tv News RT July 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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what was the mash on the counters and you'll see people supporting voting. what kind of intellect to process is behind this kind of are active to be are stopped if somebody is crying foul less. moscow plays the block in africa, as he says, people on the continental needs to be quote reprogrammed. if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america outside a lot of defensive titles, trying to help with this relationship ahead. washington settings, it makes the message saying it's ready for a defensive fight to keep its relations with india. off the bomb administer avoiding warm, the x rays with the blood to put in in moscow every day we felt fear in the face,
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the threat of death. i could hear the screams from distant sections of a scene in person to speak to our, to you about the horrific conditions. and he's ready. joe, as dozens of guidance, have reported the been killed. i made touch on vacation. the weather's has all the to national routine. you live for my new center with moscow. i a mike up watch at the bottom of the field is not just about tanks and guns, but it's about a war on people's minds that don't follow the western narrative. and africans are in the cross, has a that's according to e, used up diplomatic, just that burrell who evidently can't wrap his head around why anyone would support russia to see when you go to some of the african countries. you'll see
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people supporting voting to support the what put in is doing don't bus saying putting has saved on bus now for you, we to come to off. he can save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind these kind of the active duty. while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people the same, you need to live a lot of people go to nice in their mind to do those elders. then how do you resist against that? you need the different kinds of army you need. people are watching the networks you need. people explaining seems a way they are come to programming the you for the policy chief, joseph role has really once again made an arrow going to comment to these africans that support russia on the support piece in purchasing that. i think in countries large and people that support the did not know is that important is waived on bus is located. it is basically is something i was supporting prison put in seducing.
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that'd be awesome to be to the, to just for doing that just for some strange reason. the b u is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take the waste is called is a baby releases with the boss. so in fact, it's not a single applicant, country has been full sections of russia even spoke against russia, and that despite crystal from the waste and the that's on its own for speak to you and speed is the been speaking pieces. this, the whole region is a prime example. even just recently, we still bodies, we did not. the deed is the thing that it's a waste. it continues to, to ask a couple weeks for sources. so then, pity on this, no sense in those imperialists consider that we belong to them, and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states, africa, our continent that suffered so much because of being fair, always this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us and of our
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populations to ask because searching the ok to deepening relations of nations as it can be, does have made it clear that that will not come at the expense of, of getting time to address. yeah, this needs to be added to each that you did that you hold has to not fully realize it and see me not realize any time. which is why most people continue to have an advantage over the wasted, actually that unless you have the most efficient itself as an equal and it's not just a combined puts in the test, it was all the point is that this is so called golden 1000000000, has been practically a parasite on other nations for centuries, 500 years. they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploring the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that. i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in
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their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in western. at least, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vend fireball is ending. you has a difficulty telling this it's a reputation that forgot the exodus you're seeing. and this will help that as well . and then the, the, you know, how to actually try to use the, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting, comment, see that ethics and i'm not wireless boss enough to understand the feeds. so now we've heard something from a libyan government spokesperson, and we'll say brian. and he said that b e u foreign policy chief statement about the alpha got to need to event. he's
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ironical, given the devastation caused by the lions on the african continent. i do not find sprain or be this. is it sure my you rest how me this is the way. yeah, thank you. so we can have some of the staff or some she said this, they do not need practice. we don't have to take the hassle agent does that we are able to construct our own director of the ration given. i'm just to say basically yes, as be a big shift are to, to i was side instant one that we, that we just like choose then having the needs to be protected against people for jammed up from russia. china, or even in yeah, or nothing very. so from on and some of the same as this entire i'm if you remember that early read said that when ration from the 17th and his best to be that or pick
