tv News RT July 16, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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is best on part of the a visibly emotional donald j trump, please read it by support himself. he makes his 1st public appearance. following the attempts on his newly appointed us the republican presidential nominee, mister cope name was his roommates sen, note for his open opposition to us involvement in the search for us to devote so many resources and so much attention and so much time to a border conflict 6000 miles away. and also a head on the program, india and nice has plans to accelerate trade with russia and further ramp up on in
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ports despite pressure from the just after mid day in damascus, in cairo. uh right here in moscow wells coming to the global use, ron dot on our t international donald trump has stepped into the public eye to fungus applause and cheering for the 1st time after surviving an assassination attempt. just 2 days ago. the republican national congress has know, officially chosen him to be the parties. presidential candidate, the the trump support restarted fights as their candidates stepped on stage, referencing the 1st words he spoke after being shown earlier. i discussed the upcoming us selection with former american naval officer attorney and political
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commentary. john jordan, he posted on the drastically different positions that by i'm from find themselves the we're just being looking at images there of donald trump making his 1st public appearance after the attempt on his life showing off to the national convention with a bondage to your how how does the attack the, the after mouth as well so soon after the attempt on this live coming out to agree to supporters? how will this have impacted on this political spending, or what you use perfect. the word there. image rate, sweet image rate of donald trump being rushed off the stage with his fist up in the early american flag above him with blood coming down. his cheek is going to be one of the most iconic pictures in american history. even democrats are admitting as much. now why this is so important, especially now, although it would be important any time, is the contrast with joe by the that we saw during the debate,
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the collapse of credibility, the american media, which worked to cover up a jo biden's, a infirmities to which is being charitable, and now you're seeing strength versus weakness in a period of uncertainty. for america, as the world burns with the confidence gained no from what was happening, not just to, to bite him, but no, with the assassination attempt on, on surviving it. unseen his numbers most probably go through the roof. will that perhaps to the office? it could not move him over confidence, not go to those possible grinding states, perhaps thinking he's already wanted. there's people within his own party, there's all beds in american media saying it's a, it's a daunting deal. could this effect his rates will have to see in the coming days? exactly how much of a polling bump for a president trump gets? it will be either a little bit or a lot. the race hasn't moved. it's been a few favoring trumpets been fairly solid. when it goes up a couple of points you looking at electro landslide now with regard to complacency,
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that's not who trump is. trump is somebody that i actually know a little bit and then the talk to from time to time. and you know, you've given the belief on the republican side, how the democrats will do anything to win, whether it's lothair or changing voting laws. republicans or gun shy about them, especially the trumps and the trump campaign. so they will run through the tape on this because they fear last minute, that democrat, dirty tracts. thankfully he was not killed. but if he had to be not that night on the way that the, the country is so divided right now i politically cut it up, push some sections of, of the nation over the edge. like, are we seeing right? no country more divided than any time you've seen. it is always tempting and election years to say that. but if you look at the last, you know, going back to elections, you know, since you know, the eighty's american election has always been decided within 34 or 5 points. if,
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if trump had been killed, do i think they would have been a civil wars? no, there would have been a lot of upset and dislocation, but this in, but the american politics has always been a contemptuous affair. going back to reg is at reagan, you look at the bush, the willie horton business. if you look at the, you know, cove id for example, i mean there's always some side or the other accusing the other being an existential threat. and always sharpens closer to elect to the election. john jordan on the program earlier know ahead of the republican convention on monday. it's been a busy 48 hours. donald trump confirmed ohio state senator j. d phones as his pick for vice president. should he win the election after lengthy deliberation and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others, i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states is senator j. d. vance, of the great state of ohio. as vice president,
