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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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for the sake of living here, see instead of 50 just is continue at the very low into the destination attempt. a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service and decades . all they had over us secret service at the beach day. i attended this confirmation of donald trump was on on proceed ended fiasco baja the agency and she faces questions about the incident and do mindful hard to resign the filing is destiny. theres 2 know, address to the noticing some joe by the end of the day after he quits the presidential rates. and that's as many suspects. i suspect that he was forced out by his fellow democrats. i wonder from is you it's going to stop enough is enough. it cannot continue like this. the country is much more important than
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any group of people. can you as president, when i'm rude to a promise, to put an end to the protest in the country as it calls on the nation, to counteract the faceless people, stand them behind the bobbins? specifically editorial american and g o. the, this is our thing to national routine. you live from a new center in moscow. i, a, michael they had all the us secret service as taking full responsibility for what she calls the agency is most significant failure. and that is the failure to provide the attempted assassination of donald trump. she made those comments during an official inquiry into the incident. as this asked nation attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. in
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decades, the secret service, a solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed, or as the director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency, mid calls for her resignation. we've heard testimony from the head of the u. s. secret service. now, she's said that they are still examining the advance process and how decisions were made. but a lot of questions are coming up. she's being asked why, there was no secret service agent stationed on the roof, where the shooter, thomas matthew crux, was able to mount his rifle on fire at donald trump. furthermore, um, she would not disclose the number of agents that were sent out to protect donald trump on the fateful day when the assassination attempt happened. in addition to
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that, there is questions about how it was that thomas mathew groups was able to get onto this roof, which should have been in the safety parameter of the security parameter around where trop was speaking. why was this roof then that someone could easily get up on and, and shoot at donald trump from why was it not part of the security perimeter? why was it not basically, you know, locked down? why was he able to climb it up? and why were crowd members alerting the secret service about what was happening? and yet, the, the prep down our president was able to just take the stage regardless about the fact the crowd members were pointing at this individual. saying that he was, he was suspiciously climbing up the roof, etc. now, um, she was asked all these questions and the answers she has given, as needless to say, not been satisfactory years. some of what we've heard. it's been reported that before former president trump got up on the stage at around 6 pm on saturday,
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july 13th, that the local police had identified and even photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner turned out to be the gunman had been flagged as a potential threat is that accurate? what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious before a former president trump took the stage. that is the information i have received. why was he allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the crime? if the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch, the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. that is what we do. and that is who we are. we are charged with protecting all, all of our protect these. now in her testimony, she pledged full cooperation with further investigations into what went wrong. but
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as the interrogation from various members of congress continued, her language got more and more vague. uh, she basically didn't have answers and the public was doing in and watching from home because they wanted answers. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations at any point. saturday, did the secret service have an agent on top of that roof? they're still an ongoing investigation. why did the secret service not? can you answer why the secret service didn't place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advance process, the, the secret service using the drones for surveillance that day. so again, i'm not going to get into specifics. there were reports that the shooter used to ground just a few hours before the rally start time. is that accurate? and i have heard those same reports and again, i'm waiting for the final report. how many secret service agents were assigned to president trump on the day of the rally? again, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. so the american people want
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answers, it's pretty clear that in order for donald trump to naturally avoid assassination by being shot just in his ear very close to his head and to have crowd members shot down and killed by the sniper, others to be injured. in order for the events to have happened, the way they happened to it is very clear that something went wrong in the security protection that the former president had on as a former president of the united states as a front running presidential candidate. you should have had better protections. something clearly went wrong. of the testimony from the head of the u. s. secret service doesn't seem to really be getting many answers as to what went wrong. a lot of outrage among the american people. social media is browsing with people calling for her to step down because they don't like what they're hearing. now what heard from retired us air force left on condo, carrot and cutoff ski actually said that the base it and this by the secret service directed during the inquiry,
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can only mean that the agency has not yet determined who the fall guy will be. she is taking the fall she has to and i think she also recognizes, as any american does it who, who is even followed this a little bit that this was an extreme series of failures centering on the secret service because it's their responsibility to protect the president then to secure the sites where the president or the candidate who's being protected is speaking and they didn't do any of that. it wasn't just one mistake. it was a whole series of errors which are really spectacular. been 8 or almost 9 days after this thing happened. she is the head of the secret service, so she should have access to more information than really anybody else at this point. she should be completely knowledgeable by now. 9 days later, it's her area of responsibility. and yet she could answer very few questions. so it
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tells me that they have not settled on a story and they possibly have not settled on a fall guy. yet. many americans have founded suspicious that by didn't, has yet this phase for an address to the nation that's been delayed to on on known day later this week. he has written memo calling a prince, came just 3 dollars ahead. after that, he's a campaign called chapman. cedric, which one showed the country the by didn't send it to when it has job, i lost control of the democratic party. you know, he's not any sort those concerns and i want to be crystal clear. he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for reelection waiting re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision. he's going to be the candidate. he's going to be the next president, and that was time to focus on the threat that donald trump pauses. and what the
