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tv   News  RT  July 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the the and now i want to hand it over to the president, ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president in may no fact check is needed. that buys and funds looking for the full point in flats water mistaken america concerns are rising sky high over his basic ability to lead off to just quoting as a landscape, prove it. and that was basically a spree. try that, wrapping up the nato summit in washington. and while the meeting ends in a gaff i live, lead is, are actually circling the wagons around joe biden, to spinning a narrative that the us president still has it all upstairs, present part and let through all of us. talk to some incredible achievement ult, this counseling. and i think he deserves credit for that inexperienced man,
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because he is undoubtedly one of those around the table who has the greatest depth of field on these international issues. the idea for publishers results from its 1st official, proven to one of the battles all told, with a 7, saying it's full of has failed in admission with more than a 100 civilians paying the ultimate price. the canyon president dismissed as almost his entire cabinet after weeks of deadly antique government protest erupt in the nation of a plan that the tax raise is to get this start to satisfy foreign lenses. the right without guess, dental correspondence lined off at 8 am shop. here at moscow, but looking at a busy out here on ology international a. good morning, by the way. so joe biden is back to his usual cellphone that is not helping his
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chances to prove himself on the stage one best. at the nato summit, wrapped up in washington dc, he took the podium, seemingly full of bravado before tragically going off script welcoming president putin to a round of applause from the order. now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination bases. i'm a president the president food present list. i'm so focused on being food and we gotta worry about it anyway. it was just painful the watch onto through mind that you saw joining us this morning. good morning to you. i mean, before we get that before we get the, that was him basically wrapping up this data meeting in washington dc. but before we talk about bite and then and, and his issues today, can you give us any details of what came out of nature regarding ukraine? what's the next step, the next tron? should it be? what are we looking at?
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so the whole mission is to preserve peace and protect the rules based order as they say. so according to their logic, that means few in the conflicts in ukraine even further. so they've come to the conclusion of a bolster in long term support for your brain. and by that, i mean that they've established nato security assistance, n u n n training for ukraine, and they've announced the pledge of long term as security assistance to crane with the minimum baseline of 40000000000 euros, as well as providing f. 16 fighter jets, the s a. m p t's. we have picture of the air defense batteries, the list we need goes on, and on top of that, a total of 20 bilateral agreements were signed. we do claim. now the nato secretary general salton bird emphasized that you, wayne seems to be on its way to join the lions, or as of course more and more promise has been made to claim. but slovakian prime
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minister roll birds did so. on the other hand, we trust that you, wayne, joining nato was never happened on his watch, considering that it would be a very dangerous decision on who to spring. and i should keep with me in car for peters publicly. i don't know how many times that the smear party and it's on voice within the national parliament of the republic of slovakia will not agree to frames membership in nato. i understand you create a desire as a sovereign country, but membership of ukraine and nato is only a guarantee of a 3rd world horrible. it is the way we know it seems like very few of them have what's called common sense understanding that's spending more money on ukraine is only making things even worse with russia. yeah, i think it's a fair point indeed. i mean, you know, they, the european politicians keep saying the way, the way, the path to peace is 3 more weapons and cash to key of it just doesn't seem to stop
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. all right, that's a, that's a shift all attention now to joe biden. you know, you look at the guy, you almost feel sorry for him. i mean, you took it in the lights are on, but nobody's home. and he's just getting one gas after another given what, what are some of the latest on it. it's quite astonishing that the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world uh with new, clear, uh, sales to even steve properly or remember information properly by them misspoke, on several occasions. and at the natal press conference. this is not the 1st time of force, and he's been complaining as well for presidency as we know against donald trump, but he's on popularity even within the demo process continues to grow. they, they've been asking for the democrat party to leave room, hopefully for a younger candidate to represent the party. so not only where there's some questionable moments from him during the presidential debates, not so long ago. but as you can imagine, the needle press conference did not proposal well for him either. as putting the
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mass russian forces just 100 miles north of key the capital of ukraine. but he thought he could and thought it was a mother home of russia. farm military's work on following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my life, the chief of staff in the military as well as the sector defense in our intelligence. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. so start there. there's no way you can with me. i know i've taken 3 significant turns neurological exams. no, i burn, nurse or finality just in these cases. reason is anywhere. they say i'm good
