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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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these settlers in my heels levels on the side of me, things like that is up and down. sort of the people are on the street from the, from the box. young people the what is the uh, friday the i got to do was the crowd that i got that dramatic images from the heart of the canyon capital. where chaos of rob says crowds calling president william router to resign over the spiraling economic price. this is also a, has just days after and assassination attempt. donald trump officially becomes the republican party is confidential. domini comes as united states secret service and local police trade claim on who is responsible for the security failing during
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that assassination attempt. when you speak with the washington for germany, policy has not changed the projects. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation in the building of a more just the world are says foreign minister calls at washington's hawkish foreign policy. that he says is holding back the emergence of the people already the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we start in kenya where police have a track down on protesters who want president william rooted to resign over his failure to sort out the autonomy. the
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witnessing to day is, um, uh, the continuing of the anti government protests and people are on the street. um, you can see from the box young people are listed fully. uh uh, firing t i got to despise the crowd that i got that. yeah. uh so what about the um, uh they just got a sense of quotes. uh they exploding to the spot. um they own people who uh got that. yeah. and uh maybe it would be budgeted that uh if i bring in uh, one of the drug test. that's why yeah. do tell us why the out on the street can be let me uh, loop in the the young man. uh, tell us why are they on the street? so tell us value industries. tell us, why are you do you think i did speak with? i think, i mean, to drop the fund or by to for an additional as well because we have pending the some that's where we invested this is
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a very simple move to just things stop corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can and the number of the amount of money these people still is start getting. i think we've been accustomed to one be going to be and we think it's buckets, and that's a lot of money. that's why we're here. but we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean china think we've been completed for a long time and the sleeping jack is awakening. right. um, so uh, as he has put it uh, by draining this one but likely, uh, what do you, what they're saying that they don't want to caught up or fish. it was because of what a very long time the government has been branded by. what pro, fee shows, and what we saw recent, this was the president william brutal dismissing all the members of each cabinet, including the attorney general, who is the attorney general, who is the legal advice as to the exec, i do what the government. so what them people are seeing right now is that they
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want to be drained as well. they don't want in the lead to who is caught up. and then the child sort of continued, why the thing the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial off. but not to be the 24 weeks. many claimed that uh this finance be uh, diesel. uh, if you decide not to be in the oh, city to mesa is that what he'd produced? but are you move which are not a city too much that were meant for a lot of good notes on biking. and so that what spot they protest different not to be looked at $24.00, which uh, negations, wide that it was coming from item move. and uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want to the government, dudley anti government brought to where they're saying the president himself must close. of course there has been calls from. but if you just organizations that had been quotes from different organizations, demanding and calling, and i think the young people to adopt any other means of conflict resolution means that we bring that down. but the use of the month,
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same that they do not want. they do not want a new form of data. what they want. is there any discipline minimum? that's even if the government wants the song, even if they did the company, it was a phone. they still don't have faith that they don't trust. they handle states. most people have something to do to my school, the president must go. that's of the i've been made a call in the streets to day the purpose i've been witnessed in different parts of the country. it's in different cities in mombasa, in the corner of it, and go to it and can't reach. will we ever seen the young people on the ground for testing? and what i've seen so far, even less appropriate for me to use a number of people, most lives over 40 people have been defaulted. and hundreds of people as seen in hospitals must seem in debbie's. nothing injuries that they that was on the lifted on them on duty. uh the you ended up to see the, the metal, the unrest 1st broke out in kenya late last month after the government tried to
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push through an i. m. s. fax tax type. bill. dozens of people were killed in several days of violence that suck crowds storm. the problem in the building in i robi the chaos. forrest, president rito to suspend the controversial bill and dismiss most of his cabinet with the country's economy has continued to plunge, forcing the government to borrow even more money from foreign creditors. and president retail has accused us based ford foundation and g o. of financing that protests and stoking the violence, he wants the organization kicked out of the east african country. we have no use to pay on the key and violence and destruction of property and loss of life. wildly about one of the points that you have filings. he said to me, now i tour and i want to pull out both water behind today. i'm not in. can you go to the water behind the splint setting that kill thing that republicans can someone
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them because they are both setting violence against our democratic mission. maybe not that are new to the ford foundation. what the, what the, what i'm b e a. so why not the one, not the fund your food, your job. but if i duck gun, as we are going to pull them out and they're going to tell them if they are not invested in democrats in kenya, if they're going to dispose of violence, if they are going into sports or not, we are going to pull them out and they are going to tell them they the fight up, or they leave prison to them who to really live, ending some serious accusations against the ford foundation to hear. so it's that certain parties that have real significant benefits from the demonstrations and also in ages that these entities have been funded in funds to specified groups with in kenya, august, right, to protest a to add to the stabilizing the country. and just shortly after he's a public address, the president read it to rated. he's
