tv Documentary RT July 20, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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the necessarily on the whole little traffic they get blended at lee is some detestable from the and the government, i'm a sort of fee is to set up for the fees and then tell me the rules. mind the tenants and did that. it gives me the students and i'll be, well, if it was sufficient smith to me in washington, i have moved upside for just in the frequently asked in the most for the cooling less could he just cool out the lesson study on the witnesses center and they can send it several 16 i to somebody is somebody sitting down the oh is for phillip fee because the roof. ringback sooner the sooner leo, when uh, site to muscle fee, you know,
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from soon send the most of the, the, the most. and that's the that's so said the good deeds about the of the the, the cookie of the so they become bad and they're not going to forget the whole better. i'm included that the limit can attempt to model for am missing or less a month in the $50.00 to $2.00 fairly i'm not really is the, for most of the luminous well as the hand being this one. and then the remaining consumers alone. and i'm in general on the highways and the name of his product is being made. and i'm not one of the pillows here all during the not, i mean the resume of the investigative
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must some deep will start a cooler. does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this of her being in the little hold on for the month by her. sabina have a one hour if in the south a lot of my been funded the the really i've given it from us that i'm the head of the list. you ma'am, to see off that if didn't the, when i come a definitely ftp of if that the hope, what are you the most the hey not too much for the actual studies must mean must have in front of you
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the didn't know a live band if it's, i'm on the how many list them on board, how to do it? it less frequently i heard going about the 4 bedroom i thought if miss article, how much have to be of the, the telephone interview. my hand must be in the at the i'm the senior, the, i'm a gaze here. i'm a school. i'm the mother of the, the c. as in the, at the city, we're moving the most center for kenneth on us. it is the camera, the demit,
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the race. so that's done, boosted off and see whom in fucking, fucking, be in front of that. you said the heavy duty, but it's a film to the quote, the most of the, the very old in we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the, comes in santa 0 to the phillips dom i'm in the 0 from the government side to side, the degree of on for started this uh some of the eyes of why the, somebody in gun it says in the that about the blood. and one of the seeing that it's getting in and i'm assuming you know, the way, my god, they are being my, the my go higher, i lay and above the body the back to us and it and tell them to say i lose 10 bags and no later you can, the homeowner will come uh madame ivy and my the,
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the 100 folk, the such a map or live and it wouldn't affect the site. it's a quarter for some of the more am it's got the and the bottom left click on the google for those. so it's a month to the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the site and the city f, as in william uh, the a, the, i'm with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah,
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and that's active and them. so for saw it at the new foot, the last 2 in america here. what do i have seen in my. ready in the sun and the most of getting the website or a go for the image man, this is a 100 and the for them. and i'm assuming you to hug method for those the 3, you know, so i had the for them as a and the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a sent us a new id, the civilian count numbers. what do you, i'm doing the city of fighting home. i'm watching the drums when i due to some indeed i am the man kenneth model for the day shutters the
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today at the from us. yes, i did send a team. can nominate mean were sitting sir, or sitting the more but the so i uh give them the best to send the most of the me and the substitute to be in by the owner. a can lawyer to do that to tell of it was was own uh unless something so security. the other thing is about the system that turns it to somebody. yeah. one doors, the volume for one hour, the most, the city of the soviet really can know 3 more minutes. i might have some, uh, most of, i mean how come at the cost of go in the,
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the over to, to the so the done, the deluxe hobby is so big. the van of the van, i am a little go to the tub. the tub, the tub, gratitude, and i set up for the clean for me to set the blue at the uh, i grew up the rest of the, the, i know they want to know what the set of can be on the she was shut off. lena yvonne and his saves enough and the fast so of my that's the solar and associates and has to move in uh for, for based on labels that are still going to need a whole uh, big store like a list sort of and then a, a good buy on move button put, apply like putting them a whole logan national product in making i would almost pause. oh,
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so my pleasure would fall, pause a full i had to i she and with that i thought i should in because a lot of them a day that delay is sort of in the the, the center and i'm going to act as live in the center and i'm going to get above is trying to wireless go hotel is sort of in my most the bottle and above in front of me for up to a lot of to go. we're kind of global it on the lane itself. not been about been mostly mcguire, the stream was it that the phantom added the heart of the civilian pennsylvania. it would that be counted on how to behave within the let them in at the, the low low but as a to fail to read. and i need boom sided a little while i was at lucy met them, but to let those of 8. ready ready the,
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willing to give freedom to the philippines and side as just another colony. the 1999, the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupied american troops were barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic. but that patriot started a desperate villarille of war. washington was forced to sit in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the u. s. army suffered heavy losses. the americans took it out on the population. general jacob smith in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of fall on ega porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates, lead to the death of about 200000 philippines. the americans manage to suppress the guerrillas only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was
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not able to stop the national liberation struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve independence. the yeah, they said 50, do my new phone. so in the community the bought the eggman sort of and me go ahead was shooting and they had the that the meant the one level of law tab on the horrible stolen when the said to the had been washed in the eyes of my outside of my nice to mamma lity. glinda maneesha, some of the been a lot of with the lender had of to be with you and i think the him good include last year and give me the enough. seems
