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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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a, a the in the headline turn off, the international nato has lost its purpose and is treading into unknown territory . well, that's the message from hungry, but it's foreign minister, adding the country will not support the war s, but an email from gree will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine . disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung, gary and people to ball baby firmly opposed. nato's breakthrough in its positioning as a regional and defensive organization instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflict and i've tried to slums nato's tactics. the lions takes aim at vein shaking. suggesting page reading is the one to feeling. the conflict in the ukraine test isn't like china's continued calls, but maybe you tell us,
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but you okay to keep his nose out. there was business as london floats, of buying all the info to hunting and trow free. it's from the world's 2nd largest continental story is often to come to the right moments off at 11 am here at most. go with tons of developments and updates to our top stories for you and before we join our correspondence for now, we kick off the our here on the program with nato leaders meeting in washington discussing their ongoing support for ukraine. but the hungarian foreign minister has said his country is putting its own national interest on the security of its people for a professional fund. we have an agreement with the current secretary general and we have a promise from the future. secretary general, the hungary will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine's we will not contribute on gary and soldiers to such an operation. we will not contribute on
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gary and tax payers. money to such an operation. we will not contribute on gary and territory to such an operation. and we will continue to refrain from supplying weapons. disposition ensures that we can protect the security of hungry handed, the security of the hung, gary and people. yeah. strong segments right there from seattle to the hon. gary and for ministers off these whom i'm a shot, joins with in the studio this morning. you know, i get it. okay. that's seattle to with strong comments, but he's not allowed to open the hungarian prime minister. he has said that in a tow is losing its original purpose, went west upcoming from now hungry stays true to his position is sure about his position and it makes you question a lot of things because a visit they hungry remains to be the only country a try to talk to both sides, both the ukrainian president zalinski and the russian president was in. so it is interesting to know why they chose and such as their and stands for peace and negotiations. and because that at the end of the day only triggers the worst
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citizen of relations with a hungry n it's western allies. but i'm like, it's allies vig before ben did some diplomacy work when he was here in moscow. and uh, you know, he also mentioned been emphasized right now that nato's current decisions could develop things into something even worse later was established 75 years ago with a gulf protecting the security of its members. today, however, it seems to be moving away from its original purpose behaving more and more like to organization. one of the size of this is that neither we sticking in increasingly active role in the russian ukrainian war. in our opinion, this is dangerous and even irresponsible, because no one can see how these to and, or where we will end up today. i will argue that nato should return to its original spirit. i mean, there it is essentially saying that natal should go back to its original purpose and all in all, refusing to take any part of it,
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instead choosing to take care of the country and their own citizens. i mean, they should be nothing wrong with that. but meantime hunger is taking the role of the e u presidency this year and a reaction from e. u. member states regarding order buttons. uh, i guess, continent wide piece initiative, a lot of anger and that's not surprising. of course, it's no surprise because whoever goes against them is shamed. but as you've mentioned, hungary now hold the you presidency seats. and because of that the use seems to be a little bit stress as the hungry is talking on their be how we have these. sonya a prime minister who came out saying that big to oregon is exploited in the presidency. and essentially expressing that the e u is united and stands behind to pray. the least when you and president also emphasize an eco, that same sentiment saying that if you truly want fees, you should stand by ukraine in a while. this, what is a prime minister?
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on the other hand, was asked by a during list what his message to 5 minutes to report oregon would be. this is what he had to say. well, within the native framework, i don't have a mess because it has an e. u member, i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capital, not me, is using the president save for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a, as b q for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think a hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for. now mind you hungry has made it clear that expense for peace. so the you or on the united states reaction a just seems a little bit bizarre. and the question as to why there's so frustrated remains, the mystery prime minister or organs visit to moscow was nothing more than diplomacy. and even after the talks with president puts,
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and he said that this is the 1st step to restore a dialogue. but he also did acknowledge the fact that the use of kids and the views of most of those still remain very, very different. are you talking about restoring dialogue? i mean, now we have a war of words erupt in between nato and china, over the consulate in ukraine. i'd love to know how that's being brought into the mix. of course, china can not be mis. they will always mentions the time and stilton berg wasted no time at firing shots of the country simply for maintaining friendly relations with ross. so now they're claiming that china is support in russia militarily in the war that china is supporting a continuation of this war. and if you look at the final communicate that was approved by the 30 to nato members, as made it clear that china now is a focus for the military alliance, but vision and says that he does not provide any military support to russia. the