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a conditions on he's official x account. i'm challenging the, the full foundation to clarify its involvement in the recent protest. and the country has not put to the ford foundation for full full governance and democracy under the microscope. because already many argue that the foundations focus in promoting certain democratic practices and policies can be seen as interfering in the countries in turn, in the phase about the foundation has denied the allegations off interfering continues democracy, saying that it of knowledge is kenya is a 2 piece we protest and advocate for a beta country as was the motive behind the protest, but it did not find a sponsor of the protest while we acknowledge the right of canyons to peacefully advocates for a just and equitable country. we repudiate any actions or speech that are hateful or advocate violence against any institution,
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individual or community. we do not fund or sponsor the recent protests against the finance bill and have a strictly non partisan policy of all our grant making. now at this point, it is said that to the presidents, optimization is likely to mock a 2nd. it's a content in the relations between ken, yeah. and one of his key wisdom allies. in fact, the reports already said that to present to has escalated to the matching tenses with the united states by making this accusation. and these accusations come at a time when americans, diagnostic task has taken a severe knock as the u. s. a seats to counterbalance the influence of russia and china across the continent. it made sure that is partnership with ken. yeah, becomes even stronger by naming can yeah. as amazed, non nato ally, making it the 1st steps to have an applicant country to receive that designation. and even though the visit to by president, to talk to the u. s. was interpreted by mindy as pots off. if it's to bother you is
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to pull back the ground lawsuit as because there's also a very surprising, locally winn prison, brutal. i sent it to the long delayed 2013 public benefits organizations act, which codifies global best practices for civil society protections. and legislation that had been ignored by history pre diseases, the previous presidents in kenya. but this is what present biden have to say at that time. i also want to thank you, mr. president for taking action to implement the long way to public benefits organization, which provides distort, protections for civil society, and n g o's, all across ken, like you, i believe the future is going to be won by countries of the on least the full potential for the full potential population, including civil society, women and young. i look forward to working together to implement the sack and jumpstarting, a corruption from reforms. democratic values from finer nations together. not like
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any waste and foundation, the ford foundation, which has long, which has a long history of supporting social injustices and initiating the global, including in kenya, has also faced previous accusations off um, the stabilizing nations to us, and also the continental for seduce that it did the same thing and you've done that mid thing in a phase of funding activities and was also against cause side values of the country in nigeria as well would face the same criticism even. and so i've actually got the foundation is also being the subject. also, backlash, it seems like the foundation might have a political agenda, one that is not aligned with the interest of african countries. the united states secret service has denied blaming local police for the trump riley shooting and expressed gratitude for their actions. unless despite the director assuming to point the finger at local security following the assassination attempt in this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site. and the secret service was
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responsible for the in a perimeter. and then we sold the assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building. there was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building list. for as more details about the shooting and merge, more questions are being raised when a report has local police and largely notifying the secret service about a suspicious person before the attack and other suggest, a local officer encountered the gunman on the roof of the building before the dudley shooting. meanwhile, donald trump has stepped back into the public eye to thunderous applause and cheering monday, mazda the 1st time the former president was seen in public after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt. just 2 days earlier, his supporters tend to fight as trumpet stepped on stage a reference to the 1st words he spoke after being wounded on saturday. the republican national congress has now officially chosen him as the parties that presidential nominee. and judy vance has become trumps of vice presidential nominee,
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a former combat correspondent during the iraq war vance wasn't always a trump fan. he criticized the republican presidential candidate in 2016, but later made a u turn admitting. he changed his mind because of tom's performance and office. the v. p nominee has been a senator since 2023, and a strong opponents of the bite and administration's continued use of us taxpayer money in ukraine. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months
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ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would have saved a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had. we discussed this with farmer virginia state senator richard. black, you says, considering jody vance is likely to become the countries next vice president, ukraine had better seek reconciliation with russia before the trump administration takes office. president trove has expressed a great deal of skepticism towards our support for ukraine. now he selects a vice president who is going to be a very powerful vice president. and j. d bans has been fine equipment. and he said, he said i boated for that. he was the lead senator in blocking the,
