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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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to be united, united with any activities, of course not a risk or to again, is rasa, but even not just a gauge ball and poland. because we've got to say though it is a totally different and the short loose phone. and then sense of all the suboxone and the current sebastian prime minister robot fit. so is one of a few rational voices in europe today when it comes to the ukraine issue. he doesn't want to son weapons to ukraine. he wants peace um when you what probably minnesota on when you look now out the rest of the european union. nita's did you, as i imagine that we would see this kind of situation where people with hate phone id on
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a g would be celebrated within the european community on an old, to, to inflict defeats on russia. and the timing is, you know, so lucky our, but if you chose popular and has a particularly has got he's a scottish and as one of the 3 of 3, it actually was in your oh and the government is rosalyn stable is a lock. yeah. and the back end, of course, is all in 5 minutes or so as over government at that the best at present the best relations with any european union government on or abroad. minnesota s with i get a 100 and government and how good environment is to get ahold of bonds. so we saw
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back a supervisor and you got me and, and the is the bostic, they not, not very, very strong in, in, in, in, in international relations. that's why, so hockey, a root is over government who do the politics and which has a duplex and to is supporting the activities up to the buttons, activities of the environment and civic. there are button and i would probably just uh, add on that piece of property please. uh, some 2 weeks ago and just but a lock. yeah. it really has bug, but it probably not capacity to large its own activities.
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similar phones as the auto body. well that was young, caught on a ford escape, pull up prime minister of the boss you. thanks very much for giving us your time. and of course you will experience. thank you so much. thank you very much. well for myself on the team here, and most of it is the vice the sauce, we're actually going to travel safe side now. rick sanchez is waiting. your direct impact is off next. enjoy the the bad. it's a good day. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be as expected. talking about the
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barrett is the same old convention song. they play it every time, but a very different candidate. in many ways, i'm gonna tell you why this is direct impact. let's do this of the, oh my gosh, there is so much going on. and as we begin to show is this kind of a transitional dynamic that's taking place right now in america. so act sales is been reporting that about the same time that would be a sass and was taking a shot at the former president, trump democratic leaders. we're in this private meeting. this has been very under reported with president biden, and the meeting got really, really ugly democrats,
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say the, the meeting was quote, awful. they say when they tried to tell mr biden that his poll numbers were a disaster and that maybe he should consider getting out of the res. mr. bible started yelling at him seriously 81 years old yelling at them, according to reports and act seals and blaming them for not doing enough to tell people about his accomplishments. this is what actually is reporting at that, which is interesting that that's going on. that's what i'm talking about this transitional dynamic, because that's happening here. last night is janie vance, being introduced as the running mates at the republican convention center in j d failed areas vans received a very warm reception. why? because, well, i'll be honest with you right now. anything that trump touches is viewed positively,
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by the way, the fact advance used to, hey, on trump, once saying that he would rather vote for his dog than trump, or hillary clinton now makes mr. trump look kinda, you know, merciful for, for, for choosing a guy who used to criticize it at 30 nines vance would be the youngest vice president since richard nixon. he's a marine former marine who's only been a congressman since 2022. you know, what's interesting about this, not long after vance was introduced, mr. trump, with his ear bandaged, entered the convention hall. let's play back for the big the, uh, we got to hear
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a little bit of this. here we go. the business, you know, doesn't get all they play that song and every convention drum says he had a written speech that was apparently ready to go where he was gonna let joe biden to have it. but because of the attempted assassination, he says he's thrown away. and now he's going to deliver a more unifying speech. there it is. as we watch the former president, dear bandaged. let me bring in my colleague manila, cham um. did you watch some of this stuff? what your reaction watched. all right. first, i noticed a lot of differences in, in this particular convention and even the way the former president walks out 1st
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he was white. my. uh huh. yeah, no more. i want service. i wonder why do you notice it? right. a ton more. right. and i think the look on his face just, he appeared different. now i don't know if this is a temporary thing or if he is somehow a changed man because of, of this event. but one thing's for sure. rep. donald trump has had the best we ever . i mean, yeah, he attempted it was an attempted assassination. he serve. he lived to tell the story. he survived that by a near miss. he gets the court case down to florida. judge eileen panam, rolling that thing out. mm. hm dismissed. and joe biden is on the rope. yeah. and now the convention, and then he introduces j. do that. this guy that i think, i think chosen partially because of his view. and partially because of the story, the mist behind j, the van being the hill billy elegy. and you know, based on his,
