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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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let's say differences and divisions aside and form and national unity government. your ring talks in beijing that to end the tongue tuesday with the aim to manage power steering affairs and most importantly, to govern postwar gaza. it offers an answer to the burning question on what will happen to the palestinian clave on the so cold day after after the war, that many key pos couldn't right now. here is what have mass representative has to say about this agreement. today we signed an agreement from national unity and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity. we are committed to national unity and we call for it, punishes between fall to and how miles have been brewing since 3006 when have mass one palace seen in elections and took control over the gaza strip as things start off from there. but you have to understand the major crucial differences have always been there. and the thing is that spots off adopted a more pragmatic approach towards is ro, it has
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a number of economic and security arrangements with tel aviv while have mas rejects old dealing with the state of israel, and supports as violent a resistance with the aim to liberate old palestine, many states by the way, have tried before to bring the rivals together, including commercial original powers like old g rated needs and agents. but it seems that have only china that let me remind you also a broker, the historic deal between iran and saudi arabia finally has succeeded to move things forward. yes, we also here are some less optimistic coleman. so source and holes in the palestinian file has shared his staff. this is with r t, saying that the math is not the power that you would rather wants to trust. and meanwhile, israel has already reacted to the news furiously. and here's the country's foreign minister. let's take a listen. i'm austin. father signed an agreement in china that for joint control of
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gaza after the war. instead of rejecting terrorism, mahmoud abbas embraces the murderers and rapists, of whom us revealing his true face. in reality, this won't happen because how much this rule will be crushed and the boss will be watching gaza from afar. israel security will remain soley in israel's hands. is there any prime minister benjamin, antonia who has repeatedly said, even before this agreement, that's his goal is to destroy mass and that he strongly opposes how mosque taking any part and playing any role in the post war guys of administration. so yes, this is a very positive initiative. if only it works, what you can get from the details of all the story is, will follow you with a r t does come. i'll see you again a couple of the out by now the
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okay, here we go. hi everybody, i'm rick sanchez, is direct impact. and this what we're going to be talking about, joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already, yes, you may class unmatched in modern history. and maybe there's a reason there was no one clapping, and it's really kind of nothing to laugh up. this is direct impact, and i am rick sanchez. and let's do this. the, here we go, we set this happen. so the president of the united states will not be running for re election after all. now, pardon me for just a minute. just a minute for taking
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a ball here for our team, but back in march. that was about 4 and a half months ago. march 7th, to be exact. there was one network that came out and detailed that this very thing was going to happen. and it wasn't fox, and it wasn't the bbc. and it wasn't cnn or nbc. it was this network, it was the show, it was our t. we posted that special back then march 7th. and then we watched the western media ignored the obvious, even until the very end what it became so obvious to everybody that continuing for another 4 years would be impossible for mr. but the only thing that we didn't get right was the kind of bizarre way in which mr. biden dropped out. now for comparison, so i wanna show you something i wanna show you something that was iconic and our lifetime. those are guy. those of us who are old enough to remember, right, like the vietnam years and stuff. here is l b, j. in 1968. dropping out i was
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a little kid, of course, with the words that have become somewhat immortalized. i shall not see and i will not accept a denomination of my party for another term as your oppress. yep. so binding just did the same thing. that was the last time something like this. it happened by the way bottom instead announced it in a letter tweeted on x and that set off a big issue, namely who would replace it? what did the letter side? not much. at least when it came to coming to harris. look at this. interestingly enough, he doesn't even mention her until i call at the very end of the letter. after rattling off all of his accomplishments and many ads, almost as if it's an after thought. oh, and i want to think vice president campbell harris for being an extraordinary partner in all of this work. it sounds like he's saying that you kind of tagged along right. ouch. but then right after the letter comes out,
