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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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on the side of the seen send the most of the other to be the most not the the hello and welcome to the prospect bullhorn john peter lavelle. here we just got some real news. the attempted assassination of donald trump tells us all we need to know about the extreme intentions that make up american politics. sadly, america has a long and deadly history of political violence. the country's political culture is simply toxic. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess your to send me while we in budapest, he's a pod counselor at the goggle, which be found on youtube and locals and americans. we have martin j. he's an award winning journalist and commentator or a gentleman prospect roles and the fact that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated. right,
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let's start out with george in budapest as usual. george, we called this one. we had been saying for a very long time because of the, um, the perceived, the extremes of american politics that something like and attempted fascination could happen. well, it is already happened. so what does this tell you in a, how does this change the dynamics if at all, go ahead, george or what it says of the election? i think the dynamics, so we've, we simply don't know, does he have how that is going to affect the outcome? so, but this was entirely predictable because of the movie you know, years and years of, of under the sun. oh, harold, hysterical coverage of trump bodies. i mean, the median contributed to this up, so the ridiculously spirit. but of course, while the patients, and chiefly president, by the who has repeatedly is declared that this doesn't exist central matter,
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but the united states that, you know, trump poses that makes essential for it to the united states. he has been saying this since 2019, and that's remember even before that the trunk was a q is essentially by much of the media. and again, much of the, the democratic party, all having been an agents all the kremlin never was, it was a traitor. and it goes when you go to somebody afraid so that when you say that that person is literally add all hip left. well, what happens is the, the, the amazing thing that it's taken this long for something like this to happen. and, but what is really disgusting, is only as politicians mancy below c, a chuck schumer, acting jeffrey by. and so now say, well, we wish trump very speedy recovery, political violence has no place. and now this goes, well, you're golden. i don't feel well if he is out of hip lo, why would you be wishing him speed you recovered. so obviously you were lying and
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you would just been basically pulling the american people by golding and able to oh, this was exactly what you were hoping. what happened some uh, you know, young a young man about the list of assessing was, or the 20 years old. when say i go to save the well, so mattel, hipaa, so you know this, we did it quite a disgusting, big box is now going on. you know, martin ya, you've already seen the picture, which i wrote that send it to you. it's icon make. it certainly is iconic. it's probably been seen by over a 1000000000 people already around the world. and it's like into like the flag on you will. jima, i mean, or so some of the civil rights moves mean images we have as any other assassinations. but the way i read that the picture is that the way his supporters, i mean, they feel his literal pain. they feel who did the persecution, this ridiculous law fair against them. there's probably a, a 1000000 of good reasons to dislike donald trump. but the,
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this persecution of him in fury yates people and people that maybe not have a very strong political attitude. they literally feel this man's pain. i think so. yeah, and i think of that and they will be beyond the political camp and they will be a number of the swing swing voters are undecided versus from the other side as well . who now i've seen the, which one, they've seen the court cases and they don't believe they have to believe what they're saying. they know that there's significant change up behind all of that. so george's absolutely right. because the hysteria that's been whipped off against from i think it was this to back in p. m, who just treated just a few minutes ago. he said something along the lines of, you know, it was an image for single day. so when you put the guy down so much, that a member of the public was going to do the job and stuff up some ok and then take the short, i'm paraphrasing, didn't say exactly like that, but you get to point to not, not you have to ask yourself um the security of this, but these are friends. i mean, you know, i don't want to be a kid is a, be a conspiracy theorist, but no one has to one the, with the,
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with the windshield that i mentioned before with the, with the amount of cases they've been brought against from the off to wonder whether the deep state also perhaps arranges the security of these events to be so poor because it's only a question of time sooner or later before it comes to like america where some crackpot brings along a $100.00 rifle and and takes a few shots of a discount, i mean, i think it was an image for that. it, we should be so shocked by it, especially when you look at the video footage, which came online just minutes late to of 3 security late to use f b. i ladies with the restart or shut dock losses who were just running around the endless chickens. i mean, it was literally pissy for watching these 3 ladies, one coming host or weapon properly. another ones was more concerned about the sunglasses incorrectly to look cool. in the behind them was the smart close to that and you know, taking something away and it was just a few letters to be honest. so you're going to also sort of questions. but i think
