tv News RT July 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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with 6 children, i've never felt safe for my entire life then living here the it is so good. see, here are presidents loyce joe. i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day as a link to the us vice president come on. how is almost revealed joe biden supposed phone call was actually a recording 5, and it hasn't been in public in several days. but the thing concerns about whether it is alive and well either the idea or false is policy is to leave the full of sites. that video goes to washington and goes to a meeting with a co lead, missing joe, by the earning to realize he's don't welcome the guys that weren't criminal. we
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should not be. we should not be of all this guy responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in guns on positives already. pm is far away in washington main policy in fractions. how much farther move beyond then? they came to a recent, we went over the national use, it was the help of basic findings. 10 year bruncess is cheap up. the model of the scandal wouldn't present router. it means that he resigned, but he says an american indian is the real poles of the rest. the day is just go on somebody, pm here, the russian capital walton wherever you crashing the news from today. this is all to don't story. many americans a wondering where the president is. joe barton as an update in public is almost 2
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weeks, he supposedly broke the silence like cooling into a campaign event for his v. p. come of the house but less, but his tired statement in an old, in all the early has raised a little more questions about his whereabouts. a. mr. president, thank you for calling in today. over to you. i know yesterdays news is surprising and it's hard for you to hear. but it was the right thing to do. you know, you're an amazing team but we've got a great, great. i think we made the right decision. it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe, i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. you probably you guys heard it from dad's voice. we loved jonesville, we really do. they truly are like family to us. and we go there.
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well people are 9 and not couldn't the, to the swampy a was on the minds of americans, was the voice a deep fake. why just on is not video. something seems off. they say an old box on the heels of joe biden. the pulls the cabin for the 9 trip scheduled over the next 2 weeks. now the republican body has demanded the white house, provide proof that it was in 5 blinds and decision to drop out of the presidential race. but that may have received nothing so far. now the high side where is by then is now turned it on to it. so i went to it so sorry. x with use is opposing means in the form of a missing persons rebels, not just old. re americans saw me use hours as well. have sounded the alarm
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american jerry stucco calls and discussed the situation in the recent interview seems he might have some insight into the masa. i got a call from a source close to las vegas metro police efficient story was advised. this trip was cut short last week, did a cobit, however, according to this short, she was secret service informed las vegas metro. that there was an emergency situation involving jo button and to close necessary street, so that poses could be transported immediately to university medical, which begin to which they begin to do in earnest. and mysteriously there was a stand on order and the secret service informed local vegas p d. that they were going to medive rackaboto as to johns hopkins, which they presume and fly him back east as soon as possible. apparently the rumor mill and the police department was the joe biden was dying or already dead. possibly. clearly something is going on here. obviously, i don't know what it is literally, so i live in legal and media alice low. i know, he says it's possible that the democrats have tried to conceal was action going on
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with joe. but where is he? don't worry. it's like, like you're a child in your, your pet died and your parents don't have the, does the courage to tell you the flap is gone. everybody to, to see on western tv. don't know what they're talking about. derrick tab badging and patting and pretending to know what's going on. believe me, when i tell you this, nobody knows what's going on. let me tell you what's gonna happen next. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe and a, and a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down if he steps down. they turned it over then to carmella harris as acting president and people mike, who never have even thought of voting codes. i am not interested in people who
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aren't even interested. they're going to say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cat goals, the nonsense orders, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer. now suit off the bite and drop the child. so the light doesn't come a higher as says she has a enough democratic delegate support to become the policies official nominate. she says she's ready to defeat from to holding to a monday night pole of delegates. the code of the p seems of inherited, or biden's, di hawes, as no other option has so far been push, bullard. now despite the fact, but how it says not officially be nominated by the democratic policy. she has already secured over a $100000000.00 in donations for head presidential campaign, commenting on the issue, the host of the human events, davy. pub costs. jack plus a big says what's happening now reveals the nature of the us democratic