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his memoir, his rights, whereas trump is known as a silver screen child. here you have the opposite in j d van. so i think this is the best week ever for donald trump. will you mention the, the, the assassination attempt? there's a remarkable new video out. it came out late last night. i, i played it on my, on the spanish version of the show. i want to show you this. now the video shows members of the audience. i don't know. you've seen this, but you've got to look at this. it's met members of the audience and trump rally. they're actually watching trump and all the sudden they look to the left and they see this guy, a gunman on the roof, and they actually try to point him out to the police. let's watch this together and listen to him. you'll hear trump speaking in the background here. there's no point in the pacific. yeah. so what's on top of the reflect various like
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the i thank them as a nice deal. yeah, explained in the what's happening in the yellow areas, the criminal. we have the men amazing officer off. there's a guy right there on the road there. point a now look at this reaction. this is from the r f k junior cab. this is a tweet from his son bobby kennedy. the 3rd whose great uncle john f. kennedy and his grandfather, uh, robert f kennedy were both assassinated. so here's
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a tweet i'm, i'm going to read it to you, right? let's put it up. that there it is. okay. it says unsecured rooftop. a 150 yards away. multiple witnesses saying they were screaming at the secret service and cops for 3 to 4 minutes. as they watched the guy with the rifle crawl to the spot and line up his shop. then he says, this, take your secret service and shove it up. your ad tom a gold part, i guess is the way maybe i should say it. yeah. i was surprised when i saw that manila, what's your reaction i'm, i'm not that surprised that that 3rd robert kennedy there is a is he's a millennial right. i think. yeah. in his late thirties, so i'm not surprised, but he use language like that. i mean, that's kind of par for the course in that age group on, on social media. but i think it's what's more surprising for it to come out from
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bobby kennedy, the 3rd to say something like that is that he is actually married to a c. i a officer. huh. so yeah, so given the, you know, the whole family, community, family background with the c, i a and all of that. and then he marries a c i, a agent went on to south and, and went and they remember me, his, his great uncle was assassinated and many say that the c i a and the secret service didn't do a very good job with that, nor did they do a very good job in los angeles when his grandfather was killed. so i mean, i think there may be a garage there. that is, is, is stuck in time for that family. a little strange, but before we go, listen, we've got a great guest coming on professor wolf, who's standing by in a little while. but before we do that, i want it. i want, there's another story i want to share with you. it's this according to a profile on a lot of merit, zalinski and reuters. the former community in turn,
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president is said to be dealing with severe bouts of quote paranoia as he cups with round the clock stress and fatigue. now apparently, some nato officials have given him something else to be very much stressed about. there is a new report in telegraph that says, ukraine is not going to be let into nato. and the reason ukraine is being told they will not be letting the nato is because it is too corrupt to corrupt manila, your reaction a hi, i, i, i, rick, i'm try to hold back some laughter. i don't, are you surprised? it's what i mean. i mean, is this somehow news 10 volunteers on wednesday? i don't, i don't understand that whole context of them, like they're there to nato is telling zalinski about his own well, 300 here. the guy is the think of it. he knows here's what, here's,
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here's what i think this is what's really going on here. i think somebody needs a story to get out of a mess. that's become too much of an internal man. and they can't just say we lost . we spent all that money. you know, $200000000.00 on a war that obviously it certainly looks by all military experts like russia is going to win. but can't say that. so they have to say, you know what, we're going to back out of this because there's too much corruption. and you create my guess you say what? well, here here here is this rick. if it's that it's strange. maybe not strange, but it's on the heels of donald trump's attempted assassination. yeah. and his spike in the polls and now every body is expecting this landslide victory. come november and you know, trump has said over and over. yeah. that he is going to stop funding and potentially nato, the war and ukraine just, he wants to end this war. so i think was zalinski knows the time is up. so nato has
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to come up with some sort of story because now they're prepping for a trump return. yeah. to washington and, and i guess that's the easiest way out. it's kind of, we easily on them. um, but, you know, it's, it's true. i think the, the word that di, since we're a little older than you and maybe the good professor richard wolf would use is the jig is up. i think that's the terminology guys up. i think i don't know. we'll have detective. and i will say that it's there. what is the correct the lab or? uh, thank you manila, always a pleasure. when we come back and when we go, i'm by somebody that i've learned so much from over the years professor of economics has called it like it is continues to do so. and he's going to join us right here just a little bit, stay there. so we'll be right back, the only 41 percent of you at the delta and i'm savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge