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kind of allows people and others in the democratic party, obviously they get on the hard with the president and the president's people. you know, the guys write the letter and they convince them to put out another tweet right away. so like 1015 minutes later, mr. biden endorses carmella harris. right. it was an obvious after thought, but, but that's the best off of, i don't know anything process. if you will, for which democrats are famous, with the democratic democrat jumping on this couple of harris bandwagon. here's the problem with what they're doing. okay. i'm gonna show you a headline. look at this headline. this headline is in an article in nbc nbc, news of all places where combo harris has never won a national election and has never been liked or approved of by voters. in fact, when she ran in 2020, here they are saying it's a mass right. her campaign was quoted here as being
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a camp. a mass 2020 campaign was a mess, says the headline. the article goes on to say that she quit almost right away because she liked the message. she allowed money and she liked her cohesive campaign operation. by the rules and regs of our own party, harris has no right to claim the president's delegates at this convention. right? because unless he dies or steps down as president, not his candidate. she's really just another candidate right now. i mean the, those are the rules of many in the media are obviously overlooking course, if it was dr. for vance, i wouldn't be overlooking it. by the way. can she do better than joe biden? yes. when it comes to african american motors, she does better kind of give it, give her her do there. but can she be trumped? no, not according to the latest polls. and in fact, here they are. look at this, right? she's losing. on the 1st one, she ties on the 2nd. just look down the line here,
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right? she loses the truck. finally, she beach dropped by one that she loses the truck, but she lives as a truck. so really, she's not doing any better than the president. biden's numbers were at the time. in fact, she may be doing a little bit worse with white anglo saxon man for what it's worth whenever. what are you, sir? a while rick, there has been these hypothetical polls for months and months and months, and they've more seriously been doing it the past few weeks since bite and suffered . you know, the campaign death below that was the debate. her numbers are just as unremarkable as her time as v p did small, even going in the mid thirty's. she might be doing a smidge better than bided among some of the smaller voting blocks. but the numbers remained generally flat and unchanged between her and bite and versus trump. now back in the 2020 election cycle, she dropped out of that race. following,
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that's something that she took the whole thing gab or she dropped out just a few weeks ahead of the california primary boat, where she was severely trailing behind bertie, liz warren, even back then mer boot a judge, and this was her own home state in that cycle she never even drew pulling number yeah. outside of the low single digit. so her dropping out of the primary before california is actually went to the polls, probably saved her some humiliation at home. and you know, although she's not technically the new democratic nominee, rick, i think it, it would appear that she the era parent because nancy pelosi just came out and officially endorsed her right before we came to err. yeah. and that gets to the politics and it's really kind of, i think, dirty politics at this point, because while most democrats are getting on board with the problem, a bandwagon is there are some who are still out. right. you mentioned below. oh see
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now is getting in. schumer is still out. i came, jeffries is still out. and veronica, veronica obama, perhaps the most important was the democratic party has still not endorsed. come a lot, harris. in fact, here's what uh, obama put out over the weekend. he says, the former president wrote, we will be navigating uncharted waters and the days ahead. but i have extraordinary confidence that the lead there's a party, i'm going to be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. now, what does those people have in common? those are some of the people who i just talked about, who convinced joe biden to step down. are they? are they not backing? come come to la harris because they, they, they don't want to seem like they're the annoying tours and cheese or do they really like the idea of an open convention. here's what i think. right? not that anybody's asked me, but here's what i think after following. and covering politics for the better part of the last 4 decades. if this were a chess match,
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an open convention is really the only way. the only move that the democrats have left on the board. think about it, it would get them tons of eyeballs. most americans, especially young ones, they don't give a crap about conventions or politics and they're not going to watch it. but it's a convention looks more like a reality television show where there's a spectrum of really not knowing who the winner is going to be. like in most conventions today that could sell to younger people that could sell to perhaps so young to a younger audience. younger voters is common sense. imagine the likes of gavin newsom. gretchen whittemore, both with hollywood looks by the way, facing off against cala harris. throwing michelle obama throwing george clooney is some helps have spoken, because every show needs a bill and throw in hilary clinton. what you have is a guaranteed attention grabber. not to mention a much more democratic process, which by the way is more important. anything else?
