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tv   News  RT  July 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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of the this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. never run the road ever since the russians highest. they owe problem. present person who handles the indian prime is outstanding efforts to provide a special partnership between the 2 nation by a hair ready and waiting to talk about everything that's taken place is very clear . when i'm through out of the russian capital, we made quite clear directly with india our concerns about their relationship with russia. as well as my eyes peeled on, the render embodied visit to most go portions and active express concern on this appointment with a strong brush set in did find the
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a very welcome to you from the in tie off the into the new scene. we're coming to live on, let's go, let's take a look at the top. so is this our is most trusted friend of the was of the nation's problem is about a lot of man put in during his visit to most got no, nobody has now left russia off the robbie of his 2 day trip. we got all the details of the indian leaders historic visit, run chair on all the international the oh jesus, yes. hey, the following. the run route moody's most go visit from all special studio in the halls, the russian capital hello and very well welcome to our special coverage studio high
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up on the 8. so with the quote, the eye clinic pregnant, right behind me, the last 26000 being a bit of a blog. but what i can say is that he came to try and see if he signed a couple of documents and he left no run for moody. i brought him appear to have met for the fall time into yes. and the message is clear. we have ties that bind on . no one is going to come from my side. i'll say 2 things. 2 numbers, in fact, a $100000000000.00. that is the goal for the annual trade toners. but between these 2 countries, by 2030. so you understand that is 35000000000 more than biological trade last year and nothing number 9, that's the number of documents that you need to sign today. so co operation, collaboration they wasted at and it looks like that is a policy that they are going to continue to pursue around 3 and a half hours. they spend behind plays tools,
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discussing everything defense space to agriculture. infrastructure projects, joints event says of pools, energy security to and then moody was all headed straight to one of the most goes, apple bolted into one and flew on to vienna. really waving him off was all these barriers associate followed it sadly. being 25 minutes sent a run for moody when he arrived on this exact same spot. yesterday, he was very welcome. you can see behind me that he receives a very, very welcome. today on the 1st day he had a very casual evening with a lot of men hold around residents on his interesting because a lot the lady around his residence and an electric vehicle that you also had
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a chance to sit down for a cup of tea. and look around the staples, the 2nd day was a very busy one. and a run for moody slave flowers said the kremlin hyundai who visited which is a very famous tech submissions for promoting so sorry for now. you can please slide the a very, very busy holding the plane for his next destination, which is going to be interesting because he's visiting the country for about 41 years. and as we can see now, he's just about to waive his advice to moscow. but perhaps to pass him fast paced really give us perhaps an insight as
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a take on what really went down is all to india correspondent wins and sharma. she was right that in the sick of it, in the 100 holes of the kremlin, for special award for a special friend. even during prime minister during the movie has received russia's highest deeds award. in fact, the prime minister of india has dedicated this awards to the 1400000000 people of india, india, russia, solis, ties the people to be boot ties. he has referred to in fact, here in the pools of kremlin not very far away from where i am, the renew, moody, has received. in fact, this award, which is, which was established some 300 years ago, that he's the 1st indian to have received this award and it makes it even more special. in fact, both the president fresher and the prime minister of india osteo this award was
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given, the coding saw the deal friends we 1st couldn't listening to what the russian president said me, i'm sure a tooth. it is a great honor for me to present indian prime minister in their end remedy with russia's high state toward the order of saint andrew, the apostle. this is the oldest order, which was established more than 3 centuries ago by russian emperor pete to the great, according to the statute, it is awarded to permanent russian public figures and leaders of foreign countries for the out standing service. the i missed appointment just a different, awarding you with the order of saint andrew. the apostle reflects this and see a gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between states and peoples. you have always actively advocated expanding contacts with our country. having being at the head of the indian government for 10 years, you have really contributed to ensuring that russian indian relations acquired the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the formation of a stable basis for russian indian cooperation in the international arena. where
