tv Documentary RT July 21, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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leased, meanwhile, according to the you and the hundreds of thousands of dollars and continue to suffer from starvation and disease and all sorts of all the things we did, you all just paid for the co founder of the move and about their activities. also about the attitude to the idea. i have a listen to this so thank you very much for joining us today. we really appreciate. thank you. you are the founder and one of the leaders or the organization known as 129 or order 9 that has repeatedly attempted to prevent humanitarian aid from breaching gossip. by blocking the roads, blocking the food trucks here in each row, many see you as a hero. however, in the west to see you as a criminal, preventing crucial assistance to people in need. you are the 1st woman sanctioned by the us treasury department. and now the you has also impose sanctions on the organization together with 2 other entities, stating that they are quote,
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responsible for series and systematic human rights abuses against the palestinians . what would you say to that? anytime, as i said the, by the way, some of this will start by addressing what you said about us top 9 blocking aid from reaching gaza. and it's really important for me to, to respond to that. essentially the aides goes into gaza, falls into the hands of some us. it's strengthened some us role in the strip, and this is not good for the goals and civilians either. this means that this aid is not humanitarian aid. it is a that strengthens the terrorist strength in some us and therefore it is not good for us or for the civilians. we as a south 9, do not oppose humanitarian aid asia. we want humanitarian a to enter and reach the civil williams. only the civilians of casa, not the terrorist. and it's really important for me to address and the sanctions, because essentially, the sanctions mean that we are not allowed to protest in the state of israel. that's what it means. it means that in israel and we cannot protest anymore,
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simon is really citizen. i haven't done anything wrong according to the law. and still, as a citizen, i cannot hold a legitimate democratic protest in my own country. this is a very, very severe infringement that shouldn't occur quite and is the president of the united states. he can legislate things and impose them on his citizens. but i am subject to the laws and rules and rights of the state of israel. a free democracy, would you send repeatedly and you just now said that again, but the aide sends to guys, uh, goes directly to have mazda is, is your opinion, this is why you oppose that. at no one will on your desk. partially, yes. how mouse ruled. they probably stayed in clay for 15 years before the war started. it controls many things on the ground. it's clear, but what is also clear and what has been confirmed by numerous international organizations, is that the life of ordinary gallons,
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surviving famine and lack of water and medications, deeply depends on this age as well. dozens of dozen children have died from malnutrition, doesn't mothers. you are unable to breast feed their that they kits and they see them dying. humans here in this situation is catastrophic. the age that self 9 is preventing from reaching garza is that a, that these mother is and these children need as a mother of 8. what would you say to that? the least ak unit of the we need to look at the facts. today, there is twice the amount of goods passing through gauze, as in there was in comparison to before the war, twice the amount. it's an amazing figure. you can't put the difficulties of the population inside gaza on the back of the top 9, because we only delayed the goods from entering. our action was a protest to urge the state of israel or neutral international body to take control
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of the aid take responsibility. so that the aid reaches the civilians. this means that we under top 9, did not prevent the aid from reaching the population. the aide is passing in high quantities into gaza. so what you were saying about mountain nutrition and hunger, it's actually falls on the ground. the footage coming out of cause that shows beyond any doubt the situation in gaza, the markets and goes up full with goods, the abundance of merchandise and gaza to the point that food is thrown away, that this means that there is no hunger in gaza. and this, there is hunger, it cannot be blamed on israel or on the action, the new top 9. so as if you see, is really army monitoring and controlling the delivery of humanitarian aids to those in need to mothers and children that you will not oppose. that is that what you say menu?