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j. d will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops, and we'll do everything he can to help me make america great again. well, let's then take a closer look at donald trump. you really made j defense to one serve, doesn't marine, and a rock is perhaps best known for publicly denouncing trump back in 2016 before his presidential when. but later admitted he changed his mind. doctor, seeing how well trump furred, while in office serving as a senator since 2023 good events i was hoping to criticize the bible administrations continue sending of us taxpayer phones to key if i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. there was in fact a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it,
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the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would have said a lot of american weapons and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had well, he's certainly popular republican party members have already endorsed from pick for vice president with many calling the ohio senator, a great choice. they were joined by a billionaire entrepreneur and ex social network owner loan mosque who hailed the selection, while another media personality who expressed support for trump, selection partner with journalist on info war is host alex jones. well, i know j
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d man. so what i was making the platform before i ran for studies, or do we want to search for the same? and i didn't release those 3 weeks ago, but i was in detroit in for a trouble. their band spoke after me. trouble spoke a form, a problem. i met with vance probably and i said i hear you're in the top one. good . even say off the record, but i didn't repeat it. he said, no, i've been shows and i'm the vice president. and i said was a, wow it, he so cool. that's what from like so you can even tell me, don't say that, you know? and he was say, so bands told me, was that a month ago while we were there in the room? was a month ago. that's vance. uh said, yeah, no i'm, i'm of a big and i was like a so smart event. he didn't have to tell me, don't talk about johnson excited talk about until today. so parents told me he was a v p a month ago, detroit. he's a, he's a, he's a combat veteran marine. i highly decorated, so he actually killed people. you know, it's not cool, it's not fine. you feel good because you have to, it's not, it's not good. what's cool is taking care of your children and growing crops and
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building space stations and, and, and, and building a better world, a piece for our children, killing people and cool. what she got to do. and bands is an excellent choice. we would have chosen market rubio, deep state, or, or some of these other people, but the trouble have a death wish, but he took the advice. so it's a really smart people and shows mans or whatever. they are. my colleague, mike a call che discuss childs pick as well as the circumstances surrounding his assassination attempt with r t contributor and former binding center they tar reed on veteran american broadcast. her 1st staples burke in his views on, on ukraine and american aid to ukraine, reflects what america read of most americans bully moment that ukraine is not going to win this war and force russia to, to its views. so that you need to sit down and talk and that's what donald trump has been saying. he said he would do it on day one. he said he would do it before
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day one. who said he would do it? well once he's elected before he swore it in your mirror and bring the parties together and put a name to this. and i think that's what america wants and i'm sure that's what j. d . vance is sincere. when he, when he makes his comments, she's caught in iraq. but he was very much of illusions and he's talked about how he felt the country, how the government lied about it, about the weapons of mass destruction. so he'd know it more fans acknowledge that. i think he knows the facts, i think he knows that almost $200000000.00 that they're spending is ridiculous. and he's made statements about that. it also put him at odds with, with a lot of the republican members in congress because of his stance consistently. and, and trump have to leave it to the fact that the ukraine more that it should and no more age should go from america to uh, zalinski. so i, i really have hope that he will stand by his word and be consistent with what he
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has said. we spoke with you hours after the assassination attempt on folded in your opinion, how much of a role in the mainstream media and it's hackers, betrayal of trump have in the track until we know what was behind it. i mean, i can't blame the media rhetoric, but i can differentiate the media rhetoric from when they talk about trump and what they say about trump pounding at home, pounding at home, pounding at home, that democracy is over. if he wins, it's the last election. if he wins people a bit of star, they're going around up is a his enemies to put them in camps every single day. joe biden, he gets a total pass when donald trump was almost as fascinated. they tried to at 1st with the media, tried to downplay it. i think one of the media olives said he fell on, you know, it was ridiculous. so they were still running cover for job. i'm referring back to
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bite. who's comment about the goals? i mean that rhetoric was so clearly violent and his trump had said that about the bible, there would have been an outcry over and over about that it would have been on a whoop 247 on cnn. um, just like if they went after him about january 6, you know and misquoted him and took some quotes out of context to try and make it sound like he inside of the crowd. what do you expect, joe biden, and the democrats to do the account of the growing popularity of the republicans? hopefully, the democrats will simply take the path of knowing that they have been defeated. because as you know was stated earlier, there's, there's simply no path to the white house. it's because the democrats have been so tuned. they waited so long, whereas trump is listening to his constituency by nominating bands as a vice president. that's listening to the american 1st contingency who was wanting him? you know, to do that, the way he it happened the way he stood up,
