my are. but assuming somebody there is a sure the corporate use that's the the street in there. and later on a simple ways that the last moment to continue to go with the wish that there must be yeah, it was. yeah. it is. can you me to put them under the term of the, of the window ports,
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then little put that on your floor. uh, if i have to move things out for just a little bit like a book $1000.00 up to 10 boxes. and i can either way, i see what the course serviceman just, i mean what i say most well that somebody would just like some more that are coming to you as long as before that that gonna buy new to just bear with me that i have to explain it to you and if i'm live along with in the room, but then you like them that are all but the money out of them, the symbol for like i'm yeah. what was the problem with the issues that are on your electric field
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a little so if you are sure what the stuff on the on a little in front, is there a way that would fit them? yes. can it? it won't say we're going to use that. what was left? i didn't like the ice, but it was like what? so for the, for the, for the last name is also worth and i need for please give feel for some of our meals for from the balance. there's little statement about you and the young college interested in the for both of them. my phoenix. so repetitive a lot or did a beautiful girlfriend and the little stars were 2nd actually, and the voices for the 31st to him as well, even though they've been with us or that then naturally the look forward to talking to you all
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that technology should work for people, a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law show you alignment as a patient. we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust rather than fit the various jobs with artificial intelligence. we have somebody with theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the car. i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state
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department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the wayne state the, the, [000:00:00;00] the disney movies and suitcases. hopefully you
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don't want to go nowhere near your phone was but you're still someone who needs to be on the phone as well. and you almost got that also the most are still most of the deal with. so what do you use and what the new to finish last week what's that the you know, what may i think? so could you see what kind of saw showing what the dual credit. yeah,
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and keeping us over this with the insurance and with the flu loves in here. the c. c yellow shows the funds, the book, the new system of the way only the simple wireless but i didn't the custody. so what was i say? so they built on your website, can you guys show children when it goes by, what somebody customer boy, and then i will just send you the profile. i know that was the ones that are going to do any reason. mm. a latham. unless bone change and throw my hood,
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we're new mind that the what's the reason on the plane space kind of additional most of the need for so there's no moving away. it's definitely should condition that he never will. i get frustrated level sydney. well, there was no sort of love she seems to be of any support that sort of measure was and you must almost the invoice booked on lunch. it was a new one. so let's go out. wasn't your fault? uh now what was the most oh, it's a come on the is simple, think of unable to which okay, fail to the sofa, the option we screen with you to the see it but in, uh uh, so total list and your typical go mr. troyer read. it's in to new and yet when it goes to
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the task, that's up to one point and that's all you have. what can you get up to date, to initial, but not even significant that i would even use the best way to be able to build some of some of his goals and with and that's what's wrong with the, the, the new waterways and also need to go digging and get access in there, but i can't remember the more that's a lot for the women on nimble. yes, mostly i'm with those the the see really was for puzzle approval up as a senior stronger solution for me. no new person to go to the system,
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i'm phoning and know pledging always you can buy. sure. and then what as soon as students to who williams thoughts upon the to say that it's not willing to be the socialist. so significant what's going on. why is the ultimate symbol of course. the other thing is both much, oh and i still just give us the formal kind of well for example, the button on the books listing the flushing and flows and your daughter sizing along the more real goals, right. and there are still going to be like special starting landscapers for mission display, or zillow. just send some info for me just so i wasn't sure if anybody in the ocean to look that up and the, the minimum shim with a more than a. so i mean football slides that i feel like that it's gonna be possible for you to one way of knowing how long you're gonna stay in
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a lot of some way. so if you're familiar with the zip code you're moving in. yeah, we'll just follow the present, the big o knox, w e name to stay ma'am. could be recorded. so system is it? yes. why am i to thank you with movies and then the others? never let me. i mean it's in that system like a lot lower the bill. diabetic of light. yeah. so i'm going to my own wants to go, but a skill roygenia memorial campbell. so using him, that's something that we can do for the nearby. go deal the doesn't need a nobody has i'm literally as a boy,
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single cell phone. so i don't see why somebody on last last year at the credit, the, the job done to also non linear money and that will go on sale. and so we were giving a, he's, but that's the reason i, that's the thing. you know, i thought that was what i get, i'm giving you which, and i don't really need your, what's on the envelope and let me on. that's what i would like to hear. i was still a little clear to is that something that all scaling is that you know, even the most of them. but i'm sure you have those colors, those who is a senior with some of those new city, new colors. and we just don't deal with the
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district, but what i see is chemo once you put this either when you look at them, most of these with them, but there's a little can ok, and then a couple of those down. so if there's a fee, the pollution, if i knew what i'm so that was one of those to use the to still don't technician sir, typically that i'm trying to deal with. um, so then your site is going to be put in the category as long as the, using a business. and usually with most of the bottom is reason with us to yeah, never noticed that on the other one says that you want us to come on see this. and so, of course, doing that, i suppose, want to try to clear up any more visually edge of this course to answer the multiple, we should have to learn your smasher mean since can use to pull up in the clinical dust industry to approach a stomach book and was put in there, but they didn't even put any kind of choices to choose the of the finish and even use and it was through store for the school. so when you mix and wine and should of
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course boys on. so these here that things are good, i see most of these little bit of the for the city. now it says the 2nd instance of chemical just sitting in the sea by me at kelly couple who goes to buy, imaged on his door. avoiding you, leaving the room, flew swinging my own couple julia, the deed was a pretty train at the suspend law. he said that was all i know he's for is the way to how does that amount this measurement to my do you scale getting me deal with the is cool. cool. anybody on the ocean ocean view, which is still showing us know when i got but it was a talk to nobody. and the cool cool will talk to me. she was no, no, no, she showed you always somewhere somewhere. it's not letting you when they're
