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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the going underground can the in the headlights are one off the international. it's not enough republican say of to joe biden pulls off of the presidential race vein to mon. he quits his post now because he's on a fit for the job to be logged out across all huddling around. come all of ours to support our run to lead america with some fearing that harris just like to come under and cheat would be a puppet of the stuff they would continue to call the shots. if comma harris is president and warehouse, they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. full so close to the enemy is not safe inside television. that's the threat from a who's the 5 isn't government following the is really attack on the port city of
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output data. the killed 6 and wounded in nearly the what if you haven't already checked in on the political circuits in washington dc today, then you're going to be surprised by what comes next because it is the main news of this monday us president joe biden announcing online, but he's questioning the 2024 presidential race, but he said he's committed to serving out the rest of his to republicans on buying it. they want him gone right now. if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5th cannot arrive soon enough. if joe biden does not have the cognitive ability to seek re election, he does not have the cognitive ability to serve the remainder of his time tomorrow i will introduce the resolution cooling on cameron to hire us to invite the 25th amendment and the seem the duties of acting president crooked joe biden was not fit
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to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and never was he only attended the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basement. for years, the democratic party and the washington establishment as he him what they knew about joe biden. i mean, they would go so far as to say, oh he, these are, he could do the olympics or there's nobody sharper than him. oh, use amazing. he knows everything they are. so the right questions, he knows the answers. and johnson said, i would make right now that in my one on one's with him over the years, it's not been good. and so he was asked, what does this warrant an investigation? and i think, i think from memory, i think he said, we'll see or something, i don't think you'll see an investigation. you can investigate what people say. and i think the problem here is, uh, something that i've talked about that and i think not enough people are talking about if he can't run for president and serve another term,
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how could he finish out this term? and i don't see how this man who was kicked out for not having the mental faculties to be the president going forward after the election. how could he go forward now and stay as the president is? does it make sense? a bite and is a ruler to, to address the nation at some time later this week. as his move had become widely expected, even in the face of the continued denials from those i do as usual. speaking for him, the whole news flash came via a post on ex and strangely enough at old arrived as 3 short hours off to his campaign co chapman cedric richmond to show the entire country. the biden is in it . so when it has job, i lost control of the democratic party. no, he's not. and he's hurt those concerns. and i want to be crystal clear. he's made a decision. and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for re election,
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winning re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision. he's going to be the candidate. he's going to be the next president. and that was time to focus on the threat that donald trump pauses. and what the extreme agenda is on the other side, it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. well, it was noting that by his excess style is certainly can talk controversy to say the least. his campaign stops said he was staying in the race to the very end in summer, wondering how his hopes for a 2nd time suddenly vanished so quickly. a lot of people are calling it a cool. well, we spoke to the host of perspective screen. neal 2 is who says biden was betrayed
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from within. what we're seeing is a version of basically of a soft to happening within the democratic party. and here in the united states, as we speak harsh words, it's very rare to hear the word. so in a western democracies fighting has time and time again said on national television and papers and interviews that he was going to be in this race. and he was going to make it to november and he was going to be re elected was his goal. and now all of a sudden a change was changed because those that are considered to be the most powerful within the democratic party, that would be brock obama. that would be nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they have all decided that he no longer can be at the top of the ticket, mainly because they saw that he was probably going to lose the house and the senate as well. so it together, they have pulled together the power of the power people that have told joe biden, for whatever reason, he is not going to be the candidate hands guy, we're getting this piece of paper today. there's exactly opposite of every thing
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the job i it has been saying for the past few weeks while we buy them, the heading outward sees are endorsed as vice president come on to hire us to take over the rice pushing for democrats, tobacco nomination of the car, into a 2nd and come on says she's ready to prove what on behalf of the american people, i think joe biden, for his extraordinary leadership as president of the united states and for his decades of service to our country. i am honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and when this nomination looked at this time magazine hot off the press, almost like a new the new cover right there with vice president of hire is working in bite and basically gone. and that's as democratic lawmakers were foster endorser. however, former hawaii democratic congress, i'm in tulsa and gab it is cold. our hires as possible nomination saying harris would be dangerous of the prospect of pamela harris, making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in
