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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, on the punters, you'll see people supporting body. what kind of intellectual process is behind this kind of the fact that they use a top different matters, crying file as must go out place the prolonged in africa. he says, people on the continent will need to be quote, countertops pro gra, provide and go to the hands full with the trouble in washington as another $19000000.00 of his campaign funding. or fortunately, getting frozen as his traditional media back. those make us southern utah nato countries are looking at ways to take back chinese owned infrastructure projects in
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europe, over paging village support of moscow. is it a wise move where these, watching the, i've seen the right mind treat, investigating you up. if you just just sees a for an assets on the lawn mosque, expose is that your opinions, shady dealings are feeling that the proc office has a secret sense to ship build promising not to find his social network if it shuts down opinions to don't follow the west the call, we are pushing back on the main stream narratives and getting you your news and feels that it's off the international ally from moscow. it's good of you to try to open mouth insert foot, but soon to be full. my e, you talk diplomat. has just dropped another seemingly racist bombshell this time
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around, joe to burrell is called for africans to be quotes counter programmed, suggesting the views they hold, the russia is a friend, stems from the inability to think for themselves as swan song, with deliberate on the sidelines on the nato summit that just wrapped up in washington. you see when you go to someone's african countries, you'll see people supporting voting, supporting what put the news doing and don't pass saying, putting has saved on bus. now he would have come to offer a gun, save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind is kind of the active duty. while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people the same. you need the, the lies. a lot of people go to nice and the mind to, to know the others. then how do you resist against that? you need that before then. kind of army,
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you need people are watching the network. you need people explaining, seeing the way they are come to programming the you for in the policy. chief joseph role has really once again made an arrow going to comment to these africans that support russia and the support pieces in purchasing that countries language. and people that support to show did not know that important is waiting on bus is indicated, is basically insulting african circle supporting, present, put in seducing that the on to the, to the, to get for doing that. just for some strange reason. the d u is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take the width is called is a baby releases with the boss. so is that not a single applicant? country has sanctions on russia even spoke against russia. and that despite crystal from the waste and that's on his own, but speak to you and he has been speaking pieces. this, the whole region is
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a prime example. even just recently, we saw my lease, we did not talk to the the saying that it's the wish to continues to, to right ask because for sources this is infinity of this know can sort of those imperialists consider that we belong to them and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they're the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states, the african continent that suffered so much because of the impaired always. this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations to ask because searching the ok to deepening release is the nation. as it can be. does have a meeting key, is that that whole lot comes at the expense of, of getting time to address. yeah, this needs to be added, teach that to that to you. hold has too much when you realize that and see me lucky and i the time which is why most people continue to have an advantage over. ringback and i think that unless, you know, as long as this is itself as
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a new quote, and i might not just a combined to been put to test. it was a point is that this is so called golden billions has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploding the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that. i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries. although it is very important, but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening . they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in west and the leads they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vampire ball is ending you as
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long as it's reputation. i forgot the exodus of you seeing in this house who's that as well. and rather than behaving in a humble man to actually try, continues to, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting comment, see that? i think, cuz i'm not one of the boss enough to understand the fees. well, earlier we were talking with the founding member of the african legacy for him. besides, the confidence simply doesn't want to take its marching orders from external actors as old ghosts still remain from centuries past. if you're doing on the lines movements, we work with the countries that are willing to work with us on a fair basis. and we do not want to be dictated on how we should govern ourselves. uh, what our fiscal policies should be there, or who we should talk to and who we should support and who we should. we should not
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support this is, this is not the way this is still the mentality of the bus today. it's a neil go on edition. if you're the dispute this mentality, if, if they're thinking it's either the russia or the west audience has to do. i'm still thinking with this mentality, it just sticks on a new for we uh, we have long been the champions of a long support to the online movement to work with whoever is willing to work with us on a trailer basis on a mutual interest basis. and this is the way it should be, it's not a matter of we have standing here or that we, we know we have a past, we understand that we would like to move forward with uh, a, a drawing as a continent, each country dealing with all the countries of the world on a mutual interest bits. so and that the us presidents slow motion to
