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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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of that stuff without seizures. that's going part of the cancellations off florida again, and that's what's happening to ukraine's view and that's the as off of autonomy and soul of a european to to find recruits are to you has reached out to the bed. organize us for comment is raleigh expresses deep condemnation. no, but i'd try these broker the agreement for unity between previous lead, feuding policy and fractions, abbas and pot top. at my gerry at a $100000000000.00 fine against the us basis. social media, a company met tap for transpiring, use of data without consent. are to look said to global accusations against the tech guy. the
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. are you watching large international reaching you from the rushing capital i a michael portrait. that way to buy your trains. near nancy as off battalion to 9 european cities has been partly canceled, our team has requested comments from a number of organization, the nations that we are supposed to host the events. and now just 2 destinations, remain proud and vill news. for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin, rock the down brussels in cologne, will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with those security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hotel people with threats only to the full, essentially the main, the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough that's the country where not to collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century and we even broke
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the story. um, recently where a one of these as of neo nazis went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from hitler on his shirt. and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took the picture, posted on social media, where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental in berlin. the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's, it's really good. that's 5 reaching out for my explanation to these places and subsequently seeing them uh, cancel their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah,
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this is totally shocking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries or even a 7 seem to have bowed out to a sodium, but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually funny enough from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tory in rotterdam. and they cited me negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this. due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m. o radar has decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o radio is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this new not seen tour that was organized archie that archie reached out for comment from every single one of those stops actually ended up canceling their news along this tore the only ones that didn't prague and building
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of illness we didn't actually reach out to them originally, but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reaction to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as spokesperson. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across europe for peach care. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazis, and on the european continent we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for issue, just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russian. this is the ugliest thing that can be in our main task to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face. the west continues to insist that there's
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no nonsense in ukraine is our 1st statement. absolutely not. i mean, what if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis and ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones that, that this actually happens parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law of actually there was a neo nazi politician rena fowler, yon, who was assassinated recently, and she had become very infamous, actually for being so rapidly and t russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right. so ultra nationalist, but even her nefarious ideology, she has made enemies of the as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's
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a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters in life, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house. at the very beginning, when this assassination took place, it wasn't exactly clear who had carried the south side since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism white power frames for sponsibility, for the assassination of this, the neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology, really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really focus on to key a have well come to china,
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broke of unity agreement between policy and functions, particularly for todd hum us. but while some middle, the middle eastern countries have the deal is world has bounded with a vowed to destroy him, us from us. and for ta signed an agreement in china for joint control of gauze after the war. instead of renouncing terrorism bells to the leader in which would have boss, embraces the motors of from us and reveal his true face. in practice, this will not happen because the from us reason will be crushed. a bus will be able to watch over guns or from a far israel security will remain solely in israel's hands to the agreement was signed not only by the 2 long time rivals, but also by 12 of the products teen in groups. according to the do you have mines will form part of the got been for post walk as that of the functions also able to create an independent policy and stayed with the east jerusalem as his capital of a chinese foreign ministry spoke spice and emphasized that the aging has always
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supported the policy and the peoples lied to sovereignty. us would have been peace . the question of palestine is at the heart of the middle east issue. china has no selfish interests on the question of palestine. we value morality and stands for justice. we always firmly support the palestinian people in restoring the lawful national rights and the people in the middle east and taking the destiny into their own hands. china will continue to implement the global security initiative and make great to contribution to peace and stability in the middle east. how mazda and for ta, have long been feuding had just on the 2 decades ago. the, for the was for the control of policy and territories. as a result, mazda became the leaders of guys that were off the top, the, the westbank. during the conflict, an estimated 600 people were killed. the now let's cross now live to political commentator,
