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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:28pm EDT

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the soon send the most of the to the the most in the yellow the breaking news ukrainian politician arena far and has died after being shot in the head in the west for new training and city of laval. the far right nationalist who's known for slamming neo nazi as of fatality and fighters for using the russian language. israel has the facto and next to the occupied west bank and violation of the international law. that's the damming verdict from the on top chord at the have an unprecedented ip outage. we have a digital system of the world wide that the corporate american cyber security firm, proud strike, is mentors for the link to, to us intelligence. also it has, there was a lot during everywhere and yet in a certain way i felt very safe because i had god on my side,
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the donald trump hail to a higher power as the republican presidential nominate. but just to end, every war started during the fight in administration, as soon as he returns to the white house the live in moscow. this is our to international. i'm rachel ruble. we start with news and just in the nationalist, ukrainian politician and activists arena far in has died from a gunshot wound to the head in the western new cranes city of off doctors had been working to save her life after she was attacked by an unidentified assailants a warning you will find that some of the following images disturbing. afar in it was a prominent critic of everything connected with russia and had slammed as our battalion
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militants were using the russian language. the activists condemned any ukrainian service men who ignores the national language, saying they should be despised. well, she caught out one of the as a battalion commanders maxim your and for having a russian surname. the response to our comments was swift and harsh, or siren. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor directions, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house. earlier we spoke with the sterling independent journalist and johnny h about the shocking turn of events. i was in 2019 in the any trade for months. was it mostly in queue? i never heard anybody speaking you opinions so i mean, what does she want? i mean, the people speak russian ukrainians. russians. it's like i,
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i call them like brain wash russians. so a, i mean, people don't speak ukrainian, it's going to take a few generations for this transition to happen if say if it's going to be forced to months. that nation divisions in ukraine are going to get deeper and deeper. i mean, the society is divided the most people don't want this will most people anything want this war to end? and i think the people who want this war to continue, we're going to be in the minority. the international court of justice as rule the, the is really occupation of the west bank is the fact that illegal annexation the i to j says israel is engaging in what amounts to quote racial segregation and a part time because it always gives you that video game of comprehensive restrictions imposed by is an on but a city and delta 5, but it seems very close as to what seems to be a method of discrimination. based on that on in the area at a vision or ethnic origin and number of participants have i good. that is,
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it has policies and practices in the occupied. but it seems that if the amount of segregation or 5 type while the international court of justice has ruled that israel's policies in the west bank of east jerusalem har in breach of the international law and deprive palestinians of their rightful self determination that is real by far exceeded its role of the administrator and the occupied territories and that it's supplement policy amounts to an illegal an exception. the court has stated that israel has an obligation to end its presence in those areas as soon as possible, as well as sees all settlement activities. it has also owed the un general assembly and the un security council to develop ways to end does rarely occupation of the west bank at east jerusalem. the judges have considered numerous factors including the duration of the occupation, of course, almost 60 years since 1967 active and aggressive expansion of israeli settlements
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in the west bank, which includes construction of thousands of units. relocation of a big number was really settlers to the palestinian territories under the protection of israel. of course, applying is really domestic laws in these communities policy of impunity regarding the settlers of violence towards palestinians. massive lend confiscation and demolition of the houses that force eventually power students to leave. i'm a quote basically to force the placement until feel occupied population discrimination of palestinians is really exploitation of natural resources. a look applied territories, the course holding tame have made ongoing calls for an exception. for me is really right tween factions including from the ruling called ition. they make no secret of the intentions. the quotes concluded that israel's presence in the west bank and is jerusalem, is illegal and most and indeed the icy jays ruling is an opinion. it is known
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binding and wanted me to take a blight as well to act. but you have to understand that the i, c, j is the world's most important international 5 beautiful countries take its opinions seriously. and this decision includes resolved and resolutions against israel at the un security council. that is an even bigger deal, even though the us is likely to use it's be to power their to shields, to protect israel. it could also lead to the international criminal court to initiate criminal proceedings against israeli officials in the west bank and all that will further isolate is ro at paris, tate already because of its deadly offensive and gaza. we might see more diplomatic and economic pressure including sanctions, companies that now have businesses with as well. may, we assess their relationships and the positions of certain states could also shift is really officials. we now receive reaction from a role condemning the c j's ruling. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has left out
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at the courts, lies st. quote. jewish people do not occupy the ro land. the jewish people are not occupiers on their own land, not to our terminal capital jerusalem, not in the land of our ancestors in the west bank. no false decision at the hague will distort this historical truth just as the legality of his really settlement in all the territories of our homeland cannot be contested. and also the country's far right. finance ministers, small ethridge has posted just 2 words on social media following the verdict, suffering t now meaning the establishment of these railey roll over all palestinian territories from the river to the sea. national security minister, a settler politician, benevita has slammed the quote as and to submit to and political. you may understand now that the court's decision is unlikely to change anything on the ground except expand. it is rarely presence and authority in the palestinian