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watching them, but that's a good opinion. what this thing is, pcs? yes, a total of a day to get the most of those showed on the shelf. i was just wondering, progressing here, and i kept getting caught basel photo gallery. i'm here for the for now, while if you will move as a way to fight in the name of a way to not company escape one most of a full some noise. there's nothing. it's possible. yeah. when you put a simple supposed to me, just put them in the mail visual demolish mean as i go with that point, i'm still in the loop so fast, so long later on let me with just a 2nd and put them in about that. i'll schedule you great show with them all, but i'll see if i'm one of the but under contract next i'm going to show a little more. so for me to use that because i'm is almost beside e slips and that also those i'm not like where's the music i can with that was i was still available when you know like i can't put on them and do those kind of still a most time and i still yeah,
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i could also and i'm sad. yeah. excellent. and you're supposed to have the of the flu. i certainly doesn't know. don't have an interview with me. i'm assuming that's enough to most of the, the thoughts lots and the off that are so you have extra time the, the 5 years and you have for several of us a lot on monday. i think i was like early, so divide neck and when he put capital. otherwise, the solution, if it was a point 9 and go, i'm losing my voice, is fluid for silicon,
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like myself can use the, the move to play us and then you just didn't expect him to the problem. so i'm going to take the message and be up and it's the most surprising fucking offers that they will go to it's yeah, but something been as now, and i have been death over the internet, but it has my come with the didn't was made. it was is fully so as i understand that was a man black, i'm the person but i move that and just doing what did it and just that's it. just let us know oregon. i mean yes there, cuz she shouldn't have somebody. i can move an instrument in beside the and that it was the best on windows 7. we're the kind of so that
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a so that way so the at the block away an aspect like this isn't way as my symbol there. silas, the middle of this month on the bottom that are sitting in the anderson doesn't really matter which inside that i'm going to say i had that we're going to see what people as a, as in, you know, it's something we get them to adult ed. so i love to know in a different system that i know in your class, but you at today is i just put in the notes on your phone, try to avoid it might have to be, i could have him put him forward, she can, we can fix them, so we're showing you, obviously a visual split up our phone, which i'm hoping. so if i say, don't forget, i'm sure of is the only if your mortgage is now dollars,
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we always have to do it. you layer for the more no. hold on. so natalie, for the most, the review you bundle the the russian states never. i've side as a sort of the most sense community. most all sense and the in the 65, the speaking. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians to day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you say they requested
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the hello and welcome to across the full board here we discussed some real in the, the, the, the lot of them put in the hose, and the red rody and discuss is the thing. so russia, india, and of the world while sharing a couple of t as, as residents outside, most of the lead off the walls, most popular country has officially flown and to meet the needs of the world's largest country. and on surprise me between these to your jobs, there was an awful lot to discuss. we are here from our special coverage studio
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high in russian car trying to make a little sense of what might be side of the russian defense. she is, is ukranian officials of finding his area to get more money from a lesson. once is the own defenses of hits the premiums to site, the good cause thing for moscow and we our old, the day. this is all the i'm the mommy signifying the roster, the developing a relationship between the 2 nations india's prime minister as in moscow. but he's meeting with the president puts in for adults. all the is covering every aspect of november modi's visit and all the developments bye bye much.
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the last 7 president invited inputs in hosted indian prime is in there and remotely at his residence for an informal meeting. monday evening, the president focused input tequila on india is economic growth during laptops. while the problem is underscored how he will transform india for the benefit of it citizens. and here's the to. so you have your own ideas. you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 a year. in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and their planning horizons are expanding. this means that the indians
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feel confident, they feel stability, which is very important. our laugh main part of the elections in india were an important occasion given at scale. india is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted, it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister. yeah, we're out in their room and now 60 years on i have been given this chance the people of india and gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have in trusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years and the government and my principal is reform, perform and transform people voted for this very principal. and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i'm going to work 3 times as hard. and also sharing
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a cup of tea rather than put an invite to the indian prime is a print driver limit like 50 years old. then the 2 will need is to the front of these trolls around the russian presidents and residents outside. most of the a saw, so the info of all the things you, it's in a moody, so 8 stable and admired the whole says, then that would trace into iconic russian songs performed by office in national cost games. how to use the photo in the window bodies visit 1st day in must go from out of studios here. and as
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a special small overlooking the equipment to the while, the indian prime minister has indeed chosen rushed to as the us destination for his bilateral visit since re election back in june. who is he going to be speaking to? what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect, and what are people around the world saying about that is going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about, what about, let's talk about what you're under. moody himself, has to say, what about thought? he landed in the past and he did very emotional time. he took to social media to make a surprise post. not slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially and futuristic areas of cooperation,
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strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's or 20 me. now it's all tease runs and salma. i mean, we know that the last 5 actual russians india summit, we know that that was a number of a 2000 memorandums of understanding signed on agreements, which really is in keeping with, like i said, this ensuring co operation between the 2 nations. what it, what are your biggest expectations to come out here a lot has changed since then of this and with russia, india, some of it is happening off to a 3 or week. and this has been a tradition since the year 2000. so of course, a lot has changed in the wall geopolitically that towards reasoning of the was up in that context. there are 5 essential topics that will definitely be a figured when, when the 2 leaders meet one is energy. india has been scooping up
