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tv   News  RT  July 9, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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send some more questions, ask the better. the answer is will be the flow. how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world. vladimir putin praises their leadership upload. render loading. as the indian prime minister begins a state visit to russia with a full day of negotiations, a head this tuesday, we speak to the indian invisible, special president. to get more on the pilot. full talks is what we've been very close to the shadow. she has always been a good friend in a box now. and i think today india is in a position to decide what he wants to do. and in a ball, michelle accusation, the russian ministry of defense states, clams are a fox for western lead, prove to accuse russia of using chemical weapons, create uncomfortable well,
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the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence that the flushing is toxic. chemicals during the special military operation. the . this is our to international live and direct from rushes. capital president has warmly welcomed india is prime minister to moscow, calling the rent for moody, a dear friend of the start of his to day visit to russia. and the trip is saying that strengthening may already rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations and archie escaping across it all. the a flaw the mirror puts in hosted the indian leader of his residence for an informal meeting on monday evening. the president focused in particular and india is economic growth. during their talks,
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while the render moody spoke of his desire to transform the world's most populous nation for the benefit of its citizens during his 3rd term, which began last for you have your own ideas. you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 a year. in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means the indians feel confident. they feel stability, which is very important. our nap meg, but of the elections in india were an important occasion given in scale. india is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy
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. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted, it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister. yeah, we're out in their room and now 60 years on i have been given this chance the people of india and gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have entrusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years in the government, and my principal is reform per forum and transform people voted for this very principal. and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i'm going to work 3 times as hard since. but after sharing some t, the 2 world leaders when fred drive in the electric vehicle then took a leisurely stroll around the russian president's residence outside moscow. as parts of their informal meeting, a visit to
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a horse enclosure occurred on the way to a performance of iconic russian songs performed by artists and national cautions, nor to use being following the remedies 1st day in moscow. on monday, from our special studio overlooking the press, the rest you really has embraced the arrival of the indian prime minister tribes. all people greeted the rendering body, some of whom were indian dress, play beats. i've asian countries, folk music,
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even the emblematic. i'll spend no tv tower in the capital is now illuminated in the colors of the indian tripler with the flag projected on the building alongside the russian. one of my colleagues suffocated taylor spoke with a number of gas unless we said russia has proven to be in the is most reliable economic partner which aligns with new daily interest. you get to become a huge energy consumption partner for russia and it really is other areas like transportation networks is worth happening on payments. there's work happening on banking investment. so i think the last few years there's been a tremendous progress in this impulse of russian crude oil have just sky rockets. it's um and i think it's hard to say that new tiny received a little bit of flock of criticism from the west. specifically the you from a business point of view for india,
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it made sense and made sense for the economy saving itself, such infinity and don't as 5, but also for the, for the indian consumer. re why the energy markets in a way? absolutely, i think our, uh, minnesota is clearly said that we are 1500000000 people country and we've got to look at our people. we've got to see to our stomachs the so i mean, i understand your opinion and other countries, but you've got to think about our people, then we to do whatever is best for them. and that's what every can see and every government shouldn't be doing. so i see nothing wrong in that. plus people understand that we've been very close to the shadow. she has always been a good friend and a buckner. and i think today in the is in a position to decide what it wants to do. every nation forces the ideologies are tries to portray an ideology based on its own interest. so if the west is pushing for an ideology through the rest of the world, it's in the interest of the width of for india. i think we're pushing what is in
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the interest of indians today. and i think that's happened over the last 1015 years under 5 minutes. submitting the more the fun and it's happening because we've decided that we're not going to swing by the way. it's not just to mean new things . what are we going to chop their own thoughts? so have russia is going to do things which is in russian interest? china is what to do with things which isn't chinese interest. america is going to do things which further american interest than he does what to do things which is going to look for the indian interest and the indian dream of also being a develop nation. so we have been developing this in for a long time. we want to be a developed nation, and if you've got to make friends, we make friends with retaining our old friendships. we know how to keep up with a lot of the meat of toys to present in russia as payments diplomatic, tight trucks and those new tiny, been slightly concerned about most grow and facing. and that's how you must know limit strategic partnerships. and i one to 2 things that concern is real. what do you think it's a narrative that's being spelled as fun in? we'll just kind of make a wedge between this kind of
