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tv   News  RT  July 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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think it goes, it, give us a good. oh it does. it will be the the breaking news. humans defense ministry reports and is rarely fighter jets right on the countries red sea port city of alpha date of following yesterday's blue sage rhona task on television. also i had at least 3074 killed an idea of strikes on the gaza with babies and a pregnant woman among the reported victims that says doctor sound to the alarm over israel's use of devastating weapons. again pavilion, i have seen countless children with their bodies riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over the body and the head and neck, and it's or acts in the abdomen. hundreds gather on the streets of paris voicing
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their support for the people, gaza rally to organize or nelson mandela's grandson says protest or don't want to see is really kind of tender is represented at the old one a t o in the idea of being participating in the civil side, ethnic cleansing, world crimes and crimes are things too many. and washington just can't move on from india and prime minister and a render modi's visit to moscow saying it doesn't want to see its partner hugging the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. we begin with breaking news. the many authorities have reported multiple casualties after and is really our strike on the red sea port of al who data at least 12 f. 35 fighter jets are set of taking part in the attack. a massive
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blaze broke out of the same as a number of fuel tanks on fire. a power plant in the city has also been heavily damaged. the idea of has claimed responsibility for the strikes saying it was retaliation for numerous attacks from yemen. r t correspondent jamal out as well, brings us this report from the amended capital. so not the kind of the rates of all the violence of the city of the day, just specifically on the quotes. right? you talked to oral storage facilities and the pulls the files and data as well as the diesel storage facilities. we slide 2 large price acknowledging in the fuel tanks all her data seated power station was also targeted according to the ministry of health and the governments in san office has confirmed that the casualties will boon the people who fell. as a result of this is bailey range. that was consummation by may serve this house the best way to bailey, and work to me dollars based barely aircraft. so not a problem is this. it will not remain silence about the space,
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and the response will be more violent than these fairly tac. pressuring human to stop supporting gaza is a dream that will not come true. the brutal is really aggression will only increase our determination, steadfastness, continuity, and incrementalism in supporting garza, esl depaula to file for data. it is a commercial facility. inside the pool is a file for data. del hundreds, and perhaps thousands of workers was working the ports, and the exec tumbled down, or wounded, and the places where these, dat security has not been determined, but the statement concerned that that was dest, ongoing deadlines, electricity station, in all her data, was also targeted. it's also de, depends greatly on that's the residence, depend greatly on it, and therefore the cd will be affected significantly if the call was stationed. that was cut off was about to go to all right, well, joining us live from bay root journal,
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a smaller colored and r t middle east bureau chief, maria for notion i in northern israel. maria, i'll start with you. what is israel saying? how is it justifying this attack on human? a good evening to you, rachel. well, earlier on such a day israel's truck yeah, man. and for the 1st time we see the idea of quickly confirming the attack. the army says that he had several targets, both civilian and what they called tara targets and who the data it poured see to some 6 hours away from you have any capital so not as 1700 kilometers away from israel. the operation is called long arm, reportedly, 10 strikes were carried out by f, 35 fight to jets, electricity stations, and all the refinery him on the targets. and this is why on the footage we received from the ground was a big black smoke coming up. at least 3 people happened reported that 15 all there was a pleased injured and these are only preliminary numbers of stores that tall is expected
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to rise. israel says they didn't cooperate with other states to care out the strikes mitigating reports of a joint. israel, u. k. and us venture. we received the video showing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the idea of chief of staff had see her levy, or we're seeing the attack on the i'm in earlier on such a day from the headquarters of these really ministry of defense in tel aviv israel has made it very clear the attack is a response to friday's drones strikes about. the whole states took responsibility for they were full drones fired. 3 were down by us forces, while the 4th one hate a building near the american on the same, tel aviv killing one is really mad and injuring 10 other people from the idea of the message it sent with this attack on you haven't is clear to restore some kind of deterrence and to retaliate. here's is rarely defense ministers speaking. let's take a listen. yes, i think i'd say me,
