tv News RT July 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT
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to the we are ready for negotiations, but given the sad experience of conversations and consultations with the west and ukrainians, when it comes to an agreement, we will of course, look very carefully at the wording and will put safe guards in this document against repeated, unscrupulous non negotiable interpretations, russian foreign minister a circuit offer of answers, questions from international media following his address to the united nations security council. the tops diplomat reaffirms that moscow is ready to resume negotiations over the ukraine prices. but only if it's conditions are address. ukraine's re branded as of fatality and prepares to tour europe after one of the neo nazi units, members hoses with a hitler 12 at the irish with the cam memorial and the german
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magazine is banned after publishing an interview with russian foreign ministry spokesman. maria's a har about the journalist says the bad reflects how free speech is under attack in germany. freedom of speech, something wonderful in history had been exterminated. nothing more pomp of history. no more freedom of speech. any one dominic, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching artsy, international, foreign minister, a circuit lobrado, spoke with journalist following his speech at wednesdays. un security council session on the middle east. and his conference covered regional and the global security issues with the russian official. comparing washington's policy in ukraine with events in afghanistan. so let me just estimate as a,
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we sincerely try and good faith every time to extinguish this crisis that began more than 10 years ago. and every time it looks like we come to some kind of mutual understanding each time these understandings are destroyed, not by us, but sy, ukrainians and their owners. and by the way, now they repeat it like a montrose, if we will support ukraine for as long as it takes, i wonder how long it will take in afghanistan. it took 20 years to realize that you lost or is it true that in iraq, which you also a band and they are now trying to stay despite the decision of the iraqi parliament that the united states should withdraw its troops. there will be the same approach to ukraine as they took in libya for the state to collapse. and now everyone is gluing parts together for them. yesterday, peter c, r to the hon. gary and foreign minister spoke on this topic. he said that he was always sure that the u. n. was created in order to communicate with everyone. so it turns out that everything is not so right now. the west has decided that it was created in order to bolster its exorbitant ambitions to play the role of hedge them
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on, on the world stage. i think the united states will understand at some stage that it is better to be part of a constructive process rather than running around with the baton, sanctioning military and the other and forcing everyone to dance to their, to more over the, to and often changes their for years and another to the russian foreign ministers spoke about how the recent events in switzerland were not serious. and then how russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning. but these negotiations have to be realistic. negotiations that are not just and the pounding the podium and demonizing russia. but actually amd at the escalating tensions and getting the conflict toward a ceasefire and resolution. zip schools, not but i w and a course has been taken to push through the so called zelinski plan at any cost which has a pronounced form of an ultimatum. and my swiss colleague warranty in january that they would hold a piece summit after the copenhagen format meetings. but as you know,
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the summit did not work out. it turned out to be a peace conference. and several heads of state actually participated in it. but the vast majority of those who eventually arrived were represented at a lower level. this meeting took place in the swiss birkenstock, after which the vast majority of participants expressed such restrained, if not negative assessments in terms of its results. it turned out that both within the framework of nato and the o s. c, e. the only goal pursued by washington is to subjugate all the countries that are part of the structures and to subjugate the executive apparatus itself. both the o s. c, e, and now the european union have signed an agreement with nato, according to which it recognizes nato as a senior partner. and is ready to help nato in every possible way. and by all means providing its territory, coordinating defense policy and so on. we are ready for negotiations, but given the sad experience of conversations and consultations with the west and ukrainians, when it comes to an agreement that i hope will be reached at some stage of european
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security. and in this context, the ukraine crisis will be resolved. then we will of course, look very carefully at the wording, and we'll put safe guards in this document against repeated unscrupulous non negotiable interpretations. in his remarks, he reflected on us efforts to crush the economy of china and tell china what products they can produce. in addition to that, he talked about how the use of sanctions by the united states are starting to backfire with new channels of global trade. emerging countries trading with each other without the united states or the western banking system functioning as the middle man. and how all of this in the long term is not really going to benefit the united states and its people. the world seems to be shifting. now he specifically addressed the rise of india on the global stage and us efforts to stop india from asserting itself as a regional and global power. this usually populated country with a very big economy, zalinski, zelinski, or someone from as team took offense to render modi's visit to russia, calling it
