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tv   News  RT  July 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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and i'm soon send the most of the to the the, the the, the grief stricken folder holds the polio his ted psalm. just one of 25 reported victims from the latest is really to come to a refugee camp in central gals, a local, say, american bottoms were used in this class. the missiles that failed here just a short while ago and we're from america, the gaza strip in our children are not in testing field for international orange company. police kill a knife wielding mom near a venue or donald trump is attending the republican convention, pronounced us debate rages over who's responsible for the security figures that led
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to the assassination attempt. on the former president award petitions of the european union. the unhappy what he had been doing because they don't want to be on the sidelines of the latest russia lead united nations security council meeting, the hungary important minister in 6 on moving towards a peaceful solution for ukraine. despite the western office. the . this is our to international. my name's you know, the level of 30 minutes of news and views starts. now. we begin and gas. there were some 48 people were killed in less than one. our bias really are a strikes on tuesday. that's according to the entry of civil defense agency. just over half of the total died of the un run school sheltering displaced people in the news to run a refugee camp in central council. these really are may stated that
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a strong service operating in an on risk 5 newer people were killed and the face lucky area in the north, near the border. with this real warning, you may find the following images disperse the alarm, and do so without any prior warning. and american is really missile fell on us targeting a school serving as a shelter. what we saw from this missile was something very so real children had
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their heads cut off. there are corpses. oh, so i swear we were walking on courses. i can't describe it further due to the horror of the scene. and you want me to because i project today, these missiles are falling on us for testing. the palestinian people are being used by arms companies to test their weapons. the missiles that fail here just a short while ago were from america, the gaza strip, and our children are not a testing field for international orange companies. well, the strikes occurred shortly after to abide and said he's don't more for the palestinian community. then anybody. the us leader made the statement during a visit to detroit us his campaign team desperately attempts to contain the anger of our, of the american voters. some of the guys doing more for that. how soon can anybody, i'm the guy that opened up all my assets. i'm the guy that made it sure, and that i got the objections of the board are like cookers, so medicine and, and food and, and what's happening is, and i'm,
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the guy has been able to pull together the advocates to help create and help empower students with food and show in low income units in kansas, local authorities say 18 people were killed and many more wounded in another is really attacking your tits. housing displaced families. this 58 shows the aftermath of the strike for the use of the dead and wounded being taken to enough for hospital already said to be a freaking point. galvan authorities have called the strikes primes against a saying that all the places is real, coal safe are actually desktops. no, i flipped from northern gotta to south. we were told about our cousins been injured . my cousin and his mother father and brought them all stayed in the safe areas, the back claiming no safe was the i areas of death, not safety. this is a crime against humanity and the whole world. and the nations are watching the
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brutality that the jews design east are treating us with. this is death everywhere . every day, the raw strikes, every day they exterminated, you know, people who were staying here and we felt the shape people were falling in the street. what did they do wrong, children, the women and the elderly walking in the street. why this treachery? how long will we stay in this situation? with us base political theorist and commentator has all the believe jo biden's attempts to win recognition among our american voters have failed because his rhetoric differs from reality is clearly trying to pander to the air of american community, especially in around detroit, metro, detroit, michigan, which may have some decisive effect on the election, but his claims is his talk rings hollow. it doesn't matter what he says, they can see for themselves what he's done. and as someone who's from that
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community, i could tell you no one's buying it. i think this whole country has gotten used to joe biden saying things that don't match reality in general, and it's not just because he lies. it's because he's genuinely someone who is mentally on. well, he's seen i'll, he is past the point of no return as far as salvaging his image. i think this exact contrasts between his claim of helping the palestinian people in the news were receiving on the daily about what's going on and gauze a it's not surprising to people that there's such a contrast because biting himself as we saw from the presidential debate recently is not even someone who's functioning while we could easily just dismiss this as a case of mental illness and derangement. and that's being the most charitable just 3 days after the attempt on donald trump's life police have show some on wielding knives outside the venue where the former us president is attending the
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republican parties. national convention in wisconsin. the person who was later identified as homeless was shot by officers who come from the state of ohio to and for security of the event. according to police, the mom had nights and photons, charged and hold on in person and did not follow police come out and locals took to the streets of toys to protest the killing by the visiting police. you then, you also deserve a subject car with a knife and each hand engaged in an altercation with another on our individual. it also has indemnified themselves as police officers and may several commands to assess the big drop. the nice the says it review views these commands and charge at the other individual with the nice. at this time, several officers discharged their farms, subsequently striking the suspect. the suspect is the 43 old man who sustained
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fatal injuries. there were no other report of injuries to lies were recovered from the scene, as well is donald trump, who survived an attempt on his life on saturday night is continuing to make public appearances. he attended the 2nd day of the republican convention that proclaimed him the parties presidential nominee trump, who was protected by increased security out the event got endorsements. busy his former arrivals in the g o p including the key haley and rome, desantis, and that's the u. s. secret service um pennsylvania, a local police continue to trade blame over the assassination attempt. with the former, saying the police were supposed to secure the building that the shots came from ortiz, donald court, fill me in on the latest. trump security detail has clearly been b stop since the assassination attempt took place. but we're seeing a lot of finger pointing between all of these people that are essentially a fault for the security failure that took place the trumps rally in pennsylvania.
