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tv   News  RT  July 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the, the, the last, the accidents of inc financing. he can do the escape being full, it's fully mobile. i does come in for the bus or do you did say to do to 23 men trying to cross into neighboring move the joe biden. all those out good, you know, to, to be installed. so, but with the president to middle of freedom, be stepping down also a decade of puting effort. so, have escalated tensions with russia today. no stronger, smarter tomorrow. and then when you begin, plus cuba detains a subspace or chew so player carry out the attacks on the i'm done with the weapons
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bundled on the us, the a very well welcome to you for the entire i'll see international news seeing we're coming to live for months, so let's go to the top. so is this how you currently in border guards have called $23.00 men who tried to flee its neighboring will do to avoid being mobile, as of the suspect, said allegedly each paid the smugglers for thousands of dollars for a way out of the baffled country. all day is a senior correspondent who do i does div as the details as well this exodus, if anything it is increasing more and more ukrainians a a trying to get out of the country. and this is the spots, but we're cooling in new laws that ukraine has implemented, covered the board, the with europe, with no dover involved in military of military patrols with video cameras from
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a census. trying to keep the premiums in the if you wouldn't for business as of may nail adult. you premiums from a region with a part of the board that with will do. but if they are a local, as you can see, this isn't helping you pay a needs in a critical state because the people who wanted to fight this war who felt strongly about that most of them are loading since beds or cripple the people who want to against the will have long since been mobilized. that was left to you, credit and men left of it was the want. nothing to do with this one. we all seem is, every day you pay the government. this spot, the propaganda is complaining with more and more people are trying to get out of the out of the country. thank thousands of dollars up to $151617000.00 to get on the vehicle. be driven to the border until by
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a guide. how to get out of the country. of course, now that there's a problem with recruits with the new, with the, with the supply recruits volunteers. drawing up ukraine is forcing people that are offered by force in the military recruitment centers and the military vehicles. a few weeks off to which they find themselves on the front lines the to these days this belief that ukrainians 1st have the sacred. when this for the propaganda, the end, the statements for the western leaders, pregnant leave is telling the victories just around the corner. it does disappear,
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disappear ukrainians, now suddenly aware that there is no way that they go to women. this conflict with russia button military means and once many you pinions off, getting themselves is then by going die for the sub for a cause. that is where the loss of him is a, a common spike by one ministry recruit. so you paid in military recruitment who himself helped pack away hundreds of people, set them to the depths. he is now complaining that you premiums, but you gradients onto looking forward to be back on the might on revolution of 2014. and sometimes you interact with people who say to your face that you jumped to start this war back in 2014. during the meeting, and you can't do anything to them, and they provoke you saying that you provoke this war. there's also a prevailing sense of injustice among ukrainian men. for example, it is regular now in report from russian troops that here were of new prism as was
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true ukrainian soldiers. i killed in action, who would cripples who were missing and now i'm missing fingers on them on their hands. of course, you can was one of those corrupt countries when this conflict, but yeah, and one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and this was freely admitted. and what many opinions are asking now is where all the all demetrius, all the deputies, children, where will the children of all the top journalists of the governors of amaze, they wrote a blog. very few of them are on the front floods, and many ukrainians feel injustice. the bad being lost. the flies in the bull by the leads to william, send the own children to die in the same complex stylus. nato said right that 75th anniversary and politicians have gathered in washington for a summit. as one of the meetings, james is to ensure that the alliance provides a move free and training assistance see grain, but the hungry that said it will stay out of the game for the sake of the region
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also gives you a professional fund more strongly feel that they've got all the issue you need to go on on that if you've got police boards or, or sags and all that stuff or not, let me see. oh boy, default what i mean. what your thoughts on that piano see? what was known to my daughter, although she said to expand say it's yeah, and i'll see what was our duplication was it was like that, right? the shampoo. yeah. and hold 0 big. all right, actually i was inside event, but the show saudi, as all was eats, you'll receive joyce towards the side be store shag gods, but i just saw shy, black and white gray is all being mobile as well. joe biden has presented to the americas pious civilian award for the outgoing head of nato. you installed 2 bugs, 10. yeah. was notable for his whole christian position and support of the planes as 2014. i'm for expanding the line to alone. rocks as board is part of the suite,
