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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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but he's because of the same the, those are this, our cancellations are flooding in that was happening too crazy near the household, but the savings folks you are being sold so fine. but bruce policy is reached out to the event, hold the noises for comment. furniture security policies, i've tried to bring down a cars ahead of the olympics, opening ceremony level, the region they field track within their own city. the on the ross has talked to didn't want to say your level meets with his counselor was from south asian countries in china during the us. the 4 minutes is conference
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in the it's good to have your company today with the latest global news roundup. this is off the international a tour by ukraine's near noisy, as of the time to 9, the european cities has been partly canceled up to you as requested comments from a number of organizations that was supposed to host the events. now, just 2 destinations remain prague and business. for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin brought it down, brussels and cologne will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with all security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hurt people with threats only the well, essentially the main, the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough,
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that's the country where nazi collaborators had slaughtered. hundreds of thousands of people in the last century and we even broke the story recently where a one of these as of neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from hitler on his shirt and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took a picture posted on social media where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental in berlin. the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's, it's really good. that's 5, reaching out for my explanation to these places and subsequently seeing them cancel
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their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally soaking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean, the 9 countries originate 7 seem to bowed out to a sodium, but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually funny enough from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tour and rotterdam. and they cited me negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this. due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m. o radar has decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o radio is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this new not see tour that was organized archie that archie reached out for comments from every single one of those topics. actually ended up
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canceling their news along this toward the only ones that didn't prague and building a villainous. we didn't actually reach out to them originally, but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reactions to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman, as both person dmitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across europe for peach care. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazis and on the european continent we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for issue. just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russian. this is the quiz thing that can be in our main task to continue our
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work and achieve the tasks that we face the was seen use to insist that there's no nonsense in a new client. is that 1st statement? absolutely not. i mean, what if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis and ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones that, that this actually happens a parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law of actually there was a neo nazi politician, a rena fowler, yon who was assassinated recently. and she had become very infamous, actually for being so rapidly anti russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so ultra nationalist, but even her nefarious ideology, she had made enemies of the as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army?
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if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters in the loft, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house. at the very beginning, when this assassination took place, it wasn't exactly clear who had carried this out. and but since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism, white power frames responsibility for the assassination of this neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology, really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really,
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political risk analysts, i'm veteran war will venture in the is costs on the i lies. imagine this. so i'm the behavior of an as of member who is out loose and pose for a phone to with a hidden look. quote is based on his clothing and how can we accept the out and out feeds. another person standing there with the pull tray of kit to praising it, and it is supported by our money by the hour, taxes, and we supporting these people in ukraine. and we think that this is fund the o. this is this need some support. there is a large population discomfort with what european need is all doing in ukraine and the consequences of this support fish. they've got that this existing between the fee indeed is and the population is widening. and we see the consequences of
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this support. this is why when we see countries like france, for example, saying i want to send true to ukraine or other state that they are willing to send some x. but this is how they tried to sneak in the war to be more involved in ukraine. it shows that this is not our war. this is not the war that europe once people are extremely afraid of being involved in another war because they have not recovered from the 2nd world war. and people who live during that era. in 193990429045, all student lives today and they remember what they found today. the father is now a 1000 police officers were deployed on wednesday and power says the q a stadium a made a football match between israel and molly and people express posed wise opinions on how safe it is to be on the streets of the french capital. right now,
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because of the tensions over the is writing team play. oh wait for the news. i have to say that i'm a bit scared at the moment because it's true that there's these really team and everything that's going on with that country at the moment should up was i'm here to support my country, all our countries, and we're not afraid to be here because we have our good god protecting us, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, and you don't have to be afraid of israel to the events was the initial security test to the full, the power of the big opening. so many later this week, i'm president, his security operation has been deployed for the duration of the games because of the tensions over the confidence in gaza and do playing the game. who said to have it 5 to thousands of people, but the closing range among residents of power is to say that due to the increase for these measures, they feel trapped in their own sit on think on to be the way to them. awesome. how's the story? when here's one,
