tv News RT July 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the, the, it's on, so is this out. i made a mass exodus of the plan is thinking to escape being pulled. it's pretty mobilizes . i don't border of to argue contain a group of 23 men flying to bumps in the neighboring load of both sides. the outgoing, they towed cheese and thanks a lot of effort to feel the bring home food and expand in months further along. russian borders is on the advice go by the in sold to the receives americans highest, the 1000000000 the presidential level of freedom for nathan summit in washington. today that it was stronger, smarter more and then when you began stuff to it
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didn't change suspect says choose a proposal to our house and it starts on the island with the weapons smuggled. believe what the live i thought was go, this is all to you. my name is run her mom in 30 minutes of news on these a lot now. also, story ukrainian border guards have quote to 23 men who tried to flee into neighboring mal do to avoid being mobilized. last night inside the ledger, the each paid the smugglers thousands of dollars for a way out of the bottled country all day. is that a senior correspondent? what i've got to do as the details? well this exodus if anything, is increasing more and more ukrainians a a trying to get out of the country. and this is the spikes, but we're cooling in new laws that ukraine has implemented tablets,
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the board that with europe, with mold over in bob, white and military of military patrols with video cameras from a sense of trying to keep ukrainians in they've, he wouldn't have been adults may mail adult ukrainians from a printing with a low because of the border with will do. but if they are a local, as you can see, this isn't helping you play and is in a critical state because the people who want to tell flight this was felt strongly about that. most of them are loading, since beds will cripple the people who want to against the will have long since been mobilized. that was left the credit and men left of it was the want. nothing to do with this one. we all seem is, every day you credit and so government, this spots the propaganda he's complaining with more and more people are trying to get out of the out of the country. thank thousands of dollars up to $151617000.00.
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to get on the vehicle, be driven to the border until by a guide how to get out of the country. of course, now that there's a problem with recruits with the new, with the, with the supply recruits volunteers, drawing up the brand is forcing people are offered by force in the military recruitment centers and the military vehicles. a few weeks off to which they find themselves on the front lines the to these days this belief that ukrainian 1st has the sacred when they support the propaganda of the b, b and the statements from the west and lead us for any lead to setting up the
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victories just around the corner, it does disappear, disappear the ukrainians on now certainly aware that there is no way that that goes when this conflict with russia button military means. and once menu opinions off getting themselves is then by going die for the sub for a cause. that is where the loss of him is a, a common spite by one minute free recruits that you paid in ministry recruited to himself, helped pack away hundreds of people, set them to the depths. he is now complaining that you pay means that you pay dns onto looking forward to the black on the might on revolution of 2014. and sometimes you interact with people who say to your face that you jumped to start this war back in 2014 during the meeting. and you can't do anything to them. and they provoke you saying that you provoke this war. there's also a prevailing sense of injustice among ukrainian men. for example, it is regular now in report from russian troops that here of new prism as was true,
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ukrainian soldiers killed in action, who would cripples who were missing and now i'm missing fingers on them. on that hand, of course, you paid was one of those corrupt countries when this complex. but yeah, and one of the most corrupt countries in the world and this was freely admitted. and what many opinions are asking now is where all the parliamentary is all the deputies children. where will the children of all the top journalists of the governors of amaze, they wrote a blog. very few of them are on the front floods and many ukrainians feeling. josh, this, the bad being was the flies in the will by the leads to william, send the own children to die in the same complex a. and while the credit is all being mobilized for, well, joe biden has awarded the president for medal of freedom to the outgoing hand of nato. but his steadfastness on the crane conflict since 2014 but barton speech
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didn't go quite as planned to see a powerfully without some sage and instructions by mistake. from the rush, who are you crazy? again? you didn't hesitate today know a strong, smarter, more energized. then when you began our plays you award, the highest of the stage can be so presidential level of freedom past the
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why the blogs and then move, claim it in front of button teen was the name to grab the ring. have teams off with the approval of yet another package for gave the donation would include page it, a defense batteries provided by the us, germany and romania as well as the sample see known to them. it's really the only european maybe equipment that come into set the ballistic missiles. washington, as also it probably is the wide range of tech and the us, the top they provide says nato's low, low weighted f. 16 by the depths of finely heading to play. and i'm also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of f. 16 jets is underway, coming from denmark coming from the netherlands. and those jets, those jets will be flying in this guy's ukraine, this summer. blinking statement guns different days off the russia struck
