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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the, the is, are all have the factor onyx field supplied west buying the info i nation of international the dining project from the do and talk to the hey, a huge idea how to drink tablets on global networks communication system. the culprit us cyber security. i'm proud to try to tourist a late twitter halogen sage. please also have the blood boring everywhere. and yet, in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side of the divine intervention, not to donald trump said saved him from that supports has continued to question how
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the secret service allowed last week has a fascination attempt to the from myself and the whole team and almost so a to a very welcome to auntie international. but to have you with us this friday, while we all starting off in the hey, what the international court of justice has ruled that the is radio occupational. the westbank is a gift back to illegal unexcused. the i c j says as well is engaging and what amounts to quote racial segmentation on a product. because there's always, if you, that is the most comprehensive restrictions imposed by is an on by a city and delta 5. but it seems very close as you with this dramatic discrimination based on that on in the area at east region or ethnic origin. and um,
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but of course the zip codes have i good. that is it has policies and practices in the occupied. but it seems that if the amount to segregation or off, i thought potty is released here shape rest. and austin is in jerusalem real. i mean, palms hell project like we talked about from the un top court just to walk us through the details here. hello to you to ask you. well, the international court of justice has indeed reads that israel's policies in the west bank and is jerusalem. are in breach of the international law and deprives palestinians of they are right for self determination. but israel by far exceeded its role of the administrator and the occupied territories and but it's supplement policy amounts to any legal unexcused. sions. the court has stated that israel has an obligation to end its presence in those areas as rapidly as possible,
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as well as seas all supplement to contribute to the west bank of his jerusalem. it has also owed to the un general assembly and the un security council to develop ways to end is really occupation of the west bank. it is jerusalem. the judges have considered numerous factors including the duration of the occupation, of course, over 60 years since 1967 active it's pension. always really supplements in the west bank, which includes construction of thousands of units relocation of a big number of israeli settlers to probably seen in territories under protection of israel. of course, applying is really domestic closing. these communities, the policy of impunity regarding the settler's violence for words, palestinians, massive lens, confiscation and demolition of the houses that force probably sinews to leave an equal to a new force displacement displacement to all the occupied formulation, discrimination of palestinians is really exploitation of natural resources of
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guilty pods, territory is the court's ruling came and made on going calls for annexation from is really right. when factions, including from the ruling call ation, they make no secret of their intentions. hand holes of statements by certain is really officials opposing a 2 state solution just on says they is really parliament passed a resolution rejecting the establishment of a palestinian state. confirming once again these rules official positions in this matter. also in legal opinions to un agencies is one of the icing, chase functions. and in this particular case, and george's, we're addressing an inquiry initiated by the un general assembly in december 2022 in response to the palestinian authorities request to determine if the almost 6 decades loan occupation could actually be classified as temporary whites and forces . because under international law, occupations and alternative personally prohibit at a time for we want to be permissible,
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which was israel's primary defense. the quotes hearings in february were extensive with over 50 countries. giving evidence is really the negation, by the way, was also there, but decided not to cooperate with the pros. and eventually the quotes concluded that israel's presence in the west bank and is jerusalem is illegal and most and immediately that's the ruling. and although obviously it is a key ruling, it's also only advisory. i'm so much i do want to. a sorry, i do want to ask you, um, is it kind of holding out to be, have any invitation on the ground, considering that it's non binding of the fall into this rolling is an opinion and it is known buying, doing and one to mediately a blighters world to ags, but you'll have to remember that icy j is the world's most important international tribunal. countries say it's opinions very seriously and this decision could result
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in resolutions against israel at the and secure which account. so that a isn't even bigger dale, even though we understand that the us is likely to use its veto power there to shelves to protect israel. if it also leads to the international criminal court to the shade criminal proceedings against israeli officials in the west bank. all that will further isolate is ro at per volume state already because of is that the offensive in garza, we might see more diplomatic and economic pressure including sanctions. companies that now have ties with the israel may reassess their relationships and businesses and the positions of certain states could shift on. currently, as you know, the u. s. frauds, canada and britain have already imposed sanctions on a number of far right is really activists and settlers over allegations of violence against palestinians have sanctions a sanctioned illegal outposts and organizations involved in human rights abuses
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against palestinians include in groups that works to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching gaza, it's important to note that the hague is also home to the international criminal court whose chief prosecutor recently requested international arrest warrants against. is there any problem ministering defense minister, as well as have mass leaders for their actions during the war? and guys are also the singers commenting here in south africa's case to determine if israel commits genocide in gaza. the investigation might take years. but all that, as you understand, represents the substantial legal pressure currently faced by israel and that can hardly be ignored. i don't so i mean we do up to talk about what reaction we're going to have from is ro ready in the run up to the ruling. they sounded vaguely dismissive how we heard anything concrete sense to