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extreme agenda is on the other side. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the following his disastrous debated performance against donald trump journalist press joe body and on his fitness for office full of bravo, bill biden. to care that only a natural divine intervention could compel him to bile out. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, will you stand down? lord almighty consent. i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president, wins race. i mean, some automatic amounts of jo,
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get out of the race or gathering some load. i might is not coming back as well a biden's eggs. this style has kicked up controversies to say the least, but somehow wondering how his helps was 2nd to that. i still quickly suggesting you smells like a cool. now these concerns are aggravated by biden's absence, as the breaking news was released online. now the ability for biden to hold power on till the end of his time is also on the top of every one's mind. now, every single day americans also raised concerns online through a rabbit creative, a lens after abiding, jumped out of presidential res, numerous means popped up, questioning whether it was his decision or deeper powers. what are, what kind of good choices, speculating on social media, suggest that you want the hand of all the permanent democrats, including from a president, bob obama, who forced him off the stage now was bought in the out of the race. he has endorsed
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his vice president cameron to hire is to take over as the democratic party candidate for the approval rating show howard is, is not much ahead of binding in terms of popular support. in the latest bowl, the vice president held the lead of any oh, he had a lead of only a 10th of percentage points above abided by the cards v. b has expressed directly due to bite and surprisingly in past tense, saying how great of a passing she was. i'm deeply grateful to the president and the entire biden family. i 1st came to know prison by them through son bo as we work together, but would tell me stories about his dad, the kind of father and the kind of man he was. and the qualities, ball revered and his father of the same qualities, the same values i've seen every single day in joe's leadership as president, his honesty and integrity. his make hard and commitment to his faith and his family and his love of our country and the american people to but while fox news
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a sound of the alarm over concerns about where joe biden could actually be, a public hasn't seen any live image of the us presidents since his withdrawal from the race was announced, lights up posted on social media. not physically seeing him even address a camera in delaware, lelona, an oval office statement like it'll be j did when he dropped out in march of 1968. the it is disconcerting, isn't that right? they didn't even release a white house, still photographs and nothing. so are we? i mean, i hope he's fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living weekend and burning is right now. like proof of life please. it's pretty clear from the present schedule, but he is at his beach home in delaware. that's why he's be self by slicing also being tested for krusik. 19 late last week when he was in las vegas, that is,
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according to the official schedule. but let's be clear about stephen the very unusual circumstances. we've seen kids and we have that statement that was posted on social media on sunday that he's not seeking re election. it is incredibly strange that we haven't had anything to just verify that 1st of all, to void and authorize that post to be made. well that he made himself because if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it to himself. and i think even though the president of the us apparently has co, which we told his mall symptoms, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps post it a short video or even a photo. because i think you can guess the people going to stop say we're west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a date set in stone for that. and so of course, lots of people are really questioning where the president is,
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whether he really is the person who controls that message that went out spite. yeah . is if he just sent in a sick glasses and that you know, i call and come into it today. but how about the west, the main stream media have they reacted in any way or are we the new ones? that's curious. oh, i think that has been a little bit of dissection i to the announcement came on sunday, but i quickly moved on to let's price, tamala, harris. let's get to sit democratic person on the ticket. and that's we where the focus is being. and again, also it gives him the in the last few weeks you, mount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs, about 2 items copeland to the facility. it is interesting, the difference that this post was made on his own personal twitter feed. it didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know during void and was behind it. it was questioning anything about that. and i think that is quite interesting how the narrative has just moved on. what we have now on the old one, these,
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the policies coming out the saying, well, doesn't show, you know, good one for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been say, you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly. i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision and difficult decision that he made for the country, but not, not the final chapter that he imagined and not maybe the final chapter that he deserved. in any event. he's been one of the great presidents of american history. he's done extraordinary things and offers, he's a great patriot and he's a great leader to make is a great leader mix way for green leaders and helps to raise them and nurture them. and that's what he's done with vice president harris. and we're going to see extraordinary and unity and focus in our party getting behind president biden's choice, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians,
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is the person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down in 2004, and like cincinnatus is leaving power voluntarily and going house, dividing great president and also well known. anybody say we've spoken to joe boyd and we've seen him know things very interesting, but it just won't take you down the different task a moment because there is any site in us cold, axia, lindsey, he's got a suggestion as to why to bite and held off for so long from announcing that he wouldn't be seeking re election. now we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris is cars, vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to her, to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several, h close to, to invite. and he doesn't have confidence, kamala harris has it in her to we not election in november. and if that's true,
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that's saying that's a reason why she held off, because he believed he could do facts and her. and he's not the only one we have had no endorsement from the obama. despite the very last the statements, we've had no endorsement from chuck schumer, he's a big old one. these in the policy, and none of them yet has come us and said they support kamala harris. i think that's very interesting. i think tells you a little bit about what's that play that we start with legal and media analysts. now i know that he said it's possible that the democratic party is planning to make come at a higher as an action president soon to increase our chances of winning the november election. now they're talking about joe, why she's gone. is that gives a eulogy or you little you, he will be minus. she was the grade president, the president. what are you talking about? oh, what a great man he was was. wait a minute. where is he?
