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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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a lot that goes up with that sort of the washington state. germany policy has not changed. for texas, the actions of the united states and the satellites hindered international corporation in the building of a more jobs process for minnes. our calls at washington hawkish and foreign policy that he says is holding back the emergence of multi polarity. also ahead of the 3 of the, from the box. young people, the the yeah, dramatic images from the heart of the can in capital work. cancer, rob says crowds call on president william russo to resign over the spiraling
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economic crisis. and just days after a failed assassination attempt on donald trump, he officially becomes the republican party's presidential nominees. and it says you a secret service and local police trade accusations over who's to blame for the any physical security lapses the right to ruble live in moscow. this is our t international hungry will keep pushing for peace and ukraine. despite all of the opposition from federal e u members, that's the message from the countries top diplomat speaking to our correspondent on the sidelines of the un security council session in new york. it's so obvious that the pro war petitions of the european union are unhappy. what we have been doing because they don't one piece, they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation,
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but to do so, we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and you know, we are used to such kind of attacks, we gotta do is to such kind of pressure. so we continue what we have started and we will continue to represent the national interest the hon. gary on and russian foreign ministers have been discussing a range of topics behind closed doors at un headquarters. they have confirmed the importance of implementing agreements, president put and then prime minister or bon recently reached, including the supply of russian gas, the hungary, and or bonds that visit to moscow. the problem has also met with this with counterpart ignacio cast to the russian delegation confirmed the meeting was organized on switzerland initiative. we'd just like a lot of rob has addressed to the un security council of our rational recently assumed of the month long rotating presidency. he pointed out that the west accidents are hindering international cooperation. a good one, you see, but it's
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a good option to him. and even though it's washington, germany, policy has not changed to protect it. all through atlantic security schemes were based on a true in the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed to europe in union that seemed to have created for you were fans, or c structures have windstream was probably tied in growth violation on the helsinki final act as the rupture, the actions of the united states and its allies, under international corporation and the building of a more just the world. they taking part countries in the region. the cost of education prevent peoples from fulfillment that solving vide settled in the human charter and then distract from much that each one's a mortgage results. conflict in the middle east, africa and other regions and to reduce global inequality, eliminate with threats of terrorism and drug crime, congress and dizzy solutions. right, let's cross live now to international attorney kline preston. to discuss this further, kline great to have you on the program with us during the session earlier in the day survey lab, robert once again reassure to the un security council of rushes,
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willingness to sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the ukraine crisis. now he noticed that the us state department, though, has refused all piece proposals from washington officials. so what do you think that says about washington's willingness to actually bring those conflicts to an end? i think it's pretty clear that washington does not want it to come to an end. it's been the same thing from the beginning. this conflict was, could have been avoided, had washington engaged in negotiations with the with moscow. and there were, i don't know how many overtures and offers and invitations to negotiate, right. resolution. this dispute before that, that was initiated. and this is consistent with what's happened of being back here already. or you can really go long was back and go down back to 2008 actually. but this was consistent in the state department also stated that washington has never
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done anything bad to russia. what's your reaction to that statement? how much time do we have to keep it brief? but let's go back to 1919, when a lateral invasion of russia by the united states. i mean, you know, there's a long history of, of actions, frankly taken by the united states. states which are aggressive towards russia, and in the latest episode, you know, you go back to 1991 and the promises of, of, uh, not one. it's a story. after the dissolution of the warsaw pact and the removal of troops from east germany, back to the soviet union. and then one nation after another added to this defensive organization called nato. and i don't know how anyone could actually say
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that with a straight face of the the record so replaced. i mean, that's a preposterous statement. actually, the chinese representatives spoke of the took the position that many powers today are trying to create a world order that operates separately from the system of international law that they're promoting western values and norms. what's your take on that? do you think that's one of the main issues here? well, i think that defines what we've been hearing of late this rules based or what is the rules based order and where is the kodak? so this rules based, or there isn't one because the rules are made up of as a go along and to fit the expediency of whoever is saying that they're following the rules based or it doesn't follow international law. it's not consistent with international law,
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whatever this will advice order is. and so i again, i think it's a very mess. we'll use the language, one english language. right. the survey line prov, told the counsel that the west world view and policy really hasn't changed over the decades, and that it's even hindering international cooperation and development of a just world. i'm wondering what effect you think rising power is within the brakes, or the seo alliances could have to counter this, this kind of us dominance. well, i think they're, they're going to have an are having a significant impact. because if you look at the new, the current world order, it was set into place right after world war 2. and so over the years it was, it was enabled to continue the way it exists. now, based on primarily the dominance of the ad hoc world
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currency, the united states dollar and as the dollar weakens. so does this heads mean by the united states. and so, um, you know, with bricks, different nations is not training in the dollar. the solid is not the picture, the dollar is going by the wayside as, as far as an exclusive currency. that's a big impact and that's a direct result of this formation of this loose alliance bricks. and so that's just on a monetary basis. there are other military bases that, that are also having an impact, as well as klein. when you look at the make up of the un security council, it would, it would seem that many of these developing states are under represented the, the, what do you think is the possibility the council could be reforms in the near