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a toilet troll how oppression group will rush in china with friends to in independence, especially in china with friends through the 60 toward russians. i know friends, so the 71 war prussia in china continued to be friends who 9099. so it's, it's not, it goes beyond the politics. i think some with russia is also able to tell both in done so i know that listen, you go to draw the line and you go to back off at the 40, just like, you know, i was able to tell you i showed that you want to back off and i think missions are able to, you know, use their leverage, that personal leverage control and leverage their friendship to try and tell nations where you should draw the line. yes. so i want to say that the intensity of contacts between businessman in russia and india is increasing. and if 2 years ago, few people were talking about it's in india, then now all channels everywhere. everyone is talking about russian indian cooperation. i wasn't katelyn, do less the bottom, it was a meeting of the counsel of the association of commerce chambers and of the entire
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asia pacific region. from australia to japan. the japanese and south koreans were complaining that the sanctions had hurt their businesses. and then the indian representative said they have benefited from it because they didn't impose any sanctions on russia. and he said they are happy about that. energy and resources are the most dynamically developing economic areas for india. and so the country needs resources. these resources must be stable and reliable, and russia has proven itself to be the most reliable supplier. india buys more from us than we buy from india. so we should open india more for ourselves, for russian businesses to see india as a progressive high tech power. and a reliable partner. over the past number of years trade between russian india has steadily risen, reaching 65700000000 dollars in march. that's
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a full one 3rd increase since last year. india is biggest imports from russia into the oil weights, fertilizers, metals, precious gens. well, india is trade boom, with russia brought the international north side transport car door into focus this year, back in 2001 russia around and india, assigning delivery meant to develop the route. but the political issues put the monitor on hold. today, it is fully functional. the delivery time of goods from russia to india via the route is around $23.00 days, much faster than delivering by the suez canal, which can take up to $45.00 days. the cost of transportation is also lower. the main goal of the development of the car to is to remote rushes, international trade with the countries of the caucuses, the caspian region around the states, upside asia on the persian gulf. well as moscow new delhi for to find their partnership on the global stage. washington has taken aim to india,
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raising quote, concerns over its relations with russia, and it stands on the ukraine conference. india is a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia. i will look to comes from moody's probably in march to, to see what he talked about. but as i said, we made quite clear directly with india are concerns about their relationship with the restaurant. and so we would hope india, any other country with engaged with russia, would make clear that russia should respect the you in charge to respect your credit sovereignty and territorial integrity as well. among the reaction we've been getting 2 developments was from acrylic, but by of director of the institute of far eastern studies of the russian academy of sciences. now he is of the view that the choice of russia as the 1st official visit destination after moody's re election indicates that india will continue to promote its relationship with both of these visits is actually
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a confirmation of 2 main things to most important things. first, russia is not isolated what the west was trying to show to the world community. russia is a strategic partner to quite a lot of, most important regional into our empowers such as china and india and brazil, and others. and the other one that india is not the lines, india is actually promoting it's multilateral policy. and the, the fact that the prime minister mazda chose russia is his 1st country for an international visits up to the start of his 2nd term. shows that india will continue to promote this kind of multilateral policy. he needs foreign affairs . choosing of these day to be the most cool is another demonstration to the west that india is not a partner to only west some countries so that it will be partnering the rest as
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well. well, the indian leader made a couple of stops along history and the russian capital, including meeting members of the indian community in russia, during which mr. moody offline has plans for the expansion of the country's economy already. and perhaps we'll cover and it is very fortunate that after being elected the government for the 3rd time, my 1st conversation with the indian diaspora is happening here in moscow with you most gomez. this government's aim is to make india the 3rd largest economy in the world in the 3rd term. now july this is the place you'll find all the developments during the rend remedies to day trip to moscow. r t dot com will also be endeavoring to keep you right in the loop to so to check out our coverage there as well. when you can, the western
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powers are conspiring to blame russia for ukraine's use of chemical weapons against soldiers and civilians in don't boss. that's the bottom shell. one patient detail this week by the russian defense minister, a brain is some sort of muster, according to available information do s and germany together with you cream. and the technical secretariat of the organization for the broad edition of chemical weapons are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called facts of the use of chemical weapons and ukraine in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence. that flushing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. it seems that the united states, germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the battlefield, will quote, a very serious charge and a bit to further the even eyes russia. now the time comes as ukraine is fighting on
