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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the over 70 killed an 100 or less one, the distance ready middle of lane down the so called safe zone for displacement of cd into solomon. guys are changing, slobs, washington resolved to bet. act that biden slide into more se, grossly into fast china's internal the fast, and may be a trigger for it's all the agent runs a message to the new world. president elect said that he's committed to spending ties of moscow and they deem while taking a month, washington to escalating edge and the destination the
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. this is our team to national routine. you live from our new center in moscow. i a michael, put you up with the updates now we thought we'd gone software on these really strike is claimed at least 72 lives leaving over 200 more. when did, according to guys, a half ministry of this latest attack targeted the milwaukee refugee camp west of con eunice in the south of the enclave. a place which the idea of had previously declared the safe zone for those displays. a warning of the story contains disturbing images. the, according to locals, 5 muscles made lawn for the attendance and the water distillation unit. as thousands of people have been sheltering in him by the area,
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the number of casualties, the suspected to grow and medics at the nearby nasa hospital, which has been taking in many of the victim say the facilities overwhelmed and can't receive anymore patients a policy and, and void to the u. k. last out of the israel for not the abiding by decisions made by the un security council and the international court of justice. this is this rules response to the i c, j rolling for months to go to the u. n. a. see more than a month ago and to the ongoing ceasefire adults and the up in the a who wants permanent address and, and permanent occupation is based on verified footage of circulating online puts it at least shows the bodies of mueller as victims of the idea of strike are, these are the all me claims you have targeted the area because to seen you have miles combined as well, hiding among civilians. how about us, how besides those allegations are falls on a valley and attempt to cover up the horrific scale of the mass across the many
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tarion groups said that hundreds of thousands of displays to palestinians. it'd be sheltering in the area. we've heard from a local journalist to get more details. one of the heaviest, advanced and most area is to find the target in the area that day is that for me there's inc. i found $1000000.00 incentive spending and after the displacement from drop off the privacy and so in defense distress, to have the ones who are ended and to clear the ones who are killed and they ended up also being targeted by there's any progression process. the fire that's resulted from that, from budman, led to the looks of loading of the guys selling those in that area which the extra number of injured people who are. and that was going to affect the area of r c and assess the damage that has been closed. including identifying the ones who are interest and condemned had been cleared them, and extend has been cancelled them was shocked by the american mitchell with all the facts. and was shocked by the number of people who look and which keeps said,
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i think we would have to work. but apparently this incident is a larger scale one after and see the number of part of the thing has been done and it is extremely hot. and over to the west bank now where he's ready, defense force is a helping settle as push paula stevens off the land and take control of the territory. i'm at least bureau chief motor i phenomena speaks with locals about the pressure there on to the hospice, had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they brought the like that issue that a she but i mean, the said let's see, right. and, but also the cutting down the grapes. you can see about the 120 grapes g hospice leaves the village of up to one in the west bank surrounded by do supplements, but twilight international loads and i'll post the defy israel's own legislation.
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the community stands at the full front of his really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory one morning half as woke up to discover this look outpost in his backyard within his really flag on it. there were settlers use it as a base to a noise. the locals, coming and going as they please, and there is nothing the palestinian family can do about it. settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farm lands. they use a harm. the farmer's walter infrastructure. they caught approved to the trees with the ultimate aim of uprooting the low tow palestinians. so the main goal of, or what's happening around is the students have been a senior and then is to mix up in this thing and like tired of being on the line by like the physical attacks, by the instruction of their fields that by the destroying them they're 3 is what they bought. you know,
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they won't like to for step of this thing is to leave the show. sometimes the settlers come armed in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no, no. we've been wrong. some of these rules most right. tween government, do settlers are in the finest moment receiving unlimited support? no. after october 7th, when guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels. the go. the done much since the, the, the, the called the nation between those settlers, i'm the military here because the defense, the end of the civil hooked up up total is the area, the susceptible of the substance who is attached to the store. you know, the ad building, everything they are coming with, the material uniform, the item,
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the everything armed and ready to use. the guns, here's hospices nephew showed in his stomach in broad daylight. we've many people watching and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or disarming him another day. a settler, accompanied by the army sheet, a female activist in her head, the rules, and then went away and punished, designing always. or the thing is like if they, if they live like an executive and see it all the time. and no one's ever seen as the unsafe even in the homes, you know, in deadline. you know, whatever big goal is the on safe on the, i'm going like, you know, the situation with me. tough is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these really police when the settlers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released