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both our countries defend the principles of multi polarity and strict adherence to international law. our nations work together in the interest of ensuring stability, global and regional security. dear mr. prime minister and dear friend, i would like to sincerely congratulate you on receiving the highest russian award and wish you health success and all the best, as well as peace and prosperity for the friendly indian people sold the engine for, i'm going to serve. who's been here for now? so i'm 2627 hours in this industry. was it in fact uh we knew that the booth the uh the, the indian prime minister and the president, the restaurant mich. just why the good luck re farley for where i am. it was a closed door meeting where schools with the leaders us discuss stuff. uh several um, several important issues. some of what i understand is of course one energy . what, what are we looking at as perhaps a new term energy contract? remember, india has been sweeping up a lot of discount in a russian oil,
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but that they've been, we've seen a lot of consistency there. so what india has been wanting to do breach with, with russia, is if, if we can get into some sort of re long term contracts to the people, to people's tie is between you, denny and most school have been very strong. not if i, if i saved for decades, but for centuries, that's for a 2nd. listening to what the indian prime minister said, yes, a month. this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. it is also a recognition of a century old friendship and mutual trust between india and russia, as well as a recognition of our special privilege to strategic partnership. over the last, almost 25 years under your leadership relations between russia and india, have grown stronger in all fields. relations are of an utmost importance not only to our countries, but they also hold great significance for the entire world in the global context of
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today. india and russia's partnership requires a new meeting. we both are convinced that we need additional efforts to ensure global stability and peace on behalf of the 1400000000 people of india. i would like to once again, thank you. the government of the russian federation and the people of the russian federation for the honor bestowed upon me. thank you. harden beach, this is a very, very significant, was it also visit that showing you will give a heart barn to the west. on surprisingly, the issue of the ukraine conflicted profile. thought those biological poops aaliyah on tuesday would be in didn't premier, assuring his russian counts bought the new delhi is committed to helping to mediate to pulse to piece some speaking of war or any conflict or terrorist act. any person who believes in humanity feels pain when people die, especially innocent children. when we encounter such suffering,
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our hearts simply break the that i had the opportunity to discuss these issues with you yesterday. as your friend, i always say that peace is essential for the bright future of our next generations . therefore, we believe that war is not the solution. the solution cannot come through war problems. rockets and rifles cannot bring peace, which is why we emphasize that dialogue is necessary. we also agreed yesterday to make peace as soon as possible, and we are ready for any assistance in this endeavor. see, as i have heard your position, your positive views and thinking, and i can assure you that india has always been on the side of peace. i just want to bring you some of the commons that present made off to that statement by new reading. the movie where he also talks about his own optimism and also talked about the importance of this openness of the relationship between russia and india. just
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as often we cooperate closely on the international arena, including an international organizations, primarily in the u. n. and in such associations as the seo and briggs, i am grateful to you for the attention you paid to the most pressing problems and above all, trying to find ways to resolve the training process peacefully. for many western nations are actually meeting right now in washington for next to summit, and you can guarantee that they are watching any lines from the base. we know that the us is pretty concerned about how you see this relationship is between russia and india. so much so the state department spokesperson, matthew miller said that those concerns have been raised in the as a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia. i will look to promote as part of march to, to see what he talked about. but as i said, we made quite clear directly with india are concerns about their relationship with
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the restaurant. and so we would hope india, any other country when they engage with russia, would make clear that russia should respect to you in charge of respect ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. quote, we know who the us will in the face, but in due to condemn russia over the war and ukraine and not simply is not happening. india has consistently said we heard it again from moody, but it was to see do anything to help bring the dots of 5 in the oldest of refusing to recite with the west in regards to sanctions. and we knew that as a result of god for us and busted it to him, the honda, this is going to india and companies that they must not help the russian companies as convent through sanctions that have been put on them by west. we know that's not necessary in idle threats because the eve is already sanctioned. some uh indian companies because of the links with russia. also some comments coming from florida
