tv News RT July 21, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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a desktop out of the across the headlines and quote, a new dangerous phase of confrontation, as is really will planes, bowman, oil refinery in the port city of alpha data in yemen. 3 people are killed in nearly 90. 0, wounded as a regional tensions have brought all from holding his 1st campaign in raleigh since it's brushed with depth a week ago. but i'm not going to lead a blossom to buy the administration for re making the country into a full and states a so called software update era is blamed for boss being called a lot just a digital outage in the history. apple. hospitals, tv networks were all taken down button, but the question remained. was it really just a glitch? at 10 years president accuses like us base and g o of financing the fine with anti
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government protests that have renewed across studies, not for conviction. the so just when you think it's going to be a common quiet sunday hello, middle leaks that is ready. will it is our top story for you this hour right now is israel takes aim at yelman's red sea port of alpha data, blowing up a huge fuel depot and refinery, leaving at least 3 people that and the huddled haste. 87 wounded. a report say, 12 is ready jets including american f. 35 were involved in the raise that also a damage of the city's main power plant. the idea of said the strikes kate who the military targets in response to the quote. hundreds of attacks carried out against the state of israel and reason for voting from the you have any capital is all to you correspondent jamal. i'll ask for the kind of the race will violence of the city of idaho data,
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specifically on the ports device talks to oral storage facilities in the pool. it's a file has a to, as well as the diesel storage facilities we slide to launch flies acknowledging the fuel tanks. as for the poor to file the data, it is a commercial facility inside the pool to follow the data, the hundreds and perhaps thousands of workers was working the ports. now like 350 station in all her data was also targeted. it's also data depends greatly on it's, it's presidents of depend greatly on it and therefore the city will be affected significantly in depaula station that was cut off was disruptive as well as original attachments, flare and the many port goes up in flames. both sides react and any potential settlement is nowhere to be c as our corresponding use of july. the knowledge by the we don't have a search back into this pot flies after israel washed its 1st ever direct flight coming in most after the war broke out the idea of targeted fuel storage facilities
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at the red sea port studio for the record to be using f $35.00 fires. now the you have any movies are speaking about with that one the, the many armed forces confirm that they will respond to this blade integration. add that with the help of god almighty, they will not hesitate to strike the vital targets of the e's real enemy, the many armed forces and with the oldest son, some of the free pro. yeah. many people will not stop their operations in support of our brother, st guys. we are preparing for a long war with his enemy until the aggression stops, the seats is lifted, and all those crimes committed against the pals team and people in the gather street are stopped. israel has justified its assault as being a would tell you ition for you as previous attacks, particularly the most recent phones trying to kill one person until age or 10 others. and the most comfortable, the toilets, we attacked is not the innocent ports. it was used for military purposes,
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it was used as a nancy point for the punch supply to the crew with these by iran, they use the swap and to talk it as well to talk the counts, you solved the region to talking to international shipping lane. one of the most important sleeping lights in the world, the tech came in direct response to the drone attack. and we said this valley citizen was killed in all the civilians were injured. it also followed the press and they'll be sure to face against the state of as well since the beginning of the war. i have a message for israel's animation don't mislead us. we will protect ourselves in every way on every front. anyone who home saw us will pay a very heavy price for the russian. that's i think i'd say me, the fire that is currently burned in indiana is sent across the middle east. the who is these attacked us over $200.00 times the 1st time that they harmed, and these royal citizen was charged them. and we'll do these in any place which may be required, the blood of israel and citizens because of price. this has been made clear in
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lamina in gaza in human, and in other places they will dare to attack us. the result will be identical. things are getting scary as israel has to rep pockets. attacks on it was backed from slide. these are the best with your shots that we use ratings. fine sources for the you want. the ministry of foreign affairs now denounced the task so that people are bearing the consequences. no cost to women and children suffering under israel's incessant bombardment on the ongoing killings. then comprehensive here's our resources, all original tensions. meanwhile, israel against escalating passions around warns against the risk of escalation of