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a stab in the back to all peacekeeping efforts. the indian ministry of external affairs invited the ukrainian ambassador and explained to him how to behave. i think india is very dignified. after some western tour, my colleagues to brahman, young josh and car was asked why india has started buying more oil from russia. he gave statistics showing that the west has also increased its purchases of gas and oil from us despite restrictions. and he said that it is up to india to decide how it trades with whom it trades and how to safeguard its national interest. but the fact that the west makes claims even to such powers as china and india means firstly shows a lack of culture and inability to engage in diplomacy at all. and secondly, it is a failure of political analysts. she went into detail that describing the humanitarian catastrophe. and also talking about how the united nation seems to be talking out of both sides of its mouth condemning the bombing of hospitals and has
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rarely atrocities but not really holding israel accountable for crimes against the palestinian people. now he emphasized that russia would like to see a ceasefire in gaza, a ceasefire that can pave the way to negotiations, the returning of the hostages, etc. and ultimately, ross who would like to see the military operation being carried out by israel brought to a close and from there they could then resume negotiations toward the establishment and international full recognition of a palestinian state. and that is what russia would like that at the same time that russia and the overwhelming majority of the international community, more or less wants this. there are very clearly forces that are trying to escalate the conflict in gaza to a whole nother level that involves the entire region associated with the eclipse. believe it feels like there is a will to provoke hezbollah as experts believe in order to ensure the us to interest the conflict directly. i hope the west will do everything to make sure these thoughts. if israel ever has them, will remain more than thoughts or better yet these will be forgotten. we're doing
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everything to suit the situation in yemen. as soon as the truth is blocked, the red sea, the us and u. k. sent a fleet there, instead of seeking ways to de escalate. they decided to use military force. some politicians clearly want to utilize regional factors to kindle a bigger war here. this is a short sighted and blind alley policy. we actively stand against it with our allies, like arrow countries and the islamic world. it must not be allowed to happen. since the focus on what he was saying, he emphasized multi polarity, the new world. it's rising the new economy that is taking place and emerging in the developing world with russia and china at the center of it. and why western leaders should give up this superior already complex. they seem to have this notion that they will always sit at the center of the global economy and always have the right to dictate the countries around the world. how they should conduct themselves, how their governments should function and who they should trade with, and how their economies should be set up. the re branded members of
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ukraine's neo nazi as our battalion are preparing to take your up by storms. they've announced a tour of several cities across the u in a been to recruit to more fighters. the 1st stop is poland, where many thousands of civilians were massacred by the historic predecessors of as off who collaborated with hitler during world war 2. as we invite all of our people to meet with the soldiers of the 3rd assault brigade in 9 european cities, you wanted to get involved, but didn't know how come and ask the professional military face to face only the truth about the service. and the brigade stories from the front line and the real military deal. when big games here in paris or music festivals. and these are not what you're seeing the summer. well then maybe you want to fork over 1520 years to go hang out with a bunch of ukrainian new nazis at the intercontinental hotel in berlin, or to let them or gail you alongside one of your largest picasso collections at the
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lug big museum in call because ukraine's 3rd a self per day is all over social media right now. advertising a european summer tour of 9 cities and 6 countries, starting in just a few days billed as the are people are everywhere. tour with admissions available for a purchase on a european ticketing site alongside acts like the band 30 seconds to mars. concert is stumble and many provinces as late as tour. instead of those shows, people can be entertained by neo nazis with quote stories from the front. according to their online promotion, puts reminder that this is the same unit of the training army that was created from as off battalion veterans and was trained by for example, among others. the french army here in france, just last year. as media power revealed, there was a big scandal with that here in france because despite doing their monkey bar and