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how i love, what a bits off the rails is, easy apparently without stage directions and the text by mistake a washer you are you great. again, you didn't hesitate. today there are strong, smarter, and more energized. then when you began our plays, your warranty, the highest of the states can be so presidential. the freedom passed the
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while the blogs met load came, it is preventing moves the nation gathering has taken. so with the approval of yet another package for gave the donation would include paint food at defense by trees providing provided by the us, germany and romania as was assigned to the loan to the from it to the the only european made equipment but some intercept, ballistic missiles, washington has also published a wide range of time to go take, and the us talking did provide says native, low weighted f. 165 digits of finally heading to your plane. and i'm also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of f. 16 jets is underway. coming from denmark coming from the netherlands. and those jets, those jets will be flying in this guy's ukraine. this summer, split against
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a man comes this day, is off the stuck a minute filled in central the plain. most cases, it destroyed 5 a few 27 flights of stairs, and that made several of those the russian defense of if you release this, i real for the show multiple bowman's versions at the site when calling to make the arrow discuss the latest developments with washington based outcome modeling analyst john coverage. the same thing. can i saying that the? yes. 16. just so already on the way to ukraine. so i'm just wondering, he is going to be flying operating and maintaining that his jazz and cannot. i 20 be done without the reg tonight. so involvement from the 24th of february 2022 when i was in harkey of ukraine when, when the 1st attacks k. this has always been about semantics. you know what the, on, on that day the russian federation could say, we were war with ukraine,
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but soon after that it's migrated and it's now, you know, president fulton is able to say that to know more, not at more, only with ukraine, more at war with 32 members of nato nato doesn't want f sixteens to be destroyed because it's great marketing for the russian federation to say, hey, our aircraft down to your aircraft. our aircraft are better. and of course, nato member countries, the russian federation, other countries, everyone's trying to sell military equipment. so no one wants their stuff destroyed . so you crane may be keeping the, the sixteen's not as close to where they would like to have them operate. because they're under pressure from nato and from other countries don't risk these aircraft. and so from the cranium standpoint, they're basically getting the port well, you want us to keep the abrams tanks from us in the background. so russia doesn't
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have a video of them being destroyed now you want to keep them 16. so it is going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out during the next 90 to a $120.00 days. basically, by the time of the us presidential election in november, let's talk about the survey and presidents alexander beach is comments about joe biden, because a to z u. s. president of double stand, xavier, the situations and ukraine compared to the former. you've as long as you have that solved to be, you as president. and so the nato had intervened in the balkans to restore, pays and stop ethnic cleansing. what's your take on that? press the air to one yesterday. sort of making the same argument that then he's, you know, has a focus with respect to what's happening and, and israel and gaza, but also syria. and you, the, what you're saying is, some of these leaders are saying it seems to be cherry picking what's of interest to data that nato isn't trying to do with some of these issues very close by. but
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they're talking about expansion toward the pacific dealing with issues relating to china. and so there are some feelings from some of the heads of state and has a government that i've spoken to that they feel there is sort of a, a, a double standard. uh, you know, one adviser to ahead of stay yesterday said that i, you know, nato has done more in the last 2 years to bring russia and china together. and then it did before when the goal was to keep them apart. and so it might as well on the 17th. is that a very nice is somebody is in full swing in the us. gov though the broken isn't wasting any time in taking fresh point shots at china for maintaining relations with russia. it was bones bathing, says the outline and says stop creating imaginary and it means as they hit so it onto nato,
