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tv   News  RT  July 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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on the a cranes re brand at as of battalion prepares to tour europe after one of the new not to units members poses with a hitler quote at the hour sherwood's death camp memorial war full additions of the european union. the unhappy what we have been doing because they don't one piece. gary and foreign minister insist on trotting a course towards peace on the sidelines of the latest russian id and security council meeting. that's in budapest and face to the new address for trying to push him to boston based on the keys to gauge schools, including 6 belonging to congress, where i work based in kate's team. this is single becoming common place in
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wisconsin to click on the acceptance of it. and the unwrapped communications director speaks to our t following. the latest is really striking on the refugee camps and central gaza. 25 people died, mel sheltering at the agency school. the live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble. we're covering the top new stories from around the world. re branded members of the trains. neo nazi as of battalion are preparing to take your up by storm. they've announced a tour of several cities across the u. n. a bid to recruit more fighters. their 1st stop is paulette and were many thousands of civilians were massacred by the historic predecessors of as of who collaborated with hitler during world war 2. as we invite all of our people to meet with the soldiers of the 3rd assault brigade in 9 european cities, you wanted to get involved,
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but didn't know how coming to ask the professional military face to face only the truth about service in the brigade stories from the front line and the real military deal. the unit now calls itself, he trains a 3rd assault regrade, but their hearts and minds are still on the same place. one of the group's members posted a photo of himself posing with a quote by at all hitler while visiting the irish woods memorial and poland for over a 1000000 people were executed in the 19 forties and another image from the scene, the ukrainians, a girlfriend, the same reenacting a famous internet name about a burning house. that photo was supplemented by an audio track and titled baby on fire. for it, i'm joined now by former british diplomat and officer professor william melanson. professor goody, have you on the program with us and just hours after we broke that story here on our tea, the as of member who made those social media posts closed access to his accounts.
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what do you make of the, as these posts were made months ago, and similarly available publicly to all of this time as well as the former diplomats of the historian. i can say that clearly this is a complete false p r operation. i think a number of serious points needs to be made. firstly activism. the only history exists, you have the children of the grandchildren, all fanatics, fanatics who in the last world war, slaughtered over 100000 poles. and these, we do credit in fanatics. and of course, this is a reflection of effect. ukraine has never been a solid states was permanently changing board is any way. but that is very strange of that one of the port so called is going to be poland because a lot of cultural, remember the massive slaughter of over a 100000 women and children. i think it was in the summer of 1943. so it's a very contradictory book, small nick,
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public collection situation. let's also not forget that until very recently the f b r actually prescribe these fanatics now suddenly they don't anymore. so it's all very false and it's all pure a public relations. i mean, these people looked upon their, a number of real, fanatically, the, in the last floor. another thing we need to remember is that in trying to give themselves this new image, you know, you know, putting you close on with the evil inside they are. and actually proving that the so new liberal element, because they're trying to propose as liberals now actually the new or 40 terriers have a new facets and all these points need to be taken into account. and no one seemed to know those people who don't remember history are just going to be bamboozled.
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it's unbelievable. so we need more historical facts because otherwise, this whole thing is going to be, is going to say many ways. you know, because of all this, we still have a reasonable number of educated people. can you read who, who, who know what happened in the wall? who knows what do you happening since? who knows the role they play in the dreadful ousting of their legitimately to also ukraine in 2014. we know that. but because of the speed o p, all these days, people have very short memories. they don't have openings anymore. they have opinions with smartphones and things. so it was i refused to have what i have listed. so, and it goes on like the sofa. i'm afraid i look on it as a kind of floss. i'm not think it's going to end into is any way. as a final point, it's really important to make. i don't know if it's true or not, but uh, i have heard that uh, recently, one of these fanatics actually visited as well. now is that's true. that's