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territories. earlier in may the icy j o that hays rel to immediately stop it's offensive and rough. uh, what happens next. we saw the idea of intensifying its been boardman. so for guys a south advancing deeper and deeper into rough when you the diction food, then yeah. who has said many times that israel will not allow any international entity all for in the state to dictate israel what to do and what not to. which basically means that israel will continue doing why wants to do even after this rolling of israel's defense was not impenetrable. the submission thomas, from the idea of spokesperson, he was quick to blame a ron for the overnight suicide. droned attacks near the us embassy and telling me he will fill out the key. i want to emphasize that the defense is not impenetrable . iran the supports that are funds and arms. it's progress as in the region up from gaza, of your day and samaria leave them 11 on cornel syria and
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a young man. and after that goodness happened last night, maybe. and obviously the, the attack was followed by an explosion and a smoke filled the street, which is characteristic of hovering munitions. as well as a single say tallow. the 8 people are in the hospital that's according to his really medium. the idea of says it's still investigating human to the militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack. those same used a new drone capable of bypassing interceptor systems. now for the, for the air force operating in the m in the on full says, carried out to qualitative military operations, which consisted of targeting one of the important targets in new york to plug yeah for area. and that's so cool. does riley television. the operation was carried out with a new drug and then yes, which is able to bypass the enemies into set to systems in great falls under the
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technically yeah, the operation successfully achieve these goals. this will have heard from that to ron university professor aside, mohammed miranda, who says the who, the strike until a fee of raises the stakes in the original conflict. and it shows that the, as brand new regime does not have the sort of technology that can prevent such strikes. and it also shows how rapid needs the military capabilities of the sort along with the west possibilities since the advance how advanced it is. um yeah, man now has become a major our and the reason, despite the decade of genocide carried out against the admin. uh, with the help of the west. uh uh the so what are you using moratti's? how are you now years of, of really barberic strikes on the country. and the americans helped impose the starvation stage in the red sea. but despite all that, we see now that you haven't,
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has effectively defeated the u. s. navy, in the red sea ships destined to is ready ports are blocked or they're sunk. and ships that want to leave is where the regime ports. they cannot go through the red sea either despite the us and the british attempts to facilitate that movement then. yeah, man, or i'm sorry, a lot has said repeatedly that this will continue until the genocide completely stop. the millions of people have been stuck staring at the dread at the blue screen of the spots are on a claim, not here in russia. and the global cascade of digital outage is the most the sanction of the country. and the world has not reported any issues with its services and systems. and this resilience has been attributed to the so called import substitution strategy that's made russia more self sufficient fridays global problems started with a slot update by americans. cyber security firm crowd strikes that affected
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microsoft windows users to well, the issue rapidly snowballed into an avalanche that struck many digital systems. the western world has been had the hardest us to airlines, including united delta american and allegiance in cancelled all slides in the u. k . the sky news channel interrupted it's broadcast airports in berlin, amsterdam, prague and madrid have reported delays as check in time to be done. offline airlines across asia and the pacific region have also faced issues in india. some flight schedules and the boarding passes had to be written by hands. meanwhile, in japan mcdonald suspended about a 3rd of its restaurants. well, disney land suffered problems and both parents and hong kong and the list of impacted companies keeps growing. alexi lucas ski cyber security expert at the moscow based positive technology company says expects more consequences devona we get the plates so you but so those, this is
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a yes may be inside these because now we cannot the, the only happen permission to boss out delays of these uh, added plays, uh, and some flights of you know, worry about some problems v as it may have to go the why assess the different got it. but so now we don't skip information about the so dangerous situation. for example, v is uh some um, uh, international, so magical, a very sensitive use on the assets. and so, so it cannot be worried that in many cases because as these uh, updates this new piece or so uh, software that uh in, uh, simon wire means before he went back to networks and production systems. but you sound cases, in good cases. we need to avoid any updates if he is out
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a new chair and he's out they need, they're resolved any uh, normally use all the ip so no, but i see just i've each id us your business in california. so a believe me on there. uh, i do processes a crowd strikes shares have plans to buy almost 20 percent. the company's seo has blamed a bug in their update that hit microsoft operating system as well, ruling out any foul play or cyber attacks. this is not a security incidental cyber attack. the issue has been identified isolated and the fix is being deployed a crowd strike previously made international headlines during the 2016 us presidential race. the company became notorious for spreading false claims that russian hackers helped to secure donald trump's to victory over hillary clinton. and the firm was hired to investigate the democratic national committee email league, and it was quick to blame russian actors,
