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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the cancellations of floating in and that's what's happening to you creams, neo nazi as off battalions, hope of a european to define you've improved r t has reached out to the event organizers for comments as well. expresses deep condemnation. however, chinese real could agreement for unity between and previously if you didn't policy to in the punch and a boss and for top. and my jerry, i impose is a 200000000 dollar fine against the us base social media company and mehta for trust bar. use that data without consent to all to you. looks into global occupations against the tech giant, the
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but this is all the international reaching you live from our new center with moscow . i a michael, what you now what your by you trains, new and nancy as of vitality and to 9 european cities have been partly canceled. argy has requested comments from a number of organizations that way. it's supposed to host events. now, just 2 destinations remain products and values for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin, rock the down brussels in cologne, will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with all security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hurt people with threats only to the full essentially the main, the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough, that's the country we're not to. collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century,
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and we even broke the story recently where a one of these as of neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from a hitler on his shirt and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took a picture posted on social media where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean. where a young girl is smiling at the camera with a burning building in the background. so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet and rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental in berlin. the load week museum in cologne. so i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's, it's really good. that's 5, reaching out for my explanation to these places and subsequently seeing them cancel their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally choking,
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but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries or even a 7 seem to bowed out to a civilian, but it hasn't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually funny enough from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tory in rotterdam. and they cited me negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this. due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m. o radar has decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o radio is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this new not see tour that was organized archie that archie reached out for comments from every single one of those stops. actually ended up canceling their news along this toward the only ones that didn't prague and building a villainous. we didn't actually reach out to them originally,
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but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reaction to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as spokesperson. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across europe for each school year. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazi isn't on the group in continent. we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for him. just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russian. this is the alkalis thing that can be in our main test to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face the west. teen used to insist that there's
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no nonsense in a new claim. is that 1st statement? absolutely not. i mean, what's a, if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis in ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones that, that this actually happens a parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law of actually there was a neo nazi politician rena fowler leon who was assassinated recently. and she had become very infamous actually for being so rapidly anti russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so ultra nationalist, but even her nefarious ideology, she had made enemies of the as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian,
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then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think during none of our supporters in life, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house at the very beginning when this assassination took place. it wasn't exactly clear who had carried this out and thoughts since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism wide power frames responsibility for the assassination of this the neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology, really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really now, independent dodge john list. sonya yvonne day in day has explained to us how she reached out to the organizers of the event and what they've done. i was born in
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both of them, so i sent them an email to visit them to uh, actually, to this ukraine house. it's part of the w, m o. uh, organization. and i explained to them once the address i'm telling is, and if they want to look at those, i told them here is the link. you can look at it and see what you know for yourself . that they are new. nancy's are actually nancy's. so i think i, i wasn't that frequent ladies. send me a few emails back and she was dressed. it was actually, oh, well, i didn't know that. so. i mean, it's always old so far that now the words has spread to the council real to them and they cancelled it and then driven in. so, you know, they acknowledged as from i think the 2014 oc still around 2019 to acknowledge that there were new nazi's. i mean, we had and so at the bbc reuters, they made the old articles about them that are under blue sky day. he said, okay, is a terrible guy, you know, he's video nancy. but then of course,
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the agenda started and twins, especially military operation, was put in place the gym that started to say, no, i mean to pull up the students. they know what as if these, and i think a lot of the western media do as well. but it's very much in the, you know, the idea that would be one that is russia and, well actually the glorifying map system again in your, of and this is very, very sort of time to key have well come to china broke heads, unity agreement between policy inspections, particularly for todd from us. but while some middle eastern countries have be the deal is all has landed with the valve to destroy him, us from us. and for ta, signed an agreement in china for joint control of cause after the war. instead of renouncing terrorism bell, assuming liter i'm working with a boss embraces the motors of from us and reveal his true face. in practice, this will not happen. and because different mos reason will be crushed, a bus will be able to watch over it goes or from a far israel security will remain so in israel's hands. the other dream is,