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tension and the spread of war in the region as a result of a dangerous adventure. as some of the zionists remember all that will be of your own mom, i'm afraid the war and tell her leave with pay the price from targeting cecilia facilities. i've said that they would meet as co insurance with as co insurance, also quick to condemn these various. all said israel on dudley b. birch. why the fire stick will also avoid the support with ease of the how many people after your time describing the action as a stupid, a sign of a new dangerous phase and the confrontation at the level of the entire winter. so i saw for your a new cycle and hopefully as soon as i said there's no way to box which one of the so called screws in the region. 14 policies. so they, we spoke with
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a 10 wrong university professor side mojave motor and, and he says, west student support cannot keep israel's war campaign going on indefinitely. the regime is a really appreciate and it will be supported by the wes because the west supports katniss apartments isn't just like the west supported the parts of south africa just like the west supported rhodesian. just like to west build colonies across the globe. and the 18th, the 19th century and preserved them in the 20th century. they will allow, that is rarely rushing to behave as they paid for centuries. but to return this change they, the region will not accept an apartheid regime in west asia. and in the long term, there's rarely regime will continue to go down hill. the world despises the reading . the world despises what they've done to the palestinians. and the world sees it as a place which is not stable. and therefore, the destiny of the regime is collapse. and i think that ultimately, within
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a few years we're going to see a palestine where jews, christians, mazda is all, have people write something that the west doesn't want. but something that the rest of the world will impose upon the west side. now, where a donald trump held as a 1st rally since his brush with death for a week ago, the banker lady was made with the heroes, welcome from a packed crowd inside. and every and there in michigan, the nicest place america is $47.00 presidential hopefuls found to be alone. the countries on the brink highlighting inflation and energy crisis and the march of migrants crossing the nation southern border speculation running rampant. the fighting has got to go. trump, us the crowd who they would like to see you as his opponent and the rest may. so who would you like to most route against?
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if your are, if we want to in ready, kamala harris, the group, good job. i as republicans of voted in unit 7, if a trump to be the presidential nominee this week is a selection for his right hand mind was made with the course of approval is more on the republican us vice president. although many j d box. why does it have policies in washington for longer than i've been alive? 39 years. total harris is not much further beyond for half a century, he's been as a champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and for the dumbest of all possible foreign policy. solutions and answers for our country is that we should let china make all of our stuff and we should fight a war with china. there's nothing radical about having a strong national security that when we go to war,
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we punch and we punch hard. but being cautious and not tried to get america involved in every far flung corner in conflict to the world. sometimes my friends, it just is none of our business. and we ought to stay out of it. that's not radical, it's common sense. there was, in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago, and what happened to it, the by the administration, pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive of every single objective observer of ukraine. more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. when i tried the volunteers and iraq war veteran is also well known for publicly denouncing trump. that was back in 2016, united in utah and on that becoming one of the strongest supporters of the full my us, president's conservative policies, admitting that his mind changed. during drums, tubman office all to contribute to idle form abiding stuff, atara read,
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as well as best known american bro. acosta state multiple bait support. trump's vice presidential choice. his views are on, on ukraine and american. a to ukraine. reflects what the america read of most americans believe that ukraine is not going to win this war and force russia to, to it's news that you need to sit down and talk. and that's what donald trump has been saying. he said he would do it on day one. he said he would do it before day one who said he would do it well once he's elected before he swore it in and bring the parties together and put a name to this. and i think that's what america wants, and i'm sure that's what j. d. vance is sincere when he, when he makes his comments, she's caught in iraq. but he was very much just allusions. and he's talked about how he felt the country, how the government lied about it, about the weapons of mass destruction. so he'd knowledge fans acknowledge that. i think he knows the facts. i think he knows that almost $200000000.00 that they're
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spending is ridiculous. and he's made statements about that. it also put him at odds with, with a lot of the republican members in congress because of his stance consistently. and trunk has alluded to the fact that the ukraine more that it should end the no more age should go from america to uh, zalinski. so i, i really have hope that he will stand by his word and be consistent with what he has said in a bit to promote a diplomatic solutions to crises across the globe of the russian. the forum. and it's also good. i've heard off headed to new york and chad meetings of the un security council this week. it's a coming as part of most goes presidency over the body right now. more details from new york with our correspondent kind of on monday, russian foreign minister survey lab rob arrived at the united nations headquarters in new york with russia leading the security council for the month of july. he had