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party. this idea that you live in that they, that they promote in a lot more than republicans from a, by the way that we live in a democracy. and the people are the ultimate arbiter is of sovereignty, injustice in america. and we are fighting to protect our democracy by the way, we're protecting our democracy from donald trump, who's the biggest threat to democracy. but this guy won't, we don't like him anymore. so we're just gonna remove him. and we're gonna pull this money and we're gonna pull this delegates. and then actually the, to me the most, the most interesting thing that i see is when you watch all these, these delegates, all these delegations are coming out. breath carolina has decided they're buying come la harris and new york says they're buying come with harris and each delegation starts. but this is like watching the election results in north korea. because what, what do you mean? the delegates are suddenly for combo harris. the delegates were voted for by the people of the democrat party, the 14000000 people or something voted in the selection and suddenly there,
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but it's don't matter anymore to now. so again, was wondering about where the say the of american leadership is the, is there any prime, is it? but you may know neo has arrived in washington. but certain comes as the idea has been full seemed policy is to flee from the city of hong units in southern gaza, which was previously labeled a seems so interestingly enough need the present by the know the p. harris or even the us sank into states blink. and greeted the is very probably mess up on his arrival. but anyway, that he was scheduled to meet with president biden. nathan today, but apparently that's being cancelled is not on the us of the hills. what also regular citizens refused to welcome these reply method to the american capital a group of protest this was seen and in the us. coal was waving policy in flags and holding signers describing nat geo as
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a war criminal. that was hard to say. they are on the happy that the us invited nathan, yahoo! someone who's responsible for getting tens of thousands of people in gaza. i'm here because the net yahoo, the orchestra leader of genocide in gaza. we're here because this guy is a murder. he's of able, evil mean person, and he's been invited by our table, mean congress to come and speak. i'm for this thing, the nothing he a home visit to the united states. this guy is a war criminal. you should not be, we should not be hosting or criminal. this guy is very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in gaza. and i really think that we should not be accepting people like that in the united states. we're here because it's absolutely ridiculous and then yahoo is welcomed into our city. the city of dc for billions of dollars goes to israel and to be funding the people's needs. absolutely disgusting,
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that our congress welcomes is here, as he continues to kabbage on the side of the house. i mean, people at least spoke with most of the bottom who is the leader of the policy national initiative. he said, maybe, you know, is desperate to gain more support from the us. and i think because everybody is shy and go away from them since he is through the l. a terminal and the anybody will need someone feel embarrassed. although the united states administration has supported them actually and has criminal acts of genocide in gaza and is continuing to support him while he is trying to kill any possibility for peace in the region. and okay, i need for somebody to find this to me and stay in store. so that meant building in the west bank and through the process of ethnic station and reality, this non represents fascist government. i don't think when he planted this visit to expect it exactly this scene in washington. but the news that are instrumental to
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drink down any kind of pressure from the sides of the united states to stubs, if that have been awarded, that this happened incandescent was on the support of them with 20000000000 dollars of military equipment. they gave them on the bombs yet, he was not satisfied. and he wants a car to glance to continue his mess. it goes not only in guys of the, but also in the us. and while the is there any p. m a is across the atlantic waiting for an audience with joe biden, plastic and puzzle 5, since a wasting no time, nathan, yet his absence combine with china is fruitful mediation seems to be bridging years . long divides magazine hasn't monitoring gab over a dozen from the school functions that have agreed on comprehensive national unity . this is, this is an important historical moment for the palestinian liberation cause. china appreciates the efforts made by all parties towards reconciliation and sincerely