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the broad question, the bigger question is, when we have lives in these thomas before they hear that from phenomena is entirely new grounds i just on the president of i think the bigger question is, is this a small taste of things, companies and stuff typically ice book, you know, we were open, bracing us, of wondering when we're not so confident we're, we're pretty confident that something was going to win the will, the country will america, i'm tentacles of all the power within it. allow him to win. you know, you're off on november, the 5th, you know, we're going to see thousands of people take to the streets with a $100.00 rifles or worse. well, but i think martin, i think it's pretty fair to say, i'll throw it to george right now. whatever the outcome half the country is not going to agree with it. that's where we are. george. no, that's. that's exactly right. that'd be the other half of the country will not agree with that. and even, even if he is alexis as possible, he will, he be inaugurated george. will it be another piece like that? that's right. and i mean, we'd already know and this, because he's adding to the hysteria, that if the democrats do come to the house,
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they will not satisfy the result. this is something that they've already said they will not certify the result is that it's entirely dependent on the republicans taking the house. we're trying to be installed as president. and, you know, even if he is still the president, we're going to get full years of this and really lives with the, you know, there's a lot of training now in recent years of assassination of, i mean, russell. it was only weeks ago we were talking about this estimation of the term fund robust fits so um, you know, the, we had the uh, the assassination attempt at the, the, the congressional bowl game that was in 2017. we had them fascination of the time from them, the supreme court justices kind of on the so they were using all of these events are good. the direct result of the if you scenario that is being uh, went up by that besides the democrats and their of media allies. and
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so therefore, if the truck does become present, that isn't going to stop. so so like this is this, they the, they, they've determined that this is on, this is existence loses existence related deeps or repeating this somehow america kind of survive. donald trump, remember that a horrible purse of mr. victor newland. uh victor, victoria missed the victoria newland robert kagan wrote, in an all pad and the washington post. and we talked about this. it was about 5 or 6 months ago, which was pretty much cooling for this explanation of the trump. they just said, this man is such a exist central thread. we can't stop them. this is like, this is julia sean's a. you know, this is the only way you wait. we get, we're going to deal with him is the way they build with julius caesar. so this is, he doesn't affect the business how, what the, how the political establishment is thinking. and indeed as mafia said, there are serious reasons or as questions about the security elapses that, i mean, it's just inexplicable. absolutely. yeah. but it really questions?
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well i, it's, it's really quite remarkable. martin is that we, this is, and i'm glad you brought up the flow of our prime minister. i mean, this is what we see all across the west and world. everything is x a central. if everything is x essential than anything and everything is permitted because it's, you know, it's to be or not to be. this is a, you know, it, you know, it's obviously very reminiscent of a civil war in, in the united states. but this is a civil war that's being played out across the west as well. yeah, but it is like stuff. so and, um, unfortunately, what i witnessed in, in my career and the last 30 years of genres as how western countries have become more and more the piece with systems become simplified binary, they become binary and they become, you know, very much, a simplified black and white choices for people and i think this has been accelerated by the advent of social media. well, i mean also martin,
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don't you think what doing lyft thinking about the elections in france and then the u. k. and then the european parliament just, you can win a lot of votes, but you don't get to live a seed. so i mean, it's becoming more and more obvious that the system is rig system is right. i mean that the to the west of democracy, less than democracy and it's models, plural um on. okay, so not functioning anymore. you know, so you're getting the vote. so the bottom, the books, the people know that the vote is very much a token part of the whole thing. you know, that, that needs to be something else to hold politicians accountable. and um, so you know, uh, especially some attempts that public valleys in america, its, you sent me some of the surprises us assassination attempts in western leaders. like just to back in pm. perhaps this is going to be something that we're going to see more render grandmother in the press. because, you know, as i say, i don't, i think the confidence is just waiting. now, you know, we were looking for an alternative level of the present one, you know,