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shape. okay. it's either way, it does not really matter whether he can remember names or information because it seems like the leaders of these allies, countries such as the u. k, or friends seem to think that joe biden still has it in there, especially white washing the minimalistic. listen, present by them, let through all of that. back to some incredible achievement of this counseling. and i think you just as credit for that place, you don't get those that fail showers. what i saw as always, was the president who's in the business and precise charge of the issues. he knows well to the inexperienced man. yeah. because he is undoubtedly one of those around the table who has the greatest depth of field on these international issues. this one that this model of something simpler. so that's what we came to so far, a president of the country that has nuclear capability is not being able to speak and not being able to remember at things. and we also have nato's main goal right
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now is to provide as much support possible for your clean rather than to sit in negotiate with russia. and we'd be next up comment american elections coming up as well. it will be very interesting to see what more kind of come out in the near future. yeah, cuz you know, basically people are saying within the beltway, the biden's refusing to stand down, he's just saying, know if there's a challenge, so i can, when i'm not stepping down, there also allegations behind the scenes bar rack. obama is trying to pressure bite and to stand down as well. something's going to go pump. some things gotta go pump in washington in the very near future offers your mind, making sure. thank you. a lot more about this right now. of course we'll have to talk to a host of steve multiple about joining us here. live on a lot to international steve. great to see, but i know you've been watching this. i never even seen it. you've got to give me your thoughts like i drove by and he's like, he's having a tough time these days considering his performance on stage over the last day
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alone. how did you view is performance? how do you think that was president? is doing well, i always say god bless them because i hope i get to to be 81 and you know, and different people age differently. uh, you know, nancy pelosi is older than den biden or whose age and donald trump. so only a couple years younger and we all know, you know, elderly people, some are in good shape and some are not in good shape. look what i saw 1st of all, when, when he introduced flattery, a potent instead of a president. so lensky that was not at the press conference that was earlier. so that was a terrible precursor for him to the press conference, which still awaited him. so in anticipation of a press conference that was delayed hour after hour, the media, the whole media was talking about the gap that he already made calling the wrong president. then he gets up there. and the 1st question in response to the 1st question, he says, i wouldn't have selected upfront the vice president trump,
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if i didn't think she could do the job, basically is what he said. so you called her, but tell merlin harris's we heard of but give me the vice president trump. and he was famous when he says, well anyway, you know, when he looses is trained to thought or he stops talking about what he's talking about. he did that about 10 times during the press conference, so he wanders off with another direction. he says, oh anyway, and then then he goes to something else. he took about a questions, you know, it, it to just put better to get it was it was, it was pathetic. and people think the media lets you think that, oh, we got to wait for that. this is a do or die. press conference for him. really, i mean, every time now he opens his mouth, it's do or die. now did it, this is the predetermine. he said today at the press conference where he said that if they asked him, if he would drop out, he said, unless they tell me there's no way you can win. now that's different then saying,
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i'm not going anywhere. if they tell them and they being his staff, maybe his family and he says he doesn't believe polos. well the poll show basically that there's really not a good shot for him to win. so you left the door open. i believe in he has confir. yeah, yeah, i me see if you know, you have the democrats, you know, in recent weeks saying, always go, the best companies have agility. you buy them, you know, the best as she wants. he's the best he's ever been. now you see them, you know, tony, i as we watch right now, as you suggested a few moments ago, you do almost always feel sorry for the guy he's in his, in his twilight years. he's having a tough time. i mean that let's be fair about that, but it's something really running really low on time. he just, just quickly see if, can you tell me what do you think's going to be next to what's gonna happen? something's got to go, paul. right? biden's refusing to stand down if he does, when he does, if he gets kicked out, who's going to replace them? do you think? well, it's got to become a harris rock obama, in my opinion. no proof. brock obama pick comalla harris says as bikes vp in
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2020, why would he have picked or she called him a racist on the debate states. she had like one percent. she was the 1st to drop out. why pick her? so she was pick. now bob is meeting with below c report, say they both the talking about how we can't when obama knew that joy, the actor george clooney was gonna write the op ed that he wrote single, but that bite and has to go a bama obama, obama, he's calling the shots in my view, and somehow he will get by now. yeah, yeah. it's always enlightening to pull up the photo. here's the steve molds book and next time we will have more time. steve, thank you very much. we'll see you soon. my pleasure. thank you. are shifting gears to africa now, where the academy and president william rudo had dismissed nearly his entire cabinets settings. them along with the attorney general, the job is done. but this comes off the weeks of anti government protests. this inc . health major cities across the country. i am today being lying with