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uniform into harm's way, is not only terrifying to us. it should be terrifying to every american knowing that we would all pay the price for her dangerous actions and dangerous decision. everything you've heard me say about hillary clinton. the queen of warmongers can also be said of comma harris. there should be no question in your mind that if comma is allowed to be our present commander in chief, she will be the maid servant of this queen of warmongers. the head of this will lead us couple of warmongers that has gotten us into this place. they're the ones who've been calling the shots behind jo biden's presidency. they would continue to call the shots if comma harris is president and warehouse. they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before, we spoke to a call as are a bit older in the program. he's one of our contributors, and he said that come on
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a higher as, as well as bite. and basically the perfect, the easy to control candidates for that. what you really hold the power in america having us. i don't think anybody puts the buys in installing the sides. he lacks a mental capacity to do so. i mean 5 and is a perfect candidate for the deep space. and i don't think campbell, it airs will be any different. i mean, policy wise. pamela harris is not significantly different from vice and you fact during the entire vice presidency? pamela harris. pamela harris, appearance is more like a jo gimme every time he appears in public. see up here, she's on, she's high on drugs. how can we expect her to lead america into a different direction? does this cause in america? make any difference for the dialogue that can be expected with partners in washington. i mean what, what is basia things expectations right now is they watch this ongoing side? cuz i think virginia is probably watching, was amusement. i mean,
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they're waiting for the dust to start out in the us election so far. we have a circus. we had a fail assassination of former president donald trump. and then we have fighting, despite his lack of mental capacity to say the presidency that everybody knows about, refused to step down, refused to gave up his nomination, and he had to be pressured by members within his own party, including former president obama, to withdraw his nomination. i mean, this is just us has nothing to lecture the world about democracy and is a liberal look from the election. i mean, when everything is done in the bathroom dealing like we have seen this weekend will offer you as president bought a bite and decided that he's, that quitting the presidential race over now to all the total cold examining all the reasons that have now let up to this point, joe biden's re election campaign will no doubt go down in history as one of the
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biggest embarrassments on record is the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum. last for the trunk, i really don't know what he said at the end of this is to the i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company cannot have to bang here. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker. you're those are you sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the weekly for jacoby? i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is if we finally b, medicare, take you president 5 by 5. and this debate disaster was far from the end of it. and his attempts to explain away clear signs of mental degradation only added to the ridiculousness of it all. i wasn't very smart. i decided to travel around the world
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a couple of times. i don't know how many times zones. it's not an excuse, but an explanation. the president did not have a great night, as you all know, and many of you reached out during the can't the, the debate, the present had a cold. he had a hoarse voice, you will hurt it. that's why he reached out the writing was so clearly on the wall that bite him had lost his marbles. but even the main stream media had a band into the same people who tried to downplay his ailing cognitive abilities for so long presidency all's well. and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. we don't have a plausible explanation for what happened to the president. 2 weeks ago, he should undergo a cognitive test to put this issue to arrest this version of abiding and will actually animal. busy clay is the best buys and ever and joe
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biden couldn't respond to any of those lies. in fact, as a new york times, that he spent much of the night with his mouth agape, and his eyes starting back and forth. he couldn't, in fact check anything, donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. then out the door went by his allies and the democratic party, who began calling for him to throw in the towel, while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it is time for him to pass the torch. and in doing so secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this. in a campaign, he looks very frail, his voice is very soft, it's not robust. and again,
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it is not how i perceive that it's how the american people perceive it. what i stressed to the president is, this isn't just about you. it's not about loyalty. it's about being pragmatic. what he needs to do is show that the responsibility for keeping that seat. and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race with little to no political or media support left financial aid, went out the window as well. hard heading party donors began to lose faith, even writing a letter calling for bite and to withdraw his ticket. we respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for re election for the sake of our democracy and the future of our nation. but it doesn't take a story and to recall that biden's problems pre dates, the selection cycle, the so you can probably imagine how easy it was for the republican national convention
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to rip biden's credibility to shreds. president biden has become the symbol of in america in decline. this may be our present, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the by it inheritance. come off with a president who is strong and smart, rather than sleepy and see nile or in her case clueless and embarrassing. it was pretty clear how things were set to go down even before by made his exit. political book maker said that there was an over 60 percent chance that the president would make the decision to drop out of the race. and that should come as no surprise since biden was talking about retirement as far back as 2020. like i told brock if, if, if i read something where there's a, a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle all, i'll, i'll,