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hours later as there was new evidence supporting chargers that half as coals fake before you know, we use like the filters, like from some know both through the police, but now it's gone through the odds of supporting the sup loves whatever thing they give them like ok to take the even below in their home hospice, his son was arrested with him and a it's a visa thoughts and most frequent they happen almost every week, sometimes every day and they happen a lot. how do i feel? i feel that everything needs to stop for it to con, continue like this. just feel that agree like there was a deep seated anger boiling inside me. what can i say? i asked causes and he's boys, if the settler is, could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land, they all give the same answer. never, never, ever. you know, we'll stay on our land. you know what the,
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the sacrifice is. um yeah. even if its life, if its life, you know, what if the boy and marie, if an auction a r t reporting from a to one village in the west bank. let's head to a ride. now president elect my sued business guy. wait to be inaugurated at the end of the month, and he's really use the self titled documented cold message to the wells explaining he stands on the host of foreign policy issues. he's promised to pay special attention to deepening friendly relations with china and russia. china and russia have consistently stood by us shooting challenging times. we deeply valued this friendship. russia is a value strategic ally enable to around. i will continue to prioritize by law, true and multilateral cooperation with russia, particularly within the framework such as brakes just on high corporation
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organization and the you raise your economic union to the president elect has highlighted hayes intention to develop mutually beneficial relations with spain. send the global south regarding the war in gaza as a scout and said that the his new government will take measures to stop the genocide occupation at the war crimes that he also stressed his readiness to actively support the initiative aimed at the cheating piece and the ukranian conflict and the key point was relations with the us after the collapse of the new p. a deal he noted that ron entered the joined comprehensive plan of action known as the jcp away in good faith and fully met its obligations. however, the us withdrew from above have green ment reportedly causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to the iranian economy. that's can criticize the, the us for deliberately escalating tensions with rondo void support. a visual which
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has refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and the legally possessing a new for the hospital. the new deal was signed in 2015 after years of consultations between the 5 permanent un security council member states plus the ron and the gemini, to ensure that to ron will use atomic energy peacefully. however, in 2018 then us president on the drum unit law, surely we through from the treaty at reimpose functions on the run, all the participants, all the deal. they leave russia and you run tried to restore the agreement, but we're unable to. we spoke with high ranking, your body and official, how my trees a, with a monday to set that the iranian president, the legs position, is created to develop a more multiple world. some of us can no longer apply. it's, you know, lots of really restrictions to independent countries. the can be an extra
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introverted as a manifestation of the find policy often x cover and then talk to you on that. so he wanted to say that this new or new word you reach a new word for there is being shaped in reach to the west is not the only and even the major for the anymore and wage coalitions likes breeds as seal and other politicians are gaining momentum and gaining significant gas in the ward. one thing is clear if you want to wait against the americans, you any tennessee on your rights policy and your right position. and that's what you want. he's going to do a beat, the maximum pressure campaign, and the only prevailing sanction is that the good to done that you want. and i've given other countries across how, for example, and they have fam to achieve. they've been response to equity to cooper and down the country because americans are not trustworthy. and in 2016 with the dad who signed the jcp. right. and we actually implemented on the card commitments,
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but they did not follow it. certainly, darn it. clearly if he knows that he can not trust the americans and they were saying there's anymore. so because of that, actually he's not going to bow down to any pressures. beijing has slammed the washington still named resolved to bet act. they tried these for ministry, said that the move is pure interference into the countries internal affairs, the so called from a resolution to the to about china dispute act, grossly to see us in china is domestic affairs on demise. china's interest the small, small to implement the act. if the u. s. continues down the wrong path, china will take the rest of the mass. just assume that the found the silver and the security and development interest us. and that statement came off to us. president joe biden signed the bill into law on friday. the document seeks to pass up aging
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into coming back to the negotiating table with the baton leaders to discuss result autonomy. trying to, i had to pose the accidents, it was 1st introduced, calling it a destabilizing measure, or to contribute to call josh at the us options concerning tip bed contradictory and into fab, with china, into another fast in a china attitude actually would, because this as a re infringement upon and chime is sovereignty. joe biden, as at the same time, he signed this act into boston, he also made a public statement. say, you guys, states continue to recognize too bad as part of china. this is solve contradictory . if united states recognize to bed as part of china, then this is a internal try and use of very us has no right 18 through here in travis domestic affairs, countries like china and russia, that can say no to us. this is a wide politician, seen us right and are seeking
