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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the year they had a lot of them was not the yet on the plains grounded with thousands of passengers affected news channels. all fact, i'm fine. all 9, a huge i t outage for the tail to global net was communication systems with the culprit us. cyber security, so i'm proud to strike fees. it says a plummet down faces square. to me, the company's victoria is a tied to intelligence agencies that have bought cheap because of the american small cap. also had the a so called suicide and drove the strike state building near the us some of the sea and had
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a beef reportedly connect one house. and on entering several of the from the top, the great news stories from all around the globe. this is all to international. it's great to have you with us this friday. well, in case you missed it, millions of people are stuck staring at been a torres, blue screen of death. but i want to play not here in russia, amid a global cascade of digital outages, the most function country in the world has not reported any issues with its services on systems such remarkable resilience has been attributed to the so called import substitution strategy that's made wash of course will self reliant of the kremlin says everything appears to be walking without a hitch. well, friday is global problem started with a fluid update by. c or can cybersecurity from crowd stripe that affected microsoft
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window use is now the issue rapidly. so we pulled into an avalanche that struck many digital systems. so it is the west and well that has been hit the hardest, the number of american airlines canceled flights. the london stock exchange stuff, the technical problems, the bridge of scar news channel interrupted it's bold costs, not here at all team. well, at ports in berlin, i'm to them prague and madrid. have reported delays as check and how to present of 9. we saw in israel hospitals, all the health services also affected and apples across asia and the pacific region will suff based issues in japan. for example, mcdonald's suspends is about a 3rd of its restaurants. well, the business line suffered problems of both powers and hong kong, and the list of impacted companies keeps running autism, me, but it's just been breaking down the chaos from a unaffected studio here in most now of course the massive crash has enough down to
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windows operating system as well as banks and airports. it's vis said that cross tri cuz the security firm was the one behind it. and the c o, the firm came out saying that the issue has been identified and that they are currently working on it. now of course, no one was exempt from this because media outlets were also off air, including, for instance, kind use. of course the european stocks are well i'm. it induces the situation and banks were all, are also down according to the bank of israel. they came out with the statement saying that the malfunction, as essentially produce the partial effect on the nation's banking system. south africa's biggest bank has also seen issues nationwide, but when it comes to airports, passengers are essentially trending us. airlines have as have halted old flights due to communication issues. roland has also rounded all slides and now airports
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have gone old school. now their handwriting were the passes for passengers. whether it be in hong kong or even in india. another point is it's been reported that the perez lympics committee committee system has also seen issues deals fairly and government has called for an emergency meeting as well due to the situation to figure it out. home security internet as well as emergency services are all suffering according to danish authorities. they want that fire alarm systems are now unable to transmit uh, a warning to responders. but it's quite interesting because, well, all of these western institutions are suffer and it seems that ross shaw has not had any trouble. russian air travel system as well as the railways have seen no trouble at all. and the major ad bank in russia, which is a bond,
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has also been working properly. we've heard from the ministry of finance, of russia that came out and stressed the importance of domestic systems. stressing that essentially this shows the importance of not relying on any for for and systems. um, now the situation is of course developing. so we'll have to keep an eye on what's coming next. let's cross live now to alex, a new cap ski, a managing director on cyber security, business consultant at the most go based positive technologies. i t company welcome to the program. i'm but it's a media reports according it. the largest outage in history. what's your assessment? oh, i would say that it's not just examples of this kind of uh, goals. uh, because we know about so in case of these, the fact the american cyber security company who has the same key. so these
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do use the go also be no way about some cases. the visas of microsoft, the defender, is so also say that it's due to decide those and who should defense some uh, computers on windows base. and so uh the, the v is uh, microsoft defend there was one year ago and i would say that it's maybe not that may 50 creation. and so maybe not very often, it's the base and, but it's not the only piece of these, these kind of go well embarked on some of the corporate. so by what i mean, we were talking here a rush. uh so fall seems to be unaffected. why is that? yeah, i think it's a very easy question because uh, ross uh, devin to use that. all right. products because good. all right, now and uh and so of course the, uh, dozens gas, uh,
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representative and own both is in the right here. and uh, it means that, uh nobody in the rack. the use the house that i could security pro. then still a last 2 years. so um i made it under maybe not sound, but oh, uh, i made it on. i see, and cyber security companies lives or asset and are awesome. now, uh government to use a, the service either the products a v as the us as or g. that means that the v or the base ends, i think we go not space to be the same. our cases via the us, the products. i mean, you say the washer doesn't use crowd stripe, but you look at the map of affected countries and you realize how many do use crowd stripe and soft. why?
