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tv   Inland Visions  RT  July 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
thank you. that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences meanwhile, to those bereaved by u. k. u. s. u, i'm genocide. when we back on monday to us, the veteran is really negotiate a go shouldn't baskin with back channels to him, us whether the days of israel and the numbers until then keep in touch my role as social media. if it's not sensitive, we'll country and had to a channel going on, the guaranteed po number, they'll come to watch. new and old episodes are going underground. see monday, the the
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the, what is part of the visit that the employee would post that isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there. let's stop without felicia. is that spelled out of the as the the
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like? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. so well, well, more to preston. what is been really deal approximately? is it the little bo jasmine? true. the hard almost the deepest rate. well the one, the a is this on demand, the, the whole affinity of the info said sunday of this, but i've been here in lawrenceville middle east on a couple 100, but off a 104 who? yep. on the, on the so i was thinking of, most of those a lot my very these things, a lot of the, you know, as a means that i essential. do you say that there's listening to sonia's video as i know so that the,
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the georgia is title was on the bus bundled bustle, successful. and that, like i said, us because of all this out of the month to come and data supporting my terminal much nadia. they show me the them, and at least mall is a little job, bought the people up by the human to get the beast us a lot of old details, or based on the april the about the head sort of build up for the mazda 2 that's
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come from the should be the 1st stop. they said it's ok. now i know these are the male, not these bunk this and if i don't up for the model, the day is double your eyes on bus funds on the little box. the other list, all of i know the but i live in love. i'm that are for us to fill the room for the most of the full hall instantly. i know that means and based off of my record on this, on the bus, you know, somebody that lasted for me, why? yeah, the news
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the most of the way to for 37 and i have done most of the, the way the video out through the thought did you check was always say i, i mean, easy for them. you didn't present the move in my, you know, i'm going to is going to assume, but if you that you all know. yeah. what are you that probably have done most english so mean to it. i do see i thought god, the z stevens down with your juice. so. so saying he didn't go into the video suited to the
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joyce the other way. what sort of i lost the salty and assign your so many kids that don't maybe ship. it doesn't mean if you knew of it. yeah. what on the move, it was not, but i'm old enough to the metal has to be off as you want me, but i feel like i've been going on. we've got a whole lot of that's the next to the end. okay. good. i low live, but you don't have to be anything that you know the loan. of course i'm which article, but i'm not the or the being as you mean. yes.
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good. i can let me get you, let me just see if i go to the order the most of the blame of the ship, the fence will be able to pass on my board of the intend on the field 5 you have was, i mean they just in get the reward of the pitch of the joint today. let me say a all good on a in the middle east. so may 1st lot of things have a lot of this thing called give me the liberal in email, not as an in your there's the clearly in the mean been to the level. no, no,
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let me know case i want that. i'm not going to the whole lot, but i'm with dr. edwards. there's the other half the of there's the look at all done. i will, i'll pull the mass sizes symbol as, as far as the one. well, what are your values that look like they're not given me? i'm of them. we less closer you. uh, there's some other the escalade, the maybe cool. you know, you might just have the natal method, the local into that almost from i don't know him outside of the box. good luck for us to ask him what's going on for you. they'll send something to the winter. they elizabeth, i like hopes either that or not knowing what to do. yeah, i mean the most i commodity clearly out of me and given the most it up for the internet to analyse that you by me and you can set under for the most. and then one the most,
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the most proud of the most scale it will by she really cheap plastic. be so good. ok. you asked crossing board under that? i got i wanna see what of the into the new dentist has been in years longer. how do i have been done on time for more than i, grandma, those are styles. the co good extra. yeah. is your singles the you have to get a hand. it seemed to get a little by some one. just tell us you get this going. the end of them you can say, is lovely made of it. you're welcome one though. so the not going to one of the, i'm going to be the media to go you the money that you. you've also going to know how much the,
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the dentist, the drone i don't know for me is it was make of those 1000 against our daughter and they will i be a be. and so i can go in and do nothing yet. the 9, i'm from the flat off on this with the ticket. i said, of course that's one of the most obvious. so me said miles, some of yours. and it's concerning that good. i lost a foot on the, on the 1st list, but i mean, some of these have a month from now for me to get out of the living. and most of the most come, you know, is that the biggest and most the most not listening or stalls,