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because just telling someone who has it ever been liked by voters that they get to be the next president like we didn't bite in the now with apparently got to do with couple of years. that's not democratic. that's not democracy. but yet, the democrats have been getting away with that for the past 10 years. now, what are the democrats do that? probably not. the democrats used to be the party of new ideas, fewer wars, and taking power from the establishment of giving it to the people. but now there this fabulous event party, it's a, it's great, it's on wavering. they relinquished new ideas to republicans. and here's the proof . when was the last time you heard a democrats on a presidential ticket, say something as honest an anti establishment as what i'm about to show you listen . now 2003, i was a high school senior and i had a political position back then i believed the propaganda of the george w bush administration that we needed to invade our rack. but it was a war for freedom and democracy that those who were appeasing saddam hussein were
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inviting, a broader regional conflict. does that sound familiar to anything that we're hearing today? it's the same exact talking points 20 years later with different names. but if we learned anything over the last 20 years, no, i don't think that we have. we have learned that we, if we beat our chest instead of engage in diplomacy, but it will somehow produce good outcomes. that is not true. we learned that if we talk incessantly about world war 2, we can bully people and caused them to ignore their basic moral impulses and lead the country straight into catastrophic conflict. that's courageous. that's felt like, like it is. that's criticizing your own party that's criticizing and foreign policy . he's referring to both ukraine and guys. can you imagine manila, somebody on the democratic ticket saying something like that? i can't or or not these days. rec,
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and the g o. p of yesteryear. i would say it has been totally sunset, and the dams can no longer claim that the g o p is this party of old white christian man. thanks to j d variance in his his own mixed race, family member. the country just met lucia advanced last week. at the r and c, and she did not disappoint. you had political newcomers like the big rama, swami new members of congress, like byron donald and others who came from various ethnic backgrounds visa, all the new faces of the republican party. so the dams no longer corner of the market in diversity in this election cycle. and with those fresh spaces rec, and a new, multi cultural, you know, consortium of people you're bound to get fresh ideas. democrats, on the other hand, keep filling their ranks with these visually diverse spaces, but the ideas are stale and they have become establishment policy. and if we look
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at younger voters in the recent elections across europe, we'll see that it was the young vote. the youth vote that has actually given legs to the more conservative side of those parties across the atlantic. so i think that's where we need to look here in the us as well because it is no longer taboo to be young to be non white and to be conservative. yeah, and i'll add to that. perhaps the most important part that you may not have mentioned to be anti war, to literally come out and say, stop going around the world telling other countries what to do. what to say, well, threatening them with bombs and then actually firing off the dam bombs, which we've been doing again and again and again. and who's been most responsible about the republicans have been innocent when it comes to this, but it has been most responsible for all of these wars. i'm talking syria, i'm talking libya. i'm talking to have to understand i'm talking to rock and i'm
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talking to grain. and now i'm also talking about what's going on and gaza. democrats, not republicans. so. anyway, when we come back, when we come back, we are outside of like 5 minutes anyway. when we come back, we continue discussing the web landscape of us politics right now. this is the place to do it while the res continues dead roll. he's an officer, a political cartoonist, and the history box. he has his finger on the pulse of the american politic and he's going to join us just a bit a little bit very here's by the way, with a brand new hair cut to show you. well, we'll be right back the, [000:00:00;00] the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show you alignment as a patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a truck rather than to the area. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the old wanted to come here since i was $121.00. my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around. i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came and then i was like,
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i don't remember when i go home. i've never been happier in life than i am here in russell. the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and shared the stories of other foreigners who lived here. like jay, who worked as a chef and now raises gods and mix cheese in the countryside series like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i. us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safe or land tire life then living here the hey, welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. joining us now is a ted rall. he's a cartoonist, he's a commentator and a man with, as he mentioned as we were talking before the show,