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me is the landscaping was the president's in ukraine until the time expired in may . the despite the meeting is being disappointing. and so it really was devastating to see moody preaching. now. hugs confirming those very, very pet friendly relations between the 2 countries. now that came with the time, he said, one of the reasons it was devastating is because you crane in the west have alleged that russia is behind the bombing of a children's hospital in ukraine. on monday, a russia has reiterated that it's military does not how good civilian targets. and in fact, about children's hospital, it says was hate as a result, eva, i knew y n c. me so uh, in the ukraine freights defense. i'm again, no investigation done by bad, less than papers are already said, russia did it despite the fact that there is no evidence to support that will increase is unimportant for if we're seeing 2 nations,
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you want to grow together in terms of a statute. that phrase, the political language, and it's pretty clear from this in visits to india and russia, and it together on the west is pretty serious about that as well. throughout the day, i've been joined by a number of x xbox in various fields, defense experts, aquanda miss professors for much too much to we've been talking through that expectations of this top level meeting, what they believe will be the priorities on the file to an agenda once you've been once approved domination, a level of american hedge remote in india, is obviously one of the largest economies in the world. and it needs to be brought under control by western corporations by the american government. so the americans have a long time been trying to coerce the indians and to be in a counter wait to china and possibly even have an ice hot war with china. so, and that makes a lot of money for the americans. so that's, that's
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a driving force right there. there's been a lot of joint projects between the russian military establishment and the indian, which also cuts into what washer and wants the end is right now. earning a lot of money. thanks to sanctions. first of all, they were busting american sanctions because they were trading with iran buying a rainy and oil, which is logical for them. and they were doing it with the gold shipments. so no dollars involved in the us been gravity. it also strikes me that india has a very different perspective on the roles that ross will pay in the future as opposed to how the west of the cities use it. just saying, you just have to subscribe to the site. this is for teach it to feet has to be inflicted. almost like thing new daddy appreciates the strong boss us is needs as the global prosperity i'm p nobody's in the west was gonna let india rise up and become a global file. that's the last thing they need, they don't watching. it doesn't need any competition. so india, if, if it can be can bribe right now, they'll try to bribe it. but in the future, it has to be the story, just like everybody else split off and now broken up. so that can be drained the
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resources and kept at a certain level of production. while it was a trip that really did have that kind of full flags that dont thing hugs ts thrown around the garden, a spin on an electric gulf body, a visit to the stables, big deals and continued co operation. this long standing on time tested partnership between new tally. i'm most go is clearly had to stay allies that they want and allies. they will remain as for us here, very, very a hi office. all of our guests have told us that novice, i think what i can say from myself and all the people who are being hard to walk behind the camera. you can't see them, but without them, none of this would have happened. and it's been an absolute pleasure to bring you the highlights of this, a landmark visit by the indian premier. we all signing off from the ssl special coverage studio level home away from home hi. in the russian sky,
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the allowed to the united nations where the security council has just concluded, it's assessing on the recent russian as well icon that we target in. keep that during the upper region. a stream is all exploded near a children's hospital, which problem to the wave of i'm, she's asians from western countries rush as you and envoy of us any the bends. yep . pointed out that it was a huge craving. i'm to add me so which caused the explosion of the medical sites, the smells, make sure the whole grains give in for the delivery video is posted by ukrainian internet users show how 5 missed off on the russian. aerospace forces arrive at the auto implants one after another without any feelings or damage. similarly, it is clear that alone ukrainian air defense me so arise in the area of the
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children's hospital without any damage or interference. it is impossible to kilometers and other features. how is it that the ukrainian air defense mrs. o? 5 strikes on the plans, but clearly hits the children's hospital. the western countries use the meeting to accuse russia being responsible for the recent attack that hits a hospital for children. now, when russian ambassador and eventually a spoke. he pointed out that this was very clearly not a russian missile that hit these children's hospital. but rather this was a ukrainian air defense anti missile that clearly get the hospital man that of russia had intended to strike this children's hospital. it would have been completely demolished, as generally happens when russia, its targets found. he held up q r codes during his presentation, pointing viewers to footage, put out and provided by ukrainian sources that clearly show this to be an anti miss