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but it is the them, what's on the, on the lovely, so of, and based on this new and here they have more time variable game. okay. just tell you that we've got those and that may be into this is there's still more loss. doesn't need another support. i bought the spot on in the dining. oh boy, oh, i'll send a the name from the the official vehicle, but at least as the yankee ones that you'll get by. so that was, that was one of those 10 minutes just because you guys are looking to pose that might have the most of the exposure that's going to look at both on the
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me like, i don't want them to, but she's the one that go on like a be on, if i to do me the queen did she did, she was, was the same. but what the rough, what would it be in my notice? but to get you into this all on one of those people that follow going to homeless prettily. they're combined, you, they don't do for she's the is because i'm, we're looking at google for cycling, but are you seems a little bit of the cost by going to let us in the bus. again, it was almost like the 2000 movies. here's what's going to tell you,
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it will give us an individual look at a is i still the response? i the sophia engler, she's going to get k y uh by saucer. now, what was your level monday gonna life didn't really the going to allow him to look at bus one of the other mother. he's been present that in the but of them for you know, sleep but the people are going to lose up anything and energy to put a check, eddie, that's what i mean. already a pitiful to them and i'm old. yeah. and you do mother? yeah. yeah. she, i need to go to one of the but she saw around with them pc with all the 1st one of the, like facebook or some of the name of the, of any, from the other libra. now the with that is 20 for the going to the me live. i only last one of that. i got a one or 2, but she saw the, i mean, they know, surveys it with all of us buying your financial june. my name phases, kind of do you mean to gather them for them instead of him or you don't want to, but i mean little is when i the only go the, there's already that you know, the,
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the good things that think i need to look like it has cost us play more, is that the birth of more that it was a 0? was the yes and yes the you the money that yeah. they, they know read that in those the news so long of the the, you know, you go to delete all the boxes, all of those, uh, windows and a like a guy. you have your own on it. uh when, cuz i want to get behind things. yeah. it gets down to is i know it was just uh on a monthly rate as well, but for the longer the monthly idea, even more so i gotta get you the bundle and the pin again on the flu most. well somebody i can see. okay. yeah. it was a lot going down a little using political again since he's been on the bus a bicycle as it is webinar. so just because he's like, it's the reason i say don't mind when it is a big deal. what i said it was rather more of this on the, the easy way. uh, keep them in the mind giving me the zillow instead of 10, but i got to, uh, go,
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the other one is sort of simple. them with a 08. again, the more expensive and i'm going to plan with you, whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's some different several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
9:46 pm
you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. joe biden catastrophic debate performance and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shuddered. many narrow trips about american politics binding isn't sharp is attacks, and trump is an ex essential thread. officially sites from narratives of collapse chip going on limits of us the delayed. well did i go to? one of them is beautiful. you're going to shoot them on the new money bit since you own use based solely on duncan. i've been yeah, the little jump in on monday and i think on his good little gasket on monday, did you want to go to some community dock a petition about like, i don't want to do, but she's going to shoot them out. you could get it. i got the news, the news,
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my videoed up at peaches and but i but the scene is it really sitting there like, i don't want to see if she's interested. i want to, but i mean less cause my, my zoning does the measuring, but about this to it. and it might or not to find a statement to be that's from the augusta, the aesthetic on michael. but again, the lesson doesn't that mean that's if i mean you start seeing no bump unavailing this this cuz there's a lot of the most money there started to look at on a shot and ended okay. of i know all this stuff, industrial gas you, there's just that of all 4 of them. but as though it has all the very end of life, you know, let's say you've got the
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nice 1000000 by you me, um, but is this something i can send it? i left while i did this most, i am less g e and a for alpha saves so much as a, as the 200 mother needs. finally, talk to you on the special i've sent her this month of the year, look love, who's the height on the that and my left on the on the to say what is made. know not by the deviation. boss of the old far. they've been east. how to, how to it by this nothing. so me on the, i know fairly and is that using non bit so we hung up here with how it into the load for less than the input. i scanned them up. we put a move in
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a lack of the was coming up in some of the inside and they've been done this time of year when the show based on the and i'm defining the meanness and for she is in this, in the middle of the eventually and this not be nice on the one that you need to know. i look on the some of the us what the last month i buy circuit. and so that the supplement technique is going to be in this one that he might have falls from the smaller this is your while a drug deal, the is the better because i see on the us or feel a little is d as a share kind of some show the how special commercial customer seem to have as far as what, how do you feel how to look at his job? so if it's covered one time in the lab and most as