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a lot of discount and rushing on, but the fact remains the, the consistency has been a somewhat of a question mark. so john and you assign, perhaps a long term contract with russia, where we know ok. this is a percentage of the sands we're getting every month. also, there will be some sort of consistency there. that is one to there's of course, a defense corporation, energy defense being the backbone of, of, of the sponsorship between the 2 nations. but defense also why it's explained, he's strong of something that also works the west a lot and they've been trying to cross the india is dependence on a russian ministry, but the fact remains the cost of the war. there are some dealings that we've seen, for example, the s 400. this is a deal with india assigned back in 2018. so this is what mr. moody will be asking since and if there's a possibility, expediting that because india a given the fact that it has voted engines with china, that is something that, that is, is essential for india. and then of course,
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there's also all the talk about indians that are stuck in do creating an e mail, you clean or i beg your pardon. but, but the fact remains that, that ease of contention between the 2 countries. because of you see, formerly in there is at least reached out to the kremlin, to on to the foreign ministry in russia, but they haven't really got a response that they're satisfied with. there are at least 30 indians that you'll see are, are stuck in russia. so that is something that is going to figure out when the 2 leaders meet sort of boston that also freed, which has been zooming out. but the fact remains that the payment systems are no in place. but that is something that, in your russia have been working really hard on that mechanism so that we can just bypass the sanctions by falls on the the door was leaking in the sway of which really, which has been out of the system. and that's of course david also the tweet team that's definitely going to be a priority era. i also wanted to bring you now is autism, see
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a lot to know who was out to meet at the airport. and she most you can say met the indian prime minister himself, but he's not how we're going to try and spend it. his not just showing us exactly what the app will look like in most go in the indian premier was wheels down where he as one of most squares have forthwith indian fine. minnesota and a run somebody has landed on, as you can see behind me. saying he just stepped on the red carpet and he's greeted vinyl constructed by the called a. it's a very significant trip because of russia. angie, i have always had good a strength and them as indian prime minister and the run for movie is set to hold whole to of russian president vladimir on the ration. and it's very important to know the point of the trip in the employment of stuff. bruce and his friends,
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so it's the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy. we also decided to take to the streets of india and see what the average pass. invest thinks about that. prime minister, 2 things must go. like i said, as his 1st by law stroke visit since winning a re election back into and here's what we said. we see those as our as tragic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and uh, i love and highlight good. yeah. be on the right track. president booth in uh is quite a cool guy a and of his relationship with the more the is also very amazing as i showed you. yes. so as, as if the magic size mod offered to 2nd in the bottom, the ad between them is a very significant you could say that it's
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very special on the chevy, you know, from so many is and is a very good distributed country for india. so that a good fight, not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so way, strong nation both military wise and and i think it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of white people, i'm used to that into more detail to shift. i am really very enthusiastic regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most and other countries that i'm anybody to size did deletions. do me think that one thing to for so this is a positive sign for both the nation because the bicycle improve and we've been covering that really from all angles, whether that's the russian perspective, over indian perspective and also the western perspective. how are they reacting to the fact that the indian premier has chosen russia as his fast bilateral visit
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since being re elected to a 3rd time in june? so it's not through the fact it's all to charlotte too, but it's important to note that was western price. we want you to believe that russia and president trutina isolated, it's clearly not the case. and this visits by india is premium in this that shows that no should be true. he is, hey, on his boost, quite a lot to visit summit as soon as he was elected in june last month. and he, himself just talked about the importance of this relationship between russia and india. at the same time, russia has said that india is a trusted partner, and we've heard from the kremlin that they believe west going to be. i english with some jealousy. if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach
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a great importance and they're not wrong there. there's a lot to attach. great importance to what west has issues with this relationship. one because they food drink deep but toys, economic toys, free toys, cultural toys, and also we seemed free increasing increase between rupture and india. we know that the us, we'd like a bigger slice of trade we didn't get, which is the 5th largest economy in the world. now, we just heard that russia and india of announce and the last few days another, do you rush it to supply immediately? weapons receives a full its tanks and we know that the us is not happy about that. we have been clear which areas are affected by the continuing relationship between india and russia, militarily and technologically. i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements, and we've expressed some concerns for us as old. so roland, in doing business is a 5 doing business with russia, saying that if the joins circumvent the sanctions, the west is put on russia,
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then they too could face very serious consequences to us together with dozens of allies, is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. us, of course, as well as the west, generally has been demanding that india hold must go accountable to rule in ukraine. india has taken a very neutral stance on this and said that it is full piece. it wants to seek peace in ukraine, but it has refused time and time again to co talk to the demands of the west to condemn russia as a result of what's happening in ukraine at the moment. now most folks as also hate jobs off the wes detroit, it's in to see if it's partnerships. it's strategic partnerships with countries
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around the world, particularly that relationship with india an old. so we're showing it to saying that this is unacceptable. a we know that india has said that it will stay straight to narrow on this task and it will continue to demand peace, but it will not take sides on that conflict. so it's very interesting to see how the west to go to view this. and it does come to this meeting as a bit of a smell given at the very same time in washington, dc. they to members and meetings today. so much make of that, what you will well throughout the day here on this beautiful terrace, i've been joined by a number of x xbox in various fields, defense x spots, economists, professors, for my diplomats too. and we've been talking through the expectations of this top level meeting, what they believe would be the priorities on the block for an agenda, and get to become a huge energy consumption partner for russia. and it really is other areas like
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transportation networks is worth happening on payments. there's work happening on banking investment. so i think the last few years there's been a tremendous progress in this impulse of russian crude oil have just sky rocketed. and i think it's, i'd say that new tiny received a little bit of a flock of criticism from the west. specifically the you from a business point of view for india, or it made sense. it made sense for the economy saving itself, $13000000000.00. right. but also for the, for the indian consumer re why the energy markets in a way? absolutely, i think our, uh, minnesota is clearly said that we are 1500000000 people country. and we've got to look at our people. we've got to see to our stomachs there. so, i mean, i understand your opinion in other countries, but you've got to think about our people and be to do whatever is best for them. and that's what we can see and every government would be doing. so i see nothing wrong in that,
