tv News RT July 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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eligible $1000000000.00 corporation that will go bankrupt the this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the $1400000000.00 people of india. the red drum receiving rushes highest state award from president boots and who hales the injured in 5 minutes, just outstanding efforts to promote a special partnership between the 2 nation. now red drum motor tea room, i have it is already on his way to the airport. but we are still here ready to break down, read the bluff of the last day. we made quite clear directly with india our concerns about their relationship with russia. it sufficient as the world keeps his eyes peeled on moody's visit to moscow, washington and the key of expressed concern and disappointment over the strong
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russia india tide after they finish their tour of this exhibition of russia scientific achievements here as well. so adam, they're going to be going straight to the kremlin for bilateral talks between russian and indians, allegations and food and, and the range remotely. making a quick stop before heading off for the kremlin, for tools right there. that taking a tour of a major exhibition on russia's development of the nuclear industry, the warm weather and even boma embraces with moody of the most go on the maturation of the poly centric new world over the welcome to the program here on out to international well india is that most trusted friend of the nation's prime minister about vladimir putin. the claim during his visit to moscow this tuesday,
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the 2 day trip and russia, it basically aimed at already strengthening the yeah, what is a foss, developing friendship and strategic partnership between the 2 countries? as usual peer at all the international, we put our finger on the pulse of this very important visit the right day to wrapping up a what a day developments as being for both russia and in the process of being multi polar world order. and now over just ask you to taylor a rooftop and downtown and been enjoying a coverage task. yeah. what uh, what more do you have for the well, a partnership marked by lead to lead trust, quite unique on the label stage and run remote dns. not them appear to have wrapped up official tools. who was that? what was said? what was signs and what does it will mean that is something that we will because be
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breaking down and talking through over the next couple of hours. the latest in the indian foreign ministry has commented on the rental moody's visit, saying that collaboration in defense infrastructure agriculture, a new maritime trade route, specifically. between russia as far as port a potty vos stole cab the engine port of to night. these what topics the top of the agenda at thought close to meetings on his a number of to you, a $100000000000.00. that is the annual trade time. there is a goal between these 2 nations by 2030 just so you understand. last year it was 65700000000. so in the next 6 years, they want to add another. so to 5000000000, despite west impressed with, despite west and sanctions, despite difficulties find actually in trading. they have pressed forward with that plans to increase cooperation in dot said here's another number to you. 9,
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that is the number of documents signed today in must go well, the details of all of those well hopefully will become clear in the coming. i was days weeks, but perhaps the past and best space to really give us pops and insight as a take on what really went down is all to india, a correspondence wrench and showing that she was right that in the sick of it, in the 100 holes of the kremlin a special award for a special friend, the indian prime minister noreen movie, has received russia's highest deeds award. in fact, the prime minister of india has dedicated this awards to the 1400000000 people of india. india, rochelle solis ties the people to be palletized. he has is referred to in fact, here in the pools of kremlin not very far away from where i am. the movie has
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received. in fact, this award, which is, which was established some 300 years ago. in fact, he's the 1st indian to have received this award and it makes it even more special. in fact, both the president of russia and the prime minister of india after this award was given, the coding saw the bad deal. friends we forced good listening to what the russian president said. me a bunch a just it is a great honor for me to present indian prime minister in the end remedy with russia's high state toward the order of saint andrew, the apostle. and this is the oldest order which was established more than 3 centuries ago by russian and per page of the great. according to the statute, it is awarded to permanent russian public figures and leaders of foreign countries for the out standing service. the i missed a prime minister. dear friend, a warning you with the order of saint andrew. the apostle reflects this and see a gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between states and peoples. you
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have always actively advocated expanding context with our country. having been at the head of the indian government for 10 years, you have really contributed to ensuring that russian indian relations acquired the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the for mation of a stable basis for russian indian cooperation in the international arena. where both our countries defend the principles of multi polarity and strict adherence to international law. our nations work together in the interest of ensuring stability, global and regional security. dear mr. prime minister and dear friend, i would like to sincerely congratulate you on receiving the highest russian award and wish you health success and all the best, as well as peace and prosperity for the friendly indian people sold the engine for . i'm going to starve. who's been here for now? some 2627 hours in this industry. bottom wizards. in fact uh, we know that uh both the uh, the, the indian prime minister and the president, the restaurant mich as to why the good luck fe farley for where i am. and it was
