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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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that stuff without collision is messed up. part of the cancellations off load again, and that's what's happening to your dreams viewed nazi as i'll tell you on hold for europe and to refine to recruits archie has reached out to leave and move advisors will come in to us to see what new i may be the representative of the key of regime can provide some clarity, but for some reason only, they understand why they ignored our invitation to participate in today's un security council session. all the un security council presided over by russia convenience to discuss the threats to international security with a view all the trade and confidence to appeal to america. give us the tools faster,
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then we'll finish the job process. as these ready to administer the lines more weapons for his warring guys that he has met with a round of applause from members of the us congress and not despite the masses of americans protested against the thing i was visit, calling him a war criminal. the about what did you do, the coverage of the biggest strengths, shaping the well right now, this is our international. i a michael watching now a to a by you trains. new nancy as of battalion to 9 european cities have been partly canceled. our team has requested comments from the member of a number of organizations that were supposed to hosp events and now just 2 destinations, remain products and villages. for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin. both of them, brussels and cologne will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply
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with those security requirements. and this time we are not going to hurt people with threats only the full. essentially the main. uh, the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough, that's the country we're not to. collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century. and we even broke the story recently where a one of these as of neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from hitler on his shirt. and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took the picture, posted on social media, where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have
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the red carpet and rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental and berlin, the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's, it's really good. that's 5, reaching out for my explanation of these places and subsequently seeing them cancel their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally shocking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries originate 7 seem to bowed out to a sodium, but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually finding out from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tour and rotterdam. and they cited me to negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m, o re dos as decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o. radar is not
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a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this neo nazi toward that was organized archie that archie reached out for comment from every single one of those stops actually ended up canceling their news along the store. the only ones that didn't prague in the building of illness, we didn't actually reach out to them originally. but we have now and we're waiting for comment for them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reaction to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as volts person. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across europe for peach care. in fact, the key for shame has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazi isn't on the
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european continent. we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for him. just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russians. this is the alkalis thing that can be an our main task to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face. the west continues to insist that there's no nonsense, i'm a new queen is our 1st statement. absolutely not. i mean, what's a, if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis and ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones at that. this actually happens a parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law. of actually there was a neo nazi politician, a rena fowler. yon who was assassinated recently. and she had become very him, from his actual, the for being so rapidly anti russian that she had gone to schools and scolded
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children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so altered nationalist. but even her nefarious ideology had made enemies of the as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army. it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism. foreign, no one gave her the right to open your mouth in our direction or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house at the very beginning when this assassination took place. it wasn't exactly clear who had carried this out. but since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism, white power frames,
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responsibility for the assassination of this neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology, really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really. the earlier hi spoke with the political consultants and international human rights lawyer. i know definitely. and he said she had with us his view about tour by the new, the new nazi as of group. he said the people in western europe don't want those, don't want them. but the baltic countries do this ideology is use for to powerful interest. those interest setting to you know, a motion resources and it shouldn't people's brain in a way that somehow the rehabilitate that was tied to your g. i'd been condemned in your own bed. uh, and to the extent you know, uh, in western europe,
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people have been exposed to this match fraud that you know never again and for good 3rd of the population there at least a good 3rd. i would hope this was the final draw up to hear that, you know, the very thing that we had been taught and told was the dregs of history is now being rehabilitated. and we have financing it, even though you know, we are cutting also from cheap energy supplies. and on top of it, you know, we're dumping down by financing those very decides. and then you will duration of decision beside the origin. so this is something that's getting really now to a point in new opportunities to, you know, in western europe, maybe less. so in some central european countries like the jump republic or the baltic country for historical reason. but in western europe, they've had it. and this is, this is the end of the line. well, the saying that the german hostile, the planned as of events realize the mistake and have to cancel some of the planned
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events. a sure, i guess i actually pretty, pretty much think they go to call from i on up for maybe like, you know, people around she was saying and out there. and we're starting drawing down on this narrative now. so we caught, you know, of all things have a public event hosting, you know, such unpalatable characters, but we still have to have more events waiting, if you know, planned in progress and feeling as well. do you think about a check display? now we'll, we'll go the same way by canceling. why do they still have their own that? well, too much? are you a buyers very diverse and this is the legal perception of stuff in advance. maybe that, that. and so obviously those 2 countries, especially, they don't use the multi countries, they'll be the last one to leave the asylum. you know, so that adult on the light off on their way out. but you know,
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it will happen progressively. i mean, for what to expect. a change and now it seems to happen systematically abruptly in all the countries who called for suspect has to be some kind of a, you know, a multi layered shifting marriage. and so those countries middle off feel somewhat standing god, you know, in the last form, old or this. unfortunately, one of the un security council has convened with russia presiding to discuss the rights to international security of the russian ambassador to the un investigating the bends. yes, spoke out about the senselessness of ukraine's cover in the formula for i didn't the conflict and he said the key of must consider moscow's proposal to restore peace. this is assume you that makes you just recently, key of authorities promoted the pseudo peaceful so called the lensky formula as the only foundation of settlement appealing to them. it makes no sense from both the
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standpoint of elementary logic and the reality is on the front lines. so we have many questions and maybe the representative of the key of regime can provide some clarity. but for some reason only, they understand why the nord our invitation to participate in today's un security council session. if the key every james, now it legitimate leader, has maturity enough to talk about peace. then there's the peace offer proposed by the russian president a month ago, and keep should better hurry up because you crane is not going to be offered anything better than this for sure. well, let's discuss this live with all of us, but ended caleb them up in in new york. caleb, what else did the bins? yes. say during his speech. and what, where are the, all the major highlights all the section a, well, russian ambassador and a ben z m made clear that russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning.