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but later admitted that actually had no concrete proof in a separate report. in december, 2016 crowd strike alleged that russians caused the losses for the training and military by hacking their artillery app. the statement that was later retracted american conservative talk show host and a former advisor to the bush and clinton administrations. steve gill says crust. drake has a lot of questions to answer any time you have something this big and there is no explanation other than we were just doing an update. you know, it raises suspicions and, and concerns about what's really going on in the lack of transparency. the crowd strike operates under in normal situations. i think there needs to be great transparency of what happened, how it happened, and more importantly, how they will prevent this from happening going forward. one of the issues with crowd strike is not only the cosy relationship with intelligence agencies and with the democratic party, but also the revolving door of people inside and outside government intelligence
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agencies. been with crowd stripe, making big money on the private sector side and then getting the intel and the influence that they need when they go back into government or kind of go in and out . i think again the. busy process needs to be examined, not just with crowd stripe, but other defense department agencies, other major companies that are, that are using their inside sources and then profiting from them once they leave the government. the donald trump has formerly accepted the republican nomination for the us presidency on the final to and the parties national convention. he was speaking days after surviving and assassination attempt to describe the moment, and he was wounded in the ear during a raleigh i said to myself, wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood,
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just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack us and the one movement proceeded to drop to the ground below. as for continuing to fly, there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side. the probably one of the most noteworthy parts of that speech was when trump actually thinks the secret service, even though they have failed to deal with a very, very serious security threat. this is something that has really upset a lot of trump supporters. and as we're going to be able to see now on the screen, you're going to be able to understand why,
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because it's just incredible that trump walked away from this situation with his life. actually, you can see just how close that bullet comes to essentially killing the former president going through his head. but just basically what trump calls divine intervention essentially is him just happening to move his head at that very time. i mean, so it's really understandable why trump supporters would be upset that the secret service wasn't able to deal with that, that threat. and also the fact that according to investigators that are currently working to get down to the details of what exactly happened, the secret service agents at the scene saw the actual shooter on his rooftop position about 20 minutes before he started shooting at trump and another wyoming senator says that he was told that the secret service had identified this would be assassin has a suspicious person around one hour before the shooting took place. so there are
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a lot of questions that still need to be answered in terms of why was there a failure to investigate? all right, he spoke for 90 minutes at last night didn't hey, it was based, sickly account pain. we launched for him and it appeared like what he was speaking about, domestic issues, to the for. but in terms of venture nationally on the crisis, what's a rough thing across europe? for instance? what says if you, how is it going to solve the? well, trump, of course, promise that he himself would be the solution. he talked a little bit about us interventions into situations around the world, primarily against russia, that took place under different administrations, the georgia conflict, ukraine when crimea decided to have a referendum and become part of the russian federation from said that the us isn't going to get involved in any of that kind of stuff under another trump administration. i will end every single age national crisis that's occurred. the administration has created including the horrible war with russia and ukraine,
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which would have never happened to vice president under president bush. russia invaded, or georgia and the president obama. russia took the crimea under the current administration. russia is after all of ukraine under president rob. russia took nothing. a couple of things that trump mentioned there should be clarified like the war in georgia where this started after the us back, the president of the country decided to attack the republic of south besedia, one of the country's former territories, that declared independence. and there were a number of russian peacekeepers in that area. and as a result of this attack, a lot of people were injured and killed as well. of course, we also know about the 2014 euro, my don coup d'etat that took place and ukraine, that was backed by the united states. it ended up causing
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a number of ukrainian territories at that time to declare independence. and then they were attacked by the neo fascist, got back to governments that was in power. after here on my don, it's a place of course, after russell launched its military operation, 2 of those regions decided to vote to become part of the russian federation. done yes, can lugens along with another 2 former ukrainian territories is up at osha and care fun. so of course, the ukraine conflict as a whole continues to go on. but trump is promising that in the 1st 24 hours of another, trump presidency, he would resolve that entire situation. and what about the other global actors? he's going to have to deal with some of the, the friends, photos, etc. if he takes power was not touched upon. well yeah, he came down very hard on around and his speech accusing them of trying to continue to develop nuclear weapons. even though we have to remember that it was under trump presidency for that the 2015. i am around nuclear deal was actually scrapped. right
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. and it's only after that that to run began to enrich uranium. but of course, according to the radium government that's only for peaceful purposes, not for the development of nuclear weapons. another part of his speech had to do with north korea. he said that it was an accomplishment of his that he was the 1st us president to set foot on north korean soil during the time of the tons, with the leader of the dpr k came john own and from said that that's part of the an overall policy, he has that the us needs to be friends with any country that has nuclear weapons. i got along very well. north korea came younger and i got along very well with them depressed, aided. when i said that, how could you get along with it? well, you know, it's nice to get along with somebody has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise is to the old days, you say that's a wonderful thing. now they say, how could you possibly do that? now i got along with them and we stopped the missile launchers from north korea.