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had an advocate for economic justice in africa. kim have kim, is good to have. you enjoyed me now. thank you so much. that's really great. so you're welcome. now is all the has criticized a china broke had the agreement between policy and infections. what are your thoughts on that? let me start from there. well, we would expect nothing based in israel to criticize this news, which could see a breakthrough in the palestinian situation. and certainly for israel, who's, who's been trying to dominate the regents for appraisal falls and this would be devastating to the mission to wipe out, not only am us but the people of palestine. so what is one has done is we to nice the division of these posting infections. so i think we most commend s people of justice around the world, the scratch initiative by china to bring more infections together. it's not the 1st
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time they've attempted to do this, but i think because it's happening at this geographically and politically sensitive and important time. i think the this initiative could be the breakthrough that the people have kind of started have been waiting for. and it's obviously sweetens israel, both in terms of politics as well as economics. now, how do you think it is possible for, for tom, have mice to come to an agreement that i told as they have been a very they have a long history of confrontation? absolutely. and i think it will introduction was very instructive. no, indeed. have they had a conflict, especially with how much taking control of acosta. but they've also had some serious ideological differences. there's, i think what's happening now because of the devastation and genocide that we seeing in palestine the 2 sections of saying, the interest, the national interest of palestine is supreme to anything else. and then
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recognizing that rather than allowing israel and wisdom forces to decide the future, they are coming together for the sake of pedestal. and i think that is more important than anything. and that's why i think could, could be very important breakthrough or why not guys on the west bank do not share board as because they are divided by each ready territory. what, what would the new government look like in practice? i think it's quite tricky because as you say, the geographical board is but i think the, the unity that we've seen across palestine for a bits of future and one which sydney is wrong is twitching a has treated for the last it kid 6 decades. i think he's going to translate into geographical food as he talked to suggesting that he's going to be a government of national unity. so we must see sits in the area split up between
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them us and, and, and the other, the other parties. all right, why do you think these really golf monday so rigidly opposed to policy and reconciliation? well is what was to rule, not only the palestine and the arrow book, but the world itself to give it what's its allies in the waist. and i think a pedestal in union between these 2 political factions as well as i think a handful of, of a pedestal in potties is switching to the future of israel. and we'll 6 vote in the, in the world order. and we'd have to bear in mind that they are very strategic and see routes in the area, the very important oil resources and, and usually doesn't want to let go of that. but most of all is, well,
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it's being sweets and as a country that once had legitimacy, it's been completely exposed now, not by wisdom, governments, but by the people in western governments and all across the world, including on the african continent that this is a regime that has been identified and, and finally labeled by the international court of justice as an a project machine. they using not only the itself but they who they, they using the they reputation. in fact, i think the, the future is well, looks very nice. and they are, they are fully aware of that now as opposing policy and the factions that trying to reconcile their differences. nathan, yahoo is in the us asking for more weapons for the warren gazda. well, what do you think of those contrasting events? you know, it's a shopping actually postal that the regime of israel and what we call
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the lease, which speaks about itself as a champion of the free world. and i was reflecting on a, a, quote this week by jimmy content for my president, who said we speak about being the champions of world peace, but we are distribution mo, wiccans than any other country. i think it's a shame. and at the time, way people in, in gaza are being mowed down. i mean, we have 15000 people, children being who have lost the lives, despite the president of israel saying these being virtually no casualties a month. children, perhaps the means of 15000 best and in children's lots mean nothing. so what i can say is shame when the united states shame on those people, he set in that congress meeting and clipped for a man. and for the regime that has both the greatest level of pain to the palestinian people in its history. thank you so much that kim, hello,
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political commentator had an advocate for economic justice in africa. thank you for your insight here. thank you so much. now the burden child of mark zuka, but i give them hot water is around the world of the us based meta company has been accused of validations ranging from discrimination to being a facilitator with cyber crime. nigeria has ordered the tag giant to pay up to a $100000000.00 for the trust filing use that data without consent. about malaysia and single people have had issues as well saying that the social media companies, platforms, are rife, we thieves, while the company's not doing enough on its own, to root out hom, full of content. archie corresponding to my my each has the details, the middle and facebook currently under fire, following recent troubles in south east asia. that's as they allegedly failed to regulate their servers in the region,