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the olympic games. french officials planted this idea, ingredients minds. it was just going to be one giant open air street park. the opening ceremony will take place throughout the entire city. 4 kilometers all along the sand river. 44000 metals and cement barricades have descended upon the city, seemingly overnight manned by some 2004 in police and military officers invited by france to police for reason streets, many of which are blocked off to cars and pedestrians, and accessible only to those who have submitted the paperwork to the french government and are granted online. a coven euro style, q, r, code, to say that that that's a buttons to be found uh, between the perfect security, which is absolutely key the priority. and there was no discussion. does never been any discussion to put at risk
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a security model. so the bases how we can guarantee the security to for the spectators and for the i teach at 1st, this is also to be just for the opening ceremonies. but now restrictions are set to persist until the duration of the olympics and the paralympics, which means into september french apartment viet, i. toddler said this week that about 6 drones per day has been caught flying around the olympics installations. reassuring for charity in light of a classified frank senate report that was linked to the press earlier this year, finding that the anti drone system for the games was of questionable effectiveness . the olympics of served as a convenient pretext, though to wash a ton of cash into francis surveillance industrial complex, particularly with his insistence on an open air opening ceremony. but you think
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that that would at least that means that they should use those tools to do their jobs and just leave people alone instead of pestering them as well without this heavy handed security theater to in paris games back kitchen parisians are well fenced in for miles on, look at the distress of our craftsman 44000 terrible grids blocking their work, causing cascading cancellations. going from across the street and get a job, the blocking the streets of paris and preventing people from going to work to the point where they lose their jobs. turns out to even some hospital workers and trash collectors have reported they've been prevented from getting to work because, well, they didn't have their games. q r code past giving them access to their workplace. some french are saying that restaurants in particular, who's morrow during hopefully it was no pass, no place or just getting what they deserve. at this point, having police clients government issued to our codes during the cobra to the asco,
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but they're angry now that the same system is being used against them. that's it. welcome to my restaurant. without the customer, it's a nightmare. there is no one left. so here it is all the shops of closing one off to the other because there is no point in staying open. handicapped people in particular are having a tough go of it and navigating sidewalks in paris, which in many cases are not wide enough to use for handicapped people, particularly with wheelchairs and mobility issues. with these barriers, taking up so much space, hey, forget and break down. i think this is basically the new elliptic support, the presence introduce for the games. oh no, that's like so far above what we taxi drivers can't get the q r code. some customers, as you can see, have their to our code, but they can't get through. it's so complicated. why didn't we do what everyone else feed and hold integration in the stadium? there may be a reason why all the other capitals are doing it. we didn't,
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we had to do things differently because we always want to do better than everyone else. the result is that there's nobody there, it's an economic disaster. i smile, but it really is an economic disaster the icing. there's an enormous amount of security for too much, in my opinion. everything has been fenced off to prevent access to the same. i wonder what about the towards the poor people? how did they manage? now we can't even access the investments on the same. we can't do anything. we are in prison. we migrate this and homeless people were deported from paris to other cities lead to government communication, published by the french sports media outlet. they cheaper indicated that this is really just all to make the gains look good by quote, temporarily hiding those who'd be visible near the olympics venue. we set ourselves, we're not going to keep quiet any longer. the olympic games are putting people in
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the streets every evening. people in hotel c o, the people under the bridges affair as being evacuated. a lot of hospitals have closed and we wonder where all this people are at the moment. seems like a toss up right now to bet on who are what will be back in paris 1st, when the games are over. will it be all those displaced, migraines, and homeless people, or the sweat ability of descend river, which cost $1400000000.00 euros to clean up and was only miraculously deemed assumable for it. travel on an open water events just a few days ago despite be an open air sewer since forever. so a lot of smoking mirrors here and exactly what you might expect from a games which has turned out to have a bit of a distilled p invite. you can say your oil has to face the off the miles of the uncontrolled flow weapons into very, and that's
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a warning by full more often talk about calvin tonight. so to the un security council of those europeans asking for more arms to your brain, ignore the nature of straightening. the ukrainian arms markets, mark the marks that corruption might increase you in business opportunities for those driven of europe costs for more weapons. but most of which are not made in europe very much the dismay of traditional european, honest billed us. those asking for park. so consider traits of i know that's labeled with myself. tanks, laptops is do you pos, eager to push the flow of what funds to your brain europe will have to face the often loss of an uncontrolled funds market in eastern and central europe. that chapter we'd be tougher than what the out flow of towards informing you of us navia, where and remain its way mean more organized crime as more terrorism,
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people who will not be reintegrated in the respective societies into the you. they were the best. doesn't the weapons market, and that would be a major headache. well, let's cross now to the formal officer for master himself can, can i? so we're very lucky in all of that you'll join us. thank you so much for taking the time. we just heard your speech to the un security council. can you tell us a little bit more about the methods you wanted to convey and the warning, the sort of implied to europe a me, what history teaches us some lessons i had the opportunity and also of 1990 to see was my own eyes. how the munitions of 11 on which were obliged to disarm sold the weapons. for instance, to apply ends and what was dense that was there. yeah. and one could see was your
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open eyes giving me any set of lights, images, how the ops market moves to from bedroom winds has to do both, making the trip the goals. so the what kinds would always find that temple ends out what was used to nothing wrong. then we'll use those lines like ration militias, or when the recall, for instance, the bombing of libya in spring 2011. and a tremendous install of weapons then spilled over to neighboring countries like book, you know, 5 signed by the end. we know the optim off, the not only the libyan say to very high prize the people's into sign in general because weapons always find that way. it's business, indeed indeed, very right. you said, i mean this is the 1st time that we're hearing start from warnings though. i mean, why do e u countries in your opinion continue to send weapons to keep regardless, even they know that this could be the outcome of both?