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was signed not only by the 2 long time rivals, but also by 12 of the policy in groups. according to the do you have mass will form part of the government for the post war gazda. the functions also able to create an independent father student state with the east jerusalem as it's capital of the chinese foreign ministry. spokes busing emphasized that the g has always supported the policy and in people's rights to 75. so that then piece of question of palestine is at the heart of the middle east issue. china has no selfish interests on the question of palestine. we value morality and stand for justice. we always firmly support the palestinian people in restoring the lawful national rights and the people in the middle east and taking the destiny into their own hands. china will continue to implement the global security initiative and make great to contribution to peace and stability in the middle east. have mazda on foot ta,
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have long been feuding just on the 2 decades ago, before the war for control of palestinian territories. as a result, her mazda became the leaders of gaza, whereas for todd god, the westbank, during the conflict and estimated 600 people were killed by let's cross now live to send a maki that cia and direct of middle eastern studies of the university of oklahoma . a joshua atlantis. joshua is good to have you join me now. pleasure. great. now, isabel has criticized a china broke the agreement between policy infections. what are your thoughts on that? let me start from there as well. it's quite natural that, that israel would criticize this because the palestinians are specifically trying to block a unity deal. they're trying to block the is really government and their efforts to
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create some sort of a collaborative structure against house to the interest. because israel plants to stay engaged in the united states and europeans have said that israel must withdraw from casa and institute of twos, the state solution. that's what president biden said, that the only solution was not to return to a status quote, but to move ahead with the 2 state solution to the palestinians are trying to position themselves with this unity government to be able to provide a government for gaza at the end of this conflict, but of course, as we've just heard nothing, yahoo said no way. we're going to appoint who rules gaza and we're going to stay there as an occupying force. so this sets up the west versus the palestinians. it sets up israel versus the palestinians, and in a sense, the west versus this really. all right, that how the thing he was possible for the time have mice to come to an agreement
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that the whole, as they have long have a history of confrontation. it is, you're absolutely right, and many people have, most analysts have looked at this with a lot of criticism and a lot of skepticism. they've suggested that they really haven't patched over any of their fundamental differences that they did this in, in a sense for china. because, but they've also done this in order to try to position themselves for the end of this conflict and the ceasefire. so we'll have to say you're absolutely right. there are still very stunning differences between the different parties. and we shouldn't pretend that there's real unity going on here. all right, now, as a posing policy, then functions are trying to reconcile the differences. nathan? yeah, he's in the us asking for more weapons for the watering gazda. what do you think of this contrasting events?
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well you're absolutely right and, and one of the things that um, comment harris, the new noise tid, the candidate for the next democratic elections said, and she put out a press release this morning saying that anybody who associates with how much that murderous terrorist group is not a friend to the united states. so this puts the united states at loggerheads with this effort on the part of the palestinians to unify and you know, even the most pro western palestinians have demanded that i have demanded. that there should be some kind of reconciliation between hom, us and the pillow that the pillow cannot run guys alone. there has to be a national unity government that includes homeless if they're going to stop
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violence against israel. because as long as they, they try to exclude from us, it's going to isolate the pillow and it's going to make their job of promising some kind of security. impossible. so is this really opens up many difficulties, both screens united states and the palestinians, but also between israel and the western governments who insist on a 2 state solution. now why didn't hear thing these ready got monday so rigidly opposed to policy and reconciliation? well, because i think israel is, um, is there a what's all the territory they want gaza and they want the west bank and they consider it all part of historic israel. and as we know, nets and yahoo has been foursquare against any kind of 2 state solution. his government does this or primary platform for his present government?
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is it there is should be no palestinian state. all right, we have to let be here. now, joshua alonda says sandra maki, chad, director of mid least studies, the university of oklahoma. thank you so much for your insight. pleasure to other britain titles logic. a bag is in the hot water is around the world that the us base metric company has been accused of valuations, ranging from discrimination to being a facilitator of cyber crime. nigeria has ordered the tech john to pay off the $200.00 and leave it on us dollars for transferring. use a data without constant malaysia and singapore have has issues as well. saying that the social media companies, platforms, are rife with feeds. while the company is not doing enough on its own to root out the home full content, the article was put into my my h, i has the details now met and facebook currently under fire following recent
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troubles in south east asia. that's as they allegedly failed to regulate their servers in the region, but to concern and increase in fraud and malicious activities. saw the criminals often exploit e commerce and social media platforms due to the on the limits the these platforms provide facing bound somewhere. and scabs remain the most pressing issues in southeast asia. single port ordered specific social media platforms to actively take action against scans, including offer in a secured payment option for marketplace users. but according to the countries minister of state for home affairs matter has been pushing back against the governments requests. natasha has consistently pushed back against image is recommendations for them to put in place. they've got to come back. e commerce scans on facebook. it's purchase very fine uses against government issued id and
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offering a secure payment option for marketplace uses meta to step up to do right by your uses. the situation is similar in malaysia, the country is asking social media sites to tie in their safety regulations, whether it be a facebook, whatsapp, or tip top on top of that, it also previously sued meta, the maddest response which has been sluggish and unsatisfactory, has not met the urgency of the matter and has led to increasing public concern as quickly as there is no sufficient cooperation for meta. the malaysian communications and multimeter commission has no option but to take definitely took steps or legal action against meta as the measure to ensure that people are secure and protected in a digital sphere. this legal action is knocked out of the blue, according to malaysian authorities, as matter continues to fail to safeguard it's platforms. according to the malaysian communications, n multi media commission, facebook in the country has been flooded by offensive content relating to race.
