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tv   Documentary  RT  July 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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and what price did he and the rest of the world have to pay for his freedom? i'm sky now. hughes, and this is prospective the after spending a 1901 day is in prison. would you, like sandra julian assigned, walked out of a prison and was able to run off a plane to embrace his wife and his father. now he gets to head back to the homeland of australia. and what seems to be the conclusion to a decade long legal battle. a legal battle was started in 2011 when the swedish government accused assigned of sexual assault and issued a warrant for his arrest. not only do this on to deny the allegations, but it became apparent julia sondra is being targeted because of his work on his website wiki leeks and the work it was doing to expose the lies being told by the
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american government to its people. in 2009 chelsea manning who was previously known as bradley manning before here transitioning and a military intelligence analyst disclose the wikileaks hundreds of thousands of documents regarding the detainees at the us detention camp at guantanamo bay. as was never before seen documents regarding the warner rack. now eventually, us government charged assigned with 18 accounts of espionage. this robust launch to seek refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in the u. k. with minimal contact with the outside world. but the damaging information released by snowden was nothing compared to the democratic national committees mass league of more than 20000 emails, which happened just a few months before the 2016 election. an unprecedented move is exact source is still a mystery. however, revealed multiple scaling revelations about the dn say like
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a coordinate efforts with hillary clinton campaign against bernie sanders. several employees racist interrogatory, treatments of others within the organization. and the various international business ties between the clinton foundation and hillary clinton's campaign advisor, john podesta, in this cat. so the headlines and the crucial last few weeks of the 2016 campaign creating a firestorm of controversies that many democrats believe cause. the loss of hillary clinton's presidential bit, of course this is not going to go unnoticed and those in power in several countries around the world. new not only did julian assigns and his wikileaks websites need to be silenced, but future whistle blowers needed to be sent. this message they would pay for any actions they took, which would expose any corruption which of taking years to hide. all of this brings us to the day and after years of legal battles in public demonstrations,
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julia saw i'm just now a free man. but did the man who was seen as a fighter for freedom of speech and press sacrifice the fight in the future for his own freedom? well, let's ask our get a panel of experts. their perspective on jr. sounds release and what will happen in the future? joining me is randy critical, who is a comedian, radio host, an activist, misty weston, a political activist, and the organizer and co host of action for a saw. and on august, who is an author and journalist. thank you all for joining me today. thank you. great to be here. thank you miss you. i want to start with you. why do you think the british had a change of heart and released assigned? and i think there's a, that's a very complicated answer. i think there are many things that played into that. there's a lot of moving parts here. i think that obviously it was a political disaster for many countries, australia and the u. k. the united states. i think obviously the unrelenting
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pressure from activists around the globe was really starting to break through. and you know, the move it to some free us options been going over the past many years, but really in particular, since he was pulled out of the ecuadorian embassy in 2019. so i think that there was a lot of moving parts there. there were a lot of i, i imagine a lot of really frantic conversations happening behind closed doors on how to get out of this. well, also saving face. i think that this was probably the best option for all parties involved. arnold, we know one of the terms of the release was time we had already served. do you think those were the only conditions as well as appear for so to say that i don't think that uh by the sand. re to that p d o that represents in any way shape or for a debt permit to journalism, freedom of the press. now in the future, i think what asked to look at in the context,
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what was the main goal of the united states and britain. their goal was this to, you know, drive the next in that uh to oh, those terrible conditions in bel march. even pushing him towards perhaps suicide. what one does not know, but the fact is in the prison, he stood up every single day. never gave it. he never went on his knees for that to go. in fact, it came from the others from united states and britain and the fact that he signed it. i will say that it means that it's a sacrifice in the principles of journals or in the future. people who just joined a sack represents you represent the freedom of journalism. i know you stood up to this date. those terrible conditions as kate came out of prison, his head held high. so he, this work, of course, can carry on. and the simple of doing a search, as the fighter for freedom of the protests, for the rights of journalism, i think,