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the plastic. so, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for 1000000 us dollars for this purpose. now the item is for a so called independence site to trigger and investigation with the outcome already pre determined. we talked about the v o p c w. i'll be the size of the organization for the recognition of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defy the submit if he said about the role, specifically in this quote, they be very critical of the p c. w. this is a body the is charged with overseeing of demons to the chemical weapons convention . this is an international traits and signed by maybe $200.00 companies, including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p. c. w has received instructions from miss western supervisors, basically not to respond to any statements by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty by you cry. now,
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the organization itself is politically compromised, dispute accused of bias fucking 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could have portion blame for a chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than the 2 of the western powers would not be comes as russia has accused the crating of using chemical weapons on the battlefield. on the discovery of a chemical weapons, the barbara tree operated by the ukrainian on forces who you probably be junior. when you're in engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in a supplement york desk in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building. during the laboratory analysis, the presence of sodium sign, i'm so sorry, gas it, and trace amounts of sign up. an eye on was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances will save while the,
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the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is one thing. the targeting of civilians with thompson, by you claim. i mean, surely this is something else was the right russian defense minister told us today about, but, well, they said that they've discovered this a sophisticated little retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city. all of the economics has been idolized by a specialist from the russian all forces. now, what they found that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kitty grams of chemicals a day. so for your costs you then cyanide, which makes it compound, just 70 to 80 milligrams is lethal enough drugs inhaled by humans that they found this compound which smells of omens. and when it's inhaled, it starts to slow, the react in the respiratory system, it causes dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually,
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but death. now this chemical was a power to be used in a u, a. v. a talk, a rush as belgrade region in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by the power tree test is also reported to americans. specialists were involved in the slip, our cheese as well as the mass production of the kind of causing drawings which use in these chemical attacks. and it's spoken a lot about these kind of tyra attacks using chemical weapons being carried out across the i don't. yes. people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic, but there was the was always for the 30 printing units used. toxic compounds not only do was noted to reaction, but also to carry out the terrorist acts in liberated territories against the number of russian political figures. in addition, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of the didn't ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. now one of the, of the top 10 is of the russian defense ministry said that was being used was, uh,
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was taboo, searched attacks by using these chemical what chemical weapons should be taken very, very seriously. now russia says it is documented bolden, $400.00 such a time is consistent. they submitted its findings at to the p. c. w, but so far is being met by one of silence. the western military exhibition of africa is picking up pace. the latest example being the requested departure of us troops from a key or a base in new jersey capital with american forces preparing to exit the country altogether. by mid september, the united states department of defense and the missouri ministry of national defense. but the republic of new share wished to announce the withdrawal of us forces and assets from airbase. one o, one in the army is complete of its life had meant to do complex with the closure of the space. the us will now focus on a safe,
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coldly and responsible withdrawal from academic advice, $201.00 by september 15th, the mass wisdom, cost out from africa continues. you will soon know, officially been kicked off off of the a base in the news here in capital they have until september to close another $100000000.00 air base. and he's miss a. it seems like both sides have to be a 3 to a final withdrawal deadlines, september the 15th, as it stands, fewer than a 1000 us troops main. e z. washington says the goal is to take as much as they can with them to protect us. text free as investment for significant video based itself . like us pull out to begin in may, even though may end the results of security agreements. what say he has submitted long before that is the official say they were and the divide the honda cindy asked us to go from you since it's a mess of one to 2 this way. the c, c from nice size of russia had one of the officials and i am,
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you have called the u. s. minutes of presents. and these are the american state on our soil, doing nothing while the terrorists killed people and burnt towns. it is not a sign of friendship to come on our soil, but let terrorists attack us. we have seen what the united states will do to defend its allies, because we have seen ukraine and israel, the us. so i to negotiate price of freedom is with me is he has coverage governments hoping to leave the highs, a small quantities of american forces for the top sales. now following a number of massive withdrawals by frost. and the u. s. it looks like more natural states suited 50 minutes. the phases the springs in west and central africa already determine is operations in the z is coming to an end. or when does very soon, which is a who have to be well, is it bass? my oldest the city for when the time it is military cooperation, wilson is a good fit to expire. withdrawal from me, i may,
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the german federal government has decided not to continue operating the nehemiah transport bass. the soldiers of the buddhist bed will be re deployed by august 31st 2024. as these 4 admitted, se forces us in packing auto peace. the how western lead is offering. obviously it predicts is for the reason some suggest that which one of the wisdom tooth could lead to a significant effect until this attacks and activities in west africa and the so how is that despite the fact that it was a 900 percent increase and you as since we had submitted to prison in the safe over the last decade alone has not seen the read says levels of october, some be suppressed even depend on tacitly met this. according to the us state department to see miss milton is caused 23 casualties across africa in 2002 at 2003 states off from the us. this is the fox news, f, as i said, it's off for city to status, shows that in 2023. i know we've missed