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a fresh air caught. so up to your weekend when you learn this news, uh, what was your reaction interested in knowing a very much like 911 shots, but not surprised. you know, it's like i, i knew this was coming, felt it was coming. there had been some reporting saying that indicating that it might happen over the weekend. it's certainly, you know, like you wreck, i have so experience with pattern recognition after years of looking at this sort of thing. and i should start if you know, but you can just sort of tell from the messaging that was coming out from the high profile democrats and the, the, the gaggle of media people who were all on the same page that this was coming down the pike. very clearly, it had already been planned out for this weekend there. you know, i mean, i don't believe for one minute that 5070 mc chairs decided in a matter of 2 hours to support the campbell of harris. but they, she had time to make all those phone calls. but if she did,
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i'm voting for her cuz she's amazing. so, you know, it's, it's absolutely a, uh, you know, so, yeah, i, it's a look, it's an important moment. but the buying a presidency was kind of like a boil that needed to be lanced because there had been so much pay 3 going on for so long insulting the intelligence of the media and the voters. more importantly, you know, these lame excuses for that to bait performance. you know, i had jet lag, i had, i had a cold, you know, i mean, i stutter really like, it's like they've been lying to us for a long time while we to test. uh, and they're paying for it because look at the polls. i mean, they're getting trapped right now, and by the way, just so people know this and a lot of people probably don't know this and especially people watching us internationally. generally speaking in the united states, if a democrat is going into a presidential election with a 2 point lead,
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that means he's probably going to be tied or lose. democrats usually have to have at least a 3 or 4 point lead to be able, the, when the selection. so this is not a good picture right now. the fact that she a couple of harris, that is even in the polls now, which by the way, those polls i just showed you, those were taken before the assassination attempt on president trump, which has only made it, made it more popular. not to mention the convention, so as i see a ted good luck. i don't know what they could possibly do to overcome the situation, but it ain't pretty and they don't have a lot of time. now, i mean, i don't think it's impossible, but i don't think it's likely that she's going to prevail here. um, you know, i mean, if we haven't found her stealing yet, unlike by them who never went about 42 percent approval rating. yeah. you know, she might, who knows, she might out perform, but from everything we saw before when she only pulled 0.6 percent in the democratic primaries based on what we know in terms of her organizational skills or
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all the staff. or if you quit her campaign to quit her vice presidential staff, you know it, things would have to change pretty dramatically. she would have had to have learned a lot. and if anything, i think she has a really tough, like mount everest, like climb to get there to be trump, it would happen. but i wouldn't put money on, aren't you bothered by the fact that this democratic operatic has literally stolen from the american people and the voters their right to choose who their president and who their leader will be? because we're going into a real deep generational divide here. now, i mean they didn't with bite and obviously, and now we're getting the person the bite and chose i also was chosen by the people . so how long can this continue? and at what point do the people in the united states say, hey, enough of this, we should be able to choose and stop border. 8 the world telling everybody, but they need to be like democracy like we are when we're not being
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a democracy to. yeah, the only thing democratic about the democratic party is the name uh, in terms of the way they handle that. hi, mary prophecies. you can just ask john edwards in 2008 or howard dean in 2004 bernie sanders not once but twice. jesse jackson back in 1988. they share with you it the 1980 they ship you. if you're not, you know, going along with their way, they put their, their, you know, mean we had an opportunity here to have a robust primary over the last few months. yes, they chose not to, they kicked around r f k junior out the, they drove marianne williamson out that they let dr. cornell west know that he wasn't welcome. and so there was no primary process with the democratic party would not have the method be in the mess that they're in right now with biden and harris, if they'd had a competitive actual primary process on the 1st place. now with 3 weeks to go, how are they going to do it? yeah, would you be the idea? i mean, i've, i've been think it's still salvage something if they turn the convention into
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something that matters where they could get enough eye balls to get some kind of of momentum for someone. but if they just go in there and they get the same people with old faces reading old speeches with old ideology, and then they get calmer, harris out there who just pardon me for saying this, but might take on her as she's not that bright. at least hasn't shown me. she is maybe shoes, but she just, maybe she's not good on camera or maybe or handlers aren't given a good material. but if that's all they do that really get trapped, don't you think? i do think so, and i think they're going to dump they might double down with making it an identity politics campaign, which would also be a mistake. this is going to be a policy campaign. it's gonna be a populace campaign right now. trump's way ahead on both of those metrics so, so i like your idea, but i think logistically the problem is that they've already, you know, like the sopranos lined up all the democrats to endorse harris. so we all of them,