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a return heard to the cold war because they think that they have one coal were one died. oh so they think they know how this will play out. but right now is 2024, and china is the factory of the world. much of the world economy depends on china. it's united states is not going to win this. when this we're, all you can do is to see just let china phone we've been by encouraging separatism in controversial issues such as tibet or tie. what about china has died. i acted very publicly against much of the us publication in the past because china tried to maintain the sides of friendly relations with us. but we're not at this point. uh, there is no point. even try to make a pretence. there is anything but amicable but,
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but soft style relations certainly exists between china and united states. the crime lena has denied the accusation that russia tends to assassinate. the ceo of the german arms may count rein metal. moscow said cold his old presented in the style of another fig story. the 4 sides reports can be taken seriously. at the so called exclusive report appeared on cnn's website finding a number of anonymous us officials. now the news outlet provides new evidence just words. say it happened a more anonymously, a quote, the confirmation that job and the officials will one by washington or the american broadcast as continued saying russia is using proxy forces by hiring local. i'm a to us to, but down shopping centers and other rights. they operate, const describes as pets, the vandalism, to further its efforts in the crate in conflict of the job, many cannot make situation since the training and conflict broke out has ground
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down to stop and station at best. the other, they say that the bullying daunting the anti moscow assumptions grout has been the main drive before it's g p taking a hit before we end metal business is booming for the largest military manufacturer in germany. last year the company posted another year of revenue increase is adding 2014 sales are expected to fly off the jobs and reach nearly 10000000000 euros. now we'll discuss all this with a pair of guests to get the take on demand to due to the situation a job, and that the majority of the general people, they don't agree with the and deliveries to ukraine. they are criticizing the german ref in industry and a lot scale and it's not only best as the actors but his voice was and christian act as as well. i'm crazy sized companies like ryan because like i have done calls
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like how small 5 it's paul or weapons in to config region since a long time. and the criticism is holding on things a long time. so i think there's no shall be done kind of green washing all the time with which as i was involved in the 2nd rule, the false claim a moment. 4000 people loved that mostly from the east european countries and jewish people. and matthew also died and the concentration kind of nearby and i can dazzle for where they have been transformed into the to be false labor. so the chevy kind of green washing because there is a plan even to make the job on a weapon industry big. oh, yes, it is, isn't disclosed. and we have community college. of course, these are attempts to create a climate of opinion where russia is
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a great baby man, which is responsible for problems of the west. i think that's the fall fish that's i'm afraid. that's what the god honest, they leave the story whether it's evidence based or not. and then they uh, went to retain the initial objectivity. they who they, these stories are based in the newspapers they pub today to and they will have the desired effect. so we have a lot of schools with some parts of the population. that is the he reads the media, your whole or west and media, a size even say story with no dogs, some people would stop eating it. and let's hit the fonts now. call out bruni. so cause the for the simple model and the wible form of find the french president equal as that cause he has been charged with witness tampering and
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conspiracy to commit. fraud, persecutors have lied. she played a role in covering up claims that hospitals can pain, was financed by the lake. leave the anita mamma. good after you are the correspondent shallow dimansky has more than that with a reminder of how events on folded bag that in 2011 and the chickens are really coming home to roost for the soft curves. smell is full and says full of president due to face troll next to about allegations. he took money from the late libyan need. mom look at the fee to fund his election campaign. now his wife, the former model call a bruni, has been charged with witness timeframe in relation to that case. so cozy is alleged to take and 50000000 euros from get down if he's been to win from says 2007 presidential race. that was more than double the legal limit at that point that violated french little against foreign campaign funding. but less than 4 years
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later relations between soc, cosy and good duffy, what ofa and phones led by so cozy was driving the international military intervention that ended good. daffy's rain, plunging libya into a civil war. why? just 2 days before nato bolton's dropped daffy was reported saying base. my dear friend sir, cuz he has a mental disorder. it's me who made him come to baldwin and france. he gave up the necessary funding so that he could win the elections in his country. in early 2011, the protest began interrupting in libya over several issues, including political corruption. as the mood of the, our spring swept across much of north africa, cities began demanding re to freedoms. this escalated didn't soon, a full out civil war, a doing by social media was splitting libya a pot, so cozy, allegedly. so here's opportunity. i'm to get with phones needing the charge against
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get that fee. the nature operation was spun as being necessary to defend people of libya, so cozy, failed to mention that the supposed to move to risk management was previously sending him bags of cash. but his election campaign, but they were other concerns about duffy, he was an african, the death, but understood the power he could wield. i won't conduct the visualized with a strong african continent. i am satisfied that africa is going along with this story. can write, wrote, we are approaching the formation of the african authority, and each time we solve african problems and also move in the direction of peace and unity. we deal with problems step by step. we're continuing to do that just 2 years
