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tv   News  RT  July 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the take a look what happened the it is breaking news here. one off the international donald trump surviving an assassination attempt to follow, addressing thousands of a supporters that are riley and pennsylvania. shortly after he recounted the mind, i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much pleasing took place. so i realized then what was happening. god bless america . the showed who took a mate, donald trump is dead. secret service adds that aspect tighter,
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also lost his life during the hail of done to find that part of a joe biden for able to call this and assess the nation that time. i don't know enough to i, i tell you, but i don't have any facts. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some. com. thank you. and i made an outpouring of support for donald trump. how those are upset, the shoes didn't have better a man, a sickness, his trend suggesting the assassin just had one job. the question remains, was this a type of problems that come in with criticism? then you go to approach and then you go to and piece, but now you go to and diamond and none of them work. what's next? let me let you know graphic. oh man. were speeding for this afternoon, obviously. and no one will say that, but i don't, i don't remember how you can reach that conclusion.
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the at 8 o'clock in the morning in here in moscow. it's a great pleasure to have you joining us here on audience. and actually, you know, we've been saying it for ages we've been saying before, november before the american election. something is going to go, paul, because a democratic establishment does not want trump trump in the white house. they will do anything to stop the payment resuming his position in the oval office. this is breaking news plus our here on audi international. a government attempts to take the life of former president donald trump, but we did not really escape and you know, that's a little bit all that chart that she likes a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something this said, take a look at what happened the a. yeah, trump speech was stopped in his truck just about a minute. it's all 3 took the stage and the shots rang out and he was hit the
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secret service wrapped around him, but his trunk recovered. he stood up. he told this detail to wait. he raised his fist in defiance. he shouted, flight flight might to the crowd, but it just witnessed the shocking event which occur. so besides, america's 45th president is now safe. the next footages from a bit farther away. west spectacular. as i start to realize what just happened. c i don't know, we heard gunshots under the good and started steve on that one spectacular was killed and 2 others were critically wounded by the by roger of photos that missed that my. the secret service says the shots fired from an elevator position on top of a building just outside the raleigh perimeter. one eye witness capture at the moment,
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kale seems to know. i don't know if it's from drawing and somebody just started to boost the to the shooter was located and killed by law enforcement and see if it is now being id. it is a 20 year old pennsylvania and man, a state police official said they are quote, not taking for granted that this was a lone wolf at the time. meanwhile, the eye witness claims. he tried to one offices of the a silent sign me a nearby building. i think we noticed the guy crawling the farming. you know, there's rolling out the roof of the building beside us. 5050 feet away from us. so we're standing there. you know, we're pointing, we're pointing out the guy crowing up the roof and he had a gun. right. he had
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a rifle. right. we could clearly see what the rifle. absolutely. we're pointing out on. the police are down there running around on the ground where like a man, this guy on the roof with a frightful, in the police, are like hard work. you know? like, like good, you know what was going on. you know, we're like a right here and what we can see if i'm right here, we see him. there is he's calling. and next thing, you know, i'm like, i'm thinking of myself. i'm like, why is trump still speaking? why have they not pulled him up the stage? i'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, 2 or 3 minutes secret service was looking at us from the top of the barn. i'm pointing out that roof. just stand there like this. and next thing, you know, by transferring out more details now from new york, we've corresponded that a lot is still being raised in terms of questions about motive and how they were able to get so close. what exactly was going on with security. but donald trump is out of the hospital. we all saw how he was bleeding from his ear, and
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a bullet apparently struck the upper part of his right ear. he went to the hospital for treatment for that injury. he's out of the hospital now, and this statement was put forward onto the social, the social media outlet, the donald trump bones. i want to thank the united states secret service and all of law enforcement for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in butler pennsylvania. most importantly, i want to extend my condolences to the family of the person that the rally who was killed and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. it is incredible that such an act can take place in our country. nothing is known at this time about the shooter who is now dead. i was shot with the boy at the pierce, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately this something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening. god bless america, joe biden,