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but i was reading some western mainstream media commentators that told you about how moody is really making a strong message here. i'd like to say russia as his 1st of all, i love true trip off to winning re election. i mean, we know that india is traditionally known that lines and it stopped itself very well. now it's minus to expand it. and so it's on the political stage because precisely at c as in neutral, reliable. 9 all the all but so really i'm wanting to think it is that the west, which is not necessary to protect the toner and is accepting of india's reluctance to align itself with the so what's the nation? i think traditionally, people understand that we've been very close to russia of us has always been a good friend and a buckner. and i think today in the isn't a position to decide what it wants to do. i think go the rest of the world in the
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sense that the want a part of india is um, you know, economic growth as well. so they would rather not lose a friend who's at least normally lined. india is a huge market for a lot of the rest, and then you'd have suppliers that could have been factories. so i think the seed as a subject, fox and the dentist somehow find with the fact that it gives you on the line. and as always, being on the lines, you know that he will be covering all the news during the run. remote is today trip to los gov. you can also find the latest of the things about the visit on our website, the dot com, the it's now in other news, i'm also has denied you claims claims of welding civilians into the russian
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defense. but if the size is full is, is actually targeted. i'm successively struck ukrainian mid 3 bases. in fact, 3 on monday morning. well says says somebody and stuff is what hits my kids own defenses. a numerous publish photo, some video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating the air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft. missile system in the city were especially not assuming retentions of the key presume, had been happening for years. and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. well, this was of the largest strike on kid by russian forces over the summer. perhaps the biggest the see it. certainly for the various me solves that is hypersonic miss austin john this all. so as cruise missiles, tactical miss, i'll talk you through the fields in half a dozen new crating and sick, he's called the military base is called, this is on the conductor blogs,
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the until the end, the term of plants in kit, for example, which specializes amongst other things the production of it, and this solves as well as repairing wisdom donated weapons. so you can vehicles, for example, tags on the personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles, the credit inside place. it says that several sub stations where she had to have taken care of unclear whether that was a bri, whether that was by uh, by yourself, you credit and has already come out and claim that it's shut down. about 70 percent of the, of the massage sewage by russia, which is evidently untrue, the speed of footage sealed by you gradients, civilians in cabin other areas showing me so often we saw off the results impacting targets in kit. for example, in people enrolled in the over to peoples, the russian side says this is retaliation. this is retaliation for repeated attempts like you have to destroy up to them targeting russian energy
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infrastructure. we're talking about uh, oil refineries, about oil storage, gas pipelines, as well as civilian infrastructure and to factories, things essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an electric hospital hits in kids of the great house to talk about the secretary shows of the of died. this is a children's hospital. russia maintains the this was, that was the result of an interception going wrong. and this has happened many times before, where are you pregnant? and g m resolved, sometimes lose, provided by the west of golf course obstruct. uh, for example, apartment buildings office blocks. and these is the same case. and ukraine is trying to squeeze everything in time out of this incident before the details become a power. the purpose of such publications is to ensure further financing of the key fishing in the continuation of the war to the last of green in the russian side
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says that it will continue side so long as you crane targets russian territory. while some powers are conspiring to blame russia, if the claims use of chemical weapons against soldiers, i'll civilians and don't boss. that's the bottom. so i gave sion from the russian defense ministry. a brain is some sort of muster, according to available information. do s and germany, together with ukraine and the technical secretariat of the organization for the broad additional chemical weapons are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called fact hopefully use of chemical weapons and ukraine in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is suppose to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence. that flushing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. so the americans have already allocated about $400000.00 for this purpose. at the same time, the organization for the prosecution of chemical weapons has received from its western patrons, instructions not to react in any way to russia,
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statements on the violations of the convention by ukraine. it seems that the united states, germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the possible federal court. the very serious charge and a bit to for the demonized rush. and now the plan comes as ukraine is fighting on the pass info, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for many in us dollars for this purpose. now the i'm is for a so called independence like to trigger and investigation with the outcome already pre determined with talk about the o p c w. i be essentially organization for the vision of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defense summative? he said about the role specifically in this, well they be very critical of the p c w. this is a body that is charged with over sitting at the evans to the chemical weapons
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convention. this is an international increase in signed by maybe 200 countries, including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p c. w has received instructions for ms. west and supervisors. basically not to respond to any state was by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty by you crate now. uh the organization itself is politic. the compromise has been accused of biased back in 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could have portion blame for a chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than a tool of the western powers. back in 2019, i was one of id to jan this in britain who covered the manipulation of a document by the p. c. w. it's sort of late in the syrian government for an alleged chemical attack on doom, obviously a very serious child. but now this comes, as russia has accused ukraine, of using chemical weapons on the battlefield. on the discovery of a chemical weapons,
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the board tree operated by the crating and on forces where you put a good unions and you have another one. you're in engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in a supplement york desk in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building. during the laboratory analysis, the presence of sodium sign, i'm so sorry, a gas it and trace amounts or sign of an eye on was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances will save while the, the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is one thing. the targeting of civilians with thompson is by you claim. i'm a show, this is something else was the russian defense may assist, told us today about, but well, they said that they've discovered this sophisticated level retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city all of the i've gone now. this has been idolized to buy