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absolutely bizarre, but it shows you one thing that in terms of the ukraine on what's going on with the mothers, mothers with children in palestine. is it, there's one country as the gods. those 2 errors and that's with united states of israel. title america, if you'd like to. that's amazing. the background. i'm sorry to be slightly cynical, but it's fossil cool. any more difficult questions? yeah, uh professor um professor allison, that's it. thank you for your time. unfortunately, we are gonna have to cut the interview short because we have um, some breaking news right now. we're going to go take you live to the united states for foreign minister, a circuit lab. rob is holding a news conference following his speech at the un security council session on the middle east. so let's listen in yesterday. and the same was said, and particularly during this open debate with a particular particular emphasis on palestine on the me least most resolutions on the, the middle east,
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on palestine and not being observed. and the 2nd open debate i've mentioned is still going on because many participants have spoken in favor of the resident steps to their position. coincides with i was the 1st things to do is to put in and to the house dedicated to the military alteration to announce. i mean definite ceasefire to address the even use the dia too many carrying situation and certainly pushing and to israel's activity is involving the construction of a legal of calling the settlements. and once that is done, we hope that this is going to be done. this will create the environment for resuming the un towards on the establishment of a palestinian state that is going to peacefully and security card exist with these . well, i would, presidency continues and the day after tomorrow july, the 19th. we've scheduled another round of open debate. it's going to be chad by my
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deputy team. missed that shooting. it's going to be dedicated to one of the relations between the u. n and the c h t o b c i. as some of those behind the su, i guess that's it. incidentally, so loose, i've had the series of silent roles with the ministers of arab states, with the 40 minutes of hungry as well as with the 40 minutes step of switzerland. so that's my summary. so let's go into drugs. did you? i'll take the questions down to you in correspondents association, please. thank you so much. thank you. mr. for minister on behalf of the united nation correspondent association. it's a letter back from us. the news wire. my question is the president will ask you a monday said that the rush just will be, should be represented the at
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a 2nd. the saw me the in on ukraine in november. we, you can see they're participating. why do you expect from this? thank you so much. related shows him a little bit of swell with scrubs of it and we've spoken on the subject on multiple occasions now and shared our assessments. the 2nd summit, as you point out, as a natural photo op to the paces which was launched a year ago when in copenhagen at the small group of states gathered together. um, it was uh, followed by a number of other meetings that close to copenhagen formats each and every time i was some county passed by who called by crew using different things that the dispatch office given promise is trying to draw as many countries to participate in those events as possible. and the last time the copenhagen fu much met in davos it happened in january and the margins of the world economic forum was to be used.
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right. dr. was they 1st mean issue, a section of the un security council on palestinian issue happened? it was checked by funds. i also participate in that event. this and my suisse cons about nazi o. cassie's also was in new york back then we had a meeting. it was their request. and so i said that yes, there was another copenhagen for much meeting in the margins of the was you cannot make for him. and after that, administer cassie's speaking to gently said that it was impossible to reach an agreement with the russians. participation, so i asked him if you're convinced of that why, who didn't have the meeting. that wasn't a response. but the response is as follows. they've taken a course the to what's pushing by any means of the circle with the landscape plans
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which are too large extent, looks like an ultimatum. and my sweet counts. but who owns me back in january? the office of that they were owed at peace summit. but it was not the summit per say, it was a peace conference. yes, it was attended by in the number of eaters. but most of those who came to the conference were represented at a lower level. it was a month ago and black and stuck in switzerland. uh that's where the meeting was held. and after that, the, everybody's ready of participants shed very restrained. it's not negative. the assessments of the outcome of that meeting. we could get back to that place. but let me get back to the 2nd somebody that you have mentioned off of the
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construct both savanski and some west and. and then the representatives started a floating, the idea of a 2nd to son med sizing, switzerland and other countries that good offer platform for the 2nd round of that conference. but speaking about the subject, they would broach at that conference that everyone without exception of came up with some uni latrell approaches, which is unacceptable to boss and to most were interested in peace. so it ask you said that in vegas that they made the 1st step. they made the 1st jump to what's a piece of summit. and you said now we have to prepare a document which is going to be put on the table before russia to make sure that different powerful country is attempted to secure an ends to this war.