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congratulates them on reaching an agreement and signing the important beijing consensus. only when all factions in palestine speak with one voice can the voice of justice be louder only by joining hands and advancing side by side. come the cause of national liberation. achieved success garza as an integral and inseparable part of palestine. shall the international community should support the palestinian factions in forming an interim government on the national consensus, so as to effectively controlled as a and the west bank. well, it's a, is a truly historic turn. if everything goes according to the plan and bows and it is ro allows this to happen, different palestinian factions including rivals, thoughts off the currency, rolls palestinian authority from ramallah, and how much that controls the gallons of sweeping deed agreed to put the differences and divisions aside and form and national unity governments. your ring
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talks in beijing that to end the tongue. tuesday was the aim to manage power, steering affairs and most importantly, to govern postwar, gaza. it offers an answer to the burden question on what will happen to the palace, student and clave on the so called they after after the war. but many key pos king right now here is what have most representative has to say about disagreement. today we signed an agreement from national unity and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity. we are committed to national unity and we call for it, punishes between your thoughts on how and how miles have been brewing since 2006 when have mass one, palestine and elections, and took control over the gaza strip as things start off from there. but you have to understand the major crucial differences have always been there. and the thing is that spots off adopted a more pragmatic approach towards is ro, it has
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a number of economic and security arrangements with tel aviv, while have mas rejects old dealing with the state of israel and supports as violent a resistance. we aim to liberate old palestine. many states by the way, have tried before to bring the rivals together, including commercial original powers like old jew ready to needs an agent. but it seems that have only china that let me remind you also a broker, the historic deal between iran and saudi arabia finally has succeeded to move things forward. yes, we also here are some less optimistic common sense the worst and holes in the palestinian file has shared his staff. this is with r t saying that a mass is not the power that you would rather wants to trust. and you have to remember that this is not for the 1st time that to have minus sign such an agreement with popped off. we saw that in 20112017 in cairo hand in 2022 in l g area. then the 2 sides agreed to ends,
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there are differences and divisions and get through noises. but as you know, nothing happens after that, the source has also told r t that somebody doesn't want to be held responsible for rebuilding garza after the war. a hand hens a one's a to raise some funds probably from china and be to have other partners with them to tackle the crisis that will clearly and surely come off to the war and guys. um, meanwhile, israel has already reacted to the news furiously. and here's the country's foreign minister. let's take a listen. i'm austin. father signed an agreement in china for joint control of gaza after the war. instead of rejecting terrorism, mahmoud abbas embraces the murderers and rapists, of whom us revealing his true face. in reality, this won't happen because how much this rule will be crushed and the boss will be watching gaza from afar. israel security will remain soley in israel's hands. it is
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really prime minister benjamin, antonia who has repeatedly said, even before this agreement, that his goal is to destroy have mice and that he strongly opposes her mas taking any part and play any role in the post war guys of administration. so yes, this is a very positive initiative. if only it works. all right, well now do i advise if there is a physical science professor that is it's a university. so i thank so much for taking the time, joining us here at all to international, truly wonderful news about this unity pots. uh, now coming from basie. what are your thoughts on it? a good evening. so you do or yours. when we are seeing, especially in the zones coming out over at the gen ed because of, uh, the wanted to confirm the issues of the variable sort of a serious missionary at this moment. the most important thing. it also eh,
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one should know that whoever is going to do, guys that, especially seeing as, as they're seeing lynch much as much as right. and as much as some other horses that yeah, so just to come to you guys, i need sleep or i need anyone else. do decide who to go to guys, whether it's from us or not, or in the space you moved from us in this new government or not the one that i read up on these 4 feet by steve infections, the leading and vision and the idea here that's the only device you can do for, you know, determine how to do things. and what do you guys as, as a part of the 1st time it was, have you just thought of? yes, there's a couple times is what i managed to and i'm us, there's a couple of them since they've been doing that and they didn't in thomas, i'm the,
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i'm not as being able to keep it. it just gave you guys that so in such case the one who's both sides, otherwise, you know or otherwise the seat would be at cheese. so when the very 1st thing in the previous 2 organizations are agree to form. i knew that by much unity government or better student infections and definitely be supported by organ i cmt perch in order to run students on the ocean that was back and forth. these are, you are drain, you know, to see that this service organization right now is that, is look up to them because they are there risk or so i would be united states. so they have the right to do that. and the king or the pers these i saw this genocide that for you guys. uh and um, the best thing on the do it do you like to do the boat does that. ready or just