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a specialist from the russian forces. now, what they found, that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kilograms of chemicals a day. so for your costs, you didn't sign i'd, which makes it compound just 70 to 80. milligrams is a lethal enough drugs inhaled by humans that they from as compounds which smells of omens when it is inhaled. it starts to slowly react in the receiver to system it causes dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually that death. now this chemical was a power to be used in a you a v, a talked a rush as belgrade region in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by the power tree test is also reported. the american specialists were involved in these the power trees as well as the most production of the kind of causing drawings which are used in these chemical. 3 talks and it's spoken a lot about these kinds of terror attacks using chemical weapons being carried out
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across the i don't, yes. people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic. but there's really was always towards the 30 premium units used. toxic compounds not only do with military action, but also to carry out the terrorist acts in liberated territories against the number of russian political figures. in addition, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of that and ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. now one of the of the top 10 was the russian defense ministry said that was being used was, uh, was taboo. now this was used in her laptop and a rocky city, which is a single one of us with technical, a top safety the i visited many times out at least 5000 people were killed that back in 1980 i in a chemical attack during the thailand of the iran iraq war, but when i've spoken to people that survivors and now i went, this is
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a talk about the long term effects of long term impact, the poisoning of soil and the poisoning of water. so i searched, attacked by using these kinds of color with chemical weapons, should be taken very, very seriously. now, russia says it is documented more than $400.00 such attacks that is consistent. they submitted its findings at to the p. c. w, but so far is being met by one of silence as well as that. right. and some of this
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news outlined people, one thing on the inside. so on the time on the the, the acceptance and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable . my show is called stretching time. but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say everything had changed with our daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis. i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous. part is cancer. diabetic prefer on her obviously that affects every part inventory and assist merican diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been bottle by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp every year. i wasn't given a specific di it just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies. but these recommendations out forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not
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been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are. it's funny carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00 corporations that were go bankrupt the last 2 years we have been gathering base. yeah. and now we have the thing that tipping point with place in the world is changing theater, young nation, and we had a poor nation with being not just building an economy. we have the building of civilization. so the problem seems to be not the way to bill, and that's right. and in building a wooden shoes or something like all kinds of different kinds of things,
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flourish all over to you. that's perfectly fine. to hello and welcome. i am on one case read, come to the show, the for the next hoffman are really been discussing all the things in the product with a very special guest make them send you sonya is very sensitive. send the all is the prominence economist who has held a number of high profile positions over the years. he started out in financial economics in the ninety's and was awarded an eisenhower fellowship in 2007 in 2010. the, well, the konami coral named him a young global lead the opposite of february, 2022 cents. you've sent me all held the post of the principal economic advisor to india. as finance ministry, who's now serving as a member of the economic advisory council to prime minister number and the remote de, to thank you for coming. explain to me means i am asking as an ordinary citizen of this country. what does it mean to be economic advisory? consider because i've been having this stuff in depth. so uh,
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but as you can imagine, the idea is to look at the big picture about the economy of the country. so i'm not really in the operations part of running the government on a day to day basis, a small number of us. so the only 3 permanent members of our job is to look at say for example, what are the forms to be done? look at the big picture as far as our place in the world. what is happening, the rest of the world and arch placing it, what's happening to growth automatically, a mixed ability and so on. and to be able to brief the prime minister and the cabinet about and what are the kinds of things that we shouldn't be doing on the economic front. now there is a very general thing, but in reality what it means is, 1st of all, remember the prime minister is level of everything and evidence and anything converges. so very often what happens is, what i'm doing may not be what in, in a textbook sense as economics. and so i may end up looking at sports policy. or i
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may look at, you know, a rationalization of national, want even something, or, you know, thinking about, uh, you know, how to deal with a jew political situation. so the role is, in some ways, very, very eclectic. and very often, a lot of times that i spend at least is looking at, for example, suggestions and ideas that come from the ministries, all people who happen to meet the parameters to and they give suggestions that ideas not like driving us to monique, is personally sitting and researching all of those suggestions and ideas, he gives it to somebody. i'm that somebody. similarly, i may have an idea of some of these, and then you know, i make a presentation say maybe we should look at this or whatever. so i'm part of that cool, you can call it the pink tank which works for the prime minister and on basically running the economy. and it's a very prestigious position to be in. and then the katie is also fairly suddenly a privilege, particularly. i mean it's, it would have been the privilege of anything. yeah. but it is specifically a permanent at this time because we are clearly in one of those stunning blaine. so
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in history, yes. and so we can see letting anybody living in india can see letting you know we're going to something special. hm. is that a place in the world is changing? after hundreds of years of 1st father and domination, then bad. the can all make policies from our sites, you know, finally the last 30 years we have been gathering base. yeah. and now we have aging that tipping point where police in the world is changing. i mean, we had already, the was 5th largest economy within the next 24 months, we've become the was toward lowest economy. yeah. so to have bins in the cockpit to, in the sense when this happened is very special. this sort of the development of this whole 50 position in the 3rd position, hold us 3rd position happened. so basically what is happening is that our economy is now growing very fast and reduced by some margin, the fastest growing a means that economy in the was the last year we grew at 8.2 percent this year. we should a girl by 7 percent of the box,