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the $60000000.00 a package for ukraine managed to hold it up for months. and he said, quote, i boated against this package and signed it and remained opposed to virtually, and a for us, a continued funding for this war. yes. if you look at this with, with donald trump sliding that he's going to end the war the day he comes into office j. d band saying he has no support for it. he said, band said, i don't really care what happens to ukraine one way or the other. all right, so like that. here's the ukranian government were smart. they would offer no peace talks with russia immediately slow to reply to this in part get whatever advantage they can be for the next administration was sworn in hungary will keep pushing for peace. a new crane despite all the opposition from fellow e. u members,
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that's the message from the country. stop diplomat speaking to our correspondent on the sidelines of the un security council session in new york. it's so obvious that the pro war petitions, the of the european union, the unhappy what we have been doing because they don't one piece. they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation about to do. so we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and, you know, we are used to such kind of attacks. we gotta do is to such kind of pressure. so we continue once we have started and we will continue to represent the national interest, the top diplomats from hungary and russia have been discussing a range of topics behind the close the door. is that un headquarters? the foreign ministers confirmed the importance of implementing agreements. their bosses boot and then or button recently reached and putting the supply of russian gas to hunger and or bonds. this is the most go alright,
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let's uh get more now on circuit lab robin sent you an address from our to correspondent caleb mauppin, who joins us live from the u. n. uh, in new york to keller. can you take us through the main points of the form minister of speech earlier for sure with russia and it's rotating position as president of the security council for the month of july, we had the foreign minister survey lab, rob, who's in town giving a dynamic presentation before the un security council meeting that began this morning in his presentation, he talked about how the united states has worked to undermine global peace, dismantled global security apparatus. these stabilize countries keep countries in poverty, working to force the global economy to remain centered around, but not ballistic corporations based in the united states and in britain, uh, it was quite a powerful dynamic presentation. one of the points that the russian foreign minister made was that russia has been open to negotiation from the beginning. and
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that they would like to see a diplomatic resolution of the conflict in ukraine. and western leaders seem committed to preventing such a thing from occurring, even though there is popular sentiment for it in ukraine and around the world. here's what he said, and security human, you see, but it's a good with washington for germany. policy has not changed for decades. most or atlantic security schemes were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed to europe in union, that seemed to have created for your opinions or c structures have been seamlessly privatized in girls, violation of the helsinki final act. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation and the building of a more just the world. they taking part countries and the regions costs which prevent peoples from fulfilling that sovereign rights. settled in the u and charter and distract from much that each one's work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, africa, and other regions to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and drug crime,
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hunger and disease which united something is. now the hung gary and foreign minister who is also in town, took the floor to emphasize that his country has been pursuing peace in ukraine. does not want to join the global efforts to isolate russia. and the response of the international community, including the european union, has been reprehensible and it is really shown a buyer's and lack of will to move forward toward better solutions on the part of some leading countries. this is the hon gary and foreign minister before the un security council. interest of more just diplomacy is about talking to everyone, even to those between you do not agree on major issues. that's one that you have to tell your colleagues. this is not only unacceptable what's come, dallas really scandalous, that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in
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favor of a deeper medic solution, we are now being under very heavy attacks. political effects of those european politicians while representing a pro board position. but i have to tell you that such kinds of attacks will give us a 3rd or ink cartridge meant to continue our peace mission and kayla. tell us about the other issues that lab rob touched on during the u. n. a. c meeting. sure, he did not limit his remarks to ukraine or to issues directly related to russia. he went over how the united states has been trying to tell china what goods they can produce and limiting their ability to produce computer chips and other high tech technology simply for their own market gain. he talked about the various cues and regime change operations. the united states has carried out in different parts of the world and he presented at all as very much an effort to hold back the new
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economy that is rising. he talked about the bricks. he talked about the economic development that russia and its partners have engaged in. and he argued that the united states is trying to prevent a new world from emerging. here's some of what he said. but i just usually when you, what i seek it for the sake of containing russia, china and other countries whose independent policies are received as a challenge to germany's the west by its aggressive actions, breaks the system of globalization that originally developed according to its patterns. the north atlantic alliance is no longer satisfied with the war that at least against russia, at the hands of the legal authorities in kia and the entire o. s. c. space. it is not enough for it. having almost completely destroyed the fundamental agreements in the field of arms control, the united states continues to escalate confrontation should. recently, at a summit in washington, the leaders of the alliance countries confirmed their claims to a dominant role not only in the euro atlantic, but also in the asian pacific region. we do, i mean, it comes through, it is declared that nato is still guided by the task of protecting the territory of