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don't worry. it's like, like you're a child, isn't your, your pets died and your parents don't have the courage to tell you that fluffy is gone suddenly they what's gonna happen next? partnership prediction of being that it can pipe sonic, i'm, i'm reading the entrails of the beast. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe and a, and a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down and the 25th amendment will take place, which means that com a lot. harris is now the acting president because as we speak here, why the greeks, joe biden, is the president. he may not be running for re election in a $106.00 days, but he's the president. now if he steps down, they turned it over then to come over here is as acting president and she is the
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incumbent at people. mike, who never have even thought of voting, who do i am not interested, they're going to hit the dog whistle to play and call sound. but claxon and people are going to come out of the woodwork. say, i want to be a part of making the history again, like we did with black obama and people who are going to vote. people who aren't even interested. they're gonna say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. jokes the meetings, the cat goals, the non sequitur, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer as well divided. and so we're all from the presidential election is also prompted speculation about what will happen to us support for your grade. donald trump saw it and it has posted this so tower code me more, which shows panicked messages and calls from loud to me is the last key on bivens phone asking whether it's the last key will continue to get the american funding.
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now, while the republican party is presidential now many donald trump has prompted that if you wouldn't be election, he will and the queen confidence in one day. however, in the past, all the present from an end to republicans had flags to suspend us aged kids or failed to do so. one example was when, how speak up mike johnson agreed to provide a to both your brain and he's, will this fight for just me having a stands against continuing supplies to get the others across live to authorize the war correspondence on most robust. sometimes it's good to have you join me now. how, how good biding stands on foreign policy issues such as ukraine have contributed series, declining approval ratings. what, what are you interpreting? well, um up i, i don't really know about these. what, what does your training question to so important?
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so, the thing is though his, his writings went down far for quite a time or other because of his treasury into us, of course, because in this suggestions, biden is given all the money to your credit. but um, i think the main reason is that really the decision makers of the democratic party understood that by the kent when they left. he was well forgive for forget and forgetting things for, for the last 4 years and the rest, the media didn't want to see them that they seem to smell. it's for me to sign. but they got some kind of a signal when, when in may, it was public that the, the debate will happen end of june before even there can be debt, as loneliness officially much earlier than the note of the presidential elections. but it was clear for me that they were a showing the world bite and is not able to be a president. and this is what happened. so i think the main question is, is,
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is uh what, what the leads the decision makers in the democratic party wanted. and this is what happened in the media at what trying to keep his writings, despite the fact that he was for a few for years already having all these problems. and they didn't report about that. all right, if we have to on the lies biden's for years, what do you think his legacy is when he comes to you agree? if you stop at the war, the war which is very bloody for the ukrainians and you and also also for the russians and very expensive for the best. i think when it comes to ukraine, this will be what historians will say in 1015 years, even in the west. i think this is of you regarding your brain, the main point. he started this war with his publications against russia. i'm inviting it to you after nigel and all this stuff, but even applauding when, when zaleski said he wants to have nuclear weapons. so um,
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and this will be sometime in the future. this i think will be what you, what the story should say. reach me. now don tom has vowed that if he becomes president, that he will stop the great conflict in one day. i wonder how possible is that which put healey. i hope if he says we stop sending money and weapons. um, so the landscape please go into uh find a solution with putting a significant doesn't have any choice choice. of course the they are trying already to avoid this. but for example, by a switching the understanding of from your left before for supporting your plan from the u. s. a leadership to nathan leadership and maybe the european union will try to help to you if any more but without the us. and we have seen that in the half year when the us didn't help without the, as the european union can,
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how you train and even together with us, we see this, right? no, it doesn't work. so i think you're trumped as a very simple way. just say, just by saying we stop financing and sending weapons but we support you by finding a possible solution to the brush of this i think is what she said. there is a mind overall we have to be here. now, at the most robust authorized world corresponded thank you so much for your insight to africa. now, where canyon president william root, who has called upon his nation not to fall victim to the faithless fate, goes to have sponsored valens across the country. i want to challenge those west point stuttering because straightening funding these violence to step forward, we must zip out of the country agree to replace
