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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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and how do you see through their allusions, going underground can the, the 7 thing to go left wounded that these readiness of rain down on a certain cool stays done with this place past the is in southern, the light is on the ice in washington $90000000.00 pages to is campaign fund is reporting the pros and cons as mega done is i'm corporate medium boxes, lakes. and i've run nathan countries and looking at ways to tank back chinese zone to info sorts of products in europe of the easy and they didn't support almost. but is it
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a wise man for these watching the actually the right mind to invest again you up if you up just just sees the forward access the problem of the, the well this is all to you and it's good to have your company today. my name's what we saw with garza where and here's what it's like cuz claimed at least 70 lives leaving over $200.00 more wounded according to god's health and the latest attack. so i'm going to be out of my watch. see refugee got west, so fine eunice in the south of the only a place which the idea of had previously declared a sing zone for this displaced the i'm going to go 5 minutes, i'll hit new tens and
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a will to destination unit is thousands of in sheltering in the area, the number of casualties is expected to grow, but it's i have enough out of house and so which is being taken in most of the buildings and say the facility is overwhelmed. i'm calling from to see any more patients of the rough hospital, the same state of affairs is being reported with some of the wounded being transferred. we heard from a local dentist to get more details. one of the heaviest, advanced, and most area used to for newness targeting the area that around one medium size experience. i started this business from dropbox by the sooner and so with different, especially the ones who i entered and to clear the ones who attended and they ended up also being targeted by there's any sufficient process. the fire that's exempted from that, from budman led to the looks of loading of the gas and in those in that area which the extra number of interest people who are in the vicinity in that area versus the
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sea and assess the damage that has been closed. including identifying the ones who are interest and condemned had been cleared and then the extent that has been cancelled english by the american mitchell with all the facts and were shocked by the number of pieces which keeps it. i think we would have to work, but apparently this incident is a larger scale one. i don't see the number part of the thing is good. the envelope is extremely hot. part of the west bank now where is ready? defense to full says i helping set lose push policies off the land and to control the territory. i'm at least abilities more if an ocean ups meets with locals about the pressure there on the the hospice had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they have brought collect vinnish that a she but i mean the stuff let us she brought it in,
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but also the cutting down the grapes. you can see about the 120 grapes, 2 houses, leaves the village of a to wanting in the west bank surrounded by do supplements the twilight international lows and outposts the default of israel's own. they just lation the community stands at the forefront of is really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory. one morning half as woke up to discover the slit outpost in his back yard with an as really flag on it. drew settlers use it as a base to enjoy the locals, coming and going as they please. and there is nothing the palestinian family can do about it. to settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farm lands, they use a harm to the farmers. walter infrastructure, they caught approve the trees with the ultimate aim of uprooting the low co palestinians. the main goal of all or what's happening around is the student. the
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senior line is to mix up at the scene and like tired of being on the line by like the physical attacks, by the instruction of their fields by the just throwing them there 3 is what they've up. you know, they won't like to for step of this thing is to leave sometimes the settlers come armed in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no, no, we've been wrong. so these rules most right. tween government, do settlers are in the finest moment receiving unlimited support? no. october, 7th, when guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels. the go. sometimes the done watch those things
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the, the, the, there is a cold venetian between those settlers. i'm the military here because the defense, the end of the civil hooked up up total is the area, the susceptible of the substance who is attached to the store. you know, the ad building, everything they are coming with, the material uniform, the item, the everything armed and ready to use. they don't use here's hospices nephew showed in his stomach in broad daylight. we've many people watching and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or disarming him another day. a settler, accompanied by the army, he f, e mail active is in her hand and then went away and punished. he's running away, or the scene is like the if they live like an executive and she, it all the time. and it was the cna's, the unsafe even in the homes. you know,
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in the, you know, whatever big goal is the on safe and the, i'm going like, you know, the duration we made house is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these really police when the settlers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released hours later as there was new evidence supporting charges that half as coals fake. before you know, we use like the feels like from some know both to the police, but now it's gone through the odds of supporting the suck gloves. whatever thing they give them, like okay, to take the even below in their hand. half is his son was arrested with him and a, it's a visa thoughts on a frequent and they happen almost every week. and sometimes every day in i feel today happened a lot. so how do i feel which is what i feel the, everything needs to stop to get to con, continue like this, me to ask you that. agree like there was a deep seeded, ang,