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so what does this situation say about variable over reliance on american software? as far as i know, a boat, some bands of thousands govern use. the use grouse that i products uh for a different industry for own tv channels from airport bang cells. yeah. uh some feed euro and louisa ball organization. and so then, so i see many companies, uh visa, i might be able to what needs to be good. all right, cool products. uh, lease. use it on the doors to receive a place to be in the lease uh case it is incidentally as uh we can kind of place uh you, by the of the eastern side. yes. may be inside these because now we cannot get the, the only kept them permission to boss uh, delays uh these uh,
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airplanes. and some flights of you know, worry about some problems to be, is it made to go the why is this the different guns that is uh, boxed and now we don't skip information about the so dangerous situation. for example, v is uh, some um, uh, international musical, a very sensitive some dances. and so i think going style more days to be able to have more information about specific, gave the specific impacts of these uh, incidence. uh in the world. why, i'm actually sorry, finding the could i else do i just briefly, how long do you think it will take from microsoft to get the products up and watching again? i'm sorry. i didn't get you into the, i'm sorry. how long do you think it will take microsoft to get it systems functioning again?
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i think it depends how long the process also affects manage. manage, read. sure. to be on the nice thing that a golf with you here is uh uh the guys in for us that yeah, i think uh in south albany is uh they can restore the systems uh in uh, south hours. uh but so that depends because of these things they dance in friday and so many uh i do specialist. so names is the crazy friday, of course can be, uh, it's not positive means uh for the company is this impacts uh, we'll be uh, in the nearest deed and may be beats if they are didn't the nice so, but you might have been process early while we appreciate you coming on and giving us all at spot of opinion that was all excited, the tasking managing director and cyber security business consulting at most group based positive technologies i to companies. thank you. thank you. well,
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crowd strike a says have plunged quite well. most 20 percent off to those major i t, outage of impacted businesses all across the world. the company's c o has blamed a bought in that update that hip microsoft operating systems ruling out any foul play or cyber attacks. this is not a secure with the incidental cyber attack. the issue is being identified isolated and the fix has been deployed to well problems like previous to be made international headlines during the 2016 us presidential election, the company became well known for spreading claims. the russian had cuz secured donald trump, this victory over hillary clinton, while back then when the democratic national committee leak a card, the body page crowd strikes to investigate the case beside the company concluded that incident was caused by russian actors but late. so a crowd. so i could meant to that had no concrete evidence to back up those claims
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. what's more, in a separate report crowd starting a saw to the russian hack has broke into a ukrainian minute treat app resulting in losses for kids on full says in 2017. the size of the company for attracted the statement for mess cyber security contract of the u. s. department of defense kevin mitchell needs. he says that western network security companies are not as reliable as they claim to be. it says that it's a good idea to not rely on microsoft windows. i t. people usually do their up dates in the middle of the night, so they can check things so they do not affect the daily operations. so that's why it points to a bad update from them. but i think they will step back. they will review how when, when they're putting out updates. and many i to companies will also look at it. but
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they really don't have good options to go elsewhere. crowd straight is the largest and most reputable company out there because 1st key is always had in the reputation in the united states. i personally use them for years and never had an issue. so, you know, i think people who actually have knowledge of these things look deeper into the situation then the government said, and we know that we've been told russia's bad so therefore we should avoid them. these security companies are not as reliable as they claim they are. they hurry up, they patrick problems quickly. the 800 riot has broken out in the bushes. city old leads off the social services reports, and you took a number of children into the counsellor to forty's.