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i feel what seems exactly. we want the a to reach the civilian population because what is happening today? look, i live here in the 2 box very close to gaza. i've been living here for 16 years. and all these years, how moss has been firing rockets as me and my children most fires that us not only during more time. i mean this is something that people around the world don't understand. the reality of rockets is a daily routine for me. my children suffer from p gsp. my children don't go to the bathroom alone. they don't close the door when they're in the shower, because they're always afraid. if there's a rocket now and there's an alarm, i need to run. i need someone to look after me. they grow up, always afraid. again, not just in war time, even in gauze, or they don't experience this because they experience the store in war. we've been suffering from rockets all the time as a man is really army has been a company, humanitarian in convoys into gaza and they have been several incidents
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when they was shooting and there was activities and casualties. because of that, do you think the army is capable of fulfilling the submission of protecting human hearing aid and making sure it goes to right hands? i don't know what's being said. we need to have control of a that gets bozza from top nines perspective. this can be done either by the ideas or by neutral international organizations. it's important for us to say this. maybe even a combined solutions needed. we're not the government. we won't tell them what's the best solution. we trust our government and ask it to come up with the best solution they see fit. but blaming the idea for a single incident. that was truly a one time event and 9 months of war for one case of mistakenly shooting, an innocent person is wrong, sufficient. in the end, this happened even between ideas. troops within the id s,
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there were so many casualties, including hostages, were killed because it's a war and didn't board people we don't want to be killed, get killed. this incident was very, very unfortunate. but again, such incidents happen and they have happened to soldiers to my husband's friend who's killed this way by one unit mistakenly firing on another idea. a few minutes civilians also get killed this way by mistake because it's the sad reality of war to me. dev could then you should be id, ask us, it's best to fight this war with as few casualties as possible and does more than any army in the world. to achieve that, we see this because some awesome children to locate where the idea of troops are. and to harm our soldiers and the idea of never shoots it the children blue would mean that in these really armies considered to be one of the best in the world. shouldn't that mean that the idea is capable of defeating him as without restricting too many tear and supplies? come us?
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cuz that's it and be a taylor phillips bi claim, a little control and a moss. their greatest strength is that they don't care about their own population . that's why they hide within the civilian population in schools which made them come in with them. they hide themselves, their weapons, their missiles, right, underwear, children study. that's the strength of from us, and to defeat them, we have to do everything we can, we need to target them. awesome. and the idea does this in a way that protects the civilian population to the highest degree possible. it's a lot of obvious to a how much says restricted humanitarian aid, help the idea in a tube in its military go up to fixing him, us hiding dining latha. our soldiers who went to gaza saw how mazda is tara tunnels, filled with humanitarian aid, their warehouses stocked with chocolate cans and all the goods that come with the aid the quarter. they see this with their own eyes that come off as terrorist sites
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. so we need to look at the facts. we need to consider what is happening on the ground and not the narrative. the world wants to tell itself and look at the facts on the ground. there with you also said that you don't believe that children in guys are dying from malnutrition, although it was confirmed by international organizations. he also said that you don't believe that there is lack of food and there is risk of famine, a feminist product, especially in the north. although again, this is what the wine is alarming about. when do you think is happening on the ground? what, what, what is the picture that you have of? what is going on in guys right now, and what are your sources? the basic function about any lie that's not the i see the full picture here because my husband was in gaza for a month and a half and my friends are fighting there too. and we see the reality as it is. and we also see it on telegrams. there's difficult reality and goes to that. but
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ultimately, when a soldier sees thursday and hungry people, the ideas are the 1st to give them water. when a see we see reality as it is. it is true that moss and other terrorist organizations publish statistics. but i don't think that those numbers should be trusted because in the end, they're numbers that want to tell a certain story about the reality and goss on to the reality in gaza is an unpleasant one. we want the war to end in israel to we want the war to and let's get back to sanctions. as freezing is, i'm on the sanctions. how will it affect the work of your organization? the semester? it's for the sandfield. and i know before the sanctions began, we had stopped taking action on the ground. 59 is not a legal entity. so the sanctions didn't directly affect us. but we had money collected through donations to operate. this money is essentially frozen in a fund and we can't access it to mean all our movements. social media accounts are