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so called security is more often than not built on others in security. and what it does puts the world and regents at high security risk. but firmly reject me. it is vilification and blame shifting against china. we urge that you know, to form the right perception of china, get rid of it's cold board mentality in 0 sum approach stops. karen, one great, now security and making imaginary 75 years later, nato has been the most successful defense for life in history, the world, it's about preventing morris, it's about the turn is about making our people more savings. and so you're going to be, is it called uh, is all the view nato is not acting in defense of its members. say, what is all the use. so because of the dominance of one particular country, the nato claims its mission is for the defense. you know, confucius says less than 2. 1 is worse, but watch one's action. the natal rector for the past 20 years has nothing to do
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with defects. nato was the volume you off to amazon in libya and now is involved in supporting a proxy. wouldn't you crate against russia and nato's performance? it has not been for the security of countries in europe. it's everything to do with preserve u. s. empire across the globe. and this is white and h o is getting is trying to dip its foot into pacific. you know, what does north atlantic treaty organization? it has to do with anything in the pacific. what security interest of what, nate, what countries in north atlanta is china threaten? this is ridiculous. again, this is just plain pliable, lack key to america, to washington's interest, which is to contain china, asia, victor. oh, wow. no fee. you just tweeted a couple of days ago from beijing. you said china is
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a key power in creating the condition for peace in the only thing conflict. that's why he has the same to china of his piece mission. mean, china has offered, find me to get it to be honest, peace broker in the ukraine conflict, but may or the nato country has to be new for really oh, how does that sound great as uniformly rejected? and it's interesting window before, finally is in china. there was no opposition to from either to yes or, or moscow. most of the criticism counseling natal for other nato countries and washington and this really lace bears the fact that nato is not interesting piece. right, so to cuba now, where are these have released the details of what they call for a sara plots originating from us slow, how about uh says it has detained some 3 dozen suspects. the jews are preparing to commit attacks with weapons smuggled into cuba from the by florida. of course,
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ordered from all spanish language channel is across the story that go most of the m . c. a but presented evidence and details of an organized terrorist plan against the island. information about this event was 1st provided in december 2023. when the forces of the ministry of internal affairs announced that they had neutralize the plan to recruit people on the island to commit acts of violence, as well as sabotaged a note published on sunday in the cuban president named a cuban citizen. living in the united states came to the cuban coast for this purpose, to lead these operations on the island. number a identity, let's say on monday, my names are dennis garcia as far as i've been living with us, say since august 2014. now i'm submitting this application voluntarily to assist the processing of my illegal entry into the country to north more times this semester. i don't really all kinds of evidence were shown, photographs of munition and weapons and that he managed to import into cuba as well
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as videos of training in south florida, organizations and people dressed in military uniforms with long, fair old weapons, practically parent military organizations and testimonies of people who were recruited on the island to support such terrorist actions were also given, as well as information about the actions that she has been able to carry out on cuban territories since his arrival to the people. and also the boy and want to see we can see that he came not only with the intention of doing this, and that's what all somebody's plans communicating with some people. and in addition to clarifying these plans, you also made trips with conduct the doubles the patient's name and try to add to these plans, mainly park members. you will have some physical training and identifies weapons storage site training sites. places where shooting and other military exercises will be held. the most bloodless, who else like you on the terrace plans and actions have been a constant phenomenon on the island since the beginning of the cuban revolution? in january 1959, when the plans and actions were funded and organized from the territory of the
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united states, the islands government has even recently compiled a list of terrorists and organizations that have organized such activities. and another systematic claim is the passive position of the us government in the face of these events, despite the fact that cuba has provided all the necessary evidence. in fact, many of these organizations are directly for in directly funded by us government agencies. i was a just a bit of background now last year a full my top c, i a slide told the media the washington as these phone 3, i'm to government done this. i'm move was in cuba to override that asians like you as a id and the national endowment for democracy because of a nation's incumbent president. miguel diaz colorado has also to the us of attack in cuba through some verse of products. numerous times the facilities fable cubis coming this policy has been forwarded to us based organizations. invest some money
