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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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all the stuff use i sitting in the in the headlight teradowski international. joe biden has his hands full with trouble in washington. as another $90000000.00 of his campaign funding reportedly gets frozen and its traditional media back goes make us southern utah also some countries and you'll see people. so 1414, what kind of intellectual process is behind these kinds of activities that you use . talk different about the cries, file is most go seemingly out place the blog in africa, goes about our goals, are people in the continent to be quote uncomfortable programs. and they said countries are looking at ways to take back chinese owned infrastructure projects in
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europe of aging village support of moscow. but is it a wise move to hold while these, watching the actually the right mind treat, investigating you up if you up just just sees the 4th assets, the biden, beijing, budapest, on the west bank. it's a big mix. if your top stories are ready to roll right here or not. so i meant the us presidents a slow motion customized training rec and now the $19000000.00 a month for jo biden's re election campaign is set to be frozen. as donors are set to have seen enough one epic gas after another, then i'll zipping up the post strings until the big guy is kicked off the ticket. i'll tell you that saskia taylor now reporting on how biden's usual back is not of the main stream media. how fast become ton codes. right now,
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washington is doing what washington does best. it's cooling, alita, and as is always, always the case if the waves which have been hijacked fast and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the tickets here, were concerned about joe bivens agent, you probably don't know. nobody is actually in good shape. he couldn't in fact check anything, donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. he's far beyond, cogent fact, i think is better than he's ever been. i would want to get more testing done cognitive testing in more detailed movement disorder testing as well. both who are many decades younger. even often use note cards for models is even they covered up the evident cognitive decline of that and the, the amount allegedly, with his finger underneath the button they knew to the mike on his stumbles,
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turned the camera away from his bike full slipped channels on his sheet sheets and pre approved press questions. they walked over time to give him a chance to shine truck or truck and ship. but when they decided, oh, well, given the memo by the powers that be the biden's time was up, a decision made somewhere between the president losing his group at a party, the losing his train of thought to the presidential debates. i should be with dealing with every we have to do is work well that and the media turned up the volume they signed, shaw couldn't disappointment, they've run to didn't read. suddenly this was a normal, suddenly they what the victim solve a massive cover up cheated out of that on. and this to can tagrid seats by the
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manipulation of white house. the interview featured predetermined questions provided by the white house, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. as a result, miss level sanders and b r d radio have mutually agreed to part ways effective immediately. another radio station in the different states, as it had exactly the same experience, i was even told to edit out 2 clips. the thing is coming out now is while in good. but they only facilitated about 4 to pay off the set questions. they edited the clips. they saw it all. the sudden, nothing. the democratic party, their allies in the media have been lying and concealing and covering up this issue for so long. and i think that's another reason why is reflecting poorly on the down dell a democratic candidate as well. it just has a sense of like a cover up in a way that's very dangerous and deceitful live in the public for so many years
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about the person who has the newport codes and what their mental state is. and i think that is part of it has like a, a sense of not just concerned about fighting but a sense of scandal around the democratic party. his allies in the media as well. yes. because they were told to yes, because the american press is dishonest and in the pocket of government. but also because it was policy a bubble bite and above trump even been incoherent by to it's only now that the ruling elite has switched horses from bite into, well, who knows? that the guy gold has been lifted. and again, it's polity above oh, fight and tunnel when it for them, so that dumping him to back the holes that does stand a chance. oh yes, joe biden is being crude and clearly the risky media has me now let's all the lease to store the for off this fast, the opening valve in search for the soon to be full, but you'd pump diplomat has just dropped another seemingly racist ball. michelle,
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this time with joseph burrell, this call for africans to be, quote, come to pro, grabbed suggesting the views the whole day of the russia is a friend. stems from the inability to think for themselves. as following the song was delivered on the sidelines of the nato summit in buffington, but just wrapped up. you'll see when you go to some african countries and you'll see people, so 1414, to support the what put the news doing don't best saying put in has saved on bus now for you, we to come to off. he can save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind is kind of the active duty. while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people, the same media lies. a lot of people go to lies in their mind to do those elders. then how do you resist against that? you need that different kind of argument. you need people are watching the networks
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you need. people explaining seems a way they are come to programming the you for the policy chief joseph role has really wants to give me an arrow. going to comment to these africans that support russia and the support pieces in purchasing that i think in countries large and people that support to show did not know is that important is waived on bus is, is basically is something that supporting prison which is a do think that be awesome to be to the, to get for doing that. for some strange reason. the d u is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take the waste of thought is a baby releases with the boss. so it's not a single applicant times we have to put sections on restaurants even spoke against russia, and that despite crystal from the waste and the that's on its own for speak to you and speed is the been sticking pieces. this, the whole region is