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broke climbing exercises with the french here at camp next of kin in their downtime, it appears that they were busy slapping ss division emblems higher hitler slates, and photos of the fewer all over their social media accounts, which was kind of a bad look for france. so the government just avoided answering altogether. but habits die hard, really because before their big summer tour has even kicked off, one of the units decorated members has been posting photos of himself doing some european sightseeing. maybe he's doing a bit of an advance to or maybe he can write this off on his taxes as a business trip. first stop aspects, of course were a bunch of jews were killed by nazis during the sacrament. moore, he had a photo taken of himself. there with a quote on the back of a t shirt, attributed to hitler by french resistance member and historian, jacked it out here that quote, being where we are. there is no place for anyone else. now where would a guy get
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a nazi slogan t shirt from a new nazi clothing collection the. it's from the militant zone, neo nazi music label apparel. with this particular t shirt being attribute to the debut album of a black metal neo nazi group whose full name is ukrainian is very subtle. hitler's hammer. this guy also brought his girlfriend along with him to obviously it's how romantic hint girl run. this is a major red flag, but i'm guessing that someone who doesn't pick up on neo nazi symbols is probably not going to pick up on red flag either. anyway, he posted a shot of her standing in front of the house with, alongside a popular internet means of burning building and little girl kind of standing there like she through the match. and all this he set quite artistically, i guess he does say in his profile and instagram, he's an artist. so i guess this is what he means. he's set it to a sound track of
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a song called ab on fire. there's another photo of him standing in front of a convicted nazi work. criminal slogan, herman goering, quote, marriage between jews and subjects of the state of germany or related blood are forbidden is what it said. and this, as i've guys standing there with a big smile on, is face in front of it, like he's in line to ride magic mountain. the era disney his girlfriend apparently couldn't help herself and commented under that one. she said it's so good not to be a jew. yeah, thanks captain. obvious you're, i wish we had stuff kind of the whole theme of the place. yeah. picture did suck to be jewish with nazis were running around europe. thanks for the reminder. speaking of which a bunch of jews were killed in poland back then. and this is where as off is officially launching their tour. and no one really seems to phase by any of this incredibly, like being
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a neo nazi is suddenly just super bad ass and fool now or something thanks to their normalization by guys like former british prime minister for as johnson who literally post for photos with a nazi symbol, as all the banner, well folks around him at british parliament just stood there and hear them welcome to also at stanford university several months ago as heroes. but after the university, which is a really elite university in the us, had to defend allowing a neo nazi group to speak on campus. a stanford research group has now just stricken as off right off its list of extremist organizations. but the us government, at least surely holds itself to a higher standard than stanford taking great care to avoid arming a bunch of guys who keep reminding everyone that they're new. nazis right off to summer review, ukraine's 12 special forces as of brigade possibly event. thing is carried out by
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the us department of state, while the state department could just not find any evidence of view naziism the canadian parliament couldn't needed a debt to fi, a bona fide genuine article old school ukrainian nazi straight out of world war 2. when he was propped up right in front of them, we have here in the chamber today you screening canadians, ukrainian canadian. busy veterans from the 2nd world war who fought ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even that is age of $98.00, the ok. so you can see that they are a little confused there because they all just figure that any ukrainian killing
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russians was a hero. even back then, when russia was western allied against the nazis. but after this way, this decision by washington to outright send those neo nazis of the as off battalion and this unit weapons the crime was picked to put the church back into the middle of the village, so to speak. such as something change in washington's position suggests that they do not shy away from anything in their attempts to suppress russia using of course, you creighton in the ukrainian people as a tool in their hands. they are even ready to float with neo nazis. yeah, so a bit of a reality check there. the west keeps getting caught, having to explain why they're backing a bunch of neo nazis and they seem keen to just read a fine reality is through their own interest. rather than having to explain what the heck they're doing. former british diplomat, an author of william melanson, says only people like in education and historical knowledge would be attracted to this kind of tour. a very strange is that one of the ports of call is going to be
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poland because a lot of colds will remember the massive slaughter of over 100000 women and children. i think it was in the summer of 1943. so it's a very contradictory, focused more on a public relations situation. let's also not forget that until very recently the f b r actually prescribe these fanatics now suddenly they don't anymore. so it's all very false and it's all pure public relations. i mean, these people looked upon data, another real fanatic leader in the last floor. another thing we need to remember is that them in trying to give themselves this new image, you know, you know, put the new clothes on with the evil inside. they are actually proving that the so new liberal element because they're trying to propose as