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i mean, the head of the secret service is saying that the local police has exclusively to blame because they are responsible for the building where the shooter actually took his position. in this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site. and that the secret service was responsible for the in a perimeter. and then we sold the assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building that was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building. interesting remarks worth it, but it's the secret service itself, which is coming under scrutiny not. that's right. because on the other hand, the us media is saying that the secret service was actually tipped off about a suspicious person in the building where the shooter was by both people participating in that rally that was taking place and the local police themselves. nevertheless, nothing was done about this tip off rally goers on their way and noticed crooks pacing and behaving strangely near the metal detectors. according to 4 officials,
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they alerted local police who began pursuing crooks on foot. are you as official telling nbc news that during the pursuit the officers told secret service they were looking for a suspicious person in the area? it's not clear when secret service was notified. very effective. but crooks did make it onto the rooftop. so it looks like the secret service could have prevented this assassination attempt from taking place in the 1st place. if it just investigated that tip off, it seems quite strange, but that information was just ignored. as you've been saying, you've got both law enforcement sides accusing each other of blame here, but it's another party which summer saying, barry's responsibility, correct? that's right. i mean, this might seem a bit out of left field, but according to cnn, the radians had their own assassination plot for trump, or on the same time where the shooting took place, the us government received the intelligence from
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a human source that indicated that the iranians were plotting to try to kill a former president, donald trump, now that led immediately to an increase in the protection for the former president . we heard over the weekend from the secret service that in recent weeks they had increased their protection for the former president. now it's important to understand that cnn in the article that it put on its website about this story said that the parents of rainy and plot had nothing to do with the shooting. but still, it seems quite strange. why immediately would mentioned that an article that doesn't have anything to do with around in the 1st place, but some unless don't are saying that a run has a retaliatory motive considering that to trump, right? the but assessment in general. so the money in 2020. so what is a rum saying and response? well, we were able to get actually exclusive commentary from around for administer at the united nations to figure out just that he said that despite the fact that the
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united states murdered sold tamani with no regard for international law, toronto is dedicated to seeking just just within the framework of the international legal system. joel, yes, allow me a least logic republican for ronnie will definitely follow up through 8 national legal systems and mechanisms, the issue of the such a nation of general. so the money, and of course, these crime, i mean the such a nation of general. so the money is being followed in the reading and costs are. and it is our agenda, considering the fact that there was actually no assassination attempt to buy big bad iran against trump and the actual shooter was a homegrown would be assassin. i mean, it looks like really the united states should be looking more in words to get to the bottom of these roots of extremism, rather than accuse others really well. a former member of the pennsylvania state senate, the lawyer, bruce marx told r t both the police and the secret service must share responsibility for last
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week's events. it looks like a total failure post by the secret service, if the guy didn't secure the perimeter, and the local law enforcement officer who apparently climbed to the edge of the roof and then dropped out. so that's not what law enforcement is supposed to do. we know that from the tragic school shooting where the policeman at the school going to basically hit himself when the, when the shooting started. so that's the job of law enforcement. so to confront the shooter, of course it means take a risk, but they're there to protect people. and it's obvious that the secret service has completely failed because there's no excuse whatsoever for the government having clear sight. basically, you know, a 100 meters from the stage united states, you don't want just information that caused them to have an even higher alert to protect president trump. and this is how bad they did that they didn't say secure the perimeters so some 20 year old. you know, shared without any military experience could take a clear shot,
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the president hungry. well, keep pushing for peace in ukraine despite all the opposition from fellow you members. that's the message from the countries top. diplomats speaking to our correspondent on the sidelines of a un security council session on choose day. it's so obvious that the pro war patricians of the european union are unhappy. what do we have been doing? because they don't want peace. they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation about to do. so we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and you know, we are used to such kind of attacks we, i do is to such kind of pressure. so we continue, once we have started, then we will continue to represent the national interest will ahead of them the hon, gary and on russian. foreign ministers discuss the range of topics behind closed doors at un headquarters. they stressed the importance of implementing agreements
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that president putin on prime minister or bon recently reached, including the supply of russian gas to hungry. circular problem also met with his swift counterpart enough to kansas there. despite the meeting being arranged by bern, it's official, refused to answer questions from russian media. after the talks, mr. lover of ultimate with other states representatives, including a rum shot rain on to a focusing on middle east issue to speak to russia. ortiz us corresponding killed life and was following the russia lead security council meeting in york city with russia and its rotating position as president of the security council. for the month of july, we had the foreign minister survey lab, rob, who's in town giving a dynamic presentation before the un security council meeting that began this morning. one of the points that the russian foreign minister made was that russia
