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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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on the it is so good to hear our president's voice, so i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day, a slip of the song, the u. s. vice president come on, how it's almost revealed. but joe biden supposed go was actually a recording, but i didn't have a page in public in several days, problems and concerns about whether he's in a live. i'm well, the high, the full series policy is pretty even off for let's say, you know, goes to washington in hopes of meeting with a county missing. joe barton, only to realize is not welcome, that we should not be. we should not be of all single work. for this guy,
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he weighs very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people, killing gods off as a. is there any preem as far away in washington main policy and faxes from us? i'm fun to move. the only thing decades long, wiley, arrangement agreements foot and i still unity with the help of the aging, finding kenya protests and keep them all the scandals and present rooms owed in need to be resigned. but he said in american and g o is the real cause of the rest, [000:00:00;00] the very, very well welcome to you from the entire scene. so that's all new signal coming to life from us. and let's take a look at the top. so is this how many americans are wondering where the president is, joe biden?
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the haven't appeared in public in almost a week. he supposedly broke his science by calling into a campaign event for his v p. come a harris, but his has statement been audio already had raised even more questions about his whereabouts. a. mr. president, thank you for calling in today. over to you. i know yesterday's news is surprising and, and so hard for you to here, but it was the right thing to do. you know, you're an amazing team, but we've got a great, great. i think we made the right decision. it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe, i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. you probably you guys heard it from doug's voice. we love jonesville, we really do. they truly are like family and we
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can well be blown light and not convince. here's a song play. you know what? so the minds of the americans was the voice a deep stake. why just audio no video, something seems off. they say, i know why it's on the heels of joe biden reported the counseling 9 trips scheduled over the next 2 weeks. now the republican party has demanded the white house, provide proof that it was in 5 by this decision to drop off with the president to race. but they have received nothing so far. now the high side, where is a bite and is now trying to on x with use is posting means in the form of missing persons ripples, not just ordinary americans, but some use outlets as well. have some of the alum martin doesn't talk a costs and discuss the situation in
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a recent interview seems he might have some insights into the bossa. i got a call from a source close to las vegas metro police. if it's the story was advisors trip was cut short last week did a cobit, however, according to this short, she was secret service informed las vegas metro. that there was an emergency situation involving jo button and to close necessary streets, so that poses could be transported immediately to university medical, which begin to which they begin to do in earnest. then mysteriously, there was a span down order and the secret service informed local vegas, p d. that they were going to matter of fact, the boat is to johns hopkins, which they presume and fly and back east as soon as possible. apparently the rumor mill in the police department was the joe biden was dying or already dead. possibly . clearly something is going on here. obviously, i don't know what it is, is but with a legal and media analyst lyle needs. so it is possible, but the democrats are planning to,
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to inherit into the div button. so president soon so they can increase the chances of winning the election in november. where is he? don't worry if it's like like you're a child in your your pet died and your parents don't have the does the courage to tell you the fluffy he's gone. everybody the to see on western tv. don't know what they're talking about. derrick tapped edging and patting and pretending to know what's going on. believe me, when i tell you this, nobody knows what's going on. let me tell you what's gonna happen next. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe in a, in a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down if he steps down. they turned it over then to combine harris as acting president and people. mike, who never have even sought a vote,
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includes i am not interested people who aren't even interested. they're going to say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cackles, the non sequitur, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer. well also, why left the race us life present? come on, the higher says that she's on the not democratic that i didn't support to become parties and no money i've is ready to defeat from according to a monday night. paul of delegates, the current v. p. seems of inherited oral biden's di hobbs as no other option. and so for all the inputs fluid this like the fine but how it says not to fix the be nominated by the democratic policy. she has already said killed over a $100000000.00 and donations for her presidential campaign, commenting on the issue the stove, the human events daily pump cost jack pacific says that's what's happening now