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just just don't seem to what we're looking at nature for example, which just celebrate his birthday, you know, some pundits of all use, well, the basis of may so 75 years ago it was a pretty lame one. i mean, the idea that the soviets have just made it trees run against us and going to wipe us out the same argument, same x, essentially some, you know, st. absolute, unqualified on viruses. unimed, all the absolute explanations which were supposed to swallow with the well, i mean, in never. and given a democratic testing or, you know, charge is really interesting is the way when we look at these elections. but your participation legitimize is the outcome, but not your decision. you see what i'm saying is that the, no, it's the we have a, we have a vibrant but when democracy because people vote but it doesn't. that doesn't deal with the outcome of the vote. george know that that's right. i mean that, and that's why there is this good constant manic attempt to get everyone to vote, to tell you what we really really bought. did you vote, you must spoken of this your duty as a citizen to vote. and then, and i think was
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a little why what, what difference the going to make and why we're getting lead is that we don't want to get a good candidate. so we don't want any effect. let's look at the problem with this or the western democratic model. is that it's just based on a long prentice, which is we have to keep out the other guy. the other guy is an existing shaw thread that that's all, sir. we don't, we don't, i can't promise you anything. we don't have a positive program. we don't, we don't, we have no idea how to improve your life, but that person, that person is literally hitler, and we have to do whatever we can in order to keep them out of this is what we're doing. this is what is it, whether it's the united states, whether it's crossed, oh, it is in germany and i get very soon, it will be the case in the u. k. where you know, the, the, the, the, the, the, literally, hipaa will be natural garage or we have to keep them out. otherwise democracy will come to an end. yeah. everything when, when everything becomes uh, its a stenciled and everything is legitimate today, everything is on the table except for recognition of the democratic process. the
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gentleman, i'm going to jump in here, we're gonna go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real need to stay with our to the what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present, let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as the the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but
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the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused a particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft where it is war. secretary winston churchill urge the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i on their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning
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a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size all day and recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the maybe the old girl, the paid off, the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of a rag can gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the, the,
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the welcome magic cross not boulevard john peter, all about the land you were discussing some real news. okay, let's go back to george and in budapest here, i mean what this is sending a very dangerous signal, because 1st of all, we and looking at the trumps opponents. they're, they're, they're crocodile tears. means it's pretty hard to believe. i mean, we went through this whole debate fiasco. we all were told that he knew joe biden is just the jim dandy, you know, sharp is attack and all of that. and then we see what happened and then they do a flip. and now there's pretending that they never demonized donald trump. there
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are plenty of reasons to dislike donald trump. i don't get anything wrong. but you know, to turn around now and say though, we don't want anything a, any, we don't have any ill feelings. we don't, we don't have any hope for a disaster to, to come across him, but that's not true. it's all likes. very good. exactly. it was all lies. and it was done precisely in order to whip up this is there any you call? just as i say, well, you know, this isn't really what we meant. we, we're in the business of civil discourse. i think obama issues, when we need, we need symbol, disclose, they're all we don't and there's no, no, no wrong. so violence. how does this civil disclose? and we were a lot to this end of solemn events with the red lights that the by the, i call it the most. so any moment, you know, see leaning over the which it was a, you know, and the game, the threat was not just on chrome, but from child support has been on enrollment from the beginning of the biden's
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term. he was talking about this, the existential thread prose. by all sorts of, you know, characters that we, we could pull the, all the, you know, the, the ad cfax is the white supremacists, the white national. that's the mag i'll follow is. that is now they've been playing this live political game. really, you know, for years and years and of course something like this is going to happen and now does the toner road where we wish him a speedy recovery this. what's the mileage you decide is out of hibler and he's going to in democracy, but he's agenda is to in democracy now. you wish he wants me to regret it. why would you wish him a speedy recovery? he's only going to end democracy in 42. yeah, martin the, the way the rhetoric is been played out and it's almost getting close to 10 years and that when you think about it, okay, almost 10 years is that there is no middle ground. there is no compromise.