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you nation based out, remember, says very organization on that's close. so much damage when you're suffering and just in the content on the basis that sort of my now india is relationship with the us is the but that it's ever been buddy cancel. but taken for granted, that sentiment is according to the u, as in baset at the india, and it comes on the heels of indian from administer moody's visit to russia. it's important for us as americans, as indians to remember, the more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out. the more we instance on kind of cynical calculation in a place of trust and relationship, the less we will get. but as i also remind my indian friends while it is wide and it is deeper than it's ever bent, it is not yet deep enough. that if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america outside a lot of defensive titles, trying to help this relationship ahead. i don't see in the being much he to what
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aaron, gar, safety, be with him by the door to new delhi. i've had to see because this kind of a reaction from the west and lead or the sort of reaction from the western press has been on the expected line is the sort of meltdown that we've seen in the west. and for us, as far as the wizard of the indian prime minister to russia is concerned now simply because the timing of the particular was it 9 of july. when the leaders what can meaning in washington dc even need to lead us for the nato summit. perhaps they wanted those features to be dominant for the, for it shows that really what dominant were pictures of the prime minister of the was largest democracy. how can you list within well, mr. with an, a similar the as the president saw. gotcha. here in law school, well both the leaders reading classes. so the, the significance, your role,
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these speech, you are the men's and you can truly don't believe that. and that's what he saw. so doing that sound like we've also heard from the ukranian president, using a harsh words for india and sort of the you will see the positive. we've made clear facts to every country in the world, including the india that have bet on russia as a long term reliable partner is not a good. and that's especially true in our view for india, when you talk about moody and food and having what was a very warm embrace. and i think it was more than one the reaction in europe. but particularly in america, what was one of the old guy they, they, they always resented moody coming to most good to meet with pewter. well, why, why do you think that sentiment was in there? why there's no getting away from the timing of this particular was it what we've been given to understand and wouldn't support. so suggesting is and they would also specialize in the near to change the timing of this add new installments that mr. moody was here for. and in fact, this has been a tradition, the annual summit between new delhi and most school for what,
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while from 2000 october 2000. and this summer has happened after 3 years has been a bit of an ais given the fact that that was a go with dynamic and then the war. but any, we, this was, it was extremely significant given the timing here. and interestingly, when the, the western leaders were trying to send out the message that rushes isolated, we sauntered into moody, standing shoulder to shoulder with the, with the present part of the, again, when indians hear the word, russia, the 1st words that come to their minds are in the companion, in happiness, and then soto me on the line yard. that relationship between india in the west, in the past few months have been somewhat strange. given the fact tom, especially with the issue of the call to sony separate, is home into, in canada who's opening leaving, threatening india and do need to ship. so this wizard also needs to be looked at
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from that perspective with what india giving a message out. and so this is your messaging here, or perhaps not the messaging that the leaders in the world, the rest of the countries warranty. yeah, there was, it was almost, i mean that perhaps maybe i'm overshooting it here, but that i think that was almost a sense of jealousy coming out of washington. you know, it's the best aging. this big nato summit just wrapped up, but they wanted moody to be in washington not to be in moscow, hugging fruits and, and at the end of the day, you with that in the kremlin, in the hallowed halls of the kremlin. you are right that i would put in body. you are part of us special coverage for the injury appointment. it is or is it here to india? i mean, let me ask you to engine. how did it go? i would say it was a successful one, but let me point out to you all that while the relationship between your daddy in law school has always been warm, has always been very strong and sony. but it's been more of a political relationship that we've seen for the decade spot often to warn you. queen started on the subsequent sanctions. we've seen the trade go off the oil that
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india has been consuming the, the influence they've gone up. what some 20 times higher than what you've seen before, the conflict the new queen had started. so in fact, the tree, it has been about $10000000000.00 from some $10000000.00 to now we're talking about a $100000000000.00. so this really was a successful with it in that sense and to the united states. now hunger is prime minister has met with donald trump in florida for the native saw me didn't washington hunger and lead a previously met was the last key key of putting in moscow. anyone's eating pin and big jean, he says he's on a piss mission to and the 3 and conflict hung. busy in 5 minutes, i think the all button the posted on social media. that's he and from discussed ways to restore peace between russia and ukraine from has expressed intentions to end the conflict if he's once again elected to be the u. s. president. and i saw
