tv Direct Impact RT July 24, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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of the 1981 seeking to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french, played on coastal cities and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key cities, these air and the bay of doing this bomb at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations, the bardo 3 d concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the peoples often easier would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy, the june easy as rose due a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the branch groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest sleep. within
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a year the rebels where defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to need. the colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its error of identity and populated with european settling. such an easy ins did not put up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until to an easier game. the independence in 1956. the hi there. i'm at sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. it is a miracle president. trump wasn't killed cheadle because donald try is alive and
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thank god he is you looking competent? well guess what, the director channel, she's out after getting way late by the entire u. s. congress, we're going to show it to you and then might take, which is a little different. this is direct impact on our exemptions. let's do this of the . all right, let's get started with the big story that everybody's still talking about all over america. and what they will be remembered as one of the least democratic moments, least democratic moments in our country's history, the media, the democratic party overlords. political insiders have all come together to anoint. come on harris, even though she isn't now. and never has been the choice of most americans. that's important, dammit, i mean, look at this chart, this thing was put together by, by the way, by the lead political writers at the new york times,
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each writer was asked which candidate is most electable. and. 2 well, okay ma'am, as the worst or quote risky, is joyce the democratic party. there she is. lo and behold, kind of layers. according to the political writers at the middle of times, no less about me saying this as i'm saying this. but regardless of that, the democratic party seems hell bent on ramming her through. whether she's the people's choice or not. if you're an american or how if you're just a citizen of the world, you gotta be bothered by stuff like that smell to be fair. she may be, she may end up being the greatest candidate in the world. you know, to be fair. she, she may be spectacular. i don't know. so i can't predict the future, but i can tell you this. her track record simply does not reflect that. she has lost badly in every single national way. she's ever run her appraisal
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numbers as vice president. i've been disney, disney, i best. those are facts. that's not about what i think she's going to do. that's what i know she has done. but the party doesn't care, it seems as probably they're not willing to consider anybody else at this point. it's common law or nothing. look as far as they're concerned. all that matters to them at this point. and is perhaps what they think and guess who else? what hollywood thinks seriously, often described as an atm put democrats, the world's film, mtv capital in los angeles, has long been an important source of the parties campaign funds. on monday rapid kazi be access jamie lee curtis, and by the davis and tv producer shonda rhimes, through the support behind the us vice president. think about that. a bunch of famous people who happen to be wealthy in hollywood. the big names in hollywood.
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the big names in the democratic party, all coming in now, endorsing, we're being told that they have to endorse comfortable hairs. and of course, the corporate media is jumping on board as well. you know, that does, you know, that does a couple of things really. it makes it impossible for any other candidates to throw their hat into the ring without feeling like they're going to be ostracized. hell, no, i'm not going to do is if i do this, they're going to crush me. they're not, i'm never going to get any more money. no one's ever gonna support me. so they're like, wow, okay. yeah, like or yeah, she's great. right. but even more importantly, it's keeping out fresh or different ideas. you know, for maybe other candidates might have to bring to the table about we're on pace for example. so everybody's, i have to pick the same way in the democratic party, the economy, inflation. maybe some people might have a more progressive perspective. maybe some people might have a more conservative perspective. why not? why not throw me ideas into the ring and then see what comes out. that's the best.