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future to represent many of these under represented states. well, i would suspect that that is not going to happen because the un charter has the primary nation's in security council. and those nations have a vested interest in maintaining their control over the world older. and um, even though it may not be the most, to use the word, the hot word of the day, democratic a, formation of the united nations. it's one that just some degree does work and there, there does have to be some leadership. and if you divide it up a mux, nice does the actually do not have the strength to maintain the the role. i think it will just lead to more k prison. so it may not be
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a perfect system, but i don't see it expanding very much there already, some rotating members on the security council. and i think that probably is going to suffice for now. all right, we're gonna leave with our client preston international attorney. great to have you on the line. thank you. and i see the turning now to east africa. we're canyon place. have cracked down on protestors who want president william rudo to resign over his failure to sort out the economy. the what you're witnessing today is the uh, the continuing of the anti government protests and people are on this re, um,
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you can see from the box down young people are the fullest of, uh, uh, friday. um the i got to despise the crowd that i got that. yeah. uh so what about the uh, the tech got got these types of quotes. uh the exploding could be spot down. people who uh got that. yeah. and uh, maybe a to be budgeted that at least i bring in, uh, one of the distance away here to tell us uh why they out on the street. uh kindly let me uh, loop in the, the young man. uh, tell us, why are they on the street to do a lot of value on this? are you still as why are you with the, with the isaac? i mean to drop the phone too much of an additional as well. yeah. because we have pending the sub that's why we industry. this is a very simple method. you're just seeing stuff corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we've raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can. and the
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number of the amount of money these people still is getting. i think we've been accustomed to one be going to be done and we think it's buckets, and that's a lot of money. that's what we're here and the seats. we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean china think we've been complaisant for a long time. and the sleeping dantes awakening. right? um, so uh, as he has put it, uh, by draining the swamp. uh right. please. uh, put it what they're saying that they don't want to caught up coefficients because of what a very long time the government has been drawn by court up to fee. so that would be so recent, this was the president will never know till i dismissing all the members of his cabinet, including um uh the attorney general who is uh, delta dental. uh who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what the people are saying right now is that uh they, what did they bring this? well, they don't one in the lead the who is good up and then the child sort of see to continue, why the thing the president himself must resign even after dropping the cont device
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shows up, but not to be the 24 weeks menu claimed that this finance be visible of either point not to be the was city to most of that what he'd produce, but are you move which are not a city too much that were meant for us of good notes on biking and so that would spot the product is different not to be the 24, which uh, the question is why that it was coming from i move on. uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government data and the government brought to where they're saying the president himself must close. of course there has been calls from, but we just organizations that had been quotes from different organizations, demanding and calling. and i think the young people to adopt any other means of conflict resolution means that we bring down. but the youth, i don't want to say that they do not want, they do not one in the form of the what they want is the minimum. that's even if the government wants the song, even if they did the company that was a phone,
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they still don't have faith and they don't to trust. they handle states. most people have something to do to my school. the president must go. that's of the i've been to meet that goal in the streets to be the purpose i've been witnessed in different parts of the country. it's in different cities in mombasa, in makoto, in india and can't reach. will we ever seen the young people on the ground for testing on what you've seen so far? even us to protest form to use a number of people have lost lives. over 40 people have been the 4 hundreds of people as seen in hospitals must seem injurious not sinking. there is that they that was that inflicted on them duty. uh the yeah. the couple of days. the metal, the video of monday's assault on the oil tanker, cios, lion and the red see shows the impact the moment of a drone attack by a militant of the many who's the route and on man craft inflicted minor damage to
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the tankers. parkside and the stories say the captain and crew survive and taking responsibility for the attack, the many who's the say the m an interview say they were responding to the recent as really as pride on the southern gaza city upon investigation is underway to access the potential files, so the to ron has the night accusations that it is connected to the trump assassination attempt calling them baseless and biased when it comes, as the us authorities are scrambling to find a scape goat to cover up secret service failures at the incidence. all right, let's cross live now to the wrong university professor said mohammed moran, the professor, this latest twists on the trumpets estimation, an attempt to deal with the officials blaming a ron. uh, what do you have to make of had assess of that? i q station actually me and many my friends
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knew this was coming after this match that they've created. where it's pretty clear that it, in my opinion at least that it was an inside job. they allow this sniper to get so close and to have such a clear shot at from and people were even pointing to him in the police and the secret surface. so how service did nothing about it. and we all know when the president or something like trump travels when the, when the secret service of any country travel with them the days ahead, they cover all the bases and they know if they know exactly where to put their people. so either it was a catastrophic failure on behalf of the u. s. secret service, or it was an inside job, and i personally think it was an inside job. so now, because the final review is under
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a lot of pressure and people are pointing seniors at them, it can be needed to take usually run of, of fighting and assassination. sort of like the 2016, the presidential election when trump got elected. then we had russia gave everything is always someone else's fault, not the fault of the the deep state in washington. yeah, it is awfully convenient to blame either a ron or russia professor this claim states that a ron part of the assassination attempt to avenge the killing of general sumani while donald trump was president. so that assassination of to the money to place in january of 2020. so that's 4 and a half years ago. how do you think us intelligence can explaining the timing of this? it is quite the delay. the revenge isn't that to? yes it is. the timing is quite extraordinary. so as you point out 4 and