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devised trading rec, another $90000000.00 a month for jo biden's re election campaign is set to be frozen. is don't, is all set to have seen enough with one ethic gas after another and acknowledge zipped up the purse strings until the big guy has kicked off the ticket. lot over now to all these us ask you a tailor reporting on how biden's usual back goes out of the main stream media. a fost become ton codes. right now, washington is doing what washington does best. it's cooling alita, and as is always, always the case. if the waves, which have been hijacked fast, and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. if you're concerned about a job by this age and they probably don't know till 500 is actually in good shape. they spend much of the night with his mouth agape and his eyes starting back and
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forth. he couldn't, in fact check anything donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. but i undersold him when i settings code, he's far beyond code. fact, i think he's better than he's ever been. it'll actually the analytic lane because he's been around for 50 years where my patient, if he were my dad, frankly, i would want to get more testing done. cognitive testing in more detailed movement disorder testing is where actually people who are many decades younger even often use notecards for models is a button. they covered up the evident cognitive decline of that lead to a non, allegedly, with his finger on the new kind of button. they knew to the mike on his stumbles, turned the camera away from his bike full slipped channels on his sheet sheets and
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pre approved press questions. they walked over time to give him a chance to shine trucker truck and ship. but when they decided to given the memo by the powers that be the biden's time was up, a decision made somewhere between the president losing his group at a party, the losing his train of thought at the presidential debates, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the work, but if it's a covered or excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do is work. if we finally be medicare taken president by the president, trump, i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to be here. and by the way,
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well that and the media turned up the volume. they find the show couldn't disappointment, they run to didn't read. suddenly, this was a normal suddenly they what the victim solve a massive cover up cheated out of that john and let's pick integrity by the manipulative whitehouse. the interview fits your predetermine questions provided by the white house, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. as a result, miss level sanders and b r d radio have mutually agreed to part ways effective immediately. another radio station in a different state says that having this not keep the same experience, i was even told to edit out 2 clips. the thing is coming out now is while in good. but they was facilitated about food based off the set questions. they edited the clips before it all, the sudden nothing the democratic party, the allies in the media have been lying and concealing and covering up this issue
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for so long. and i think that's another reason why is reflecting poorly on the down valid democratic candidates as well. it just has a sense of like a cover up in a way that's very dangerous and deceitful, all live in the public for so many years about the person who has the newport codes and what their mental state is. and i think that is part of it has like a, a sense of not just concerned about finding, but a sense of scandal around the democratic party has allies in the media as well. yes . because they were told to yes, because the american press is dishonest and in the pocket of government. but it was that because it was potty a bubble bite and above trump even been in co hair invited. it's only now that the ruling elite has switched horses from bite into, well, who knows? that the guy gold has been lifted. and again, it's polity above, oh, why didn't panel when it for them so that dumping him to back the holes the does stand a chance? oh, yes, joe biden is being crude and clearly the risky media has been now let's all the
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lease to storm theory for all this fuss. it runs full the far in the midst of a how many job it is that we've has now been appointed headed the countries transitional council. that means you'll basically be responsible for the determining members of the new president's capital into ron. with details as a correspondent, boost after that. we all know how much it was already from his days as there was for him. and his surgery is rich and that includes the the 2015 clear deal with work hours. now he has, we turn to the, i'll see, is appointed by presidents who like to muscle as a she on has the head of the transition period until the 14th governor, he's a, he's responsible for coordinating the final line of business skills cabinets, which will be our confidence role. dr. ross, comment wise media outlets to refraining from maybe convictions about
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why the cabinet part before that then the news will be based particularly very frustrating with us every time. so i will finally be on the steps for mr. to finish . want to lift incomplete during this for you said you're a master suite for me daily. your deal. even if this is not the case, is part of the position that ministration is we have for you to the stage signals. there was right as far we've done a lot over the revival of your deal after tensions escalated in a way go for us for the dental chops. decision to withdraw from you told me for the 2018 trust me. one of the big close to all the time, but for the inspection had invested in trying to fix it. and i'll be close to the escalation with the western block during his time in the office. john, sorry, it's trusted on like the u. s. one in russia are committed to piece of stability in
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the middle east. southern you've also described the problem russian relations strategic and slumber. europeans for not fulfilling their commitments under the joint probably has a plan of action known as the j. c. if you're with referring china for supporting your one in the difficulties created by the court in sanctions, i called both moscow and vision to halls for us. and it's for intentions with the us over the white house is unilateral move in announcing the return of all previously terminated. you one sections on to one the slot. do you want us to can all the core? i guess the one and people. i mean that we would sanctions criticizing washington 1st introduced for judy lateralism. i'm seeking to impose it's the man some others . the question now is whether or sorry for the fall of this thing. if somebody has to do for or she has learned to use less, as far as prior experience with united states, the nato countries, a apparently contemplating the way. he said they can take back chinese owned