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is going to be even stronger because no one stops him. i believe in speaking out in australia or any to internet as well. i believe i say are those things are telling me you think they like join a size basically just walk out of jail and didn't put any restrictions on him that he can just go do whatever works he wants to continue to do you think that they're just so you know what, we're, we just keep doing what we're doing, exposing all of us. we're fine. we're not worried about you anymore. you know, uh, i don't really believe that there were no conditions, but the fact is, i've also read a few days ago that right after his release rekey lease me a whole row of up to that time, unclassified documents with regards especially to the state the dnc hillary clinton, so this thing is still going on, even though perhaps to get a sense is not directly involved in, you know,
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the restrictions may be until you assess, assess, but we see leaks and other a journalist other ok that are dictating to digging up the truth with regards to the american politics, they still have a free hand to to, to do so. and of course, well for us, we may not have the right to issue other which leads to the test that she did before who stopping him speak. i never read anywhere that he cannot give his opinion on the issue of materialism, all the issue of d, f. c. on the issue of the american political system, america foreign policy. i do not see any restriction on that. and knowing julia said, not personally, but just from the following. so close this period. when it comes time, you will definitely speak out. i'm coughing, he will speak up. i don't think there's a restriction for him. so the speaker verbally have the advantages that he's out of prison. so the microphone will be geared towards him. but i know that as one of
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mary sauce, well, that's one very solid off interview. i know every journalist i'm in the world right now would like to have that 1st comes in. i say that's good journalist for a journalist that are not are hiding anything. we'd like to have that conversation with them. but then i've got to go to you on this one. randy, do you actually think that conversation is going to happen because i have to look at, do you think this was just a coincidence? because all of the dance the emails were deleted. the day assigned was released kind of interesting. is that just a coincidence? so i, i really have no idea. i don't expect him to seek out any time soon. i certainly wouldn't ask. i've interviewed with 3 times of prior and a 2017 and 16. i would ask them to be interviewed by be okay. all right, now it needs to be compressed and i think it would be totally wrong person. you want to see interviewing various thoughts for their own you know, status key. this is, this is a 13 year or deal. it's bad enough for the ecuadorian embassy and the 5 years at
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a time on the ground floor really put, you know, a lot of psychological and physical harm to him. so he needs a long time. i've worked with prisoners for 25 years and they use 51012 years of prison when they come out, you know, never this thing really takes a long time to adjust. and i think everyone should just leave him alone right now. and they don't speak when we speak, and he will forget that will be something that i think a lot of people want to hear. misty, were you surprised while there was a lot of i say a lot of coverage within obviously social media. so some of the alternative media groups, they obviously cover the genocide, you might have got a 32nd blip on most western mainstream. were you surprised at the lack of coverage of julia as not being released from jail? you know, of course not. they haven't been covering this case for the entirety of the duration of it. i mean, every once, maybe once every 6 months or so, they do like
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a 2 minute segment where they would spin it terribly and malign. join a sons' lie about him smear him, things like that. so it's a completely on surprising to me. the mainstream media did not cover uh, basically the certification, but the ends emails were in fact uh deleted off of would you be following his release the, the, the website has been having issues with those documents for years. this is not something that's new. it's been for years now that those have been i'm not sure what the issue is, i'm sure maybe somebody from what you least can comment on the, the technical issues that they've been having there. but that's been something that's been reported on since i think even just the 2021. so the dnc leaks are that wasn't that something that was to be the following? has really the best thing going on for a long time, but uh yeah, to, to circle back to your question, not at all surprised that mainstream media ignore. this is what they do. well, there's no doubt, i think several governments would love to be able to take down the wiki leaks website and they've been unable to successfully do that for a long time right now. the julian's free a be interesting if they continue to make those attacks. and in fact of them on there, i do have to ask you on right now,
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i'm sure you're familiar with the dnc at least, cuz i think that was actually the nail that really made. julia sondra huge, started here was already, but really definitely made a target on his back by a, by several different groups. do you think it's only just that, but any of these email links have come out from because we do have you ever seen anybody implicated or held accountable for what wiki leaks has been exposed besides, automatically, i've got edward stoned, his head a the, the good guys the ones that are actually doing the whistle blowing, they're being held accountable for it, but anybody else was implicated, we've never seen anything actually come about those that actually did the wrong that were supposed bi weekly leaks at this point. and i think that's what julia massage exposed with regard to the dnc, that whole party of leadership. it has become, it was relative. and then of course, it was very relevant dropped during the his entire or deal. and the embassy and the theatre in that torture hall, which is called bar ball march present,