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boyland inside me. what can i say? i honest cough is and he's boy, is if the settlers could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land, they all give the same answer. never, never, ever, you know, we'll stay on our land. you know what the, the sacrifice is. um yeah. even if its life, if it's life, you know what the boy, you know, maria in ocean r o t revolting from a to one village in the west bank. and the us present the slow motion kind of life train wreck 9. see $1000000.00 in law for jo bivens, realtors, and campaign is ripples of the frozen is done as a subject of the i've seen enough with one at the gas off the another. and a zip is up the pass things until the big guy is couldn't talk the ticket on say
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that. so that's good. and every pool is on the highway as usual. black is the mainstream media falls become so good. right now, washington is doing what washington does. best it's cooling alita, and as is always, always the case. if the waves, which have been hijacked fast, he's far beyond code. fact, i think he's better than he's ever been. he couldn't, in fact check anything donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another, after another. people who are many decades younger, even often use notecards. i would want to get more testing done. cognitive testing in more detailed movement disorder testing as well for models is even they covered up the evident cognitive decline of that lead to a non, allegedly, with his finger underneath the button. they knew to the mike on his stumbles,
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turned the camera away from his bike full slipped channels on his sheet sheets and pre approved press questions. they walked over time to give him a chance to shine trucker truck and ship. but when they decided, oh, well, given the memo by the powers that be the biden's time was up, a decision made somewhere between the president losing his group at a party, the losing his train of thought to the presidential debates. i should be with dealing with every we have to do is work well that and the media turned up the volume. they find show, couldn't disappointment, they run to didn't read suddenly, this volt or normal, suddenly they, what the victims, all the massive cover up cheated out of that, john, and list acc,
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integrity by the manipulation of white house. the interview featured predetermine questions provided by the white house, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet, accountable to our live to nurse. as a result, miss level sanders and b r d radio have mutually agreed to part ways effective immediately. another radio station in a different state says that having this keep the same experience i was even told to edit out 2 clips. the thing is coming out now is while in good. but they facilitated about food. they off the set questions. they edited the clips before it all, but said nothing. the democratic party, their allies in the media, have been lying and concealing and covering up this issue for so long. and i think that's another reason why is reflecting poorly on the down the democratic candidates as well. it just has a sense of like a cover up in a way that's very dangerous and deceitful to live in the public for so many years
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about the person who has the newport codes and what their mental state is. and i think that is part of it has like a, a sense of not just concerned about biting, but a sense of scandal around the democratic party has allies in the media as well. yes . because they were told to yes, because the american press is dishonest and in the pocket of government, but also it because it was potty a bubble bite and above trump even many coherent bite. and it's only now that the ruling elite has switched horses from bite into, well, who knows? that the guy gold has been lifted. and again, it's polity above oh, why didn't panel when it for them so that dumping him to back the holes. but does stand a chance? oh, yes, joe biden is being crude and clearly the risky media has to be now let's off the lease to store them via for off this fast made to countries all discussing the waste of cases by chinese own infrastructure projects in europe
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. if you can come to a to expand bottles, according to us, a visual sighted by cnn. now with the largest land war being waged in europe since world war 2 and the west warning of beijing support of russia's invasion of ukraine . noodle countries now see those chinese investments as a liability with allies beginning to discuss ways to reclaim some of those projects . the fear is that beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in europe to provide material assistance to russia. if the conflict were to expand, the goal is to figure out a path forward. well, in advance of any potential conflict. china is really investing heavily in europe in info, so driven by boat and road initiative, which items enhanced global se roots invested in mosley towed in full for the e. u. country equipped the belt the plan. other examples include the green part of period, which was transformed into a major logistics hub. i have an entry point and science goods into europe. so i
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was also funded the henry point scene nuclear power station in the u. k. as well as a high speed railway network, connecting the sub in and hung gary in capitals, independent financial, consulting, angelo, give ya nice. that if indeed you're does start taking over tries and besides that it would be shifting itself in the foot. what keep in mind if sees the russian says it is but fine, you see there's a, we are in the process of the, the reputation. and i think at this point when he comes to china, those are still words with just a week for action. so keep in mind that the last 30 years the west has been decent industrialized and is massively seems best even to china to be manufactory, suitability this fall more than as she tried. the crew actually sees with chinese nothing these up in this direction because trying that the weight sees is once you
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engage with you part, there's only a means you can have leverage over there. the width is the exactly the opposite is using sanctions, but you use tensions once and then you don't have any more than that, which is a different i'll get you into a little less companies actually watching, keeping months with this is the russian assets. what was the reaction, you've seen a lot of countries starting to set the u. s. bones and they who are bones. so in reality, these only accelerates the depot radiation and the, the cold laptop to connect to west because the whole world is watching the oh and actually the right mind to invest a, getting you up. if you just just sees the for an assets, you wouldn't just goal gaze complete because the, the liberal agenda which we use, which is, you know, free for off kept him free for all human being. there is,
