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tv   News  RT  July 10, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the, the, the image, a mass exodus of ukrainian speaking to escape being poles for the mobilized as kind of follows us both ortiz detain, a group of 23 men trying to force them to neighbor. know those last, as the outgoing dates are changing, decades long. guess it's the fuel, the ukraine conflict and expands the lines the russians borders are on the inside, co signed, and yet it's still within the receives american tires, civilian awards, the presidential medal of freedom at the nato summit. today that it was stronger, smarter, and more of them when you began assess cubic, attain suspects the case that preparing to carry out the types on the island with weapons from the us.
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the a very warm welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest wells news update, as always is good to have you with us ukrainian and full regards of quotes 23 men who tried to flee into a neighboring mo, data to avoid, to being mobilized the suspects of allegedly paid that handle is thousands of dollars each for the way out to be in baffled country. say, senior correspondent, why does do you have time for these house as well this exodus? if anything it is increasing more and more ukrainians a a trying to get out of the country. and this is the spots the recording in new knows that ukraine has implemented tablets. the for the, with europe, with no dover involved in military of military patrols with video cameras from a sense of trying to keep the premiums in that he wouldn't for business. as of may
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male adult, you premium from a region with a part of the board that with most of us, if they are a local, as you can see, this isn't helping you play these in a critical state because the people who wanted to fight this war who felt strongly about that, most of them are loading since dead or cripple. the people who want to against the war has long since been mobilized. it was left you credit and men left that it was the want nothing to do with this one. we all seen this every day. you pay the government, this spot, the public yonder is complaining but more and more people are trying to get out. but out of the country, thousands of dollars up to 15. 16. $17000.00. to get on the vehicle. be driven to the border until by a guide how to get out of the country. of course,
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now that there's a problem with work fluids with the new, with the well, with the supply recruits volunteers, drawing up the frame is forcing people that are offered by force in the military recruitment centers in the military vehicles. a few weeks off to which they find themselves on the front lines the of the these days, this belief that ukrainians 1st have to think what when they support the propaganda and the statements for the west and the this is brittany lead just heading the victory is just around the corner does disappear, disappear radiance. now from the aware that there is no way that that goes to win
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this conflict with russia. button military means and what many opinions on asking themselves is. then by going dive the sub for a close. that is where the last and yeah, there's a, a common spike by one ministry recruits that you paid in ministry recruited to himself, helped pack away hundreds of people, set them to the depths. he is now complaining that you pay millions that ukrainians onto looking forward to the back on the might on revolution of 2014. and sometimes you interact with people who say to your face that you jumped to start this war back in 2014. during the meeting, and you can't do anything to them, and they provoke you saying that you provoke this war. there is also a prevailing sense of injustice among ukrainian men. for example, it is regular now in reports for russian troops, the here of new christmas was true ukrainian soldiers. i killed in action, who would cripples who were missing and the missing fingers on them on their hands
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. of course, you can was one of those corrupt countries when this conflict began, and one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and this was freely admitted. and what many opinions are asking now is, where will the all emetrius will the deputies, children? where will the children of all the top journalist of the governors of the may is there were a blog, very few of them are on the front lot and many gradients feeling. josh, that's the fair beings, was the flies in the by the leads to wouldn't send that own children to die in the same complex the wall ukrainians are being mobilized. so we'll do it by doing that . how's awarded the presidential medal of freedom to the outgoing head? of nate, sorry for his steadfastness on the ukraine conflict since 2014. but bart and speech didn't quite go as planned. does he apparently write down some stage instructions by mistake washer you are you great? again. you didn't have to say. today, there are strong,
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smarter, and more energized. then when you began our plays, your, the highest of the stage can be so presidential. i'm afraid to ask the, well, that's the much vaunted 75th anniversary ne. so summit is in full swing in the us capital. the blog isn't wasting any time and taking fresh pulled shots of china. so maintaining relations with russia and respond. staging site is the west and the
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lines should stop chasing ghosts. say you saw it, i'm sure natal. so cold security is more often than not built on others in security . and what it does puts the world and regents at high security risk with friendly reject needles, vilification, and blame shifting against china. we urge the, you know, to form the right perception of china, get rid of its cold board mentality in 0 sum approach. stop scare mongering on security and making an imaginary 75 years later, nato has been the most successful defense of the line. in history, the world, it's about preventing worse. it's about the attorney. it's about making our people more savings for us as console best with nelson. wong, vice chairman of the shanghai send up a room pack on the international studies on the valves on club backs. but many thanks for joining us on the program today is good to see you so fast up. what do you make of the escalates in rhetoric, games, china, that we're seeing that the summit of this so called defensive nato alliance up.