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the fiery images said the off the mass of the classes during which police were forced to retreat from most. a city boss will set on 5 police call that that po box west georgia police said they all dealing with the ongoing situation and advise people to stay as roles, defense is not eligible, not admission comes from the idea of spokes pass and he was quick to blame around for the overnight, so called suicide driving attack into the u. s. embassy in tennessee. they would say that again, i want to emphasize that the defense is not impenetrable. iran supports funds and arms. it's proxies in the region from gaza, judea and samaria. we've been 11 on syria and yemen. goodness happened last night
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and obviously the well, the attack was followed by an explosion of smoke filled the street, which is characteristic of that type of loitering unit should, as well as the single fatality 8 people are in hospital and that's according to his reading media. the idea says it's still investigating the instant humans, here's the medicine group has claimed responsibility saying you use a new drone capable of 5 coughing into septa systems. not for the for so for writing in the me in the on source is carried out to qualitative military operations, which consisted of targeting one of the important targets in new york to plug yeah for area. and that's so cool. ms. riley televi. the operation was carried out with a new drug named yes, a which is able to bypass the enemy's intercept to systems and re dos on detected.
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yeah, the operation successfully achieve its goals. this much warning me now you don't need that. and then i have middle east unless down minute tree at spot speaking to us from jerusalem. welcome to the program. thanks for taking the time to speak. i mean, here do i just want to get your opinion? i mean, look, is widely accepted or disney that is, well, is the best to quit, to best trained, most capable of me in the least. and yet we have a drone being sent from a non state act uh, hosting a fatality. i mean, does that suggest that as a certain weakness? no, i don't think so. the contrary, most of the draws in, besides that, where you launch from the human thoughts easily working the septic and you know, these no 100 percent guarantee this case after the is really air force. a check the very salary, the what happened then now to be that this drug was the tested,
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but because of a human mistake and they can go into stuff. so i think this is a going to this. i think the policies were lucky in this case, but the doesn't mean that they can easily trade. eh, these ready the sensor system. but it is the 1st time that affects habits. he has been caused by the accident. and i just wonder from his if possible, perspective, what does that trick us? a new wave of anxiety. it was a high security area. it was density populated. like i said, it was the 1st time that we for fe, tennessee. um, so it, i, i would imagine purely on a psychological level, but this is not what people in tennessee would expect when israel says that the war and gods are, is making it safe. this is literally, it's not the only wants to therapy. it's also the heat towards the center of the
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country, the central, instead of the so far safety is the wearing. but the we are, and the staples and the we were all right the that, that the on a, the full of diesel and pre owned by you run with the 300 say who was my son has been drones and the lucky lea a used to and with the help over the united states and reaping the substance all of that. but the, you know, this is a speaker for everything to happen. so i think that the people a visa a consideration. i mean, you know, i also want to get your take on a, but obviously this is, these are non state act up and that minute treat capabilities and it's now adult. cemented have improved over the last few years. that said to have ballistic missiles. and here they want those to about how they have destroyed and capable of bypassing into septa systems. i'm the fine pools any
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consign uh in as well, but uh, previously act as one necessarily considered a threat web thoughts has blocked. well, the here's these now clearly have fallback to weaponry than they did just a few years ago. definitely, it's very literally about the we're still have to stand these one is not fighting against the philippines. these are these fighting against the wrong on southern fronts. and the we have 5 gigabytes, but not somebody's trying to get hot. emily, she has to be rocking pseudo difficulties. all of them, or perhaps there's only room and equipped immediately by you. right? so actually the most okay, since is so pissed because what can you give me the lease and the distance, of course if possible, really, but it's very strongly sorry. and i think that the, the coming days would be, oh, see for the 1st time and then there's only really tell a retaliation against the whole season. yeah. and i mean just trying to tuck the