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the part of that is currently burden indiana is sent across the middle east. who is a sped, tucked us over $200.00 times. the 1st time that the hub and these real citizen, we struck them and we'll do these in any ways. but we've made the require, you know, the blog to, as well as citizens because of prices got as this has been made clear in lebanon, in gaza, in human, and in other places, they will dare to attack castles. the result will be identical. will we also hear from is really military officials that the idea of has been on high alert for months, anticipating serious attacks from the whole states since october. as since the beginning of the world, gaza human based militant group attacked israel $220.00 times with drones and make solves so it didn't come as a surprise for each row and they have been preparing, they were ready. and this is why these really response was we could came about 45 hours after the whole fees. drone landed in tel aviv officials in jerusalem stress . that's why all these really strikes for an act of self defense. but who says,
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are not only and is really problem, but the world's problem to been for size, the who sees declaring them every time, sage on israel, and you're a protect various specials around the world. they took shape, sang vessel, saved, and killed. sailors disrupted the economy. the whole says, i already say they already reacted say they will respond, adding that quote, israel's dream of him and stopping support for gaz a will not come true. and that means we witness a cycle of escalation, a highly dangerous story for the entire region. and you have to remember the things have been and remain bored. and then as well as north, where i am right now where the idea of has been engaging with has bottle a full months. so that is indeed a very dangerous moment. and i hope that my colleague from lebanon can bring you more in that. maria, thank you. let's turn now to malick hell ed, who is in they roots. i'm all like, we're just seeing reports that 11 on has struck israel just moments go what,
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what sort of, uh, escalation are we potentially looking at here of what we're looking for in a solution that is, is really shouldn't be held responsible for because that's what it has been attacking does since october 7th, and it is claims as a says defense that as a genocide is taking place since then long and the word is watching, none of the companies that claim to be of the country is broke. the system says, you know, all the needs of human rights and etc, that sets it up has been actually can with gives us the children over the past 10 months. actually it's not the policies that have best stock. uh that, i mean it's the, yeah, many are me and there's a huge difference between an up and an army and admitted to the movement is admitted to the movements and the police appointed to keep the present the in the am and the government of but the they, how many are me? it's an army, it's
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a country that took the decision to escalate in order to push it out of the word to stop the word and as that. and that's what has been done, stated by the the 1st. yeah, many also should meant on the oh that's right, you decided that the theme of the is what it is stopping supporting does that will not come through. and if you would just t bed response from them and he's on social media about this strike on today. doesn't know, you'll see that they am and is, are calling for the war. and this country has not been defeated to waste city. and when, what 112011 has the striking on those races of the 8th. so this is an escalation from many um, from what is right. we will need to wait and see how the site is going to the spunk . given that we would not just go over the fact that more than $2515.00 an x, $35.00 am. and just have
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a young man in this phones to one bedroom that's going to one or sense. no, the news are coming from you. i'm, i'm that the, i'm more than 80 goes well, it is including $72.00. so the problem, of course, is also a question, need a book, this is a that has just been cold enough and a kind of to push an occupying force by the end semester, little the court and the participate. so basically, so it finds itself in a very weak position, what it wants to show that she escape in order to escape of it of uh, stopping that. uh, i mean upside on it. um, so we wouldn't have to see the feedback we are actually expecting now an a statement from am a, from the military to them minutes of the forces of the amount of sports. it's $920.00. so this should be holding. but as far as to what it has has just done on announcing the new stage off and affecting the the,
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affecting the chips or the other. um, participating uh vehicles on the award on the, on the set especially that it's not an edit face has actually provide the best choice for that is what you the edge that's all the way to look at the data port monica, the who these have vowed to retaliate against both israel and it's western allies. what sort of response do you think we can expect as well as they have started by the by and by targeting ships. and then of course, he's down with them on and you can expect that they have a different that they have enjoying that can the job in ford, 2000 miles, the 2000 and kind of monitors. so it can actually be capable of given more sense to use more to develop weapons. so what you like 6? no, it's not the only from human. that is the concept of the unity of the phones that