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. so uh, every ukrainian defense anti missile, not a missile of russian origin. now, he pointed out that it seems like there is an effort to demonize russia in order to build a case for prolonging the conflict and to ignore the piece offers that russia has put forward. here's some of what we heard from the russian ambassador before the united nations security council. mean you have, look it up and do a list. i see, we have repeatedly said that the washer does not strike and civilian targets and ukraine. if we're talking about the stripes on the russian aerospace forces, which were indeed targeted at the ukrainian military industry and the evolution basis of the armed forces of ukraine, then one of the targets in keel was the r, chunky of black. and one of the largest enterprises of the ukrainian defense industry. it is one of the main manufacturers have ation. we solve weapons and ammunition and this target according to objective control data. and according to the testimony of the people of gave themselves, once a hit says,
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the blonde is located about 2 kilometers from the effect of the children's hospital . there was going to be a reason to believe that the premium air defense me so that hit it was designed specifically to intercept the russian. we saw that hit the plans. such strategies could have been avoided. if the key, if we see him in violation of the norms of the international communitarian law, would not have placed the air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential apartments. now, the chinese representatives spoke about the need for de escalation and how association of hostilities and a negotiated solution to the conflict that ends the death and destruction caused by the conflict in ukraine. how that needs to be the focus of the international community, not simply podium, founding and condemnation. here's what the chinese representative had to say. on this, we conclude on we called on the part is to be conflict to show the political will and move towards each other to stop peace talks as soon as possible,
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we will call on the international community to play an active role in creating favorable conditions. so an early end to the wall from an objective and fast standpoint, we called on both parties concerned to work together and holding coleman, comprehensive and sustainable, secure with the concept of cooperation and promoted the establishment of a balanced, effective, and sustainable european security architecture. while russia presented facts and evidence about what actually happened at the children's hospital, we had western leaders not even acknowledging or responding to what was said by russia and simply going on with the same plan script. like using russia of targeting the children's hospital, not acknowledging any of the evidence us and blaming russia for the entire conflict . it was yet another meeting of the un security council when it comes to the issue of ukraine. where are many other countries representatives they just simply stuck to the same old narrative that we've heard time and time again at the un
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headquarters in new york? no, it discusses. this is monica lou full, my senior security policy. i was in the office of the us to find the secretary here in this way and that came forth is unlikely behind the slide, hoping to convince the west of boxes to send more support. this is something that the ukrainians are feel now that they are at a press a business where they they absolutely have to it's either a do or die situation. they need state. they're hoping to get major packages. and i wouldn't doubt that for that missile was aimed at that possible by the ukrainians to in order to jump garner that kind of support that's, that's the, the i, i don't know any of this out given that we're always hearing this, this information that is coming out of, and the propaganda that comes out of the west, especially, we have a clip from cnn. now they add a video,
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but miss all hitting the facility facility while the present to comment to live. but these william flags patriot missiles, intercepting incoming, this, uh, this could have been a 40, is that we don't know. but 1st of all, let us take a look at the cnn piece together. and then we'll have a chat. and it is something that i've, i've been sent to images of this videos as those patriots the missiles go up to intercept the incoming missiles. you can see it from the ground. i wonder at how ukraine is watching. this week's nato summit here in washington. there's so much uncertainty now, right, because so much so much comes down to the us selection in the fall. it's plain to see for everyone. what fire see going on, surely, but they have, they have to own up to what they're actually see. i'm become real jealous and say, what's really going on? well, 6, cnn, at least admitted that it was a us system. so i, i'm afraid that it's not going to prevail at the un security council, which is,
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and which is, you know, where, where that is a form that the us folks can with public appeal but, but the, you correct. but i think it's really aimed at the audience now, but it's uh, even by and by the ukrainian straight with the, with the at the 75th anniversary medium. this being held here in washington to mock 175 years of nathan. the allies is holding a 3 day the summit in washington. the blow claims to be protected to a 1000000000 be below with the most dangerous security environment since the caldwell but the west of the life itself is pumping. you claim full of devastating weapons and has recently expanded even further along russia's voters. china is now sending the alarm over the us meds, brooks aggressive actions. is it so late as the cold war legacy and