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find the thing i want to ask you this for an attack. i think at least to it outside of the shows that is roe call escalate. fraud with anyone in the region without paying a price. um, but it is so called de escalate because that would be a loss of face. and that would be an admission of stay. yeah. that however many months into the wall. uh the how my flight is haven't been defeated now, but there are more actors around them who are now military capable and can actually launch nice that attacks. so it strikes me a little, but the israel has ended up in this pocket, treat almost opiates and creation. is that 5 or am i getting this wrong? you're getting the most of it right. but do you forget one thing that the school was imposed on these well, a, on the southern, the cobra is going to be built in. you should be swore it was on pause, a post on a bug you rot by this,
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a mouse who invaded diesel and carried out the horrible mexican and they don't have to defend itself. and the i don't suggest that the erotic spoke is will this be made use where the is where there's a very strong tommy and he's willing to fight as long as it does, he think spot and we already see the results. and i think he's the way to defeat from us and gotcha. okay. well that was the only about and, but i haven't been a step unless minute trad spots joining us from jerusalem. thank you for your time . thank you. thank you. well, we also the slight different perspective from tyrone university professor site mohammed mirandi. he says that the 50 strike on tele paper really raises the stakes and the regional complex. and it shows that the, as brand new regime does not have the sort of technology that can prevent such strikes. and it also shows how rapidly the military capabilities of the sort
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along with the west phones, difficulties since the advance how advanced it come. yeah, man. now has become a major our injuries and despite the decade of genocide carried out against the admin. uh, with the help of the west. uh uh the so what are you using them? moratti's carried out years of, of some really barbaric strikes on the country. and the americans helped impose the starvation cj in the red sea. but despite all that we see now the government has effectively defeated the us navy. in the red sea ships destined to is riley ports are blocked or they're sunk. and ships that want to leave is where the regime for, if they cannot go through the red sea either despite the us and the british attempts to facilitate that movement than yemen. or i'm sorry,
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a lot has said repeatedly that this will continue until the genocide completely stopped. well, that's why i top for a very quick k and on unprecedented i. t outage have disrupted systems, world wide web sites, round and stuff. markets close tv channels, all find all the key infrastructure severely disrupted us cyber security, fun crowd strike the supplies updates from microsoft has taken the blade. well, i want to discuss up what does this with american conservative talk show host on a former advisor to the bush and clinton administrations. that's of course, steve gill staples, always a pass. i have you on the show. i'm very sorry. we've been talking a lot with cyber security act spots about what it will means about american monopoly on software and things like that. i want you to see if we could try a slightly different angle so to speak here, talk to you about cry, crowd strike itself because it's a bit of an a taurus company,
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but certain and so kind of embedded in politics has an at yeah. and, and again, any time you have something this big and there is no explanation other than we were just doing an update, you know, it raises suspicions and, and concerns about what's really going on in the lack of transparency. the crowd strike operates under, in normal situations. is just, you know, accelerated when you get a, a crisis like this. i mean, it was interesting the crowd strike, obviously it's claim to fame is not linked to the d. n. c leaks. they said that they were the ones who are not, that it was absent or a bad faith russian actors who had a hacked the d n. c data base. but then it turns out that of course, they admitted we have quotes, no concrete evidence. but since then, it seems to have enjoyed this ass phenomenal coal success. it's like market value one from something like 1000000000 to 30000000000. do you think that there is a link between companies in america,
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perhaps working in government interest and then subsequent success? you know, i don't know that we can draw the, the direct line, it sure looks like that. and again, it certainly justifies more, more examination. and, you know, hopefully if in fact president trump is elected president, if you see a change in the house and the congress and on the senate side in the us, hopefully we can have real investigations because right now they are so cozy with the democrats. nobody wants to look there and, and again, when you see the members of congress to get sort of insider trading information and get wealthy. and when you see their allied companies get extremely wealthy, what do they know when do they know it? and who's that, you know, who's being shared in their wealth that keeps, keeps kind of the system going there more questions than answers i think at this point. so i asked you, you know, a full service very interesting is that the, if the chief security officer of the crowd strike henry show, he himself actually was a full my f b i senior exec to,