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blocked. you can find to mos propaganda, an incitement videos on social media calling for violence and the murder of jews. we who have released non violent, non offensive videos. first, we were blocked on all platforms. youtube, facebook tape talk, instagram, g mail. we were blocked everywhere, even though we never released any offensive or violent content. and after time, can you reveal how much money was, was frozen of approximately $85000.00 us dollars. there were some they pay report reveals that is rarely groups blocking guys. humanitarian convoys have raise over $200000.00 through crowd funding signs from us. it is really donors with contributions being tax deductible. where do you find funding left ation, but it's in a solve 9 has had support from all segments of this really society among us and
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solve 9. there are families of hostages and brief families, as well as citizens from all over the country, including those were evacuated from their homes in the south in the north. even those who didn't directly participate in the actions clearly felt in their hearts that they were with us. it was clear to them that they supported our call to the government to take the necessary measures to achieve victory and we can him, us. so those who stayed at home and couldn't join us often donated money. they were the ones who said, my heart is with you. please continue doing this because it is our ability to live here safely in our country. that isn't steak. what about the nations from abroad? the only mentioned is really donors, but it's in a professional combined use. we launched a fundraising campaign and this really is as well as jews from around the world during the campaign. a combined because there was support to our cause. and we
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received messages from individuals overseas, so we cannot exactly locate the origin of each donation. but the funds raised from private donors are frozen in the j give fund and were never inaccessible to us to mean. in fact, it has been locked off illegally. and we cannot access the money to keep the video earlier said that the s as of $85000.00 having frozen may i ask you, what is the total amount of money that you have been able to raise in 7 months? said base. i'm a school associate and need a that's the amount. the amount that's locked is all the funding we had music. besides that, we've stopped fundraising because part of the sanctions means i can't even collect donations for my own legal battle. but this, i want to hire lawyers to help me get through this period to help me resolve this. so that one day i can enter the united states store to the senior. i have a husband who's a us citizen and i have children who are us citizens. i need lawyers for that. how
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i mean, i can't even collect money now, even from people who want to help me, i can't receive any money that would help me hire these lawyers because according to the presidential act, it's as if i'm some kind of criminal. but i'm not allowed to collect donations key, let me pull shot me a source of to me is this to clarify. $85000.00 is, is a total amount and it has been frozen. but you have been using money all these months, right? as limits a winnable, so there were organizations who supported us. there was, for example, an organization that allowed us to use a p r services and advertising a divorce. but for instance, i and others in the organization are simple volunteers. so if people paid for flags or shorts, for things we use during the protests, it was paid from their own pocket because they truly supported us. and other times it was thanks to small donations from individuals is
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a me for me. but just like i put my own money for my gas, for my car, and for things i use, there was a lot of axes kind this from people. many people agreed to walk and help us with payment in return for their efforts in a, but some are still waiting for us to be able to pay them for what they did for top 9 inches. mm hm. so as far as i understand you didn't spend a penny from the money that you raised through crowd funding based on the kind of stuff like this of k a, a. we started collecting money when the activities of $59.00 began to receive significant media attention. but there's something more i really want to say. i volunteered all along because i truly saw in front of my eyes, our hostages, who my so desperately wanted to see free. we want them off to release our hostages and i was ready to volunteer to do everything to invest my time and effort for this to happen. we said we truly believe that is how mos had an incentive to do so. they
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would come to the table and make a deal with us. but moss is not willing to make any deal to release our hostages. but there's one more thing i can a firm. we are ready and willing to do and sacrifice a lot for the sake of our country. however, with what i'm going through now, these sanctions against me, it's something i cannot remain silent without. i want my children, my friends, and myself to be able to express our opinions freely in our country. these sanctions are silencing us and then the legal manner to you said that many times in your interviews and you repeated now that from the moment i found the top 9, these are your words. it was solely to bring hostages home. but as far as i understand, you oppose the hostage, still they exchanged still between israel and him. us. so how do you seize railey hostages? returning home? what is the way the best way? and we want our hostages to come home. they can return with a deal,