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a power was given to me by optical 15211525. be all the constitution and sections $130.00 sections of all the of these of the after the general scott decided to dismiss with the media defense or they come in at 6. that is the general public off. can you hold it coming into skin? historic moment today, can i'm president when i moved to hosp dismiss all these members of cabinet with immediate effect. these dismissal today has only save the prime company secretary, who was a sums up us of the municipal foreign affairs and the deputy president who is protected legally by the constitution. and that take on a definitely 5 because these duly elected caused the deputy president to get that with the president, the dissolution of the company. and he said he, me, unusual and states comes and listen to the seems president with the router was
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elected people for the last time diesel suite. they seem to come to us, they need 2005 for that. then president white bucket needs solve these uh, copying it varies and i think government products have been continuing even after the president withdrew with the contribution for non speed up to 24. which meant that the citizens will be paying more boxes to facilitate the loan to pay means of the $8.00 dimensional loans that are being sold by these countries. and even the domestic loans for the printer has been continuing, even after the return of the con, provided for non significant during the fall is continued in different parts of the country in different cities, the young people are holding products, demanding more accountability from the government on even more calling for the condition of the president with a move to himself. so what would the president be solving its own company? it is a waiting for the most of the public on the young people who are testing. i'm getting this, this government who are saying that the president almost lost student the company is the president promised to lower the cost of living,
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but that is not what was being witnessed. therefore, it is how we, for dates of the property of the most that the president has to can to dave to be solved. he's copying it and of course, promising to engage the cold. so indeed, the public on the private stakeholders informing a new government that now the people would have faith in you. my name is i want you to know for our to news night will be so 9 months on and off to be events. so of october, the 7th kicked off the war and gaza at the idea of how publish the results of a probe into a baffle that took place in the small is really town of keyboards. barry, it says is the is ready for it is failed in the mission, and a partially to blame for the depths of more than a 100 civilian. the idea did not fulfill its mission to defend the residents in the most grave manner and failed in its mission due to the multiple focal points and difficulty informing a situational assessment. the come back in the area during the initial hours was
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characterized by lack of command and control, a lack of co ordination, an elective order among the different forces in units. this led to several incidents with security forces group to the entrance to the quickbooks without immediately engaging and come back. the army pro aimed to shed light on exactly what happened in berry on october 7th, when dozens of armed him ass militants from guys. a storm. the community, which is just a mile away from the palestine and, and claim. and the goal was to answer the burden question of why the forces were not there to protect residents and prevent casualties. a total of $101.00 civilians were killed. 1030 others were taken hostage. 11 of them still remaining cafeteria to this day while the army admitted with this pro it's failed during the very best . so a particular incident occurred happened when the armies tank fired at the house where a number of militants were very k did along with 13 local residents. 2 others were out of were outside the house and all of them eventually died. according to the
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proof that touched upon this case as well, it was not the idea of fire that killed civilians. as the army only acted after hearing gunfire, leading them to believe and to make sure the residents inside were executed. well, some eye witnesses, wouldn't you think? we wouldn't that conclusion, but again, it was the army investigating the army, its own actions, and many, no question whether it was appropriate in the 1st place for the idea of to conduct such a pro. well, the reaction of the families and the local residence in one word, this satisfactory local residence, including those who survived the virtual attack, say it didn't answer key questions. we note that kibbutz barry did not need the results of the investigation to feel the failure of the idea every minute. the failure of the army has been and into our bodies and in our hearts the 9 months, despite the fact that the investigation was thorough, the members of the kibbutz did not receive a satisfactory answers to some critical questions. for example,
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why the many military forces who gathered at the gates did not enter the kibbutz for many hours. when the keyboards was burning and its residents were crying for help. what cool is the intelligence failure that enabled the hum us invasion plan? and how was the board defense breached without an immediate response from the i d. s. did the soldiers who came to the kibbutz understand that the most important goal was to protect civilians? the families main concern is but despite the army admitted lack of professionalism, no one was punished for the deadly for their stay till mistakes. the idea of acted responsibly regarding the guise of border communities and the leadership needs to draw the appropriate conclusions. people were slaughtered in their homes, the top command should draw conclusions, and those who failed should resign. literally minutes off to the official results of the pro before a published early on says name is rarely positions figures. we acted saying that the investigation must begin with a prime minister and administer of defense and not the troops that were sent to the