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is being applied since october 7th. we might be seeing or with this, again escalation, an old, that phones that are participating actively and supporting. does that, and this is what the human on i focused on the words, i insist on using the words that they have. many are me, it's not, it's, they have any army, it is a once i gave a put them in a typical it's okay. they can do that. but to be accurate, it's about the, it's an, an army. this is one of the statements of the human army. it starts with that's a military forces. how to get to this and that. so we, we might be witnessing the announcement about announcement of a new stage and award and, and maybe target didn't get started in the us. the also support the folders for that session against emma. and we will see you in the coming hours. if this
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discussion is going to be on the trip songs that i await, but in 10 minutes we have been listening to what uh, size house on the la agenda chief of principal husband said that has been an escalation. but the problem, i think it was the, it has that in the past, the, the fuel was, it just was also investigation that you need to stop the, what is there any, think the word, the word is not. the 2nd thing you know, progressing on is a so basically, as the administrative session is coming to the horses, i to go to the ending the word or to open more from okay. okay, we're gonna leave it there. general, a smaller colored and r t middle east bureau chief maria from ocean. i think you to you both. on friday, one person was killed, one a drown exploded near the us embassy in tel aviv the who see said they launched the long range attack from u. m. and using new technology capable of bypassing israel's multi layered air
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defenses. the after the striking explosion erupted in smoke, we've seen filling the st characteristic of suicide drones, as well as the single sites, holiday 8 people are in the hospital following the attack according to is really media. the idea of says it is investigating the incidence executive director of the error center for research and studies haney's. so i'm on says israel is using these attacks to try to demonstrate its control over the region. i think the is a wants to make something good. so you said we've been towards this situation, we can deal with this a tax and the thing you want blow improve, it's the dilution. and so, or, and does that in the, in the region by the clearing down. the whole thing is that we are here in florida and we can deal with any of this be i will see. but i think the buy is,
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is a response on the rod at the response i think be, and it can the saying he wants to uh, make a response uh, in one day out as a tech support. or i think uh the one that is uh, i think is the 6. 0 oh, see, it may be one for city day is we can find a new policy at that's just because it is really because once you go from a place to another, uh, a mini is and the secret hosting was it was trying to scan it. it said on my end, or exactly where does it have this, but it's also in on, in i'm sending and so forth the door for room and the other military and so forth. and so i see, is there a yes say it was born in a short time,
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but i think that it will continue and it will be hard. but i'm not the only thing you know by continued and ordering does not the gaza. where does the ends of civilians have been killed and the latest wave of his really strikes according to the palestinian health ministry. the enclave is death toll since october 7th has reached nearly 40000 of the footage, posted by a local journal that shows and is really our striking residential buildings near the island. is there a refugee camp creating a wide area of deadly strap? now flying in all directions, palestinian rooms, florida lockwood, a key was wounded despite being some 100 meters from the blast. dozen and doctor sent the cry. the is rarely use of munitions that scatter projectiles when they strike causing catastrophic injuries. a report around the o mahari has more. we allow the races theater avail off,
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so much as hospital and sense of the threat where there are many cases being get treated by this tough doctor. is this 9 year old boy i did as these are the ac, is now facing a life threatening situation. i come to see. this boy is going to to die at any time because of the lack of equipment, the lack of cab, a citizen to deal with such case. this is among the cases that have clicked, shirts, or region of fragments into all over is everybody's the concern is getting high for the life of disease and the lives of many other children. and the goal is us to, as we are going now to be joined by one of the leading this task doctors who is an american iraq, a cosmo, how much i have carrying out operations during this. it was time across the
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gauze, us to us in the last few days. in particular. we've had school attack off the school, the tech, off the refugee can protect. i have seen countless children with their bodies riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over the body in the head, in the neck, and it's or acts in the abdomen. they've ripped through their lives as well. to me, a few use shop. the type explosives around children be prepared to cause maximum damage and this is exactly what we're saying. we are overwhelmed and every time we try to we try to put out a file. we have a even greater file it, there are, there is no capacity to treat these patients. this is the problem. the problem is because of a, a numbers issue. so you, if the patients come in and they exhaust all the blood products and exhaust all the supplies, what do we do for the patients to come off to them? and how do this stuff msd prepare for wave after wave after wave of mud,