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something absolutely out of that question. sure. i'll do the best thing and do that . indeed, in a while, you know, you mentioned as well that of course, serious about how boss and fonts are reaching and agree with the inspect. this will somehow of the situation on the ground in gaza. when we see exec data from us, it's still a dock. you like the power stops. maybe you have the big, the military wayne, which is of a sudden put a gate and one on the ground. one it does, but from us as an organization, the only on the notes is that and the people hosted support or do you guys have a question? so the 1st thing in the birch and the other thing in this month, which bursting into their respect, a new shit. so even if there is an eviction. richard since last wednesday it
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actually is just something that is the 1st thing is all that we love. the deed was how much jack the i guess i saw in both these statements and there was organization. it's not that there are. so the issue is if you don't fight those who wanted to pay the country to just stand, i guess, yeah, those, these 5, these are east every which you guys know this. each in that was bank gave each at jingle diversity, news and driving there and, and building 2nd. that's so there's going to be the existence after this is right. that gushing additional just as also is allowed for the best thing. and by any means they can't find the edge according to the g, as inclusion by the united nations. general assembly composing have the right to exist up, commission in any way the finding the appropriate. so is, is the right one is going, i guess, the lows and, you know, do the rest of the cellphone from our point of view,
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how much is done at the vision and spot based it'd be which and they were doing their job and interesting vision which is not only that right for the student, but it's also a mass or, or mostly used what is just your vision. and now it's about time like that from us and, and there's actually a few of them to be, isn't it, or the do in this episode, i'm to start a new era in, you're going to the guys and also to stand, to go back to see what kind of solution laws are we need to see is that we are independent, we need and the emissions on the image areas in the east germans and the west bank and also to see guys i'd like to buy seen enjoy this vision understands you their own state so this is something which is the go for diversity is with these are you liking, otherwise the resistance we will give you another 5 the 6 years from us. not only
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get but can you guarantee that 5 years time there will be no. i know the weight of the destruction of a wave. so each you assigned to the last time the professor gave me. so going to be very informative, very clear. you made it a very excellent point. we'll have to leave with that. thank you so much for joining us today on all the international possibilities. you saw new in principle slides, professor at visit university. thanks again. yeah. now it's been can yeah. government in protests are also planned to continue in the capital, nairobi as 7 sites as have been dom modeling for days that present route to resign . now they say as it needs to change and corruption inside the government must be cleaned up. there's also you cause for the to this a monday with the d test. i don't think up till c t all skin. yeah,
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nate will be glad to date. we've witnessed the quotes young people another week. now this becomes the 5th week, sees the anti government protest begun here. you look up to see do 8 at night will be on today. the young people have also keep the ground branding on that their voice. and the call is the same or let alone do monday for the president. we didn't move to to step down the data open. we on take government for this that have been in the country for an hour, 5 weeks. and just to bring it to speed, a number of people have lost their lives in these properties due to police vitale to you will need to use the existing forces now so far, according to the human rights commission of 50 people have rules to the lights. um it all started when uh they uh, provide showing on take government uh, controversial. uh, finance would be the 24th. introduce which people that to be spent months we had posted the dimensions that didn't belong to us. there's 3 dimensions in that for
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nonsense. one not coming to solve any problem here, but was coming to increase more pressure on the people. what would it be suffering in this country with the high call being that the you may have had the good of it. i've had dropped a diesel stage emissions. devil was coming to mount even more pressure to the people i live on a plane to survive these devils. i think, i mean proteins are seated on going in the country in different parts of the country. yeah. even they will be the out before the day they marching in town and some of them have also filed to go on. ok, if i uh, the dimension on that for the general thing at the international airport to be soon dropped or the activities right there. so the voice is going to be high and maybe i quarter to loop in. i did them on here who it was in the products to tell us. i think you come and do. and i said, as we have seen the president, of course, he dropped the different knots being, uh, he, it's miss members of the cabinet with some of them, of minutes about to the uh,