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thank you for having me, nikki, a festival nato is a product of the code and it has being at virtually resurrected as a result of the conflict in ukraine at west seeing it. uh, you know, this organization to continue explanation of these days and the stuff related to summit right now that is being held in washington dc is now even claiming that china is becoming before it. so what is this? this is going really too far, nato seems to be interested only in finding new. anybody is picking spots everywhere and this is not right. absolutely. like you say. and badging has told nice that response stop creates and imaginary enemies like you say, why? with the blow keeping need to do that, why wouldn't want to provoke more enemies,
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especially when it seems to have his hands full right. the with the ukraine collins legs or i think it's actually the people of the nato countries. i really need to judge the politicians at to, to stop acting like this because they are picking fights in other countries. they are, are picking, imagine lily and amazed everywhere and a being a north atlantic. uh, you know, based organization or military law. it is now even bossing to asia. so this is a really upset and i think the chinese government is right to have make the point were very clear that we are not a country that is interested in picking fights with people who were a peace loving people at it. here is something i want to quote, the, the hungarian bucks with all the prime minister of victor, all but i know when before he left to try not to be told the price. next,
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china is perhaps the only country, the only big country that is being promoting peace from day one. when it comes to the conflict inc, ukraine in gaza. so for nato to, to pick china as the escape of gold for its own military expansion. that is totally groundless. i like to say, you know, it's been a hold on 3 decades since the cold war ended. but china and tony says they told me that you're still stuck in the very same mentality. i'm just wondering why the lines has failed to move on. yes. so it's uh, it's quite sad actually to, to, to, to the, to the ordinary people around the world. and i think that people need to remind themselves what kind of defense ministries these countries have. because led by the us, nato is becoming really
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a very aggressive ministry block that is driving most of the country ministries into war ministries. you know, the defense ministry is into war ministries. and this is totally wrong in today's world, when uh, you know, peace and development should be the main. uh, you know, the direction that we should be moving forward is also so confusing, isn't it, mr. well, i mean, us officials came, nato has done a great job, but preventing was but then who invited ask uninstalled, who are invaded or wrong coupons, a series of other countries and who's been pumping ukraine full of weapons. so what do you make of this seemingly welly and take on reality coming from washington? where i think the us is, is already very much used to. it's all good, paul chrissy and they're not shame. don't that. that double standards. you have rightly pointed out a video of the country that is being crating,
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all these troubles in different countries. english got as don in uh, you know, in syria everywhere in the middle east. so, and they are still claiming that they are there to promote peace. uh no, this is uh and no one is gonna buy that. but uh, i think let's see ways the us election upcoming and let's see the next administration if they're going to, uh, you know, bring this country to sensors. hopefully, a little bit more than it is now because this administration is really going crazy as we lock 75 years since nature was created. do you think it's possible that we might eventually see a rival alliance and the judge to, to kind of keep the us block here and check is the was still past once, once did many expo. so i'll give it the, well, it was actually safer that way. when we had both be we'll still packed down the
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data. well, i've noticed that there are pokes about that and there are even people suggesting that perhaps less young probably cooperation organization might be uh you know, the, the, the organizations that come, potentially developed because like a call to 4 spot. uh my personal take is that uh uh, doing this, it is better to uh, that's why you couple of people in the west in europe to that government to forget about this because why we always have to choose to fight and why not sitting down and sauls or all disputing amicable negotiations and discussions instead of seeking to arms. because whenever there is a military conflict that will be casualties and it's always the civilians, the innocent civilians are young people that are dying. so this is very tragic.