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no. get do that. because where the democratic party so small, the not a big the right. they all this is off the table because the party upper attics say so a party of projects to say so in fact, even though some other candidate did want to take on harris in the convention, how hard it would be for them to do that. check yourself if no other democrat decides to challenge harris, these delegates will likely support her either by virtual vote or by a vote on the convention floor. and the convention was move ahead pretty drama free . but if others do decide to run, the process could become more like a mini primary in order to get their name on the roll call vote and make speeches. a candidate would have to circulate a petition and get more than $300.00 delegates to sign it. as for me, i like drama. i want drama. drama is where you get good ideas. there you go. manila, all you gotta do is show up to the convention,
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get to know 300 people and get their signatures on a petition. and youtube can maybe run against cala harris right? or get to know them virtually on this virtual roll call. but what's the party also has this, this rules book, right? that's, that's fraught with loopholes. what if, if list, then that, and in the book has about as many pages in it as moby dick not only does the democratic party make it difficult for what i call a non aligned democrat to jump into the race? yeah, we saw our f k junior, but the party provides will see that. i see that there's an end to your political career coming to a screeching halt. man, unless you have their blessing to proceed. that's why this is not really an an election process, but a selection process and look, think of it this way. rec, you go to a restaurant that advertises this giant menu full of options for the whole family.
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there's a meal for everybody, right? you're vague and sister, you're gluten free cousin, you're mean potatoes, dad, but then you get there and the server tells you, oh sorry, that menu item isn't available 3 and, and, oh no, not that one either. nope, sorry, not that thing either. so eventually you get around to asking the server, okay, why don't you just tell me what you do have available? and that's really how elections are run written large for both parties here in the us. but it's even more complicated. this analogy even true are for the democratic party. here's another story about the handling of couple of hairs, which i think is kind of fascinating. so here's the deal right now is really prime minister benjamin at yahoo is going to be coming to the united states to speak at a joint session of congress. and guess who was not going to be there. guess it was not going to be the vice president, pamela harris will not be sitting in her usual position as the president of the
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senate, the car behind the 4 and head of state. right. instead, she's going to be out campaigning. look, look what's this? look at how nbc news reports, it's like it's no big deal device part of the united states is going to be giving up her seat at this very important that i speak with according to to congressional aid sen. ben kardon of maryland will preside over his joints address to congress, rather than vice president campbell harris, who is expected to be camp payment. you know, talk about conspicuous miss through omission. i mean, help with it. what, what do you, what do you think of this? what are we not being told? what's the real story or? okay, well, let me go back to the aforementioned celebrity front, and i promised there's a point to this. the democrats are generally the party of hollywood. don't know how or why it became that way, but it's, it's like the sun rising in the east adjusting does me celebrity endorsements are that much more valuable right now for this fractured democrat party after the last
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9 months of disaster in gaza? hollywood, it leads won't touch the topic unless you're of course, like be the head beam lenders. but broadly speaking, hollywood has the attention of the youth vote. the youth vote however, is on the ground, protesting us support of israel. guys, a israel is the topic wreck that lost joe biden, the support of younger voters. so the fact that harrison is trying to show face or save face, depending on how you look at it by not appearing publicly with nothing yahoo, that's all for p r. because the reality is she is still willing to meet with him behind closed doors, where she won't be met with the public eye or, or photo our matches. or do i add to the bad pulling whatever, but wait a minute you said meet with them. of course, she has to meet with them. she should meet with every political leader and every head of state out there. it's not that she's going to meet with them. it's what she's going to kiss is. but the same way the jo,
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by the kids kids bought and every other us president, including truck will give. so that bought. and that's the bad. that is, that's the problem. that's the, it's a p r move to say, i'm not going to be there. i'm boy called his speech, but i'm going to meet with him privately. this is especially a big deal rick and in the crucial battle ground state of michigan, that is supposed to be right. the, the last of the so called the so so, so what you're saying is, so what you're saying is it's a lie, it's a lie, it's, it's the sudden and it show you, if there's nothing else, your job is to be there behind the head of state this case that's on yahoo, who's massacring people and trying to get rid of an entire population of people. uh and you don't want to be there cuz it might make you look bad even though you, your husband and everybody else, you know, supports everything that he's doing. but you're not going to show up to show just to give people the impression. and maybe there's a possibility that you're not going to support them when you know, damn well you will. that's dishonest. that's horribly dishonest,
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spend. and that's the kind of thing that that's why i put that nbc report. they didn't even mention anything about oh yeah, he's something out of state. that's crazy. by the way. one more thing before i let you go, just as we were going on the air today, we learned that the head of state, the, pardon me, that had to be us security service, the agency that supposed to protect the dignitaries in secret service. what do i say? what do i don't know? yeah. secret service, whatever. the head of the us secret service, the agency that's both protect dignitaries and the president has resigned and it came to after she was viciously savage yesterday by members of congress. here's a taste. the secret service has a leadership problem and and that falls on you. it is a miracle president. trump wasn't killed cheadle because donald trump is alive and thank god he is you looking competent? if donald trump had been killed, you would have looked comfortable. now, director, it'll,