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into the schemes targeting the i the government. for example, in 2020, the national endowment for democracy allegedly conducted for peace of us of projects and awarded from $20.00 to $650000.00 to various entities. at the thing against the caribbean states. that sort of live out to political commentator. i'm on mendez or do i see the new com thanks so much for taking the time. and joining us here on, on the international rule and a how surprise will you buy this story by this sort of legit. tyra plots that cuban authorities claim see originated in the us as well. once you know the history and you've read and study what's going on with cuba in the west for the last half a century. it's not a surprise to us that's gone to the length of in the past, actually trying to evade to but through the bay of pigs. and not only that,
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but in other subversive operations such as northwood, which even tried to have a tax when you with soil. of course, this operation did not go through president kennedy. you not allow for it any, even a joint cheapest bath limited, sir. it was actually removed for these type of ideas that date supported. now would that cost to have you removed? they thought that we would be easy to remove the now that what is not in power, the thing is we ask and that it will be an easy target. yet once more in cuba, in this case, the canal have proven that they won't be removed just that easy problem. what do you think cuba has stopped the souls of openly accusing the us of oak refer to this and they did lots as well. international relations are always delicate subjects. i actually believe that cuba is actually playing playing it well. they
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know their condition, they know it can't really fide head to head with a us under its condition. and it cannot make a situation at the moment. and it's main partners such as venezuela, such as russia are born there through their own conflicts. right now more than anything, it's from the u. s. that they're trying to undermine that you've been expert. so let's not forget the when the trump administration, it was put on the terrorist list, the sponsor of terrorism of cuba, right? blinking the state, the state department of biden actually moved there from the short list of people who did not come down from countries that did not come, then counted terrorism and all and all of those things. yet if we analyze that cuba is actually not in the best economic situation taken into account that venezuela, which used to provide affordable oil to the island for its own purposes and other purposes is not going through the best situation. even though it is better in it is even though it is improving, we can see why to what won't,
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won't do this more than anything. it is in the interest of the us with a possible looming conflict. it's remove any allies of what the beam has to act as a power. what the beads as i'm friendly, countries to be close to it's short. so more than anything a few buys bang, it's phase. and he's actually the, the us. that's the one incentivizing the ceilings. and kind of leads me to my next question, quite smoothly. do you think latin american countries might side turning to powers, such as russia and china, for support as in pushing back figuring cus, pressure as well. we actually see that latin america, generally speaking, has always had good relationships with cuba, even though some countries might be more right way, more or less way more than more crowded wants to retire. and yet, latin america has seen in the last couple of years, even have the u. s. has actually aimed at restoring its control over their region
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as they see that a europe. we just have recent elections in the u. k. and also in france, among other things, where they are losing power we see made or trying to impose its grip on, on the europe and other parts of the world. so we see that the us being that in america will ask for, for support will look for support as a half the men said, right when governments such as most in idaho, i'm not too long ago. so it just me, lee right now, which, which is actually uh, receipts uh, military and financial support from the us such as f with, or which has received financial support, a military support from the us right now. so there are some countries, a lot in america that are turning towards the united states, but virtually speaking latin america has always been a friend of cuba and we see the main power in latin america suggest may he go such as brazil, actually being friendly and defend the 2 by they have been calling for the stop of the blockade for the removal of the legal case for years now,
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and that won't change. cuba is a frame to apply in america. in latin america will continue to be a friend of cuba. before i let you go to my, you know, those the lights has failed and then the 2 in bolivia, the similarities here as well. as course we see that the fight for resources as it was in the past or it is now in venezuela with oil. it is we lift him in the triangle, right? we believe we had sheila in argentina that also explains the support formulae in argentina who is willing to be selling the country a way we see that this cool attempt, such as have happened in business for our last, such as have happened in a to by in other countries and such as have happened right now and believe you, uh it is the us that is behind them. i have no remorse, he's saying it out loud. now that is the fight for resources. we were talking about geo politics too, but it's too close to home for the us to be an enemy to be arrivals, to be