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really reveals the true nature of the us democratic policy. is this idea that you live in that they, they promoted a lot more than republicans from a, by the way that we live in a democracy. and the people are the ultimate arbiter is of sovereignty. and just as in america, and we are fighting to protect our democracy, by the way, we are protecting our democracy from donald trump's, who's the biggest threat to democracy. but this guy won't, we don't like him anymore. so we're just going to remove him. and we're going to pull us money and we're going to pull his delegates. and then actually the, to me the most. the most interesting thing that i see is when you watch all these, these delegates, all these allegations are coming out. now perhaps carolina has decided they're buying come. le harris and new york says they're buying come wires and each delegation starts. but this is like watching the election results in north korea. because what, what do you mean? the delegates are suddenly for cala harris. the delegates were voted for by the people of the democrat party and 14000000 people or something voted in the selection. and suddenly, they're both don't matter anymore. never elect
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a cry says go to waste lights. republicans are taking the opportunity to address democratic voters of getting them to a binding that policy. a here is a top reason why a. i a serial number, joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president of the united states of america. but my friend, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse. and everybody knows that the thinking was wondering about where the state of american leadership is. that is what the problem is. it made me mean if you has arrived in washington. now that comes as the id f has been full thing and policy is to flee from the city of calling u as in southern gaza, which was previously labeled a same. so interestingly enough, anita present by didn't know,
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vp harris or even the us sensitive sate blinking going to the is there any problem mess up on his arrival? been made new me nothing. y'all was scheduled to meet with president by the nathan today, but apparently that's been canceled. now, not only us officials with also new regular citizens refused to welcome the israel, any prime minister to the american capital. a group of protest as was seen near the us comb with waving power to see in flags and holding bottoms describing nits in yahoo as a war criminal demons have to say they are unhappy that the us and why they made the someone who disclosable foot ceiling tens of thousands of people in gaza. i'm here because netanyahu the orchestrator of genocide in gaza. we're here because this guy is a murder. he's of able evil mean person. and he's been invited by our table. mean congress to come and speak. i'm focusing the nothing you hope you get to the united
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states. this guy is a work criminal. you should not be, we should not be hosting or criminal. this guy is very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in gaza. and i really think that we should not be accepting people like that in the united states. we're here because it's absolutely ridiculous and then yahoo is welcomed into our city. the city of d. c, for billions of dollars goes to israel and to be funding the people's, me absolutely. discussing that our congress welcome says here as he continues to kabbage on the side of the house. i mean, people, wires who live out to most of about a who even leave it over the past, the national initiative. most of all, thanks so much for joining us today on, on to now with a couple of stories on lights and songs about 1st this one, what they're talking about missing yahoo to be done right now is it arrives obviously in the usa washington. oddly, it's, i want to as what happens in a, a country that hasn't been met with a know a country lee,
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that we haven't seen kamala or anthony blink. and what they think about is as well, i think because everybody is saying go here from them since he is through the criminal and the anybody will meet someone feel embarrassed. although the united states administration has supported him actually in his criminal act of genocide in gaza. and is continuing to support him while he is trying to kill any possibility for peace in the region and to kill any possibility of a palestinian states. it also government building and the west bank and through the process of ethnic station indiana to this non represents a fascist government. nothing less than an official government that has ordered the code or the injured motor. then 6 percent of the population of guys had this happened in the united states of america. you would be talking about 20000000 people killed or injured unless the 9 months portion of these became. so what came
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in of that and the did inviting him to speak and the congress was dish of boy got him actually if there did you believe in what is it and on the words of the congress of respect of you, my rights and democracy. just think about the timing of nothing. now would you say me, why is he sort of come up? come over now. we know there's some political trouble in the us because we have no way to fill the button to calm down. i don't think when he planted this visit to expect at exactly this. so seeing in the washington about this man came to the american congress and i show of support to the possibility of the election of doing a problem, which he believes as a motor motor friendly and to him. and at the same time, he is trying to maneuver to bring down any kind of better sense on the sides of the united states to stop that that have been awarded that this happened incandescent. so it says