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would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since president reagan was shot in? 1981 of the secret service. yes sir. i was. yeah. and you know, you know, what stuart night did when we was in charge at the time of the secret service. you know what he did. afterwards, he remained on duty. he resigned. he resign. yeah. and now she's resigned to but let me, let me just say something about this, about that performance. art performance aren't really that you just witnessed while i'm not defending. kimberly chattel, while the secret service with a horrible job they did defending former president trump. it seems rich to me that members of congress who are among the most least competent people in our country, would be yelling at somebody for not being confident as they perform for their 15 seconds of fame. so they can appear on some cable news channel would love points or, or whatever, or hannity or whatever. and then that would that said, let me also say secret service that we have learned about was aware
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that the shooter was there 20 minutes before he fired. and yes, the building that he was on should have been included in the perimeter, and it wasn't until they screwed up. it's good or bad, and they screwed up at their job. and you're only allowed to screw up once when you have that job. so look on the one hand, yes, you should be fired. on the other hand, it bothers me to see these people yelling at or just because they know that by doing so, it's cheap, it's easy and they're going to appear on cable news. what do you think as well, right, i think there's a lot more to the so called failure by the secret service, but i'll save that from my own podcast. but even if you are smelling something rotten coming out of butler p a, no matter which way you cut it, it's still an operational failure. and when you are the chief of something like the secret service we're or any other big agency here in washington, or even in the private sector, you're the boss, the buck stops with the you. the failure of your underlines is directly your
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failure as well for not running a tight enough ship. so look, i'm nobody's disagreeing. well, i'm gonna make this real brief. we always complain that there is no accountability in washington, especially of these on elected officials like her. if i weren't joe biden, i would have fired her already, but instead, it's only due to public pressure that she don't resigned in disgrace. almost 2 weeks after this attempted assassination, this lady was doubling down, making excuse after excuse, which shows me her complete lack of integrity. it shows a lack of sound judgment for herself, let alone an entire agency and half with protecting people's lives. so obvious amiga, that's what i say, i hear chucky cheese is hiring security guards. record you sound like one of those congressmen. i'm going to try and get you a dig. so you're going to appear on one of those tables that were us. look at me, i mean, and i'm angry. anyway. thanks manila, i appreciate it. well, we come back john jack, but he's an american attorney with the background and us selections law. judge the
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clearly, the republican party is rallied around there now many in former president donald trump. but that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy prompt was world once. what would happen again the hey, what about government? sanchez? so it's called d. d. as in denver, detroit jail politics. just want to make sure you know the name because it's a good show and i want you to watch or listen to it. john jackman is standing by now. he's one of the hosts of the show. you guys spend a lot of time talking about what's going on and gaza right now. so i'm interested in hearing what you have to say about that conversation. i was just having a little while ago with manila about this charade, where all of a sudden the vice president is not going to be sitting on her seat when the prime
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minister between us and yahoo comes to speak to our congress. ringback to make up that as well as you said, you know, this is an attempt i think by the democrats to try to maintain this progressive veneer while at the same time doing absolutely nothing material to really address the crisis. the genocide, quite frankly, that's unfolding and gaza. of course, they'll continue to give aid to the as really government military support logistical support and even position our own military assets in the region to intimidate the access of resistance. so there's no doubt in my mind that a president harris will continue this trajectory and supportive israel, but again, this is just political theaters, but not what exactly black mark on are, but i had a few extra. yeah. yeah, i would almost, we're spectrum more and she just went there and said yes, well, but my, my, my husband happens to be as i am, is the guy i worked for was a super zionist, went around brightening about it. i am as i understood,
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i'm going to sit here next to bb and yahoo because you know, of i believe in him as well. rather than pretending she doesn't, that just, you know, it just seems so dishonest. you know, like some kind of booky dance that she's doing by the way, speaking of come layers, do you think there's any, has she shown you anything? have you read anything about her that would lead you to believe that she's going to be any different when it comes to geo politics and foreign policy. then then most other presidents we've. 6 including her boss. absolutely not. absolutely not. i see her as a reincarnation of hillary clinton essentially. and it's been pointed out by multiple prominent people that she takes the same stances when it comes to the imperialist interest of the united states. and really continuing this noxious and parasitic empire that we've developed the brian just show no indication that she will be any different. and i think that her coordination itself can speaks to that, right?