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there is a game heating, the obsessing default in the last 2 weeks. hunger is prime is a, has been on a self titled piece solution that has taken him from the far east to the hearts of the wes, off the visiting you claim, russia, china, and of the u. s. you have been unions as a written so or by does not speak for the block, and the rotating presidency doesn't represent that you at the external level, there's a clear position. and this visit, paid by the prime minister of hungry, was not a visit on behalf of the you. is recently saying with donald trump in florida has a wild quite a few feathers with european powers opening condemning is tool. some even collecting signatures to bro hungry for votes in the u. according to media reports, germany has taken it a step further. timing or by his actions has cooled collateral damage and
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we must see how hungry is chairmanship in the council will proceed in the future. we are now on day 12 of the hun, gary and chairmanship, and it has already left behind a lot of collateral damage. poetry or bon, takes the helm of the rotating presidency of the council of the european union. so all the ministers of all the member states and or mon ends up seizing the opportunity to run all around the globe, talking to people with views that actually diverge from the establishment. russian president vladimir putin, she's in pain in china and now former and potential future us president donald trump. this week during a trip to the us for the new summit. effectively demonstrating a bit of tolerance and openness to argue logical diversity to supposedly western democratic values. and he's apparently writing up these discussions and
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confidential reports to european council president, chef and michelle, and also other, you brass doing a job that none of them could be father to do because they're too busy. virtue signaling europe into more, more conflicts, and the establishment promptly freaks out about it. all. mister orleans does not represent neither nato nor use position. it could seem that he's abusing his position as a, as a presiding country, but in no way, he's representing neither my country nor the uh, no the european union that has an e. u. member, i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be careful not meas, using the presidency for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a speak you for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think the angry now that we re the,
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the reactions they actually have asked for, well, these guys sound a little bit triggered, clear your bond is reading here, no safe space. there are no reports coming out of the western price of the used. stablish ment wants to punish or bind for his outreach efforts and threatening it's 6 months rotating mandate. quick someone actually is doing some work over year can have that when the french president $800.00 and that whole had the same gig during that 6 month french rotating presidency. he had a logo made that looked like it incorporated a stylized version of his initials, e and m. pretty groundbreaking stuff did absolute wonders for the lives of europeans and the only ones were allowed to get anything done of substance and brussels, or i'm elected cleaners. so the ponder line had her bureaucratic battalion making right policy to get shopped in front of you, law makers, and well, they are actually democratically accountable to any voters themselves. anyway,
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oregon and his team really don't seem to phase file the store on the right down was supposed to send brought sol solved, gaze tongued was peacekeeping mission. so they'll know attacked. and congress, your opinion chairmanship and the home given prime minister himself piece is necessary and for the sake of peace, we must act while or bonds, even establishment critics are having a meltdown. one thing that he does have on his side is that his 6 month rotating presidency may be over before the you ever gets around to figuring out what the heck to do with them. and especially on what grounds like where and his job description does it actually say that he can't go on fact, finding missions in favor of peace guests are not used to someone actually doing something useful in this particular role? cnn has published an article. so i think anonymous us officials claiming russia applied to assassinate the ceo of a gym and make a ride methyl
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a whole lot of the news outlet for lies. no evidence does was say it happened and then more and none of this quote home formation. but in general, if it is one via washington, the criminal has denied the accusation, certain income take seriously reports like fates. the american broke off has continued with more allegations saying russia is a problem, is using problem samples is by hiring local. i'm is burned down shopping centers and all the acts, the outlet. this was at as a pet to vandalism. now member member of the old to into for germany, policy and the form of anything good. i'm back says west and media is trying to make the public believe that russia stands behind every brand. the yes it is is reading comment tends to
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creative to find that in russia makes the man which is responsible for the west. i think that's the file fetched. that's right. that's for the guy. honest. they leave the story whether it's evidence based or not. and then they went to retain the initial objectivity. but they who, they, these stories are based in the newspapers they, they to, and they will have the desired effects. we've had the wonderful, but with some parts of the population is the leads the media, your more or less the media. a size even said story was no doubt. some people would start immediately regarding jeremiah as they couldn't make situations
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as the thing confident broke out of the ground down since that face and the best i say that, but enjoying the i'm the most is function cloud as being a main driver for his ged, pre taking a hit, but for wind, mental business is booming for the largest one if you manufacture in germany. last year the company posted another year of revenue increases and in 2020 full sales. i was like to fly off the top. i'm reach nettie n 1000000 euros. a lot of them are on this, that it's called the live to member of the humble parliament, mr. martin. those are mazda and thanks so much for taking the time. and joining us here today, the size of the interesting story that we're following up on. but what do you make of the timing of this report by cnn, that sort of pains, russia in a certain way. all this amazes the german defense industry clearly booming.