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to address the nation as the president about the fact that the main opponent of his and the upcoming election roof in november was attempted, you know, i faced and attempted assassination. now. however, during joe biden's press conference, which was very brief, as brief remarks to the nation, you stopped short of calling it an attempt to this as a nation even after he was directly asked about that by a reporter everybody. everybody must condemning everybody. i'll keep you informed and if i am able to speak to, to donald, i'll let you know that as well. so far it appears he's doing well. number one, number 2, that there's thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience i have. we have some reports, but not finally forts and every agency, the federal government. and i'm going back to, to my phone, to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated pre painters and i,
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they happen. they learn any more in the last couple hours. i don't know enough to i, i've seen you, but i don't have any fax. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment. any more comments? thank you. the riley site is under thorough investigation. all kinds of law enforcement agencies are in butler, pennsylvania, trying to get to the bottom of what exactly happened. the b, i the, the bureau of alcohol, firearms and tobacco. the secret service is all over the scene. a lot of questions are being raised, but donald trump made clear he will continue his campaign and the republican national convention where donald trump is scheduled in the next few days to accept the nomination of his party. i will proceed as usual, they will not be cancelling the republican convention. donald trump is that to go in and accept the republican nomination in milwaukee very soon. but one thing that is certainly on people's minds. tucker carlson over
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a year ago suggested something like this was likely to happen. these are remarks that tucker carlson gave about the potential for donald trump to be in danger of this kind of thing. this is what he said. are they going to let trump be president? of course me look. if you know they protested him. they called him names. he won anyway. they impeached him twice on ridiculous pretences. they fabricated a lot about what happened on january 6th in order to impeach him again. it didn't work, he came back, the man died, it didn't, it didn't work. he became more popular than the executive 3 more times. and every single time his popularity, ropes, you begin with criticism, then you go to protests, then you go to a piece, but now you go to one diamond and none of the work. what's next? let me let you to grasp it out. man. were speeding toward assassination, obviously, and no one will say that, but i don't,
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i don't know how you can reach that conclusion. now, those remarks from tucker carlson warranted quite a negative response from us, mainstream media, nbc and others called him out called them inflammatory conspiratorial. they said probably revisit their response in light of today's events. now, there has been an outpouring of support and sympathy for the us, former president and presidential candidate in light of today's advance. a number of world leaders have made a point of calling out the president of the united states, former president, donald trump, expressing sympathy and support for him. here's some of the international greetings uh and well wishes. donald trump has received deeply concerned by the attack on my friend, former president donald trump, strongly condemn the incident. violence has no place in politics and democracies wish him speedy recovery. the attack on former president donald trump must be
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strongly repudiated by all defenders of democracy and dialogue in politics. what we have seen today is unacceptable. political violence in any form has no place in our societies and my thoughts are with all the victims of this attack. the human world leaders who were not friendly with donald trump when he was the president of the united states have expressed sympathy for him under these circumstances. nicholas and the duro uh venezuela and the leaders of cuba have offered no sympathy to donald trump and public statements in the aftermath of today's events. now at this point, we're going to have to look on how this will be remembered in american history. certainly that image of donald trump holding up his fist the bloody here, telling his supporters to fight fight fight, that is going to be conic. and that is going to go down in the history as a key moments in american politics. and it's also worth noting that donald trump supporters,
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many of them view him as being at war or in opposition to something they refer to as the deep state. donald trump has that he wants to drain the swamp. and many of the supporters view the f. b, i the intelligence agencies as working against the president working against donald trump when he was in office. and there is no doubt that regardless of what information surface is about today's advance, there will be a lot of speculation. the killing of john f. kennedy that took place years ago is still the subject of all kinds of controversy and speculation. the attempted assassination of ronald reagan in 1981. i still remains the center of a lot of questions and today's advance will remain in question why was the shooter able to get this closed? did the secret service do their job adequately? what actually went on? who was the shooter? what were his real motives? people are going to be asking these questions for years. popping sounds, old,