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and that this false narrative that, that ukraine is suddenly opening the door to possible negotiations just doesn't match the reality. in addition to that, he talked about, how's the lensky who at this point has no constitutional claim on power n u grain is continuing to melt the western countries for more money. and meanwhile, he's sold off half of your brains and agricultural land to foreign corporations. now, western members of the security council made a point of saying they could not have any sympathy or support for russia or anything that russia said their blanket dismissals of all that is put forward by russia before the security council or nothing new. here's what we heard. a few countries have deepened their support to russia. today i'd like to focus on china, the dpr k, and a ron's military support to russia. that is directly contributing to russia's war
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against the frame. china so called no limits partnership and large scale support is propping up the russian defense industrial base. the overview, the today's meeting on the issue of a weapons transfer for us to the crane is irrelevant. instead, for example, this counselor should address in depth versus the legal reference procurement from the dpr k and the were in trend of enhancing military cooperation. did you come young in moscow now in the remarks from the us representative? he blamed china for the situation, saying that china is fanning the flames of war in ukraine. the chinese representative took issue with those allegations and pointed out that china has never taken advantage of the situation has not provided any legal weapons. well, it's the same time exercising strict control over its military items in full
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accordance with the united nations and the rules of the market. this is what the chinese representative had to say in response to allegations from the united states . really to what kind of a g o the full credit and foreign ministers currently visiting china? foreign minister bank e held talks with him and having definitely changes to use on the ukraine crisis. we know that for him, it is for collab upset that ukraine valley is china is bused, has carefully started the 6 point understandings proposed by china and brazil on the political settlements of the queen prices. and the 2 green is willing and ready to engage in dialogue. any negotiation with russia, the crank crisis, accurate against the backdrop of historical complexities and practical realities. it is an essence interruption of security dynamics in europe, i'm trying to had no part in creating this chrysler, nor it is a part of the conflict. china has not provided we for weaponry to any party to the conflict and has not and will not do anything to profit from it. now, one of the special guests who open the meeting was the former foreign minister of
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austria. and when she spoke, she emphasized the flow of illegal weapons and the danger that this conflict and the policy of western countries just sending and most amount of weapons to ukraine poses to the countries of the european union. in the long run. here is some of what she said when briefing the council about the long term. 8 consequences of this inflow of weapon rates was very, very, notoriously corrupt the country and we support his recommendations. those europeans asking for more arms to your brain, ignore the nature of straightening. the ukrainian arms mark has marked the marks that corruption might increase new business opportunities for those driven us. it was the adoption of the arms trade 3 t in not 2016, which marks of tiny point in the international communities efforts regulates the global trades and conventional arms and to promote peace and security. our presence
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here are aware of its shortcomings, some signs, but then they'll try to find us when it comes to the tremendous inflow of weapons into ukraine, which started in spring 2014. the diplomatic concerns was on a need to contain the global flow was quickly events. so once again, we have a situation at the security council where russia presents some very important information about the dangers posed by the ongoing conflict. as well as laying out the possibility of resolving tensions and moving toward a diplomatic solution to the conflict. meanwhile, western leaders continue to level their allegations make accusations stonewall. the whole conversation are wide, hired to correspond, kit a month in thank you for bringing us up to speed there. that it was all about ease rolls. 5 minutes that big a minute, then. yeah. who in washington, dc at the moment as he was met with applause inside the congress, but outside
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a protest raised with demonstrate does calling out war crimes and charges of genocide and the us government. welcome, nathan, yahoo with open arms while at the same time, many protest as wanted him to go straight to jail. let's take a look at how the so called day of rage on folded. the new one is funding the ideas of po tests that are going on right now outside this building. the
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testers menu chose to start when they start or come off of themselves. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. to appeal to american goodness, the tools faster will finish the job. the don't don't to a bell after nathan yahoo speech social media use us noted that he received the pulse in the us congress more than the leader of north korea king. don't want to receive during every cent address in his own country. and the west calls came done on a dictator and imagined now who was applauded more than 50 times during his almost