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but the thing that people forget is the compounding effect. so when india began to reform its economy in 1991, you know how big our economy was just 260000000000. okay. okay. then it took us 16 years to become $1000000000.00 economy. okay, so it's only in 2007, 8, then we became a $1000000000.00 con. okay. and 16 years then it took 7 years to become a to the economy. mm hm. then they should have taken us 5 years, but then we had to go over that cetera. so it took another 7 years again. so it's only in 2021, 22, which is not too long ago that we became a 3 trillion dollar cutting. okay, after that, it took just 3 years to get going. unfortunately, and the economy which we've become this year. okay. and then we take looking more than 2 years to become if i look on it as well. and then, so you see the competent people under estimated the co loading process is the most powerful force in the world. yes. and so as our economy excites big expands and we
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keep compounding this, the compound interest rates. everybody loves loans in school, but they forget that in the beginning until the initial benefits seem slow. mm hm. but once it reaches a certain base, it begins to get up. mm hm. so even china, me what the same size as our economy 99. mm hm. so how does it get your way, how is it become the world's 2nd largest economy? but in fact, based on measure of the world's largest economy, essentially the, grew a few percentage points faster than us, but kept going with would be our dealers. and that's how they got here. so all we have to do now is to keep doing this and compound it. and uh, what are the most pressing economic reforms and what needs to be done the heck to spend the rest of the day with that. so let me say that there are huge number of things we need to do that. simplify items. yeah, the 1st of all, 1st thing we need to do is to keep our economy growing so that your investment keeps happening. so um, from the government side we need to do physical in for the infrastructure,
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soft investors to keep investing in that from the corporate side. we need to do ease of doing business so that the, the private sector and for an investor has come in invested in factories and, and back office operations, etc in india. so that creates the momentum in the economy created to the jobs and all of that. so that is one part of the, the, the 2nd part of what me to do is the, why do we are doing this? we have to keep the system stable. we've gone to our banks to blow up, or, you know, inflation to spike up and so on. so that's a very 2nd important thing we need to do the code. the important thing we need to do is to make sure that the very porter is people in the country and get some direct support. because while the board most of the boards and vice because the raising side, there are some people who will. so for them you have to do direct benefits, transfer for them to be all of us. you will not have them big build houses. i'll give them some way of getting gas so it means that move, move it away from running a word or no say john, what am i maybe basically do that. so these are the 2 principal. and the last one,
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you know, that the, what be used for this and today these are so, you know, in order to move it is you need to do a whole bunch of things. so i would, i knew that one of the single most important things is that the single most important thing you need to do is do the form on your dishes as to why. because with some 50000000 cases stuck in a traditional system, we are not being able to enforce contract on pain. this is a major issue for our business sector, and we're not able to give it just as own thing to the average citizen. so i think this is one big area of the form and need to do in the next to the cover is going to happen. well, obviously a lot of it will have to be done to the distribution, but the government will also have to participate. and the 2nd important thing we need to do is to finally begin to the form of administration, usually since 1991 to now what have you done? we have basically withdrawn the butyl cause is bottled to damage. we have not found a bit of proceed. we have stood simply as
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a stream that back before 9091 they were pretty much allowed to do whatever they wanted. now be able to stream them but reading the from them. but now we need to actually the following them. so that the, the, the civil service can actually become service oriented and actually do the things as opposed to new, like fix the roads to municipal services and etc, etc. but that audion vision has the reorientation has to happen because even today, the bureau castillo essentially designed to control the population. that is what the colonial eda was. but oddly enough, that is also what the socialist d o. c. and it's about controlling the population. we need to move us. that was, that was away from that main set of controls to a mindset of service delivery. and that is again, one major phone. let me look. so there are 2 big reforms, both them in was getting the min states to do the things that's supposed to do all this while to be honest with you, i tried to stop it from doing the things it did not or should not be doing me like running outlines, but now we need to get a glue. the thing that's supposed to do,
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and we have begun to do some of it to be fixed. i mean, for example, the sewage in for such a been though that's been done by the state. we are making progress, but you know, this is something we need to focus on. how do you deal with the road blocks? so 1st is the important thing is that you have to understand that we're not just building an economy. we have a building of civilization which has effectively being in decline for centuries. yes. sylvia literally building back the whole thing. so many people asked me. yep. why do i think so to be interested in, for example, history and culture and these kinds of things and or open design. and so, because if i had only the only economical view, i wouldn't care about those things. now the economy is an important part of the building. civilization was not the only thing you have to rebuild the whole thing. i mean, the sense i would argue that we are trying to trigger me something akin to what the
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europeans went through. in the 1516 sentra, which is a renaissance, reimburse me. so when you go to europe and you see you say you go to products and you'll see those beautiful church as you go to venice and l all you will, you know, see buildings from elizabeth and england. the idea is that you are seeing the cultural artifacts, but an advisor locked effects only one part of what happened. flooding was a center for banking. contribution to human civilization is actually double entry bookkeeping. oh, simulating venice has a 3 contribution to the world is actually the stock market. now because the gym or anything all is well for all these commercial activities they built on these fancy buildings and those being things. and you know, to get that to me at about the same thing you had gallon deal coming up, was the set, scientific to the changes. so what happens in the renaissance is that you have
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massive risk thinking happening at different feet or the same thing. so that's roughly the same thing that the shakespeare is performing it at the do you also have francis drake, circum navigating the or the english defeating the armada? it's a, it's a state of mind of this big and it happens simultaneously on all things. so what indian we are trying to do is to clear the college of the speaking in this country for far too long, we would have freedom of the rest of the work. even have to be coming to be made to feel that yes and even after becoming independent we continue to have this, can you not had no regard to compete with the rest of the work? so let us close that says interest. i mean, board substitution thing that goes on mindset me. now we have a different lines that we can go out of this and going to market, and we can compete with the best in the world. we can send something to the moon. and you can see that figure that sort of every aspect of life, but that ability and willingness to go there and can work. you know, a defeat into a victory is something that has clicked to not head in relatively recent times.
