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tv   News  RT  July 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the the facing intents personally from you as lovely because the director of the f. b. i fails to answer a number of questions during a hearing on the attempted assassination of donald trump. why was present dropped on kept off the stage? we don't know the answer to that. here's the problem that we're off 13 days, emergency services, unit personnel were posted into the windows and the 2nd part of the ag or building that they left there to go pursue the person that they spotted as is really a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu speaks before the us congress washington is swept off in mass pro palestinian demonstrations against the ongoing war in gaza on the world and to don't think agencies as of the majority american at least
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outlets come from a system that jeopardizes the values of fact competition the, well, this is our team to national reaching you live from our new center with moscow. i a michael, put you on the direct to all the f. b. i has found themselves drilled by us lawmakers during the hearing on the attempted assassination of donald trump. the spot and promising to cooperate with the inquiry, the security chief, failed to answer a number of questions. i was present not kept off the stage. we don't know the answer to that. here's the problem. where are 13 days? emergency services unit personal were posted into the windows on the 2nd floor of the a g r building that they left there to go pursue the person that they spotted crooked . that was many minutes before present. to know, trump took the stats were law enforcement resources diverted from the protection of
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president trump to john bolton. as a consequence of concern that mister bolton might have been the target of, of a rainy and all right, let's break into that right now. joe biden is giving his 1st speech since declaring his jumping out of the election. let's take a listen from florida to reject mouse franklin roosevelt who's fired us to reject fear. reviewing this office. i love my country more. spend the honor of my life to serve as a president of the defense of democracy, which is a stake, i think is more important than a title. i draw strength and i find joy in working for the american people. but the secret task for affecting our union. it's not about me. it's about you, your families, their futures,
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it's about we the people. we can never forget that. and i never had i've made it clear that i believe americans have an inflection point on those rare moments of history on the decisions we make. now turn on are afraid of our nation and the world for decades to come. america is gonna have to choose between moving forward or backward between hope and hate. between unity division. we have to decide do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect to freedom, justice, and democracy? this moment we can see those we disagree with thought as enemies are, but as, as long as the federal work can we do that those character and public life still matter even though they answer these questions because i know you the american people and i know this are
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a great nation because we are good people. when you like to meet his office, i promise to always level with you. to tell you the truth. the truth, the sacred causes this country is larger than any one of those. those also cherry that cause cherish has so much cause of american democracy itself. what's your 9 to protect? you know, racial weeks has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. i believe i recognize presence my leadership in the world. my vision for america's future all marriage and the 2nd term nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is
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a past the tours from new generation. as the best way to unite our nation. now there is a time and a place for long years of experience and public life. there's also a time and a place for new voices. fresh voices. yes, younger voice. and that time of places. on the next 6 months, i'll be focused on doing my job as president. that means i'll continue lower costs or hardworking families across our economy. ok, defending our personal freedoms on our civil rights. from the right to vote to the right to choose or keep calling out, hate extremism. make it clear. there is no place, no place in america, or political violence, or any violence or period i'm going to keeps, keeps speaking now to protect our kids from guns on our planet,
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from climate crisis and is the ex essential threat. our k 40 my for my cancer moved shot. so we can and cancer as we know it because we can do it on a call for supreme court reform. because this is critical to our democracy. supreme court reform. you know, how keep this for key to ensure americans are very strong, secure in the leader in the free world. and the 1st president of this century to report to the american people at united states is not a war, any work in the world. or keep rally the coalition of proud nation. so stop taking over ukraine, doing more damage. ok, nato stronger. how can i get more powerful and more here and i any time and all of our history. keep to a, to say, for allies in the pacific. you know, when i came to office, conventional wisdom was
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a china where they never used where they never repass united, surpass united states as not the case anymore. and i'm gonna keep working in the warren guys are home all the hostages. peace and security to them, at least and, and this war also working around the clock to bring home america is paid on just a tape all around the world. you know, come so far as buying all your ration from that day. i told you i was, i still in the winter where stood in a winter apparel and winter possibilities. apparently, the possibilities were in a group of, of where we were in the group the worst pandemic, and essentially forced economic crisis since the great depression. the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war. we came together as americans. we got through it. we much stronger and more prosperous and more secure. today we have the