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a did you way? i did send it to the he receive and then a going to the school, the sort of the both of us will and that is maybe why do i should in the last and admin pulls with us with well, hey, i'm going to to imagine the mob on then the kind of deliberate matches of the how the layer so when i measure it only to the, to the end we had many attempts just in the new, i mean go we, it will. so you can live with me. uh, comes out the pin fee genetic lease, uh your new home. so the $10.00 fee come with the same of interest to waive ownership or how late. my name is, diana. i'm in austin. i don't know my names. diana mean, go ahead. do i sit in huddle horrible? i lost the do. i you know you understand that in your new young 13,
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you looked at them in the system, but my oldest to buy from my home is good to go in this early enough. the house has sent me some sort of little boy, your typically uncle of putting the stuff in. as i said, the would you me a list of, of them or would you me a little bit of it. you know what it is like, but the comfortability of the one month is it catacomb. the reason i'm wanting to so this is a sort of like a demonstration of many of you who was, who was all but the mostly what i mean. and mostly more of an investigation that several guys may be mon, with the model for most of the felt the comfortable enough for some because the shared pics i had a come. so as of you look at the title, is the title,
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is, can the tool is love the, the when i'm assuming that the left within the us in the gene can you tell us of the may come site age of already the homework kind of as the much 50 ton you now to get this in the, the thing and then the to so we talk settlement to lead to become science over as a med dining room there, there have you learn more to fly the one that sort of what the fee literacy generally i mean both on the ship, those the mig, all sort of lena mendoza and them a with and then a highly in make this allergies in montebello, where the lam a woo, the hell in will smith's and mccain want us to move on, and then the height of domino ok list off in the issue with the, the wild feet i shouldn't actually is the calamity unless i have been them go as
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feet. and um, in my dentist, little columbia logos call and the self, the color, the sun will bus and migrate by the side and get it on the face. the dean renewal shipped most of the stuff to send them some sort of bane from that that have to do with the multiples of the go you get then then the consent. mosel's definitely look, i'm done a for you to that try next october. we'll get i live in the molly slide in the home or how she'll let them know much woman. i'm in the loop because i template them spending more into the system you presently, but that was the is, will mr. so yes, give me way in the midst of finished to me. he started thinking me of this hinges, that seems to be them. these things don't go as
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a bonus to could never look somebody in the venue. it's a good cost opinion for somebody else. who can help you with this? it goes out to the nurse that it has done yet. so let's give us the label of this. you do it. so to set the solution as meters, the 600 minus pages i had on and it was thanks instead bother us through enough this to do it. so it's not some busy. so for us to attempt it on the system that i sent the notes to see gene, the congestion means that the us because of the process, can subordinate con, concerns. dates of insensitive e c, d on the set of the the
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just addition if you could just doing that just sheets and did it on that and just see what he's doing. the sum of kendra, it's a credit for the quarter of the b 2 minus that i'm so projection mitchell, just simply a process of interest for cutting the russian sensitive some number of widgets such as this. so just to say, it was curious because we've done the city schools, i have some schools domestic interesting through slides pursuing a section of this new person doing some psychiatrist school for the piano school in japan. and if it's in an invite to national to split system, which is the message to the groups. i teach cynical critics on video,
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but they don't sit down as of today but, and especially for continuum of the new semester due to the if i did it before the year into this, when you've done it, we should always gives, it goes quickly. total phase, who is the length of stay on the for just chips the just the positions. these are what i've seen just being a city in a city of t. jackson guy, which is most use cases the, the, the photo gallery i was the, you know, the mileage, the good wireless here with pretty a whole. what are you from the day of pollution? that's kind of what else do you like to meet with level and much of these are chance to see if that was 216. it was kind of those numbers since a corporate to get the parcel for them for 2 inch how good it is. and give them the
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rest of you will have to also live in a lot of people can pay the amount of a lot by having them just low monthly because some of some of the others kind of always kind of i mean i can come to the phone number, so i don't mean which one can go in and i gave the best they time enough to say that the senior and the hotel send the home, are you oh classroom, most of them are the how do i deal with them? how in and look into this type supporting the shape. really telling my 10 bucks that's the highest and how fast and more of a lot of these, from a way is off to misfire. impression wrote the something that was the the, as long as they must have that for them both the, the
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literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey, i'm the little bit was a little bit for the how get me in the house, the one who is a lot of the x, the x institution, and then the committee to do it for society. the a cool to scan that a, the, with this aspect of it. why and the eyes that's out of my way, is it ice and i do certainly i do. i don't see uh uh there was a lot acre you on. i'll be back and i'll even get them. oh gosh, i tell you i had bus 19. i guess nicole often to the 1st the survey
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was temper and the different the society they get them and then this be included in the just kind of just so you know truckers on probably going to them the good enough for him. the money was the. ready he had to miss the port of a consignment shop. we must try it. well, the loan, the figure to lift the man a little bit to get a hey i in the so i'm going to receive this order to
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a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can the, the position, the deep sort of the west on the west on was that there is the septic not to be brought the books to be the only the delegates of good and just the
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the, the 2000 people are killed in id f strikes on this central gallons a refugee camp, including pregnant women on the page. according to health sources. it comes as dr. sun, the alarm over israel's use of weapons designed to disperse high levels of trump. i have seen countless children with their bodies riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over the body in the head and the neck and it's or x in the abdomen, the
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