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oh, yes we did is really officials. we now receive reaction from a role condemn, and b i. c j's ruling from ministers. antonia who has left out of the course lies saying, quote, jewish people do not occupied, ok, supply the ro land. let's take a listen. the jewish people are not the occupiers on their own land, not an hour turn, no capital, jerusalem, not in the land of our ancestors in the west bank. no false decision at the hague will distort this historical truth just as the legality of is really settlement in all the territories of our homeland cannot be contested and is really promissory spa from the only one have condemn in the b. i. c, j's rolling the countries far right? finance minister, small, it's rich has posted just 2 words on social media following the verdict. sovereignty now meanings establishment. all these really rule over all palestinian
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territories from the river to the sea. national security ministers, satellite politician benevita has slammed the quote as n to submit it and political. they had all the countries unity policy you've been take on. many guns has said that israel is the only true democracy in the middle east and, but the court's decision is counter productive to original security and stability. you understand now that the court's decision is unlikely to change anything on the ground except its tendon is rarely presents and authority in the palestinian territories. early in may the icy j o that is road to immediately stop it's offensive and rough up. what happens next? we saw the idea of intensifying it's been boardman of guys is south of defense and deeper and deeper into rough or near the diction folder. you said yahoo has said many times that israel will not allow an international entity or foreign state to dictate israel. what to do and what not to, which basically means that israel will continue doing what it wants,
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even off of this room and what lights follow on. so it's more ju supplements in the west bank move islands towards the palestinians. more economic restrictions on the palestinian authority, the reaction earlier sparked by several european countries. richard nice in palestine as a sovereign state and has already happened. and actually we now hear from is really rides, roads that drew settlers have set on fire palestinian fields in the north of the west bank. and we might expect more like this to be coming. so the course decision might put more burden on palestinians, probably making they alive even harder to use mindy's, peer or chief threat phenomena, reporting from tourism. thanks very much, maria. the swell. i'm joined now by protest in human rights. that's about what's the last lot from the center of an applicant applied international? no, i'll talk a watson. you're very welcome on the program. i mean,
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the 1st thing i have to ask you, we heard that from our correspondent maria saying that in the past, israel has includes the advisory opinion of the i c j. so from your perspective, how, what to miss, to call you that as well will abide by this ruling. well, the expectation of israel abiding is very low, i think, gets we have to, uh, the 1st of all marked the significance of this decision. i think it's a, it's a historic one and it represents a significant milestone in the struggle of self determination for the custom young people. however, if we're going to turn this legal victory into tangible change, it requires unwavering political will from states and relentless advocacy from civil society. otherwise, it's just an advisory opinion that it represents a symbolic victory. and we need to give it meaning for it to be
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a catalyst for real and lasting change of israel has always disregarded international law. and does, this is what has brought us to this point of the unity that is real has continued to enjoy has a and the support that is gotten while doing so, has only exacerbated the situation on the ground. and it should not be disconnected from the ongoing genocide that it perpetrated. and as of today, well, i mean, i do want to ask you about that because he said that is a huge milestone. i 100 percent agree with you. and i think that you take this rolling in combination of this me with the routing by the i c j that that was a plausible case. that is where i was committing genocide in gaza. these are 2 rulings that would seem to indicate there is a change in the tide of public opinion, an attitude towards israel and its policies. visa v garza is not fat.
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yes, i think our responsibility is to make use of these tools that exist through the international legal system and expose the, the violations that are being committed and forced. those will have, just as the turn and international laws is our peaceful means, to use it to force the arc of the moral universe to, to bend towards the justice and challenge the passcode regardless of these uh, imperial interest. that continues to prevent it. but in and it respect for the enforcement of international law that is essential to achieving, adjusting the less than piece from the river to the sea. but so long as israel continues to ignore international law. while at the same time, international law and our works good pushes against it, israel will continue to be more and more isolated. the challenge is whether or not really you, the, was the value of the international law will from the power politics. this is what
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it comes down to, the israel is allowed to continue to enjoy this. impunity and act in the way it was uh, regardless of what international law says been this exception apply to palestine within the international legal system. most inherently undermine the integrity of the system as a whole. so i think it's in the interest of not only the past indian people to have international law enforce, but the entirety of the international community to see international law respected in forest regardless of power interest. i mean, we also have small corresponding that the benjamin not nothing else who has already responded, quoting this, a quote, distortion of history. i mean, what do you make of that ton of phrase and also i wonder, what's your perspective do you think that his sense of what is said by the majority
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of his release? well, i can't speak for the is really society. but the fact that the, the, the majority of that is really politicians a support to an yeah, it's position, i think there's an indicative of consensus support there within is really society. but the idea that it's a distortion history really undermines the, the development of international law over the decades, especially after world war 2. it is that history that has led to the development of international law to ensure that the crimes of the past or not repeated. and colonialism is one of those practices that needs to be brought to enhance. and israel is practicing colonialism and continuing in the accommodation of palestine. this judgment that puts the international community on notice that