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strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16000000 new jobs of record. wages are up placing continues, come down, racial wells, campus the lowest has been and 20 years. they were literally rebuilding our entire nation, urban, suburban world, travel communities, manufacturers come back to america. we're leading the world again and chips and science and innovation. we finally beat big farm after all these years to lower the cost of prescriptions extra seniors. i'm going to keep for these and make sure we lower the costs for everyone, not just see more people have health care today in america than ever before. i sign my most significant loss, healthy millions of veterans and their families or exposure, toxic materials you know, most significant climate law ever, ever in the history of the world. the 1st major concepts you on 30 years today,
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violent or violent crime rate is over 50 or low process occurred. our border border crossings are lower today. when the previous administration left office. i've kept my commitment to point the 1st black when we did the stream quarter united states of america. i also kept my commit tevin administration. it looks like america very present for all americans. that's what i've done. ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe and still do that, the sole america was the state, very nature of who we are with the state. and i still the case american id id is driving by the army. there's a very ocean or possibly dictate a retired, most powerful idea in the history of the world. that ideas that we hold these
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truths to be self evident. all crazy. in doub, our creator certainly daily, more rice, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. and never following of up to. so i've i've been listening to president do abide in the united states president there. this is 1st address uh, talking to the people after he send, i understand that we, he's back now let's take a listen. we're right back. she's running to do so i like to thank our great vice president. come on wires. she
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experienced she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me laser for our country. now the choice is up to you, the american people, and you make that choice. remember the words have benjamin franklin. i am on my wall here in the office. outside the bucket of dr. king and rosa parks. it says our chavez, when ben franklin was asked to merge on the account and make sure the conventional way now for the founders have given america monetary public frank and response was republic. if you can keep the republic, if you can keep it for there we keep poor republic is now in your hands. i felt all american to spend the privilege of my life service patient for over 50 years. no or
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else on earth. could a kid with a stutter from want us began his grand pennsylvania clermont tower. one day should behind the rest of the desk in the oval office press united states. here i am so special about it. we're a nation of promise and possibilities of dreamers, of doors, of ordinary americans doing extraordinary things are getting my heart and my soul to our nation. like so many others. i've been blessed 1000000 times and return the loving support of the american people. i hope to have some idea of great. all the great thing about america is here, kings and dictators do not roll people to history is in your hands. powers and you a good idea of america lies in your hands. just as
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a keeps face to face. remember who we are, united states america, and there simply nothing. nothing beyond our capacity. we do it together to act together. preserver and god bless you all. may god protect our troops. thank and why the president of the united states do by didn't add that in his 1st speech, speaking to americans after he decided to drop out of the presidential race which to which he was interested area. now the separate things that he mentioned that he said is an honor for him to say about the president of the united states. and it's not, it's not just about him, but all the by the people and families in the future. and the idea of america, he laid all of that foundation and he said it was time to take
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a decision for the future of the country. he also said that nothing can come in the way of moving the country for not even his personal ambition. the he mentioned that and he said that he has decided to hand over things to a younger generation, to move things forward that he will continue to run his office. is that this has put kind of a clarity because some people, some analysts with uh, initially you know, the, the, was the analysis of the possibility of him dropping out of office. you'll know residing. but the point days that he has re emphasize the fact that he will run his office to the completion of his tadja add. he will leave office in january and next year and that he spoke against gun violence and then talked about the need for reforms to be made in that regard. he also talked about the fact that he will want to ensure that he returns the piece to the middle east, especially add the,
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the war in gaza, and also to return to hostages that recall that the has to be in a piece plan that was forwarded. and everyone is waiting for how that is going to play out. in the coming days and his conclusion, he re endorsed camera harris at his vice presidential candidate to be the next president and a he of course, the candidate for his political party. it is left for americans to decide whether, as they prefer hot or the opponent and those i have some of the highlights of the figs, as he has highlighted in his 1st speech to americans after he decided to jump out of the presidential race. right. what's that to me bring you updates of all of that from the reaction of people and uh, what, all of the implications of what he has said. now moving ahead with some of the stories that we've been following, holding his 1st, riley says,
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joe bided dropped out of the election. donald trump slammed his presumptive opponent, vice president, come to hire is, instead of the mainstream media was trying to cover up how serious so she was, the borders are, but she never went to the border, has borders are tamala through over our borders that allowed 20000000 illegal aliens to stand beat into our country from all over the world. and yet effect dues, which a month ago said she was incompetent, said she was a step for just said, don't be step, the worse. nobody talk to her, but the fact yours is talking about why and jamal as if she's the savior of our country. 3 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago she was the worst politician in america. now they say, is it amazing? looked at her, she's so beautiful. she fell back there for so you either want to get out, but they don't live. you get now. you said you get now. you get killed in the balls