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uh it's, um it's, it's, it's raises lots of questions also for myself because i'm having the services of diplomats having been in many un meeting. so we have a full many detailed, uh, uh, uh, comments papers on this on my mind. uncontrolled, those 2 arms low on lightfoot, 10 small arms, if they call it, i mean everybody is aware of it and above all, it was always like, oh we me do you think we are not engaged above? like the simple powers. we care about a real small and a bother of control of weapons market and that's everything was for got them like a 20 point to start and all of those. my diplomats a good chief man square shelf and forgot them i, i unfortunately i don't have the correct answer to give you why and how it's happened because
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a lot of what started in spring 2022 on the european side of the raises questions and it will be up to historians if possible, uh to, to, to, to provide us with some of those. yeah. it should. he is. he also told a little bit about, uh, you know, your being aware that its weapons may end up on the black markets. uh, perhaps note the rest of the international terrorism, including, you know, including against his own citizens, including it. here is your opinion, citizen if, if these are on the streets for, for games. but still this there's, there's no one listening using the way, uh, it seemed and uh, we organized crime and terrorism to a certain extent go hand in hand. uh the one uh has the one kind of assist with out here to stop the exam. and when i look at the tremendous brian arrived uh right now
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in germany and austria, well we have, uh, my friends, uh, gang fighting each other. a lot of was, uh, was nice. uh and, and those are like a month until a few months ago. no. it's automatic weapons, automatic rifles, and when do they come from? sometimes? yeah, still uh, the out flow of the uncomfortable, it's like a tense markets of uh, what was once it was nadia. but of course here. yeah, the return, it says syria and uh, those who gain more experience once experience in syria and now we have it on the much larger scale in the ukraine. and i also mentioned in my priest the 2 days, i'm think that's the most probably the french and germans the don't want to live here. but it's the fact that it's well established by many of the friends the investigative groups in 20172018. when there was the big return off of
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my eye at scottish slide to back to germany, back to the united kingdom. what did to these governments to do more to the own? since since the executed ones, extra traditional kennings, neutralize them estimate them before they reach the countries of origin. so, or these governments should be aware of what kind of products you had to say in the 9th in mind system. you was nadia. a few years ago in, in syria and it will be on a much, much larger scale when it comes to you bring it really well, the mysql as well. you know, i also listened to your or to address to the un security council when it comes to the claim itself used. you said voices of peace are not being listened to. in fact, the was he said to you once tax not talks. i read, i'm not really resonated with me,
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then tell us more about that. yeah. was diplomacy is gone. you're really comp 5 and is small in reference to something like looking for peaceful diplomatic solution in any of the european council can do that. you'll don't find anything, it's all about the war weapons to be transferred and germany is number one in the old that won't be even speak about hypersonic besides, to be stationed in germany. but bruce dismisses with the constructive sense of puts there. and i don't want to say that was any ira me because the situation is really to me and what was one of this the european way off of each of these things? them why of contract? because the european integration of which i, it was called off was all based on the contracts and 3 to it was not about congress
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. it was not a box use of 4th. and now we see it is so close to for the didn't commission, which uh, only one said to use and i quote him is the ball the phone when i breakfast and speak with cid hi for a representative. it's all about the language. of course, he himself uses this expression and uh, slow uh, if it was a shed line and uh uh, europe will pay a very high price for it. and the group has lost. is that what we say? it's very basic tenets which was last. it was all about lol and it's gone. yeah, trudy has out. sadly, we've been out of time. i got to talk to you for hours already, but i wanna thank you very much for joining us today. here on us each international formal, often a form is a, a soft cabin. good. nice. well, thanks again. bye. you're welcome sir. but i the most important the