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and so if you look at that, we can see that in the last week we had a natal meeting in washing and that was done the nature, industrial capacity to expands. went to that wedge of any place, a san, for the rule. and that's i'm, i'm due to the situation a job and that the majority of the general people, they don't agree with the, but then deliveries to ukraine. they are criticizing the job and weapon industry and a lot of scaling. it's not only best as the actors, but his boss was and christian act us as well. i'm crazy sized companies like ryan because like i have done calls like how small 5 weeks port weapons in to config region since a long time. and the criticism is holding on things a long time. so i think there's no shall be done kind of green washing of a fine with which as well was involved in the 2nd was a little thing, falls flame,
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a moment 4000 people loved that. mostly from the east european countries as much people. and many of them died and the concentration kind of nearby americans as a full well, they have been transformed into the to be false labor. so the chevy kind of green washing because there is a plan even to make the job on life and industry bigger. and so there is this kind of editing the features against the restaurant. so we have to do something with that risk and kind of offensive. depends against the gentleman population. don't like the steps which are done by the general government. do you attribute negotiations on the washington natal meeting and well, i think is a campaign. well, for example, the speed of the online magazine re, politics that the job itself is as i said. so i have to provide was lose the ball
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also lessons starting nation fence against thought back out the issue of ryan, the town by a farm cotton on may. and in the following weeks, less than intelligent service i've said to have placed with all the handful of suspicious persons i miscellaneous, including that traveling movement spots. however, that was not enough information to make arrests. so we had some things like not, nothing is proof, no evidence is something like this story telling to legend teammates the policies which i've done for my mind. i know. yeah, exactly. you bought i, i mean that's why i was so surprised. you know? no, it was given any sort of is anonymous even when germany with a different company, you know, right? metal at the us. they've also declined to make a comment as, as well, even the us of the site and they say why they think that is it, is it because there is no proof and i think it's because no time found, they want to hire the real thing behind that so that's
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a step also forgotten the machinery of the natal, germany, angel, to my mind to the mind on the peace movement, john, you shall have a neutral position and say no to all the aggressive policies which i've done on without telling you guys won't do. so they have a problem. now there is the law in ukraine, which is a proxy wall in between the nato and russia somehow because nature is using ukraine as a fall problems. so they have a problem because they now want to go further with some with the lodge i miss ios lodge are ranging. besides, they want to station know in germany. and the plans of the offline is the united states is to bring follow up model aggression against china versus the economy and lead time may be in the wall so they have to legit to maids to make the
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german industry even bigger because germany it's got some kind of hub in the, in the aggression against russia and later against china. so they longed to have a different as cost normally in germany. if you talk about dr. matoney, you have companies like this. um ryan, with the christian people who as well as people act as people piece. movements for criticizing that drawing the tub is doing the production of weapons and delivering methods have done best and discussion of all the do in the 2nd world war. and the nazi times with the false label. so ryan baton is not seen as a very nice act to the german population. but if you want to bring forward, the aim of doing more offline is called, it only takes against russia as i, so you have to somehow green most of the time and the loss of the i'm of it. so i'm
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so sorry, mazda into, inside of the big, yvonne. yeah, very, very good point. you made the side that we have run out of time. what was the person to lindsey mazda and those, remember the power of humbug? thanks again. right to right now, i'm leaving politics a side for a bit. of course, a lot of use of di looked high about this. he looked up and he looked at $280.00 means has to be exact. with his eyes, a said onset hall's mill ad our wills, highest button g jumping platform is a sign up for what on most days doesn't really quite fits his job district description. and i thought i'd see just a handful of their developers ready to test their limits and it was taller structure. but i was taking it back by the long line of through seekers eagerly waiting their turn. even witnessing others have yourself sent such dizzying cards, sent shivers down my spine. the rush of adrenalin is tangible as the freefall
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