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a prime example. even just recently, we still bodies. we did not. the deed is the thing that it's a waste. it continues to, to ask a couple of sources. so it's, i'm pretty obvious. know, can sort of those impaired really consider that we belong to them and a wealth also belongs to them. and they think that they're the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states. africa. our content in that suffered so much because of the parent always. this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us of our populations to ask because searching the ok to deepening relations, the nation as it can be, does have a meeting clear that that whole lot comes at the expense of, of getting time to address this needs to be added to each that you did that you wrote postuma when you realize it and see me lucky and i, they need time, which is why most people can see you still have an advantage over the wasting. i think that i'm not sure how long does this in itself as
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a new quote and it's not just a combined been put in tested school. the point is that this is so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploring the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that. i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries. although it is very important, but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening . they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in western. at least, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the van fireball is ending. you has
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a difficulty telling this it's a reputation that forgot the exodus you're seeing in the so how to use that as well . and then be the, you know, how to actually try continues to, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting, comment, see that africans, i'm not wireless boss enough to understand the feeds. so we heard from the director of a boot, a school of social and political thoughts, a professor some amadi, the tells us the african risk for you to choose as pop is without having to check in with full colonial powers. less firms is i'm. yeah, i'm just trying to that's what i was. yeah. janice, great because i'll just go to you so. so you can, i do want to sort of what the thinking more of africa crisis to sort something go 1st to the idea that the african news she wanted to do to put his
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presence in the west with more information. so it was in supervision. summer we also processed through yes, that's the kind of russia of the 14 i'm going to do is to bite into to see this issues in pest control issues in your product excess. wear the shoes in the new front nationalism as to what they want to. i will do so is the best option to do that to try to buy history . in nigeria, 22 people died friday when a school building collapse in the north of the country. or the incident happened early in the morning. my students were arriving for plots. the destruction shown here where of a 150 people with trapped in the revel. emergency services were able to rescue the vast majority and local residents were on site to offer
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a helping hand. government officials say the reason for the collapse still isn't clear, but it may have being triggered by the structure. we can, inc, due to as location near a river by the nato countries are discussing ways to take back chinese owned infrastructure projects in europe if ukrainian config. well, to expand this, according to american officials, cited by cnn. now with the largest land war being waged in europe since world war 2 and the west warning of beijing support of russia's invasion of ukraine. noodle countries now see those chinese investments as a liability with allies beginning to discuss ways to reclaim some of those projects . the fear is that beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in europe to provide material assistance to russia. if the conflict were to expand, the goal is to figure out a path forward. well, in advance of any potential conflict. china has been investing heavily in europe
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and infrastructure driven by its built and roads and initiative with james to enhanced global trade routes. it's a, it's invested in multiple, it's highly and ports for the full. the e. u country suddenly quit the belt and road plan. other examples include the greek porto, could ios, which was transformed into a major logistics hub button, an entry point for chinese goods into europe. china also funded, but i think key point c nuclear power station in the u. k. is one of the highest speed railway network connecting the so it'd be and, and the hung, gary and capital. well, it depends on the financial consulting, the angelo giuliano. besides that, if indeed europe does start taking of a chinese infrastructure, it would simply be shooting itself in the foot. what keep in mind that the seas, the russian says it is but fine. you see there's a, we are in the process of the, the reputation. and i think at this point when he comes to china, those are still words with just to wait for action. so keep in mind that the last
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30 years, the west has been decent. industrialized, and is massively invested even to china, to be manufactory, suitability this fall mode. that as she tried to include, actually sees with chinese nothing these up in this direction. because trying that the weight sees is, once you engage with you pop those, o u a means you can have leverage over there. the width is the exactly the opposite is using sanctions, but you use tensions once and then you don't have any more leverage. is it different? i think you have a lot of companies actually watching, keeping months with the seas, the russian assets, what was the reaction? you've seen a lot of countries starting to sent the us bones and a who are bones. so in reality, these could only accelerate the depot, ready, zation and the, the collapse of to connect to west because the whole world is watching the oh and
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actually the right mind treat, investigating you up. if you just just sees the for an assets, you wouldn't just goal gaze complete because the, the liberal agenda which ease, which is you know, free for off kept him free for all human being. there is, there is a game heating, the obsessing, the fault it is quarter past the hour here in moscow it runs full for administer mohammad. java is, genevieve has been appointed head of the countries transitional council. so basically he'll be responsible for choosing members of the new president's cabinet . a correspondent, integrity with details is use after not as we all know how much it was already from his days as there was for him. and his surgery, the unit is trish and that includes the the 2015 clear deal with work hours now he has with charge of him for i'll see is appointed by president to light muscle
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position on has they had all the transition period until the 14th governor is responsible for coordinating the final line of business jones cabinets, which will need to cover this role. dr. ross, sorry for advice media outlets to refraining from maybe even print diction is about always where the cabinet part before then the news will be page, particularly frustrating with us every time. so finally, be all the steps for mr. to finish. what do you live to be completed during history? you said your best choice for me daily, your deal, even if this is not the case as part of the position, you also have ministration. as we ask for you to the state signals of the laws, right? as far we've done a lot over the revival of your deal after tensions escalated in a way go for us for the dental chops. decision to withdraw from the trust me.