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absolutely. i totally agree with that. is if you go back and look at a lot of history, was it's full of wars and battles very well. we all most one and then go defeated me. so this switch is something that has changed. it's and it is not done yet. it's not, i wouldn't say it's yet institutionalized. mm hm. but definitely this changes. how does it happen? yes. and you can feel it if you live in india, you can see that, wow, that's amazing. so this, the success of making in the program is, is very evident, is there any failure to suddenly said back that are happening? the most important thing to understand is that if there are no failures happening all live in that mean, then the success of their successes happen only when people are meeting the taking the risk of failure. and so i actually see continuing bankruptcy and insolvency, is that the good thing? i believe that at every point in time,
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some companies should be going bankrupt. me because it means that other, that the system as a whole is thinking motors earlier on what we sort of, if a company ready for whatever reason and from day to day and companies will face problems that there's public sector private sector means our thinking was, let's put them in a warehouse and we will use large amount of taxpayers money to keep it's all going good. what we want to do to put in the already a bankrupt itself. it's assets a carrier. and we have discovered that doesn't cause cause any great disruption to the system. all that happens, those assets, good redeployed. and here's the new company. comes even the height of good one of our largest daylight. jenny is red bankrupt and we said okay, you've been bankrupt banks, so it requires a certain attribute to where to speaking. now, it is also important at the same time that we do not see those will bankrupt as a whole bad note even. yeah, something they took a risk, they were bankrupt. i think once you've gone through a bankruptcy process and you know, maintained up,
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you should be allowed to go back and take another screen because that's how the system generates new ideas, new ventures. so, but this is what attitude and this happens not just, i am always be talking about in the space of business and, but this is not the only space this should happen in the science. so it should happen in the arcs, like all kinds of different kinds of things, flourish so over to the that's perfectly fine. how is it important? how much is it important for us to say that okay, best is that kicking anything out of growth or does it matter to us? well, it's sometimes i keep reading the photo methods, but i think we shouldn't get to looked of about best and validation beyond the point. but does it make you angry, the floors, the civically you're trying to manage the best? i mean, that is true. of course it is annoying because at the end of it to do remember that when china was rising, the same fellow said that no, no, the numbers with all the wrong they were lying. does that they will china begin to
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be to ignore me. they were the same people who as a no, no single or is not progressing. it's autocratic, all kinds of things. so my view on all of this is in some ways getting criticized and use of right. those passes, we of the emerging would have to pass through the, in a sense, because during that passage we are says to discover that actually they will be names of all these people. it doesn't matter. they're just making it up. and in fact bids and what they're really losing me is uh, being able to, you know, be driving. you tell us them to be of joy a whole and some of those kinds of things that they wanted to do. me. i've taught what they've loved to do is do we, you know, the bbc in your hands are doing and then i move on thing judgments on the syllabus, a little bit of poverty, other than that, it's up to 5. so the moment we begin to lose a billionaire of odds and our this thing,
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but the fact of the matter is the celebrated. they don't belong to me. after all these people who uh, live and yours, who come and look to the us about the problems in india are all funded by it. i'll go for low foundation ford foundation here i own vision, and i the sources opens us id on where the foundation now who is, who had all these people they're all been in. that is yeah. so go to the limit that even though so the problem seems to be not the way to berlin is that right? and india being a potential source of that. right. and i keep telling people, you know, almost because he is not coming here and generating jobs for us. it's going to be the same, a money that need that are below a when you look. yeah. and yes, the should be their taxes. they should follow their rules live, you know, i'm no love lost for the rich. if they're not following the rules, they have to follow that. but, you know, the fact is that really does that other than good is
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a bit sluggish or back to them. but like we had one 6th of the worst population, we haven't liked the 16 the words been and i love that. how close, how do we do? i've never had a self sufficient product. ottoman is, that means that we have the financial resources to take place in the work means to be able to stand up for us to invest in the word. and we have demonstrated movie short in the last few years that we are willing to do that. you'll see that in for the policy, you'll see that you not ability to generate out on technologies. i mean, we can see, for example, we have inserted us as into the global supply scenes for mobile phones. we are now the 2nd or 3rd largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world that is just full 5 years ago. we weren't even in the picture. so we are quite capable of being argumentative, and we should be very careful not to in different optim neighborhood or some sort of a clause or topic, kind of the mindset of, uh, of isolation. we gotta move in, in, in the sense of being able to stand up and take our place in the way. also,
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i think we often, you know, in the, as well as an issue in china still referred was emerging economic economies outfit as this classification. this, well, it seems like it's, it's a bit of a con, defending classification and we have had defends, in the, in the 2nd half of the grant, the essentially in the vein talking about the world. and sometimes it's useful as a short time for talking about the little bit more 3 now the so the whatever you may want to call it. but yes, i mean the site though the word and the messy a place in duns off. why is that for capital income of china, for example, is still much lower than that of major western country. the effective, insure, skews and industrial capacity. and even in areas where many areas of technology, china is the cutting edge. so it is not in the marketing. does very much too much in many, many areas. exactly. we are sales are still emerging of be out, of course, but i mean,
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not the size of our economy shooting for less because the end of it leave it even after all, little girls we will be in a few we a spend that was total largest economy we other was largest population already. so when you divide one by the other, and we are also young nation means the other young nation. we had a poor miss. so we have, we have not the us, but i think it's fair to say that we us them and emerging country. but i think what is different about this generation is that we have stopped of thinking over some sort of static condition. the other chatted. the gifts one of the future is, you don't ins us from abroad when you come in. uh us some help and you know, uh, every when does uh and, and i economists from the us will come and look to the us that india habitats into about how to improve our lives. that we have gone past that. yeah. and how do you deal with the criticism from within the country that is fast. those are live here, have open and be sure to listen to it and have a lot as well. and so i think that as a feedback loop and fight,