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world is forging ties in south east asia. ross has taught the right side, your level has met with his count divided from china and south asian countries of the us in for mass as conference in the house. the sorry, and i wrote how the tools with his counsel part for miles and with colleen some of the cm countries, his agenda lives around at all. why a macy with china is pardon me, is where the depth of us emphasized the need to counter outside interference in south east and asian affairs. ross has taught. they provide also loved the organize
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ations role in developing a more multiple real world. now i see i'm a do was was an issue i see on is one of the most important elements of the emerging more just a multi polar world. the association was and still is the core of regional efforts aimed to ensure stable and secure non align developments of asian pacific because russia and china is large scale potential, as well as moscow invasions participation in bricks. and the seo can influence positively. both i see on and cooperation with its members in order to settle global and regional issues within the scope of the un charter principles in their entirety. laboratory looking sharp has been constantly holding meetings roughly every half hour throughout the entire day, holding negotiations, signing agreements. it's remarkable how much energy and steinman at this 9 has he's met with the foreign ministers of uh, allow us indonesia, china bruning, us east
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t more and more. and this is only throughout this one day. it's been so busy that we journalists to, we haven't had the time to actually ask him some questions. hopefully that will change tomorrow because we're expecting some statements to come from the foreign minister following all the stocks. but he's also to sets to meet with his circus down or park. it's actually quite rare that certainly a level of spend several days at the same location in this sense, on his for and trips in this sense allow us is difference and 2 nights, 3 days. and it's no wonder why russia and i see on do have quite a special partnership. plus both i sound as an organization in southeast asia, in general, are gaining more political and economic influence. so indeed, it's quite busy here and allow us of course, we'll be here as well. i'll make sure to bring you all the latest details. black mountain. so you've gotten the police have detained, at least 45 people,
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them in a mass protests against corruption in the national capital. the president of the east african agent has said foreign powers are ultimately to blame for the unrest. that demonstration had 2 bad elements. elements number one was funding from foreign sources that are always meddling in the internal affairs of africa for the last 600 years, slave trade, colonialism, neo colonialism, genocide, economic exploitation, etc. all those involved should know that you've done that is not in the economy where those kind of schemes can be deployed. that's fine. that's close. i'm down to all the correspondent tennis oman, the curtis good to see a terrible news coming from uganda. but what, what do you see as a main causes of these gotten them process? i mean, what is, what's the overall situation please?
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well, thank you. so as the weird food and noted this that the wide spread, the protest that was witnessed in new bend on the 20, the by july 2024 is deeply rooted in quarter op. sure. and they put it on the cloud 6. well, you know, close while expressing their for us creations of uh, um, quoted up to in the email he does need to go into a need a he and the members of parliament like what me. so what the young people, this portez was a dissent on the all that nice online at the top in, in kenya as when, why young people took it to the street. the money being for accountability, demanding a for the submission of the member of what i mean to was also this speak of the file. i mean, i need to, i need to a hmong your cutting black cards. it's saying that the government officials are all caught up and there is no accountability for the funds that are being collected.
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therefore they're saying that they have, they couldn't make time that they're facing deeply rooted into the widespread corruption in the top and government officials. and therefore, what we saw was young people when they mobilized them, says online and to, to get to this key on, on the street. of course they were met. we did this on the phone for these funded the military presence in the capital city of compiler. where young people might seem to the bottom, it's busy with the show. and of course, the experts that the prosecution in the government, the method with a lot of resistance of, from the police officers on the military who are listed a number of them over 45 people, 5 is reported to have been part of listed by the police and of course, that are being charged for posting a public nuisance on the stop on the notes. most of you that i should be kept their rights to protest, enshrined in the you gun done constitution. so.


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