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but i think it takes on even more relevancy. let me give you an example. i was watching the like everyone else i guess who had the stomach to do so. the debate between the buyer and trunk presidential debate just a few days ago. i do know what made me most 2nd a. there was nothing but trumps. here i'm not a trump support, but i think what made me what is most discuss the was what the other vitamins both when he said 3 different location, different, very anxious we are from the end the of the world. this is by and i'm quoting, for every touch we would like to be as, as we are leading the world leading the civilized world. so here this is the person who promises the entire corruption in the d n. c. that truly it's a spose which would be coming even more relevant today. i think as you know, it's another topic. what is going on in palestine today? you know, it's not the same,
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of course of with guys stand but expos then before the current us up by united states and israel, i forget, god is even more relevant because the same type of things are happening there. the only difference is, fortunately, we don't really need which evenings for that because they base the media has to do with that. they have no way out. but i think that julia says he was imprisoned for his ideas. he came out, his ideas are still there and these same ideas is virus. and i agree with you we, we should be posting some papers released a from, from prison. his no temporary or if it is sliced restricted freedom, it's a victory for sure. well, i think it's a very proud american. i think we all here in america, when joe biden said that, i think we all had a giggle and a laugh going. he doesn't actually believe that right now is the current state that we're in. but randy, i wanna, i wanna talk to you because you mentioned that you spoke with the 2nd i i, i think he really believes it. i think he really believes that that's and said work
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. well, he also believes that he walked across the bridge and, and maryland to several other aspects that, you know, adverbs they had, has been quite a few fact checks and corrections on. so, but that's exactly, i think why julian hassan just so important today is because while the rest of the media can just glance over and not have to talk about it, randy, i have to ask you real quick before we go to break. you mentioned you actually talked to join us on several times. 20162017. do you think that this experience is going to make him change how he handles these types of situations going forward? or is he already said, you know what? you've already come out? may you've already done the worst you can do? i mean, i'm still alive. i'm against mike pompei of wishes, i think. but i'm going to keep going. i'm going to go harder now that you've left me out. what do you think is, what do you think is tenacity is going to be when he does have the rest needed that he deserves and comes out to the public. or once he recovers ac compressor's, i expect them probably to go back to doing what he did before i did to have him on
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my radio show in 2016 and 17. i visited him in the embassy 3 times in 2017. uh, and he was already under a toner pressure earlier this year. remember the palm pale called him something which i checked care is mistaken. correct. yeah. um but um that's correct. uh at that point. uh he was, he was in, he was a target the process of this. yeah, it was bought 7. that really led to the prosecution. there's no question about that . that's when they really went crazy at the c i a m. c, i a has been driving this prostitution for a long time. that's why i never expected. and many people not optimistic that he would ever get out. maybe it was a campaign issue. i mean, i don't know why this campaign, but uh, maybe basis this might, well, i don't know. plus they probably will watch uh once they brought him over here,
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but they will be dragged it out for another 6810 months and in the prison, waiting with the appeals and everything. and it could have died there. so it was lock 7, it was the dnc email is all messed up. what linking it to rush, it was part of the smear job. were both ways here in june design and smearing russia, which has let, is that whole russia gate shirad, which it continues to percolate right now to demonize russia in a way for this proxy war in ukraine. so uh, i wish you were around to expose some of this stuff that's going on that keeps this proxy or happening costing 600000 righty allies making all of these military contractors billionaires basically, well as oh and then rented your pipe. so might say that one of the reasons why you
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did did out as they can see that potentially this was going to be coming to an end and not sure how the west is wanting to be. so they went on let them out now so that it wouldn't be such a surprise. but that is a great lead into our conversation after the break. randy, could you go critic, misty width in arnold august? don't go away. what did you say after the break? we're going to continue our discussion and examine what this might mean for other whistle blowers like edward snowden. we will also consider whether, if elected president, trump will correct the mistakes he made at the end of his 1st term and issue a part of the pre attempted. assassination of donald trump appears to flip the script of american politics from once the unified democrats in divided republicans. now the democrats are in disarray and trouble rule supreme within the g o. p. the debates and the shooting change every 41 percent of