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but to concern an increase in fraud and malicious activities. saw the criminals often exploit e commerce and social media platforms due to the on an image. see these platforms provide sayings, ransomware and scabs remain the most pressing issues in southeast asia. single port ordered specific social media platforms to actively take action against scans, including offer in a secured payment option for marketplace users. but according to the countries minister of state for home affairs matter has been pushing back against the governments requests natasha has consistently pushed back against image is recommendations for them to put in place. they've got to come back. e commerce scans on facebook, such as very fine uses against government issued id and offering a secure payment option for marketplace uses such meta to step up to do right by your uses. the situation is similar in malaysia,
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the country is asking social media sites to tie in their safety regulations, whether it be a facebook, whatsapp, or tip top. on top of that, it also previously sued meta a modest response which has been sluggish and unsatisfactory, has not met the urgency of the matter and has led to increasing public concern in scrutiny. as there is no sufficient cooperation from meta, the malaysian communications and multimeter commission has no option but to take definitely took steps or legal action against meta as a measure to ensure that people are secure and protected in a digital sphere. this legal action is knocked out of the blue, according to malaysian authorities, as matter continues to fail to safeguard it's platforms. according to the malaysian communications and multi media commission, facebook in the country has been flooded by offensive content relating to race. religion, as well as of course scans either way met or refuses to take action. these issues are not unique to asia. they extend to offer to as well by jerry
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a country that has one of the worlds the highest number of internet users is accusing meta of not complying with the countries data protection laws. and has announced at $220000000.00 fine on the company. just recently made a party show immediately and 4 with stopped the process of sharing what's app users, information with the other facebook companies. and 3rd parties until such a time. when users have actively involuntarily consented to each and every component of the liberties metal parties in 10 to exercise with respect to the information of the data, subjects met a parties. she'll pay a penalty of $220000000.00 us dollars. but it's not just about stabbers, are still in users data without consent. any field, the meadows activities have contributed to human rights abuses against if you'll pills to grain community. even before the outbreak of the conflict in northern easy,
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oh, be a civil society organizations and human rights experts repeatedly warrant that made a risk contributing to violence in the country and pleaded with the company to take meaningful action. however many to ignore these warnings and did not take appropriate mitigation measures. even after the conflict had broken out, is there reported that meta has failed to stop the spread of contents advocate in hatred and violence against the grands has you'll in hate even further, especially when you consider that facebook is a major source of information for many locals so how long will it take for mehta to finally get off the type of horse? admit it's wrong doings and care about the safety of its users. alright, let's cross now live to i did, we did go case, said your manager, right. part time initiative. or i, i think it's good to have you join me right now. great,
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thank you for having me. great, you're welcome. now that has been, i've been created and fraud and mother shows activities on the platform of matter around around the blow. talk to us basically from your assessment, how safe is the platforms and social network of the metal company? a well beaten jungle cc i think that so there are lots of issues that has come up in the past in terms of um uh these are, these are the experience uh once people have been contacted using the platform on even products or show me the platform and many of the safety concern, for example, some, some years bogging and you have them in their cues made. so that's some of those elements where using the platform, for example, the zip for molds aides, advocacy, dc, but also gives you a little background out of time. you should wanderings, i've had the platform to, you know, to what's in place encouraging videos to,
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to guiding site, you know, search activities on each platform. i'll have, uh, uh, actually i've seen by the video of these issues to remain under minimum would high view that the, the organization of the platform is not really not to, to and she'll stick to you on these platforms. a show that to us corporate us any meantime. i'll fish out the platform. i'll do. we received the news about 2 or 3 days ago that meant to ask now suspended about 60000 accounts based on new separately. i mean, activities that we're using does that cost to carry house where they need to, to lease purchase, but that lead to live nearby many. i've also argued that those are because most of the resend fine to that was imposed on the company binding the junk of meat. all right, so why is it so difficult or challenging for government to regulate? dines like meta, for instance. yeah,
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i think it's, it's as a result of a lot of these uh, i think the 1st usually will that i think the, the government itself read the hardest on how the april system with us. the values works very well, but it's something as soon as i know that thing works. so i did up at actually very little technical. maybe the week parts on this turned out this piece was all, no, it would be both sides of the space. i think a very long time ago, maybe not that space awful too long. that allows you to hope this will happen before it's i will call teach the responsibility and that's i love made it visible or punish sir, or me to get to the 5. what was it that we have, but i also think, i know that really is also that it's actually very taxes additional full full i forgot coordinates because when you think about teaching stuff, so i a miss hayes by seats in this part of the world. it's also the box. what are the positives that are the right people for the, for the, for the operations of the additional you need to continuously do sequence day. that's very impoverished. that has issues or unemployment on god provide seen.