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cdn shine law has the called a decisive enabler, versus ward against a crane. and you're on final support increases the fits rush up pulses to us on think security i was allies have stated clearly that china tunnel enabled the largest conflict in europe in recent history with out this negatively impacting the interest on the reputation football. the thing you to join us position on nato is consistent. we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough view and it's positioning as a regional and defensive organization team, but instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts and undermining regional prosperity and stability. we advise nato to do more practical things for world peace, stability, and security, and go to snow. china has long been calling for a piece of the conflict, the peaceful solutions to the conflict. china was one of the very 1st countries that provided a peace initiative to the issue, but instead of listening,
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they continue to slander a china. so it seems like if you dare to decide to maintain any sort of friendly relations to, to ross i, you are seen as a traitor and even threatened with sanctions. you know, you talk about the slandering of china. i mean, the nato was expanding eastwards. so what it's doing right now is laying the blocks for some sort of future conflict with china has been talked about for years and years and years. we know what nato is up to, for goodness sake. meantime you installed the bulk of nato. he says that both russia and china are isolated on the global stage. how do you read between those why? i mean, of course, what else are they going to say? they've spent a lot of time and effort, creating a list of sanctions to destroy a rasa, except that they didn't work the way they've been hoping for it to do. so instead, now they have to repeat that. russia is isolated to make themselves believe that that's the case. they give them talking about russell, being
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a low wall. somehow nato allies all seem to have the world at their feet. they're not the states hosted in naples something you know, all the major powerhouse. and that there's more than 30 defense on that unless the rest of this and how that tunnel doesn't have that united states the just now, judging by that, it doesn't really look like russia is alone. marseilles maintaining diplomatic relations and friendly relations with countries from the brakes. they as seo our frequent countries, asia, lots in america, a roster is right now focused on strengthening and nurturing those relations. and
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even the most recent example is of course the visit of the indian prime minister to russell. but instead, if the relations the are not good with, let's say the, the, you or the united states. but it seems like russia is as a way to because to them the world revolves around that. well, yeah, they talk about russia isolation, it's a little part of a west, the narrative and it goes back so many years. just combine it with the roots of over here and with, i mean, it's so predictable. now. it's almost boring. boom, a medicine before that you go. just tell me about to this next to summit in america right now. any agreements coming out of that nature of something that we know of? yeah, the block members claim that they're trying to stop the war. right. but the gatorade has good talk with the approval of another arms package, 2 kits. now that includes a picture of air defense batteries that will be provided by the united states in germany and romania. we also have b. s a. m p t's launchers from italy,
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which is the only european made equipment that can intercept the uh, ballistic missiles. washington has also pledged a wide range of technical tech, and on top of that, the united states top diplomats, as the nato's long awaited f. 16 fighter just are finally heading to ukraine. so it looks like peace is not really on the agenda for them. yes, i mean, so nato has this meeting in america. they're talking about, you know, more weapons mole, more cash means high take the order than he recently went to t of the other day with a piece proposal. then he sleeps in moscow. then he went to the aging meet. we now have reports that orphan is meeting with donald trump. it is florida residents, mar logo. could that be some kind of piece proposal in the works for ukraine? we'll have to wait and see who am i that you shot. thank you. well, we were talking earlier with the vice chairman of the shanghai sent have a ring packing international studies on nelson wong and he says nato expansion has one specific goals haven't listed. nato is
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a product of the code and it has being that was actually resurrected as a result of the conflict in ukraine. and it was seeing it uh, you know, this organization to continue expansion of these days and the stuff related to summit. right now that is being held in washington dc is now even claiming that china is becoming the threat. so what is this? this is going really too far. nato seems to be interested only in finding new elevators, picking spots everywhere. and this is not right and being a north atlantic the, you know, based organizational, i'm military block, but it is now even bossing to asia. so this is a really upset and i think the chinese government is right to have make the point
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very clear that we are not a country that is interested in picking fights with people. we're a peace loving people. so a for nato to the, to pick china as the scapegoat for its own military expansion. that is totally groundless. and it looks to expand eastwards and it certainly is looking that way a bit of diplomacy by the hun, gary and prime minister has caused an angry e you to panic. that's according to his story. and patrick about his article, the full right hop, it is intriguing. it's right there on our website. now, as other nato executive general looks to united more of the world against russia, states across the global south apparently have other plans. for example, iran has proposed a way for bricks members to trade with each other, to bypass the western control of the financial systems of these law make. republican b ron has presented this proposal to the russian side in this regard so that we can
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extend this mechanism to the member countries of the bricks group to be used as a joint mechanism. the russian side also has a positive perspective and opinion in this regard. last week, around and moscow signed that 1st by the federal monetary agreement, interconnecting russia's mil to the payment system with the iran ship tab. by taking this step, the 2 most sanctioned countries in the world are basically creating an alternative to the western base swift payment system. that both have been cut off from one iranian central bank official explains the theater in the patio produced any president can receive roubles from russian atm, susan who run and credit cards to this. this plan. a project has some stages as well. i mean, the, in the 2nd stage, russian credit cards will be able to be used in iran, in the 3rd stage of credit cards can also be used at the russian point of purchase system school year. and this is how the credit card networks of the 2 countries connect on the we talked about this without talking aside from the university of to