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has been open to negotiation from the beginning. and that they would like to see a diplomatic resolution of the conflict in ukraine. and western leaders seem committed to preventing such a thing from occurring, even though there is popular sentiment for it in ukraine and around the world. human, you see, but it's a good with washington for germany. policy has not changed for decades, most or atlantic security schemes were based on ensure in the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed to european union that seemed to have created for your opinions or see structures have been streaming so privatized in growth, violation of the helsinki final act. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation and the building of a more trusted world has to be taken to our country center, regents hospital prevent peoples from fulfilling that summer invites settled in the human charter and distract from much of the joint work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, africa, and other regions to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and disease,
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which is nice of good news. what when we hung, gary in foreign minister who was also in town, took the floor to emphasize that his country has been pursuing peace in ukraine. it does not want to join the global efforts to isolate russia and the response of the international community, including the european union, has been reprehensible and it has really shown a virus and lack of will to move forward toward better solutions on the part of some leading countries, diplomacy is about talking to everyone, even to those between you do not agree on major issues. that's one that you have to tell your colleagues. this is not only is on acceptable. what's come, dallas really scandalous, that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in favor of a deep limited solution, we are now being under very heavy attacks. political effects of those european
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politicians. why representing a pro board position. but i have to tell you that such kind of attacks will give us a 3rd ink cartridge meant to continue our peace mission survey lab. rob did not limit his remarks to ukraine or to issues directly related to russia. he went over how the united states has been trying to tell china what goods they can produce and limiting their ability to produce computer chips and other high tech technology simply for their own market gain. but i just, usually we know what i see for the sake of the containing piece of russia, china and other countries whose independent policies are received as a challenge to germany's. the west provides aggressive actions breaks the system of globalization that originally developed according to his patterns. the north atlantic alliance is no longer satisfied with the war that at least against russia, at the hands of the legal authorities in kia and the entire o. s. c. space is not enough for it. having almost completely destroyed the fundamental agreements in the field of arms control,
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the united states continues to escalate confrontation should. recently, at a summit in washington, the leaders of the alliance countries confirmed their claims to a dominant role. not only in the euro atlantic, but also in the asian pacific region. we do, i mean, it comes through, it is declared that nato is still guided by the task of protecting the territory of its members. but for this, they say it is necessary to extend the dominance of the alliance to the entire your asian continent. an adjacent marine area. nato's military infrastructure is moving into the pacific region. and with the obvious goal of undermining the us, he on centric architecture, which has been built for decades on the basis of the principles of equality, is the consideration of mutual interests and consensus. towards the conclusion of his remarks, the russian foreign minister invoked the infamous words of francis fukuyama about the end of history and said that the end of history never came. and then he called on the international community to begin the history by embracing the multi polar world working to
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a rather cape poverty and create peace between nations. china took to the floor of the security council and they called out the united states and it's constant invoking of this rules based global order. when they themselves don't feel obligated to follow international norms or rules and have no problem blatantly violating the sovereignty of some countries. the so called international order is based on rules which individual countries talked about. in fact, it is aimed at creating another system that would operate separately from the system of international law. this is an attempt to justify double standards and exceptions. second, against the background of the crisis in ukraine and given the israeli palestinian conflict. the current countries are concerned about international come and security, many peace loving countries and peoples, a, working tirelessly to ensure the reading of world peace. however, nato, which was originally a military block that was formed following the 2nd world war, is striving to expand its sphere of influence. it will stop at nothing to voice
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false rhetoric to pull oil on the file where they can, what to strength and, and expand the confrontation between countries. and nato, in fact, blames countries that are outside the region, blaming them for the current situation and you cry, oh, no history shows and prayers that wherever nato puts its hands chaos and on the rest of you for the one of the points that the russian foreign minister made in his remarks was about the lopsided and s and the over representation of the united states, britain and their allies in the international institutions. how it seems like what is commonly called the collective west is given and inflated role in the world, and inflated ability to effect international policies, treaties and agreements. uh, and there were a number of countries that agreed with the russian foreign minister on this point. indian pick up and i'm assuming that we must acknowledge the existence of a pendant that in terms of performing the security council that quote, the continues to support and bushes and
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a realistic with to them without adding use eaters privileges and put the 2 tea in the context of building gun effective multilateral is mozambique right? there it is. the call on the need for the security to come. silver form out a form is that the must take into account the kind of coming position based on these are really close answers and to see in a typical operation. when the meeting took place, it was pretty obvious that western leaders did not approve 5. there was a kind of a statement given by the representative of ukraine prior to the meeting, and they made clear they did not approve of what russia what had to say, and how russia was planning to conduct this meeting of the security council. it was certainly an important day at the united nations security council, the un headquarters in manhattan. but also on the sidelines of the security council