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i'll, i'll develop some disease and say i have to resign. i tested positive for cove and 19 this afternoon, but i am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes for so long. there were so many indications that an attempt to secure a 2nd term for bite and would end in disaster. and yet it took the main stream media and democrats until biden spent nearly 2 hours, not making any sense on international television in his debate with donald trump, for them to finally see how wrong they were on his biden's withdrawal, triggers more questions than answers will bring you the updates every single hour on air and on line you know the website on so you don't well, for now just a few 100 kilometers of the coast of the sun is shining, the state of florida, the chime, and of the russian state. do my met with cuba as president and how donna and commented on by didn't no longer being in the gym. sydney on the sheet of the
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president of the united states of america. cowardly fled the election campaign today, realizing that no one would elect him, people like bite and should be held accountable for the sanctions for the and least war in ukraine for the destruction of the economies of european states. for more b that had stages built into the cuban people. during told a few progressive ensigns russia for supporting to a bar and highlighted most of those efforts to en washington's ongoing economic blockade of the island nation. both politicians highlighted that relations between russia and cuba are developing dynamically discussed of all sorts of different projects, trade, tourism, and security. and that's what you well, the russian start doing. the treatment has been very busy layer on saturday. he visited nicaragua at the whole told. so the country's president, during the meeting, daniel ortega has said that the true nature of nato has been revealed via it's sanction policy towards russia to reaffirm once again, but so there would see between russia, nicaragua,
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we see the huge number of sanctions that nature has in both in russia and with the same position of sanctions. they've shown the true face. they have shown themselves as bandits. what's making of collaboration between nicaragua and russia. there's a joint police training center connected with moscow since that complex opened in 202017, over 2000 train easements, 13 locked in american nations, have graduated from there. i mean, heard from political scientists or i'm on mendez or to be a boss. and he says that certain countries are afraid of relationships like this because well, the world has gone multi product. the western countries feel free of the betterment of the nation just because they themselves don't stop russia, right? many of you were being leaders, even in the european parliament, have called on and russia, uh, as a pariah asked if they were different from other european countries. so we have, we can forget that there are these type of sentiments, of, of, of, of deep seated. seen before,
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we or even of other european countries with russia and they need this, they need this in europe to escalate, to support the narrative of their propaganda on things like nato. a lot of multi power world on there isn't going to have to happen it, it's never in nobody's interest for everyone in the world to just be with one partner in the case of the us. so in the case of nato, which is controlled by the us, right. these are the types of encroaching that has happened, will make russia top to other countries and in english, at the most they tell the world which is why we all want to see more, more, more than anything, even beyond of any type of political ideas or opinions right, multiple, the world is a safer world. fight to the middle east hotspot. now in the red sea where for suspected who the drone boats would be destroyed by the us military. depending on said, they quote, presented an imminent threat to a couple of ition forces that size tensions of a wrapped in the following reason. the is railey stripes on. yep. and the 2nd biggest port and now with the officials of truck and israel with direct retaliation
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. the loveseat suddenly law, the main city that the enemy relies on as a capital has turned to an area of fear and concern. the enemy is not safe inside the city that they call tell of each piece of secondary. these are the attack or demons alpha, beta port on saturday blew up a fuel refinery and storage depot. the, according to various with the officials of israel, targeted not just the country's economy, but the goal was to scare and intimidate the people. have given the death toll so far up to 6, but more than 18 people. happy. israel says the strides were carried out in response to what it called hundreds of who with the attack. it also claims that on the i'm the military targets. however, security and infrastructure like cranes at the portable, also destroyed the idea of attacks according to some our own strengthening arizona
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. now and then this thing can we emphasize to everyone with airbags and foreigners and everyone on or how many that we are standing studying with our brothers and gaza and will never back down. and we call upon the missile forces to counter with a response harder than our attack, jimmy, especially automotive, a savvy, none of the school stuff, the many people that you have any leadership or on military and missile forces from targeting these really entities to him in the military will respond in a stronger way against the sensitive areas within assignments. then to take it inside tell of even just saw me. so i, you know, the only thing we attending the american is really aggressive so that they weren't still fast from all strikes in defense of gone. so we have been under a tax ag is so yesterday strikes wouldn't stop. austin would stop us from striking this raving and american target. so make us stop defending garza and now could we want to tell them that whatever they do, we went back down what we heard from a professor political science of halloween university. am i going to bought that also? he says that when the vicious circle of bobbins,