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you can't when you saw that you can't when you get and deal. so now they bring in this one who's worse than him. in one example, the main stream media has been insisting the camera harris and never have the title of board. that's uh, so concerns about mass illegal immigration where supposedly not high responsibility . but actually, harris was put in charge of the board of crisis when she took office of vice president 3 years ago. vaster the v p. today because she's most qualified 1st to do it to lead our efforts with mexico and the northern triangle. and the countries that help we're gonna need help and stem mean the movement of so many folks stem in the migration to our southern border and moving to, ah,
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very interesting numbers. now how is needs some 44 percent of 42 percent of the writers nationwide survey. but according to the news outlet 0, a hedge, they appear to be a lopsided the sampling groups. a it said that the sub a involved the 426 democrats, but significantly fewer republicans, only 376, as well as 341 independence. i love my colleagues more on how mommy discussed the state of us democracy with the international secretary of the american communist party. christopher had ali, the 72 percent of america is no longer think the us is a good example of democracy for your thoughts on that. i agree, of course, and i think many millions of americans agree as the pull rightfully says you have a party here that's called the democratic party. and you need to find the product weight anointed. another person for the presidency without haven't gone to the primary process without having been vetted and approved by the american people,
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or at least by the democratic party voters themselves. and i think that this the shows the hypocrisy of the united states causally telling other countries about democracy and about human rights and so on and so forth. most of the issues the americans are sort of worried about, i guess all the borders of the border with the south. do you think they'll ever solve that problem or is it inevitable? but they will just always have a book. a problem with the board is the only way to solve the border is for the 96 to and it's constant harassment regime change war plaster on countries in central and south america. ultimately, countries in the caribbean countries and central america and south america may choose their own. passive development might choose their own allies in their own interest in terms of the economy in terms of politics. united states has accept that and by accepting that, it can help to allow these countries to develop their own internal economies and structures that people will see their ultimately people are leaving these places because they have been destabilized by washington. and we know this is decades long,
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this is from the code word period. how is least from the full to full percent to 42 percent. why do they have the time to also these people have no idea, but 0 hedge to pull us out. the survey here is they sampled 426 democrats. made a lot fewer than the republicans, which are $376.00. and the $341.00 independence. i'm a 1000 people. i mean, how does it, and maybe, why does the media take that information and just push its own? now us, i mean, it seems like that's the case, of course is. and then you saw immediately after not only was harris the 9th did, but also a judge starts. his son came out immediately putting a picture. you saw all of these big good, talking ahead influencers that are on the democratic party side, immediately get into action. mainstream media immediately went into overdrive of course, the title of the democrats and this nbc, you know, immediately gloating talking about how wonderful she is. and you saw the race
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already $100000000.00. just as she announced. is that in order to sum of money, where's the case that's coming from everyday people by coming from big investors and big donors? so ultimately, this is part of a project to help to push your across the finish line. i don't think it's going to be successful. i think most americans are fed up with the democratic party and administration, but it's happened that these past 4 years america and these are almost done together. those are the words of these ready prime minister, big immunization. yeah. he has, he addresses to the us congress who use the opportunity to sac america and it's people for supporting these are all the spot mass of protest is demonstrating against his appearance on capital hill. our world is in a people in the middle east. you're on the axis of tar confronts america is real and are our friends. this is not
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a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. america in this role must stand together because when we stand together, something very simple happens. we were very loose. and invited, and i have known each other for over 40 years, america and israel to do can for just security alliance in the middle east dakota of the growing uranium for of all the countries that are in peace with israel. and all those countries who will make peace with his will should be invited to join this alliance. we could call i have a name for this dual lawrence, or i think we should call it the abraham alliance. thank god, bless is real big, god bless america, and may god bless. the great alarm between this room and america forever
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at yahoo began his fiery hour and a half long speech using incendiary and emotive language. first borrowing words from world war 2 era us president f. d r, calling the events of october 7th, a day that will live in infamy. he went on to call the protesters outside useful idiots and tools of iran at one point, even a choosing iran a being involved in the assassination attempt on donald trump. netanyahu was met with thunderous applause and multiple standing ovations, when he called for continued us support of his war efforts. aid to israel, a bi partisan issue in washington. thousands are gathered here outside the us capital building road testers here are demanding the arrest of benjamin netanyahu. on the charge in the war cry, i focused on here at the shut it down for palestine protests to get their thoughts on the matter. it shouldn't absolutely not have invited them yahoo to our country is a war criminal. and they should not be speaking to them. they've given him an honor