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meeting, the hung gary, and for administer, a commented on the assassination attempt on donald trump pointing. it's not the 1st time politicians who hold alternative views to the main stream on the ukraine conflict of being targeted. this is a crazy road trying to think something happened. you know, this is not the 1st time. in the recent months, when a propane fancier tried to be killed in our neighboring countries, assuming everything has happened, when the prime minister represents a pro peace position, then the represent a very basic has the normal skills coming up. the same thing has happened here. okay, now the story to bring you today, germany has, but i'm the magazine just days after its release sylvan, unexpected interview with russian foreign ministry, spokesman marie is the heart of
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a we spoke to the journalist of the compact publication who carried out the interview. how does your miller told us how the sites editor in chief was confronted by police officers on his own towards the everything was to taken away and his mobile phone, some mobile phone or for yourself. his wife computers. every single wall so ran out of the office house off of the office. it was very all in the morning when he stepped out in his. so what was it in mississippi drama? didn't expect anything he will and angelo surrounded by, by police all the explanation of the day. oh, really ridiculous. of course, then i will. i will send the paper with a concessions did sir. it's the usual type of a concession. whenever somebody says something in germany that is against the totality, or the jude of the political above and read people as long as people are full, specially people last long. but none of these people's allegedly are going to do
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people allegedly support activities more people allegedly taught, hey, dreadfully cheese. so you know, this is the classical list of interest ation. that is always used in, in germany. it has been useful for, i think, since more than a decade when to make a position shut up. the maurice, the heart of a said, she merely told the truth in the cit done, which he added. it is means to have the money to buy from german citizen, to view the ministry. so from that said, berlin isn't receiving russian gas only because of a u. s. fun. i think that's technically it would only take a few weeks to restore a gas supplied through the remaining nord stream pipeline. this the heart of the all send the bombing of the magazine as a sign of censorship in the country comparable to the taste noticing in the german interior ministry and gave the reasons for the show thoughts they make. there are
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concerns in the country about right wing extremism. but news have all right to discuss 6 today i as in the band, the right wing extremist compact magazine. the compact is the main force at the right wing extremists seen as a follow to clear agenda networking, right wing extremists, and spreading f i submitted a conspiracy audiology wise. the self explanatory goal is to destroy our free society because the ministers only entitled to pro good social clubs, civil society organizations, nor must media nor companies, but come but compact is a group of companies and his social most media. it's one of the leading oppositional sort of the most media. so by declaring compact a social club, social club, usually play football, more or less, there is such a huge infringement of the german legal system. i think the worst of had ever
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happened since the end of 2nd little door, and by miss miss naming compact social clock only on this grounds. the internal minister prohibited compact and of course, before court called comfortable. it will be right. because the minister acted not on the basis of a little box. when will this happen? this decision of cloth will have them in one year in 2 years and 3 years. and that is how the political system and germany works. this is how they exterminate the economic existence of people who do not comply with the really freedom of speech. something it is wonderful and history has been exterminated. also, it's nothing more that's part of history, no more freedom of speech, any more in germany. unfortunately, the russia,
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which is the world's 3rd largest fertilizer producer, a big issue right now is set to increase its food frontier related exports to africa. according to the countries prime minister most who wants to help bring down the cost of food on the continent for people as well as alleviating the problems with food security. r t us farmers in nigeria, whether the increase in russian, fertilize or on food tech inputs into the nation is welcome our i say that very big home country and very much for funding agriculture to. and i believe that the ed spot to have that technology can also have a nice day and then do an africa to develop more. i'll fall off for say that the i even wrote board for to live i a credit viewed. it's all, it's a knowledge of inc. previo. it is also a health impacts of 5 and l. so make sure that the for sale remain. think gain is
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value 9 to i need to stand off to be the big, broad south africa because of 5 our population, our land, lots of land on every road to where advantage or the applicant concrete. the beginning to i said the funds that we have been getting thrown in terms of fund fund the coming is good. yeah. it'd be nice if to because we're trying to integrate on from using the kind of system more difficult to do broad, to see how we can improve on funding news. i've got that. i think there's something new that will come up that will have a to see the and that's the kind of work with we are trying to see how we will be able to tell by myself this is it not to allow people to give us a new information that is not realistic to mid week visit to the cross
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talks to do is next counts peter and guess enrollments. then i'm here again in 30 with the big stories affecting your world today. bye for now. the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. we attempted assassination of donald trump appears to put the script of american politics. trump, once the unified democrats and divided republicans. now the democrats are in disarray and trouble rule supreme within the g o. p that are based.


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