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loud noises over the 1st 2 hours post the shooting and many of the west and major media didn't even mention in their headlines at trump for short seemed the diminishing the severity of the incident. a, despite the assassination of the time being officially confined to the time cnn, even legged, with the headline that trump fell and had to be helped up by secret service personnel let those narratives sink in for a moment. when we discussed the possible motors behind the attacks without talk show hosts or steve multiple, he says of the way the mainstream media demon is donald trump, may well have had a direct impact on what just happened every single day. donald trump's a liar, donald trump's a threat to democracy. donald trump is a nazi. donald trump is going to lock us all up the anybody who disagrees with him, he's going to have people killed. so donald trump is hitler. so that is common place in the media every single day. so if there's a not out there are people capable of this? if you,
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they're saying whatever they say not assess to themselves. i'm not blaming anybody in particular. now when there's violence that happens against someone on the left or from the right, right away trumps blame trumps. and it did trump. people mag have where and people, let me point out that a us sitting sen acore booker from new jersey. a few years ago when trump was president said on tv national television, my testosterone makes me want to punch him much more to punch donald trump. the joe biden has said on 2 occasions that he would like to have taken donald trump out behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. and there are other examples, but the media doesn't talk about it. the media doesn't say that's terrible, and this is the climate we live in. yeah, because the major media is essentially the foundation to all the empire of lies alex report a far as a canadian job and the space in china. joining us here for more discussion on this, alex great to get you want, but you know,
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you been saying it and we'd be and say get some things going to go pump before november, whether it's a southerly, integrated whole, well with russia or an assassination attempt on trump, or bite and folding down the stairs and breaking his hip. something was on the cards to go. paul. even tucker calls and he was marked for his predictions, a trunk could face and assassination attempt. i mean, do you think it was bound to happen? what are your thoughts alex? as i do, you know, today is a dark turn in the presidential campaign. and another thing is, we also got to ask this question, what if this shot did kill donald trump today that could be catastrophic. and thank god that didn't happen, our condolences do go out to the people that have friends and family that were injured or actually killed today. it is a dark day in american history. again, this day will go down to be remembered and you know,
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there's something else that we have to understand here that america is sick. it is still, the president of the united states clearly shows that he is ill, but also the country itself is so divided that it needs to repair itself, america. this event is on you today, america, and you need to fix it. you need to solve it. like so many you talked about the sickness and the divisions across america. i mean this whole tedious, this whole trump arrangement to syndrome. this being really propagated by the media and the political establishment in so many people have been infected by this so called trumpet derangement syndrome. just just a moment ago alex, you talked about the bullet or either clip trumps. and here's what i was just talking to my use team here. and we were looking at the footage, right? so trump, when he's talking, when he gets hit by the bullet, he's his head is turned to the right. but if his head was ton straight, if he was looking forward to the audience,
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that bullet would have been right on target. do you think they would have been a hushed celebrations among some democratic supporters, within the beltway, had that happened to you know, i'm quite disturbed here. i mean, you know, this, vince has pretty much sense of, you know, an explosion and all political circles. now in the united states here, damage control is in full swing here. definitely for the democratic party, who probably had a, you know, campaign posters with donald trump behind bars. this is a bad man. look out luck. everybody is coming to get you. you know, the mag of people are bad just as one of your last guess was saying that this just goes on and on and on. and now i think the image that's going to resonate through everybody's uh, you know, eyes over the next few months is you know, a present into that, or i have a person who's trying to be re elected as president, has been shot. and he has a bloody face,
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this is the image that americans are going to have to wake up to for the next few months here. yeah. yeah. at least tell me i do, i think on, on a personal level, i would just assume that they're going to be democrats inside the beltway today who are just going down. because now as many a saying trumps supportive bass will be galvanized, you know, it's almost like traumas being set up like the sacrificial lamb is almost like jesus on the cross. people are now going to flock to him because back and i think the whole establishment wanted him gone so badly. they were willing to kill him. do you think so from the support base is now galvan. i think he may have even got more support has now for the election to well, this is a very serious event that took place here today. and i think a lot of people are going to try to turn it down. i hope america gets the help it needs and the people that a evans who galvanized by a, you know, the main stream media there that has been pushing a narrative not just in the last few months, but for over the last decade about this man. yeah,