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israel's presence been occupied territory is inherently illegal and it must be brought to an end. and that also reinforces the arguments that we have been making for years that israel's intention is to colonize the entirety of historic palestine and international law needs the sir. uh, it's role to prevent this from happening in the responsibility of the international community. and individual states requires them to take their specific tangible actions to do so. ready starting with the un general assembly and security counseling, while we very much appreciate your time and of course for your expertise that was part of sydney and human rights ex. but what's the most money from the center for applied, international, and hug. thank you very much for some as well as rouse, defense is not impenetrable. bad as mission came from, the idea spoke spots,
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and he was quick to blame the wrong for the night suicide. driving and talking to the u. s. embassy in tennessee. they will say that again, i want to emphasize that the defense is not impenetrable. up in the iran supports funds and arms. it's proxies in the region from gaza, judea and samaria. we've been 11 on syria and yemen. that's happened to last night . i mean, obviously the smith has a followed by an explosion that smoke filled the street, which is characteristic of that type of noise during munition, as well as the single say, tyler t 8 people are in hospital that's according to his reading media. the idea of says it is still investigating the incident, so you haven't, who's the medicine group has claimed responsibility saying and use the new drone, capable of 5, pulsing into septa system. now for the,
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for the air force operating in the m and the on force is carried out to qualitative military operation, which consisted of targeting one of the important targets in the occupied. yeah. for area so cool. ms. riley televi. the operation was carried out with a new drug named yes, a which is able to bypass the enemy's intercept to systems and re dos on detected. the operation successfully achieve its goals. hudson terrell university professor sighed mohammed mirandi, who says that, here's the strike on tennessee. really raises the states and the regional concept. it shows the thing is brand new regime does not have the sort of technology that can prevent such strikes. and it also shows how rapidly the military capabilities of the time, sort along with the west sponsor for these the advance. how it backs it. come. yeah, man now has become a major our and the reason, despite the decade of genocide carried out against the admin. uh,
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with the help of the west. uh uh. so what are you using ben moratti's carried out years of, of really barbaric strikes on the country. and the americans helped impose the star patients each in the red sea. but despite all that we see now. yeah, man has effectively defeated the us navy. in the red sea, a ships destined to is ready ports are blocked for their sunk. and ships that want to leave is rarely regime fords. they cannot go through the red sea either despite the us and the british attempts to facilitate that movement then. yeah, man, or i'm sorry, a lot has said repeatedly that this will continue until the genocide completely stop. millions of people have been stuck staring at the torres blue screen of death, but i rather pay not here in russia. i met
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a global cascade of dish to outages. the most types of the country the world has not reported any issues with it. services and systems. this was a man since being attributed to the support input substitution strategy that's made . russia will self reliant. the provenance has everything appears to be walking without a hitch. well fridays global problems started with the fluid update by american cyber security from crowd strikes that are affected. microsoft windows uses the issue rapidly, snowballed into an avalon that struck many digital systems. well, the western nations have been hit. the hardest us outlines including united, delta american and needs and canceled flights. meanwhile, in the u. k, the sky news channel interrupted it's broad cost of ports and berlin amongst them, prague and madrid have reported delays as check ins have to be done. offline outlines
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across asia and the pay a pacific region have also faced issues. meanwhile, and india, some flight schedules on boarding pos does not have to be written out by hand. meanwhile, in japan, mcdonald suspended about a 3rd if it's restaurants while uh, disney alon self have problems, and both powers at home call. and the list of impact is companies that really does keep growing well. crowd strikes as have plunged by waste 20 percent. the company c o has blamed a bug and that update that had microsoft operating systems while runing out any file, pay all cyber attacks. this is not a secure with the incidental cyber attack. the issue is being identified isolated and the fix is being deployed crowd. so i previously made international headlines during the 2016 the us presidential race. the company became notorious the spreading souls claims the russian half has helped secure donald trump. the victory over hillary clinton. the farm was hard to investigate the democratic national
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committee, email leak, and it was quick to blame russia inactive, but later admitted actually had no concrete proof and a separate report. in december 2016 crowd strike a ledge. the russians quotes law says the cranium minute tree, hacking that all hit her out. a statement that was later retracted, but american inside the talk show hosts on a full advisor to the bush and clinton administrations. steve gill says, crowd strike has a lots of questions to answer or any time you have something this big and there is no explanation other than we were just doing an update. you know, it raises suspicions and, and concerns about what's really going on in the lack of transparency. the crowd strike operates under in normal situations. i think there needs to be great transparency of what happened, how it happened, and more importantly, how they will prevent this from happening going forward. one of the issues with crowd strike is not only the cosy relationship with intelligence agencies and with