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ground with a fatal delay, and that the governments can not continue to evade responsibility anymore. they ask for a state commission to investigate steve and subject cobra. the army, no vows. these pro is just the beginning of a long process of finding out the truth and all the questions will be asked and answered. but later, 5 children have been wounded along with 25 other civilians. as ukraine attacked, the russian border region of belgrade. it's according to the original governor who stated that the strike hit a playground in the town of shipwreck. and now 2 of the children are in a serious condition and at least one civilian has died. so while the west is basically flooded with the russian propaganda, some people there actually have the head above water and they say, reality on the ground and accomplish a new crane. ronald go there,
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who was an american volunteer who's been helping the people of the on boss in the fight against kids forces me gave an exclusive interview to our senior correspondent, a ronald festival. thank you very much for the green. you know, it's a tool, not so much, even an interview, just just a conversation you do as an american. this is what will happen very far. what the conflicts in, in the don't bathroom was made. you feel so strongly about this, but you would like to, to, to, you know, as a long trip to come all the way to russia. and you have a stake in this now because you will, you will so well, i wouldn't say involved in the conflict, but you know, he's something powerful that has to push a person to make the job. what is it the, the pushed because the situation in ukraine is much different than all of the other
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for an involved in mississippi. united states has gotten into in the past. and the main reason for this is because of ukraine's proximity to russia. and the fact that russia is sitting on enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world. that's the difference. it was a different story and i rack is a different story and afghanistan, vietnam, and all the other places that the united states had no trained boss involvements in but the situation and ukraine. i thought it was much more important and i felt like i had to get involved somehow because i think if people don't get involved eventually it's going to result in the whole world being destroyed today. doing there are others in the united states who feel the same as you. yeah, but i think a lot of people in the united states don't really know what's going on because they're fed a constant barrage of propaganda. they don't really understand or you don't even
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know about the situation to begin with and what they do know about about the situation is completely wrong actually. and you, you had troubles with the legal problems, but it was very two's. yeah. back, who if a, if they asked me, i could they did, they did the general plan. do you remember that? yeah, they, they call you in for an interview. and of course, you know, a good american citizen and you wanna cooperate with law enforcement and you go in there and answer the questions. you don't feel like you've done anything wrong. you're, you're free american, right? and you should be able to exercise the freedoms that the constitution gives you, right? so you feel comfortable going in front of law enforcement and ad telling them what you believe is the truth, right? but what they have a tendency of doing i found out, as, especially after the general fun case is they'll call you back in 6 months later, they'll ask you the same set of questions. and if there's even a slight variance between the 1st questions that you answered in the 2nd questions, which could very well be after 6 months,
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then i'll say that you lied to them the 1st time. and then next in jail for 5 years sounds an awful lot like entrapment. that's pretty much what it is. how does, how does this fly, at least not states the land of the free. and i mean, where was the asked of this was nobody coming out against is it? i don't know. i don't know i. i think that there's other causes that get a lot more traction. then freedom of speech these days. there, there was a time. there was a time when freedom of speech did did a lot of traction. but i don't think that's that way anymore. things are changing your view for the worse if they have been for a long time and it's, it's getting pretty much intolerable at this point. tell me this, you've been here a while. have your thoughts and your feelings can be changed? no, actually, actually my feelings have gotten stronger, especially as the united states. it continues to escalate its involvement in
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ukraine. i think that the united states and the other western countries continue while the space that the, the other western countries just do with united states says, you know, so i consider that the entire ukraine war to be 100 percent. the fault of the united states. and when things like what happened the other day, and so basketball happened, it just, it just makes me even angrier actually because i consider, i consider what happened. and so they asked for a direct attack of the united states against russia. we were actually on, on the receiving end bugs in here. so. uh huh. hi, mazda, miss. uh, impacted about 70 is where the hotel we, we was staying at almost flattened the floor. mm hm. so people being that know me that you there's, there's new what in the uniform with a gun in, in the hotel at the top. so suddenly i know i'm pleasant experience, but what you hope to change. yeah. you've come here. you have all these feelings.