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of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way and like explain the basic income is that is like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone, just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached as needed. so here's how i would like them. maybe i don't know . i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve, and then just by virtue of your being here the. so welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. joining us now is the host of the economic update professor and economist dr. richard walls,
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who recently said this, about what's going on these crazy times were experiencing in america right now. the united states is a deeply divided deeply troubled society. these days, the empire which we built and ran for the last 75 years is declining. and there is richard wealth professor, thanks so much for being with us. thank you very much for the flattery of a flipping my presentation. despite my ad, i like that by the way. i just looked it up and marianne webster. you ready for this? i was right, did it, the jig is up, was the word i use and the definition provided by merriam webster is used to say that a dishonest plan or activity has been discovered and will not be allowed to continue . there you go, i got it right. absolutely. and believe me,
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it has been common knowledge. i follow the european press and i have for 20 years. it's been common knowledge run, pay story long before zelinski became the head. and since that, that is a corrupt country, even by the standards of other countries in europe, will have a lot to say about all that to do you think the fact that mr biden has put all his eggs in that basket is part of what is costing him so much added to obviously his being in bed with uh, being that at yahoo and uh, what is real is doing and guys are possibly killing a 186000 people according to the last mort. yes, i think it's the unquestionably part of what has gotten him into the dead and politically that he faces and the difficulties between now and november that are
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mounting literally as we talk to this war is a disaster. it was a bad idea in the beginning, both sides of russia and ukraine were close to an agreement that would've avoided the war very early in february, march, april of 2022. everybody knew that it was public knowledge was reported across the world. in many newspapers as far as johnson and joe biden said, no preventative and the rest is, is a very sad story. and i think of what americans don't understand. partly because of the way on this media. so often work is that russia is winning, that war, which should surprise no one rushes a very big and powerful country ukraine is neither of those. yeah. and even with all the weapons, you know it's, it's just, it's not enough not to verify the way i'm the opposite way that israel and gaza is
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a good, technically unfair fight. and we are on the wrong side of both of those. and you know, it's not just that it tells you something about a country that finds itself in these kinds of situations repeatedly. but, you know, recently i've been pay, i've, as all of us as americans have, i've been putting a lot of attention to jo biden's comments. not only because, obviously, he's way over the hill at 81. he mixes up as metaphors. he confuses tutoring with zalinski and confused trump with a couple of harris and everything else. not to mention the debate performance, but can i paint and all that aside. so recently he's been asked a series of questions about his presidency and he doesn't data. he's saying things like, for example, he says that he's winning and all the polls that he's been shown. he says that he did a marvelous job bringing nato together. he says is,
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is work in the middle east with gaza and, and what he's doing in ukraine has been remarkable. i mean, how can he be so out of touch? that's not to say everything is done as a disaster. but i mean, what's the reading? who would be talking to, how can there be such a disparate relationship between the reality that most americans see and what this? god bless them this man as a professor? well, here's an answer. we live in a culture that is more up to it. so i blogs in advertising, then any culture honors and advertising works in a particular way. the job of the advertiser is to tell you as many good things as possible about whatever it is they're trying to sell. and to hide as many things as possible. and from the people that they're trying to sell to. and so
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you end up with a kind of discourse or kind of speaking or presentation that is high, being the good off and making it all a hiding or denying the bad in which often we have to phase it will go to solve our problems that semester bite and it looks not just damn it, the republicans are doing your job is already done with their people who tell you as much good as they can tell you as little of negative as you can. we're being told of mr. vance, the newest fellow on the block, a, by the way, i was born in ohio, i'd come from that part of the country. also. we're being told wonderful things about him and some of them i'm no doubt are true. but in europe, the front page is the fact that, well, it asked the other day about what he thought about labor party winning the election in britain. and thereby moving politics in britain to the left, which is what it did. the election held on july of 4th right here was his answer.