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everything is a pure a t test. okay? you can't run a democratic society like that for very long. it's huge nissan. and i think the, the situation that we're not in america. well, we have a choice of these 22 liters, who are both quite controversial and quite polemic for different reasons. i think the system is quite limited in the system. it may well be the, this particular election will spark are completely new process and the new process of dialogue from people right across this all types of society to ask you to, can we do something about the system? can we create a system which is more on more liberal i put in a certain which, which set as a certain more flexibility. in addition, for example, you know, we, we've seen the emergence of kids to guest on who has basically taken control of the country with the lowest election to announce ever a. so people are starting to ask questions. you know, is it time for breast,
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some type of proportional representation of voting system? i think i'm probably the america is on the right person. you don't have that protest. foot accountants are in the middle. if you don't have a policy called the liberals, you know, it's all the one thing all the other. i mean, correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this is really now more than ever. we're beginning to see how this system is failing. people, and you are quite right to say that, you know, it's very hard too much of a comp coming into power with at least half of the country. now obviously it's time into the getting would come in. and so my point, my point is somebody has to change, and i think this is probably the breaking point. yeah, i mean it's because george mean elections is becoming less meaningful. i mean, you, just, as you pointed out, you know, what, you know, things everybody has to vote, you know, we're a voter turnout. you know, this legitimize the election, but it doesn't happen that way. i mean, it's still, it's for voting to say in western media, but i mean, there are tens of millions of americans that don't believe that 2020 outcome. they
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believe that trump one in 2016. the one in 2020. and he's good. one went in 2020 thoughts except for they won't let him. they can just so you can define that yourself. go ahead george. yes, that's, that's. that's right. and that's exactly how people will see it. and really, you know, this, this, this estimation of the time comes authorized the series of events. remember, you know, they try to take him off the ballot, but it's a kind of unheard of. you'll do that that day, somebody off of the ballot where you don't have a right to vote for this person. imagine that, i mean the hosp, the country regard. sam has the legitimate president then he said, well, no, no we, we, we made a decision, you know, the right to vote. so i know none of you know, an attorney general in new york state decide that i'm just going to bankruptcy. i'm just going to take away the law of his money and i'm going to come up with some convoluted ridiculous legal theory that has never been tried. and i know i'm going
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to get a sympathetic judge. i was just going to take all his money away and they, and they tried to do it is only because they the, the court jumped in and said, well, you know, i'll give it, take it easy with, with, with, with this say this money grab another because you know, we have, uh you have was the, uh, the in full indictments. i mean, it's just unheard of, you know, years it's been a president. there's never been invited once and now we have full of time for an election. so this is the last 90 process in which you got these political 5 is the absolutely determined to prevent the coming supply of somebody will off the country regards as their legitimately to, well, you know, all the way to the business of in fundamentally unstable situation. i mean that, you know, as you may have or that has to be some kind of a political consensus whereby, you know, you don't believe is accept outcomes and respectfully leader of the organization.
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now what, what we had did during these last 2 and, you know, 24 hours easily off the he bulk us. it image the political to establish a pretence. that's the system. yeah, we all wish him well, a prez. i thoughts and prayers are with this family is of the i to the secure site at the moment is strictly this all of these things. but ultimately, if we know we're going to go back with a few weeks, we're going to go back to the uh, the in the truck, hysteria. m a, you know, martin. and so i'm glad that george brought up these frivolous law fair suits. because the in the liberals, they prefer rigs. jerry is, but i think the rest of us would prefer the jury of the electorate let they let the electorate be the jury. now you've already explained to us being the impediments in the u. k. i mean, i'm astounded by the, the outcomes of the french and, and u. k. a selection, i mean, just because you're with a lot of loads doesn't mean you did much power a seal. the income when the case of some bill is what's,
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what's really interesting for me is that this breaks on this sort of from the crumbling of this foundation of what we believe since so long with the foundations of american democratic model. you know what people really believe and that they almost had a rigid reverence to it in the forty's and fifty's and now it's crumbling and it's coming on both sides. you know, we talk about trump and it's estimation at the time it seems to me to invite him to come, don't need to buy some kid to, to sleep bite, some global cause we're not saying that here. nobody's saying that here. nobody's doing, it seems to be doing it a pretty goods self assessment ational suicide on himself. you know, we were seeing panic now in the whole system and the democrats are beginning to panic in a different way. you go now i think 20 congressmen have written to, to, to, by the same look, you know, you know, we love you, but give it up. i think also the hollywood has been weighing and as well people at george clearly. right. it was very timing facing the new york times. i mean, really timing based and i think we spoke on behalf of a lot of hollywood products. you know, well, you know,
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i probably probably probably only i really do less of careful. but people like shepherds go any other, say, a hollywood is so corrupt and it, it money, you know, money corrupts everything. so money coming from hollywood into the political process is just the script. you know, you don't judge what's really, what's really amazing to me. trump, it will be a dictator. he will shut down democracy. you know, refresh my memory. he was president of the dispute goes, okay, i didn't shut down the media didn't shut down the trade unions. he didn't, it didn't go after hillary clinton. it made his own deal. jay went after him. meanwhile, this is just say a narrative may add a folk song. it's not as if we don't know who the guy is. is that that's the amazing thing. because, you know, we've, if you look back on the trump, is it basically the golf and as a kind of a moderate centrist or a republican?