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what are you doing? you will have an impact. i mean, would you plan on doing? i don't know if i could have an impact, but at least i, i feel like i'm doing something and i can feel good about myself that i'm doing something on. if nothing else, i'm on the right side of history, that's the way i look at it. or you use a video or anything. i mean, you, you want to go to the new. it's chris. i've been there before, right? i possibly could go back again as just an observer and what would you do? so we would you blog. oh, phil, uh, probably i thought about going back in just doing volunteer work there's, there's a lot of volunteer work that needs to be done possibly blogging, but there's, there's already a lot of guys doing that that are better than me at it. and i could, there's things i could do that would help. what about her as a volunteer you, you for the on the all that i also considered in fact i. busy i did submit my
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application to join the russian army. then you should response. i haven't. no, i haven't heard back from you was 63. yeah, that's the best. i mean, you've kept good. kept good. yeah. that's, that's one of the big problems. yeah, the problem is i don't speak russian very well. so yeah, i don't know if they'll call me, but i, i thought that i could be of some use to them. i mean i, i can certainly drive a truck. i might not be that useful out on the front line, but i can't run as fast as a 20 year old to realize what, what this complex is. i mean, be in tennessee. oh yeah. yeah. yeah. i mean, i, i've never personally been in combat i've, i've been close to the front at that time. it was relatively quiet. and there wasn't really any shooting or not much shooting. going on. i saw the aftermath. busy the destruction from the 20142015 conflict when the war actually began. but,
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you know, i, i can't say that i really realized what it would be like, because i've never experienced it. all i, all i know is just what i've seen and videos. and so forth, i'd, i'd be the syria to 2 rocks of, of gotten this done, booked with american troops in mosul, for example. and these, these quote they, they have nothing on this complex side. change your mind in any way. it would reduce that. i can't say i, i would look forward to being on the front lines. i don't think anybody is right in mind. we look forward to having that experience, right. but if i'm called on to do it, i'll do it. and especially the l, especially if the united states or the west gets involved directly. how would you feel if your friends, united states, your costs, but as people who went to school many years ago with your colleagues stop and being if the united states involve yourself in this complex, in this group, instead of
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a comfortable scene wash in the united states on the brink, basically with the hawk. mm hm. between the united states and rush. did you feel about merican coming to ukraine to dot? they've got no business there. that's. that's all i got to say about that they, they need to stay on their island. they have no business there they they, they've gotta stop sticking their nose in all these countries around the world. yeah. so that absolutely. i would have no problem standing to fight them. how do you feel, knowing that the united states government has sent americans to the car? do i feel how would you feel? i feel angry. i would feel angry. i feel angry now. i would feel even more angry then. because like i said, they do not belong there. they've got enough problems in their home country, and they've spent how many trillions on these wars in the last 30 years. what could
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they have done with that money? it's money. they don't have by the way, they have to print it. so they're stealing from their kids. this money that they're printing, that they could have done. who knows what with with high speed rails and solar panels on every roof, they could have done this whole green new deal. they could have put it and free health care for everybody. but instead, what does the united states do? the united states goes around the world, destroyed people in killing things. that's what they do. destroying and killing. that's what they do with all their money. they never have enough. they always have enough money for that to the americans. are beginning to understand this. i think a lot do, but i think a lot are just in different but it's, it's an extraction to them because they live on their little island. they're isolated. they don't know what war really means. this is very abstract. all they know is just maybe the hollywood version of it where it's glorious and even maybe
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even fun is how they look at it. you know? but i think the vast majority of, of them, they're just so involved in their day to day lives that they don't even think about it. and besides, it's been going on for how many years, how many wars that victor has the country been involved in since the fall of the soviet union? so it's, it's an extraction, i think, to the average american. yeah, there's one thing that i hope, by the end of my career, i will have conveyed the people it is how terrible how terrible will is it is. yeah, but that may put them on said ease of the last resort. right. the last resort. busy every effort must be made. every effort must be made to avoid coming to what we have come to. do you have any optimism that there will be an awakening that you know people will come to the senses of the west.


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