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a country that is not on its bed spending with united states of america doing the obama presidency. the president obama tried to better relations with the us jets. the u. s. can never make up its mind about what to do with cuba. they say the country is in dire conditions, yet they won't stop. i've located cuba is not, is very close to the shores of stock in florida. and right now where cuba has received unable ships from russia and has supported also freedom struggles across the world. it is more of a symbolic, a strategic, please speak in geographic location where the us now with the lumen conflict with the proxy. why that a half? and who knows what could happen in the next couple of years between the u. s. and the other superpowers united states wants to make sure that it's backyard, as they call it, we come down. those type of words is what it's back chart as they call it, and the nation closest to, to its borders besides, man, he go,
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it's cuba. so they want to make sure that even though to buy might not have any resources to exploit for them. they want to make sure that their own national security is not as big to us, has not done any type of facilities towards the us. so there isn't any possible reason to believe, to what will in the future, but of course, the us in the constant states a power i know you will try to stop and confront any other country that is not subjugate to. it's will interesting in data to see is more aggression, less dialogue, as always when it comes to the us, we don't have to be with that. thank you very much. bravo on mondays or give us a quick during political commentator. a pleasure. thanks again. out into the middle east where the is ready movie has ordered. also the answer evacuate from garza city. now that's a bit a fresh idea of a sold that has reportedly hit the local headquarters all the you are the agency
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for palestinian refugee down. this comes just a day off, the israel bomb the school. but with sheltering this space, people in the southern city, a fun, eunice kidding. at least 27 people. is there any romance exploded near the gates of our, our school. what displays families would being housed in the own place of the city and didn't part of citizens i'm to the body to those killed would transferred to not side of the hospital for the majority of casualties were supposedly be women and children. the idea of have claimed it was time to think how much spices and is looking into reports of civilian victims. meanwhile, journalists grilled us states department stores in massey miller about the washington different approaches to the complex. and you claim garza that happened cases where, you know, i'm obviously not defending the russian strikes,
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but there are cases where are you currently united to yeah, across fi has taken down to miss all and it hit something right there of the rights complexity to that. so you're able to, you know, a few hours lights or give it pretty detailed account of what happened or done that is right and case often, you know, where we're left with of the months. you know, you haven't got come up with a real conclusion about what happened and this end specific incident. is that not a, a difference in the way that you're approaching these and giving the benefit of the doubt to one side. there is no difference in how we are approaching these. there's a difference in the context. there's a difference in the conflict and that what, that's what lends itself and that's what leads to our inability sometimes to get such definitive answer. those are 2 entirely separate things. sometimes you can make an assessment about who carried out the strikes, but you can't know unless you were on the ground, whether it was a legitimate military target. and that's especially the case where we often see conflicting claims and gods, which is not the case. and you create that. so they always said to passing in
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general is kind of doing them, but a good to use the us use is a double sided policy towards different conflicts. it's not strange then i to the states to take this position. they have been old, was doing this when it comes to is what i have for the good. is it a good issue? the order of understanding is self defense and they called 1st indians lead to legitimate the resistance, the patient even that was frank. and because as a federal ethics, the why they use different approach when it comes to other countries. so it has been always this been standard policy at that united states uh, its united states, approaching, dealing with any conflict in the world. it depends on their position and their interest and their uh, relation with both sides of the score of this conflict. and then they decide how to
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deal with it. we can, we can see that in his response when it comes to guys. here miller, was it kind of, would it not making a mistake that could make the isn't i am angry of him. so he, we saw that, that he didn't find the right way of saving to say, but when it comes to that conflict in english and the good, and they always have the conclusion that they, they may be before, even the, just making a thorough investigation to know what really happened the white house pocketing says west is the topic on directive but the and hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez and.


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