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a way of mobilizing the congress against the american president and has bad luck to the american president, this dipping down. i mean, from the election process. and this administration, of course, seems to 10 by not than you know, because on the support of them with 20000000000 dollars of military equipment, they gave them all the problems that were used to get it. but this thing is no less than $48000.00 palestinians and guys, us 3. but if we come those on the out on the boat and in getting more than $8.00 to $7000.00, yet is not satisfied. and he wants a car to blondes, to continue his mess. it goes not on the guys about those those. yeah. it's devastating indeed. i knew we know full biden's go back and nickname genocide by then, which is terrible. just like joe. but you know, uh, most of, if i made a, we are seeing a pro passing the listing continued pro, passing in process, gave me momentum not only across the us,
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but all over the world. why do you think politicians view as foundations, world positions, not sort of that big, doing anything about it. and so despite do you know, or why they called for anything with nothing, yahoo is still the ones that are different kinds of politicians. for instance, brittany centers who happen to be as always sure, senator, in the american center the senate has declared that he would break up the speech of nothing at all and said that nothing you know is a word criminal and that's for the blanket. this is an example of a good position. i think that are the people in the senate and the congress, although they are still on, i noted to who have the same position. but unfortunately, most of the congress people in debt to it. but that is that a, you know, be and they out of control and practically by that is there a lot be which funds the election campaigns and which practices
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a psychological totaled against them if they take any stand against as well. so the question here is, what kind of congress the states has, which his photo is on was thinking about the, but i should not be pressures. and on was thinking about to convert into the back whenever they take any political decisions. it's unfortunate, but that shows you that this is not really through democracy and need in data. most of the things really need you need to change the know there's what doesn't go away . most of the, i'd like to talk to again about the next 30 said to say on the line for the 2nd. sure. while these are the p. m a is across the atlantic waiting for an audience with the joe button processing input until functions are wasting no time. maybe all his absence combine with china is fruitful mediation seems to be bringing is long, divides together. now, basic has provided to gather over
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a dozen political factions that have agreed to on a comprehensive national unity to long by john. so it just isn't so. so the most important consensus of this dialogue is the great book, insulation and unity. among all 14 factions and the court outcome is the clear consent, the post and liberation organization is the only legitimate representative of the palestinian people. the most prominent highlight is the consensus of the post to our governance of gaza and formation of a provisional national reconciliation government. well, it's a is a truly historic turn. if everything goes according to the plan and bows and it is ro allows this to happen, different palestinian factions including rivals, fact off the currency, rolls palestinian authority from ramallah and how much that controls the gallons a sweeping deed agreed to put the differences and divisions aside and form and national unity government. your ring talks in beijing that to end on tuesday with
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the aim to manage palestinian affairs and most importantly to govern post for a gaza. it offers an answer to the burden question on what will happen to the palace, student and clave on the so called they after, after the war. that many key pos king right now here is what have most representative has to say about disagreement. today we signed an agreement from national unity and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity. we are committed to a national unity and we call for it, punishes between fall to a 100 miles have been brewing since 2006 when have mass one, palestine and elections, and took control over the gaza strip as things start off from there. but you have to understand the major crucial differences have always been there. and the thing is that spots off adopted a more pragmatic approach towards is ro, it has
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a number of economic and security arrangements with tel aviv while have mas rejects old dealing with the state of israel, and supports as violent a resistance with the aim to liberate old palestine, many states by the way, have tried before to bring the rivals together, including commercial original powers like old g rated to needs and agents. but it seems that have only china that let me remind you also a broker, the historic deal between iran and saudi arabia finally has succeeded to move things forward. yes, we also here are some less optimistic coleman. so source and holes in the palestinian file has shared his staff. this is with r t, saying that the math is not the power that you would rather wants to trust. and you have to remember that this is not for the 1st time that to come us sign such an agreement with papa. we saw that in 20112017 in cairo hand in 2022 and o g area. then the 2 sides agreed to end their differences and divisions and get