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absolutely is always good to sit down and talk and it's always good to talk to you many thanks. nelson wong, vice chairman, a patient of high sense of impact on the international studies and the vows i tried x, but thank you very much. thank you. but while the blokes, members, the say is preventing was this week's may so gathering kicks off with the approval of a fresh package to k of the donation would include patriot batteries provided by the us, germany and romania as well as some of the defense systems where basically, they only your kid might equipment mccannen, susceptible listing missiles. well, she said also i pledged a wide list of time to cool defense tech and on the eval lengthening delivery list . his aunty correspondence stay sweeney us, president joe biden on his knighthood counterbalance of gathering and washington as russia continues to advance on the battlefield and ukraine. the agenda for this is something that is predictable from supporting
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a crying so tackling what they see as evil, bogeyman, russia, china, um, on the democratic people's republic of korea, back in 2022 nights are labeled china, a security challenge for the 1st time. also a warning, the russia probably is the most significant and direct threat to peace and security of the language used by the lines to hold. the pat hasn't softened the war and you're kind of demonstrates how close the lines restaurant in china on north dakota and their own are china is the main and neighbor of russell. so what operation against the ukraine, the post and sheet and post them to it, and they won't need to, they're not the states to fail in ukraine if put in wins and ukraine. you know, multiple emboldened 1st input tables are both in piston machine as to when dropping this problem is the said what happens in ukraine today can happen in a saw tomorrow. so was trying to done to cause the honor of nighttime hope by using has consistently called for
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a peaceful title to end the conflict and ukraine. something president, she's been paying reiterated during the meeting with gary and prime. it is subject to all by no monday. she mean to she sign something, or if she didn't be stressed that an early ceasefire and a political solution are in the interest of all parties. the grand focus is to abide by the 3 principles of no spillover over the battlefields. no escalation of the war. and no fueling of the flames by all parties to cool down the situation as soon as possible, instead of war mongering, all by whose country as part of the night. so alliance has chosen of all the forward thinking approach. in addition to the warring parties, the 3 world powers, the united states, the european union, and china, will decide when the russian ukraine war ends. that's why we came to be jean lensky obviously dismissed all bonds piece mission. notice surprises that can he be immediate to? he has no mediation between russia and ukraine. the whole world can force russia to
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stop this war. this is not about mediation. this is about possibilities. you must have an economy that's influence these russia and polluting depends on it. or you must have a very powerful law made it pollutant fees, which is stronger than rushes. although many such countries in the world, not many, i think the us is such a country. china and the you don't just one country, but the entire european union. this could really be such a mediation mission about the psych mazing and poland. lensky signed a security agreement, including plans to find ukrainian falls in poland and shooting down russian bay solves and drones, overview prime from poland, looks like the woman reading machine. it's hard to start once to advertise debates, but it looks like he will not be gone today. it's heidi grow of membership of the military alliance with the nato chief insisting it remains of the agenda. as long as the conflict continues, no one knows that expected 10 years both but,
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but it's almost as it is a very serious issue to bring in ukraine because a credit is not a contract at all or your credit has been attacked by blood rush, all so the most important thing we, we should do is to step up our support to create and to ensure that to create today's as a precondition for an future membership for your plan. so the nighttime it comes a challenging time for the military alliance has been described as a michael brake gathering with many of its 32 member sites. clearly in disarray. with the leaders arriving in washington for the 3 day summit were met by protest is hiring unseen nato banners a corner of the military block to despond. we spoke with the organizer of the valley, who said american tax dollars should not be used to push for conflict with russia. here in the united states, we want to take a stand against get through with the set and see what degree it was better. they don't believe the 1st place to be do it right here in possible. see what need data