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around and he says, this initiative has great prospects of doing what? competing with the global reserve currency of the american. it is critically important for the global sauce or organization like race or countries understanding . so it's like a rasa. i'm doing wrong in other countries to develop their own system of transaction into the independent of dollars. certainly this is not going to be an image to, to be favored by the united states and their west and car partners knowing the fact that this is going to further limit the effectiveness of this time sions imposed on both countries. and it's also a, a critically dangerous decision for them because this is just long initiative. and this is among the very 1st initiative. if it works, then it's going to be a sort of a sample or top that's written for other countries under us sanctions. so they
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might be considering the huge, complicated capacity that exists for briggs. if there is a sort of domestic, let's say, a system of economies or, or, or they say, a financial transaction, then it's going to be a certain hours for the united states credit card. making them aware of the same very fact that there's sanctions are not going to be effective anymore. sure. the 11th of july is for the 1st time, mock is the international day of a sort of a need said genocide following a un resolution. however, only muslim victims of the boston area of war are recognized which some subset he is western political hypocrisy must learn more and shed some light with all these steve sweet. today marks the anniversary of a 1995 masika of both me and muslims. is the right breaks a declared of genocide by the international court of justice in 2007. the events
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that took place however, remained controversial. with what exactly happened in the policy and i can play a designated you and say you started still subject to debate. discrepancies the killings were. a climax of policy is 1992 to $95.00 war which came off to the breakup of yugoslavia onset bosnian serbs against the countries. 2 of the main ethic populations quotes on was impulse. the x. the controversy flat out once again in may, whether you in general, assembly adult to the resolution table by germany, our role one to, to establish an annual day to commemorate the massacre. so it'd be a vehemently opposed to move. i would like to unmask this untruth. and full justification for bossing. such a resolution. number one, this is kylie politicized resolution. and i will ask 3 questions to which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors of this resolution. germany. why is
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this resolution being fast? number one, never speaking about individual legal liability mentioning montana green amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed. because speaking about individual legal liability, it has already been done. it has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end and don't as box the funds in the 193 men. but general assembly reflected concerns over the impact on reconciliation efforts impulse me a with the resolution policy by the full votes to 9 team with 60 i, nation's abstaining. 22 countries skipped the meeting. some reports of the because
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of the dispute, rushes on, passengers to the un said that the extensions on no bucks together totaled $87.00 more than the 80 full votes in favor. and bosco condemned the resolution of highly politicized on a threat to regional stability. germany, we started to weld, was in the 20th century, killed the millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of sarajevo in 1995 for that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation . one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing balls in the age of conflicts with that regard for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's, when 100000 people died. this document is yet another responsible of towns by the
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west to rebuild history and seal the interpretation of the estimate conflict in former yugoslavia and relate to the events that sits their j. a political interest behind the demagogue, humanitarian, the rhetoric one can see a clear intention to place all responsibility for the yugoslavia. conflict on this being people thereby punishing them for their, for his thinking independence and refusal to bantam, nate as old as western powers went to great lengths to day, even i said, yeah, it, knowing mexico is committed by other politics of the conflicts, of course, war crimes committed by nights, a forces in many ways the nato intervention of bombing time pain was a testing ground for iraq and other future was a button to those necessary on humanitarian grounds. and now the west is accused once more of starting regional, i'm really just tensions. i think 6 was the controller with the polk ans see the
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that's a set. that means the goal is simple. to demonize this phillips, which is a project of the united states and the main west and forces, primarily great britain in germany. the goal is to permanently disqualify the sub infected so that they can feel free to control the bulk ins. the territory of the former yugoslavia and integrate the entire region into $92.00 and the sense is not only batch but also that it creates a huge tension between muslims and also looks very goal is to divide and conquer. but these great serious problems divides the population and these, but tyler, ron, suppose civil terrorism as happened recently and build rage, young muslims especially will head. these are rigid colors in business at time bomb, especially as jet political tensions grow in europe. and here, a portion of planning to just one side, however, with something specifically rolled out by the special tribunal as part of reconciliation efforts, collective guilt was to be avoided with the individual was tried in charge instead
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of the menu, what some of the very beginning of the, the western media did ever seem to full see present the suffering of the said. that is to hide the situation with the serbian victims. we know how much the western world has been involved in the war in the former yugoslavia. we know that they are responsible for the collapse of before me. you can solve you, and that is why they doing everything to minimize our casualties. on the other hand, they put muslim victims above ours, a serbian people suffocate too. so no matter how hard it is for someone to admit that they must admit that 3267 subs we killed here in poker, in the 8th. and this is a fact of what a number of individuals subs have being held accountable for the ever legs rolled in this rep, bernice of mastic. uh it is disproportionate compared to a master cuz committed by other policies. so the conflict, despite tens of thousands of best on all sides of the lock of acknowledgement on accountability efforts continue to be made to old reconciliation. something that