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us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached use i have, i would like them me. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just that virtue absorbing here
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the, the sky. now here's an you're watching perspective. we're going to bring back in our panel, discuss what kind of message julie on his, on his jail time. and now release might send to other whistleblowers randy credit, co, comedian and radio host actor with misty winston and political act was organizer and co host of action for assigned an arnold august author and journalist. i want to thank you so much for staying with us. okay. i'm gonna actually start with you on this one, randy, because was it a clear message sent to those who might consider exposing the secrets of a government to not do so or faced the fate of julia sanchez? the look of the jonathan schulty was a message putting him in prison for the rest of. ready life uh what's his name? i know i'm gonna go to russian rest, which is like, uh, you know there people, if you're determined like daniel else or if you have a contract, you know,
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if you put your own sake, your own free, i'm in the backseat and you act on it just have to just, you know, if you're compelled to do something, you will do it. so i don't think it's gonna be a deterrent to best of lawyers. and maybe a few of them, maybe to some journalists, they may be fearful of sending with you leaks material. they might be afraid of that, that the they're being watch, but there's other ways to get around it. uh, i believe. and as much, you know, it's going to be difficult because the spying in this country is so heavy under. it's bad enough. and then buying comes in and exhilarates it, and so people are side under. listen to all the time to watch, you know, so love you never know. i mean, look, i went to russia last year and ukraine last year when i got back, i was fearful for the next 2 months, you know, driving around. i was driving like 40 miles an hour of a free way. you know,
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thinking that uh, you know, as they get pulled over like, you know, really going slower than i show now. so, yeah, i, i was fearful of this government and people should be fearful because, i mean, we're run by a bunch in new york. fine is a hard core, new york. right? let's be honest. it's not by it's linking sullivan. we're running operations here and these guys don't likely get these guys don't like repressed. and they will use what and the c i a of course 1000 and that's a dozen so they will use whatever means possible. they prevent any future leaks that like damage of their credibility and their image. you know, how sad it is it someone is afraid when they're doing nothing wrong, they've not done anything illegal that they are afraid in their own country. that right there. i guarantee that's not what the american founding fathers or any country sounding fathers would want for the people that lived in their country. and it's a sad state that we're living in. but i digress. i actually went to go to you on
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this one misty because you follow the assigned case, but there's obviously some crossovers to dealing with edward snowden summer. wondering if this could actually signal a deal for edward snowden, which would allow him to come back tonight is states, what do you think? i mean as possible? certainly, i think that now the, the, the balloon has been talked. and so i think frankly, i think that the support for eds dos the been growing much more quickly then joined us on. so i think the snowdon has a lot of support here in the united states. i think it's difficult to get that kind of support for joining us ponds. i think a lot of that is in fact that snowden is in fact, american enjoying this on just not for different reasons. but i do think that there is a significant amount of support for the lives like edward snowden here in the united states. and so i think it certainly possible the question really is i've mentioned, but the idea that people in this country are afraid when i'm wrong, what do you want to come home? i'm not sure i would. i mean, i'd be pre,
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you're all of that. a 5 minutes know that i'm i'm pretty sure i would happily data and project myself. he's got a family now a very young family. so i think really the question we need to ask is, is it possible that that could offer opportunity for a pardon for him, for the alternate for him to reach her now? sure. what do you want to? i'm not so sure. i see i liked the way that you look at different things from different perspective. i think that's very, very wise as you no doubt. but arnold, you kind of brought it up because we are in a presidential election year. and do you think donald trump will consider pardoning assigned if elected? and why do you think he did not issue a pardon at the end of his 1st term? the uh 1st i'd like to make sure that i fully agree with the notion that the buy in, uh, actually blinking. uh uh, all those people there. right. we neil cons car park right. we now that being said, as we know, trump is an erratic pershing, and with regards to put in a rush or its been, you know, not always the same view getting present,