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a half years ago, they murder the general who let the fight against sizes. and that itself is a something that we could discuss of detail and how the united states supported isis. its allies supported isis turkeys, saudi arabia, countries in the persian gulf, israel, they all supported isis. and then the ron helped create a coalition to fight isis. and the leader of that effort was the general that trump murder. but that was for it and a half years ago. and it's very interesting that now that it's clear that trump is winning the election and it's been seal literally because of this and an assassination attack right after the assassination. just trying to attempt takes place out of new business information comes out. and of course it comes from a media outlet very closely linked to uh, to the deep states, cnn. so it, it doesn't make any sense. i don't think people are going to be fooled by this. the
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united states has a history of, of lying and uh, but i think this is such a horrible job. the timing is so terrible right after everyone has been accusing lead of the, the, the current administration in the deep state in washington and being involved. and after all the, or my, the, the language being used against trump, by his opponents in the united states, to any of people saying that he should be eliminated. and you should, he's in the cross hairs and that sort of thing under these circumstances. and then having such a an a, an easy access by the sniper having that sort of access to getting so close to trump. all of that. then literally we have all of that. then literally, a day or 2 later, they say the guy goes in your writing conspiracy or any writing plant. it's obvious
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that isn't fabricated. yeah, yeah, it's interesting that you, you mentioned how easy the would be assassin had to have access to, to, to trump on saturday. because the report actually says that after receiving information about this so called a rainy and plot that the secret service actually increased security. what i'd have to see what like security looks like again, how did they justify this? exactly. that's also another very interesting 40. so we're supposed to believe that the secret service was told of many ronnie and pot. and then they based up security . but then we're just hearing a couple of days ago that trump trump security was complaining that they didn't have the people necessary to protect them. so this so called the running plot that the to beef up security and then this happened, and a sniper is literally a 100100 by 50 meters away from trump. and the only
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reason why he wasn't killed was apparently because trump turned his head and he survive. so did it again. it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. the security was inadequate. i think it intentionally the sniper, it was very close and the, and then were supposed to believe that they had been told that the ronnie is, are going to carry out some sort of assassination putting. this is how they protect . trump doesn't make sense at all. all right, we're going to leave it there to run university professor said mohammed randy, thank you. thank you. and united states secret service has denied blaming local police for the trump rally, shooting and expressed of gratitude for their actions. thus, despite the director seeming to point the finger at local security following the assassination attempts. in this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site. and that the secret service was
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responsible for the in a perimeter. and then we sold the assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building. there was local police in the area that were responsible for the out to perimeter of the building. well, as more details about the shooting, a merge more questions are being raised on report has local police allegedly notifying the secret service about a suspicious person before the attack. so in other suggest, a local officer encountered the gunman on the roof of the building before the dudley shooting. meanwhile, donald trump has stepped back into the public to i to send her as applause and cheering. monday, march. the 1st time the former president was seen in public after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt as 2 days earlier, the supporters tended fights as trump stepped on stage, a reference to the 1st floor as he spoke after being wounded on saturday. republican national congress is now officially chosen him as the parties, presidential nominees. and today the vans has become trumps,
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vice presidential dominy, a former combat correspondent during the iraq war. vance wasn't always a trump fan. he criticized the republican presidential candidate in 2016, but later made a u turn. emitting. he changed his mind because of trumps performance and office. the v p nominee has been a senator since 2023, and a strong opponents of the biden administration's continued use of us tax fair money in that ukraine bounds even officially as to the state department about a ukrainian n g o that published an enemies list labeling americans, it considered trumpets and communists. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. there was in fact a peace deal on the table. approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more
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acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would've saved a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had let's, let's cost live now to form a republican pennsylvania state senator bruce marx to discuss this further center to great to have you on with us. i'd like to hear your thoughts about the u. s. secret service being at odds with local police after that failure to locate the shooter at the trump rally before he opened fire. why, why would the 2 agencies not be on the same page as well? you know, it's an unsophisticated, extremely unfortunate situation. i'm very familiar with the area butler. i grew up in western western pennsylvania. i actually went to school in double park where the shooter live. it looks like a total failure both by the secret service,
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but they didn't secure the perimeter. and the local law enforcement officer who apparently climbed to the edge of the roof and then ducked out. so that's not what law enforcement is supposed to do. we know that from the tragic school shooting where the policeman at the school can basically hit himself when the, when the shooting started. so that's the job of law enforcement to confront the shooter. of course it means take a risk, but here there to protect people. and it's obvious that the secret service has completely failed because there's no excuse whatsoever for government having clear sight basically, you know, a 100 meters from the stage. it's, it is a really shocking failure on both sides. yeah. they're there been conflicting reports that police and secret service were aware of suspicious activity even as far ahead. does it say like half an hour before the shooting actually happens again? like what, what, what do you make of these conflicting reports?