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one of the big close to all the time and for the for insurance, had invested in trying to fix and then i'll be close to the escalation with the western block during his time in the office. johns, that reeves trust that on like the u. s. one in russia are committed to piece of stability in the middle east. does that mean you've also described the problem russian relations asked for t j and slammed in europe? yes, for not fulfilling their commitments under rejoined stop. he has a plan of action known as the j. c. feel way. very fine. china for supporting get run into difficulties created by the corn sanctions. i called both moscow and visions to halls for us. and it's for intentions. would that you, us over the white house is unilateral move in announcing the return of all previously terminated. you one sections on to one the slot? do you want us to can all the core? i guess the one and people. i mean that we would sanctions criticizing washington 1st empty just for our duty lateralism. i'm seeking to impose its demands on others . the question now is whether or sorry for the fall of this thing to provide power
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as a new for or she has learned to use less. as far as prior experience with united states . now to the west bank where it's really defense forces are helping settlers to push palestinians of the line to take control of the territory. i'm at least bureau chief maria, for an option of speaking with locals, about the pressure there on the day to day houses had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they have brought collect vinnish data sheet by means of let's see, right. and, but also the cutting down the grapes. you can see about the 120 grapes, 2 houses leave the village of up to one in the west bank surrounded by do supplements by twilight, international lows and outposts that defy israel's own legislation. the community
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stands at the full front of his really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory one morning half as woke up to discover this look outpost in his backyard within his really flag on it. the assessors use it as a base to a new way, the locals coming and going as they please. and there is nothing the palestinian family can do about it. to settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farm lands, they use a harm to the farmers. walter infrastructure. they cut, approved the trees with the ultimate aim of uprooting the load code, palestinians. the main goal of all or what's happening around is the student. the senior line is to mix up in this thing and like tired of being on the line by like the physical attacks, by the instruction of their fields by the just throwing them there 3 is whatever, you know, they won't like to for step of this thing is to leave sometimes
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the settlers come armed in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no. with the wrong is always rules. most right, tweet government, jewish settlers are in the finest moment, receiving unlimited support. no. after october 7, twin guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels. the go. sometimes the done. so since the, the, the did is like for coordination between those settlers, i'm the military here because the defense, the end of the, the civil hooked up up total is the area, the susceptible of the substance who is to attack to the store. you know, they are running everything they are coming with the military. oh, uniform, autumn,
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the everything armed and ready to use. the guns. here's hospices may be sold in his stomach in broad daylight with many people watching and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or designing him another day. a settler, accompanied by the army, a female activist in her hands, and then went away and punished design in good order. but a scene is like the if they live like an executive and see it all the time and all the scenes the unsafe, even in the homes, you know, and deadline, you know, whatever the goal is, the on safe on the, i'm going like, you know, the duration we me tough is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these really police when the suckers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released hours later as there was new evidence supporting charges that half his goals fake
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before you know, we use like the filters like from some know both through the police, but now it's gone through the odds of supporting the supp love for everything they give them like ok to take the even the low and their home hospice, his son was arrested with him and a it's a visa thoughts and a frequent and they had been almost every weekend sometimes every day in a feeling they happened at last showed him how do i feel that you took the everything needs to stop to get to con, continue like base me. just feel that agreeing like there was a deep seated and got boiling inside me. what can i say? i honest cough is and he's boy, is if the settlers could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land, they all have the same answer. never, never, ever me, you know, wouldn't stay on our land. you know what the,