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before that french led nature operation. duffy had proposed african nations adult, a single currency. the only there was to transition africa away, not just from the us dollar, but also the central african frank colonial currency controls still to this day by fonts. us, right? that could be a good bronze. well, with this thing that does these very big and genuine project separation for the time constant bronze. so that just asked me was give me a think phone. i depend and as we can fornia, he was sticking him up from scratch. he, us, we've got 25 army, i'm the us, the organization. we're not sure. the sports is he even was the process
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of the link i. he asked click on samsung funds before it by the us. we can go yeah, which gives us the backwards the method with us. we can come to mission donna and as i was using regions of the company, ma'am dustin was a very good issue. we don't me 5 us. we can go back. not doing that big conference, all of these projects or ration would have made them they, you just change the function would have made this very hot. so from the west, from power. it's right. and let's see, well from us this guy would have a pill printing on to the doctor and i said the fact was
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genuine. feed them genuine, depend on yes, this is from the. busy loan of 2003000 or until the year 2011, when the west and put very well, but get back to was going to have to be a project of cation about that. and they your event of 2011, a different address in this. yeah. to push this, that was the worship, or would i'm supply. but then i'm lucky for you, right bus. so they want you to get that. so he's a freak on the ration, or daffy had a price on his head doesn't. it wasn't blowing off to that. she was killed, wasting me, just try them for they said now democracy could take seed in libya. we hope that after decades of dictatorship, the people of libya can now begin
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a new peaceful and democratic chapter for their country. we stand by the new libya on its path to a better peaceful and democratic future. so how does that go? how is libby is transformation going to the dogs? the civil war has ranged on for years long last of the west, like by fonts, washed by hands. all that hundreds of thousands of refugees found themselves without the economic opportunities that libya had previously offered. instead, they looked across the waters to europe, libya, a country that had had a thriving economy, essentially became an open slave market with human prophet goods and smugglers. taking advantage of those refugees, terror groups operating in libya, groups in bold, and by the lack of strong leadership since get daffy's full, a nation that was one switching oil and had some 50000000 new or is this ro around doing a politician in france as full and to it's nice,
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a successful nate to operation. well, if the result was to remove the fact of a strong to africa that didn't need the west then. yes, top box over around a. well, that's the, the best i'm a see you again with more stories at the top of the are going on the ground, these next the i'm action or time say welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the u. a. what did you make of this week's nature? somebody posted in washington dc from where school is about complex willow and
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shoulder on the world since the self described defense organization was created. 75 years ago, just on the age of a nation, policies are bringing us have a closer to wiping out to humanity in a nuclear war. professor 10 postal is one of the usa is most prominent specialists in nuclear weapons and missile defense. the professor emeritus of science technology and international security and mit and a former advisors with us chief of naval operations joins me now from boston. massachusetts. progressive, thanks so much for coming back on last time you are on. it was around the same time as i sure came on. he publicized your search showing nato countries were duped in just avoiding at strikes on damascus. britain, the united states in france actually this week, the israel bomb by the these countries bomb the syria. before we get onto an 8 or 75th anniversary, do you feel vindicated about exposing the lives that brought to the war on syria?
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well i, i don't know what indicated means because it's, uh, it's almost like a beauty contest or dealing with the public reactions to what and say it never seems to, to, uh, get, get the kind of proper. but i would called technical review. uh that one hopes that you would get, of course, is difficult to do that in a journal or stick environment. but uh, i certainly feel that every thing i conclude it turned out to be absolutely correct . and the more uh, you know, when i revisit it, i just see more and more details that get together. so even though oscar as i say, the oscars were handed out to documentary is that said there were chemical attacks . yeah. with the new york times. um, uh uh, did they have there's a video branch that they now have and the people that are to have no idea what
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they're doing, the color story videos and by selectively and showing the pictures they control any story they want. and there seems to be no control over, you know, ground truth and i find it rather shocking, but the new york times has really become an extraordinarily unreliable source on anything that's international. well, of course it was the media celebrating the $75.00. yeah. or anniversary of nato, and held in washington with all these. well, the lead is propaganda machine in full flow. what do you think of the state of nature was all the journalist, including those when the new york times swarmed around, saying, now is the time to confront russia, china, iran? i don't know how many other countries. well, 1st of all of, here's, here's a delusion. arie uh, aspect.


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