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you said this was undemocratic and beyond that, i think it's very interesting how the media cartels have really exposed himself throughout this whole process. yeah, i mean, right, 2 years ago, even a year ago, we were saying in, in unison, most of the american public people who could see with their eyes and listen with their years that joe biden was mentally unfit for office. but we had the media saying in unison, no, no, he's not. that says he's gonna run again. he's going to run again. and now here we are, 80 days from the election. he drops out and we're turning to the main stream media cartel saying, well, what is this an democratic process? and i say, are you crazy? is midway a bit. right? that's what we've been saying for months. i'm not to mention that too much, by the way, it gives a staying on point. you know, they're now looking at us and saying to us, well of course, couple of harris just deserves to have the job. after all people voted for her when they chose joe biden. no, they didn't. first of all,
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they didn't even really choose jo button. he was annoying, been forced, his position by the democratic party over everybody else. so they got everybody else to quit. and then he picks her who at the time was kind of like between 2 and 4 percent. so, you know, how can you say that and, and not at least, and i'm not saying journalist should go out there be anti here is. but they should at least be positioning another point of view that says, what other opinions, what other people are out there that we should consider what they're not, john? absolutely not. and i love that you go back to 2020 because the job i'm station itself is the result of 1111th hour, 2 against bernie sanders, basically. yeah, pull position time. and then you had all the establishment like a way of rushing to support joe biden, recognizing we don't, we can't have this guy, bernie, up here talking this kind of rhetoric even, even this kind of lights, anti imperialism, or questioning of our foreign aid and involvement in other countries that's a no go for the democratic party, which really it's solely is they're very named democratic party. can you imagine
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that? yeah, i could think of a process more. well. yeah, is especially, and i, and i know where you were thinking and i'm going to take you there so you can go there by the way. the idea that we go around the world telling everybody how they need to be a democracy like us. and this is the example that we're setting it's mind blowing. it's mind blowing to think of the hypocrisy involved in those actions. of the progress is so evidence. but i think the, the issue is now a lot of the american people are seeing it are beginning to see it and questioning both of the major political parties for the democrats this year. i think what is really significant that i want to highlight for our audience is the departure of labor from the democratic party. now, despite all the imperialism, despite everything, that's one thing that they could always hang their hat on or with a party of labor. as we saw, the president of the teamsters actually went to the r and c to speak. and that shows how incompetent the democrats have been in addressing the problems of labor.