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him european powers have i have openly condemned all buttons to germany went as 5 say. ready that all binds actions have caused collateral damage a mrs. empty, we must see how hungry determine shipping. the council will proceed in the future. and we are now on day 12 of the hon. gary and chairman shift. and it has already left behind a lot of collateral damage. so i think the you and passengers and brussels have once again appeal to the hon gary inside to stop its attempts at obstruction and to fulfill its rule as an honest broker in line with the use loyalty hungry or bon, takes the helm of the rotating presidency of the council of the european union. so all the ministers of all the member states and ormond ends up seizing the opportunity to run all around the globe, talking to people with views that actually diverge from the establishment. russian
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president vladimir putin, she's in pinging china and now former and potential future us president donald trump. this week during a trip to the us for the new summit. effectively demonstrating a bit of tolerance and openness to argue logical diversity to supposedly western democratic values. and he's apparently writing up these discussions and confidential reports to european council president, chef and michelle, and also other you brass doing the job that none of them could be father to do because they're too busy. virtue signaling europe into more, more complex and the establishment promptly freaks out about at all. mister orland does not represent neither nato nor hughes position. it could seem that he's abusing his position as a, as a presiding country. but the no way he's representing neither my country nor the no
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the european union that has an e. u. member, i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capitalism. not me is using the presidency for doing trips that to be considered to be looked upon as a, as a, as b q for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think the hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for. well, these guys sound a little bit triggered, clear your bond is reading there, know, safe space. there are no reports coming out of the western price of the used stablish moment, wants to punish or bind for his outreach efforts and threatening it's 6 months rotating mandate. quick someone actually is doing some work over year, can have that. when the french president, $800.00 in mac, hall, had the same gig during that 6 month french rotating presidency, he had a logo made that looked like it incorporated a stylized version of his initials,
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e and m. pretty groundbreaking stuff did absolute wonders for the lives of europeans, but the only ones were allowed to get anything done of substance in brussels or i'm elected cleaners. so the ponder line had her bureaucratic battalion making right policy to get shopped in front of you. law makers and well, they aren't actually democratically accountable to any voters themselves. anyway, oregon and his team really don't seem to phase filed the strong the right now was supports us and brought sol, solved gays congress peacekeeping mission. so they'll know attacked in congress, the repeating, the union chairmanship and the home given prime minister himself piece is necessary and for the sake of peace, we must act while or bonds, even establishment. critics are having a meltdown. one thing that he does have on his side is that his 6 months rotating presidency may be over before the you ever gets around to figuring out what the heck to do with them. and especially on what grounds like where in his job
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description, does it actually say that he can't go on fact finding missions in favor of peace guests are not used to someone actually doing something useful in this particular role? so let's head to the middle east now touch her and abuse. that's how we'll form a palace teen impression. uh no sir. uh what tony, who was charged for recruiting and she so i bought my described live in these really present a rest of the age of 15. he spent 2 decades of his lot behind boss and he recalled the conditions of the present that survived in west um, ended up paying the ultimate price. i imagine that unarmed person entering a jungle full of wild animals. where would he hide every day? we still fear the face, the threat of death, especially when the prison unit known as kit tear came in, armed with weapons and baton, speeding us brutally. i could hear the screams from distant sections,
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each one of us waited for our turn, knowing it would come. we were hungry all the time. we almost forgot about our families thinking only about hunger, cold, and thirst. of course it was very difficult for us to get to the clinic. it took a lot of talking to get to the clinic. naturally, a sick person should be treated differently with know they would put shackles on our hands and feet and our hands would be above our heads. they would take us down, down, down, sorry for this expression. dragging us like an animal to the clinic. that's how they treated us with insults and purses telling you that your a cyber tour that you don't deserve treatment. you deserve to die. many people fell in the bathrooms, many selling the showers fainting. and after an hour or 2, they would honor us with their presence to check on the fated person to see what was wrong. many prisoners died inside the prison due to medical neglect. there was