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the way he held his wife waved his hand, the whole situation, the whole sequence of events. i mean it, i think it's going to benefit him greatly again. not that he wished it on himself or anybody wished it. don't get me wrong again, but i just think it just it catapulted him and the democrats don't know how to react. what to do. they, they're just totally out of their minds. i don't see how joe biden and comma la harris beat trump advance. i just don't see it. meanwhile, major u. s. investment company, black or all accounts revealed a link to of the would be the trump, the sauce, and the government featured in an advertisement for the asset management firm 2 years ago. for more than that's our t dot comp policy. the well as the economy stalls in the us, it's small and mid sized businesses who are particularly feeling the pinch. in fact,
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some for 346 search enterprises. big file for bankruptcy in the 1st 6 months of this year. that is the highest peak in over a decade. speaking of the republican national convention, us congressman byron. don't all said whitehouse policies. they are to blame during my 1st term in congress. i serve on the budget committee and a small business committee. we told joe biden, that his so called american rescue plan was going to cause inflation abided. habits administration told us not to worry, but i knew better. i have nearly 2 decades of experience as a financial professional. and the evidence is in go to any grocery store by the by be, by mill. even housing prices have skyrocketed. all americans deserve a shot at the americans rate. but under joel biden's, debilitating economic policies. that many americans far too many for far too many
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of them, that 3 had slipped away in multiple reasons. i think the 1st is probably the style of promises as the bite and raising when uh, when joe biden came to office, he promised this massive infrastructure bill where he would, the american government invest billions upon billions of dollars into improving infrastructure around america, which is just basically, fumbling in a small to medium sized businesses. the most important thing is really supply chains and logistics. being able to ship that goods around, around the united states in the world as a whole. that's been completely again obsolete and pulled back instead of the binding regime decided that they would give the money to you. right. and not only by doing not did they close huge problems in the united states intensively. they also the stabilize the well as food supply. you know, between you training and russia, they're the united, these are 2 of the largest,
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nicest, providing suits secuity to the well on top of that they, they disrupted the oil and gas flows from russia, which, which again, are supplying the entire world, including the united states itself and by doing that, essentially they close the massive inflation and not just in the front in the country, but across the wall which is affected. and we be single household within the us and the world itself. and you, trump presidency, has to be one of the things that has to end the conflicts and you've crying this call, keep going on. but it's just hard to say, uh, i'd say to everyone now it's not hudson box or we live here. we can attest to that fine, it's hurts and the rest of the world and america particularly itself just due to the amount of money notice that he's given, given by the us taxpayers to visit lexi regime every single month. it seems to that as to when the 2nd thing i think he's just got to pull, pull back a diesel to try and look at how twins. please improve the situation for small to medium sized businesses, which all the,
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the red box and the united states. they would have to medium sized businesses and pro hoffman economy. they free cdp, they increase people's livelihoods, and welding they, they great this thing that americans to the american dream. so he's got to go in and he's got to reinforce those businesses and help them help them survive, essentially beat up the food through intervening with, with state. i very much like, yeah. what happened during, during the kind of it period? well, finding a way in order to deregulate in caught the red tape which is forcing them to go on to the us treasury secretary chris fears the dollar is set to lose its dominance. as more nations particularly resort to crypto currencies and made sanctions trying to find a way around all that. what does that say? the bi washington's punishment policy by didn't settle this thing with the crypt sites. hospitals where it's essentially been going around and pacing off different people that don't agree with his his policy from the crypto space. i think it's very, it's heading in the presence at from will be speaking at the largest conference in