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whether it's breaking the railway strikes, failing to really change the bundle, the fundamental dynamics for the american workers were seen. prices go through the roof of the democratic party is really watch the edge of supports and i just don't know what the future is. but let me ask you something that i was thinking about this morning when i was watching them this morning when i was preparing my uh, my intro and i was going through a video tape. so i found that video tape of shonda rhimes and all those famous people in hollywood who are back in a couple errors because she's a, you know, a progressive african american woman. um, how much do you think cala harris is like the average african american citizen of the united states who happens to be female? i mean very, very little. uh, i mean you just look at who supports her campaign. you look at her past history from the ag to the senate. i mean, she spends her life among the political leads the celebrities. and it, at
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a time when the divide between our lead political class and celebrities is wider than ever. yeah. the american people are looking at this identity politics and they're calling b. s. or do you think there was one incident in particular? speaking of this, you know, her relationship with african americans cuz they're saying and the numbers are showing that she's going to do a little better with african americans. and joe biden was doing, although she's doing a little worst with the white angle sexual man. why douglas exit menu then joe biden was doing, but back when she was the, the attorney general of california. i'm not sure what the exact number was, but she put a hundreds, if not thousands of young african american men in jail for smoking. what i would like to call a marijuana cigarette at one point in their life. i mean, that's not a good record that you asked about it, right? and then she laughs about it, right? and, and this is the kind of behavior that we see from the democratic party, this ramp into the policy. and you know, again, people are saying, look, she's not really a party of the working for i,
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she's going to lock up all of these people for this minor charge while we have a real violent crime, homelessness. all of these major problems in the state of california, especially yeah, delivery. and it's created such an opening for the republicans who, you know, they're, they're 2 major issues. it seems like this election cycle, our immigration and ending the wars. and the democrats have conceded ground on both of those issues. well, the only to address the problems of labor that they've typically been a little bit stronger. do you think? i mean, and we're down to a couple of minutes here. so let's get down to the nitty gritty as you look at the selection right now the do you think it's possible for a majority of americans to choose cala harris over uh, trump advance at this point, just given what you know of our country and the most americans and most of our neighbors. well, here's what i'll tell you about american politics is people's minds are the people's memories are incredibly short. so even in the span of what is it now $75.00 days? things could change significantly. so i never want to prognosticate too much or
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give a firm prediction at this point. the republicans are clearly in pull position, and i see came with harris's candidates, its continue to accelerate this departure of labor. the departure of young people, the departure of the really energetic base of the democratic party. so that's, that's my viewing. but again, you know, anything could happen as we've seen over the course of the last week. we've got a little bit left in, is there somebody out there you think would have been a slam dunk, who could have at least competed better against trump in advance? is it michelle obama? is it george clooney? is it the gretchen whitmore or is it the covered california? what do you think? well, i think that the democratic party in general is more or less than the same position regardless of who they nominate. they have been so cabinet by these corporate interest or financial cartels, that they really can present a strong message for the american people. the person i would have said is bernie sanders. but i think that he's also conceded so much ground to the democratic party that most americans now just see him as a democratic partisan. whereas before he used to have more this independent premier . yeah. what i will say, i'll just mention this one last thing. you know, as it's
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a little bit poetic and i'm not sure if you heard about it, but as president by dropped out of the race on sunday, we are also solved the launch of the american communist party standing. it gets both major parties. we've made a lot of waves online, but obviously a very minor, a faction of the american political system so far. but, but the notes that things might be changing over the course of the next. yeah. yeah . well, you never know what young people are doing out there these days, those crazy young people, you know, uh, ex todd. i appreciate it. john jack, but the deal politics check you about. thank you, my friend. well, let's do this again. definitely any time and that's our show, remember, always be looking outside your own box when you're looking for truth because truth . so live in boxes, we'd like to say i'm like sanchez and we'll be looking for you next time to. ringback the,
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the, what is the part of the, the employee would posted isn't the, the place you of us input in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go to the product. as is it possible to get lost in time? well, come to kentucky and see for yourself here. several groups are remaining in their own bubble of sorts. surrounded by the beautiful landscape
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hello and welcome across the top. were all things are considered on peter level. clearly the republican party has rallied around there now many in former president donald trump, but that does not mean there is unity or within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy. trump was world once, fluid happen again, the
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