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infrastructure projects in europe if and the, the ukrainian conflict. what to expand? that's a, according to us officials cited by cnn. now with the largest land war being waged in europe since world war 2 and the west warning of beijing support of russia's invasion of ukraine. noodle countries now see those chinese investments as a liability with allies beginning to discuss ways to reclaim some of those projects . the fear is that beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in europe to provide material assistance to russia. if the conflict were to expand, the goal is to figure out a path forward. well in advance of any potential conflict. with china has been investing heavily in europe and infrastructure driven by its belt and road initiative, which items to enhance global trade routes. it's invested in multiple italy and pulled stuff before that you country quit the belt and road plan. other examples include the greek port of paris, which was transformed into
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a major logistics hall by the entry point. the chinese goes into europe. china also fund to be hang key point c nuclear power station in the u. k. as well as the highest speed railway network connecting the so being on the hon. gary and capitals, independent financial consultant, angelo juliano. so it's a different deed, europe does start taking over chinese infrastructure. they would basically be shooting themselves into what keep in mind if sees the russian says it is but fine . you see there's uh, we are in the process of the, the reputation. and i think at this point when he comes to china, those are still words with just a week for action. so keep in mind that the last 30 years, the west has been decent industrialized and is massively invested into china to be manufacturing. so in reality, this far more that's actually trying to include actually sees with chinese, nothing these up in this direction because china, the weight sees, is uh you,
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once you engage with you pop those o u n a needs, you can have leverage over there. the width is the exactly the opposite is using the sanctions, but you use sensors want and then you don't have any more than left, which is a different i did you have a lot of countries actually watching, keeping month with this is the russian assets. what was the reaction? you've seen a lot of countries starting to send the u. s. bones and a who are bones. so in reality, these could only accelerate the deacon ready zation and the, the co laptop to connect to west because the whole world is watching the i would actually the right mind to invest a get any you up. if you just just sees the for an assets, you wouldn't just goal gaze complete because the, the liberal agenda which we use, which is, you know, free for all, kept him free for all human being. there is,
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there is a game heating the, the obsessing the fault. well, you gotta love this one because a lot must cause it revealed the e. you offered him what he calls an illegal setting. so should deal the blog promise him, but his social media network x would not be fine if he agrees to take off speech from the platform that does not fit the western narrative. to day we issue for the 1st time, preliminary findings under the digital services act in our view acts does not comply with the d. s a in key transparency areas by using dog patterns and best misleading users by state and to provide an adequate ad repository. and by blocking access to data for the searchers, the d. s a has transparency edits very core, and we have to tell them in to ensure that all platforms, including acts comply with you legislation. the routine commission offered acts an
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illegal secret deal. if we quietly sunset speech without telling anyone that would not find us the platforms except that the deal acts did not. so we have the digital commission of the european union, that is saying that the social media site x, which is owned by alon mazda, is a haven for this information and a legal concept. uh, and they are looking to take action against the social media outlet. now the preliminary findings of the european union's digital commission specifically focused on balloon checks that verified accounts on acts that have blue checks. and they argue that this was misleading because those blue checks with thought to be trustworthy. in some cases, when they were not, here's what was said. back in the day, blue checks used to mean trustworthy sources of information. now with x or
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preliminary view is that they deceive users and infringe on the dsa all of the major social media outlets. and digital corporations were given a timeframe to comply with the new laws. but it was made clear by you legislators that there were, they were not going to be exempt. it from the laws. they may get a time to adjust, but there would be no exemptions. and what was made clear in the initial statements of the digital commission was that acts as been the platform with the highest ratio of this information of all the large social media platforms. now, if the conduction goes forward ex could be for us to pay roughly 6 percent of its global revenue in fines, not a small amount of money. now they are not the only social media platform to have been targeted by an investigation. apparently, all the express meadows, facebook, instagram, and tick tock are also being investigated and his face al allegations of insufficient
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consumer protection or addictive algorithms that affect users and appropriately are not good for their mental health. so the e u is taking aim at many different social media platforms, but it seems that x is the one that they say, here's their primary target that they bind to be in the most violation of their new rules that we were talking about this without michael or x don't have all these all through of a google, i'll keep pedagogy with the digital gulag and the simulation. it's really disturbing book by the way. but he spoke to us about why. 5 the you was looking to on the mind free speech x represents a real threat to the establishment and that it was a particularly a tool for propaganda and censorship. because uh when it was in the hands of, uh, uh its former c o. and since its been taken over,