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the children of killed a women killed? it's really something quite bob barrick. but of course, as you can see here, this poor boy behind me, he needs to be in and i see you in any other place in the world. he would be an i see you on the strict observation would pop up fluid balance management. and he would even put potentially be intubated because he's go to the buttons to the face and he has most likely inhalation or injury as well. um, but the side situation is that the, the as a direct result of, of lack of access to proper health care. this is one of many children who will die in france. hundreds of levels have taken to the streets of paris to express support for the people of the active is marched with palestinian flags while chancing slogans against the war and with the paris olympics less than a week away. now protesters are also urging the macro and government to boycott
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israel from the games. you heard about the reasoning behind the rally from nelson mandela's grandson, who organizes the demonstration. he also commented on the developing it situation in yemen. we, i hear you. there is some day to make a call to move in time to go about community things. i make notes on the data to measurements and all across the which one is brent to call for the then no of our party to use arrive from the paris olympic games yesterday we waiting laws on at the headquarters of the i o. c. calling on the lead to sleep of the i o. c. to been designed, let's do that. being a t t from participating in the olympics. in 10 in the blood test on glowing each day. we are getting hundreds and thousands of people into the streets that all supporting the policy and struggle. we already know
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a sales for the biggest protest in front of the opening ceremony of the olympic games, which will be on the 26th off for july next friday. we are therefore calling one o civil society rick. i am label formations, faith based organizations, and goal brussel, which placements to contreras the on the opening ceremony. we saw part the policy and much of those that are being silent. we know that we have over $400.00 policy opinion, argues that have been much it will define dissipate, that didn't, does all of them piece. they are very new stuff in quotes is also being lots of the quotes, facilities that have been destroyed. we therefore call on the i o c, i to bend of the zionist deputy mtd from participating. particularly in the light
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is obviously over 30 of the audits save in the idea and to have been participating in the genocide mcclinton saying war crimes and crimes are things to manage. the re, i've had the all the latest developments as led by our comrades and brothers, the human, the. what is the word say in the internet? no, it's the daughter, the movements across which move men did not. the most will tease. mazda remain for the 12th, and the 10th is why the flights in liberating our brothers and sisters in law and on, oh, well occupied, probably done. or there are thousands of the many protesters gathered for a weekly demonstration in the capital and support of gaza. many of them held palestinian flags while others brandished assault rifles whose the militant group
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has organized such raleigh's nearly every fridays since the israel home oswald broke out in october. the almost 2 weeks have passed since indian prime minister and a run from moody visited moscow and washington just can't seem to get over it. us national security advisor jake sullivan says washington takes issue with the indian leader hugging vladimir putting we never want to see countries that we care about who are partners and friends of ours shop in moscow and boot. and india has a historic relationship with russia that they're not going to cut off. but we do believe that we want to continue to have a deep dialogue within the about the specifics and the nature of that relationship and whether it oppose overtime and or under moody arrived in moscow at the beginning of july, taking his 1st before and bilateral visit after his re election, the russian and the indian leaders discuss energy and the defense, cooperation, trade and space development. moody also received russia highest se order for the
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indian time minister was in moscow. us state department says chris and matthew miller expressed his concerns over a new days before close ties with russia. part of the tool got something in the as a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia. i will look to publish remote as part of march to, to see what he talked about. but as i said, we made quite clear directly with india are concerns about their relationship with the restaurant. and so we would hope india, any other country when they engage with russia, would make clear that russia should respect to you and charters who respect you credit sovereignty and territorial integrity under daily responded to the statements by saying the us and india can disagree on certain things india is foreign ministry spokesperson also noted that new delhi values it's strategic autonomy, foreign policy experts to become all due to a says the us must understand that india will not follow commands. a hi,