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our democracy with a dictatorship and tightening of face less unknown to most people who want to use violence, destruction of property and loss of life is in place of our democracy week. so i'm president of the people in kenya have once again focused search lots of our united states objectives in africa because the president has moved to those people, seeing that it is the u. s. for foundation, the government of can is confronting the foundation which consequences this time is also concerned about the possible involvement of the organization. the, the canyon organizations receiving financial backing from the full foundation, the anti government protest in the country. some of those organizations are the
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cain. yes, human rights commission and the transparency international. and according to government, those are the groups that have been very vocal as far as pushing the countries into k, off on the key and civil strife. and as the world's largest angel funding agency, the full foundation that has in the past come and the scandals, governments impossible to reports. and research also tells us that it has some connections with the c i a in fact to the c, i a considers foundation such as the food foundation, the best, the most plausible kinds of funding comes off. also know that it middles in you've gone to the fees funding activities that a day so countries call to us and the values even. and so that's because the foundation has been the subject of backlash on the left. so we saw issued by kenya's for in a phase the principal's secretary is making civil moans in once the american foundation to,
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among other things supplied the government of canyon was details of his front cheese of the last. yeah. once it's to state the programs approved, particularly over the last 3 months and the quiz for accountability, the government also was the foundation avail. it reported on his compliance with a non loving policy. they were conduct fundamentally slouch, ford foundations, non lobbying, paul, let's see, begging the question whether your foundation has a band and this policy and is now intent on adversely influencing the internal political and policy processes within the republic of kenya. the ford foundation has denied the claims by the canyon government, but considering the fact that to this is now a global issue. present interest, least in allies, might have an important role to play in this respect to. they might have to issue a statement as busy as the all because of the populace and would be organization now accused by the president, the all expected to use the excess to, to,
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to cool for some sort of restraint. noting that their own reputations implicated at this point about you've kids who wouldn't restart it's oil, transferred to europe. my news, it's association agreement with the you and that's according to hunger, is for administer of the key of abruptly shut off of critical russian oil supply line. as all the big show going on of this step. but ukraine harms and agreements between b, u and ukraine, the stipulates that ukraine to not cut all the transfer of energy supplies across the territory of ukraine to you countries. this decision, but ukraine therefore clearly why lights the ukraine joint agreement? you a queen cooperation agreement also stipulates that in this case, victimize member country can immediately start the consultation process, whereby the european commission is obliged to represent the you member state to states. and if it cannot reach an agreement with ukraine, then there is a possibility to create the special panel and continue this process for up to 40
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days. if there is no solution, then you has the rights to not fulfill its obligations. for example, the provision of security to shave on. so incentives around the southern brand to rush as those by all or friendship pipeline. i says no and hungary slovakian check republic. oh receive a major part of the energy from it. and that runs through ukraine and the other day has been flowing to the european countries all through the conflict of what the best set of the move jupiter sizes, the nation's energy security. while the slovak prime minister echo the message, having the key of will also be at the loss. slovakia doesn't intend to be a hostage to ukrainian or russian relations. and the decision of the ukrainian president means that the slovak refinery slop enough, will receive 40 percent less oil than it needs for processing. it will have an impact, not only on the slovak market,
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but it may also lead to the hold of deliveries of slough nap produced oil to crane . while these make up almost 110th of the entire ukrainian consumption. as key costs of those nations from coastal oil supplies. the last key at the same time is begging them for help. as ukraine desperately needs electrical energy, he's asking them to deliver over 25000 megawatts hours of electricity per day. of this comes after moscow has taken a much a ukrainian energy facilities during the ongoing conflict. georgia, samuel e, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute says that the decision to shut off the oil supplies is also bad for you praise economy and also be c v seen as a foreign hand behind the move. the issue is that um this foil the oil for local trends that ukraine so you.


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