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the war in gaza has to be still, it will be in guys a secure then on proxy wars on vicious sort of conflict with ideas we are talking about in the nation is politics in russian is actions. but either way, if it is rational politics, we would anticipate eh, trajectory toward space, because peace with in gaza or seas funding. garza means long term interests for is a long term security for ease. right now is, is they're getting age and a more and uh, in the event of the war war 3, because super powers have interest in the region,
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the alliances in the region. so i am reading the semester if that's a, a crisis continues on in the same project 3, then that would be a comprehensive regional more and possibly a 3rd ward so as hungry and so back here coles a piece and ukraine, key of all of a sudden cuts them off from a key source of energy. now they're looking for help. i will ask for a drawing mondays, europe and foreign ministers gathering. so what it will send is around the southern branch of rushes, divorced by all friendship pipeline, as is known on greece, the value of the truck republic all receive a lot of energy from it that runs through ukraine. that energy, by the way, it's be flowing into european countries old during the conflict, so that here is now set to lose 90 percent hunger is lost, his standard 2 thirds the check are public. now these to replace half of bits in
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boards in budapest says the move jeopardize is the nation's energy security. while the slow back 5 minutes the echoed the message, adding the key of football. so be at a loss in slovakia doesn't intend to be hostage to ukrainian russian relations. and the decision of the ukrainian president means that the slovak refinery slop enough will receive 40 percent less oil than it needs for processing . it will have an impact, not only on the slovak market, but it may also lead to the hold of deliveries of slough nap produced oil to crane . while these make up almost 110th of the entire ukrainian consumption. well, as a key of cuts off these nations from crucial oil supplies that lensky at the very same time is begging them for help. because ukraine desperately needs electrical energy. so as he's asking them to deliver over $25000.00 a megawatt hours of power per day. and this comes off the most go, has taken
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a ukrainian energy facilities during the ongoing conflict of senior research, a fellow at the global policy institute, george that me, while a tells us what this is really all about. the brain is the oversee, has been very unhappy about hong gary and policy towards the war from the beginning. obviously i'm hungry and so back here will be very reluctant to provide any age to the ukraine. was the problem, is the hungary and still vakio, members of the european union, the as, as members of the european union, they are bound by the policy and obligated to enact u d u policy. um and so it's very difficult for hunger. and so the idea of not to take part in providing a to put them there to ukraine. the ukraine is attempting to use oil as
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a weapon to co us hunger in particular. and is this like the until this or it's that the right to old is fair in love and war. right? so hungry as the rocky a cause, a peace and you prayed and t of then, cups them of med lifeline, and brushing energy the very same times that lensky cuts them off. even begs them to send electrical energy to you from craig. questionable with us the the
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the, what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without keesha's,
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desktop product. as as they already started the cps because they kept the scroll, so i'd be search and then use email. you're just going to send them to the rules. the non c theory of racial superiority finished style for years of creating an ssl, all the patience, 14 concentration cams. so the full prisoner of war labor comes to in prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment i could have looked into the beatles going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official fig goes this move stuff, dudley level. if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so young congress that, i mean,
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yeah. what the funding disease forced labor to achieve by the word is formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's a terrible human off with those who put in his name, push these things up, they give you what you want to do it because he does it to those thousands of testament crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more and you've got here, you know, wanted to do to speak of the did i tell you? yeah, for the good, i see it are released upon me the the beside the good you got to do, please don't you put pierce. danielle was booked at the law the the
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past 2 months, high school diploma. who handles life and all it is the brackets around he was sudden to helping a friend a low drums into the church. it's almost our fire side system. so now i never
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looked at searches as being the same. well, you can see, slide is constantly us this like somebody's walk into drive and pass all lights on right around the really don't have the whole time life, right? there's a part of life really is a said none of the time. we all, a lot of people are in games with the affiliated with games because, i mean i'm, i live next to you and my, we grew up together. so i'm, of course, i'm your friends. but then people see day and say like, oh so you must be one of them will never save around a group of guys like it can be a group, a rough guys. why over there that look like they can kill us at any moment, but they know who police officers and i feel equally scared more how may i direct you call nobody on the right. okay. call the police. because the police, these gang of chicago is like when you get photos i felicia, you the.


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