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a closed door meeting where both, both the leaders, us discuss stuff. uh several um, several important issues. some of what i understand is of course one energy what, what are we looking at as perhaps a long term energy contract? remember, india has been scooping up a lot of discount in russian oil, but that they've been, we've seen the lack of consistency there. so what india has been wanting to reach with, with russia is if, if we can get into some sort of long term contracts, the people to people's ties are between you, denny. and most people have been very strong. not if i, if i saved for decades, but for centuries, that's for a 2nd. listening to what the indian prime minister said, yes, a month. this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. it is also a recognition of a century old friendship and mutual trust between india and russia, as well as
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a recognition of a special privilege to strategic partnership. over the last, almost 25 years under your leadership relations between rusher and india, have grown stronger in all fields. relations are of an utmost importance not only to out countries, but they also hold great significance for the entire world in the global context of today. india and russia's partnership requires a new meeting. we both are convinced that we need additional efforts to ensure global stability and peace on behalf of the 1400000000 people of india. i would like to once again, thank you. the government of the russian federation and the people of the russian federation for the honor bestowed upon me. thank you. be sure. so on what has happened is 2627, ours. the indian prime minister has been york. of course. now we're going to wait for an official announcement as to what do you have been signed between you, denny? i must go on surprisingly,
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the issue of the ukraine conflicted crop. all thought those bilateral troops, earlier on tuesday, with the engine premier, assuring his russian count bought the new delhi is committed to helping mediate to post to piece speaking of war or any conflict or terrorist acts. any person who believes in humanity feels pain when people die, especially innocent children. when we encounter such suffering, our hearts simply break. i have the opportunity to discuss these issues with you yesterday. as your friend, i always say that piece is essential for the bright future of our next generations . therefore, we believe that war is not the solution. the solution cannot come through war problems. rockets and rifles cannot bring peace, which is why we emphasize that dialogue is necessary. we also agreed yesterday to
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make peace as soon as possible, and we are ready for any assistance in this endeavor. i have heard your position, your positive views and thinking, and i can assure you that india has always been on the side of peace. i just to bring you some of the comments at present preaching made off to that statement by new reading, the movie where he also talks about his own optimism and also talked about the importance of this openness of the relationship between russia and india. we cooperate closely on the international arena, including an international organizations, primarily in the u. n. and in such associations as the seo and briggs, i am grateful to you for the attention you paid to the most pressing problems and above all, trying to find ways to resolve the cleaning crisis peacefully. well, many western nations are actually meeting right now in washington for next to summit, and you can guarantee that they are watching any lines from the base. we know that
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the us is pretty concerned about how courtesy this relationship is between russia and india so much. so the state department spokesperson, matthew miller said that those concerns have been raised in the as a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia. i will look to publish remote as part of march to, to see what he talked about. but as i said, we made quite clear directly with india are concerns about their relationship with the restaurant. and so we would hope india, any other country when they engage with russia, would make clear that russia should respect to you and charters who respect you credit sovereignty and territorial integrity. well, we know who the us will in the face, but in due to condemn russia. over the war, a new crane and not simply is not happening. india has consistently said we heard it again from moody, but it was to see peace and it will do anything to help bring the thoughts about india also refusing to side with the west. in regards to sanctions,
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and we knew that as a result of dr. us and busted it to india and others of india and companies that they must not help russian companies circumvent. su sanctions that has seen the total number of bites, the west that we know that's not necessary in idle threats because the eve is already sanctioned. some uh, indian companies because of that links with russia. also some comments coming from florida may zalinski was the president's in ukraine until the time expired in may. he describes the meeting is being disappointing and said that it was devastating to see moody gave of preaching a hugs, confirming those very, very at friends the relations between the 2 countries. now that came with a time, he said one of the reasons it was devastating is because you crane in the west have alleged that russia is behind the bombing of a children's hospital in ukraine. on monday,