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they can come back with a military operation. however, they return, we are happy and grateful for it. we and south 9 want the hostages back home the night. some of the members of the top 9, they oppose the exchange deal. well talk certainly with them, it's very important to me. i don't just refrain from sharing my private opinion for no reason. i'm representing a movement here that encompasses a wide range of opinions. if i, as a leader of this move that express my personal opinion, it can create an uncomfortable and unpleasant space for the people within the movement. there are people who oppose a deal, and there are those who want a deal at any cost. we include everyone, everyone is a part of the move it truly. this is the movement of the people of israel and everyone is a member. so officially, the position of your organization of top 9 is that you support any means that will help re hostages home including exchange still between is real and how much money
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produced by me. now i simply believe that the starting point, the fact that we're strengthening him off and then expecting a mosse to come and accept a good deal for us is a mistake and approach for us to reach the best possible deal. tomas needs to wants that deal to think at this point. there is not enough pressure on how mass a diplomatic military political you know, in the end here i am sitting in front of you and you were interviewing me about sanctions. are there sanctions on come off on how most supporters is there pressure on them from the united states? all we hear about is how much of bite and is concerned with sending them a is equally concerned with applying pressure on him off to release hostages. is he applying the same amount of pressure on them to stop their terrorist activities? but how mazda is considered a service organization by, by the us, navigation as
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a son in crime it from the moment israel started fighting him us. the us has repeatedly hindered and interfered with our ability to act and defend ourselves. if it is true that a mazda is a terrorist organization, then, so was on a rock. it went to then it's time to present them to the world in that light and stop treating them as this. there anything else? there's something here that needs to change. so at least level my life here in israel, we understand this because we experienced october 7th. we understand this because we saw the atrocities and heard about the baby's bond, and the women raped to death, their bodies, mutilated. but the world, the world prefers to close its eyes and not look at the facts. facebook, i don't know. how many people do you have in south 9? is it like official? i can become a member, the image a, a c no, a have a what we didn't really establish formal membership and solve 9 because it's an open grass roots movement. a people can identify with the movements values and
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participate without registering avenue. at the political, you can simply take a flag jointly activities and become part of the group. unless we have around $15000.00 activists. but south 9 enjoys a much broader support. and more than i, i know, seeing that we carried out many actions and receive support from combat and font and gaza and as just to continue. so any dental we receive support from all parts of the nation without requiring each person to formally register and say, i'm a member of top 9 that i need. i need some elements of to be referred to your organization as ex 3 most and the european castle. now, because of the sanctions, describes of 9 members as violent activist. would you agree on that goal runs, you know, of course not. sure, you can simply look at our activities on the ground and see that there was no violence. every time we arrived, we brought something nice to eat for the security forces. we never harmed anyone in
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the actions of solve 9. on the contrary, when there was harm caused by other organizations, we were there to say that it was not acceptable to us is a peaceful but videos. so in due, sattler is attacking humanitarian convoys, searching vehicles on fire. i can drivers damages supplies, but so these are not so i'm 9, i've got has been made, a lot of them would have had. so there was indeed one unique violent incidents that occurred after we were no longer on the ground, but no throwing away goods, harming drivers. none of the things you mentioned are related to the activities of soft 9 aisha. and i also think that if we really look at how often such occurrences happened, i know only one incident. that one incident where there was violence against drivers and one incident where a trunk was born. again,
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not during solve nines blockade. this happened after we had already announced that we had stopped our activities and asked everyone to go home. it happened several hours later, but truly, all the things you described happened only once. this why i ask you about the number of people that's have 9 unites and you said it's thousands and thousands. so it's really hard to control the behavior of all of them. i think it was indeed very difficult, but we managed to do it. the fact is, all the actions of soft 9 throughout the journey showed that we succeeded. there were many articles, many interviews and furniture all along the way to prove it. so you can see it actually happening on the ground. we managed to create a non violent, legitimate action, a beautiful family friendly protest, even when someone had to bring buses of teenagers and everything. we said no to solve 9 is a family friendly protest. it's a protest conducted respectfully. and we said many times that our aim was to