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to the leasing of the cabinets. but you have seen that product thing going on, so tell us today why people are or the streets away, and the people seem professing to be only thank you very much to i think it was a bit into that as we speak right now. definitely not the bill was actually go to the demands that's getting on so be not be well 1st of all right now with the dropping of different nose to be towards does uh the out of sense because uh as the of, uh, the design of the design uh that was signed into law because of the, of the day a president on the government for us to continue raising the taxes on today's events. kind of leave the copy don't. there is easy to do with people going through the help with the report that the government and uh planned to do uh to, to lease it outputs for the next 5 years. which means that it would be below you took it down for the next 2 years. and after that the government would also be
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doing the same with that. that there is some of the outputs. so thank you. right. um, so your thoughts you had um, what's happening is that um, uh, the citizens are complaining and lamenting that the government is not giving priority to the needs of the citizens in the country. like the saying that my thing to the men because they have been um allegations that they've tried the j. k. i have the dimension level these up before that to hear that for it's going to be no benefits that they can use and the number of issues, of course i was yes, you just mentioned that uh in the bid that was fast. it's going to increase more taxes, which of course, that means that the, the button is going to increase on cancelled already having a tough time saving to meet that any needs due to the, the high cost of living there for the, for this i see the ongoing i got to hear some blasts out the background of when you start fighting does and these fussing, because that gatherings and outputs,
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we tend to be keeping you posted with everything the top inside the top and see because what a certainty is. now a display of calling for an taishan. that's how the crime then as describe the us a minute c news. so to get plan with the optic washington says it is focusing on his national sovereignty in the polar region. the optics engine of the united states is critical to the defense of a homeland, the protection of us national sovereignty, and the preservation of our defense, 3 to commitments. our optics strategy will guide the department's efforts to ensure that the optic remains a secure and stable region. they all take legion is of high since easy imposes to the us having a pos of alaska ordering rush at the gym. physical significance is on provide even the by the you as a legend that china is expanding its influence in the polar region and russia already having a substantial presence that the near us, he plays out,
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but corporation between russia and china. and they all think legion is on the rice . the has a defined 3 main points of focus for the all region one, it will enhance it, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities to it when engaged with is part of this. i'm whole defense and the reason i'm 3, it will conduct a really good training and of the operations uphold is national territorial claim. 5 to discuss the new us optics strategy. where do i live by the vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies? mr. nelson along nelson as always good to see. so it seems a announce that it seems like there is no place in the world. the us one say is in pull to, for his own national security. what are your thoughts on that? i was, i was about to say this actually more right. it's,
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it's really going very upsurge. it. but uh, it all depends on who you are and the way you stand might take is that sometimes you can make people directional. and i think the us is really moving towards in the state of desperation, wherever china goes, or wherever russian goes, it is of national interest at the sovereignty of the us. so this is a really going, very observed that china went to africa. the us said that is the they, they have to go there to protect the national interest in the sovereignty. what about that in america? i mean, gets that back yards and china is going there having some relations of booting something file structure in some country and then they're going to say,
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oh that's our becky are then we're going to protect our solver and dates our interest. now the optic. so this is a, this was really observed internally is no nelson, it seems like the us is always in the mood for confrontation as opposed to, to, or working together with. it's been a countries, especially with countries that are, you know, bold result in the same legion. do you think things could change? well, it's very hard actually by looking at what the us government, all that governments, in recent decades. uh, you know, the, they seems to be constantly interested in expanding the interest or refusing to lose control over every bit, but i'm part of the world. so, but it was something i would like to say for the, for the politicians in america.
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