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a russia has reiterated that it's military does not tell good civilian targets. and in fact about children's hospital it says was hate as a result, eva, i knew roy and see me, so in ukraine freights defense. and again, no investigation done by that wes, them papers are already said russia did it despite the fact that there is still no evidence to support of that. well, if this is unimportant for if we're seeing 2 nations, you want to grow together in terms of a statute that freight, the political legs. and it's pretty clear from based visits that india and russia in it together on the west is pretty serious about that. well i want to. a bring you now live a pictures that are coming in the engine premier is officially a binding off the baton to me. off he is needing
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a russian soil. you can see him. but at the most co, apple voting his plane. they had laid out the full retainer, he had the red carpet, he had 3 got on a god, space a t as clam simply and as set up a tour of the as he was met. so he was a waste off the thoughts and he was only bracing off for 26 hours in no way. of course, less than the impact of his time with us. they months to compute 9 signed documents, talk about traits, talk about defense, to agriculture, joint defensive infrastructure projects you name. and like i said, one of history's most enduring partnerships. this was just so you understand. now run drop moody's fast by natural visit since being re elected to a thought back in 2 days. it was passed type 2nd process in 20. 19 that time he was in the far east is that a bus stop was i would probably put some money on the side. it was a bit silly. i said it was on these 2 july days that he was here in the rough and
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half so, but you can see that they really did put on a search for the indian from ya as he left only fitting a full from mine who has just been awarded one of the highest civilian uh, roads of the russian federation. that is the oldest son added to the apostle. so not to run promotions you especially about to take costs from a most co airport. and i understand that you say his next destination will actually be vienna, and it will be the 1st time to one. yes. not an indian visa has visited that european country. so these are the latest images coming in. like i said, well, when 26 hour trip to run to a movie is officially wheels off. well, a couple of moments away. he is a onto, onto europe, officer. proceed. landmark visit to most could well open off 2 days. we've been
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trying to make sense of what the indian prime minister coming to moscow in choosing russia, like i said, is the destination for as fast as far. lots of state did it since re election. what that i've seen means now one of the people that i bought, the salt salt was full. my us army officer sent us off chris, his neck. his take was very interesting. he says that this blossoming on and during, of course, partnership between new tally and most go is really slowing our rent into the, the walks of foreign policy folks stateside worship, and once a full domination of the globe american hedge remoting, india is obviously one of the largest economies in the world and it needs to be brought under control by western corporations by the american government. so the americans have a long time been trying to coerce the indians and to be an account or way to china and possibly even have an ice hot war with china. so, and that makes
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a lot of money for the americans. so that's, that's a driving force right there. there's been a lot of joint projects between the russian military establishment and the indian, which also cuts into wood wash. and once the end is right now earning a lot of money thanks to sanctions. first of all, they were busting american sanctions because they were trading with iran buying iranian oil, which is logical for them. and they were doing it with the gold shipments. so no dollars involved in the us couldn't gravity. it also strikes me that india has a very different perspective on the roles that russell will pay in the future as opposed to how the west of the cities use it. i doesn't use any of that the subscribe to the site. this is for teach at the feet has to be inflicted almost by thing you daddy appreciates that a strong boss us is need for global prosperity m p nobody's in the west is going to let india rise up and become a global file. that's the last thing they need, they don't watching, doesn't need any competition. so india, if it's it can be can drive right now,
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they'll try to rise in the future. it has to be the story just like everybody else split off and now broken off. so that can be trained to resources and kept at a certain level of production of the law, india and russia. one of history's most enduring relationships. and like i said, is what the indian for administrative set about all those new signed documents. all of these tools, father, expansion of ties and collaborations, anything to go by then it looks like that relationship will continue to blossom in the decades to come full the next 15 minutes or so. we're going to be signing off from our special coverage studio right here. in the very heart of the russian capital, i'm going to be a bit of a tease now, because in about 15 minutes, we're going to have a joints broad cost with leading into a news channel republic tv. we're going to be crossing over to the studio in new dining, we're going to be getting and exchanging all tiers on the last 26 hours and what that means. i'm also going to have