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through noises. but as you know, nothing happens after that, the source has also told r t. about how much doesn't want to be held responsible for rebuilding garza after the war a hand hence a once, a to raise some funds probably from china and be to have other partners with them to tackle the crisis that will clearly and surely come off to the war in guys on meanwhile, israel has already reacted to the news furiously. and here's the country's foreign minister. let's take a listen. i'm austin. father signed an agreement in china for joint control of gaza after the war. instead of rejecting terrorism, mahmoud abbas embraces the murderers and rapists, of whom us revealing his true face. in reality, this won't happen because how much this rule will be crushed and a boss will be watching gaza from afar. israel security will remain soley in israel's hands. it is really prime minister benjamin, antonia who has repeatedly said, even before this agreement,
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that's his goal is to destroy the mass, and that he strongly opposes her mas taking any pause and play any role in the post war guys of administration. so yes, this is a very positive initiative. if only it works right, let's go back live to it. most of the bottles was in need of the past few national initiative, who is in beijing and was participating in the meeting held between 14 policy functions. was of a truly very joyous news on this in unity agreement. but, and what are your immediate thoughts and feelings about it's and what is that as to what this is a different kind of agreement from whatever it was signed before. it's not a detail, it's a, it has very clear goals, established a most important of which given the situation today and guys that is the establishment of a problem regional and national consensus government. this is below to the american
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and does it any plans to create some sort of collaborating step, chatted with. is there a new patient in odessa? it's sense of the world, a very clear message that the palestinians are now unified in things to establish a government that would maintain. they want to do 1st bank and gaza. the see things that are in the efforts to separate them from each other. and also it's a promising good agreement that could lead hopefully to the establishment of identified but just to me and do the ship inside the piano, maintaining that items the police to getting people to start to present themselves through the piano. what we face today as many as an indian american, of course, on some of that, it was done efforts to take away from them. but this, to me, is that right? of sensitive visitation and to the front of the sci fi, the window of the, for this to be, and people. and most importantly also is that this agreement that was signed and we participated in signing it as well. and very clearly that all participating in factions without,
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without exception audits supportive of the palestinian resistance, especially in gaza and support the student. how does this terms? i guess there's an expiration on the occupation in the us back. so it's a beginning. it's a very important beginning, but of course the most important thing is that this does not stay as an agreement about the becomes unemployment, that stuck check. and that means that the president of palestine must engage immediately in discussing the possibility and the structure of a new national consensus government. and that would be a responsive and for the most west bank and goes you know, most of it is, i'd see it very promising, of course to, to see this happening. you know. and we of course want peace and then restore everything back to gauze and rebuild of the, the, the own crate. but my question, my next question really is, why china? i mean,
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how does this issue with time is how could it have been achieved with violence, chinese mediation? if there is a way to do, yes, it's good to have been but we needed some push. we needed some help. we needed some, uh, some sort of uh, supported sort of, uh, company that has uh, the symptom influence and the image of power. and what we see here is it and is being supported by their nighted states of america. and the many other lists of government stuff, unfortunately, but it disappeared to them. the crimes i guess, by the students and the chinese, the child in the hosting, the national unity negotiations, i'm not, is not only about supporting funds to me and unity. it's actually also about supporting that item. so for this to me and people to be free for the motivation for the position it is supposed to go to the sci fi, i didn't guys as soon as possible to stop the genocide that is taking place. so yes, china is important i'm but don't forget the,
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this is not in contradiction with what we actually have the most code before because i think because they're chinese agreement, which i personally participate that then drafting as i did that after that i show the most corporate event and then the chinese one is building on what was that you've been moscow. so it's a step forward. but as i would people want, they don't want to see on the agreements. they want these agreements to be implemented. in this case, i hope a continuous support by decided by asha and a and under china in addition to other countries like egypt, identity, and wouldn't be very helpful in translating these agreements intellectual reality. the most important indicate that here would be the formation of a national consensus government immediately. and then taking the step of inviting all the leaders of the 1st thing in groups for anything that would set up the time . table of implementation of this agreement have