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we should take criticism even from abroad. but i, i always think criticism much more seriously from people who have a stake in the system directing in the sense that if there is no scheme in the game, nobody can give you advice. and i have experience with myself. for example, during the cold cases, if anybody in the world has an idea or how indifferent done it took on, and the audience likes to glitch in goodman and all who had all kinds of use of how indifferent on medical on me, we didn't listen to any of the electives we ran out economy and smart something i've been exposed me. even at that time i went on television that wrote articles and clearly stated, we are not going to work. then blow up off of that or monitoring system because of your defense of a lady at some end. the net result of it is that we have, you know, of the most macro economic least stable country right down. let us look at what has happened. the western economies, i mean the u. s. for example, it has a really tough situation. the fiscal is out of control. they're trying to balance
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that with the monetary side, which is a bad way of doing it. and it's causing stresses, not just for them, it's moving specialists with the rest of the what the u. k. economies, it does situation the european economies, enough of the place, all of which because of ridiculous policies that they have a following. which at that time we want them about it's not that at that time we want telling them i was at that in the chair of the frame, the working group of the g 20. mm. and i should meet that up people and i want them exactly what would happen with their policies and executive that have a person like who was so passionate, dental has amazing clarity. has i'm using the word boss as mr. moody, who is the listen good listener and who also has an amazing passion for a country is not somebody to cellphones, as you know. yes. and so you have, you have to have done your homework, done, the mats, and so it has made
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a difference because the person like him is at the heading of the thing. absolutely . i mean, look of in the whole what it tells you to do something and you're doing something else, right? bothered by using him to do something inside. and then um, it requires a certain level of coverage, you know, to be able to push it in, in, in that way. how do you relax with this kind of a pressure are all you don't feel the pressure? well, anybody who knows me the, i am uh, always buzz up. hm. so i can say i relax me, but i do things without away from work. i mean, obviously one of the passions is looking at history and things like that. so i go to a lot of lock electrical sites and things of that, and it be a lot of sports like which uh, do. relatively recently. i used to be uh, you know, doing di condo and play squash. and yes, yes, i live you, you come from a family of uh, lots of fighters, but uh, do your son is
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a mixed martial. lot of yes. to my so in my list on the other one is an actual, uh, in fact, international level makes much less find rubio. my younger son also does much of that. so lose not, he doesn't, hasn't chosen that as a profession yet. yeah. so yes, i like, i like i do them based sports. when i was in college, for example, i used to do the battery lighting. in fact, i have one of the induced 1st battle lighting licenses. so that was part of the 1st batch of florida who got the pattern waiting license. i can, i can team the pad a have pioneered that sport. oh, wonderful ios also used to be a no, no, no longer have the fitness for a professional level. got a life worth of kayaking and canoeing person. so i had an instructor agreed, a certification and packing and canoeing. so going down rough, rough rivers and things. so you can imagine my general after doing is, uh i like
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a little bit of, uh, uh, this is what am i doing? yeah. uh if, if you can get badly hurt in doing whatever you are doing, um i lose interest in the matter. quite right. uh so yeah, so i, unfortunately my, i am now uh at least point in my life with my joints going to pick the funding anymore. so i have to do most paid things like go to the gym. what do you do for you to go to the gym and i still play some sports. i have disney play squash. and so, but as i said, it is the main does willing but the body you achieve the joints of increasing these the less really thank you. thank us. in tucson, as you guys are talking to you, and thank you for watching join me next week for another intimate conversation with another team guest. and let's talk about
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the, the in 1943 at the height of world war 2. bengal was hit by famine. a year before the japanese troops drove the rate is out of neighboring bermount and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the threat was completely inadequate. the british actively used the scorched earth policy. while retreating, they turned to every anything around them, enjoying on tooth deserts, having no mercy on other people's territory. food in large amounts was exported to great britain from the starving provinces. boats used for fishing and transporting food along the river. it says that more confiscated from the local population, the barbaric actions of the colonial administration led to a month for its consequences. can a year up to 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mail nutrition. though great britain itself had enough resources to overcome the
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disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way past starving in the debris. it is aisles. i hate indians. they are a beasley people with a beastly religion. the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the famine of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians, from 12 to 29000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india. on march the 22nd 1943. during the great petri, i'll take all the shirts and munch fatality in 118. run down the battle, receiving village of clotting ship of the new wish
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in luxury. is that a yes or no? this one, most of the for the 1242 you 149 people died including 75 children of age was practically wiped off. the face of the la new blue loves the live arching couldn't. charlie was, you know, in june where you put us photos oh shoot was really, i really way usually its own you sonya. so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian nationalist from west end. you write the picture, talk with them with you and get them to see what you guys get for the new e phone. that's a long list to you guys for assuming your up. assume um with them you as customers
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to meet the declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on it. see the, the lot of input in the over the read rolo the i'm discuss is the thing. so russia in the end of the world while sharing a couple of t as, as residents outside, most of the lead off the walls, most popular country has officially flown in it to meet the needs of the world's largest country. and on surprise me between these 2 jobs, there was a full notes here discussed. we are here from our special coverage studio. hi,


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