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now, north korea is acting up again. but us, when we get back, i get along with them. if you'd like to see me back to, i think you message me if you want to know the truth. that of course, raises another question about something that trump has been public about for a very long time that he views china as an opponent, a competitor of the united states. and that's a country with a lot of nuclear weapons. so donald trump is making a lot of promises along the campaign trail, and if he gets elected, we're gonna have to see if he can actually follow up on a violent riots has broken out and the burger city of leads after social services report, a lady took a number of children into the care of local authorities, the dramatic images. so the aftermath of the classes during which police were forced to
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retreat from an angry mom, a double decker bus was set on fire and a swan car flipped over west yorkshire police say they are dealing with the ongoing situation and advise people to stay home. but we got a chance to speak with marks, angles, and then an institute editor, alexander mckay, who described the long running root cause behind this on rather the riot such as this more common than you might expect in britain. and they happens in many different communities. there's been a riots in a product over the last few decades in multiple areas. all of the other thing that they have in common is that these rights take place in poor areas. there are large numbers of people in this country who live in his deposition where they have no real hope of life getting any better. they view the pharmacies
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as their enemies and they uh, from their life experience they all correct to do so. um and when it is a situation because which causes a clash between the pharmacies and the defense department, estimated the cost of the abandon arms at over $7000000000.00 among the hardware did store aircraft vehicles, munitions, and other weapons of us. troops withdrew from the dentist and in august 2021. after the taliban took control of the capital, washington left the war torn country in the midst of a dire economic crisis. retired us air force, lieutenant colonel. karen, kentucky told us america doesn't care where the us military aid goes after it's delivered the way that we give aid and not just the united states, but other countries as well is um, there's a lot of money and very little impact to it. there's very little objective measurements to even what that aid is supposed to produce. so we're not paying
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close attention. we're with the agencies, like the state department, the pen, and gone usa id that provide aid. they are rewarded for how many units of aid and money they can deliver. not for the fall is through not for the impact and not paying much attention to what happens after it's been delivered. we're kind of feeding our own beast in, in the sense of, of how we are doing this in is that creates problems. us weapons that go elsewhere, fraud, waste, abuse, enriching oligarchs, whatever it is that all of this a does. that's really not an american problem because the dollars the tax dollars were spent domestically and they had a positive political impact domestically. so the last is really doesn't care. in fact, it gives us more to complain about and more justification for the military industrial
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complex. oh, we have people who have weapons that shouldn't have them. oh we, we should get involved in an intervention. we do this to maintain an ability to influence events now, to some small extent and then potentially in the future should afghanistan become, become of interest to the united states government at some future time. i went out to central moscow, where a russian single showman has mobilized a huge crowd of fans outside the u. s. embassy to protest against youtube block in the russian channel. creators from the site of the processing are called on his subscribers to respond to to america, blocking the channel after the internet platform removed him and make sure the stage has been erected near the embassy in crowds have gathered waving flags and banners as the russian tri color flag has been projected onto the building. youtube channel is run by russian celebrities publicly expressing support for the country
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have also been blocked. the official like sir, it's in general. it's from time countries have descended on the central russian city, a lot of mer to brainstorm ways to preserve cultural heritage. we kind of put the head of the dialogue club, which has organized the events, cognition, she wasn't, so give me not so much. of course, it is very important today to share the best experience of preserving cultural heritage before the dialogue club is a platform that allows absolute freedom to express one's opinion just with journalism, economies, to my lawyers, scientists and politicians involved too. and probably there is no other platform like this or essentially international cooperation interaction and strength and relations between friendly countries in the general. and i'm not sure has always paid for any attention to maybe related to the lecture. and therefore.


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