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a movie field in centrally lane. moscow says it's destroyed 5 su towards the use of 5 digits and damage several others the russian defense. and if it released this ariel foot, they showed multiple bull the explosions at the site by calling mickey arrow, discuss the latest developments with the washington based out come modeling analyst john coverage, i think. and i think of any of the 16 jazz. so already on the way to ukraine, so i'm just wondering, he is going to be flying operating and maintaining that his jazz and cannot. i 20 be done without the regs nato involvement from the 24th of february 2022. when i was in harkey of ukraine, when, when the 1st attacks case of this is always been about semantics, you know what the on, on that day the russian federation could say, we were at war with ukraine, but soon after that it's migrated and it's now you know,
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president fulton is able to say that, you know, we're not at war only with ukraine, more at war with 32 members of nato. natal doesn't want f sixteens to be destroyed because it's great marketing for the russian federation to say, hey, our aircraft down to your aircraft, our aircraft are better. and of course, natal member countries, the russian federation, other countries, everyone's trying to sell military equipment. so no one wants their stuff destroyed . so you crane may be keeping the, the sixteen's not as close to where they would like to have them operate. because they're under pressure from nato and from other countries don't risk these aircraft. and so from the cranium standpoint, they're basically getting the port well, you want us to keep the abrams tanks from us in the background. so russia doesn't
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have a video of them being destroyed. now, you want us to keep them 16. so it is going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out during the next 90 to a $120.00 days. basically, by that time the us presidential election in november. let's talk about the survey and presidents alex on the beach is comments about job item because a to see you as president of double standards over the situations and ukraine compared to the former eucharist, the best off to be you as president. and so the nato had intervened in the balkans to restore, pays and stop ethnic cleansing. what's your take on that? press the air to one yesterday. sort of making the same argument that then he's, you know, has a focus with respect to what's happening. and in his real and gaza, but also syria and you the it, what you're saying is some of these leaders are saying it seems to be cherry picking what's of interest to nato that nato isn't trying to do with some of these
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issues very close by. but they're talking about expansion toward the pacific dealing with issues relating to china. and so there are some feelings from some of the heads of state and as a government that i've spoken to that, they feel there is sort of a, a, a double standard. uh, you know, one adviser to ahead of stay yesterday said that i, you know, nato has done more in the last 2 years to bring russia in china together uh than it did before when the goal was to keep them apart. as the most volunteer and 75th anniversary, nato summit is in full swing in the us council. the bronx isn't wasting any time in taking fresh points, thoughts at china for maintaining relations with russia in response. beijing says the lives so stop creating imaginary and they hit so it onto nato's so called security is more often than not built on others in security. and
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what it does puts the world and regents at high security risk, but firmly reject needles, vilification and blame shifting against china. we urge the you know, to form the right perception of china, get rid of it's called board mentality in 0 sum approach. stop scare mongering on security and making imaginary nato has been the most successful defense of the lines in history, the world. it's about preventing morris, it's about the turn. it's about making our people more safe and secure. oh, so you're going to be to call the view nato is not on thing in defense, all of its members days, but is role the being used to preserve the dominance one particular country. the nato claims its mission is for the defense. you know, some future says less than $21.00 is worse, but watch one's action. the natal rector for the past 20 years has nothing to do
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with dfcs. nato was in volume. and y'all status on in libya and now is involved in supporting a proxy wording. you crate against russia and nato's performance. it has not been for the security of countries in europe. it's everything to do with preserved u. s. empire across the globe. and this is white, and nato is getting, is trying to dip its foot into pacific. you know what the north atlantic treaty organization has to do with anything in the pacific? what the security interest of what, nate, what countries in north, at atlantic, does china threaten? this is ridiculous. you know, again, this is just plain pliable, lack heed to america, to washington's interest, which is to contain china in asia. victor hope out and look for you, just tweet a couple of days ago from bailey jean. you said china is
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a key power in creating the condition for peace in the brain conflict. that's why he has the same 3 china of his piece mission. mean, china has offered time to get it to be on this piece broker in the ukraine conflict, but may, are, the nato country has to be new for really our houses or something he has uniformly rejected. and it's interesting when the for finding is in china, there was no opposition to from either t f, or, or moscow. most of the criticism counseling natal for other nato countries and washington, and this really lace bears that the fact that nato is not interesting. pete's to cuba now, where as far as these have really these details of what they cool for a pair of plots originating from u. s. so how about up says it has the chain some reading doesn't and suspects accuse of preparing to commit a tax with weapons smuggled into cuba from nearby florida?