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it's going to make his supporters much stronger. it's going to bring people on defense. i have received messages all morning from, you know, people that i know were democratic, you know, and the other is republican supporters. and they're just saying that's it. it's showing up. i'm bony trump, i've had enough this is nonsense. and like i said, america is very sick right now. it's very ill. it's very divided, and it's joe biden can do anything smart. that is to give donald trump a call, see how he's doing, and maybe both those gentlemen stand on stage and just tone it down a little bit here. yeah, yeah. if you talk about, hey, wouldn't, it wouldn't be nice if, if joe biden was smart enough to get trump on the phone. listen right, i mean, july, the 8th, joe biden said on a private cold that was widely reported. it's time to put trump in the bull's eye, your thoughts on that? oh boy. yeah. you know, this is what we're dealing with with an american politics here. as i said,
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you know, it's a seismic proportions here, damage control all over the place. i have no idea what mondays headlines are going to be like. you know, like i said at the start when i got on here, what if that bullet was a direct hit on donald trump? we would be having a very different conversation right now. yeah, i mean, but, you know, you, you said you'll just of alex, i'm on, i'm just up as well make but you know what this does me even more well that i'm so used to it by now. i guess i'm just jaded, the bloody western media here. alex, let me, let me ask you some wesley headlines around for 2 hours, talking about loud noise. is that a trump event? and then they talked about trump folding, cnn. they even said trunk the fellow over, and it needs to be held by secret service. i mean, i'm sorry, man, but the b. s. it rigs so badly. i mean, do you think people see like that website to see you then for example, these, these left the liberals who was like, oh, that'd be for one that they don't want to tell you stuff the nation that time. they
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don't want to say, boy, they say he fellow, but i mean like, how do you assess that a hi sisters, that some of these media outlets got to take some responsibility. so they ask, actually do you know, and i think that, you know, i don't like use the word regulation, but uh, i think this should be some, uh, you know, regulatory body here that does hold these uh, you know, news outlets responsible for this. they have tried to silence people like me that uh, you know, have uh youtube channels that are trying to get the message out. if they can't get us offline, they will try to shut down a normal publication, whether it's online, through messaging or whatever, they will do anything they can to push their narrative and they do, even if it's wrong, look at that uh, 2 times at trump this try they've tried to teach trump that's from the government side. we seen the connections with the central intelligence agency. yeah. yeah. i know you on musk white that he had to do with the former
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a twitter which now is called x. he's gone to it since. what if we didn't even have platforms like export r t to report on this? uh, we'd be seeing it completely different narrative. you're totally right. and what you say about these news outlets. they're irresponsible and like i said, they're sick. they need help. and hopefully they can take some advice from us today . yeah, good final, final comments economics reported by a canadian journalist page in china. joining us here for this breaking news on how to international, appreciate your time, alex will see you soon. thank you. well, any of my colleagues y'all are doing to you, i discussed the failed security emission surrounding the assassination attend with former c. i a analyst leverage on. so now the host of the whistle blowers don't care reaku that highlighted that a tax on politicians lives are unfortunately becoming common place. the secret service agent who is in charge of setting up security for that venue failed to do their job, where they were complicit in, allowing this assassination attempt to commit to a car. there is no,
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there is no other choice. and let me explain, when you go out and do the pre sites serve as a secret service agent. as you go around, you put somebody at the podium where donald trump is going to stand. and then you move around both inside the venue and then the outside the venue. just find out where are the potential lines of fire. once you identify those potential lines of fire, you are then suppose to pose 6 are security per se. so now there with counter snipers, they didn't do that. and in fact, there are reports, credible reports from bystanders that they warrant police that they saw this guy climbing up on the roof and no one did anything. so the secret service agents that were inside the venue, they did their job, they moved immediately once the shot started to protect donald trump. but the overall officer in charge, and i don't know who that is,
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but they failed in their job and that's either incompetence or they were complicit in a plot to have donald trump kill. there's no, no other way to look at it. i don't, i just want to talk to a bit more about political violence. obviously we've had this attempt on donald trump's life. but in the last few months we've seen of the political assassination attempts. we had well but feet. so the prime minister of slovakia, naturally i think he was short to 3 or 5 times some of the bullets wounding him in his chest and his on i mean he was really very lucky to to come out of that to live . we also had an ac politician in germany who was stopped in the back. there was violence against the national raleigh candidates in fonts in their elections over the last few weeks. is that something that is linking this kind of political violence that we really see targeted me towards right wing politicians there very well could be, you know,