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these platform bits are going to be done. so creating new employment for young people to go to some of the service east rules, i mean, called tactical. you saw joe, also people use it a platform to advertise books and services or to sell or to reach deck with some assets, etc. so there's always that people make arguments between the gomez, but the difficult decisions would take very strong. we'll see shortly. give the platform because the doctor weeds all sure it drops off with a uh oh it's actually my fits the city the so i so things you do to get a good vision to would be the issue. so those agent also sometimes very difficult to come back, but i think the last reason i was just told me that i'll visual. and he's also because governments took so long to, to provide a rules of engagement in terms of laws or resolution. so, i mean, they should come and see their idea that we are there. he's no seen, i mean, where there is no longer, there is no state. and so you kind to be voided or not comfortable, because if you have a create a load that's not defined. what if i said to, well,
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what is our settings to play very low temperature dropping and dragging the target interpretation on the so prophecy though, it kind of done by without bits or the diesel internship was just a red, badly risk related to reading backwards. okay, so if it's up to date, you know, so it took so long for medical tracing off in coverage. so to have to do the visual by which to go use us to spend that to go. all right, so would be time about platform segment to come and see. all right, thank you. we'll have to leave you here now. how did we i did go ok. senior manager of part i'm initiative. thank you so much for your insight. the moving ahead now they had all the international bucks and the association snobs, the west, and open to organize. this will be a little big saying that they are beholden to american. and these responses in an exclusive interview with r t. he emphasized that the politics have no place in sports. the dog down, those are the milk is split,
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the i o. c. excluded the international boxing association from the list are recognized. federations, how can this affect international boxing in general, some moment here and you, the lo um is that on the books, international boxing is an independent international association or just work at the olympics or boxes compete. there was boxing at the olympics, but the international olympic committee uses the statements to secure the national federations so that they withdraw from the international boxing association to try to create a start to create a parallel association. but they will not succeed. because the idea today works in the interest of athletes and national federation. so in today's world cup has become much more important than the olympics. everything is much simpler in our boxing. it shows that such a statement by the international olympic committee means only fear for boxers. and of course there are attitude is terrible. the fear of international olympic
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committee president thomas bock himself, he couldn't do anything. there were 3 congresses when they announced to me that i had to leave. and when we even held 2 elections in a year and 2 congress's and into congress is out of $204.00 countries, only 8 countries were against the rest supported. every things was dealing with and of course they understand that the pressure they exerted on countries, including by sending letters, did not work out. and so they made such a conspiracy out of fear. as you know, boxing is the founder of the olympic movement. and they don't want us to become members of the olympic committee for fear that we can restore order there, as we did in boxing with this new, our main task is to defend the interest of athletes. so that athletes perform under their own flag and anthem. because that's what an athlete is going for, not for metals or for prizes. that's all secondary. today we are the only
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international association, the protects athletes. they say that these athletes are against competing with athletes from belarus and russia. this is an obvious lie. the international boxing association has shown on this end of the world cop has passed, an all athletes wants to perform and there are no conflicts among these athletes. so on the contrary, we demonstrate that there should be no politics in sports where sports begin. politics and sports should unite people. they created pressure, send letters, call the national olympic committee so that they can create pressure on the federations. so the federations leave the i, b 8 today, that has all been unsuccessful. there are about $200.00 countries and the idea today, and no one is going anywhere. so this person, the company, use my town, the thought, despite the fact that the i o c has been taking steps in imposing sanctions against your association for a long time. the number of national federations registered in your association has
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actually grown with us for uh, how do you explain this, this email? you know, uh because i'm gonna stuff systems that i'm everything that the international a boxing association earns and all this money is given to national federations. for example, over the past 3 years, we have given more than 30000000 dollars to national federations, directly to athletes. and at the world championships, today we have metals made of pure gold. the metals correspond to the name of the metals. we have a women's prize worth $5000000.00 mens prizes worth $10000000.00. but here's one example. the swiss national federation a year and a half ago their leadership sports officials announced that they were leaving the ib immediately. the boxes caused a scandal announced to calmer as i removed the leadership and return to the ib. what's the sport does not want to see this dirty politics. sport does not want to see these. he knows who destroys sports, but on the contrary,
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they want to unite and come back. this is one such example where boxes demonstrate that we are here for world peace. and we urge the sports showed on the contrary, encourage everyone to unite instead of conflicts taking place in the world. and it's better to let sports take place everywhere. and i'm not going to be on that. so i'm all of them. yes. tell us why did western sports organizations exclude russia from big time sports because of the conflict in ukraine, but the conflict in gaza has had no consequences for israel. we see is really athletes and powers. now what's, what the inconsistency is that can fit them. ok, and you know, uh if they showed us go to sort of missed the call and leadership of the aisle seat . thomas bock himself. his dream is for russia and bell risk to compete without a flag or not at all. but this is the 1st reason, and the 2nd reason, of course, is that they need to earn money in front of their sponsors today israel as well as
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many american companies or sponsors of the international olympic committee. of course, they won't go against their sponsors. so the sponsors put pressure on them, they work on assignments. and of course, there's also the fault of our federations because we need to work in the international arena. we had several heads of international associations. they didn't have to leave, they had to defend their position of independence. i don't know why they ran away. it was necessary to defend the position of independence and protect the athletes. and what has been done against israel now is that the athletes of israel are not to blame. and the athletes are russia and bellingers are not to blame. but this is nonsense. these are biased decisions. and today, the international olympic committee has turned into such a private club that fulfills tasks for it, sponsors. that is why i declare that all the money that is earned of the olympics should belong to the athletes. and the president of the international olympic committee should be chosen by the countries not.


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