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a republic tv report to read to join me right here. so 15 minutes, you've got a break, but then code to fall. we'll see soon. we're back to you. right. sounds good. many things appreciate it. we'll see you as well. the russian foreign minister has, of course, been taking part in the bilateral told to the cabinet today of course, moody and most gone. that's a good offer off, a brief the media on how the negotiations have been going. he will sort of touch up on moscow style and some of the complex issue of potentially expanding the number of permanent seats of the un security council. the billing, the national, the same idea is to go to pull. so discounts difficult, sell corporation of the when india is one of the access to members. we have similar approaches to the issues, attend india of us on the russian initiatives, including the prevention of the heroes. ation of knots is preventing a space andres, ensuring global cyber security and other topics. trasha reassigned stance. they've gone to the support of the indian candidacy to the security council at the time and
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found that there is a decision made to this effect. and that requires a general consensus of the un security council members that is not an easy task of the work as long been underway. india, brazil, and the candidacy of these african group still stand in the we assume that the west should not receive an additional seats by the permanent, almost permanent, the west is already over represented in this key body of view. when hearing the bilateral talks outside of my boot in praise, russia's high level of cooperation with india calling the tie is a privilege to strategic authorship. that's as the enduring prime minister underlined russia in india as rolled in ensuring stability on the global energy market. this message is that only our countries have a very long standing friendship and good relations that have been established for decades. this year, we celebrate the 77th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations . today, our relations can be categorized as
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a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are in constant contact with you, and we pay close attention to the development of trade and economic ties. the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we have known each other for a long time. i know that your whole life is devoted to the idea of strengthening the indian state and improving the lives of the indian people. i have forged for found ties with russia and with you personally over the past 2 and a half decades. this is my 6th visit to russia. i can confidently say, based on our past experience so that we will work and strengthen our cooperation and deepen all aspects of our partnership and achieve new goal. thanks to india, russia, friendship. when the world faced the various crises and food security in fuel and fertilizer sec, it was us who helped indian farmers avoid all difficulties. the whole world is facing fusion energy crises. but thanks to our co operation,
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we've been able to avoid all sorts of hardships for the common people of india or map. so the whole world should recognize that through india, russia, cooperation in the energy sector. we have ensured stability in the global market rusher in india. have enjoyed strong ties for more than 75 years since full diplomatic relations were established in 1947. they've got a strategic partnerships in many areas, like a defense, civil nuclear energy combating terrorism, also space technology and tre, between the countries has sky rocketed recently as well. basically, paving the way for even further cooperation and as new daily and most gotta find common ground across multiple c is one key focus of this relationship is the building of a multi polar world order. and sharing a common history with russia. new delhi stands by the principles of it's saw for an identity. for susan, independent foreign policy despite board is pretty much now open western pressure.
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now, over the past few years, trade between russia in india has steadily risen, reaching $65700000000.00 in march. as a full one 3rd increase since last year. the india is biggest impulse in russia, oil fertilizers, precious gems. and among other things, before heading to the kremlin of food and body made us stop off of the old russian exhibition center. they to the awesome pavilion dedicated to the country's history and latest achievements in the nuclear industry. and from the scene with this report is all correspond as you can see behind me, flat them are pulled and then or, and promoting. have just made it to the ross adam exhibition where they're taking a tour of rushes scientific achievements. this is part of motives to day visit to moscow is the 2nd day of the to day visit. yesterday they were able to meet bit more informally in vladimir putin, suburban residents. they had tea and dinner there. and asset residence actually is
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less than recruitment, congratulated and rendered movie on his recent election victory and praised india for being such a big country and still being able to carry out a democratic election sitting around promoting also thanks vladimir putin for the warm welcome that he received here and after they finish their tour of this exhibition of russia scientific achievements here at ross adam, they're going to be going straight to the kremlin for bilateral talks between both the russian and indian delegations as well as one on one talks between vladimir and a render moody and at the top of the agenda, as we heard from a kremlin spokesperson, the retreat fest called earlier is going to be the energy sphere because of course, russia is a huge ex, border of energy products to india. actually, between 20232024. the trade turnover between russia and india reached nearly