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the democratic party, but also the revolving door of people inside and outside government intelligence agencies. been with crowd stripe, making big money on the private sector side and then getting the intel and the influence that they need when they go back into a government or, or kind of go in and out. i think again the. busy process needs to be examined, not just with crowd stripe, but other defense department agencies, other major companies that are, that are using their inside sources and then profiting from them. once they leave the government. a yvonne and riot has broken out from the bushes city of needs. office social services reportedly took a number of children into the cap of low profanities the 2 months ago images. so the optimize of the classes during which police was forced to retreat from an angry mall. that's double deck of possible setting fire,
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a squad called a slip to. oh, fun plus your shop police that they all dealing with young, vague situation and advise people to stay at home. and finally, donald trump has formerly accepted the republican nomination to the us presidency on the final day of the parties national convention. he was speaking days off to surviving an assassination attempt. trump, despite the moment he was wounded during that rally. and i said to myself, wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. as i immediately knew, it was very serious that we were under attack. and the one movement proceeded to drop to the ground below. as we're continuing to fly,
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there was blood pouring everywhere. and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side. the probably one of the most noteworthy parts of that speech was when trump actually thinks the secret service, even though they have failed to deal with a very, very serious security threat. this is something that has really upset a lot of trump supporters. and as we're going to be able to see now on the screen, you're going to be able to understand why because it's just incredible. but trump walked away from this situation with his life. actually, you can see just how close that bullet comes to essentially killing the former president going through his head. but just basically what trump calls divine
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intervention essentially is him just happening to move his head at that very time. i mean, so it's really understandable why trump supporters would be upset that the secret service wasn't able to deal with that, that threat. and also the fact that according to investigators that are currently working to get down to the details of what exactly happened, the secret service agents at the scene saw the actual shooter on his rooftop position about 20 minutes before he started shooting at trump and another wyoming senator says that he was told that the secret service had identified this would be assassin as a suspicious person around one hour before the shooting took place. so there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered in terms of why was there a failure to investigate? all right, he spoke for 90 minutes at last night didn't hey, it was basically a campaign we launched for him and it appeared like what he was speaking about domestic issues, to the for. but in terms of internationally on the crisis, what's
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a rough thing across europe? for instance? what says if you, how is it going to solve that? well, trump, of course, promised that he himself would be the solution. he talked a little bit about us interventions into situations around the world, primarily against russia, that took place under different administrations, the georgia conflict, ukraine when crimea decided to have a referendum and become part of the russian federation from said that the us isn't going to get involved in any of that kind of stuff under another trump administration. i will end every single h, a national crisis that's occurred. the administration has created including the horrible war with russia and ukraine, which would have never happened to vice president under president bush. russia invaded or georgia on the president obama. russia took crimea under the current administration. russia is after all of ukraine under
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president rob. russia took nothing. a couple of things at trump mentioned there should be clarified like the war in georgia where this started after the us back president of the country decided to attack the republic of south a city of one of the countries former territories. that declared independence. and there were a number of russian peacekeepers in that area. and as a result of this attack, a lot of people were injured and killed as well. of course, we also know about the 2014 euro, my don, who de ta that took place and ukraine, that was backed by the united states. it ended up causing a number of ukrainian territories at that time to declare independence. and then they were attacked by the neo fascist, got back to governments that was in power after a year on my don to place. of course, after russia launched its military operation, 2 of those regions decided to vote to become part of the russian federation. done
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yet, skin lugens, along with another 2 former ukrainian territories is up at osha and care fund. so of course, the ukraine conflict as a whole continues to go on. but trump is promising that in the 1st 24 hours of another, trump presidency, he would resolve that entire situation. and what about the other global actors? he's going to have to deal with some of the, the friends, photos, etc. if he takes power without touch the pump. well yeah, he came down very hard on around in his speech, accusing them of trying to continue to develop nuclear weapons. even though we have to remember that it was under trump presidency for that the 2015 and around nuclear deal was actually scrapped. right. and it's only after that that to run began to enrich uranium. but of course, according to the writing and government that's only for peaceful purposes, not for the development of nuclear weapons. another part of his speech had to do
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with north korea. he said that it was an accomplishment of his that he was the 1st us president to set foot on north korean soil during the time of the tons, with the leader of the dpr. take him john own and from said that that's part of an overall policy. he has that the us needs to be friends with any country that has nuclear weapons. i got along very well. north korea came, jo no, and i got along very well with them depressed, aided when i said that, how could you get along with it? well, you know, it's nice to get along with somebody has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise is to the old days, you say that's a wonderful thing now they say, how could you possibly do it in the now i got along with them and we stopped the missile launchers from north korea. now north korea is acting up again. but when we get back, i get along with them. if you'd like to see me back to, i think he misses me if you want to know the truth. that of course raises another question about something.


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