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you've all the likely competitors like whitmire and a newsome and so on. so i'm just going to run against, or marianne williamson and even she hasn't completely declared to do it. uh, you know, the problem is i, i think it's too late for that. the closest they can get to anything that seems open is to have an open convention. make it like 1968. yeah. lots of delegates be uncommitted, let them, you know, hash it out like like in the old days, that would provide some drama. and i mean, if you want to pay for harris and do everything possible to help her, you know, look good in that stage. that's fine. because she is the v p, but aside from a lot of at least look or appear like the people there are deciding and then you'll maybe get a little bit of credibility back. i mean, all the credibility that you've lost with what you've done in ukraine and what you've done in gaza, etc, etc. by the way, i mentioned that towards the end of my uh, intro there, you know, i show this guy advance, and i gotta tell you,
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he impresses me with what his dear is to say about our foreign policy. very few politicians have the courage to say that kind of stuff that he just did there. and certainly very, very few in the democratic party that i've anything to do with the top at projects . right. you know, i mean, even bernie sanders has been very weak on the mos on the israel homeless conflict and gaza that may have killed 200000 people according to the lancet. um, no, i mean, you know, the vance excerpt that you played reminded me of a guy named donald trump in 2016. i mean, it amazed me in a republican primary coming up just 8 years after george w bush was president. he came out against the iraq war and one in and prevail, which showed that really the republican party had a huge appetite for america for a sort of like pat buchanan as i'm back in the old days. and it still does in the thought also forgot that it was trump who negotiated with the telephone after 20
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years of this war that we were never going to win and or, and arrange for the withdrawal. fighting didn't do a good job to say the least with the execution. but the idea that we needed to be out of there, i've been afghanistan a bunch of times. that was definitely the right move. yeah, to see me like it's almost the same thing, repeating itself. he's right with the ukraine. most americans are scratching their heads and trying to figure out what the hell are we doing there and why are we there? and then of a couple of them are lucky enough to go on youtube and you know, watch ukraine burning or, or watch the show or watching a couple of other things and alternative media. and they find out what we did there in 2014, etc. then they start to go, wait a minute, why was i told these guys where the bad guys were maybe at a quite so. so, i mean, that's the process that we're starting to find out. and we're finding it out from people like bands who are in the republican party, not the democratic party. so, you know, i think i'd really love to hear your thoughts on this rick. i feel like we're in the middle of
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a dramatic political realignment like the one in the late twenties and early thirties, that sort of flipped the script between the democrats and the republicans. that's the democrats used to be, as you said, far more skeptical or for an adventure as yep. now they're the war party. republicans are not exactly a pacifist. no, but they're nothing like the democrats. yeah. that least that's a situation right now. final question, let's talk v p. do you think they'll bring somebody out who's new and fresh faced and someone we've never heard of? or do you think they'll go with the same old same old? this is going to be a, tim came in in 2016 type choice. it's going to be a boring white guy, probably a governor of maybe this year from kentucky. maybe if they're really wild and crazy, they'll go for josh bureau from pennsylvania. uh, you know, it could be a boy at cooper from north carolina. oh, it will be someone like that. it can't be someone who shows her up or has any
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tourism out whatsoever. so it can be done. so that means it can't be got to miss it . can't speak avenue, so there's no way cuz he looks too good compared to her. yeah, i mean the guys clip, the guy knows how to talk. i mean, that's the one thing that he doesn't hurry on tv. what. how weird that they're not like all putting well whatever, look they, they make their decisions and they're gonna lie and they make their bed and they will lie. and it's got some photos to your delight to talk to thanks so much for taking time to talk to us. i know i understand you do have a new book out. right. i do. uh, 2024 revisited. uh it's my new old book. it's about, it's a predicting the future 20 years 24 years ago about what it would look like now. it's great to talk to you once again. my friend. thanks, mike. thanks again. we'll be looking forward to seeing you very soon. thanks, rick. that's our show rooms, hope things look outside your old box just as we like to say, don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. and we'll see you next to
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the definitive base as opposed to the say that he looked at what is happening and how to speed through the country police. that's a big deal to protest as a 10. yeah, keep all the demands that president route to resign. it but he says that american n g o we still viewed the course of the on the no, as keeping the past the us secret service director of the keys into poles to resign . after my taking that the agency failed to prevent the assassination attempt on for my president, donald trump as americans keep questioning whether the president was
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alive after nobody had seen him for almost a week, he finally made


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