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the sacrifices is. um. yeah. even if its life, if its life, you know what the boy you know, maria in ocean r o t revolting from a to one village in the west bank. in the last 2 weeks hungry as prime minister has been on a sole stifled peace submission that has taken him from the far east to the heart of the west of the visiting ukraine, russia, china, and the us. the european union says vick, the ottoman does not speak for the block, the rotating presidency doesn't represent that you at the external level, there's a clear position. and this visit paid by the prime minister of hungry, was not a visit on behalf of the you. the organs are reasons meeting with donald trump in florida. it has riled, quite a few feathers with european powers openly condemning his tour with some even collecting signatures to lock hungry from both thing in the you. that's according
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to media reports. well, johnny surprise, surprise taking that one step further planning or the buttons actions of caused collateral damage. we must see how from greece, german ship and the council will proceed in the future. we are now on day 12 of the hon, gary and chairmanship, and it has already left behind a lot of collateral damage. poetry or bon, takes the hell of the rotating presidency of the council of the european union. so all the ministers of all the member states and or mon ends up seizing the opportunity to run all around the globe, talking to people with views that actually diverge from the establishment. russian president vladimir putin, she's in pinging china and now former and potential future us president donald trump. this week during a trip to the us for the new summit. effectively demonstrating
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a bit of tolerance and openness to argue logical diversity to supposedly western democratic values. and he's apparently writing up these discussions and confidential reports to european council president, chef and michelle, and also other you brass doing the job that none of them could be bothered to do because they're too busy. virtue signaling europe into more, more conflicts, and the establishment promptly freaks out about it. all. mister orleans does not represent neither nato nor he used position. it could seem that he's abusing his position as a, as a presiding country, but in no way, he's representing neither my country nor the northern european union that has an you member. i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capital and not me is using the presidency for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a, as
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b q for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for. well, these guys sound a little bit trigger clear, your bond is reading here it is safe space. there are no reports coming out of the western press of the use. stablish ment wants to punish or bon for his outreach efforts and threatening it's 6 months rotating mandate. quick someone actually is doing some work over here. can have that. when french president, $800.00 in mac hall had the same gig during that 6 month french rotating presidency, he had a logo made that look like it incorporated a stylized version of his initials, e and m. pretty groundbreaking stuff did absolute wonders for the lives of europeans and the only ones were allowed to get anything done of substance in brussels or i'm elected cleaners. so the ponder line in here, bureaucratic battalions who making right policy to get shopped in front of you,
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law makers. and well, they are actually democratically accountable to any voters themselves. anyway, oregon and his team really don't seem to phase filed the straw on the right down was supposed to send brussel solid gaze tongued was peacekeeping mission. so they'll know attacked in congress, the repeating, the annual chairmanship and the home given prime minister himself piece is necessary and for the sake of peace, we must act. while our bonds, you establish that critics are having a meltdown. one thing that he does have on his side is that his 6 months rotating presidency may be over before the you ever gets around to figuring out what the heck to do with them. and especially on what grounds like where in his job description, does it actually say that he can't go on fact finding missions in favor of peace guests are not used to someone actually doing something useful in this particular role to run out of the program here and i'll see, you know, how western countries have been trying to seize or steal rushes foreigners of
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holding this. riley the over $300000000000.00. but did you know, recently the saudi arabia threatened to europe that re added would dump western treasury bones if the russian assets was stolen. and r e u officials, a worry that other countries might follow. we as example, well, always crushing more here. this is the the, the
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for their main project do when it comes to getting more when defend to the issue that a just to counter rush. and i think these installation countries are very, very aware of the fact. and they tried to use that uh, notion for data on the the
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uh yeah, that'd be okay. but you to pursue as well. do you have to deal could you, if it is, you know, i can ship them not, not will not make the damage. it is not so another with any of those might have difficult 10 kilometers from done. that's the city had been under keeps occupation for 10 years. ukrainian forces transformed of the of got into a formidable stronghold of which they shall peaceful neighborhoods in done. that's lucky if you have seen of us yet, most residence left the city. many were forcibly removed by the ukrainian military, but more than a 1000 the state refusing to abandon the homes. the
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