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with the status of it. it's like we have, we hear a picture of the american. we don't support our money that we go into a lot of the going to our tax. there's that getting funneled out of our country and they have your, you blown us to basically want to push into war with russian company next to central united states. the mediators of the nato summit could possibly come together and just wait europeans from trying to pull money out of our country and get into their hands. or us can use the boxes and data service organization. it continues taking more money from our pocket to putting into the hands, people work, killing lot of people's spot brothers, the amount of people that support us. they might not sure about that because they know the context of service around their people who don't agree with them. they don't want to walk right by, but we know that when we talk to the hearts and minds of americans, we truly understand that they don't with their talk with you and that we are bringing out this movement. we as a people, as an american, people will liberate this budget and the grass, the data, and the terrorist organizations that dispute your inc photo. and so i hope that's
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wrong. that's a picture of the american as he is to put a stop to that. so put an end to this new to like the play game tonight, states it turning it into a colony of europe. that's really what it is. we used to control a lot of what to europe, but our founding fathers declared that we are as americans fitted for liberty and justice. and it does not seem like that happen to get all the details. in fact, they're standing with the exact opposite about the standing for the murder, the destruction of the rock. and we know that all the materials, custody of america and of american people need to stop to cuba. now wells doherty's have released details of what they call a terror applause originating from us soil, as honest as it has detained some 3 dozen suspects, accused of preparing to commit attacks with weapons smuggled into cuba from nearby florida, a correspondent from all spanish language tunnel is across the story, i don't know so we can see all of you, but presented evidence and details of an organized terrorist plan against the island to information about this event was 1st provided in december 2023. and one
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of the forces of the ministry of internal affairs announced that they had neutralize the plan to recruit people on the island to commit acts of violence, as well as sabotage. a note published on sunday in the cuban preston named a cuban citizen living in the united states who came to the cuban coast for this purpose to lead these operations on the island. the identity of i'd say on monday, my names are dennis garcia as far as i've been living in the usa since august 2014 hours. i'm submitting this application voluntarily to assist the processing of my illegal entry into the country to north with tons. so most that i don't know, even all kinds of evidence were shown, photographs of munitions and weapons that he managed to import into cuba as well as videos of training in south florida, organizations and people dressed and military uniforms with long barrels weapons, practically parent military organizations and testimonies of people who were recruited on the island to support such terrorist actions were also given,
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as well as information about the actions that he has been able to carry out on cuban territory. since his arrival. that's shown as a most of the boy and want to see we can see that he came not only with the intention of doing this, and that's what all somebody's plans communicating with some people. and in addition to clarifying these plans, you also made trips with conduct the doubles the patient's name and try to after these plans mainly park members. you will have some physical training and identifies weapons storage site training sites. places where shooting and other military exercises would be held. the most bloodless, who else like sonus terrace plans and actions had been a constant phenomenon on the island since the beginning of the cuban revolution? in january 1959 plans and actions were funded and organized from the territory of the united states. so the islands government to it has even recently compiled a list of terrorists and organizations that have organized such activities. and another systematic claim is the passive position of the us government in the face
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of these events, despite the fact that cuba has provided all the necessary evidence. in fact, many of these organizations are directly working directly funded by us government agencies. i to spell that prominence a robot phase. the other now stays back up and running the country again. any 2 months off the surviving an assassination attempt do progressive, liberal media and opposition. sorts have survived, but i'm back on may 15th. and one of the things that we show several times by a lone wolf attack at close range will increasing people outside the cultural center because of it. so it was heavily wounded and really died in hospital while he, on the when several surgeries assess back to his being charged with attempted notice that he opposed the plan is policies which have included close to stall to all means you frame on criticism of sanctions against russia the. 2 being has agreed to plead guilty to food in the case of