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of course, a lot of the law spanish language style is across the story. it does go most of the m. c a, but presented evidence and details of an organized terrorist plan against the island. information about this event was 1st provided in december 2023. when the forces of the ministry of internal affairs announced that they had neutralize the plan to recruit people on the island to commit acts of violence, as well as sabotaged a note published on sunday in the cuban press, named a cuban citizen living in the united states okay, and to the cuban coast for this purpose, to lead these operations on the island number a identical, i'd say on monday, my names are dennis garcia as far as i've been living with us, say, since august 2014. i'm submitting this application voluntarily to assist the processing of my illegal entry into the country to north more times this semester. i don't really all kinds of evidence were shown, photographs of munition and weapons and that he managed to import into cuba as well
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as videos of training in south florida, organizations, people dressed and military uniforms with long, fair old weapons, practically parent military organizations. and testimonies of people who were recruited on the island to support such terrorist actions were also given, as well as information about the actions that he has been able to carry out on cuban territory. since his arrival people, that's one is a no for the boy and want to see we can see that he came not only with the intention of doing this, and that's what all somebody's plans communicating with some people. and in addition to clarifying these plans, you also made trips with conduct a double of ations and even try to add to these plans, mainly park members who have some physical training and identified weapons storage site training sites. places where shooting and other military exercises would be held. the most blindness, who else like you on the terrace plans and actions have been a constant phenomenon on the island since the beginning of the cuban revolution. in january 1959, when the plans and actions were funded and organized from the territories of the
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united states, the islands government has even recently compiled a list of terrorists and organizations that have organized such activities. and another systematic claim is the passive position of the us government and the face of these events, despite the fact that cuba has provided all the necessary evidence. in fact, many of these organizations are directly or in directly funded by us government agencies. i was a bit of background outlaw, see a full the top c i a slide. so the media, the washington as being sponsoring, i'm think government journalist movements in cuba to organizations like yours a i. d and the national endowment for democracy, the share of a nation's incumbent president me data the as kind of has also includes the us of attack in cuba to subversive projects. numerous times they have facilities, fable cube. this comment as policy is reported to us based organizations, invest money into the schemes targeting the art of government. for example,
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in 2020 the national endowment of a democracy and allegedly conducting the policies of both of projects. i'm awarded from $20.00 to $650000.00. so there is entities i can see against the carrier being state of the american. i'm carol being studies professor dials, so told us that washington has been very inconsistent. is policy towards the cuban government over the years. this is the latest scheme to overthrow the revolutionary government of cuba. the state department has never rested in the past of 65 years, they continue to make every attempt to destabilize cuban society ice create right conditions. um, for a type of, uh, what they want to frame is a home down insurrection on the island. i think everyone in for all those cuba
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closely knows that these uh cuban americans are not acting alone for 6 and a half decades. they've been funded by the state department by the us state and the c i a and all of the usual actors we know about the national endowment for democracy that has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the quote unquote democracy projects in cuba. that's the euphemism for their activities. there are high styles, so the cuban government. we could understand this car a moment, as a new operation, condo or the c, i a, the state department, the southern come in the us embassies. they've never ceased to try to rile up as much internal defense. a
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boeing has agreed to plead guilty to fraud in the case of 2737 macs, a line of crashes in ethiopia, and indonesia that killed a total of 346 people. now the play comes as part of a deal with the us department of justice. a would see boeing pay out $243000000.00 in fines and spent another $455000000.00 to improve flight. so now we spoke with some of the victims, families in indonesia who oppose the deal and demanding justice kind of going on because i have the supply identity that we are still fighting to achieve our goals. perhaps a boeing feels powerful since they have the most money in america, and everything is possible. however, the relatives of those victims cannot simply be given money. that has no to turn to fact. we want boeing to be punished. indonesia is why in the air flight 610, crash, just 13 minutes after the take off. plunging into the java c. back in october 2018
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. the victims relatives are still seeking justice, looking for boeing to be held accountable. the boeing 737 max airliners were granted worldwide following the crashes that return to this guys just 2 years after the band. lawyers have been accusing boeing of concealing safety issues with the 737 max jet carlo, pretty buddies i. i used to be the victims representative, i was appointed following the incident, i responded to inquiries about the statement from blink seo. who confessed that it was their error. if it's true that some documents were falsified in order to release the type of the aircraft that would fly, that was a fatal mistake. it was a 3 crime that caused the loss of more than $300.00 human lights. in this case, that's the wine j t 6, then catastrophe, as well as into the feel be a case. i believe this has a severe crime. the victims families request that the culprits be partially punished because they initially refused to accept the crime. boeing manage to avoid
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criminal charges in 2021. signing an agreement with prosecutors that called for a number of safety conditions. but just the days before the agreement expired, a door plug blew out on another 737 next yet, and renewed scrutiny of the ocean giant with a vengeance to avoid a criminal trial, the company pled guilty in july 2024, which lawyers called a sweetheart deals, it's not a surprise that boeing accepted the plea deal. it's what we're calling a sweetheart deal for the boeing company. the sign is minimal. families do not believe that the terms of a deal are sufficient. it is a deal that is much too lenient on the boeing company and an additional $243000000.00 fine. well, it sounds like a lot of money to an average person is an insignificant amount of money to adequately punish a criminal, liked the boeing company for killing $346.00 people. despite boeing's guilty play.