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think of me here. the name job on the set does not need our mission. united states of america as to whom you should shake and send you to meet them. believe me to uh, you know, it's, it's, it's totally up to you about the uh, the time it is. so apartment b and if you said you at the odd discretion has to be told we should maintain out relationship and we'd be sure not a not relationship. yes, we do have a very fun. didn't say that the relationship with united states government, eco, invest pain, maybe have a fairly fund, you'll say, a man that maybe pull his relationship and the time that the just relationship with the russian federation and business, not the united states of america, has to understand these 3 any b, and so now it's a us off issue to be i'd be interested in the back of property in the us
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relationship spectrum. business gave me a feeling that it should be about the any to advantage also in diplomacy that is at the bottom, you know, be a time speak, choose to be said 3 on the, on the same logic applies here. and i think the rest has to come out of the, you know, be a rock c o v a n b, a test to x, they have to be a relationship for india in independent relationship with you. and i think that is better and better as we get better, better for your credit in place to have begun arresting men of military service, aged right on the streets for not updating their data at enlistment offices. the draconian rules came into force this week under kids, new mobilization strategy. well, the regulations officially entail fines for those who failed to update their data on time. however, footage circulating on social media shows police officers more slowly,
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setting man on the streets instead of the ukrainian military takes and mounting losses on the battlefield amid a city rushing at the meanwhile hungry, which is promoting its pay submission for your credit has accused other western powers of turning a blind eye to cabins and forced mobilization tactics. the hon. gary and foreign minister has also hit back at blood. them are zalinski after he tried to smear budapest or rich and diplomatic efforts go through obama to any. you can all see the videos of the ukrainians lining up. it is very interesting that the west is not outraged by the fact that the n g o is have knowledge of the table. and yet, it is very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights are now silent team. it is a shame that human rights organizations don't speak up. and here we are. those who are willing and a brave enough to talk about the need to create for those. and then the president
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of ukraine addresses the in very, in prime minister with such unqualified words. this is very difficult for me to accept process and restrain myself from using harsh expressions you'd be kids. got them funny hotel, an activist pied footage of the forest mobilization of ukrainians on the walls of a genovese church passers by. ever seen, gathering around the video projection event organizers said that they wanted to rebuild the truth about the man hunt, a new crane that's forcing the population to die for nato's interest. let's cross live now to the demonstrations organizer and local activists. leonardo synagogue la, la, and art are good to have you on the program with us. first of all, why did you decide to organize this type of event in the 1st place? hey, we decided to organize. it uses the evidence because that the government, these actively, actively participating in the need needs are useful. the support for the key
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evidence in the so we think that the government that is a responsible tool for the, the tragedy and that is happening to the pregnancy design that workforce. it is $5.00 to $4.00 need to and the for the so called the values of against the they, they brothers and rush. so, so what do they tell you? and people think of its government and ukraine. the majority of the time people uh not though it is not the against the rush and the clearly against the sending weapons to, into creating the quarter into that in government. the, the one, the headed by a judge, a middle only, it was elected to because of many, many people thought that the, she would, that change and that in the boring the body body. but the do, the idea is that you probably can't the difference to the foreign policy because it
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is we are nothing independent country about the country it manages from washington . so the judge and middle to the had the habits who forbade the order. so the white doubts about the bed and people are really against the majority of the 2nd people that really against that, those are the parties is a, is, and the sending weapons to free. zalinski says ukraine's mobilization is going according to plan. what do you make of that statement, considering the tactics that are being used, and we can, we can see that to you. it's easy. so again, the, basically he has a tool and to show some else the subsequent payment to in front of the situation about the it's clear to something that the can be sustained for much longer because they at least already picking up the even the disabled people from the sweets and the many and many more to bring and seek is.


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