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$65000000000.00 worth and $61000000000.00 of that income figure comprised of russian exports to india. and a large part of that. a significant part of that, i would say, even the majority comprises energy products. so this is actually something that's going to be talked about at these bilateral meetings that are gonna take place in the kremlin after this tour of the ross. adam exhibition is over one of i guess so a few of the order of orthodoxy from the institute of, of the russian academy of sciences says that the issue was raised, that the lead is meeting is a sign of rupture in india is privileged strategic pos. it's very significant that uh, both president boynton and prime minister morty, have this meeting after presidential elections in russia and follow them in 3 elections in india. and i, i would like to remind that the boss has of states. they congratulated each
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other with the successful, the 3, and i think for both of them this it is and then maybe inc, and that the end of the meetings have not performed. they can nomics that significant political agenda. it shows that the privileged strategic partnership between all countries, including political and security issues, including prices and complex and uh, sliding against international terrorism, which has been also mentioned by vice prime minister morning to 6. so i think that this of more than this meeting has different meanings, political, ideological, economic, symbolic, as well as the independent. does that make some stops along his journey of the rough and capital, including a meeting with the south asian countries export community. here in russia that was
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in the capital is carlton hotel when he was warmly created by competitors. somebody made a speech outlining his ambitious plans for the indian economy. part of law, india as most trusted friend, our russian friends called at guzman. and in hindi we call him dusty in russia in the winter season, no matter how much the temperature goes down into minus levels. the friendship between india and russia as always, being in the plus. this relationship is based on mutual trust and respect. our friendship grow stronger and stronger all the time. and for this friendship between india and russia, i especially praise my dear friend, president clinton's leadership. he has worked hard for more than 2 decades to strengthen this partnership. over the past 10 years, i have come to russia 6 times. and in these years, we have met each other 17 times. this meeting is going to increase trust and
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respect. i think the people of russia, i once again think my friend, president putin, for this. now we are also working on the chin. i've let it go, stuck eastern maritime card or both our countries are re discovering each other through the gang of old. the dialogue of civilizations, to new consulates will be opened in cause and the catherine bird. and it is very fortunate that after being elected the government for the 3rd time, my 1st conversation with the indian diaspora is happening here in moscow with you was. this government's aim is to make india the 3rd largest economy in the world. in the 3rd term, how july, a strong comments right there from india is probably just not in the reading. dra emoji during what is being really a very action packed. 26 hours full of moody here in moscow. and one of the several times he was sitting down with the russian president, he expressed his gratitude to prudent for inviting body to pretends presidential personal residency. but he also said the times for such an intense sheds,
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ruled by suggesting modi's saying, i'm tired, buddy, i've got some work to do here. but my, this is a hard call schedule because they've been so busy. and if you might have missed it just a few hours ago, not one day, 2 of the visit mowdy was avoided. russia's highest stage of both that of the order of saint andrew, the apostle. it's really symbolic, basically of what is extremely, truly strategic, partnership based on friendship. and perhaps more importantly, respect the order of saint andrew. the apostle is actually an award that goes back to $1698.00. i mean it, you know, it's, it's a, it's impressive when you think about it with task you taylor and all guests an hour and less than, like, engine shauna, all to induce, corresponded. they were, they've all been talking about such a significant aspect of the world today. with the multi polar wells, lots of meetings with certain players on the front line. who am i talking about russia, india,
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china bricks plus what is the cost where they've got new members now the u. a. e, e, c o, p, a, saudi arabia, iran, as well, by the way, these newest members to the bricks plus, finally, these are some of the biggest energy players in the world. there are major implications to why the world's biggest energy players would be joining the geostrategic family alliance of the brick monkey moody is wheels up. he is a boy. now he's just left and one of the original most go apple. it's, but it's visit is visit was a 1st year since 2019 kind of now let's, let's do some joint accosting here, some cooperation between all the international and republican t v. this cross over to republic, tv now and, and see some of the coverage of indian prime ministers. historic visit here. we can across live in just a few moments to republic tv. but i just wanted to mention before we get that, the prime minister, it was highly.
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