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the un resolution undermines that goes on the do. i want to express my condolences to all the victims, and i want to say that for me, the death of any person is equally tragic. be a bosnian muslim service orthodox cro at catholic jupiter or anyone else. and in this regard, republic a search, scott does not protect those who committed crimes. what remain certain is that the serbian victims were treated very very poorly and that there is no record of the case of any high ranking official being responsible for crimes. the conserves that led to the desk of $34000.00 civilians and soldiers and republicans service got in the war in bosnia and herzegovina. clearly the events surrounding separate so remain controversial, a wound as taking time to a hill of which serbia has already apologized. i apologize for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people. many have said that the
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only motive for the resolution was to stigmatize the serbian people, while the author of an independent report cost out on the official narrative. in the case of surveying each uh, it was a crime, not the genocide because the women and children could go could leave the place. this is not genocide. when you say genocide, you mean the whole population. every woman, every man, every grandfather, every grandmother, every come, and every aunt and every baby, new born baby. and this is not the case and there was no intention to wipe out all the bus next. when the word no, this was nothing to do something more. this was in the middle of the war. timing, as i say, is everything coming as the west continues to pressure. so it'd be over its relations with russia, ignoring so massacres, while recognizing others for political reasons. shows that many of those lining up to month to separating so. massacre a st. pete crying crocodile tears. no tears, of course, all shed for the victims of nature. that was the serbs, libyans,
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rockies, serbians, ice, guns killed. i'll simply collateral damage as the west 6 to click on the global hegemony. and that may be as high commission out to the u. k. has said that the nation alongside botswana, south africa tons, india, zambia, and bob boy, they're all disappointed with the british bill to band the in florida. so cold hunting trophies such a bill would certainly undermine the strong and positive contributions of communities in the region that the environment conservation has made to the development of and to those communities, to tourism in those areas and to conservation. so the bill of history actually goes back a good 5 years when you k conservatives page to bind the input of punting trophies, but also failing twice the measure of seem to have lost his momentum off the heavy opposition from african communities. this year the labor potties picked it back up and the challenges for approval have become a higher, however,
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so it's an african nations that will be affected. they're taking a stine, the saying that this hunting actually helps combat poaching and even base. so it helps to preserve the wild life, but one labor and the says auto populate, motor change because we're excited that these were things from the past and they were barbarous things for the past. this is going to happen to try to be hunting as well. why my bill will be a small cycle and that way as well. the hunting is a major contributor to south africa's tourism. it contributes over $300000000.00 us dollars each year to the economy and it may be a 1000000. so going there as well. the 100 is also a big import for plots. wanna say it's the only viable wildlife business in the nation. and now it's president says european politicians have their own opinions and they should to them to themselves have a listen. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in
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books, one where paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want mrs lamb kit whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the science. if you liked them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try to tell us too. well when it comes to wealthy hunters going to africa and basically killing tigers in lions and all sorts of animals. we heard from media analyst, but i'm not and will again a he, he says that africa should be left to manage its own resources a little bit to see within the, among the lead. but us who sort of that the advocates main us who cannot take responsibility for the on the surface and the african wildlife. it'd be in today. we'd be not explode. think it's such anybody's facilities and we never destroyed finish our new most. so we have quite skippable, it's
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a government to take charge of the property manager already. so system such as anybody. so i think the some and thoughtful for someone to come and tell us how or the best place to, to teach us, or to show us how to manage all of these sources before independence. i think i want to drive or do i don't have to start this ticket my hand, but we know very well. it was just so they would just so taking the most of it to their countries and i know very well and then you to put it. i know, i mean, most like we have so now when we put the, what do you see in place to have us and our, our resources including the web life in this, in the month of that to do well, managed not to be extinct. so i don't see the, the, them claim a well intended for us. what is the controversial story that line, isn't it?
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so you've got, you've got these various african nations saying that, well, the hot hunters you come to the country to kill animals. it brings a lot of money into the economy, then the other side of it, of course, as well because cruelty to animals, you call it around kidding lions, and tigers. and so it's a controversial story wrapping up this program here. and i'll take it back over the top of the the the
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i was told time after time after time there is no such thing as a diabetic diet. just whatever the standard diet is that you've been getting here. just keep giving are that the most important thing is learning how to control with insulin. so when we were in the hospital, remember them saying eat whatever you want and goes for it. and he actually his 1st meal in the hospital was a breakfast burrito cuz i was like, that's a king size. no cards. so we don't have to go see for that. but then he wanted to cookies. and after every i took the keys and we left the hospital with him being over 300 still my entire nursing career. this is how we've done. i knew that my patients at my job a whatever they want it. and we just gave them this one scale. i knew that their numbers were 2 or 300. i knew that that.


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