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strengthen the government. we wanted to strengthen our people, not weak of not violent actions, only weaken our position. can we say that things went out of control? that what i need is to be like, got a, let me tell about the attitude and weight. maybe i should explain for those who don't, let's hear a minute. typically the convoys passed through different areas of the country. a that, that was this time the convoys passed through areas near different settlements, essentially coming from central israel, as shown in these were convoys that arrived from various sources. including from fall time, the west bank to reach cause on the local people who lived there and who had no connection whatsoever to solve 9 before saw these trucks passing asia. ma'am it happened regardless to solve nines protest. it's not, you can see that even when solve 9 stopped, it's activity is those people continued and lock the trucks and did many more things. they carried out several other actions afterwards. so because these convoys
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passed through this area, people living there arrived and opposed them in this way. they didn't start because of the top 9. it wasn't top 9 action that got out of control. it was actually the trucks that took a different route that brought different people to block them. do you have an impression that maybe somehow without one tended, without willing it opened the box up and dora, the name of united, genuine renee and i understand the question too, right? i understand what you're essentially asking and the answer is no. a to me this was essentially done under the radar and without the knowledge of the entire nation. sure. yes, we brought awareness to this issue and it was important to do so. it was important to raise awareness because it directly affects our lives. when someone in russia reads about these convoys arriving, it doesn't directly impacts them. i live here,
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and that's involved in the fact that a mazda is still alive, taking and so strong directly effects me a horse a well, it might be true that if south 9 had not existed at that specific incident might not have happened. but if south 9 had not acted a moss would be much stronger than it is today. it was when you were sanctioned by the you, as you said, quote, i urge all government to do everything to protect me legally. so this, this can be stopped. what are your relations right now with these really are for, which is i know that it's quite a to the toyota. i don't know all the developments, but i know and expect more precisely that the ministers in the government do everything they need to help me. because i'm not just asking them to take care of me organization, i'm asking them to ensure that all citizens of the country can live here with freedom offers to the freedom to express themselves the freedom to protest, to voice their opinions out loud. and therefore, this should be something very,
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very important for my government that no one can apply this kind of pressure on the citizens of this country. let me the nozzle on friday, we expect the ruling by the international court of justice regarding the legality. it was really presence in the west bank and many say that the court might to ask israel to withdraw from israel calls to day in some area. what do you think about that and about this possibility? i mean, what's that said, i'm sure that i want my government to have the independent ability to protect me without for an intervention. we don't need someone else to manage us just like the us has freedom to defend itself. just like russia has the freedom to defend itself, just like every country in the world has the freedom to defend itself. israel also needs that freedom in. this type of control should be the prerogative and decision of these really government. we're not talking about the countries we're talking about international court,
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bulk of and no me an international law. if someone starts a war against you, you can conquer territory. you can fight them a south 9 was established after october 7th, and it involved what's happening in the gaza strip. and in this war, what's happening in to day in samaria. south 9 doesn't need to express an opinion on that. and as i said, we give our government to support it needs to do whatever is necessary to ensure that we are safe here. i mean, thank you very much for your time for your thoughts, for your ideas. we really appreciate. thank you. hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else to do it please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and
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a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the water is part of the, the is it the poly would posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there?
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let's stop without fishes. let's go products. as the headlines here, what are the international and quote, a new dangerous phase of confrontation, as a really war planes, palm and oil refinery in the for the city of alpha date 113 people that killed a nearly 90 of the regional tensions us presidents eliminate donald trump holding his 1st rally since his brush with death a week ago. well, i'm not going to lead up the last the mainstream media of a constantly demonizing him. software update glitches blame for what's being called a largest digital outage in history. and apple hospitals, tv networks, all taken down. the question remains however, was it really just a glitch on 10 years president accusers a.
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