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hour long speech. while north korea anita, during his last speech was applauded 10 times and a half an hour, a dunaway 0. but the, like i said, of nathan. yeah. who was constantly greeted with applause because people in the us congress web page to do so. as well as evidence that the us congress of those who were sitting there and congress and applauded or rank for a number of times i've heard some people say it was 58 times other people are claiming the 70 times that they weren't bloody. but if you listen to the speech, i'd say a good proportion of that speech, a good portion of it. a large percentage was taken up by a round of applause continually go and go to the point and you do show the clips to where nothing you all who have to tell them? no, no, no was listen to the because they are literally a pausing every single time he paused. so when he paused in the middle of a sentence, they just start clapping because that's what they're pasted. they're paid by a pack. they're going. um, obviously they're threatened a lot of them openly by
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a back a packet used to sit in, you know, the shadows and finance campaigns. now it's openly bragging about a 100 percent of the people that they back get into office, and they'll throw tens of millions of dollars when we're looking at the us congress at least and many of those senators that showed up as well. we're looking at people that are basically paid by lobby groups. so of course they're, they're going to show up and, and that's how the us political system works. you know, uh, sold to the highest bidder is how these politicians are elected. whether it's like a big farmer by the oil industry, by the pro israel law be or other is the weapons industry. for instance, that's who flies these elections essentially and united states are ukraine, suspension of russian oil supplies. the hungary in slovakia is unacceptable in amounts to blackmail that's according to slow bunk as into a minister who said that his comfortable will not allow itself to be victimized by
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kid. a dental consult. we have never refused to help you cranes any, even after the change of government, we continue to provide humanitarian aid. the only thing that has changed is that we refuse to continue to support military conflict by supplying weapons. and we call on russia and ukraine for peace negotiations. the suspension of oil supplies is a gross violation of the association agreements between the you and you crane go. we cannot tolerate this. and we will use all available means of european law to protect our national interest. i consider this step by ukraine as in comprehensible and i refuse that's for vakio. and the slovak people serve as an instrument of revenge in this war, a me positive about russia is the largest private oil firm. look oil with shipping crude oil through a pipeline across the ukranian territory to slovakia and hungary. both of them. all
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those e u member states were granted exemptions from an e u wide band on russian oil exports introduced in 2022. it was the prime minister about fee to have the phone call and talk with his would create an account of bonds saying that, but i just loved that will not be a quote how stage to ukrainian russian relations. meanwhile, both the boot, the past and the practice, i have reached out to the european commission over the situation. while the responds was quick, has the block said they didn't see any immediate oil supply risks to the you. also the hong gary and foreign minister threatened to stop you funding to ukraine onto a key every seems a transit of a russian crude. i know we've heard from george, somebody a senior research fellow at the global policy institute. and he explain why blocking those funds might also heard e u member states the if i'm the re blocks the 6000000000
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euros that was supposed to be provided for the member states of the you. if this is a basically like a reimbursement for member the d u member states, they have to be reimbursed for all the funds that they have provided to ukraine. then of course that hurts all of the members of the you and uh and this. and there's also the money that is owed to ukraine my own, because that's something that the european union has promised funds of through this piece. implementation council. so yeah, i mean, it's going to hurt ukraine, but it's also going to hurt all the e u. member states were looking for reimbursement for all of the arms and they that they have provided for you create while key of may apply pressure
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here in the gains hungry against the rock here and say hey, this is great with the brussels and washington behind this. and that comes cheap for brussels and washington, what do they get? but ukrainians continue to die. so it's in a book, it's not really much of a deal when they, you know, we bought these great supporters. but the supporters already paying any kind of a price a us sanctions are not as effective as they used to be. and that's according to the washington post, which says that the us has impose so many functions around the world that they are no longer has serious threats. he said the american officials have been expressing concerns about this matter. the alarm about sanctions rises, reach the highest levels of the us government. some senior administration officials