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what that means is difficult to descend. the one thing that is said is the, is it ask is formula is unacceptable and everyone knows that. but still this formula underlies all of the proposals. so this, so speaking about peace attempts, for some reason everyone is speaking about bugging stuck aloud. no one speaks about china is an issue for them though that has been several initiatives coming from china at the beginning of this year. and then later there was some other initiatives just recently the china together with brazil came up with the new elements of this, an issue to see if i'm not going to numerate them. but the main difference from zillow ask is formula. and from what is happening, doing the copenhagen format consist in the following to start with china, brazil, and many other countries that have joined them. quote, for a conference based on the principles and funding manuals that are going to be acceptable to all parties. secondly,
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the with regard to the substance of the dialect, china dream, it's fast and initiative, a safety that attention has to be given to the original root causes of the current crisis in europe. and agreements had to be made according to china, on how to remove those original causes. but neither julie knew copenhagen fool met, nor drew in bug and start a little. but no one spoke about the original cause as we spoke about that yesterday. in particular, when we spoke about the crew data, the bond on the russian language, physical file and acts with the use of the armed forces against those regions of ukraine that refused to recognize as legitimate those who arrived in power uh during the crew to todd the means degree means no one intended
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to stick to or since you were speaking about the evolution of the spaces as a ho, well they say that russia needs to withdrawal back to the 1991, which is for the o problem consists. and the fact that we've been lied to the future. if in february 2014, with leslie, the agreement that was signed by president dental coverage on the one and on the opposition of the out of that had been observed. i need consisted in establishing a national unity government and in cooling early in the presidential election. so had this agreement being observed, ukraine would still be in it's 1991 board is. but this agreement was sabotaged by the very people who signed that agreement and from the opposition side, right up to up to the crew data. after seizing the administrative buildings, they said they were revisiting the stages of the russian language. they demanded
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that russians should liberate crime me. uh, i mean, those russian speaking people who lived there and because of that it was impossible to preserve you create in the 1991 board is crime. you had a referendum and not a single person whose objective doubts that this is how it got back to russia. whereas those who refuse to recognize the coup d'etat, they would declare that's terrorist. the armed forces are terribly, the efforts have been employed against them. they resisted and beg them that part of ukraine seized to be part of the agree. after the mask agreements happened, we put an end to what had been unfolding the means. agreements stipulated these republics that declared their independence. first, it was stipulated that they would remain in ukraine,
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provided that they was granted the special stages and that state as didn't involved anything complicates 1st. they had the right to the police, like here in the us, where at the level of the states, the police force, as they also had uh, they wanted the russian language state is to be a guarantee they had. they wanted the ride to nominate that around the judges and prosecutors. this is more or less the same what the prison background has promised to corsica. i don't know whether he is going to succeed in that. so have the means to agreements have been implemented. let me keep ukraine would have remained in the 1991 buddhist minus crime. it goes back then. no one spoke about the crime. yet at all. april 2022. after the start of the special notary operation, we spoke on multiple occasions and in great detail about the origins of this decision. because it happens after many yes. during which we came up with the
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warnings saying that need to have to stop it's eastwood expansion nazi regime. had to be rained in because they were trying to prevent the use of the russian language. they didn't want the impression speaking people to live in the territories of that one native to them. so also many warnings in april 20 to 2022. if uh, the eastern bull agreement had been signed, the then the grain would have remained in the 1991 buddhist minus cried me a and minus that part of the tells you which back then was under the control of the russian forces. but it turned out that we were lied to a bag then as well when they were telling us that this agreement was the past due piece. well, maybe the ukrainian, me guess who does what? since yeah, because the initials the agreement. but as the chief negotiate, uh,
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we think the admitted and in the interview bar is johnson arrived and to yeah, forbid them from signing the gigi. so the susie was not signed. so every time we're trying to show goodwill and put an end to this crisis, which just does have more than a decade ago. and each time we manage to arrive at a certain understanding on both sides, each time this understanding is undermined, not by us, but by the premiums of them most as on multiple occasions. but isn't pushing said that. and just recently, he has a reservation that he said we are willing to discuss the situation and the security in the regents. but of course, we need to stop by addressing the root cause is and we should take into account the need to secure brush of security interest not to the detriment of someone else's security interest. but in the context of general agreements, the
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o. c has failed because all the principals underlying the o c, such as the equipment, indivisible, security, not reinforcing by security at the expense of other security. one of that has been coupled upon wishing i don't think i would see has a been unemployment of what you were atlantic concept of security just as europe is because it's about europe and comprises europe and the country is on the other side of the atlantic ocean. namely, the us and canada, and a tens of both within nato and within the l. e. c o, v on the go, washington pursue is, is do subject to its will. all the countries that are part of these organizations associations and also to subject to the will, the executive structures of, uh, the always the nato. and right now the, you have to recognize nato as
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a senior partner saying that it is willing to provide is cherry tree. and also to agree on share defense policy. so once again, we are willing to engage in tools, but given the deplorable experience of our previous thoughts with the ukrainians and with the west, an agreement which i hope is going to be achieved at a certain point in time and agreement on european securities here. and uh, if it provides a basis for settling the cleaning process, then we're going to be very careful when we analyze the document and we'll do everything you know, a power to include causes which will prevent a, the illegitimate or malicious interpretations from being implemented. thank you. hi minister issue that you're with kind of central television up on may 28th us