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the united kingdom under labor may become the 1st is the alarm is country with a nuclear weapon. now, that's beyond stupid. yeah, i don't know what i, i don't have an adjective to capture what a new child is, a would say to the closest to ally that would be designed to offend and outrage every but the performance. but here's a, here's what's interesting about him, and this is why this whole thing gets so difficult to understand. sometimes his policy on ukraine seems to make sense. he seems to be saying, when it comes to you crime, we should leave well enough alone. it's none of our business and we shouldn't be subject to $100000000000.00 in some border dispute between 2 countries. yet when he
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talks about israel, for example, he was seemingly like to see almost every palestinian debt. so it's, it's fascinating, isn't it? trying to think of these guys out. yeah, it is. and it's mostly tells you about who have been the political sponsors there. there are major, don't come on. i mean we, we were smart enough in america to face the reality. the big headlines this morning when i got up was that the long mosque is going to give a 1000000 and a half dollars a day to mr. trump for the rest of the campaign. i mean, you know, the old joke that rich, you know, right? and we have the best government on the can buy. it's on display. and i think there you'll find the explanation for why you chose mr. vance and all the rest of it. it's about the money. and it's really correct tragic that we have that. you know, it's funny because when i talk to friends and i tell them they say, oh my god, rick sanchez, what are you doing these days?
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i said, well my perspective is much more global now, and i explained to them that there are people out there that they don't know who are as good, if not much better than most of our leaders and a and a and i, and i tell him about you know, the guy who's in the body, the guy who's in charge of india was a very interesting guy and very popular. and i tell them about how she and china has like 80 by percent approval. and i told them out just by what we say about president clinton, he has like an 80 percent approval. and that generally when, when he hasn't moved conference people to name and they listen to them and, and then i tell them how different that is from our country. and they look at me like i have orange coming out of my head. but it really is quite a disparity, was seeing some of these global south countries, the way they're being led, comparing them. i, i still, you love america. i love, i love this country, but i don't love its leaders and i don't love the system, but they're handing us. you get my point. oh,
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yeah. so i would urge and that's why programs like yours i is it important as they are the very simple fact? so let me give you the one more because it will drive the point home. this morning of the international monetary fund, a global institution in which denied states as participated for many, many decades. it showed its announcement which would periodically does about how the different parts of the world are growing. how successful are the economies in growing building their welf, improving life for their peep. okay, united states is expected in 2024 to grow 2.6 percent. europe, the euro loan is expected to grow 0.9 percent. okay, so let's say on average between one and 2 percent, then the same report. a couple of pages later tells us that india will grow
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7 percent this year and china will grow 5 percent the year. in other words, the 2 key countries in the brakes. mm global clock are growing 3 times faster than the and that's been trying for 30 years. you can pretend all you want, but it's changing the world. it's reorganizing the world economy and americans are having, 1st of all, celebrating a situation that then i'm no longer sitting on top of i watch this process and it's like watching a train slow motion heading towards the stone wall. yeah. it's amazing that there's this other entity out there that is knocking on the door and saying, let us say, and we want to be your friends. why do we have to have and why don't we have to have a nato and a bricks? why don't we combine them and all just get along? nope. nope. nope. nope. if we don't have enemies, we got big problems over here. we need to have the enemies. but by the way,
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speaking of people who love enemies, do the democratic party is going to get rid of jo, bottom and replace them with some other person. i don't know michelle obama, maybe the governor of michigan or california, or who knows as well. you know, the big donors are fighting it out. they're not going to do that in public. just like the big dollars we're finding out which of the 4 candidates and mr. trump has lined up as potential vice president. they were going to go for a j. d band has gotten tons of money from peter seal. and the whole group of tech 1000000000 is and consumer con valley. they were pushing for him. others were put. that's exactly what's going on here. i wish it weren't. i wish we were doing something that the mass of people in a so called democratic country are supposed to be doing. but that aren't we all spect gray. there's another certain point that is not going to wash anymore. we are all spectators. and at some point it's not going to wash. you always have
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a way with words professor, and that's why i like having you on it is so good to see. you can't wait to talk to you again. okay, do you mind a pleasure? take care of my friend. and that's our show. remember to always look outside your own box because as we always say around here, kind of our mission, really crews, they don't live in boxes or everywhere. i'm rick sanchez, will be looking for you next to the the attempted assassination of donald trump appears to flip the script of american politics from once the unified democrats in divided republicans. now the democrats
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are in disarray and trump rule supreme within the g o p. the debates and the shooting changed the foreign minister. so again, for all the addresses to you on security council, i'm blame the west sections that in the mid needs for the power and violence in the region. china has put tom's control tools within us on the phone to control, figure it out to washington on southern western sales to taiwan, ukraine's re branded as all but tanya and pro patch trip to europe off the one of the near not t units. members over this with the place at the house, but that kept the cabinet in moscow for myself. the whole team at ortiz 8.


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