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that he not only doesn't deserve, but it's despicable. we don't accept war criminals. we don't host them here. reset my hopes and we just want to pray palestine ceasefire. now it's been too long. this war criminal should not have come through us soil. and 1st and foremost, we just stop giving them unlimited weapons of mass destructions and unlimited amount of our tax dollars. nothing yahoo is arrival in dc comes amid some of the most multi with times and recent u. s. political history on the hills of an assassination attempt on the public in front runner and former president donald trump. and just a week later, news of the incumbent, joe biden stepping down off the democratic ticket making way for his v p. commer harris to ascend to the top. as vice president harris also wears the hat of president of the senate, where the now democratic presidential nominee should be presiding over events,
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such as when foreign dignitaries addressed a joint session of congress. but according to the harris campaign official, the new domini will be skipping nothing yahoo speech. citing a campaign event conflicting with a date, instead of favoring a closed door one on one with you as really prime minister, ditching the cameras and criticism altogether. still, critics say this is a tacit boy to appease angry voters, but that is all disingenuous as she tried to distance herself from the bite and administration politically unpopular stance on the conflict. nothing. yahoo staff says the fact the prime minister to meet with the current president joe biden on thursday biden, just back from coded parenting in bro. but speech delaware says that he's making it his goal of his administration before. 7 he leaves office in january, so as benjamin netanyahu wraps up 3 day visit to washington,
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d. c. u. he explained it to make one more pit stop. before he departs, the united states, the prime minister, and heading down to florida to meet with the presidential front runner, former president donald trump, and his morrow motto. as state board appears, the prime minister is changing his bed by talking to anybody and everybody that has a key player ahead of the november election year in the united states over in the capital a manila, cham, the other us is a huge market for the sale of distribution of. busy and all the performance enhancing drugs, and that's what, according to the handle, the, well, the anti doping agency, he said that the us problem is affecting global anti doping efforts for us. encouraged by you saw that continues to threat them. that's what i'm on. these ation each realize the lady itself from the global supporting community and scary,
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significant consequences for a very comfortable 75 percent of us options that are becoming delete the plans and the competing and the international level come through the color gate system, including the n c a these means that the majority of a lead us optics are initially coming from a system that operates outside of the globally recognize, cleans bold stand up and nothing is being done by you saw that to address the serious issue. this is right. the very concerning for why that and our state called us but he also defended his agencies decision to clear 23 chinese women to compete in the tokyo olympics in 2021. these agencies, us coll default has accused his organization of ignoring us candle with the chinese
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women. and he said that the us expectations politically motivated and grounded in an antique china bias. that ross on type one to leads, built into open, lighter to the international olympic committee, demanding an explanation for why the world not admitted into the olympic games that have so far not received the reply, a russian athletes and sports representatives such as they handled the bunks and association had been voicing their outrage against the olympic authorities. and then you're also with what do i need? i have already said more than once. they are trying to take revenge on the organization that protects the honor of athletes where athletes go defend their flag and anthem, and the fact that if the organization is independent today, transparent all its work is democratic, unlucky audio c. because for example, the president of the international association is chosen by countries national
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federations. i think that in the near future we will make an official statement of our own from the box and community. i get a lot of calls. now for boxes. the main thing is not the olympics, but for boxes. the main thing now is of course the world cops because there are conditions for athletes there. my personal opinion is that they are trying to humiliate us. how did they treat athletes today? police come like to gladiator fights, the sports officials live and 5 star hotels. they get fat. they have receptions every other evening at the olympics. and the athletes in the hotel are in poverty. some have nothing to eat. so some people can't even come to the olympics to buy tickets or where is their help? they want to create a monopoly in sports, but no, no international association has the right to create a monopoly. on the contrary, everyone should participate so that everything is easy and accessible for the
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athletes. that's what we have to do is continue. yeah. but can you put and that's around the story, is this our thanks for watching by now the of wanted to come here since i was $121.00. my grandfather told me his mom came from russia, but we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long and i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me. if i like it, maybe i'll look at some properties. come back in a few more years after i'm retired and then just finish out life in russia. but then i came and then i was like, i don't remember when i go home. that's how i felt about rush. i love it. i love it so much here that i don't even want to leave. i just want to travel around rush. i have no desire to go to any other country.


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