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the opportunity to oversee 2 meetings of the 15 member body that leads the united nations. the foreign minister kicked off his visit by opening a un security council meeting, giving a dynamic presentation about the outrages actions of the united states and nato allies around the world. all intended to hold off the emerging new, multi polar global economy. the remark set the town for the following days with russia reaching out diplomatically and rallying the world against those who would erect walls and divide the world into blocks. you mean you see, but the ticket was washington, so demonic policy has not changed for decades. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation in the building of a more just world. they take entire countries and regions hostage prevent peoples from feeling the sovereign right set out in the un charter and distract from much needed joint work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, africa,
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and other regions to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and disease. a number of other foreign ministers made a point of being in town to greet lab or off the foreign minister of hungry, spoke in support of russia from the floor of the security council, and later met with lab rav for a bilateral meeting. diplomacy is about talking to everyone even to those between you do not agree on major issues. that's one that you and i have to tell your colleagues, this is not only unacceptable what kind of dallas really scandalous, that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in favor of a diploma exclusion on wednesday lab rob over saw another security council meeting this time focused on the the least emphasize that while russia opposes terrorism. these railey response to october 7th is an upfront to basic human values. russia
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wants to cease fire or returning of hostages and to eventually resume negotiations toward palestinian statehood before leaving town. the foreign minister took questions from the press engaged about diverse topics such as western media bias. the upcoming u. s. presidential election, serious piece proposals, russian culture and the middle east lab, rob war and about the forces to seek to expand the conflict into a wider war in the region as you're shooting, it's a glitch to you. it feels like there's a will to provoke, has the law as experts believe in order to ensure the us enters the conflict directly in yemen. as soon as the who sees block the red sea, the us and the u. k. sent a fleet there, instead of seeking ways to de escalate. they decided to use military force showing you how many lands, including territory that has no link to the who these at all. some politicians clearly want to utilize regional factors to kindle a bigger war there. this is a short sighted and blind alley policy. we actively stand against it with our
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allies, like europe, countries, and the islamic world. it must not be allowed to happen. we had an opportunity to speak exclusively with the foreign minister of hungry, and he described how the european commission has been sidelining his country because they dare to seek a better relationship with russia. it's so obvious that the pro war petitions of the european union are unhappy. what we have been doing because they don't want peace. they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation, but to do so, we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and, you know, we are used to such kind of attacks. we are used to such kind of pressure. so we continue, once we have started, then we will continue to rep is sometime national interest country after country is recognizing the need for a diplomatic solution to the crisis in ukraine. and while the united states sticks
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to its narrative about an isolated russia, what we're starting to see is united states losing friends and allies as their demand of the world turn its back on. russia is starting to backfire. caleb and archie, new york, the us, us had to receive the 1st profits from russia's frozen assets that brussels plans to give to ukraine. and the moves been announced by the belgian base, euro clef, um, are a total of a 173000000000 euros with the russian funds. i looked up on the science of july 2024 year old. clear. we'll make a 1st payment of 1550000000 euros to the european fund for ukraine, following the recent implementation of the regulation on the windfall contribution . if we look his star cable in these cases, including money that was cycled sanctioned by, by russian business, been in the west, particularly u. k. with, from every time we seem to go to a supreme court or not come to the high court, most of the time it gets thrown out. so it's very interesting to see how they do it,