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i've been in washington for 42 years and i tell people with some regularity that it's not the same place that it was 42 years ago or even 32 years ago. it's become very angry and very mean spirited very divided and it's not just washington as huge as correctly pointed out. we're seeing it everywhere. we're seeing it in france and germany and, and all over the place, usually targeting right wing politicians. i think that people, for whatever reason, feel emboldens now to take physical action against people that they don't like politicians that they don't like in my past career at the c. i a, and i'm sure larry is had the same experience. i've served in countries where, where disputes are settled with a bullet, and it's, it's never right never under any circumstances how we've allowed ourselves to get to this point is a mystery to me,
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but we have to work hard and work immediately. to turn this around, we can't keep going forward like this whole host of the conservative daily pulled costs are waldman suggested that by and the democrats are responsible for what just happened is they've been pushing this and see trump narrative for such a long time. the highlighted biden's reasoning, cold a quote, put a bullseye on trump, and i'm angry, fairly brief, i'm angry because i believe the budget has blood on his hands. i believe that she is the reason why it does happen that the radical left agenda in the united states is the reason why this happens doctors and that the people that have been pressing the mainstream media and with an intelligence apparatus in our country. the rata judiciary that has raised the level of patrol by these crazy people in our country against president trump, you know, just 5 days ago bite and said that we need to put trump in the bull's eye. and then all of a sudden 5 days later, here's where we're at. we can talk about what they've done in order to do things to hurt the american people. the fact that we have and,
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and payment amount of defense at the border. you can talk about the fact that everything that we have heard in the media, the mainstream media is now coming to light. it's all a orchestrated life. and now we have an assassination attempt against the 3 fit for the united states. it's an abomination. so there's a radical element that is actually consumed or infected, every part of our government, we call it and establishment a ruined it's just organized crime. and there are a lot of people in our country and positioned, the power and authority all the way up to the attorney general of this country that have committed treason against the american people. so i believe it's not just a small number of people that support president trump. it's a large amount of the population of this country that realize that we're dealing with a very, very, very feeble element in our country. this is not a, a, a difference of ideology. it's, it's, it's a, it's a settlement between right and wrong, good and evil. that's why the shooting trump supposedly plans to attend the
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republican national convention to kicks off. on monday, we discussed the 10 to all the my, the lead as life with investigative journalism, the founder of truth and media. ben swan here, you said it's been very clear that trump has been dodging, calling to the tags from the left based us establishment. take when you watch what's been happening, but the truck, as he continues to move toward what looks more, more or like another term. and by the way, this has only happened one other time in american history that a former president who then loses his re election bid comes back and runs again and when it's only happened one other time. and so the fact that this might happen never happened in modern history. there is a, an absolute level of not just vitriol, but penance on the part of not just the left, but establishment washington. the deep state in this country being the military industrial complex. they are all terrified to the idea that trump would get back in because here's the problem that trump poses for them. they did not like his
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policies the 1st time around until they attempted to destroy him as a human being, they tried to bankrupt him. he is facing unbelievable penalties of financial penalties as a result of these losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. they've attempted to lock him in prison. they've been, they've gone after him in ways that have been entirely on president trumpet. does get re elected. i believe that his 2nd term will be completely different than his 1st because there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded person and that's what they've done to him financially, in terms of his life and his freedom, and now wounded physically by bullets as they attempted to kill him. i say they, we don't know much about the shooter at this point. really anything about the shooter at this point. but enough to say that there is absolute terror of the idea that this man may become president again. because i believe that he will dismantle a bunch of the permanent geography and much of the american kind of permanent state people dismantle. a lot of that, as he said, he was the 1st time this time,
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i think he actually will when we discussed the shooting, with a host of 360 view school, his shoes and she says, had the shots being faithful for trump, the us today would be waking up to the chaos, this is going to change not only the security, but it's also going to change the dynamic and all of the conversations that are happening from not only outside what's going on with in the convention center, but also the opposite. good. now, america is, is focused on american difference on what exactly happened and you have to realize, i think everyone, brother, republican and democrat, recognize it. so we were just an inch away from complete, may have taken over this country. if that shot would have gone off and been in been state or to donald j trump, we would be living in a very chaotic state in america today. even so there are still lots of questions about how this is going to play out politically. both for republicans as well as


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