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well, i'm not so sure how conflicting they are. i mean, it may be that some local officials denied it, but i've seen the tv interviews and again, bank from pittsburgh. i've talked to people who've been just this morning, and there were people at the rally who looked to who alerted local officials that they saw this fellow on the roof. and there should have been immediate communication between the local officials and the secret service. you know, they have, you know, communication devices, obviously they have cell phones, but they use, you know, the, the other other, other means of radios. and it is just really shocking that there would be this type of a, of a fairly interesting god bless the president. trump, who was so fortunate that his head turned just at the right moment, the only suffered, you know, a very small one. yeah, it really is, is miraculous, especially when you see some of these photographs where you can actually see the bullet near him. the fact that he turned his head at the last last moment is just
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incredible. let's talk a little bit about the timeline of the events because it's a little bit unclear. the reports that the shooter spent quite a long time on the roof with a self right assault rifle. and we even have video of bystanders pointing him out to, to a local authorities. you know, saying hey there's, there's someone for the gun on the roof. do something about that, but then after the shots rang out, he was shot within mere seconds. uh what, what are your thoughts overall on how the authorities deliver to the information and then handle the situation in the moment? well, i don't think that again it's, it's always difficult to be at the moment, but that moment shouldn't have happened. that's a very important point, because nobody should have been allowed on that rooftop, that rooftop should have been secured. you know, from the beginning it's only a 100 and so meters away from the stage. but obviously it has a clear sight um, in terms of the, the, the, the, the local people, again, it should have been handled much better. there should have been more effective
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communication between the local people and the secret service. and you're right in observing that as soon as the shots running out, the secret service did have, you know, the snipers on, on other roofs. and these diapers are normally well trained. they heard the shots, they figure out where they came from and they took the shooter out right away. and mr. trump made his 1st public appearance after that attempted assassination of the republican national convention. we saw him walk out there, appearing quite emotional with the bandage on his ear as people, you know, shown to chance had usa. how do you think this attack has had an impact on his political standing? well, i'm going to have an even better view tomorrow. i'm flying up to milwaukee in the morning and i'll be at the convention to here. j. d bans is accepted speech and then president trump's accepted speech on thursday. it's absolutely energized the republic and the republican base. and of course i'm from pennsylvania here in philadelphia. now i grew up in pittsburgh and everybody is just, frankly,
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so thankful that the president survived the assassination attempt. and this was going to double and triple through efforts to happen when pennsylvania, pennsylvania is a keystone state. literally, that's our nickname. and it's going to be the keystone in this election. it was the critical state, donald trump winning a 2016 and were absolutely committed for donald trump, the wind, pennsylvania in 2024. let's talk a bit about a trump vice presidential pick j. vance is known as a strong opponents of aiding ukraine. how do you think this is likely to affect the trump campaign? you know, given how much of the us agenda is in supports of ukraine and continued a to ukraine? well, there's a lot of people here in the united states. you believe that donald trump in president, had been re elected that we wouldn't have this unfortunate situation in ukraine in the 1st place that donald trump would have been able to resolve these differences. but without obviously, the, the events of, uh, i guess that's february,
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march of 2022. i don't know that it would be fair to say that a center group answers in the coding of the ag brain, but he's very skeptical about it. and he's particularly skeptical about it now. we were 2 years into the war and it doesn't appear that part of his brain is going to make much more progress. it looks like he told you that i was somewhat of a military stalemate. president trump is said that the things that liked in the field that he has every, the ability to communicate with president personally like you know, he's somebody who treated president respectfully. the joe biden went out of his way to. ready self, the president of the russian federation, which really doesn't make sense to me. and i would suspect the president trump is going to involve sen. vance, who hopefully will be the vice president and seeing if there's a way that we can broker some type of a resolution between russia and ukraine in, in, in, in the blood ship. okay. and so i think that's going to be
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a very important working for.


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