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liberals now actually the new or 40 terriers has a new fashion and all these points need to be taken into account. and no one seemed to know those people who don't remember history are just going to be bamboozled. it's unbelievable. so we need more historical facts. there's a lot of publicity in this. i mean, it's only going to affect the least educated people who especially increasing number of course because of the speed and greed, of digitalization every with the lack of interest or understanding of history and frustration among a lot of young men in an unstable situation in europe. i think these, these people are simply going to have to get support from these kind of stable young men, i'm afraid who they would hope we joined them. probably we, we with the money as well, of course, because it'll be very well financed by various people's adults. as it like to try to cancel them because that will make them look even more embarrassed. what would
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happen in was so i don't know. i mean, i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of polls come out in few already demonstrating against the east fanatics. but i would be surprised if they'd uh asked me to, i think those them down because that would look good for most of which it would be . and i think that's all they care about. now remember, this whole thing is the on test strategist intel of the, wherever it is with america in london, hopeless facing this thing done. so we can see the people, they can see the only the strategies and the profits. so the people become almost irrelevant. and i do remember that's a lot of these people would be russian speakers who are, who haven't yet been liberated, you know, from the ukraine. the cause many of them will have gone away. of course they don't have to come back to anyone who goes doesn't want to come back. if they come back, they'll be forced. i think that's connect. so connect to forward to this crazy
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european tour of the fanatics was a new name. what's neo nazi groups getting a pass in europe? news media, providing russia's point of view is not germany has just banned the magazine, the interview, the russian foreign ministry spokesman, maria's, the heart of the she claims her comments were just facts, being hidden from german citizens. also suggesting berlin's actions are being dictated by washington and are harming the country's economic interest. the last you asked me a question, how long it will take to technically open the nord stream pipe. if we don't take the financial, legal and security issues into account, which will also need to be addressed, then surely technically the resumption of gas deliveries to germany through the only on damaged north string pipeline is a matter of weeks. more over this answer is not from a political department. it is an answer that is based on the data of the supplier company. i want to use your media to tell the german audience once again, that russia in its current capacity as the russian federation and russia as the
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successor of the soviet union. and the soviet union has never proactively stop supplying gas to europe to the european union. i will remind you the soviet union was actually in a state of cold war with nato countries. and germany is anita country and the other western european countries were nato countries as well. and despite this, russia supplied its natural resources. the system is changed. the soviet union is gone. new country, new legal system in general. everything is new, new constitution, new laws, new taxes. we used to have no taxes, only party contributions. taxes appeared, everything changed except one thing. gas has always been supplied. the fact that germany does not receive russian gas is only because the united states of america has forbidden germany to do so. and the thing noted, states of america used to intimidate the german government. they did it directly publicly through diplomatic channels during negotiations. and this thing is germany
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continued to receive gas, then germany would be held responsible by the less compact magazine editor and shave has called the band the worst attack on the press. freedom in germany and decades saying it's more typical of 3rd rank actions than that of democracy. we spoke to 100 mill. busy who conducted the interview and he shared how police officers came knocking at the editor's door. everything was taken away and use mobile phones, the mobile phone, office, office wife computers, every single, also planned out of the office house of the office. it was very all in the morning when he stepped out in his uh, what was it in mississippi drama? it didn't expect anything, he will. and then people surrounded by, by police. all the explanations are really ridiculous. of course then i will, i will send the paper with a concessions did. so it said the usual type of
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a concession when ever somebody says something in germany that is against the totalitarian, admitted to of the political government, marine people as longer to people off law. but of course, specialist people last longer. none of these people's allegedly are and to do people allegedly support empty semitism. people allegedly taught hate refugees. so you know that this is the classical list of interest ation. there is a what is used in, in germany. it has been useful for, i think, since more than a decade to make a position shut up. meanwhile, the german interior minister has taken to our social media to boast about cracking down on compact magazine. and this was the reason she gave for it's shut down is have all i to the sky 6 today. i have banned the right wing extremist compact