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2737, macs, atlanta crashes in ethiopia, and indonesia. they killed a total of $346.00 people. the play kansas possibly deal with the us department of justice. it was the boeing payouts $243000000.00 in fines and spent another $455000000.00 to improve a slight safety. we spoke with some of the victims, families in indonesia who oppose the deal and demanding justice of my identity that we are still fighting to achieve our goals. perhaps a boeing feels powerful since they have the most money in america and everything is possible. however, the relatives of those victims cannot simply be given money. it has no to turn to fact. we want boeing to be punished. indonesia is why in the air flight 610, crash, just 13 minutes after the take off. plunging into the java c back in october 2018. the victims relatives are still seeking justice, looking for boeing to be held accountable. the boeing 737 max airliners were
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granted world wide following the crashes that return to the skies just 2 years after the band. lawyers had been accusing boeing of concealing safety issues with the 737 max jet carlo. everybody's a. i used to be the victims representative, i was appointed following the incident, i responded to inquiries about this statement from blink seo. who confessed that it was their error. if it's true that some documents were falsified in order to release the type of the aircraft that would fly, that was a fatal mistake. it was a 3 crime that caused the loss of more than $300.00 human lives. in this case. that's the wine j t 6, then catastrophe, as well as into the feel be a case. i believe this is a severe crime. the victims families request that the culprits be harshly punished because the initial refused to accept the crime. boeing manage to avoid criminal charges in 2021. signing an agreement with prosecutors that called for a number of safety conditions. but just the days before the agreement expired,
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a door plug blew out on another 737 mex jet and renewed scrutiny of the ocean giant with a vengeance. to avoid a criminal trial, the company put guilty in july 2024, which lawyers called a sweetheart deals. it's not a surprise that boeing accepted the plea deal. it's what we're calling a sweetheart deal for the boeing company. the sign is minimal. families do not believe that the terms of video are sufficient. it is a deal that is much to lenient on the boeing company and an additional $243000000.00 fine. well, it sounds like a lot of money to an average person is in, in significant amount of money to adequately punish a criminal, liked the boeing how many for killing 346 people. despite boeing's guilty play, relatives of the victims are dissatisfied with the outcome, saying no fine can replace their loved ones and hilda scars carlos,
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i am glad i at. so i'm still taking medication from my psychiatry off to the incident. i had to be sedated to get on the pain, even listening to the sound of the airplane brought tears to my eyes. i was very traumatized, especially when i see a boeing 737, or 737, max. immediately remember what happened at that time? i just thank you for joining us here in all the international assets get. we've got plenty more news analysis on documentary that you must feed on our website. all the com. we're back with plenty more info to minutes and hope to see you then the public sentence. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please,
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or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change dwayne, say the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm theater, roosevelt. the north atlantic treaty organization is celebrating its 75th anniversary in washington. this week, for many in the west, nato is deemed to be the most successful military alliance in history. for others,
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beyond the west, nato is the most serious security threat to humanity. today, the cross talking nato, i'm joined by my guess. erin, good in philadelphia. he is a political scientist historian, as well as author of american exception empire in the deep states in san francisco . we have k, j. know he is a political analyst and journalist and in lisbon we crossed alexander guerrero. he is an international legal analyst, gentleman comstock rules and effect. that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, aaron, let me go to you. first thing in philadelphia. um, um we have, we here over and over again. nato is the most successful live with henry alliance in history. it's almost like getting f one on your computer. but you know, as they're celebrating their uh 75th anniversary in washington. what achievements, how do they have under their belt, other than surviving as an alliance?
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that's the only quote unquote achievement i can think of go ahead or as well they tow served to keep alive western imperialism and to re brand it as a either under consolidated under the us band or as really of all of the colonial powers of the world. the united uh, basically the core of capitalism and imperialism for the proceeding centuries. and they were able to re branded as a defense of freedom, this very powerful force or a that had a lot of invest in capital all around the world. the us police that and nato was the tip of the spear. they're in a sense, especially as it began to expand into these quote unquote peacekeeping missions and so on in the wake of the cold war of the aftermath of the cold war. and this led to it becoming something the kind of different sort of a in force or for the.


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