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a norm is suffering inside the prison. when i was released, my family couldn't recognize me. my family was waiting for nicer to be released. the guy started saying the prisoner nasser just got out. they walked in next to me and didn't even recognize me. i started calling out to them, telling them i'm naps or what i looks completely different. my health, my hair and beard had all changed. our weight only 51 kilograms when i was released . of my hair was a big mess. my beard was very long, so one of my family and friends walked past me. they didn't recognize me until i called out to them. they recognize me by my voice and came to me and hugged me with tears. now, according to reports, at least 36 presidents had been touch it to death by ease. well, since october now move while and guides us. i'll ship a hospital director who was recently released describe how publish, teen,
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and present. those are subjected to abuse. and similarly ation on a daily basis. that's the 7th of october. he's ready. national security minister bank fee has taken his country's penitentiary system under his past no guidance or that he came out in favor of the death penalty to be legalized to resolve what he called the overcrowding and presents that he's well has denied allegations of tetra . but for my detainees, but 3 different picture. let me tell you something. then clears policy was to take these decisions even before these events on water, on food, all the details they implemented against us after the war been clear, intended to do them. but the government politically rejected his decision. you need to know that this policy exists world wide accept. there are some restrictions. but with the onset of the war, he got the green light to do whatever he wanted against us. of course the most
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effected was negative prison visited 5 been beer. who posted about it? we heard about it from the prisoner's post and so on. i don't know why, but generally, then we're wanted all the prisons, but it seems negative. prison had a special significance according to, let's say, the relationships between them. surely the prison director had a very close relationship with ben v are. these details were completely unknown to us because we had no contact and to aisha. now in japan's new defense policy, denalis has china as a major challenge for western powers. but by doing savvy has historically been on a possible peaceful development on like took you to validate. the defense of japan 2024 white paper gravely interferes in china. is internal affairs hypes up the china threaten narrative over and over again and stokes tensions in the region we deploy and reject this. china is committed to the path of peaceful developments and
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the defense policy that is defensive in nature. japan bear serious historical responsibilities for china, for its aggression and colonial law. over taiwan. it's in no position to point its fingers at the taiwan question for the country about defiance, new policies and names. china has its greatest strategic challenge in the asia pacific region and that's as depends. western allies have been escalating the support for taiwan separatist movement despite badging, considering that island to be an inherent part of the country of china. now we spoke with one young executive dean, all they told me young institute for financial studies and he said that talk use policies are being shaped from overseas and did not correlate with reality. is a peasant duty expense policy has become more americanized just because of we all know the entity is not to up to uh, salt in the country and it said in transit and find policies are many people easy
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to find the united states and the sweat e depends a lot of you, it's uh, actually uh, the facts and more find americans getting that kind of the united states, the time, the washer and oscar, and the threat. and these would be respected in the nice defense of lined. a painter. everyone knows that to you on his daytime and they told a world of the gift of troublemakers and a threat to a piece of the world. we all know that in the morning of 13, he is a senior at the end of the cold war. the united states has landed a loss of us, the lack of war act, and he's done. why see the war and beat a lot of the regional fridays and the conduct data solid itself in the detroit excited to use the each or to the bottom of the left. but the, the united states has so these coffee, germany, all an open, uh, uh, these guys these, that yourself as of the vendor off piece. so in fact, i think the, the, uh, like to the world and japan is also designed to load more leisurely states. we need
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to constantly expose these lice what made to all specials, contemplating masters, deceased chinese over the infrastructure project in europe. if i'm the extended and expanded conflict with russia, erupts in the continents eastern regions, and that's according to us officials cited by cnn. the now with the largest land war being waged in europe since world war 2 and the west and warning of beijing support of russia's invasion of ukraine, nato countries. now see those chinese investments as a liability with allies beginning to discuss ways to reclaim some of those projects . the fear is that beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in europe to provide material assistance to russia. if the conflict were to expand, the goal is to figure out a path forward. well, in advance of any potential conflict about china has been investing heavily in