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the world which is held in the us. but the big play covers that receipt. so we can see there really is this kind of, these kind of bottom line, the drawing between the truck side, which is probably the free market pro people using whichever terms they want to pay for goods as they should as the constitution right in the us to be able to have the free to choose and as opposed to the, the, the bottom regime of the entity wants to shut down any kind of innovation or any kind of use of cryptic or it's easy to bust essentially these crazy sciences that i think anyone, the police were flexible, anyone in the well next week has about writing any okay to another over a headlines. stories today, following the indian prime ministers, recent visit to russia, new delhi, as a 9th plans for expanding freight between the countries in defiance of western sanctions against most. and we are focusing on different sectors, the unknown,
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terrace barriers which we have oscar ross. so to look into and there will be another visit to ross so well looking at that's a right to market access. well, looking at the various sorts of commodities, for example, i would throw on ex engineering and all the products above that can be exports. but also looking at 3 p volts, right? so it is that we're in strategy on which we are working well since the ukraine conflict broke out, it's almost 2 and a half years ago now or less sports from russia to india have rapidly growing according to data from the international energy agency last year. india and ported 1800 percent more russian crude compared to 2021. 1 of the reasons for that was most cool offering terms that was more beneficial to india and refiners. well, the 2 countries help set a target to reach a $100000000000.00 in annual trade within the next 6 years. in the us decision to run bulk or purchases from russia has drawn some criticism from western states. we
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themselves cut their imports at brushing oil after the start, all of the ukraine prices. but other nations of signals are reading this to take those very supplies. so don't forget being well, here's the view of the nations petroleum minister. actually and guess to being bored, that i don't think who i assume go for important guess from last year we are members of the brakes wondering cruise trade with of, with an ice. well, his indian culture part hard deep prairie has spoken about the decision to increase the energy inputs from russia on the latest installment of. let's talk about it. you can watch the full episode today right here on our team, traditional as well as on our website. people have said that you cannot buy a oil from russia. so i was one of those upfront, but i say that with great a price, i question doesn't wait a minute, wait a minute. what are we discussing?
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the oil, which comes through a pipeline from the russian for division to hungry is exempt from any such talk. the oil, which goes in a pipeline from the russian federation to china, is exempt sales from the cycling through japan and the parties that exam. so why this intended again then slowly everybody said no, no, it's not that it's best that you should buy them. they impose the price gap. i have been saying to a lot of my friends all over the world. i don't want to name any country. you said go buying a so much. i said i bought it from whoever sends me at the most competitive price because my or marketing companies. so they provide 19 percent of the country store to revenue. so they will be short and up. and they will say, we want to disagree or divide. anyone wants to compete can complete them, but then, but in february of 22, our purchase is a good argument. rush of it, only 0.2 percent me only 0.2 percent from today. last month it was well worth $35.00,
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nearly 40 percent. but why does it bother the i don't think it does. the rest. it doesn't bother. oh, maybe a bank. $20000000.00 in the us. how come? nobody mentions that. the more news today, tricia has issued a high level call for normalization of its diplomatic ties with neighboring syria after relations worse and 13 years ago and made the art break of civil war and the latter nation. and gra, say you sell improvement in relation could benefit the broader middle eastern region, the shooting and you do it or you got in syria, do you have friends, as you know, all presidents? the vision is a vision of peace. this vision has actually long be necessary in the region we expect to russia and to run to play a constructive role. and we also discussed this method with our saudi, a ribbon brothers. and they have agreed to play a role in the process of normalizing relations with a syrian regime of
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a series of what syria is president bush or all a sub has said. his government would welcome a renewal of its ties with trickier. but caution. there's a need to negotiate on the terms. the countries kept their toys a dozen years ago as a multi site at civil war or update in syria with western by militant groups seeking to over through the us government. former turkish diplomats smack minute or 2 to one or 2. the president during the one is the term and to begin negotiations with the mask is in order to restore time a negotiations could start with the help of mediators. i mean, russia is, it is a strong this made me tell you to say god more critical one, but we haven't you wrong. also, he actually is offered by god is infinity of board for negotiations done the other day, of course. so the court minutes, it wasn't, you stumble at the end of the meeting and how come see done to text for me to sit also tend to saying that there will be more than happy to also receive supporting