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even when he says i'm, i'm the one who can actually deal with. he didn't this, i mean, i'm the one who will over throw, but that's with the different pets of that same for the big they want. want to over throw him. what was good friends, orientations, a bit, a bit. uh, what easy going say we have to deal with these people who show the other leaders as well. so i think that it is quite possible that trump makes see, you know, when he becomes of that country, you will be elected. that he will consider, perhaps consider, i don't want to go out of the lifting the make. consider a party for a stone because as you say is very popular, it says, no, he's in america. this will help from, in the 1st few months or the 1st couple of years of his new presidency. and so i think this is possible. you never know the fact exempt. well, it goes both ways,
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the part and so you might do something like, uh, like, uh, pardon me. uh, edward snowden, bring them back to where it is, comes from united states of america. but randy, i'm going to end with you on this one question because we, you know, trump did not pardon join us on to the end of his 1st term. a lot people scratched or how do you think it had anything to do with surgery or state, mike pompei, or who recently it was revealed tried to have julian assigned, murdered. do you believe that what would have been pompous motivation and do you think this had anything to do with why trump did not part in julia massage. and you got one minute trump? yeah. i think the gun foot 2 is said, alright. basically at the last minute because he was going to do it, but somebody came into that office and said you do this, it's all you know, chuck schumer said see i can screw 7 days on sunday and that's exactly what they would have done if he had done it at that point time i. so as far as loan goes
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i, i concur with missed the i do not think he will come back or should come back. moscow is a beautiful city and i was there for 2 weeks. ready it's really a beautiful city, wonderful restaurants and there's plenty of food on the stores and restaurants. he should stay there because if he comes back here, he's gonna get hit by some, you know, well, crazy guy. well, i wanted to do that. well, i wanna thank you miss to winston for all of your work that you did. i think it helped keep the spotlight on julian for all these years. brand new cre deco and aren't on august you as well. thank you so much for joining me. and for giving us your perspective. thank you. i appreciate it. thank you. well, i hope this is not the end of drawing a sized work. i don't blame him as a bit, a very high price for his disclosures with the time and possibly could have paid the ultimate price with his life. but what happens is no one is there to pick up the man to a freedom fighter in his absence. what is the darkness continues to grow,
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knowing there is little to no chance it will ever be exposed or even less likely to be held accountable. this is more than just publishing conspiracy. this is good versus evil, without those like julian of such. so even if for a moment in time, risk of their livelihood to try and save humanity, corruption will prevail as a person like juliet assigned, reminds us of the power of one. and what a single individual can do to fight the deception by the elite and the powerful. but it is just as important that when we have someone willing to take the risk for freedom, those who also seek good unite to support and defend as the weapons will quickly form against them. one might be able to win the battle, but it will take all of us to win the war. i'm sky now. hughes. that is just my perspective. you can follow me on twitter at scott and hughes,
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and we're going to see you next time. the, the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of or the the me this one
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more to personalities. been. this just isn't, you must always displayed the loading on the, on the 2nd, but to pull it out and give them the say the most value of what would have done was in lieu of a he really is he looking to be i would have to me like what thought of the name of the i will give you the thought, the she a little guy know are you the diagnosis, you go in and even throw both of them good place the back end, there's going, there's the guy that she's going to get that will say investment will be, i mean they've been dealing with nearly money visits to own in space. so down syria down could have been yeah, the level of monday or they go and it could do gasket on monday. did you want to go to some community dock? a part of the issue by law got a warranty, but she's the committee goes empty. i'm the i mean the must have gone through. i'm we a multi danielle and she be the be i one of all the go on beyond what he did not turn on, but kick was it, give him
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a go down to see what will be the of the there's 2 things we love in this country its cache and freedom, but anybody that's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that explode, you shackled to a good interest, right? this apps, you drag shackled to medical bills for ailments so they could have their own student loans, their default. they know it's an impressive in this heartening state of affairs. that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice. and that's not freedom, but the universal basic income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back to school to learn new skills. freedom to take.


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