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but it looks like they somehow in the past, this but again, or it's a minute school to mountain pets of what does actually that mean? it's big. it's a different mean you would just the basic what it might be some i've read the same as $300000000000.00 of assets out by that have been, sees $299000000000.00 of the property with in europe. so again, the payment is small, but still it's significant. we're talking billions of dollars here that they've essentially been able to steal. and if we looked at rory we can see actually reaction to, to this from, from the 2 pasco, the president, boots and spokesman, who sits like very interesting about how the russian government is giving this use near the praise i d. o t, as in boy chosen, took web posting. it's, it's such a dangerous precedent said it will be a solid nail in the coffin of the inside west and that you cannot exist. and of course, for the investors, for an stage to keep the holdings in these countries, they will know, think 10 times before investing their money. their liability will disappear. reliability disappears overnight and wants to, but you can see decision he takes decades if not longer to recover. essentially
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that spending money from, from, from russian businesses and russian companies, business been individuals in europe and the 8, i think pest goes right, gets a very day and just found that the set because where does it end up? basically we become a, we live it, it will live in a little as well as the way it tenants of commercial international law just wanted exist anymore. yeah, i mean i, i still multiple reports of, of countries like china, for example, reportedly pulling their assets out of switzerland because they wired what might happen to them audience, what's the goodness, i mean, you talked about the ramifications. you're absolutely right, but you know, some say money doesn't stink a, perhaps it doesn't. but you know, the e u is basically going bankrupt tablets to try to finance this proxy war against russia and ukraine. they're taking this money now. i don't even know how much you credit is gonna get out of it. but also what about, i don't know, you are paying politicians, lining the pockets. who's going to oversea? the distribution of this money loves that ain't even re, i mean the g 7 just last month for almost ukraine. $50000000000.00. and it's saying this is as a loan, right? or for us and assets. but it doesn't take
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a rocket scientist to walk out that the training economy will not be able to. we pay $50000000000.00. probably you never know. probably not within our lifetimes, rory, i mean that the devastation that has been read on the ukranian economy. that a lot in that population has been a horrific due to this proxy will. so i think that they'll be just, they'll just pass another law 2nd a we'll, we'll pause the debt repayment and like you said, that money will probably end up in someone's pocket. but in the military industrial complex that's keeping funding, the pointless bull to just have a key of saying that pushing back that loan payments to october. you know, and you have all these western investors, you know, black rock and i won't go to boat all this land in these investments in ukraine, and they're going to have anything left by the individual. absolutely not really, as you and i both know we've seen this happen time in the no real from from, you know, west and perhaps again that's the right. i've gotten a stuff that money never goes back into the local economy. it goes straight back into the pocket of the, of the overloads that now i have a see that country or i to africa now where
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a new wave of anti government protest groups. can you earlier this week, demonstrate his dividing president william rudo step down the coating for immediate changes to clean up corruption of the day is um, uh, the continuing of the anti government protest and some people are on the street. um, you can see from the box fully uh uh friday um the i got to despise the crowd that i got that here i am the non national i vision of mine and the justice which must been for the people who are must pick up
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you go to work once richard, the blue must be with the president. you know, what is the right for us? it's good to who to he's i'm only get the yes to leave both the media to fix. yeah, yes. to stay until we can see like really onto this gums. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we have to leave you being so you're going to sit down and talk with you. we are not going to do that because i, and even if it's a means possibly be me, i'm going to do what they're saying that they don't want caught up coefficients because of what a very long time the government has been drawn by. what obviously shows that what we saw recently was the president william brutal um, dismissing all the members of his cabinet, including um, uh the attorney general, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what them because the thing right now is that the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial. what not to be the 24 weeks. many claimed that uh this
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finance bill uh diesel. uh, if you decide not to bill, it was $32.00 mesa, is that what he'd produced? but are you move which are not a city too much of that were meant for us of good. it's mike kenyon. so that's what spots of a product is different not to be looked at $24.00, which the kitchens. why that it was coming from. i move the purpose, i've been witnessed in different parts of the country in different cities in mombasa, in my poodle in india and can't reach a number of people have lost lines. about 40 people have been posted on hundreds of people as seen in most people must see injuries, not seeing indians that they, that was on the lifted on them during the year ended up to the metal be well meanwhile, the president, who was always a few or so us, based for foundation of financing, of the very protests done, the stoking of the violence because that's what the western n g o's do. remember the arab spring,