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to solve this man who walked along side rope that knew not on who, of course, let the whole russia gate pro, which turned out to prove that she boss had nothing to do with electron donor trump . that was just the americans themselves. but my question to you is, is it possible for cyber security funds night crowd strike, to operate completely outside the realm of intelligence agencies or inevitably, is that going to have to be cooperation that and i think there's going to be some links because as we saw with the assassination attempt against president trump, you want to be able to get into the phones, you know, through the fbi i or other intelligence agencies. if something happens, you want to be able to track things down. you know, the problem is that you have this really toes, the relationship between some entities and intelligence. we just saw a woman who had been in the c, i a who was working, continued with the white house, who's now been charged as being a spy for south korea. you know,
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so this sort of revolving door of, of those that are in the, you're in the military and in the fbi. i, in the, in the intelligence agencies and then flip back over to a, a company and then maybe back into the, the public policy arena. again, we look at the secret service, you have a former executive at pepsi who's been running the secret service and had this disastrous results. and butler, pennsylvania hasn't been fired, hasn't reside your, what did they know about other people that keeps them in their jobs? yeah, and i mean i'm, i'm fine as to what i want to, to get your take on. i mean, the u. s. government has warranty against using russian cyber security software, including antivirus products, from capacity, for example. um and i suppose, hey, we are in russia. we are in helps out in a taurus a blue screen. we at the moment seemed to be unaffected. do you think? but now customers all over the world who was suffering from this
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a blackout. i'm going to be thinking what? hang on a 2nd. maybe i should be looking at diversification. maybe i should be looking at homes or national software, for example, it doesn't have to be russian. yes, and i think that again, this always raises the, the concern that you know, what are we being fed that we don't know the rest of the story i just saw started the other day that we're is one of the top cybersecurity firms in the, in the world founded by a couple of israelis, is being sold for $23000000000.00 to take it to amazon or, or google one. so again, they just keep using that umbrella scooping in those that might have an independent ability to handle these things. but then they put them under the same umbrella where we see crowd striking others. steve gail, american conservative talk show host and a full my advisor to the bush and clinton administrations. despite that outage monitoring to speak to us this friday, banks regarding a lot of these dates, asked you fine if this our
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a regional russian court has sentence. wall street journal reports has investigated bits to 16 years in a maximum security prison. but espionage, the us john les, was detained in march of 2023 and became the fast west and reported to be arrested and rushed up to spying since the cold war. now, prosecutors accused costco, but sold watching for the cia on collecting secret information about russian tank manufacturers. the cold spot, it has face shop condemnation from washington. he made notes of the full 16 year sentence start with the automatic boots and saying he's open to a prison as well, with the us russian foreign minister. so okay, now for us have commented on the match the most used we have, it's suitable evidence tankers coverage wasn't involved in this. generally, the intelligence agencies of the 2 countries aren't contact according to an agreement between president clinton and button in june, 2021 to see if they can swap someone for someone else. this topic doesn't go down
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well with everyone and periodically americans bring it up in public, which doesn't help, but such content does exist and it has nothing to do with the tech and during that list. what is it that, what's the book? well, that is a rundown of today's news serve fall of next our documentary folders about as he returns each at $5050.00 is on the big station that i took. it translates us to talk to century on what's changed out of his face. each of the rough shots, i won't memories of the tread tread not gonna enjoy the .


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