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president bite. and when the accepting interview he said, and i quote china good and you called me that's on the brink there. according to your observation, how's the performance of chinese economy? and can you tell us why the an economy that's on the brink, there would be a what nato called decisive in april or of the ukrainian conflict. what, what was the last race? he said it's an economy on the brink. so how can an economy on the break become a decisive enabled or that's what, what the nato's come munich set on china to become nibbler of the russian ukraine conflict revolution. but here it is. clear to everybody. i think within yourself. okay, i think that it is clear how this relates to reality. the chinese economy is booming. so she had,
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it's quite powerful throughout attempts to stop this developments. and recently, when the president, she was in france, there was also a slip on the line talking to mike crohn with them. they the representatives of the you stated publicly, so could i please offer these talks so that they didn't mind china almost the, to reduce the production of us. it's of a high tech goods because the west is losing the competition. how is that compatible with the principles of free markets and honest competition? the west is trying to, as there is the pen to the chinese economy and slowed down. so, so among those that mattress really besides the demanding that they reduce their high tech product production, they're also trying sanctions targeting various sectors of the economy. but there is no doubt that the more restrictions they impose, the good of that this credit,
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the model that the west had promoted itself is, is completely the globalization model. but the more they do this in the streets, the more they impose these of restrictions. and the more aggressive to issue, they are exclusive to those who often mazda is of the bretton woods system which used to exist. so the more active will use, what i'll do will split up other countries be superficial countries. while i targeted the more active they will be in creating their own products and technologies that includes china and the russian federation and others. as to china, there is also an interesting statement i wrote i read recently. i think it was a statement by a young stilton book, but i could be mistaken. he was commenting on the joints, but attracts
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a sizes to try and build routes and buildings from territory. and here, seriously, it typically said that it's a very dangerous thing because china is moving towards nato. the fact that the west has moved close to china long ago that the surrounding china and russia, it's happening on our borders. so they've established all these books structures, orcus excuse me, in the united states. so just all right, you have a revising 6 us making agreements with south korea. so let's click on the joint nuclear policies. they're trying to break as the, in the pot to pull some of the countries towards their own, from close to types of block structures. and they, to itself decided to push its infrastructure to the into pacific region as they call it. and they are already making practical steps. appreciating the stalson book
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also stated with young when asked, what does this mean? he always said your defense of alliance. he said, yes, we are remain a defensive alliance. but beauty to avoid the threats to our lines on our, of a global character. so we have to move to the into pacific region to you. oh, i think the group, i think the, there's, this isn't putting you on just nature of disposition is obvious. we are what we have worked with of china and other partners spot of the seo with the as the and with the golf corporation council. but monday is a plus and we are working to promote you. but as the school is above the creation of a ration security model, a model which wouldn't be based on the quality and indivisibility of security and
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the full mutual consideration of interest, the mother, as well as the balance of such interest. i think that is the model of the future, but you will send you a time will have to pass before it can happen. that the president's recently spoke at the minister of foreign affairs of russia to the people of bland underscored. cc me with this initiative will give that group assume that the rage and security system will be open to all countries on the ration continent, including those who happen to be in the west and part of your ration around that. if and when these countries understand that the nato centric blocks are a path leading to the wrong direction. you know how you are if is currently suffering economically because it's forced to, to take up the button for the lion's share of the burden of the sanctions. because they were forced to stop buying gas and they were forced to buy american gas. well,
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they have not fully transition, but it disputes, there are conversations about those. they've blown up the pipelines that could provide the wellbeing for germany. and especially if you're so off to the sanctions were imposed bullshit and abuse. they started paying more for energy efficient is one of $200000000000.00 more. and the varies loss and insulation adopted in the united states. which led to european businesses moving to the united states . we're seeing a d industrialization which is threatening europe. so is it a bring core isn't to bring your phone and you for me to tell you. i think it's a group not quite appropriate to assess the chinese economy based on 2 political interests. the fuck, the little girl was. i think we should be guided by the facts on the ground.
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the 2nd one for the 3rd of the 2 gigs each. because we just as well, so i'm just going complete minnesota for sure. and i believe how to get more of that. but you can the double standards, the policy of the us and the me listening and you're phone. you can lead to a full scale war. on the one hand, there is obviously a full failure to comply and that was the security council resolutions, for example. and guys are on the other hand, a lovely one. there's the immunization of some awesome his beloved most popular fist are dangerous that can you provide the run will enter a full scale war with israel. thank you. save letting you go to duluth, pollution of the statements made by the previous leaders of the run and the newly elected president. i thought was the question. if you have some reflect a very responsible position. so if you're around is, let's go,
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let's not interested in extra time in an escalation storm. so if we read you were to do the analysis published in the united states and europe. so because it's the, the escalation is something that israel wants to see. so which is it has paula is making a very regional know sort of little careful steps 0 and use critical pollution to see what any professor is like it's making reserve steps. it's lita striegel, of course we've put us, has voiced use opinions and confirmation of this. you remember so, but there's a feeling that we there's an attempt to provoke the committee to to involve has paula to look to more fully. it's only from the goal of this provocation, which is to involve united states, according to these on lists, so that the united states armed forces are directly involved in this conflict. you're sure that you screws up. i hope very much. your looks that the west will do everything it can.


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