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hand. oh, so there would be no relations with celia, too many mediators to many countries, machine and brand, to in touch with ceiling and relationships. and we see that the willingness on the box. okay, correct. i mean, present, done was very, very adamant in the asking for renewal of the talks at the highest level so that both countries can start negotiations. it's not easy. it might take perhaps a year or 2 even long agreeing on the terms of reference of what this talks will be . but we have to start in chrome somewhere. but if we wait another 2 year score preparations, i think we will be losing the one man come. so the idea that a sudden underground comes together, you know, the crew territory and a natural kept it to a must go back down to or wherever it might be. and then it, me on
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a please, a couple of points where progress could be changed, the ukrainians who don't the draft may lose their whole thoughts according to a newly established national law. men who don't renew their personal data at recruitment offices will be fine if they don't pay off those fines. their apartments or houses could be cds. now the punishment for draft evasion can also be issued on an unlimited amount of times. but even the risk of losing the roof over their heads quite literally how to install people from trying to with a draft or escape from the country by any means possible. on monday you trinity and security services, the thing 27 men. they tried to push the border into neighboring molto, but they had paid several $1000.00 in an attempt to get arts before being drafted into the army. on the same day, a dead body was found that person was also a part of the lake trying to escape to moldova. ukrainians to do is to mobilize
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mamma. this is a war being followed by 40 year old. no other war and history has been followed by 4 year olds. you need to get 18 year old, so you need to get 20 year old. so you need to get 21 year olds, which is what every army and the rest of the world relies on the western media outlets. the thing for training her billboards in promote the military as part of a strategy to make recruitment more appealing. lot americans, lensky has insisted that mobilization is going to plan on. in fact, there are even enough training centers for new recruits. apparently, however, an army come under on the ground begs to differ. said as evening. lot of the military says the mobilization campaign is going according to their plan. as for training grounds, there are not even enough of them, but expansion is already underway. that not to be a problem. i know that all the people who were forced onto the boss and brought to me, well, i don't have mike one more you out of town with these non bold rides,
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refusal or look for some reasons to go to the hospital and leave for a long time. those who arrive are, excuse me, complete stress in terms of quality of training and overall health or former security policy. i list in the office all the us secretary of defense, michael maloof believes mr. zalinski is seeking to promote an image of absolute control so that his forces don't abandon is just the lose. know, he's trying to hold onto the reins of power, who's in desperate times. and he knows it. he's not going to even with the influx of arms and he's gonna be getting he's, it's not gonna be sufficient. and i think that it's ultimately going to be determined on the battlefield. what happens because he refuses to negotiate, he is desperate. and, and this is reflected in, in, in terms of his leadership visit. his military commanders are trying to tell him what's about the reality is on the battlefield. and he refuses to acknowledge that
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if he doesn't, he doesn't want to give up or to, to show weakness and is, and it, and it's, and, and they can, the west sees the same thing that is not strong. they also know that he's unable to get to launch a counter offensive. and so he and his troops were never designed for that. and this total reliance now on, on, on the west coast is quick. are you going to come to an end? and, and given the political dynamics going on overseas, that's typically in the states. i think it may be some changes forthcoming to mike on the list. now when you continue to perform and mid shelling all around, do you know, music truly is your discovered x to enter a short document for you? hi, rocking yard and don't bottle says giving hope to not use the audience, but so low the taking to this
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the in 1943 at the height of world war 2, bengal was hit 5 famous a year before japanese troops drove the rate is out of neighboring vermont and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the press was completely inadequate. the british actively used the scorched earth policy. while retreating, they turned everything around them into an uncouth deserts, having no mercy on other people's territory. food and large amounts was exported to great britain from the starving provinces. boats used for fishing and transporting food along the river system more confiscated from the local population. the
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barbaric actions of the colonial administration led the monstrous consequences. a year, up to 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mail nutrition. though great britain itself had enough resources to overcome the disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way fast starving india debris. it is aisles. i hate indians. they are a beastly people with a beastly religion. the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the famine of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians from 12 to 29000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india.
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