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religion, as well as of course scans either way met or refuses to take action. these issues are not unique to asia. they extend to offer to as well, by jerry, a country that has one of the worlds the highest number of internet users is accused the meta of not complying with the countries data protection laws. and has announced at 220000000 dollar fine on the company just recently made a party show immediately and 4 with stopped the process of sharing what's app users, information with the other facebook companies. and 3rd parties until such a time. when users have actively involuntarily consented to each and every component of the liberties metal parties in 10 to exercise with respect to the information of the data, subjects met a parties. she'll pay a penalty of $220000000.00 us dollars. but it's not just about scab or is are still
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in users data without consent. any field, the meadows activities have contributed to human rights abuses against if you'll pills to grain community. even before the outbreak of the conflict in northern easy o. b, a civil society organizations and human rights experts repeatedly warrant that made a risk contributing to violence in the country and pleaded with the company to take meaningful action. however many to ignore these warnings and did not take appropriate mitigation measures. even after the conflict had broken out, is there reported that matter has failed to stop the spread of contents advocate in hatred and violence against the grands has you'll in hate even further, especially when you consider that facebook is a major source of information for many locals so how long will it take for mehta to finally get off its high horse? admit it's wrong doings and care about the safety of its users. now while billions of windows use as around the weld when left without access to
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that computers due to a sudden now to age, people in the western function, countries, russia and you run where most of the unaffected they had all be rodney in communications regulate 3 of forward the explains why, while in many countries of the world, widespread internet disruptions have federalized de la activities, there is no one use of such disorders in our country. one of the reasons is the establishment of the national data network and reliance on their ability of the countries like use a 5 days global problem, started with the florida update by american cyber security for crowd strike that affected microsoft windows uses of issue rapidly snowballed into one novelist that stopped many digital systems, us airlines including united delta and american castle. busy flights, i think the u. k. the sky news channel interrupted it's broadcast airports in the lead. i'm still down prague. i misread also reported delays as check in this had to
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be done offline. stop me while microsoft has blame the you for the glitch may be said in 2009 agreement with the european commission prevented microsoft from leaking secuity changes that would have blocks the crowd spike into anti virus systems uh, system updates that provoke the global outage. of, for instance, microsoft's main competitor, apple blocked access to the condo on, it's a mac computer earlier in 2020. well, how about the european commission has denied those allegations say that microsoft never raised 80 concerns previously. probably cross now live to to he the savvy assistant professor, i've been to the investigator, ron. thank you very much for joining us right now. now while the, you and microsoft play the blame game regarding the global outage, how is that? how is it that iran didn't really suffer from the outage as well?