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the world's largest military alliance? naser claims itself to be a regional defense if alliance on the one hand. but on the other hand keeps preaching. its boundary expands against mandate, reaching beyond its defence, stone and stoking confrontation, which reveals its deeply imbedded, cold war mentality and find the logical bias. this is the real source of risk threatening global peace and stability. nature should stay within its role as a regional defensive alliance to stop creating tensions in the asia pacific stop peddling, it's cold, warm, and sound, and book confrontation. so they just, you know, trying to destabilize the asia pacific of, to, with, has done so to europe. us president joe biden, on these nights at account of pounds of gathering in washington as russia continues to advance on the battlefield and ukraine. the agenda for this is something which is predictable from supporting a crying. so tackling what they say. i think able bogeyman, russia, china on,
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on the democratic people's republic of korea, back in 2022 nights, are labeled china, a security challenge for the 1st time. also warning, the russia probably is the most significant and direct threat to peace and security of the language used by the lines to hold. the pat hasn't softened the warrant. no credit demonstrates how close the line, the restaurant. i'm fine on north dakota and they're on our, china's the main and neighbor of russell. so what our mission against the ukraine, the post and sheet and present it in the world won't need to do not the states to fail in ukraine. i'm if put in winning single cream, it'll multiple in bowls and impressed inputs and also have both impressed. and she was to me and dropping his from his besides, what happens in ukraine today can happen in a shop tomorrow. so was trying to get on to cause the honor of nighttime hope by using has consistently called for a peaceful title to end the conflict and ukraine. something president, she's been paying reiterated during the meeting with. i'm gabrielle prime minister,
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big to old. on monday, i should you mean to heat site yourself, or if you need to be stress that and are lucy's fire and a political solution are in the interest of all parties. the grand focus is to abide by the 3 principles of no spillover over the battlefields. no escalation of the war, and no fueling of the flames by all bodies to cool down the situation as soon as possible. hold on with arrive in washington, fresh from his peace mission, which included visits to ukraine, russia, and the latest in china, instead of war mongering. o'bonham whose country is part of the night. so alliance has chosen of all the forward thinking approach. in addition to the war in punch is the 3 world powers, the united states, the european union, and china will decide when the russian ukraine war ends. that's why we came to beijing. lensky obviously dismissed obama piece mission. notice surprises the can he be immediate to? he has no mediation between russia and ukraine. the whole world can force russia to
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stop this war. this is not about mediation. this is about possibilities. you must have an economy that's in fluency, is russia and polluting depends on it. or you must have a very powerful law made it pollutant fees, which is stronger than rushes. all the many such countries in the world, not many. i think the us is such a country, china, and the you not just one country, but the entire european union. this could really be such a mediation mission. at the 2nd meeting in poland, let's defined a security agreement, including plans to sign you cried new forces in poland and shooting down russian, versailles and drones. overview prime from poland looks like a woman reading machine. it's hard to start once to advertise debates of a stomach. now you tell you would also discuss a pretty good new office in care of well outgoing secretary general, you hadn't stolen some bug, wants to run through it from proof package, fearing i will dry up if he were to ins as president. but it looks like he have
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will not be gone. today's heidi grow of membership of the military alliance with the nato chief insisting it remains of the agenda. as long as the conflict continues. no one knows. so the executive, 10 years, both about but it's almost as it is a very serious issue to bring in your claim because your credit is not a contract at all or your credit has been attacked by a blood rush. all. so the most important thing we, we should do is to step up our support to claim, to ensure that you can provide as a precondition for an a future membership for your plan. so the nighttime stomach comes a challenging time folder. military alliance has been described as a medical break gathering with many of its 32 member sites. clearly in this array of has of site i don't know of is decided on washington for the north atlantic treaty organization summit. that being met by protests is the us capital
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carry. i'm team 8 to ballas. that was i just have a cold for them. a few blocks of this fund. i always spoke to a protest organizer cutty, that's clear. who said the active list are opposed to american tax dollars. we used to kill people here in the united states. we want to take a band to get skip through that it was the period instead of data. we believe the 1st place that we should do it right here and watch the where these data for this data. somebody quoted, you have read your, it's your article americans, you don't support all money that you're going to go into work that there's that getting funneled out of our country and it's the head you're in lone us basically, you want to push a, it's a world with bush and top of the central throughout the united states. and then move mid beginning a new sense that seem right to your boss. the amount of people that support us. they might not show up before our protests because they know the unsafe service around their people. don't agree with them, they don't people i want right by.


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