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have told president biden directly the over use of sanctions risks, making the tool less valuable. and yet, despite recognition that the volume of sanctions may be excessive, us officials tend to see each individual action is justified, making it hard to stop the trend. but let's cross live now to chuck or ross. most of the professor with economics and politics i st. mary's college of california. it's nice to have you join me right now. now the washington post size of the us functions are becoming so widespread that they're no longer as effective a tool as they used to be. uh, what is your thoughts on this? well, you know, such as aren't new, we've been sanctioning countries, at least since cuba and before what's new is that the, the sanctions has been escalating. yeah. very rapidly in last last decade or so. it's almost uh, you know, a reflection of the loss of the us off power of the us used to be able to just an
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across the country and get them do what they want. now of course that's not working . so now they're throwing sanctions at these countries and sanctions, you know, in a way are saying that the, well we can't, can't get them do what we want. so let's close function that is kind of like the last resort. they look like you're doing something. uh and of course, the say shoes aren't working. a good best case is probably russia in china. but i would also say that, you know, maybe in the sciences are work. you know, because if you look at the, it's not heavy any effect on the economy. what a sure of the effect on europe's economy. the sanctions did work in the sense that they drove russia out of the west european economies. and the us companies flowed into the vacuum charges, higher prices, and making euro lower depending on the you want us to economically. so in that says this ations the work plan b has worked uh, but plan
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a putting direct pressure on countries has not worked in the sanctions. obviously they'll look at, you know, the sanctions across the board, especially not having any effect at all. but if you've got to do something and makes it look like you're. busy when you 1st license, either all i dislike asap, professor of the article said the us functions have had a side effect of pushing the positive countries to work together for their own benefit. that interest the united states understand this implications, or i, i know, said the neo cons who were running us for a pass, a really have any sense of how they've been shooting their all empire in a foot with the sanctions that they've certainly escalated the whole process of uh, of the global south moving towards the brick says right now they'll be dozens of them within a year. members of their breaks with their alternative financial structure and their own digital currencies and so forth and institutions. so was this,
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i should have done more to undermine to us global economic empire than uh and any other, any other policy you know that the us is undertaking here in the last decade or so . i think history will show that. busy very clearly, but the problem is, you know, the new kinds running policy, they're pretty done when it comes to economics and a global economic implications. and they've probably done more to undermine the us empire than any other force that you could think of in the last couple decades. all right, now the article also says that the sanctions can be an important tool, but only as a part of a broad of foreign policy strategy. what does that mean? um, what, what's to the us do to make assumptions more effective? the vital? well that's the kind of reflects that the us under biotin has focused primarily on
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sanctions. they haven't worked and what they're kind of saying in that article is, well, maybe we shouldn't give them so much emphasis. we should uh, maybe think about how are we going to negotiate with the wrecks. so it's kind of like a pull back from a total reliance on sanctions to a recognition that, you know, maybe a u. s. foreign policy. a lot of think more broadly than just trying to throw sanctions that everybody. all right, now the article also says that there is a political industry that has a reason around the us functions pushing for sudden interest in washington. and then now let's take a listen to this. in washington, the swell of sanctions, his bond, a multi $1000000000.00 industry. foreign governments and multinational corporations spend exorbitant sums to influence the system. while white to law firms and lobbying shops have built booming sanctions practices. in part by lowering
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government officials to cash in on their expertise. profess, uh, what do you think about this? does this sound like corruption? well, of course it's legal corruption. the, i don't know if that's a contradiction in terms, but that's how the system works. legally. it's this corruption is a legal corruption and uh, yeah, i mean, uh, you know, its capitalist system and you're going to have all kinds of advisors and consultants and friends that product fissions or are going to dip into the, the money that's been thrown at the making sanctions work because they don't. busy work, but they spend a lot of money and somebody gets that money to try to make them work and reporting on how they're working or not working or covering up their reporting or whatever. so yeah, of course a big, big uh, industry builds up around all this, whatever you see a lot of money spent by the us government the, there's the, there's a lot of flies that attach themselves.


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