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magazine compact is the main force at the right wing extremist, seen. it follows a clear agenda, networking, right wing extremist and spreading f i submitted. conspiracy audiologists. the self explanatory goal is to destroy our free society. the ministers only entitled to pro good social clubs, the civil society organizations, nor must media nor companies, but come but compact is a group of companies and it's social most media. it's one of the leading oppositional saw the most media. so by declaring compact a social club, social club, usually play football, more or less, there is such a huge infringement of the german legal system. i think the worst that's gonna ever happen since the end of the 2nd floor. and by miss miss naming compact social clock only on this grounds. the interior minister prohibited compact and of
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course, before court, comfortable, you'd be right. because the minister acted not on the basis of a little box. when will this happen? this decision of cloth will have them in one year in 2 years in 3 years. and that is how the political system in germany works. this is how they exterminate the economic existence of people who do not comply with the routing freedom of speech. something wonderful in history had been exterminated. also nothing more. it's part of history and the freedom of speech any more in germany. unfortunately, the guilty on all charges that is the verdict for us democrats, senator bob menendez, who has been convicted on charges of corruption and bribery of foreign governments
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. menendez dismissed the judgment, calling himself a patriot and accusing the jury of putting members of the senates at risk. i have never violated myself. i have never ever been to risk a thing but despite for climbing is innocence and patriotism, the lawmaker was convicted of 16 different towns related to bribery and extortion. before the verdict, he was known for his outspoken support for a new train and punishing russia while accusing trump of acting as a for an agent for moscow. europe's latest effort that they hopefully will consolidate this week of having a oil and gas embargo against russia will be
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a huge blow moving forward. we must do more to focus this tool on russia. the primary source of so much of the corruption we see around the world uh at a time that ukraine is having a day of national, remember. and for all of those lives that have been lost, we get a message that the president is seeking to cut off $250000000.00, something that we haven't been advised of at the senate foreign relations committee . so the president here is, it's totally up, i can't understand is not, there is no good policy reason. this isn't about money. we gave a record amount of money to the administration in this past deal. and we heard from legal and media analysts line on his says the menendez corruption verdict will negatively impact the democratic party and its pro key of funding policy of the problems that many, many people had with the notion of funding ukraine was accountability. is there an accounting? where does the money go?
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how do we know which actually getting to wherever it supposed to? uh, to go. do you grading and be able to get this is a part of the military industrial complex. this is precisely one of the reasons that people showed concern is who account for money? cool. okay. where, where do funds go? who? who exactly are you? are you healthy? i would venture to say that if you sat down with the good sen, wow. they used to be good janitor and ask them questions about let's really go through the, the background of this particular issue. ukraine varies barge. i don't think anybody would know. and by the way, especially now, with what's going on in the country now with the elections. it's all been forgotten and, and, and right now with all that is going on, the democratic party doesn't know what they're doing and what you're going to see. brace for impact. you're not going to recognize this democratic party,
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which app you are not going to believe. what you're going to see the next a year or 24 years. all right, well that's look at the news for now, but in the meantime, be sure to visit our website ortiz. com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the the pan. it's a good day. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be as expected. talking about the barrett is the same old convention song. they play it every time, but a very different candidate. in many ways. i'm gonna tell you why this is direct
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impact. let's do this. the, oh my gosh, there's so much going on. and as we begin to show there's this kind of a transitional dynamic that's taking place right now in america. so act sales is been reporting that about the same time that would be assassin was taking a shot at the former president, trump democratic leaders. we're in this private meeting. this has been very under reported with president biden, and the meeting got really, really ugly. democrats say that the meeting was quote, awful. they say when they tried to tell mr biden that his poll numbers were a disaster and that maybe he should consider getting out of the race. mister bible started yelling at him seriously, 81 years old yelling at them. according to report.
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