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its members. but for this, they say it is necessary to extend the dominance of the alliance to the entire your asian continent and adjacent marine areas for you to nato's military infrastructure is moving into the pacific region. with the obvious goal of undermining the sea on centric architecture, which has been built for decades on the basis of the principles of equality, is consideration of mutual interests and consensus. now, towards the conclusion of his remarks, the russian foreign minister and vote to the infamous words of francis fukuyama about the end of history and said that the end of history never came. and then he called on the international community to begin the history by embracing the multi polar world, working to eradicate poverty and create peace between nation was very dynamic presentation from the foreign minister. very all encompassing, many different aspects of what he was talking about were touched on many different corners of the world. now china took to the floor of the security council and they
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called out the united states and it's constant invoking of this rules based global order. when they themselves don't feel, feel obligated to follow international norms or rules and have no problem blatantly violating the sovereignty of some countries. this is what china said before, the 15 member body that leads the united nations. when you're good, you jersey, that's all we often hear, talk about the rules based international order, and this is the opinion of individual countries. what rules are we talking about? who makes these rules so far? no one has given us an exact clear answer to this question. the so called international order is based on rules which individual countries talk about. in fact, it is aimed at creating another system that would operate separately from the system of international law. this is an attempt to justify double standards and exceptions . i mean, i would like to emphasize that there was only one order in the world, and that is the international order, which is based on international law. there is only one set of rules, and these are,
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in fact, the basic rules on which international relations move which are enshrined and the un charter. there is no ambiguity here. it cannot be strong phone bill. the 2nd against the background of the crisis in ukraine and given the israeli palestinian conflict. the current countries are concerned about international come and security, what many peace loving countries and peoples a working tirelessly to ensure the reading of world peace. however, nato, which was originally a military block that was formed following the 2nd world war, is striving to expand it to speak of influence. it will stop at nothing to voice false rhetoric to pull oil on the file where they can just strength and, and expand confrontation between countries. and nato, in fact, blames countries that are outside the region, blaming them for the current situation in ukraine. my history shows and proves that wherever nato puts its hands chaos and on rest. now, one of the points that the russian foreign minister made in his remarks was about the lopsided and s and the over representation of the united states. britain and
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their allies in the international institutions. how it seems like what is commonly called the collective west is given an inflated roll in the world, and inflated ability to affect international policies, treaties, and agreements. and there were a number of countries that agreed with the russian foreign minister on this point. and when they spoke before the council, they emphasized that there is a need to restructure the united nations and other international bodies to give adequate representation to countries that are in the process of development. the indians, we must acknowledge is the existence of a pending debt with regard to reforming the security council, equity are continues to supporter and vicious and realistic reform without any new leaders or privileges in perpetuity reform. there was confined to model of democracy based on the principles of rotation. accountability that reflects the
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reality and diversity of contents of the contemporary world. in the context of building gun effective multilateral is mozambique right there it is. the call on the need for the security to come silver form out a form is that the must take into account the for kind of coming position based on these are really close houses. and to see that the declaration as this will allow the counsel to be more inclusive. fam, adjusting democratic in the do charge of lead seduce another chapter after the service of the entire human kite. now when the meeting took place, it was pretty obvious that western leaders did not approve 5. there was a kind of
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a statement given by the representative of ukraine prior to the meeting, and they made clear they did not approve of what russia what had to say and how russia was planning to conduct this meeting of the security council. but that did not stop russia from, as the acting president in their rotating role of the security council. going ahead with this important meeting and enabling the russian foreign minister to make this dynamic presentation, calling out the way. there is an effort to hold back history on the part of the western countries, and this dynamic speech was given by the russian foreign minister. countries around the world reacted to it. a lot of troops that are hidden and concealed in mainstream media. and the rhetoric of western politicians were highlighted before the world. it was certainly an important day at the united nations security council, the un headquarters in manhattan recruiter. because you don't write hard to correspond and caleb mouth on joining us live from u. n. in new york, caleb,
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thank you for that. are all right and do stay with us. i'll be back in about just about half an hour with more news, but up next are to international direct impact with rick sanchez. he breaks down the dramatic events surrounding the assassination attempt on donald trump by the
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the, the the,
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the, and here we go again. hi everybody, i'm re, sanchez, this is direct in fact, and this is what as you would have expected, i guess, right? what we're going to be talking about. yeah, look what happened there was only 4 or 5 shots, but really it's a 72 hours that seems to change every thing and we're going to take you through it
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. i'm rick sanchez, get ready for direct impact.


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