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european infrastructure for over a decade now, driven by its belton road initiative, which aims to enhance global trade routes invested in multiple the tale and ports before that the country quit the belt and roads a plate plan. now some other examples include degrees and it's part of periods with about $600000000.00 in investments which transformed it into a major logistics hub and an entry point for chinese goods into europe. also china funded b hinckley a point see if equally a power station in the u. k. as well as a high speed rail with network connecting the serbian and hong gary and national capitals, independent financial consultants. all right, independent financial, consult and uh, angelo. good. yeah. and the size, but if you're a dog indeed at one point, stop seizing tiny's infrastructure, it will be shooting itself in the foot. what keep in mind if sees the russian says
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it is but fine. you see there's uh, we are in the process of the, the reputation. and i think at this point when he comes to china, those are still words with just a week for action. so keep in mind that the, the last 30 years the west has to be in this industrialized and is massively invested in to china to be in manufacturing. so in reality, this fall mode that actually try the quote, actually sees with chinese, nothing these up in this direction because china, the weight sees, is uh you, once you engage with you pop those, all you ever needs, you can have leverage over there. the width is the exactly the opposite. it's using sanctions, but you use sensors want and then you don't have any more than left, which is a different ip address. a lot of companies actually watching, keeping months with this is the russian assets. what was the reaction, you've seen a lot of countries starting to send the u. s. bones and
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a who are bones. so in reality, these could only accelerate the eco readies ation and the, the collapse of to connect to west because the whole world is watching the, i would actually the right mind to invest again you up. if you just just sees the for an assets, you wouldn't just goal gaze complete because the, the liberal agenda which we use, which is, you know, free for off kept him free for all human being. there is, there is a game heating the, the obsessing the fault. let's have to tuck you now where the country one's membership in both east and west and military blocks. a tech issue president reset time, as on said author they to meeting in washington that his country also wants to join the china alleged on chi cooperation organization, which includes russia. turkey is goal. currently,
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an observer in the seo is to achieve full membership document needs to become part of the shanghai 5. this was discussed separately with vladimir putin and is using ping. i would like to ask for support from all permanent members on this issue. the statement provided by the church president is significant for one very good reason, and that is, of course the church present has time time again over the course of the last decade or so, hinted and entertained the idea of joining the eastern alliance. the shanghai cooperation organization, but for the 1st time he has been open and vocal about concord, his interest in joining the organization, not as an observer, but as a full and permanent member. we also understand that the growing risk between $2.00 to $2.00 and nato is also one of the leading factors, which is why to, to is more than ever interested in joining an annoyance that it believes could benefits. the interests and concerns that unclear is posing church president, are the ones said that on could i did not receive the support and solidarity that it expected from its nato allies pertaining to issues the answers facing with
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respect to counter terrorism efforts, efforts, and topics that we're not essentially discussed as part of the nato summit. and the st could be, of course, applied to that of the complicated ukraine and palestine. and this is what the church present had to stay with that respect. the attitude of some of our western allies towards russia has only fueled the fire. this has resulted in more harm than good for ukraine. in contrast, we have engaged in dialogue with both the warring parties in an effort to bring them closer to peace, to be honest, centered care, currently face as issue has been a long gets bored as with respect to counter terrorism efforts, topics that we're not even discussed during the nato summit, and this is where the contradictions of course play an important and significant role as well because we understand that the crime this both person says that there are contradictions within nato's obligations and a world view that's enshrined in the founding documents of the s. c o. the seo, most importantly of course, provides broader security as well as economic security. but it also com, that's terrorism extremism and many topics that on code is currently interested in,
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which is why the eastern lines is a little bit more favorable than that of the nato alliance. to back home here in russia, this friday marks the final day of the breaks, parliamentary farm being held in saint petersburg. all the event is focused on international politics and relations as well as economic and cultural interactions . 400 delegates from across the. busy world are in attendance with representatives from all the brakes, member nations, as well as a number of representatives from the commonwealth of independent states, taking part in the event hosted by russia. on the sidelines of the forum while we spoke with the accent speaker of the tonnes, any and the national assembly should have thoughts on the hob countries relations with russia. we continue to work together as to silver and states and we respect each other so that respect tons of.
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