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so color revolutions. i want to pull out the water behind today. i'm not in, can you go through a lot of behind the splint setting the kilo thing that republicans can someone them because they have fun setting violence. i've been, it's our democratic mission. maybe not that are new to the ford foundation. what the, what the, what i'm b, e a. so why not the one up the funding of food your job. but if i duck gun, we are going to pull them out and they're going to tell them if they are not invested in democracy and can know if that will dispose of violence. if they are going to sponsor on the key, we are going to pull them out and they are going to tell them they the sign up or they leave. well, so they are kind of the government wants the american based forward foundation to explain the $5000000.00. it's dished out of various local organizations. the government says that n g o is funding opposition groups and one can you and human rights active. it says the nation once it's sovereignty, that means
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n g o's need to go on western lending. institutions like the i m. s, can go with. it is easiest. this is the, the message is very extensive. and can you? yeah, and this has to be business internet for available times. i think that the i'm is phone from the testing is that they don't want the payments. you can blow the not, you know, now the, the, the agenda or the funding, the public services of privatization and, and the kind of the, so the message that the guys had and you influence you in, in the, in the office and then just the final speed that says that it's disposable meant, uh, was, i think many people have come to believe that this is definitely influenced by them . if so was it an intentional crash or as they say,
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just a glitch? well, many around the world are not buying the laughter. the biggest global technology in the history affected 1000000 schools in chaos from apple, it's to hospitals and fridays computer fell down, started with a so called fluid update by americans, cyber security, from crowd stripe for the microsoft windows operating system. but lots of corresponding with my, my e saw a couple of what the mainstream had to say, but many experts, a steadfast of this could not have happened without direct intent. let's imagine you're at the airport ready to board your flight except that last minute you end up spend it there with everyone around you. in a sudden frenzy the
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well no big deal. it was just an unexpected global i. cheap prices that no one seems to be able to fix. that was the reality for most of the world this past friday. airlines were rounded, in fact, over 2000 flights were cancelled in the us alone. hospitals were on hold, banks named trouble. broadcast was unable to reach their audiences. emergency service is not working and similarly, no one was exempt. it all started with the flawed software update by americans cyber security for crowd strike. this is not a secure with the incidental cyber attack. the issue is being identified. isolated and the fix is being deployed. russia though avoided the chaos and that is thanks to itself, the efficiency. while most of the world, especially the wes relies on the same digital systems,
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the most sanction country. russia has made its missions to be as independent as possible. i a dissertation with microsoft once again shows the importance of him for substitution of, for, and software, primarily at critical information. infrastructure facilities across strike is a big deal. it works with microsoft, amazon, youtube, and many others. so it's no longer that the world ground to a halt for a few hours process, right? there's also the same company that helped to revive a russia hate movement in american politics in recent years, from claiming that moscow in a few years, to secure donald trump's 2016 presidential when to a legend that russia had into your ways artillery program. later the company admitted that it had no evidence to back up as bold accusations and even retracted his statement on russians had seen that you're quite new military. and although proven to be false, these obligations played a huge part in popularizing the american, a company, old as in mind,
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knowing that the firm was caught lying before one biggest. the question was the crisis really just the flawed update is the largest, the disruption in id and so such a globally id. all these nicholas and applications are designing and such a way of that'd be on flow under the stupid environment. so that even if it's a situation, if anybody flies to interrupt the topic will be uh, secure to the space off and part of that flow. but this time this has actually this stuff in being diag built. so that's why it is a one of the biggest, uh, kind of disruption and i'm, i'm not, i'm not denying that could be a cyber attack because of the big golf complete floating substitute of some of the big things. and i, i'm very confident that this is, this could be some sort of sponsor that this isn't very forgiving and all the commended x through somebody picks it up. and this is not only a dense through microsoft,
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but it does actually send it back to us for to globally can trump jones also predicted days ago this i'd see blackout. now there are some saying that such a blackout is how the circled deep stage will stop the november election from happening in america. well, who knows, at least it is good to see that people really.
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