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a range of indeed that's hope that does indeed come to fruition. but i have to leave it that most of a lot of the team needs it over the past. the national initiative, or is it by the side? if i get it for you, i'm fine. a. thank you. right, that's the inches now and to the applicant continent, the police and um, forces have deployed to the capital city of kampala to shut down a wave of antique government protests. crowds took the things, holding banners, and shouting slogans, denouncing corruption in the country with something called in for the president to resign. at least security has been deployed around the parliament building to ahead of any escalation. however, local say they will continue regardless of the security cutting down and warnings by the nation's leader across the border inc. 10. yeah, i think government in protests of plan in the nation's capital of nairobi as
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demonstrated as have been demonte foot days. now the president william booth at step down, they say there's a need for change and corruption inside the government must be cleaned up. now here's all t gospel tennis on monday with will details a good i think up to c t whole skin. yeah, nate will be glad to date. we have witnessed the quotes, young people another week. now this becomes the 5th week, sees the anti government protest begun here, and the cup to see to in the night will be on today. the young people have also hit the ground running on the voice, and the quote is still the same. hold on on the monday uh for the president with them to, to, to step down there um, openly and take government protests that have been in the country for another 5 weeks. and just to bring it to speed, a number of people have lost their lives in this office due to police vitale to you will need to use the existing forces now so far,
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according to the human rights police on over 50 people have rules to their lives. it all set to do and uh they provide, shouldn't contact government and the controversial fight not to be looked good with the for was introduced which people that to be spent months we had posted too much of that didn't belong to us. there's 3 dimensions in that's what nonsense. one was coming to solve any problem here, but who was coming to increase more pressure on the people who are already suffering in this country with the high. if i'm helping them they, i, you may have had the good of it. i've had drafted these was 30 minutes of several, was coming to mount the mall, print ahead to the people. i live on a plane to survive these devils. i think, i mean protests are ongoing in the country in different parts of the country. yeah . even they will be the out before the day they marching in town and some of them have also filed to go on. ok if i, uh, the international app or the general thing at the international airport to be
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through dropped or the activities right there. so the voice is going to be high and maybe i put it into a loop in a gentleman here who was in the products to tell us, i think you come and doing a sale as we have seen the president. of course, he dropped the different nods. being uh, he is miss members of the cabinet with some of them, of minutes about to the, to the leasing of the cabinets. but we have seen that product thing going on. so tell us today why people are on the streets away and the people seem protesting to me. oh, thank you very much. i think uh, it is evident that uh, as we speak right now, the finance bill was that the guy to the demands that guidance of the not the while it's little was if i was with the dropping of different nose to beat, it was just uh, the oddest, done, because uh, as we have uh, the design of the design uh that was signed into law. which of the, of the day president of the government. if i was to go to see them raising the taxes on today, the events kind of mean the copy don't. there is
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a easy to do with people going to do help with the i did put to that the government and uh planned to do uh to, to lease it. yeah. ports for the next 5 years. which means that it wouldn't be below you. took it down for the next 2 years and after that the government would also be doing the same with that, that there is some of the outputs so that these, thank you. right? um, so your thoughts you had um, what is happening is that um uh the citizens are completing you, lamenting that the government is not giving priority to the needs of the citizens in the country. like of the saying that might seem to the men because they have been um allegations that if i added the duty i have a dimension level of detail before that to here's definitely to, to be built no benefits that they can use on a number of features of course, as he hasn't just mentioned that uh in the be that was fast,
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it's going to increase more taxes. we do what that means that the, the button is going to increase on cancelled or the housing tough time saving to meet at any needs due to the, the high cost of living. therefore, the products i see the ongoing, i got to hear some blasts out the background police out fighting to you guys and these fussing. because at that gathering and of course we tend to be keeping you posted with everything the top inside the top and seem to cover about something. but i see the other ones, the company here on off season international doing check out all to calm their loved reading. great stories that will be back of itself with yeah the
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