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a cabinet with of how well, how do i have all the possible but it should and i cannot full last it all the slight munition of the fee. uh, go ahead that. yep. i see the one beside the got a victim aside, that's beside that. the idea was either come on, look at it or the, i'll go with this one, the fund table, sad beside that the you have an issue next to you like us, a little bit missed as either of those either the heads up, you might have the have just done on my the a o, it's about 60, you and the med shaddick. a dial. very small on the,
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on your dental in the bus. you know, the gold combined you'll get, i've got on the screen. oh me. excuse me, leo. daddy. can you be bossy? to look at, but they would get you noted, so topple going. shouldn't that i have those in the middle. the goal is it allows everyone of it. so now what do you disagree with the normally that idea 3 is you in the front of the all of you know me that falls to load id or jordan? no, it got lost and i didn't know the numbers to go nowhere near me. like what sort of issue the
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angles need the most that i think that's the legal spice of which i'm it, you know, is i don't even down most i say this, i guess it was a little over a week. so you know, by walking this lady actually there's always an assignment are the only they said that the, the on the i see a little mutual kind of each part of the mouse. so you need a phone, but i lot. ok. now the email, like i was, i don't know if the bad was it was they don't know, but i mean, based on evidence seems recoverable. i will, you know, go through the lab that he finds most of them i shall fix. hold on these. my line is not that one of the papers is like i found
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a big mac. the. so there's so much is the, the, the lobby subject go. i know that's a, there's only why the payment was that they probably already talked to the bank and knows why they still said they know the reason why and what's the nice one jack said after i yeah, i think lastly as also in the context of nice players in that area and they literally as the got in my we have so less clients besides one just for my support one just the last 4 digits and they are going to be, i mean probably the average. and that's one of those. those know,
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so don't even worse than are most likely in this is how far they have for facebook . you know, sign is and i lost the mustang this thing on. well, heres actually already very, very, so got cable, you'll have your and you have the yes. so what i mean for somebody some way more about this workers over the ice. the are man outside this little critical so long. wait until the last the stay there was a most out of state and then not on the other side, even though i've only been a little nice. there's the heaters and you guys use the menu on the apartment. they know me or anybody aerospace, so i see that, you know, as i said, but on the on weight patients already finished the wheels and i see little crowded
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in other media english and maybe by my feet, by the eastern or something. by the way, i feel this excess not wasn't the interesting. i'm the one with, there's a few of the, actually a my, they the, the
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on the account or one of the middle will get out of the ballot plus, globally, can put a lot of as the last one moment. though i loved the muddy at the cables for each task, i keep on a part of your see it, but as by now my name now what else i own, but as a community style phone preferable, if at all it's like i don't, i just, you know, those a few of those old, but i sort of gave me a buzz goes yeah, cynthia, now who is your the, the buyers come in so for 3 months and let's dollars buy yours a little while going to there for the future, for a 5 digit, a bit of funds to them all through for the one that i found and that the little meant those. and the more the front desk mean task allows are part of the allowed as fun. yeah. let's do 2 years and they'll and they'll be,
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they'll be the but you know, it's all, no one, no place both or not. i've been doing that is the only place the somebody the memory of them. yeah. will let me if i media the that the low level, it's all in it, but i live on the task will stay the fuck anymore as this list at all like in your home and i like it also. busy just almost like if you're the
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the the the, the position, the deep sort of the west on the west on was death is the septic not to be brought to the books to be the only delegates of good on just the
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41 percent of us adults have a non savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain a basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached. use i have, i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of parenting income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then
10:00 pm
just by virtue of her being here, the the hey everybody, i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about today. my background is very different from gds. that is something you don't see every day. who is that? i'm gonna tell you, i'm right, said just this is direct impact. let's do it the . so let's get started. i watch something last night. i saw it was really, really cool. you know, the goal of conventions, they don't usually offer up any news or for that matter. anybody that's different, you know, same old, same old, bought a choreographed stuff. that is not the case with what what i'm about to show you.


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