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the source of the matter is that the iran has faced toughest sanctions and pulls by the united states targeting a wide spectrum of spears including high take and 90 sector and also to the country has been victim of several cyber attacks. and the recent years it gives, it's a very logical reasoning for working further honest infrastructural, let's say aspects the end iran inter, an internet. and for us, as after with decided then to be designed to function independently from global internet to some extent. this means that while the global services in west size might be affected by it is a certain development as many local services and this side says size virginia wrong could continue to operate and normally uh, but still, i think there is a,
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a sort of even profound related to that, and that is the fact that hard take markets monopoly by the united states that we see these days in this we have new mass for expansion of best art and has many of the colonizing nations. this is indeed sort of great. so call 9 vision major. uh us based uh, take drives like google, facebook, amazon, and microsoft in particular. they all dominate g aspects of internet from searching genes to social media, to cost services, etc, etc. and even to online retail, this concentration of power, i'm strongly convinced that not only staples competition but also raises serious concerns about privacy and data security. as we saw several cases of ministers in the state, extensive sort of wireless programs and other, other list days, negative aspects. and i think us control over codes over
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a critical international internet's eastern national infrastructure. and governor's bodies, in this regard, forms a sort of di, digital, what i call a digital imperialism, that actually questions the sovereignty of nations. oh no, under this circumstance, you wrong, decided to work more honest, internet's infrastructure and the results of age. when the girl was dealing with this uh, catastrophic situation, everything was good and sound and safe here. all right, not contrary to the you and us. and you know that neither you run nor russia report it any major issues. what, what does that say about global reliance? on the westbound software and the fast based oh, the tools, the steps where some sections have a sort of prompting effect on the ross r t sector. or maybe we can say even in the process. but this thing is that the
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sanctions of the target take the logical imports and finance of transactions they have posted around to become more self reliant, leading system, significant investment invest in domestic and let's say in domestic technology and innovations used to just as a clear result of sanctions menu limit the ex, let's say access of countries such as the rods and they have limited access to international technology and services. and you give them after a period of time it shows to work on local, on alternatives. so for instance, in raleigh, we have everything from social media platforms to cloud services prior to starting . she has, nobody has all to box these things. but after these pressures, we saw that it has led to sort of innovations and in negative solutions
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and adaptation. so we have to be see this huge amount of progress in a rod, and this is a result of tough sanctions imposed on the countries. oh no, i'm strongly convinced that at the end of the day, if you impose this sort of cash money i saw points there is, there is, there's developments. and you can see it even in china and russia and other countries that it is something to work anymore. but right, we have to living here now to hear that sadie, assistant professor at the university of to ron. thank you so much for your insight . my pleasure. as a significant into play, i have dates nationally, rena, you ron gets a fair share of attention from media. but most of the time about information comes from the outside that we had an opportunity to hear for ourselves. the perspectives of your ronnie and guardian council member, i to a, a raw for you on
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a visit to russia. and he shows his views on his country as elections and democracy . it's relationships with russia and the west, as well as the ongoing war in gaza. the mall allow me to 1st and foremost begin by saying that he runs elections are democratic and free. in fact, it's been the people of the as law, mac republic of you, ron, who have constantly and invariably decided who goes into the parliament and who becomes president. this is a requisite for democracy. yet also that this is a requisite for free elections, ought to be the people might come in and go out and his excellency, mister position john is our next president. and he fits in the profile of these lumber republic of u. ron's democracy. of course, with his own views and approaches, he runs leadership of the people every ron and all the groups in iran will welcome
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and support the person who wins the election. so the into hot water you'd onto it and diesel amik revolution and the loud cry of the rainy a nation in the head windows unilateralism is there, sad and distressing as it is. we see that the main western powers do not see the world within the same criteria. they adopt double standards, multi see countries that move along the lines of the interest of the united states . even if they do not hold elections, even if they do not fit the profile of democracy, they become friendly countries. for the united states. however, independent sovereign states, no matter how democratic they are, no matter how they resort to polls, they will be threatened. i mean the target of their criticism and shaft eyes meant this is a double standards and we don't value that on the wake and conscience of the human
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race does not buy into the logic of double standards and unilateralism ok. well, so then in the law this law me that's how do your ron has shown that it is committed to international principles. and at the same time, it is committed to peace and sound relations between different clips and countries . not only in the muslim world, but also globally be at the same time, the islamic republic, every ron 6 justice and we'd like to confront oppression, including by extreme is groups. we have a shared experience. we fought against the terrorist movements in syria together. we also need to stand tall against a terrorism and against the genocide that is ongoing, unfortunately, and gaza is what we need to oppose the incorrect logic that some of the world countries are pursuing. you
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understand though this we are of the conviction that this was the least thing that could have been done at the international court of justice. truth be told we are witnessing our collective massacre and genocide in gaza. the conscience of the human race is in pain. the countries of the world and humanity should be expected to stand tall against this unprecedented crime of women. this measure by the international court of justice is only a small step when it comes to israel. we are committed to the doctrines proclaimed by the leader of the islamic republic of you run out of this doctrine when it comes to the is rarely regime and palestine is the return of all those displaced to be occupied territories. that was one and 2nd, the holding a free elections attracting the participation of the original residents and inhabitants of this land. well, that's what you're doing. you know what that does, the update down.


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