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uh, this was a major tool that the establish mail had been using to control speech and to put its narratives forward. and now that the access control on a mosque, it's threatens their total censorship regime. and that's why they're after acts, particularly that's why the tax is the 1st social media platform. they taking action against by now to the west bank, where it's really defense forces are assisting settlers to squeeze palestinians out of atlanta and take control of the territory. i'm at least a bureau chief of maria for an ocean and now has a chance to speak with the local there who a while, who talks about the pressure the locals are on the houses, had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they broke, like very sure that
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a she but i mean the stuff, let's see, right. and, but also the cutting down the grapes. you can see about the 120 grapes g hospice leaves the village of up to one in the west bank surrounded by do supplements the twilight international lows and outposts the default of israel's own legislation. the community stands at the forefront of his really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory one morning half as woke up to discover this look, i would suppose in his backyard with an israeli flag on it. during the settlers, use it as a base to a new way, the locals, coming and going as they please. and there is nothing the power steering family can do about it. settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farmland, they use a harm. the farmers, walter infrastructure, the cott approved the trees, with the ultimate aim of uprooting the local palestinians. as the main goal of or
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what's happening around is the student of a senior line is to mix up in a scene and like tired of being on the line by like the physical attacks by the instruction of their fields that by the just throwing their, their 3 is what they, but you know, they won't like to force the but this thing is to leave the show. sometimes the settlers come armed in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no, no. we've been wrong. some of these rules moves, right. tween government, do settlers are in the finest moment receiving unlimited support? no. after october 7th, when guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels. the go. sometimes the done was,
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uh since the, the, the oh, there is a cold venetian between those settlers. i'm the military here because the defense, the end of the civil hooked up up total is the area, the sub plus the substance who is attached to the store. you know, the ad building, everything they are coming with, the material uniform, the item, the everything armed and ready to use. the guns, here's hospices nephew showed in his stomach in broad daylight. we've many people watching and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or disarming him another day. a settler, accompanied by the army, a female activist in her head, and then went away and punished, designing away. or the thing is like it, if they live like an executive and see it all the time,
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you know all the scenes the unsafe even. and they have the homes that, you know, and the land you know, would have a big oh, the out on safe on the, i'm going like, you know, the duration we made tough is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these rarely police when the settlers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released hours later as there was new evidence, supporting charges, but half as goals fake. before you know, we use like the feels like from some little boys to the police, but now it's gone through the odds of supporting the suck gloves. everything vague . give them like ok to take the even the low and their home half is his son was arrested with him and a it's a visa saw it's almost frequented. they happen almost every week and sometimes every day in i feel they happen a lot. so how do i feel? i feel that everything needs to stop could get to con, continue like base me. just feel that in green, like there was
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a deep seated anger boiling inside me. what can i say? i honest cough is, and he's boys. if the settlers could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land, they all give the same answer. never, never, ever, you know, we'll stay on our land. you know? what the, the sacrifices is. um yeah. even if its life, if its life, you know what the boy, you know, marie, if an ocean r o t revolting from a to one village in the west bank. well meantime, a new report from the lawn cit. medical journal suggest that the true death toll from israel is bombardment of gaza could be around $200000.00. that's 5 times higher than what's being reported in the main stream. oh, it's questionable with us here. of course, this is us, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm action or time say welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. what did you make of this week's nathan? somebody posted in washington, dc from west schools, the bottom conflicts hello and show around the world since the self described
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defense organization was created. 75 years ago to some of these are a nation policies are bringing us of a closer to wiping out to humanity. in a nuclear war, from us, a typo spell is one of the usa is most prominent specialists in nuclear weapons and missile defense. the professor emeritus of science technology and international security and mit and a former advisors with us chief of naval operations joins me now from boston, massachusetts. professor thank so much for coming back on last time you are on that was around the same time as i should. i came on, he publicized your search showing nato countries were duped into supporting ass strikes on damascus. britain, the united states in france, actually this week, the israel bomb by the these countries, the bottom, the syria, before we get on to nato's of the 5th anniversary, do you feel vindicated about to be exposing the lies that brought to the war on syria? well i, i don't know what indicated means because it's, uh,


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