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relatives of the victims are dissatisfied with the outcome, saying no fine can replace their loved ones and hilda scars carlos, i am glad i at. and i'm still taking medication from my psychiatry hist off to the incident. i had to be sedated to get on the plane even listening to the sound of the airplane brought tears to my eyes. i was very traumatized, especially when i see a boeing 737, or 737, max. i immediately remember what happened and that time relentless to job and in humane practice is glass highway, 42 on full of policy in prison. so i, me, i'll probably leave this lives as the tension in israel. he spent over 20 years behind bars that before finally being released in february now as well, has denied multiple allegations of georgia and it's prison. but suddenly out,
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probably the story is just one of many the most of us settled on how the boys i was beaten. they stripped to me completely. i remember a scene from the movie schindler's list about the whole of cost were jewish prisoners were stripped of their possessions. i saw the same thing with rings, shoes and clothes taken from the prisoner's. israel is a racist terrorist state. practice is all forms of racism against palestinian prisoners. there were incidents of sexual assault on prisoners. like in the gift prison were prisoners were raped. the practice all forms of racism against the palestinian prisoners in the give prison, which was characterized by severe beatings and insults even transferring a prisoner from one section to another. involved stripping, beating, and humiliation of the day of my release was
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a mix of emotions. i counted every day on the wall and the days went by incredibly long. the conditions were so harsh that we couldn't distinguish time except when we saw a glimpse of the sky. and we couldn't know what was happening outside. or even if our families were still alive, helene would handle that as well as in the list could sort prison located in then they gave doesn't many incidents all to, to have a legit lead. take them face that according to test some of these detainees were subjected to severe physical violence st who abuse. i'm assuming the edison repose is needing to death. what are the 600000 remain in could see a prison the exact number hasn't been disclosed. now is that your thought he's, i'm justified the st. present condition saying the facility and legend the holds. how most spices as you come up with the i cannot be 20000000 my deficient
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ma'am. how much that came to how many uh well, i mean the now let's take a look at the numbers. oh, past thing is 10, is ready. prison is over $9500.00 passing space in prison with one in 3 held without charge or trial. meanwhile, according to human rights association, 200 of the prisons are on the 18 while almost 100 of the all women now, however, is a national security minister. it's a may have been give, it has called the prison of terrorist the res, overcrowded and in the presence i never thought of releasing service from prisoners because of it. i have already proposed a much simpler solution which is to legalize the death penalty for terrorists,
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which would solve the overcrowding problem. let's say the conditions before october 7 were bad, but they deteriorated significantly. due to the actions of figures like ben v or the gears extreme measures were well documented in is really media. and he targeted the prison system to improve his image among the right wing. and israel been clears actions were part of a broader agenda, resulting in increased brutality towards prisoners. the entry of ben v, you're into the security wings of the prisons, march a new level of aggression to statements about wanting to kill prisoners, rather than give them fruit are clear and statements to violence occurrences. really, governments dominated by right wing parties has proposed to laws to execute palestinian prisoners, which are already being implemented unofficially. these actions aim to maintain israel's image as a democratic and to main stage while practicing brutality against the palestinians
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. i was in the hands of people ready to kill, guards viewed us as less than human. they were filled with hatred towards us. i could have been killed at any moment to. i was up, this is our as always is where you have your company with us here on our teams and actually doing checkout policies come with a lot of great news stories that will be back at the top of the out the what is part of the employee would posted isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the world. but is it something deeper, more complex might be present there?
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let's stop without pleases. let's go out of as i was told time after time after time, there is no such thing as a diabetic diet, just whatever the standard diet is. and you think getting here just keep giving are that the most important thing is learning how to control with insulin. so when we were in the hospital, i remember them saying eat whatever you want and goes for it. and actually his 1st smell in the hospital was a breakfast burrito cuz i was like, that's a, that's no cards. so we'll have to go see for that. but then he wanted to cookies and after every meal yeah, i think the keys and we left the hospital with him being over 300 still my entire nursing career. this is how we've done. i knew that my patients at my job a whatever they want it, and we just gave them this one scale. i knew that their numbers were 2 or 300. i knew that that was the norm. that was the diabetic community for most medical
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doctors, including the nutrition education is at the very bottom of our list of things that were taught about in medical school. most doctors and most medical school educators are new maniacs. but everything new, the burning technology, new research. if you start talking about a dietary intervention, that's 250000 years old. everyone at the table size with a glass of or because that's a new you can't get a patent on it. big soon, manufacturers are not interested in that at all, or no $1000000000.00 drugs. they can be fashions. i'm talking about nutrition. so you can't make any money on a nutrition idea that hundreds of thousands of years old the governing bodies put these recommendations out and it forces physicians to live within those guidelines for, for.
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