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a test in this. the whole region is all to the over $11000.00 that's moved. and these $500.00 forces whose interest to this is a, is compelling enough evidence for f, as in states to was driving wisdom teeth is out of the country as if that's not enough of us. the whole states, of course, of also expressed a grave concerns over the potatoes. so this integration of the reason in west ending is security following the decision to buy potential for. for monday, i need to sign a consideration 3 to signal the, the intent to the block. and the numbers meant apart from numerous threats related to peace and security, as well as challenges related to poverty. all region also faces the risk of disintegration, as you'll know. on january 29th became a fast, so molly annoyed and notified the commission of their intention to withdrawal from echo as the peoples of west africa have been living within the integrated eco s community for several decades. we must do everything to prevent and from leaving echo as,
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as it will be the worst case scenario. and the great blow to pat african is of the withdrawal of the 3 countries could also lead to diplomatic and political isolation on the international arena. south space, this is, it's a whole all to the i was hoping to get for us in the middle. it says 5 west the waste and opposed to france. involvement is a blow to the west. the ability to predict paul was in the reason, the bottom line is the west position in the highlands, wheat, and it shows no signs of recovery in the near future. now the head of the key is really part of a lot has called on the government to provide financial assistance to the facility . the hub has been out of business for 8 months due to ongoing many who the attacks resulting in a huge loss of income and the, the not the say we all get into the state of israel. so i cannot make assistance because the entire issue with the points of a lot is not due to mismanagement. and suddenly not due to the lack of professional
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easement on the punch walkers, we waited several months and we ask the state of israel to seize because of a lot with expenses because well, it was, i believe that in the coming days, the pulling this a lodge will receive assistance as a loan, including the fact that the portfolios will also contribute and spend money for the workers and the own government expenses of the for the pay locked loot. there is no doubt that in every country with a sea man in a country with a cost line receives most of its goods, divide a see these rows economy of a shipment of goods, 98 percent of the total goods passing through. these will enter and exit through the sea ports to us, up and down by the door. well, a lot on the red sea coast is one of 6 major at sea ports in israel, due to a decrease in operations. port management occurred in march that it would lay off half the personnel, while the ceo's december statement showed that operations have decreased by 85 percent. the port has incurred direct economic losses of almost $3000000000.00.
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the who things are being playing for the situation as they continue to target all ships fall in for israel, claiming to be acting in support of palestinians during the gas a war. as a result of the attacks, many ships of switch to a much longer route through the cape of good hope navigating around the entire african continent. meanwhile, who would see fighters have reportedly conducted a joint operation with the rocks as lubbock, resistance militia coalition, talking a lot with drugs. however, despite the techs get in, goober again, say's the impact on israel is minimal. a lot of the, like i'm looking for long examples of a lot, doesn't know top rates, all the ships will move to the media to radians, c. and they we can find israel's major reports, for example. and as adults and how you fuck drive both 2004 k c. they have simplest trenton deposit value store. and the point of how you find and today's,
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the hiring more work is. therefore, i'm now addressing the who is this your thoughts? you will find me these rows economy. you are making a mistake. if you are not causing any home. on the other hand, they do homage it as the cost of passing through the suez canal. a significant source of income for the shift, as well as for european countries, course economies. oh, is that connected to the far east? cuz therefore, i think the impact on these role is minimal. and i suggest that rick can see that they are taking these wrote in these ways or so if i have to send a bunch a lot, a lot is are lots for now. but on a busy news days, they're right in the know by keeping across our social media channels as well. we'll make sure you don't miss any of the moments. that's not here. the
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the the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shave house after kids
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and engagement trails. when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look so common ground the on march, the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri. i'll take the shirts and munch fatality and 118 son down the better receiving village of cutting rod issue. but the person who did the new wish and luxury is still there. yes. because a lot of changes to this one. most of the rooms to pony it to you. $149.00 people died including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue loves are a little bit live arching could of charlie was more noisy and will you put it as follows? oh, shoot. was hard really. i really usually its own you feeling,
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you know. so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west a new right because of the picture. all right, let's see what do you guys so far as the new e phone? that's a lot of those to you guys for assuming your up a show and i'm with them. us casa de classified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on see the last 30 years we have been gathering base. yes. and now if you have anything that tipping point with place in the world is changing theater young nation, we had a poor nation with being not just been.


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