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i mean romney, derek. i'm at raleigh. i mean, yeah, you know, he brought him the tax schedule. every republican president, boy, those tax scotts, i mean that's the signature policy of, or republican administrations. and it does have as far on all of say, well, they've promised all kinds of things. he never delivered it. so, you know, the, the whole idea always going to withdraw from nato is going to withdrawal from syria is going to withdraw him from i've got his phone, he didn't do any of those things and they get older. he gets like, even by the, you know, you know, going to go over say, you know, i, i know, find a, by the know, and here's the final violence please. the withdrawal from afghanistan and trump just sent that said, yeah, i'm going to do that. but he, you know, ultimately he didn't go ahead with it. so if you look back on those, he is just a take away his personality. he was a pretty, a centrist republican. so the hysteria has absolutely no basis whatever and a whole this like what you said made out of whole blo, be the idea that he was pro russia. but he favorite bruton is it is just so stupid
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. so with the all think this, well, the large was russia gauges back. ok let's you know, you know more and it's really interesting in looking at this campaign year. obviously there's a microscope scope on joe biden because of his mental acuity issues here. but, you know, you have to give credit where credit's due truck has been running and amazingly moderate. the campaign was very, he's very careful. he's, he's, he, he is, he's easy is got himself under control and this is one. and now this, the campaign is completely turned upside down. again, everyone's going to be focusing on. it was your rhetoric, it was your narrative, etc, etc, etc. and not on the policy is go ahead. i don't think i knew why. i think i knew why trump is that seems to be more so, but um, even even some of the ups and at times when you would think he would rise to the page, the most sensational i think is because he's got the media experts and,
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and they've looked at the types of things evaluated where he's gone wrong in the past and you know, he's more, he's but he's between more media professional now and the way that you can see the way that is. so evidence was it was what does debates with zip items? yeah, they have a t p, then they ask plus, told him you don't need to weigh and you don't need to throw your arms around and say, oh, these stupid insults. just let the guy bury himself, which is what he did, you know? so i think to there is, there was a new trump emerging, which is one who listens to his advice as well. and it's so clear the blind doesn't listen to any of his advisors setting up media, you know, and i think that's really going to make a difference. and it may will mean, made a critical difference when it comes to the, to the votes. and you know, but some, i, i think we'll have to wait and see. and, you know, i think also um buttons got enough problems and the next few weeks. so, um, the democrats are telling me that there was a critical cut off point somewhere in the middle of august, where there will be no option any more to go with the item. and, well,
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definitely with the, with the republican convention coming up. and there's going to be plenty for all of us to chew on here gentlemen, that as all the time we have, i want to thank my guest in budapest and in verification. of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are the see you next time. remember prospect most. the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, accept with such orders at conflict with the 1st law should we live in justification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fits of the various jobs with the
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artificial intelligence, we have somebody with theme and the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions going underground can.


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